#then the next part is gonna be even shakier as a result
There's a Way (Chapter Five)
Summary: This is Part Thirteen of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz & Original Female Character, pre-Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Warnings: Stress over coming out, discussion of past abuse, emotional hurt/comfort, Pat Halstead being a horrible human being, homophobia, homophobic language, brief description of violence, angst with a happy ending.
A/N: I'll post the link to the ao3 page at the bottom. This story has not only an OC character, but some quirky elements which may or may not be everyone's jam. Just FYI. Updates will be slow coming as I pick away at them during breaks from work. I couldn't take a full break from this though - I'm too excited to write it so I made working on this series my reward for when I get stuff done, lol
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
He had no idea what was going on, but Bex sounded pretty urgent on the phone so after shovelling some breakfast into his mouth, he made his way over to the apartment she shared with Will. She ushered him inside as soon as he arrived and directed him to the living room where a pale, nervous-looking Will stood.
“Hey, man.” Jay made his way over to give him a hug, not pleased with how much shakier Will looked up close. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“Hey, Jay.” Will returned the hug quickly before pulling back. “Have a seat. Everything’s fine, I just need to talk to you and Bex about something.”
“You don’t look fine,” Jay said as he sank into the spot next to Bex on the couch.
“Jay,” Bex chided him quietly.
“Well, he doesn’t.” Jay waved a hand at Will. “He looks like he’s gonna puke.”
“I might,” Will muttered.
“It’s okay, Will,” Bex said. She nudged Jay and gave him a look that he was pretty sure meant shut up and listen. “We’re here. Whenever you’re ready.”
Now Jay was feeling like he was going to puke. What the heck was going on?
“Okay,” Will said quietly, more to himself than either of them. He turned to face Jay. “Do you remember awhile ago when I said there was a reason why I left like I did? Why I stayed away for so long?”
Oh. Oh. Jay nodded, not wanting to stop Will when he was finally starting to talk.
“So—” Will groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “God, why is this so hard. I don’t even know where to start.”
“Hey,” Jay reached up to snag the end of Will’s shirt and pull him down to sit between him and Bex. “Start wherever you want. Bex and I are pretty good at following along. We’re listening, okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.” Will took a deep breath and let it out. “So, first of all…I’m gay.”
Oh. Okay. That was—big news. Maybe not surprising news, going by Bex’s face, but still big news. Important news. He didn’t want to mess this up. This was a big thing for Will to share. He didn’t want to make him feel—
“Oh, my god, Jay, please say something,” Will burst out.
“I’m thinking!” Jay exclaimed. “I don’t want to say the wrong thing here and screw up. I don’t want to say ‘okay, no big deal’ because it’s a part of you and I don’t want to dismiss that. And I don’t want to say ‘I love you no matter what’ because that makes it sound like I love you in spite of this and that—that’s not—I just—I love you, man. And I’m proud of you and the person you are and I’m grateful that you shared this with me.”
Bex and Will stared at him for a moment. “That was pretty good,” Will said finally.
Jay leaned around him to give Bex a look. “And? Bex?” he prompted.
“Oh! Yes,” she said, squeezing Will’s arm. “I love you, Will. I’m proud of you and the person you are and I’m grateful you shared this with me.”
Will laughed and patted her hand. “Thank you, Bex.”
She shot a grin at Jay and he resisted the urge to flip her off. He wasn’t going to ruin the moment, even if she was a brat. A brat who had made Will relax a tiny bit further with his laughter.
The three of them sat in a little huddle on the couch, much more comfortable now that the tension wasn’t quite so thick in the room. Jay didn’t want to risk bringing it back to full force, but he had to know.
“Is that why you didn’t come home?” he asked Will. “Did you think I wouldn’t—”
“It’s more than that,” Will sighed.
Will took a deep breath. So far, so good. Time for the rest of it.
“Near the end of my senior year, Coach Meyer caught me and Mark McKechnie making out behind the equipment shed,” he said, remembering that day like it was yesterday. “He freaked out on us and called our parents. Mark’s parents came and got him and Dad came to get me.”
Jay let out a soft curse and Will couldn’t look at him. Not yet. Not when there was still so much to get out.
“He was—is—every flavour of bigoted you can imagine,” he said for Bex’s benefit. God, she was so lucky to have not grown up with the man. The jealousy he felt over her freedom from Pat Halstead’s clutches was one that had burned in his gut for the last twenty-plus years.
Maybe after this, he could get a taste of that freedom.
“I don’t think I’d ever seen him that mad,” Will continued. “He would get loud and sharp, but he usually burned out pretty quick. This time…he was so quiet. He was vibrating beside me as he drove like it was taking all of his energy to keep his focus the road and not exploding.”
Bex untangled his hands to take one in hers. He’d been twisting his fingers again.
“We got home and he parked in the garage and he just sat there. I wanted him to yell and get it over with, but he wouldn’t speak. Wouldn’t even look at me. I tried to apologize and that’s when he punched me.”
Bex gasped quietly and he felt Jay tense beside him.
“It shouldn’t have shocked me,” Will continued. “He’d smacked us before and honestly, I figured I wasn’t coming out of that discussion without a hit or two, but this was a punch. I couldn’t even see for a second.”
Will could see it all play out in his memory. Remembered that moment of absolute shock followed by the sinking dread that this was not going to be a normal scrap with his dad.
That this was Pat Halstead finally over the edge.
“By the time I realized what had happened, he was already out of the car and opening the passenger door to yank me out onto the floor,” Will said. “He was screaming at me. How disgusting I was. A pervert. And he started hitting me, over and over. I couldn’t get up. He kept knocking me down and kicking at my sides, my legs. I remember thinking, ‘I’m going to die in this fucking garage over a shitty kisser like Mark McKechnie.’”
“Christ, Will.” Jay dropped his head into his hands. “Where the hell was Mom? Where was I?”
“Mom was at work,” he said. “You were probably at the Herrmann’s.”
Bex gave a small cry at that. “Will—”
“No, listen,” he patted at her. “No one was going to stop him from giving me that beating. I know that for sure. If someone had been home, he would have found a way to do it later. Then there would have been the added torture of knowing something was coming and having to wait for it.”
“That—that doesn’t make it better, Will,” Jay choked out.
“No, I know.” Now that he was getting the story out to his siblings, he was feeling weirdly calm about the whole thing. He’d have to tell Connor how much practicing helped.
“Will?” Bex’s quiet voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “Are you okay? We don’t have to keep going. You can take a break and we can talk about it later if you want.”
“I’m fine,” he said, trying to reassure her with a little smile, but his mouth felt weird.
“You’re shaking,” Jay said. He reached behind them to grab the couch blanket and wrapped it around Will’s shoulders. “Bex is right. We can take a break.”
Will shook his head. He needed to get this all out. “No,” he said. “I’m—” Good wasn’t the word he was looking for. Not even okay. But he did need to get this all out. It felt…cleansing.
“There’s not much more to it,” Will said. “He left me on the floor of the garage for a bit and came back with a towel. Told me to clean up the mess. And then while I was scrubbing my blood off the cement, he told me, quite clearly, that what happened with Mark could never happen again. That no son of his was…I’m going to say gay, but that’s not word he used.”
“Did it start with an f and end with my name is Pat Halstead and I use horrible slurs?” Bex asked.
“That’s the one.” Will nodded. “He said that, uh, I couldn’t tell anyone about what I was and if I did, I would never be welcome in his house again. I would never get to see Mom or Jay. And if he heard about me doing anything like that again, he would give me another beating, until it sunk in. And that maybe, he should start giving Jay the same treatment, just to make sure he didn’t go down the same path.”
He took a shaky breath. “And I wanted to be strong. I wanted to tell him to fuck off. But the thought of him keeping me from Mom or Jay. Poisoning them against me. The thought of him hurting Jay just in case he might be gay too? I just…I broke.”
“Will.” Jay’s voice cracked on his name. Will felt tears hit his hands, not sure of where they came from.
“I promised him everything,” Will said. “That it would never happen again. That I would leave to go to school and only come back for holidays. That I would never show that part of myself to anyone back home ever again. And I didn’t.”
“God, Will.” Jay scrubbed at his eyes and let out a frustrated grunt. “Why didn’t you say anything? I remember this. I remember how beat up you were and you told me it was a fight with another football team and I believed you. Why didn’t I see—Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought about it,” Will admitted. “But later that week, I heard you and your friends…calling each other homos and I—didn’t want to risk it. As much I wanted to believe you’d be on my side, in that moment, I was worried Dad had gotten to you.”
“Fuck,” Jay said softly. “I—fuck, I’m so sorry, Will. I was a stupid little asshole. You know Cindy heard me saying that too? She sat me down and told me how disappointed she was in me for using language like that. I tried to tell her it was just a joke and she said talking like that was never a joke. That I could be hurting someone.” Jay shook his head. “I told her I didn’t even know any gay people and she called bullshit—well, not bullshit because you know Cindy—but she said, odds were I did. But that they would never tell me because I was proving I wasn’t a safe person for them.”
Jay’s eyes filled with tears. “And that’s exactly what I did. I am so fucking sorry, Will.”
“I know,” Will said, giving Jay’s knee a squeeze. “It was just that followed by a summer of Dad saying vile shit to me anytime we were alone and threatening me and drilling into me to never, ever let anyone know—by the time I moved to New York, it was like breaking free from my own personal hell. For the first time in months, I could breathe again.”
“It was safe,” Bex said, snuggling in beside him.
“Yeah,” Will sighed. “I could be myself. Slow at first, but more and more as time went on. I dated. Never anything serious or long term because they always started asking questions about my family and wanting to meet them. But it was okay. I still living my life more freely than I ever had back home.”
“Sounds lonely,” Bex whispered and wasn’t that a punch in the gut.
It took Will a minute before he could nod. “Yeah,” he agreed quietly. “It was.”
“I’m so sorry you were all alone, Will,” Bex said as she wrapped her arms around him.
“Kept myself alone for a long time there though, didn’t I?” He thought of all the times he could’ve accepted Bex’s overtures or reached out to Jay.
“I think,” Bex said slowly. “It’s hard to do anything when you’re that scared. To break free from that fear.” She sat up to face him.
“You will never be alone again, okay? I promise you.” She wiped at the tears running down his face. “This is the one and only moment in my life I will be glad that Pat Halstead is my father.”
“What?” Will looked at her, shocked by those words. He could feel Jay freeze beside him.
“Because it means you and Jay are my brothers and I would never give that up in a million years,” she said. “Bringing me into your lives is the one thing he did right.”
“She’s not wrong,” Jay said with a little chuckle.
“You have us, Will.” Bex took his face in her hands and held it until he looked up at her. “You have me and Jay and Chris and Cindy and so many other people who love you for exactly who you are. I can’t imagine going through what you did and I know it’s going to take a long time to process, but we are here for you every step of the way.”
“When I came back,” he said, sinking back against the couch when she released him. “I thought I would be able to talk about it with you guys. Like I should be over it by now and I should be able to be open, but every time I tried, it felt like I was right back in the garage with him. Feeling so small and powerless. I want to move past it…I just haven’t been able to figure out how.”
“Working through, uh, working through PTSD,” Jay said, haltingly, trying to find his words. “It’s a process and it’s not a straight path, but I can help…if you want. I can connect you with some people and we can talk. Any time.”
Will felt himself getting choked up again. “Thanks, Jay.”
“Whatever you need,” Jay said seriously. “I’m here for you.” He hugged Will tight and Bex joined in. The three of them stayed like that for a moment and Will felt…safe. Loved. More at peace than he had in the past twelve years.
“I think we need cookies,” Bex murmured into his shoulder.
“Oh, my god, yes, please,” he agreed. They untangled and moved to the kitchen, getting out an assortment of cookies and making coffee (and tea for Bex.)
“So—” Jay took a bite of cookie, clearly thinking over his next words. “How do you want to handle things going forward?”
“What do you mean?” He wasn’t quite sure what Jay was getting at.
“A few things,” Jay said. “You’ve told us, but are you comfortable with other people knowing about your sexuality? Are you there yet? I don’t want to push you one way or the other.”
“I don’t want to hide it,” Will said. “But I don’t want to make it a big announcement either.”
“You don’t have to do anything, but live your life, Will,” Bex said. “People will put it together…especially if you start seeing someone. Or you know, when you and Connor have to fill out HR forms when you guys start dating.”
“Bex!” Will choked on his sip of coffee. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing,” she said, not looking nearly as sorry as she should have. “There is a vibe though,” she whispered.
“She’s not wrong, dude,” Jay piped up.
“Okay, you are the last person to tease me about vibes,” he said with a warning finger pointed at Bex. “What about you and—”
“Ah-hahaa, you know what, you’re right, never mind, I was teasing, let’s drop it.” Bex said, eyes wide.
“No, no!” Jay exclaimed. “That’s right. Let’s talk about that!”
Will could swear he saw Bex’s heart stop in that moment.
“What is up with you and that Beau guy?” Jay asked and Will burst out laughing.
“Seriously?” Bex threw her hands up. “We’re just friends! Men and women can be friends!”
“That’s probably good because I’m pretty sure Chris has adopted him,” Jay laughed.
Bex narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you mean?”
“He was talking to Chris about what a great venue Molly’s was and how they should think about having live music there and how he could connect him with local bands and then Chris started talking about building an outdoor patio and then I stopped listening, but they definitely exchanged numbers.”
“OH, my god,” Bex stood up from the table. “Where is my phone.”
He and Jay laughed as she stomped off. “Who do you think’s getting yelled at? Chris or Beau?”
“Probably both,” Jay laughed. His chuckles died down and he settled back into his seat, giving Will a serious look. “I have another question for you.”
“What do you want to do about Dad?”
Click here for Chapter Six. Click here for Chapter Seven - Bonus Content
Click here to read There's a Way on ao3:
And here is the tag list (let me know if you wish to be added or removed): @sorry-i-spaced, @iunnowatuwant, @lexhalstead3, @multifandomgrl08, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @ivyalmighty, @thewannabewriter
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Will and Jade headcanons/timeline Part 6 (it never ends does it)
While Jades getting an MRI, Adam shares that the Prescotts had tried to visit Jade, but he and Will turned them around. Adam, Mia and Andy are all on edge, debating whether or not they should tell Jade
Jade comes back and is confused, the atmosphere feels...weird.
Adam sits in the recliner. Legs crossed, looking at the women's championship in his hands.
He looks like he's thinking too much.
Jades too tired and also just... doesn't know how to snap him out if it so she flips on the tv and they watch Ducktales with her
Until finally Andy speaks up and tells her about the incident.
Jade, doesn't handle it well. There's a lot of cussing.
They decide to all inform the desk that if they return to call security, they're not sure how well it will help because a "friend" of their mom works there and could sneak there parents in, but even if they did Jade could still use the call button on her bed for help.
Reluctantly they leave after visiting hours, telling her to call if anything happens.
Nothing does, but she still doesn't sleep well that night.
Neither does William, who was worried about the same thing. He had no idea why Jade's parents were bad, all he knew was that that they were. He wakes up the same time as before, this time less sleepy, and arrives at the same time as her friends and brother.
Jade's wide awake and assures nothing happened. He's concerned, she looks like she's barely slept and keeps drifting off a bit.
He wants to leave and tell her to get some rest when a doctor comes in with test and mri and...stuff results
He's about to step out cause he feels it's not his business to hear (until she has to confirm she can't come back to work for a bit) but Jade asks him to stay.
He looks over and sees Mia looking suprised.
Alright then.
"I'm sorry to inform you, Miss Prescott, but we don't recommend you go back to work until at least a couple of months. You have a bruised ribcage, a sprained wrist, and a concussion. We're also detecting you may need treatment for your low iron levels/anemia..."
The room's quite after the doc hands Jade a copy of her diagnosis and leaves the room. Too quite.
Will's the first to speak up, nervous as he is he leans and puts a hand on her shoulder while she looks down at the papers. "Miss Prescott, I'm very sorry this has happened..."
No, no no no no no. There's something about that voice of his, completely drenched in pity that makes her eyes sting with tears. She fights them back as best she can.
"It's fine."
That's over two months she'd miss of work, of her favorite place in the world. All because of a stupid fued. All because she had to go and fight Shayna.
"I gotta relinquish the title now, right?"
He pauses, nodding solemnly. "I'm afraid so dear."
"That's okay. Never wanted it anyway."
"Miss, we can wait for your release for you to formally relinquish it on this or next week's show, or maybe a video call-"
"It's not that big of a deal."
"It's a tremendous deal, dear, I-"
Cut it out! Don't you dare pity me, please, not you too... Is all Jade can think before finally spitting something out
"Mr. Regal-" Jade finds herself interrupting him for the first time. Her voice is shakier than she'd like it to be. "It's just a title. It's-it's just a stupid belt..."
The words suprise him, but he's far more concerned with how her voice is faltering, how her hands are slowly crinkling the packet in her hands. It's not right, nor did it feel fair.
Adam speaks up scooting his chair forward and rubbed her back. Jade flinched a bit and he pulls his hand away. "Doll, this is a big thing. I'm real sorry you have to miss work, I know you love that place. But we're gonna help you get better so you can go back, right Miss Mia, right Andy?"
Mia nods. Andy agrees, though he has to drive back to Maryland in a couple days.
"I know..."
A couple months, maybe even longer, away from NXT...
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Sisterly Hug
Note: Started writing this when I couldn’t fall asleep one night, and I ended up thinking of you, friend. Just you, @partialdignity.
Since it’s not June 30th by the time I post this, eh. I’ll say it anyway.
Happy Birthday, Carim. Just remember, even in the anxiety-filled moments, that I appreciate you and love you platonically, okay? Besides, it’s hard for Be Vy to lie these days. :)
I did my best to write Rem based on your Bonds {Redux} and this image Pan shared a while back. Otherwise, here’s the song I was listening to while writing. Please listen to it while reading, friend. :)
It wasn’t the first time Vy found herself quiet. It wouldn’t be the last either, where her voice would be the first thing to leave her from exhaustion. As much as things were slightly easier now that Chaldea had a home again in the Wandering Sea, it didn’t change the main situation at hand.
The Crypters were still at large, the Foreign God was a threat that couldn’t be ignored, and the Lostbelts couldn’t be left alone forever.
It didn’t stop Vy from feeling like someone had hit her over the head with a hammer. Maybe she should’ve taken Robin’s suggestion of napping earlier, just to have more energy for later things, such as cooking practice with Arturia. It would’ve prevented the current situation where she felt like a zombie stumbling throughout Novum Chaldea in an attempt to find somewhere comfy to be. Magic energy drain wasn’t fun, especially when she was starting to get used to it on a daily basis. Mom and Dad would probably be having a heart attack, not to mention Mash and Goredolf.
But instead of resting in bed, Vy found herself barely hanging onto a whiteboard and a dry erase marker, gaze lingering on the only other Master in the Wandering Sea.
Rem didn’t flinch once Vy slowly flopped down to sit next to her on the only bench in the hallway, sparing a small glance from her Chaldea-brand tablet before going back to her screen of what looked like team compositions. “Vy,” Rem started softly, brushing a stray strand of curly blue hair behind her ear, “shouldn’t you be napping?”
Vy weakly raised her left hand to gently poke Rem’s shoulder through the sleeve of her mystic code, making sure Rem had her attention on Vy’s whiteboard before uncapping her dry erase marker to scribble.
Can’t sleep yet, she eventually wrote, showing the words to Rem before taking her whiteboard back to write more. Saw you around and wanted to see how you were doing.
Even without raising her head, Vy could vaguely make out Rem’s fond exasperation through the shade of her long brown hair as a hand proceeded to nudge her shoulder in return. “I’m just planning for the next Lostbelt, Vy, that’s all. Nothing to worry about.” A quiet chuckle echoed in the hallway and it took Vy a few seconds too long to realize it was Rem who did it. “Too tired to use your voice?”
Vy took the cap of her dry erase marker, exposing the fuzzy eraser tip to wipe away at her whiteboard before pressing the marker to the surface again. Always get like this when there’s been too much prana use, Vy eventually “said,” weakly shrugging her shoulders. Hard to talk. Original Da Vinci gave me the board and marker. Something about it running without worry on ink refills. Vy stopped, considered, then erased her surface to finish her point with a shakier, Magic? Dr. Roman always smiled whenever I talked to him like this.
“Ah,” Rem said. A small pause followed, then the hand on her shoulder gently pushed again (almost as if saying, hey, no nodding off here, amiga) as Rem added, “What were you farming this time, mija?”
Embers and Blue Skill Gems, Vy wrote, doing her best to fight a particularly heavy blink of her eyes as warmth started to settle into her chest. Rem called her mija again. Maou-san and Nagetora-san needed a lot of them. And then there’s the two Nero-sans…
Writing the actual “dot dot dot” on the whiteboard seemed to have taken Rem out of whatever she was looking at because her shoulders were shaking and Vy could hear laughter even through the blank haze of her brain. “U-Understandable,” Rem said, snickering. “Mija, you seem to have a knack for getting all the Knight classes.”
Maybe? Vy wrote, slowly tilting her head up to look at her friend, glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose enough to make Rem’s form appear blurry. From habit, Vy pushed them up to readjust her eyes before writing the next thought to come to mind. Dunno why Maou-san decided to visit and I can’t exactly speak for the Neros when Big Robin wasn’t happy about it, but it happened, so…
“The two Roman Kings could use a few lessons in humility and singing,” Rem agreed with another hastily hidden chuckle, her fingers proceeding to smooth out a wrinkle on the shoulder of Vy’s white dress. “But don’t let them know I said that.”
I won’t, Vy responded, raising her head to give Rem a small smile. I prefer hearing your voice, Daddy’s, or Mash’s instead. Vy did her best not to flush red as she carefully wrote after a second of thought, Maybe Big Robin’s voice too.
Rem paused, flushing a little at Vy’s whiteboard message before glancing at her with a curious look in her eyes. “Your dad sang?”
Enough to make all the girls at his community college like him, Vy “said”, a weak giggle echoing in her throat. English, Vietnamese, he was good at both. Japanese could be here-there, but it didn’t matter. He sang for Mommy at their wedding. “Lady in Red,” I think, from the 80s. Everyone in the family loved it.
“He must’ve been really good, then, if he did that much on their special day,” Rem said softly, a curious smile tugging at her lips. Her attention was nowhere along the tablet’s electronic display now. “But what about you, mija?”
Vy quietly tilted her head at her fellow Master, lowering her dry erase marker.
Rem could thankfully read the question in her eyes and shrugged, the smile widening enough to stretch her cheeks. “Don’t you sing too?”
…Kinda? Vy wrote, raising her free hand to wave it back and forth in the air once the message was fully written on her board. Practiced on my own. Watched Daddy sing a lot, but I'm not gonna do it now, though. For extra emphasis, Vy opened her mouth, and Rem watched as a very hoarse yet quiet “See?” left Vy’s throat. As soon as Vy said her part, she closed her mouth just as quickly, going back to her whiteboard with a faint pout. Talking takes energy, Vy eventually scribbled to Rem. So no singing.
“But you’re talking to me right now, mija,” Rem said teasingly.
Vy allowed herself a single vocalized “Muu” while choosing to scoot over and bump Rem’s shoulder with hers. You’re different, Vy eventually wrote after the tinge of “Ow” subsided from her upper arm. You’re cozy. You’re Chị Rem.
“Vy…” Rem trailed off for a moment, enough time to make Vy duck her head and wonder in a brief period of anxiety if she said something wrong, before a hand rested on top of her hair. “You never did explain what Chị meant in Vietnamese.”
It took almost the rest of Vy’s battery to catch herself from unintentionally dropping her marker. That’s…
Vy looked up at Rem past her hair, and Rem smiled at her. “Hm?”
Vy felt her cheeks flush with heat before she realized it, and in a bit of a flustered panic, she turned back to her whiteboard and willed all of her remaining energy into her marker-holding hand. Her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose from the resulting sweat didn’t even matter anymore.
A moment was all it took. Maybe even a minute or two if estimating.
Chị is a pronoun of sorts in Vietnamese, Vy eventually wrote in small lettering, sliding the whiteboard to Rem once she was done. It’s usually used for a young adult woman and/or someone you consider a sister. And you’ve been with me like a big sister, especially through the Lostbelts and everything else since, so…
Rem didn’t say anything for what felt like a long time, having put her tablet down to instead hold Vy’s whiteboard in her hands. Vy noticed how Rem’s brown eyes had stopped at the “sister” part of the message, lingering on the scrawled letters, and something in her chest tightened.
With the last free corner on the board not covered by Rem’s thumb, Vy gently tugged at it to scribble one last time to her fellow Master.
Could I hug you, Chị Rem?
Rem raised her head from her place having previously ducked her mouth into the dark collar of her Winter Chaldean Mystic Code, brown eyes wide. “Vy?”
With no space on the whiteboard left, Vy carefully opened her mouth again, ignoring the scratchiness of her throat. “P-Please?”
You look like you need one.
Rem closed her eyes, ducking her head to face the bench beneath the two of them in what appeared to be conflicted thought and/or consideration, and Vy tilted her head patiently.
“Chị Rem?” Vy tried faintly, ignoring the urge to blink.
Lines formed between Rem’s eyebrows as she proceeded to raise her head and give Vy an expression caught between what looked like tears and a bright, bright smile. “…A-As long as you get a nap afterwards,” Rem said finally, a tiny crick in her voice too as she reached out with her other arm, draping it over Vy’s shoulders. “Else Robin might have my head.”
Vy reached over with her arms too, wrapping them around Rem’s waist and feeling a sigh leave her lips once her forehead found a resting place in the collar of Rem’s Mystic Code. Warm. “H-He… won’t,” left her weakly as she squeezed. “Wanted to… be here…” It was getting harder to keep her eyes open by each passing second.
Wanted to be with you…
Still, above her head, Vy could feel Rem start to laugh, and she politely chose to ignore the wet droplets starting to soak the top of her hair. “You’re too nice, mija,” Rem murmured, a hand rubbing Vy’s back through her dress. Even in a sleepy haze, it was hard to miss Rem’s warm, “Thank you.”
In spite of all that, Vy wasn’t sure if she said “Aye” or not back.
The next thing Vy was vaguely aware of when opening her eyes again was the white ceilings of a Chaldean hallway. Her legs were limp, her arms felt heavy, and there was something vaguely blue and green in front of her…
Wait, was someone carrying her?
“You’re awake, Princess?”
The lack of any prana proved Vy’s voice was still not back in commission yet, and even opening her mouth seemed like a bad idea because a green-gloved hand was then reaching over to gently shush her with one pointer finger. “You pushed yourself too hard, Vy. What did Dr. Roman tell you about daily naps?”
Helps… Rejuvenate energy, Vy mustered with her mental voice.
Even without her glasses (did someone take them off?), it was obvious through the blurriness that Robin was smiling. “Good,” he said, lowering his hand to instead tug at the two mantles sitting atop Vy’s chest, and if not for the lack of prana, Vy felt tempted to squirm a little. When did the Servants get the chance to make a mantle burrito? “At least you remember that.”
Guilt dug into Vy’s heart before she found her voice again. I… missed my naptime, huh?
Nearby, Vy could vaguely hear Achilles start to whistle as a strand of blonde hair tickled her cheek. “You very much did, Princess,” Arturia said in a firm yet gentle voice, making herself known through the words and the steady hands holding Vy up underneath Vy’s shoulders and knees as they all continued to walk… well, wherever. “Rem was the one to alert us.”
Darn… I thought I could stay up a bit longer…
“Please don’t jinx it, little sparrow,” Robin Hood mused lightly, but Vy could sense the concern through their bond as his gloved hand proceeded to tuck Vy further into the blanket/mantle burrito of No Face May King and King Arthur’s cape. “The last thing we need is that red Archer having another aneurysm over you eating Saint Quartz instead of lunch just to keep grinding materials that are hard enough to find as is.”
It… saves Apples, eating Quartz, Vy thought, almost childishly too, as she rested her ear against Arturia’s shoulder. Got all the Embers at least. So Shirou shouldn’t complain… that much.
Vy didn’t even need her glasses to know all three of her Grailed Servant companions were rolling their eyes. “Doesn’t help,” Achilles quipped dryly for all of them. “You’re our Master and Princess, Vy. Start cherishing yourself better. Melted glass isn’t a good meal for anyone, even if it's magic and not going to give you a stomachache anytime soon.”
Robin’s gloved hand was then there in her face, and Vy barely moved once a pointer finger was gently poking her forehead. “No cute noises of protest from you.”
Muu, Vy thought anyway.
Once Arturia was giving Vy a look past Robin’s hand, though, Vy amended it with a softer, Gonna try to do better. A second later, Vy turned her head to look up at the King of Knights and opened her mouth again. “Art… san?” left her throat in a weak kind of squeak, but in spite of the volume, it was enough to get the Saber’s attention since Arturia’s stern look had dropped for one of concern and fond wonder, green irises warm in Vy’s direction.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Where’s…” Vy coughed a little, shutting her eyes once her body finally decided to let all the fatigue from the day’s efforts come crashing down. Chị Rem? Still need to bake her another cake… bled through their mental connection instead.
Above her head, Vy could vaguely make out Robin and Achilles sharing some kind of look, but instead of an immediate reply, Arturia simply smiled, a chuckle rumbling through her chest armor as the hands on Vy’s figure shifted, lifting her up enough for a forehead to touch hers.
“You’re too kind for all of us, Princess,” Arturia whispered softly. “And your Chị Rem will be fine. Bake today or another day, I’m sure she’ll enjoy it.”
All Vy could do at that moment was smile back. “Aye,” finally left her mouth in her best attempt to reassure the Saber carrying her. Gonna do my best, she eventually thought to herself, holding onto the sentiments so that the other Servants wouldn’t get worried. Need to… make big sis happy.
It was another promise.
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tw-anchor · 4 years
33. Olivia and Lydia vs. The Darach
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 3x09; The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Word Count: 7,103
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence + gore, attempted murder of main character, kidnapping, sacrifices
Author’s Note: Sorry for not updating in a while. My Gram is in hospice and I haven’t been into writing. I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please make sure to reblog, like, and let me know what you think!
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Olivia had only been to Peter's apartment downtown once before, and that was to bring over a polite welcome-home casserole that he probably didn't eat. Now, she had business to attend to. She had questions for Peter. Questions about herself and Lydia.
Only a half-hour before she made her way downtown to talk to Peter, she left Lydia in her bedroom after a couple of bad hours. Lydia and Olivia had been going out for ice cream with Allison before they went back to their house for a girls' night, when Lydia drove them to the school. Not only had Lydia been drawn to the area—just like she had the night she found the body at the pool—but Olivia, herself, had felt the same thing as Lydia.
She just didn't know if it was because she and Lydia shared abilities or because she was so connected to Lydia due to their shared DNA or relationship. Her only option for answers was to go to her father.
"All right, tell me again what happened," Peter blinked the sleep out of his eyes; it was around one in the morning when Olivia knocked on his door and woke him from a deep sleep.
"Lydia found another dead body," Olivia repeated herself. "What ever your bite did to her, it led her to the body and I felt it to. Now, I know you bit Lydia for a reason. That's why she was able to bring you back with that ritual. I want to know what she is and how it's affecting me."
Peter sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead, exhausted. "Okay."
"I want the truth," she said firmly before he could begin. "No changing the story this time."
"All right, fine," he agreed. "To start off, you have to know what your mother was. Grace was eighteen when she inherited her abilities. She was a banshee."
"A banshee," Olivia repeated in slight belief; she hadn't known that banshees were a real thing. They weren't even in the Argent bestiary.
"A wailing woman, harbinger of death, same thing. They're not really like the Irish myths. They don't attach themselves to a family line, and their echoes don't cause death, either" he informed her. "Only females can be banshees and their abilities are inherited from their bloodline."
Olivia knew what he was getting at. "So, Mom got her banshee abilities from Nana Lorraine and because Uncle Thomas is a male, he passed it down to Lydia."
Peter nodded. "Exactly. The only reason you're not a banshee is because the werewolf genes you got from me. Anchorams are rare, very rare, but there have been two recorded instances before."
"As results of a banshee and werewolf union," Olivia assumed.
"Yes. You're neither werewolf nor banshee, but instead you have some abilities of both," he crossed his arms over his chest. "Instead of predicting just anyone's death, you're connected to your pack—that's the werewolf part of you. That's why you knew Boyd was going to die."
Okay, that made sense. It also explained the screams that came out of her when her pack members were in deep trouble, like when Erica had her seizure from the kanima venom or when Mrs. Argent was trying to kill Scott. It was the banshee side of her.
"So, that's how I'm connected to Lydia."
"Banshees are drawn to each other. And you're related to Lydia, which gives you two a deeper connection. On your own, you wouldn't have felt the dead body tonight, but because you were with Lydia, you did."
"But I can hear her scream even if I'm far away," Olivia pointed out. "That night when Boyd and Cora were out of control, I could hear her scream from the public pool. I screamed with her."
"It might have been because it was the first time her powers really came through," Peter said thoughtfully. "I mean, other than the time when I got into her head."
Olivia narrowed her eyes at him, wishing he hadn't brought that up. It still infuriated her that he took advantage of Lydia when she was in such a delicate place.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Sorry," he apologized without meaning it. "Everyone is different, though, and since you're, what, the third Anchoram in history, some things we're gonna have to figure out as we go."
Olivia nodded. She realized that. It was just hard to comprehend. She hadn't even gotten to the bottom of her collection of abilities, and already she had a lot. It was a little daunting to know that she had more to learn to learn about her abilities, along with honing them.
"Okay," she said finally. "Can you tell me more about banshees?"
"Sure thing, sweet pea."
"So, I can find dead bodies," Lydia scoffed as Olivia pulled into the school's parking lot. "You know what, I can already tell that this banshee thing is gonna be a pain in the ass."
"You can do more than that, though," Olivia reminded her while parking next to Stiles' Jeep; it was empty, but she knew—thanks to his text message—that he was going to eavesdrop on his dad, who was supposed to be talking to the principal before school started. "You'll experience something like me, like the whispers or the warnings in your head."
"Yeah, and you handle those so well," Lydia grumbled.
"I know I don't, but they also help," Olivia stated firmly. "I know when my pack is in danger and it helps because most of the time, I have a warning and we can stop whatever is supposed to happen. You'll know if someone's dying, Lyds. What if you're able to stop it?"
They got out of the Olivia's new car—courtesy of the insurance company and Peter, who wanted to spoil her instead of being a good parent—and started making their way up to the school. Olivia was supposed to meet Stiles by the main office but she wanted to make sure Lydia was okay before she left her.
"I guess you have a point," Lydia conceded finally. "It's just a little..."
"Scary?" Olivia offered; Lydia nodded. "I know. But I'm gonna be there for you, Lydia, I swear. You don't have to go through any of this alone."
Lydia sighed and pulled Olivia into a tight hug. "I love you," she rubbed Olivia's back; Olivia awkwardly patted her back, making Lydia laugh. "I know, I know. No PDA."
"It's okay," Olivia assured her as they parted. "I love you too, by the way."
"I know you do," the corners of Lydia's eyes crinkled as she studied her cousin and the awkward face she was making. "You know, the fact that you can only be lovey-dovey with Stiles is really disappointing."
"That's not true," Olivia said adamantly. "I'm lovey-dovey with you, too. I just don't like showing my affection for people out in public."
"It's the Hale in you," Lydia shook her head with a smile. "All right, you're released. Go on and meet Stiles."
"Thanks," hurriedly, Olivia kissed Lydia's cheek and ran away from her, waving teasingly. "Love you!"
She knew that her show of her love would amuse Lydia. It was the only reason why she did that. She had to make an exception for her person.
Outside of the main office, Stiles hid behind a pillar. His eyes were sharp and his ears were perked as he spied on his father, one of his deputies, and the principal. Unfortunately, he couldn't hear much. In fact, the only thing he did hear was Noah excusing himself from the conversation when he locked eyes with Stiles.
"Hey!" Stiles frantically pulled his backpack up over his head as he rushed to get away from his dad; unfortunately, Noah was pretty quick for a man in his forties. "Hey, hey, hey, back it up," he sighed and turned to face his father. "I know what you're thinking. I know you've got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes—"
Stiles cut him off. "Dad, they were murdered," he then corrected himself. "Sacrificed, actually."
"I've got half the state, including the FBI coming in on this," Noah told him. "They're not getting away with killing one of our own."
Stiles almost deflated at his father's words. Up until then, he hadn't thought about just who was sacrificed. It was Deputy Tara. She had been Noah's right-hand woman ever since he was elected to be sheriff, and she was a big part of Stiles' life after his mom died. She used to bake him cookies and helped him with his homework when he was having trouble. She was a good woman.
"Dad, they killed Tara," his voice was shakier than he cared to admit. "You know, how many times did she help me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?"
Noah inhaled deeply and Stiles could see the sadness in his eyes. "Just, uh, get to class, okay?" he nodded behind Stiles and greeted Olivia, who Stiles hadn't even noticed had walked over to them. "Hi, Olivia."
"Hi, Sheriff," Olivia waved at him politely.
Noah went back to his conversation with the deputy and the principal, leaving Stiles and Olivia to themselves.
Olivia gave him a sympathetic look. "How are you feeling?"
"Not the greatest, but I'll live," Stiles took her hand and locked their fingers together.
"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here," she promised him, letting go of his hand and ignoring the pout he sent her to wrap her arm around his waist.
"What happened to no public displays of affection?"
"I'll think I'll make an exception for just today."
"Just today?" Stiles stopped walking and when she tilted her head up to look at him, grinned down at her.
"Just today."
"Well, then I better make the most of it," he remarked before ducking his head and slamming his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. She easily returned his affection but when he attempted to slip his tongue into her mouth, she pulled back. "Sorry, too much."
"A little," Olivia laughed. "Come on, we have English and I don't want Ms. Blake to tell on me to Derek."
"Would she really do that?"
"God, I hope not."
"Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes; all tools the writer uses to tell their story," Ms. Blake stated as she walked around the classroom. She paused in between Olivia and Lydia's desks, glancing down at Lydia's drawing of a tree. "Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents."
"You and ever guy I've ever dated," Lydia smirked up at her, causing Olivia to snicker.
"Oh," Ms. Blake was surprised by her reply. "um, well, that was an idiom, by the way. Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture..."
Olivia did not like the meaningful look that Ms. Blake gave her, Stiles, Scott, and Lydia. They all knew that she knew about werewolves—she was there when Boyd died, after all—but they didn't need her to act like an amateur and blow the big secret by acting nervous.
"They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words," she continued. "Saying 'jump the gun' is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race, or a phrase like 'seeing the whole board.'"
"Like chess," Stiles offered.
"That's right, Stiles," Ms. Blake smiled down at him. "Do you play?"
"Uh, no," Stiles shook his head. "My father does."
Ms. Blake smiled at him again and faced the rest of the class. "Now, when does an idiom become a cliché?"
Olivia raised her hand to answer and Ms. Blake gave her the go-ahead.
"When you say the idiom too much," she reported. "It's like saying, 'it's raining cats and dogs,' Eventually it'll catch and more people will say it. It's an overused idiom."
"Great answer, Olivia," Ms. Blake grinned at her and then went on with her lesson.
Once Ms. Blake was far enough away that they could whisper to each other, Scott leaned over in his seat to speak to Stiles and Olivia. "I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk."
Olivia scowled at the mention of one-half of the alpha twins while Stiles asked, "What do you want to do that for?"
"The druids are emissaries, right?" Scott pointed out. "What if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?"
Olivia pressed her lips together in agreement. "You've got a point."
"Thank you," Scott grinned at her and then turned to Stiles to wait for his response. "So?"
"So, I can't believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like 'what if the Darach was an emissary to the alphas?' actually makes sense to me," Stiles huffed. "Second of all, we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan."
"What's that?"
"Going through Aiden," Stiles stated matter-of-factly. "Ever since he's been back at school, they're always together. How are we gonna separate them again?"
Eyebrows furrowing, Olivia tried to think of something that would distract Aiden. She didn't like the guy whatsoever, so the only thing she knew about him was that he liked to hook up with Lydia in Coach's office.
"I have an idea," she spoke up. When the boys looked at her curiously, she nodded toward Lydia, who was still concentrating on her spooky drawing of the tree.
Feeling eyes on her, Lydia looked up at them and sighed, "What now?"
Just staring at Ethan's face made Olivia want to slap the shit out of him. Normally, she would think that she'd be somewhat friends with Ethan. But with the situation they were in now, she doubted that she would ever want to be. She didn't see what happened with Boyd, but Isaac had given her some details. She knew that Ethan and Aiden had picked up Boyd's electrocuted body and dropped him onto Derek's claws. She knew that they watched as Derek's claws ripped up his internal organs, and she knew that they walked away without a care that they had left a teenage boy dead behind them.
However, at least she wasn't joining Stiles and Scott in order to talk to Aiden. She didn't know if she could even look at his stupid smug face without attacking him. She didn't even care if he was ten times stronger than her. Ideally, she'd be able to calm his ass down and then Stiles or Allison could get the drop on him. Lord knows that Scott wouldn't.
"Why are you even talking to me?" Ethan asked, his eyes flitting between the three of them. "I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not gonna kill another one?"
Olivia gritted her teeth at his words and when he looked at her toward the end of his question, she stiffened. Stiles did, too. In fact, his temper flared at the way the alpha talked about Boyd and how he had the audacity to look at Olivia, like she hadn't been affected by Boyd's death.
"Are you look at her? Are you threatening her?" he snapped at him, standing up straight and stepping closer to Olivia. "You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your fucking ass, you absolute dick—"
"Okay, Stiles," Scott cut him off nervously, while Olivia gently grabbed his arm and reached through their tether to calm him down. She loved that he was willing to stand up to an alpha to protect her, but she didn't want him to get hurt. "Woah, we get it."
Stiles gave Scott an irritated look and wrapped his arm around Olivia's shoulders, exhaling deeply as his anger started to concede.
"Look," Scott looked back at Ethan, who had been staring at Stiles blankly throughout his whole rant. "We're talking to you because I know that you didn't want to kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn't do it again."
Ethan shook his head shortly. "You don't know what we owe them, especially Deucalion," he told the three of them. "We're weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren't alphas."
"What were you?" Scott asked.
"Omegas," Olivia frowned at Ethan's answer; he and Aiden really didn't deserve any sympathy but she was going soft and couldn't help but feel a bud of it. Being the type of omega that had a pack—not ones who chose to be by themselves, like Derek had been—was said to be horrible. "In actual wolf packs, omegas are the scapegoat; the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack."
Stiles raised his eyebrows. "So you and your brother were, like, the bitches of the pack?"
Olivia hid the smirk that threatened to spread her lips and nudged Stiles as Ethan gave him an annoyed look. "Something like that."
"What happened?" she spoke up instead, wanting to know how he and Aiden managed to make it into the alpha pack.
"They were killers," Ethan shook his head in disgust, which Olivia found to be ironic. "I mean, people talk about us as monsters. Well, they were the ones who gave us the reputation. And our alpha was the worst of them."
"Why didn't you guys just fight back?" Stiles brought up a good point. "Form Voltron-Wolf, you know, and kick everyone's asses?"
"We couldn't," Ethan stated flatly. "We didn't know how to control it back then."
"Deucalion taught you," Scott realized.
Ethan nodded. "And then, we fought. We took down the whole pack, one-by-one," his voice got a little vicious. "and by the time we got to our alpha, he was begging for his life. We tore him apart, literally."
"What about your emissary?" Ethan shook his head at Scott's question. "They're all dead? Kali and Ennis' too?"
"All of them except for Deucalion's," he confirmed.
"You mean Ms. Morrell?" Olivia gave him a pointed look and then paused as her mind seemed to leave her body and then zap right back into it. "Oh, my God."
"Livvy, are you okay?" Stiles asked as Ethan grunted in pain.
"What's going on?" Scott asked both of them.
"My brother's hurt," Ethan answered at the same time as Olivia told Stiles, "Something's wrong with Cora."
It didn't take long for Stiles to put the pieces together; Cora and Aiden were obviously fighting somewhere nearby. "Where are they?" he asked as her eyes flashed back in forth between purple and blue. "Babe, you gotta focus."
"I...I," she stammered before she was able to pass through into Cora's tether and find out where she was. "They're in the boys' locker room."
The four of them took off into the empty hallways, trying to get to the boys' locker room before any more damage was done between Cora and Aiden. Luckily they weren't far from Coach's office and they made it to the locker room just in time to see Aiden whip Cora in the head with a fifty-pound weight.
"Stop, stop!" Olivia shouted as Scott and Ethan took a hold of Aiden on each of his arms. She didn't bother visualizing the anchor that she put on him, she was too angry about him hurting her cousin that it came easy to her.
Aiden's wolf features immediately melted away, calming down in his brother's hold.
"You can't do this," Ethan reminded Aiden as Olivia and Stiles knelt down by Lydia beside Cora's injured body.
"She came at me!" Aiden shouted. He would have growled, but Olivia's hold was still over him.
"It doesn't matter! Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him, Cora, or Olivia."
Stiles placed his hand on Olivia's back and glared up at the alpha twins. "Get the fuck out of here."
It looked like Aiden wanted to argue but Ethan wouldn't let him. Without a word, the twins left the locker room. Olivia hardly noticed, she was too focused on her cousin and the huge wound on her head that was pouring blood.
"She's really hurt," she said softly. She looked at Stiles and Scott and asked, "Can you help me get her up?"
Once Cora was up on her feet, Olivia escorted her over to the sinks. She got some paper towel and dampened it in order to wipe the blood off of her face. Cora was not pleased with her cousin's hovering and grunted a few times when Olivia cleaned the wound.
"Stay still," Olivia got some antibiotic cream from her bag and gently smeared it over the wound. "You're such a bad patient."
"Are you okay?" Scott asked Cora.
Lydia scoffed. "She doesn't look okay."'
Cora gave Lydia an irritated look and carefully pushed Olivia away from her. "I'll heal," Almost immediately after she took a step away from the sink, her legs weakened and she faltered. She would have fallen if Scott wasn't there to grab her and keep her steady. "I said I'm fine."
"Stop being so stubborn," Olivia sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist. At least Cora would let her help.
"Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was?" Stiles pointed out sternly. "What were you thinking going after them?"
"I did it for Boyd," Cora snapped back at him. "None of you were doing anything."
Olivia sighed. "You know that's not true, Cora."
"We're trying," Scott added.
"And you're failing," Cora addressed all her ire at Scott, Stiles, and Lydia. "You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed, but all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies."
"Cora, shut up," Olivia's voice had hardened as she turned and carefully dragged her cousin out of the locker room, not hearing Stiles' comment about the both of them definitely being part of the Hale family. "I know you're grieving and you're angry and hurt, but you can't say things like that to them."
"Why not? It's the truth."
"You shouldn't say it because we're trying our hardest to figure this out," Olivia stated, annoyed. "And I get it, I can feel Boyd's loss, too, but you can't take it out on people who are doing their best to help you and the whole town."
Cora let out a drawn-out sigh and winced when a flash of pain went through her head. "I'm not apologizing," she said stubbornly.
"That's fine. Just give them some slack."
"Hey!" they heard Stiles call from behind them; he was soon at their sides. "Do you need a ride?"
"Um, yeah," Olivia nodded. "I can leave my car here and pick it up later tonight."
"Sounds good."
Halfway to their journey to Derek's loft and after three attempts to make contact with Derek, Allison called them. She informed them that she and Isaac had been searching her dad's desk and found a Celtic knot that was labeled with each group of the sacrifices. She listed the groups of sacrifices that had already happened and then the two that had yet to come.
"Philosophers?" Olivia asked in surprised. What exactly did that mean? There were a lot of occupations or people that could easily fit into that category. It would be someone like Plato, or a teacher, or a scientist, or even a really smart person. But, at the same time, how did Deputy Tara fit in that category?
"And guardians," Allison added; that made more sense in Tara's case since she was a police officer. "which after last night, has to mean something like law enforcement. Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need but you have to get him to believe. Tell your dad, warn him."
"Okay, okay, okay," Stiles said quickly, his mind racing a mile a minute. "I know."
Olivia ended the call and looked at her boyfriend, seeing the anxious look on his face. "You're gonna tell him right?"
"I have to," Stiles nodded. "but I'm gonna need both of your guys' help."
Olivia nodded and took his hand from the steering wheel, squeezing it tightly. "Whatever you need."
Olivia watched from Stiles' bed as her boyfriend paced back and forth, trying to come up with something to tell his dad. Personally, she had never gone through telling a parent about the supernatural world and because she was pretty sure that Natalie had some sort of knowledge about it—and she was in deep, deep denial that Olivia and Lydia were a part of it—she wouldn't really need to. She couldn't put herself in Stiles' shoes properly and it annoyed the crap out of her because she wanted to be there for him like he was always there for her.
"Okay, okay, okay," Stiles murmured under his breath. "Yes, okay...No, no..."
"Stiles?" Noah cleared his throat.
Stiles quickly faced his dad. "Dad, I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm trying to...I'm just trying to figure out how to start here."
"Hey," Noah said sternly. 'I don't have this kind of time."
Stiles blew out a heavy breath, causing Olivia to speak up encouragingly, "Stiles, just start with the cases."
"Right, right, the cases," Stiles nodded jerkily and looked back at Noah. "Okay, um, for the last year, you've had all these cases that you couldn't figure out, right? I mean, all the murders involving Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people who drowned him, and all these murders right now. It's like...it's like you've been playing a losing game."
Noah stared at him, unimpressed. It was clear that he didn't know why Stiles was going through his "failed" cases. "Stiles, the last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son."
Stiles rubbed his forehead in frustration. "I know," he looked over at his dresser in order to pull his thoughts together and spotted the chess board he and his dad would play with from time to time. "Okay, see, but that's—that's just it, Dad."
He hurried to his dresser and grabbed the chess board, which folded into a case to keep all of the pieces together, and then set it on his desk. "The reason that you're losing the game is cause you've never been able to see the whole board," he opened the game and tossed out all the pieces. "I need to show you the whole board."
While Stiles carefully labeled each and every chess piece with sticky tabs, Olivia let Cora lean against her. She made sure that she didn't fall asleep, but soon she was swept up into an episode. She could hear Lydia screaming and it took all of her control—and biting down on the inside of her cheek—to make sure she didn't scream too (she didn't realize that it would have helped Stiles convince his dad that the supernatural life was real until afterward).
Noah did not look over at her—and therefore, did not see her purple eyes—because he was too concentrated on watching Stiles label and explain each supernatural creature and the names of his friends that matched up with them. By the time Olivia was pulled away from Lydia's tether and back in control of her mind, Noah was sufficiently caught up.
Well, kind of.
"Scott and Derek are werewolves," he said flatly, looking across the desk at Stiles.
"And Kate Argent was a werewolf?"
"Hunter," Stiles corrected him, pointing to the piece where he labeled Kate with a purple tab. "That's...Purple stands for hunter."
"Allison and her dad are hunters, too," Olivia told him, leaving out the part where they were supposed to be retired. If Mr. Argent and Allison were retired, then normal grandparents would be working overtime.
"Yeah," Noah gestured to Dr. Deaton's piece. "and my friend, Deaton, the veterinarian, is a kanima?"
"No, no, he's a druid, okay?" Stiles stated. "Well, we think."
Olivia and Cora exchanged a look. They didn't really think that Dr. Deaton was a druid, they were 99.9% positive that he was one. Then again, Olivia could see why Stiles said what he said, Noah could only handle so much.
"So, who's the kanima?"
"Jackson," Olivia responded, thinking of her friend; she missed him.
"No, Jackson's a werewolf."
"Jackson was the kanima first, and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf," Stiles explained. "Now, he's in London."
Noah frowned. "Who's the da-rack?"
Stiles corrected his pronunciation. "It's da-rock."
"We don't know who the darach is," Olivia piped in.
Stiles pointed at her in agreement. "We don't know yet."
Noah blinked at them. "But he was killed by werewolves?"
"Slashed up and left for dead."
"We think."
Stiles pointed at Olivia again. "We think, yeah."
Noah sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. "Why was Jackson the kanima?"
"'Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are."
"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?"
"Uh, that would be more of an expression like the one you're currently wearing," Stiles replied nervously.
"Yeah," Noah heaved himself off the chair and started toward the door.
Stiles scrambled out of his, too. "Dad—Dad, would you wait?" he begged his father. "I can prove it, okay? Cora's a werewolf and Livvy's an anchor. You ready?" he asked Olivia and Cora; they nodded and Olivia helped Cora stand. "All right, Dad, just watch this, okay?"
Olivia didn't know if Noah managed to see any sign of their supernatural nature or not. Cora's name popped up in her head and she was dragged down to the floor when Cora collapsed.
"I wished you would have answered my calls," Olivia muttered to Derek as they sat side-by-side in the hospital waiting room while Cora was being examined and placed in a room.
"I know, Ollie," Derek replied softly. "I'm sorry."
"I don't understand why she's not healing. She should have healed by now."
"We'll find out why she's not," Derek assured her and squeezed her hand. "I already called Peter. Hopefully he knows something we don't."
"Hopefully," Olivia sighed; her phone started vibrating in her hand. When she was that it was Scott, she excused herself from Derek and walked over to Stiles, where he was talking to Melissa. "Hey."
"Hey, is Stiles with you?"
"Yeah, hold on," she waved to Melissa silently and grabbed Stiles' arm, pulling him into an empty hallway; she put him on speaker. "Okay, you're on speaker."
"All right, it's philosophers as in teachers," Scott told them hurriedly. "Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover."
"That makes sense," Stiles glanced at Olivia. "Tara, she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school."
"Then the last one's gonna be another teacher."
"There's close to a hundred teachers employed at the high school," Olivia pointed out worriedly. "There's even more at the middle and elementary schools."
"And they're all headed home," Stiles added.
"No, no they're not," Scott said after a few seconds of silence. "They're all going to the recital."
"Fuck," Stiles cursed in annoyance. "All right, I'm gonna go talk to my dad."
"I'll borrow Derek's truck and head over there now, Scott," Olivia took the call off speaker as Stiles walked away to find his dad. "I'll only be a couple of minutes."
"Okay, but Liv..."
Her eyebrows furrowed at the worry in Scott's voice. "What's wrong?"
"I talked to Morrell. She told me that the alpha pack wanted me because I'm supposed to be a true alpha."
"A true alpha?" she repeated in disbelief. "Wow, Scott."
She was impressed; true alphas only came around once in a while and the fact that their own Scott was going to be one was special.
"Yeah, but that's not the only thing she told me," Scott sighed; Olivia braced herself for more news. "She told me that the alphas want you, too. She said that anchors are rare and you have powers you haven't even untapped. Deucalion thinks you be a good addition to the pack."
Shit, shit, shit, shit...Olivia cursed herself. Why did I have to be a rare species?
"Well, that is not good," she breathed nervously before collecting herself. "but we can deal with it later. We need to stop the darach before someone else dies."
"Yeah, we do," Scott agreed. "All right, I'll see you in ten."
"Okay, be careful."
"You too, bye."
The recital had already started by the time Olivia arrived at the school. A storm was brewing overhead and the faint music she could hear coming from the auditorium made the environment even more eerie. She ran through the parking, wishing that she hadn't worn heels that day, and rushed into the building.
She got to the lobby but stopped right in her tracks outside the main part of the auditorium, her gaze taking on a purple tint. An indescribable feeling flashed through her body and then she moved, letting whatever the feeling was take her where she needed to go. It was like the time that Derek had been shot with the wolfsbane bullet and she was led on autopilot throughout the school until she found him.
Lydia...Lydia...Lydia...Lydia, Lydia, Lydia...
She found herself in the English hallway, automatically making her way to Ms. Blake's classroom in a daze. She stopped just outside of the classroom when she heard Lydia and Ms. Blake talking.
She didn't take time to listen to what they were saying. She stormed into the classroom but was immediately airborne. Her back hit the wall painfully and she was risen until her feet were a couple feet off the ground. She was stuck and she was useless.
"Glad you joined the party," Ms. Blake—no, fuck that, I am not giving her any respect by calling her anything but her stupid first name! –smirked at her. "I was wondering when you would come for her."
"Let her go," Olivia snapped at her, her eyes darting to Lydia, who was terrified and staring at her with wet eyes. "What do you even want with her?"
"Nothing special," Jennifer shrugged. She flicked her hand toward a chair and Olivia flew to it, slamming against the hard, wooden back. "You, on the other hand..."
Olivia was unable to move as Jennifer used duct tape to secure her hands and legs to the chair. When she was finished, she picked up a small wooden dowel and started wrapping a length of strong cord around it. She was making a garrote.
"What are you doing?" Lydia whimpered, still fighting off unconscious from the hard hit she took from Jennifer when she first walked into the classroom.
"What's necessary," Jennifer stated. "I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices but you're not understanding the word," Olivia rolled her eyes at her dramatic monologue. "It's derived from the Latin 'sacrificium', an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil."
"Oh, shut up," Olivia groaned, hoping to get her attention away from Lydia. "I'm pretty sure that killing fifteen innocent people isn't necessary."
"You know, on the outside, you appear so tough, emotionless," Jennifer stood from her crouched position in front of Lydia and sauntered over to Olivia. "but I know you're afraid right now. I know you're afraid all the time. This shell?" she poked Olivia in the cheek. "Well, it's all an act."
"Who cares if it is?" Olivia hissed right back at her.
"Oh, I don't care. I was just taunting you before I kill you and your precious cousins. The useless ones, I mean," Jennifer grinned maliciously. "I think I'll keep Derek around."
Olivia harshly snapped her jaw together, speaking through her clenched teeth, "Stay away from them."
"I would but I won't," Jennifer giggled. "See, you were my target. Deucalion wants you and you're powerful. If I kill you now, he won't be able to use you against me."
Olivia's heart started to race and her own name was starting to be repeated over and over in her head. Scott had to know that Lydia had disappeared and that she never made it to the auditorium. She had to stall so he could get there. "So, you're doing this to go up against the alpha pack?"
"Correct. Let's just say that you don't know the alphas like I do," Jennifer twisted the garrote in her hands and stepped behind Olivia. "And because they currently don't know my plan, I think Lydia is going to have to go, too. She knows too much. First, she can watch you die."
"No, no, no," Olivia said frantically, locking her scared eyes on Lydia, who stared fearfully back at her.
"Stop!" Lydia whimpered. "Stop, stop!"
Jennifer didn't stop. Before she could fully press the garrote against Olivia's throat, she forcefully tore the duct tape around her right hand and slipped it between her flesh and the cord. She gasped as the cord dug into her fingers. "Lydia!"
As if they had rehearsed, Lydia let out the loudest scream that had ever passed through her lips. Olivia screamed only a second later, unable to fight the urge that came from Lydia's tether. It was kind of weird, warning people of your own death.
Olivia's scream died out first and then a couple seconds later, so did Lydia's. Jennifer dropped the garrote from her hands, letting it hang on Olivia's neck, and walked over to stand in front of Lydia.
"Unbelievable," she gasped, studying Lydia intently. "You're a banshee. A wailing woman, right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia. Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it."
"She's nothing like you," Olivia spoke up fiercely, her voice hoarse.
Jennifer shrugged, the comment not bothering her. "It's too bad, though, and too late," she walked back over to Olivia, taking her place behind her and picking up the garrote. The garrote pulled tightly around Olivia's neck, making her choke. "One last philosopher."
Olivia couldn't breathe. There was no room for her trachea to move, causing her to suffocate. It was almost as if she could feel her throat being crushed, causing her to panic and squirm around in the chair, kicking her feet to try to fight back.
Olivia...Olivia...OLIVIA, OLIVIA, OLIVIA!!!!
"Stop, stop!" Lydia shouted frantically, choking on her tears as she watched Jennifer pull out a knife from her person and hold it up to Olivia's throat; the second part of the three-fold death.
"Drop it!" a new voice joined Lydia's.
With Jennifer sufficiently distracted, the garrote dropped from Olivia's neck. She took in a deep breath, her throat sore inside and out. Something urged her to look over at who had interrupted Jennifer, but she recognized the voice. Noah had ran into the classroom, gun cocked and aimed right at the darach.
As soon as she laid eyes on her boyfriend's father, Jennifer whipped the knife that was going to be used on her at him. It lodged itself into his shoulder so forcefully that it splayed him flat on his back. Noah wasn't technically in her pack, but he was someone Olivia cared for very much; that meant that she knew he was in danger, but he wasn't going to die. She couldn't explain it, but there was a different between the whispers that warned her of a pack member in danger and then the ones that warned her of the pack member's death. Noah was okay, for now.
Jennifer turned back to Olivia, intending to finish what she started, but a roar filled the room. Scott had arrived, his werewolf features fully on display as he snarled at Jennifer. He lunged at her, but Jennifer easily dodged each of his blows. She was more powerful than him and the way she sent him flying across the room and into a pile of desks proved it.
Olivia didn't know exactly what Jennifer did to him, but it was obvious that she did something else to him. Scott was spitting up blood and hitting desks that didn't weigh much didn't seem like it would do something like that to him.
She whimpered through the pain in her throat, "Scott!"
Her attention was dragged away from Scott as Jennifer slid her desk across the room and right into the door, slamming it closed. Before she could even wonder why Jennifer had done that, she saw Stiles' head pop into view from the small window at the top of the door. He was slamming his whole body against it, but with the weight of the desk, it wouldn't budge. He couldn't get into the room.
With Stiles and Scott taken care of, Jennifer focused on Noah, who had grabbed his gun, got to his knees, and aimed it at her.
"There was a girl," he said tiredly as Jennifer took slow steps toward him. "years ago. We found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?"
Jennifer glared at him. "Maybe I should've started with philosophers with knowledge and strategy."
She closed in on Noah and he pulled the trigger, shooting in her in her right thigh; Jennifer simply shook it off and continued on to him. "Healers," she grabbed him by the knife in his shoulder and held him high in the air, the blade slicing through the fleshy part of his shoulder. "Warriors..." she ripped his badge off of his shirt and crushed it with her fingers. "Guardians...Virgins..."
"God, leave him alone!" Olivia shouted to the best of her ability as Jennifer placed a wet kiss against Noah's mouth. Jennifer's face warped into a horrifying figure and screeched while she grabbed Noah and flew toward the windows. "No!"
Jennifer had disappeared with Noah. Scott had woken up from whatever daze Jennifer had put him in and the force that was shoving the desk against the door had disappeared. While Scott had rushed toward Lydia—on Olivia's insistence; the redhead was unconscious from the blow Jennifer had landed on her—Stiles rushed into the classroom and to the windows.
"Dad?" there was no answer to Stiles' call and it hit them all like a punch to the gut. "Dad?!"
(Gif is not mine)
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tigerdrop · 4 years
Potion experiment fic?? I'm very curious what you might do with that idea
(rubbing my hands together) WELL......the possibilities are truly endless......TF stuff, growth, even just Funny Hijinks......but what im really partial to is Boner Potions. annnnd im putting this under a readmore b/c A) long, and B) holy fuck embarrassing. dont look at me., dont look at me. dont even sense me physically
black mesas got very diverse investments going on in there, theres no reason why they couldnt be funding a boner pill competitor. so lets say theres recruiting from within BM as well as without - you know, like company slogans to “do your part” by participating in research studies, that kind of company culture
and then tommy shows up to test out the Boner Potions. darnolds like, ahuhhh, what? tommy, do you know what youre signing up for? yep! is he sure?? did he make sure to thoroughly read the the release waivers before he signed them? uh-huh. hes thrilled to be doing his part for black mesa, and its darnold who is completely caught off-fucking-guard by this and has to try to remain professional while he gives tommy a boner for the next few hours. for Science.
so you know its all very clinical at first. just give tommy the potion, record how long his dick stays up for, how long it takes for him to get off, quantity of ejaculate, so on and so forth in trails over the next few days. normal stuff. theres just one problem: its not wearing off after the suggested 2 hours. and then 4 hours. the whole time tommys just chillin, reading magazines, whatever, but as 2 hrs (and longer) ticks by, hes getting flustered. being turned on for that long is making him really itchy to actually come.
thats not supposed to be part of todays trial, so as not to compromise the results, but darnold is both worried about his health and deeply curious about the effects. so, for purely scientific reasons, he tells tommy to head into the bathroom and get off so that itll go down and he can leave. but his dick does not go down at all. in fact, it may have made things worse.
well, in for a penny, in for a pound, right? darnold just has to change the parameters of the experiment. now the goal is to see just how many times tommy can come before the potion wears off. turns out this is a pretty impressive amount. each time he does, tommys getting more sweaty and flustered and desperate for relief, and darnolds handwriting gets shakier and shakier b/c holy fuck, tommys hot like this. but he is a consummate professional and hes not going to jeopardize both his professional relationship with tommy and his experiment by getting involved
except that, as 6 hrs ticks by, tommy snaps and is like.......oh my god please help me out. hes Dying over here and its impossible not to notice how fucked up darnold is at this point and he really, really wants darnold to help b/c hes convinced thats the only thing thats gonna work. his own hand is clearly not sufficient. and darnold caves because, uhhh, what the fuck else is he gonna do when the coworker hes been harboring a mild (and, unbeknownst to him, mutual) crush on for awhile is pouncing on him and crawling into his lap and begging to be touched. duh.
segue into the darnold/tommy praise kink that everyone (by which i mean Literally Just Me) has been waiting for. tommys doing a great job, really, hes doing so much important work for black mesa, just a little longer and itll all be over with. hes almost there. and tommys mcfucking losing his mind b/c every time he comes, it takes more and more for him to get to the next one, and hes so close but he doesnt know how much its gonna take for him to finish this time and hes just begging darnold not to stop
and then darnold brushes his hair back and tells tommy that hes doing so good for him and tommy pops the fuck off. thats it. thats the last one, finally. and now darnolds sweating and achingly hard in his pants, too, but hes a fucking professional for gods sake and he tells tommy not to worry about it and just get himself cleaned up n shit while darnold finishes up his report.
and then he jerks himself off later so hard he nearly gives himself friction burns b/c hes never, ever going to be able to get that shit off his mind.
ANYWAY HOLY FUCK i did not mean to write that much but lets fucking gooooooo
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