#this aint good folks
ashen-crest · 4 months
no one tell Ambrose, but I've put him in a situation I don't know how to get him out of
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Me: *hasn't watched a single episode of anime since durarara in 2013*
Me: *sees one (1) instagram reel of Shanks from One Piece(?)*
Me, knowing exactly what's about to happen with my pirate obsessed brain: Uh oh
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iobartach · 6 months
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Stop over spiritualizing everything as a "battle" against the "forces of evil" or I am going to beat you with my fists, and unlike the nebulous authority and power you attribute to demons, I can assure you my fists are very present and actively intent on stopping this rhetoric
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nightlyponder · 6 months
while we look to history on how to combat fascism, it is equally important to learn about the ways the colonial state and their supporters work to discrediting civil rights movements. of course there can be people who are just ignorant and don't know that their actions are working against the movement. but there is also intentional countermeasures being taken to show the movement as being violent or bigoted.
it doesnt help that theres already conflation of judaism and zionism so be wary of and remove these bad actors from whatever civil rights group you are a part of. there's never a "correct" way to demand your rights and freedoms as defined by any imperialistic power. but there is a correct way to ensure that they don't destroy your movement from the inside out.
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butchsquatch · 8 months
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who knows whether it's the smoke break or being far from dogtown that's put Viko in a better mood
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bayheart · 2 years
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the time to post our finished Lost Bots Zine pieces has come at last!!
a behemoth of a piece, i included all but about 12 canon characters (”about” because 24k-Bit is technically here, in the machine, but not VISIBLE) with duplicates for the main cast as plushies! this was a right doozy to render since it isn’t often that i DO render a piece like this, and if i’d had more time i’d have smoothed the shading a bit more, but i’m still very pleased with how this turned out!!
everyone’s pieces turned out wonderful <3 reminder if you haven’t to check out the finished zine (for free!!) at @ LostBotsZine on twitter!!
extra note, the bot in the very center is Clawsome, who isn’t in the show, but seeing as she’s literally a claw machine that likes to give out prizes, i felt like she needed to be here helping out!!! i offer the show-adapted design i did for her as a bonus treat :3 (based mostly on Anty Farmwell!)
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flying-bi-son · 1 month
I don’t mind vanilla, I love vanilla folks but i cant stand a fake freak lmao
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espy-heart · 10 months
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I've been watching animation vs minecraft lately.
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faffreux · 11 months
The funniest thing is how Jolligig has made his way into a few of my friends AUs and in one particular friends story he has some personality and appearance alterations and bc of that if she’s trying to share something relating to him she’ll have to clarify “this is about my Jolli” so I don’t get confused LMAO
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do i like bald men …? 😰
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cock-holliday · 1 year
Kinda wild to still see people learning for the first time that like Vaush or Tim Pool or others are massive pieces of shit. I feel like every few months for years some so-called leftist is like “huh…kinda getting a bad vibe on this guy.” Why are you still listening to grifting ass youtubers even before they start hurling slurs?
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transgirlmononoke · 4 months
Now tbh I think finnster and femboys and modern cis drag queens are kinda epic on some levels and in a perfect world I'd have no issue with them (but would still want to sneak estrogen into their water supply) BUT the major issue I have with the popularization of their non-porn content and the general "let boys be feminine let boys wear dresses" thing is that it still contains what I feel like is an inherent contradiction in the gender binary and construct of gender as a whole, in that they are inhabiting maleness while performing femininity, and like obviously there's the element of it being a costume they can take off as opposed to committing to transitioning fulltime but also I think in some ways it embodies the kind of protestant work ethic-ish thing of a level of self deprication when it comes to that presentation? Like this is all cause I just saw a finnster clip where he was reading a comment that said "you're not a girl you're a boy with mental illness" and he said "yeah! I am! I just dress up like this for fun and I have depression!" And like. Haha yes this is literally true in the way that you are able to conveniently interpret it but it's also very much reinforcing transmisogynist ideas, same applies for the attempted normalization of guys wearing dresses (and trans dudes+transmascs wearing dresses in particular) that just rubs me the wrong way and feels like an attempt to just make it ok to assume that anyone who could be clockable as AMAB who is wearing a dress should be assumed to be male, I think there's a lot more complexity to this in individual lived experiences for a lot of people, but it's the theory and rhetoric of it all that upsets me and reads to me as, likely unintentionally, a way to justify a more PC transmisogyny under the guise of trans allyship and progressiveness
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milksnake-tea · 6 months
my luck in hsr is both abysmal and amazing at the same time bc on one hand ive never lost a 50/50 but on the other hand ive had to fight tooth and nail to get every single 5 star i have 😭😭
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agave · 8 months
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szappan · 1 year
i wish my mother wasn't so unhappy i wish everything were better for her i wish
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