fjdv · 2 months
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[Street Scene] NYMD PM https://fredjdevito.com/streetscene/nymd-pm/ 94 image story — Scene: The PM Shows at New York Men’s Day Spring/Summer 2024. A showcase of men’s wear collections which in some cases also included women’s wear. The start of New York Fashion Week begins with New York Men’s Day (NYMD). Five designers showcased their presentations at NYMD that afternoon, TheSalting, Tarplay, Raleigh Workshop, Skyco, and Sebastien Ami. All unique with their own vision [...]
Photo: An image from TheSalting’s presentation.
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rareitem · 4 months
i made some quick pickles ive never made pickles before but theyre yummy
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bugkeeping · 7 months
(English is my second language, sorry for anonymous. I don't want to be made fun of)
I have friend who studying bees, she says beekeeping in US for honey is bad for US bees, but post you reblog says it is good?
I asked my friend to give some research to do with bees that is not too difficult to read, here is what she sent.
I like your blog, but why share things that are lies?
the post says "European Honeybee: Introduced from Eurasia. Massively important insect for agricultural pollination. Can compete with native pollinators but does not usually out compete them."
unsure what part of that is a lie. or that its saying beekeeping is "good"
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creepypastabookclub · 25 days
Donate to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
Welcome to Mal 101 with Jonah, Wednesday and their guest Birdy!
Did you miss the official patreon launch livestream? You can catch the vod here!: https://t.ly/jqhtO
If you have a small horror or web fiction project you want in the spotlight, email us! Send your name, pronouns and project to [email protected].
Music Credits: https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/
The Story: http://thesickland.blogspot.com/2013/03/last-day.html
Our Tumblr: https://creepypastabookclub.tumblr.com/
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreepypastaBC
Featuring Hosts:
Jonah (he/they) (https://withswords.tumblr.com/)
Wednesday (they/them) (https://www.instagram.com/xx_wormsday_xx/)
Birdy (any)
Works Cited:
Recreation Watch: https://retractionwatch.com/
Museum of the Vanishing Dog, Episode 6: The Immortal Canine; https://open.spotify.com/episode/0buq8ilZlyl5iCN7Qu0qbz DFTD: https://nre.tas.gov.au/conservation/threatened-species-and-communities/lists-of-threatened-species/threatened-species-vertebrates/save-the-tasmanian-devil-program/about-dftd
Call of Cthulhu TTRPG: https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/
Brian Wansink: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/09/26/651849441/cornell-food-researchers-downfall-raises-larger-questions-for-science
Seven Sisters: https://medium.com/@myf.amra/the-seven-sisters-could-be-the-oldest-story-in-the-world-ed0ce8442c28
Ancient Viruses: https://www.the-scientist.com/ancient-viral-dna-plays-a-role-in-human-disease-and-development-70656
Further Reading:
Bear, Jonah, “EverymanHYBRID Unboxed: Unpacking the Psychology of EverymanHYBRID”;
Boyczuk, Robert, “Cure For Cancer”,https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Cure_for_Cancer
Chambers, W. Robert, “The King in Yellow”, 1895; https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8492/8492-h/8492-h.htm
Demidova, Aleksandra; Strugatsky, Boris; Strugatsky, Arkady; et al; “Stalker”, 1979; https://www.criterion.com/films/28150-stalker
George, Jean; “My Side of the Mountain”, 1959; https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41668
Lovecraft, H.P.; “The Colour Out of Space”, 1929; https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/cs.aspx
Mikaelsen, Ben; “Touching Spirit Bear,” 2001; https://www.benmikaelsen.com/touching-spirit-bear
Paulsen, Gary; “Hatchet”, 1986; https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/50
Rettner, Rachel; “Tapeworm Spreads Deadly Cancer to Human”,https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tapeworm-spreads-deadly-cancer-to-human/
Strugatsky, Arkady; Strugatsky, Boris; “Roadside Picnic”, 1972; https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/331256.Roadside_Picnic
VanderMeer, Jeff; “Annihilation” & The Southern Reach, 2014; https://www.goodreads.com/series/112239-southern-reach
Wojcik, Jonathan; “Bogleech’s Coolest Parasite Eve Monsters”, 2011; https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall11-parasiteeve
Wojcik, Jonathan; “Bogleech’s The Flawless Bestiary of PARASITE EVE,” 2015; https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall15-parasiteeve
Questions? Comments? Email us at: [email protected]
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This day in history
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Tomorrow, (November 20), I'm at the Simsbury, CT Public Library at 7PM presenting my new novel The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
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#15yrsago Regulator to hear Bell Canada network throttling case https://web.archive.org/web/20090123005142/http://saveournet.ca/content/media-advisory-crtc-make-landmark-decision-internet-freedom
#15yrsago Apple to Mac owners: throw away your monitor if Hollywood says so https://web.archive.org/web/20081204010203/http://www.tuaw.com/2008/11/19/macbook-pro-users-getting-bitten-by-hdcp/
#15yrsago Liberation: a magical road-novel about America in collapse, Bradbury meets Kerouac https://memex.craphound.com/2008/11/19/liberation-a-magical-road-novel-about-america-in-collapse-bradbury-meets-kerouac/
#10yrsago Tropes vs Women in Video Games: Ms. Male Character https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYqYLfm1rWA
#10yrsago Vi Hart explains logarithms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-7tcTIrers
#10yrsago Jack Womack’s Random Acts of Senseless Violence: apocalypse in a young girl’s diary https://memex.craphound.com/2013/11/19/jack-womacks-random-acts-of-senseless-violence-apocalypse-in-a-young-girls-diary/
#10yrsago Complete meal cooking with a hotel coffee-maker https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/11/15/245442083/coffee-maker-cooking-brew-up-your-next-dinner
#5yrsago Concealed Carry scammers spent $2m on gunhumper scare-ads on Facebook during the 2018 midterms https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-ads-political-concealed-online/
#5yrsago Finns to Trump: We don’t rake our forests https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46256296
#5yrsago Apple’s CEO: tech regulation is “inevitable” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/apples-tim-cook-says-tech-regulation-inevitable-because-free-market-isnt-working-2018-11-18
#5yrsago Pope condemns the “wealthy few” who hoard the riches that “belongs to all” https://apnews.com/article/c183ed8b9269499ea0f537d9e8a9f2b6
#5yrsago Sheryl Sandberg’s fingerprints are all over every one of Facebook’s scandals https://newrepublic.com/article/152320/punctured-myth-sheryl-sandberg
#5yrsago How to use science fiction to teach tech ethics https://cfiesler.medium.com/the-black-mirror-writers-room-teaching-technology-ethics-through-speculation-f1a9e2deccf4
#5yrsago Insurer won’t pay murdered gunshot victim’s family because he didn’t disclose his high blood-sugar https://web.archive.org/web/20201108114908/https://www.news24.com/fin24/Companies/Financial-Services/momentum-we-rejected-r24m-life-insurance-claim-for-the-sake-of-our-other-clients-20181119
#5yrsago Trump’s FCC seems to have ended the practice of releasing its ISP speed-tests, leaving Americans in the dark about what they’re paying for https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/11/ajit-pai-isnt-saying-whether-isps-deliver-the-broadband-speeds-you-pay-for/
#5yrsago Ford CEO frankly admits that the car of the future is a surveillance device that you pay to spy on you https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/2018/11/13/ford-motor-credit-data-new-revenue/1967077002/
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untitledinstinct · 1 month
We should bring these back.
And make fat social meets.
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abwwia · 2 years
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Object (or Luncheon in Fur), by Meret Oppenheim, 1936
In 1936, a 23-year-old Swiss artist named Meret Oppenheim bought a teacup, saucer and spoon from a department store in Paris and wrapped them in the cream-and-tan pelt of a Chinese gazelle. Her hirsute little offering became a defining artifact of surrealism — the art movement that sprang from dadaism's flamboyant entrails.
read more: 'Luncheon In Fur': The Surrealist Teacup That Stirred The Art World (2016) by Nina Martyris
Meret (or Méret) Elisabeth Oppenheim (6 Oct 1913 – 15 Nov 1985) was a German-born Swiss Surrealist artist and photographer. via Wikipedia
#MeretOppenheim #MéretOppenheim #PalianShow #womensart #surrealists #artbywomen
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brooksbutler · 10 months
Hi there, I’m just popping in to say that I really loved “Like Salt in the Sea”, and I looked forward to each update!
I was wondering though, if you would write some oneshots about Kaydel and Dopheld?
I’d love to see how they became more than friends!!
Either way, please keep writing!!!
Thank you so so much!! I do intend to add to the Salt-verse with one shots, but I am finishing a mythology AU right now and outlining plot for another long canonverse story. Unfortunately, I can't really work on multiple projects at the same time.
And if anyone wants to write their own one-shot versions of events or couples in theSalt-verse, I would love it and would happily link it to the story. Again, thank you so much!!!
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
Here’s the thing about quinoa: the Guardian was wrong, and even they have put out articles saying as much (without of course ever recognizing that fact). The Quinoa boom actually helped the poorest people (namely the farmers), and others besides (which seems like the best case scenario to me). The quinoa boom improved economic conditions, but it did have other effects, such as less sustainable farming practices taking hold.
I did stop eating Quinoa around the time of the boom, but not entirely because of the articles. I, an American, couldn’t afford it. (Over $6 a pound for a grain!? Ridiculous! No matter how healthy it is.)
I personally find it somewhat suspicious that a trend that was helping poor people was decried.
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iosgods · 2 months
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matthew-blake · 3 months
Avances en Biotecnología: Transformando la Salud y el Desarrollo en Argentina y Buenos Aires-Matthew Simpson
La biotecnología es cuando usamos seres vivos o partes de ellos para hacer diversas cosas útiles. Por ejemplo, hacer cerveza y pan es una forma de biotecnología. La levadura, que es un tipo de organismo vivo, es lo que ayuda al pan para subir y tener su sabor característico. Pero la biotecnología no se limita solo a cocinar alimentos, también puede usarla para crear medicinas, realizar pruebas médicas y mejorar los productos agrícolas, entre otras cosas, para beneficiar a la sociedad. Además, se usa para estudiar y modificar la información genética en animales. También para investigar enfermedades humanas y encontrar formas de los tratamientos. En resumen, la biotecnología es una herramienta poderosa que podemos usar para mejorar la vida de las personas y comprender mejor el mundo que nos rodea.
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En Argentina, en el siglo XXI, hay muchas empresas nuevas de biotecnología. Muchas están en Buenos Aires porque necesitan mucha gente y trabajos y es la ciudad más grande de Argentina. Una empresa que está creciendo es "Gisens biotech". Descubieron y están desarrollando dispositivos médicos de última generación dirigidos a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas utilizando plataformas de nanotecnología basadas en grafeno. Crearon una manera nueva de hacer sensores que no son caros, muy sensibles y no necesitan etiquetas. Estos sensores pueden encontrar señales importantes en solo un poco de líquido, usando cosas como enzimas, anticuerpos y aptámeros. Finalmente, estas empresas están ayudando a Argentina y Buenos Aires a ser en una posición fuerte con la biotecnología en todo el mundo.
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Gisens Biotech tienen algunos productos pero su producto mas famoso es una prueba portatil se llama el "Nano-Lab", un dispositivo de prueba portátil que permite rastrear varios biomarcadores fácilmente. Con solo una gota de sangre, orina o saliva, es posible medir y monitorear al instante los niveles de biomarcadores en tiempo real. El dispositivo se conecta a algunos aparatos como un teléfono inteligente, una tableta o una computadora mediante Bluetooth y registra todos los datos para ver y compartir fácilmente. Los pacientes pueden enviar sus resultados a sus médicos. Ellos pueden usar una aplicación para el seguimiento en tiempo real con un análisis. El “Nano-Lab” ofrece a la gente ocupada de la ciudad una forma fácil de verificar su salud rápidamente. Es fácil de llevar, entonces puede controlar su salud mientras está trabajando, lo cual es genial para la vida en la ciudad. Además, el dispositivo puede enviar su información importante a alguien que tiene un aparato con Bluetooth. Esto es crucial en las ciudades grandes donde el tráfico y los viajes largos al médico pueden ser un problema. Por estas razones, el uso del “Nano-Lab” puede ser la manera del futuro en el mundo de cuidado de salud usando la biotecnología.
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Para atar cabos, la biotecnología es una tecnología importante que mejora la vida de la gente. Empresas como "Gisens Biotech" están desarrollando dispositivos médicos innovadores, como el "Nano-Lab", que facilitan el monitoreo de la salud en tiempo real. Esto simplifica el cuidado de la salud, especialmente en lugares urbanos, y puede cambiar los servicios médicos en el mundo.
Las Fuentes:
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maky56 · 4 months
Prompt #10: Immediate Family Dining Style
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My family used to have traditional dinning besides lunch. Breakfast and dinner were at the table, and we ate the same foods as a family which consisted of me, my brother and sister, mom, and dad. Lunch became a free for all when my brother and I were old enough to prepare our own meals. However, now is a very untraditional method of dining due to busy schedules that vary from each other. We went from family style dining, where we sat around one dining table together and saying grace before meals to a very individualized meal times (Griffin, 2016). In our home now it is just my sister, dad, and I and my sister typically requires a slight variation of meals, and my dad and I eat the same time, however, it might be at different times. We also eat our meals at foldable/portable tables instead of one big round one. As my siblings and I grew older changes started happening during meal times and life as it should be. My dad and I also switch off cooking, depending on work schedule that day. I do miss the family dining, but then it makes the holidays so much more special when everyone, including distant family, is seated around a big table in togetherness.
Griffin, M. (2016, February 16). “no place for discontent”: A history of the family dinner in America. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/02/16/459693979/no-place-for-discontent-a-history-of-the-family-dinner-in-america 
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codehunter · 1 year
Unique Salt per User using Flask-Security
After reading here a bit about salting passwords, it seems that it's best to use a unique salt for each user. I'm working on implementing Flask-Security atm, and from the documentation it appears you can only set a global salt: ie SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = 'thesalt'
Question: How would one go about making a unique salt for each password?
edit: from the docs on Flask-Security, I found this, which seems to again suggest that this module only uses a single salt for all passwords out of the box.
flask_security.utils.get_hmac(password) Returns a Base64 encoded HMAC+SHA512 of the password signed with the salt specified by SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT.
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myfoodieluv · 1 year
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SPICE SPOTLIGHT:  CUMINThis is a spice that is common in Indian food but to me, a non-Indian, it has a very uncommon flavor.  It's unlike any spice that I have ever smelled or tasted.  Take the dried seeds of a cumin plant, dry roast them and grind them into powder.  Words that have been used to describe the taste are “warm”, “smoky”, “nutty”.  It comes from the Middle East.  That's no surprise.   It is mentioned in the Bible.  In an article by Adam Maskevich published by NPR, he states that cumin has “been popular since the dawn of written history” .  That statement tempts you to read in between the lines, doesn’t it?  It was probably popular long before written history.  You think?  From the Middle East, the spice made its way to way to Asia and once the Indians learned about it, cumin became a key ingredient in their cuisine.  Cumin seeds are called Jeera (or Jira) in Indian cooking.  Although cumin powder is used in the dishes, often the cumin seeds are first tempered in oil to release its aromatics and then used in the recipe.  Jeera or cumin is in almost every Indian dish.REFERENCES:Maskevich, Adam. “From Ancient Sumeria To Chipotle Tacos, Cumin Has Spiced Up The World.” NPR, National Public Radio, 11 Mar. 2015, npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/11/392317352/is-cumin-the-most-globalized-spice-in-the-world.Mathur, Aanchal. “5 Delicious Recipes You Can Prepare With Cumin.” NDTV Food, NDTV Convergence, 23 Aug. 2019, food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/5-delicious-recipes-you-can-prepare-with-cumin-2089422.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Cumin- How to use it in cooking? - stirringmyspicysoul~ stirringmyspicysoul.com/cumin-how-to-use-it-in-cooking“Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family. Cumin is one of the most consumed spices right after chiles and peppercorns and has many uses in cooking. It is a staple spice in many food cultures, particularly Mexican, Indian, African, and Asian cuisine.”What Is Cumin and How Is It Used?~ www.thespruceeats.com/what-is-cumin-995638“Whole cumin seeds should be included early in the recipe so the spice has time to release its essence; adding them to a hot broth or oil will allow the aroma and flavors to disperse into the dish. Ground cumin is a quintessential spice in a few different blends, including curry powder. It is also used as part of a rub, in a marinade, and as a seasoning for hearty dishes.”Cooking with Cumin 101~ youtu.be/HZtaZxqWQ6g* * *
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reveal-the-news · 1 year
James Lane Post's Holiday Edit • James Lane Post • Hamptons Culture & Lifestyle Magazine
James Lane Post’s Holiday Edit • James Lane Post • Hamptons Culture & Lifestyle Magazine
Here are some of our favorite things to do this holiday season… happy gift giving! Shoshana Midnight Cecilia Dress, $525 Sharon Wilkes Black Classic Natalie, $525 Photo by Tony Powell. Sharon Wilkes Queen of Las Vegas Marilyn, $850 Felted Wool Tracker Hat by Thesalting, $275 Meghan Diamond Cuff by ZADEH, $5600 Dante Men’s Sterling Silver Bracelet by ZADEH, $450 RH malachite box,…
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Nuclear Bombs and Apples: Parallelomania For Fun!
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1. Both are solids.
2. Both contain energy (apples have chemical energy, nuclear bombs have nuclear energy).
3. Both are different on the outside than the inside.
4. Both have a core.
5. Apples, are products of human selective breeding. Nuclear bombs are the products of human construction.
6. Some people fear apples (Malusdomesticaphobia). Some people fear nuclear bombs.
7. Apples are often oblong or roundish. There have been nuclear bombs that have been oblong or roundish.
8. Apples have tiny seeds within them that can become 30 feet tall apple trees. Nuclear bombs have small pieces of radioactive materials in them that can cause massive nuclear explosions.
9. Both have names that start with the letter A (some nuclear bombs are called “Atom bombs”). 
10. Some people can die from apples due to being allergic to them. People can die from nuclear bombs.
11. Some people have thought that the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden, the fruit that contaminated them with sin, was an apple. Nuclear bombs can contaminate people with radiation.  
Genesis Chapter 3
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