#this from the guy who didn't even get me a grocery store candy bar for Christmas
beskad · 9 months
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meetmyothersouls · 2 years
SMUTT contentt please😭
Thought of this today at the store, hope you like it!
Timothee x first person reader
Warnings: hiding in store until it closes, robbing a store, violence, blood, smutty smut,not proof read
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I'm broke, like pathetically so.
I can't afford my rent, I can't afford groceries. Fuck, I can't even pay for this candy bar I'm tearing into right now.
So, I rob stores, take their money and pay for the things I need.
Tonight's mission: rob this place blind and pay my landlord.
Beats sucking his dick. God, I'm tired of that.
I walk the floors of a Kohl's I used to shop with my mom at when I was a kid. But today, instead of looking for school clothes and a new pair of shoes, I'm looking for a place to hide. A place to lay low until the store closes. Then my real work can begin.
I'm pretty much a master at this now. I walk their salesfloor and pretend to shop. I pick up a dress and pull the hanger over my head, seeing how it would fit me. I look at the rings and necklaces, the throw pillows and blankets. Sometimes I see something I want and make a mental note to steal it after I take all the cash from the registers. These retail workers see so many faces in a day, they can't keep track of whether I'm a new customer or if I'm the same one over and over again. Or maybe they do and they don't give a fuck. Who knows. But today, as I'm walking the floor I'm not worrying about employees watching me, but the random curly haired guy I keep bumping into. He's watching me and it's weird. I start pretending to shop again, thinking he's one of those undercover security people.
I head to the kids toys. It's almost Christmas time, so there's way more toys than usual and each one is more annoying and loud than the last. I stop when I see a giant stuffed fox, and when I say giant I mean fucking colossal. I run my fingers down the seam of its massive back. I could hide in this I think to myself. I circle it, like a predator sizing up its prey, but decide it's too much of a feat to not only cut this fucker open but hide in it for the remainder of the evening. I don't want to get kicked out before I can accomplish my mission. I give the fox one last pet and move on, only to lock eyes with Mr. Curly Hair again. He gives me a single nod, as if to say hi, but I don't trust him. I usually don't hide this early in the evening, I get too antsy, but he's fucking up my plans. I head to the bathroom, fuming.
I'm half asleep, my head against a stall wall as I sit on a toilet with my feet on the seat when I hear the closing announcements on the loud speaker.
Fifteen minutes until closing and it's about time. My body hurts from being cramped in the same position for so long and it smells like shit and piss in here. Sometimes, employees will come into the bathroom right before closing to make sure there's no one inside, but all they do is poke their head in or look to make sure they don't see anyone's feet hanging off of a toilet. I smile mischievously as the lights go out. They didn't even do that. I wait another thirty minutes, I know it seems like a lot, but I've almost been caught a few times coming out of my hiding spot too early. So, better safe than sorry, even though my body screams in protest.
There's a dead type of silence that permeates the air when a store is completely empty. It's almost sort of haunting, but I know it's safe when the silence is loud enough to hear. I hop off of the toilet and stretch my body groaning when the bones in my knees and hips pop.
Time to get to work.
Confidently, I strut out of the bathroom. This is my store now. Maybe after I take all their money I'll treat myself to dinner. I could really use a greasy burger and a mountain of fries. I'm practically salivating thinking about it when I run into something hard directly in front of the women's bathroom. It's a person and my mind is running a million miles a minute. I've had a speech prepared if something like this were to ever happen since I started this. How I passed out in the bathroom or got locked in a fitting room but none of the excuses are coming to me. My heart pounds as I take a step back. The figure is relaxed, leaning a shoulder against one beam of the entry way. He's smiling and his dark curly hair springs out annoyingly in several directions.
"What are you gonna do, arrest me?" I say, annoyed as I shove past him.
He follows me as I head to the registers and as I'm walking he pulls my hand hard. He shoves me against a wall next to the women's underwear. A bright pink sign with a woman wearing a thong and smiling radiantly mocks me as this man practically chokes me against the wall. Panties are 5 for $20.
The man blows a minty scented breath into my face, drawing my attention back to him.
"No," he says in a tone like he wants me to guess again but he keeps talking instead . "We're brought here by a common goal, you and I. Only you won't be successful in yours."
"Why's that?" I snap.
"Because I'm going to kill you. That money is mine."
Well, this is a first. I should be scared and I'm annoyed that I'm not. An intense, liquid heat seeps from my core and I can't push the thought of this dude fucking my brains out out of my head. This dude is hot and the minty fresh breath is a nice touch. He's chewing gum, and the muscle in his jaw tightens and relaxes repetitively. I've been silent for too long and the dude is just staring at me. I know better than to ask him his name, he won't give it to me I already know. So, I think of the next best thing.
"Why kill me? I can help you."
"I don't need any help," he scoffs. "You're getting in my way, have been all day. So now, I have to kill you."
"Again, I don't see how that's a logical next step."
He loosens his grip on my throat and I almost moan in protest. I liked his hand there. "I know you're here for the money," he says, still pinning me to the wall. He presses a knee between my thighs and my body instinctively lowers down onto it. "And you're telling me if I just let you go, empty handed you won't tell anyone I robbed this shitty ass store?"
I shrug, my mission becoming a little blurry now that Mr. Sexy has entered the picture. "Like I said-"
"No," he cut me off. "I let you go and risk you running your mouth."
A small smirk makes its way on my face as an idea dances around in my mind. "Then how about this," I say as I lean up and bring my lips dangerously close to his. He backs up, but not much. My mouth touches his ever so slightly, and I distract him by palming his crotch. Someone is also a horny son of a bitch. His cock is hard in his jeans, practically begging to be sucked. "First one to the register keeps the money. Then, we'll talk about what happens next." I top it off by taking his bottom lip between my teeth, pulling his mouth onto mine. I kiss him hard and slide my tongue deep into his mouth. His tongue immediately responds and wrestles with mine intensely. I pull the gum he was chewing into my mouth and pull away from him. He's dazed and breathless as I push his knee down. I chew on his gum loudly. "What do you say, hmm?"
Before he has a chance to respond, I pull rack of bras down to the floor, immediately giving myself a head start. I know it's not fair, but I have to pay my rent.
"Bitch!" He yells, and I can't help but cackle loudly. I'm getting my money.
My laugh is caught in my throat as he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me down backwards to face him. My body doesn't bend that way so a pathetic whine escapes my mouth.
"You think you're slick, huh?" He kisses me upside down and shoves a hand down my shirt, giving one of my tits a tight squeeze. His tongue wraps around mine again and I suck on it as he pulls it out of my mouth "Fuck you got nice tits too." It's my turn to be dazed and as he lets go of my hair, my body falls to the ground. He steps over me and sprints to the front of the store. "I've got tricks too, bitch," he yells back to me.
I pull myself off of the floor, dizzy as the excess blood drains from my head and back into the rest of my body.
"You're an asshole you know that?" I call out as I catch up to him. Quickly, I pull an arm off of a mannequin in the junior's department and slide it in font of his legs. He trips and hits the ground with an ugly thud and a grunt. "Whoopsies," I say sweetly, and blow him a kiss. I see the registers and pick up speed. My money is there waiting for me, and all I gotta do is get there and it's mine. I'm about to touch the counter and yell out my victory, when a hand wraps around my ankle and pulls me down. My forehead slams against the counter and my vision blurs for a minute.
"Fuck that hurt," I whine. I rub my head, there's already a knot forming. A groan escapes me as Sex on Legs himself drags his body over mine and climbs across the counter. I peel myself off of the ground and he's got his stupid sexy hand on a register and a triumphant smile on his face.
"You put up a good fight, you crazy bitch. But I won."
"Congrats, asshole."
I limp away from the counter, defeated and in a tremendous amount of pain. My head pounds and I can't tell if it's sweat or blood that's now dripping into my eyes.
"Hey!" Sex calls out.
I turn, the action itself causing me to almost fall over. He places a hand on the counter and hops over it. I hate him.
"You said we'd talk about what happens to the loser after."
"Yeah, so?"
"Well, you're the loser and I want to talk about it."
"Look you smacked my head against the fucking counter and I'm still seeing stars and I don't get any money. Isn't that punishment enough?"
"No, I'm not done with you."
I roll my eyes. This whole night is fucked and tomorrow I'm going to be homeless.
"I thought you said you didn't need any help," I mock his stupid sexy voice at the end of my sentence.
"Two people are required for what we're about to do."
Before I voice my decision, which is an obvious yes, he grabs me under my ass, and I immediately hook my legs around his waist. My head throbs but so does my pussy and I decide that one's need is more important. He slams his mouth into mine, careful not to bump his forehead on the knot growing on mine. His tongue still tastes like mint and his hair smells like a mixture of sweat and dollar store shampoo. I'm shocked when he lays me down on something soft. I spread my arms out and my legs follow as I discover it's one of the stores display beds.
"I saw you eying that giant fox earlier tonight," he says into my neck as he fumbles with his belt. I don't say anything because I have no idea where this is going or how it pertains to him sticking his cock in me. "Either you were thinking of something dirty, or you were thinking of hiding in it. Hard to tell with the way you were touching it. I personally hope it was the latter."
"If you're asking me if I was about to fuck a stuffed animal, the answer is no.”
He shrugs as he pulls my pants and panties off in one swift tug. His cock is out and it’s already beading with precum. My mouth waters. “You never know,” he says. “I’ve met some weird people.”
And instant pant of jealousy that I have no right to have hits me. “You do this a lot then?”
“Robbing stores? All the time.” He adds his shirt to the pile of clothes forming on the floor.
“No I mean this, the sex part.” I sit up and grab his dick and pump it a few times just to watch him jump the tiniest amount.
“No this part’s new.”
I’m glad for some reason. 
“I’m sorry about your head,” he says reaching to take my shirt off. It’s weird that this has taken on a caring, more tender vibe than our battle to the registers not more than ten minutes ago. He unclips my bra and my breasts spring free. “Fuck you really do have nice tits.” He moves his naked body over mine and leans down to capture a nipple in his mouth. He sucks hard as he massages the other one, pinching and pulling in just the right ways. My legs splay open and the head of his cock sits at my entrance. I know I’m practically leaking fluids all over this display bed, but I don’t even care, I’m so wet for this man, I’m practically shaking. He could have slammed my head into the counter fifty times and I’d still want to him to fuck me. He moves from my nipple to my neck, sucking on my skin, leaving a trail of small splotchy bruises that I kind of hope stick around for awhile. I move my head to the side giving him access to the full expanse of my neck. Without any warning he slams into me hard. I feel him in my stomach and practically scream at the feeling. 
“Be as loud as you want, no one can hear.” 
He slides out almost completely before ramming his hips back into mine. I let out a guttural groan and lift my bottom to meet him as he continues thrusting. 
“C-cameras?” I manage to get out as his cock impales me. 
“Taken care of. I’m a professional here.” 
He keeps a steady pace, fucking me hard. One of his hands is gripping my hip so hard I know four of his fingers are going to leave little bruises on my ass cheek. The other hand trails up my stomach and onto my neck. He holds it with a gentle caress at first, then slowly increases pressure. 
“I could tell how much you liked my hand around your neck earlier, my dirty girl. You like when I choke you and fuck you at the same time, huh?” He grips my neck tight, my airway almost completely closes up, leaving the tiniest hole for me to breath through. He adds a second hand, but doesn’t increase the pressure of his hold. 
He lets go of my throat when my eyes roll back into my head and I’m able to take a full, glorious breath. He’s put one of his hands on the fake headboard gripping it as he fucks me and the other is now stationed at my clit rubbing it in deliciously agonizing circles. My back arches and I feel myself nearing my orgasm. He knowingly speeds up his thrusts, now chasing his orgasm as well. With my back arched his cock hits me in the perfect spot to send me over the edge. I moan and whine and say words that make no sense together, but I don’t care. This is the best sex I’ve ever had. I don’t even care that I’m leaving with no money. 
I come hard, my pussy clenching his cock making it difficult for him to thrust with his full force. He collapses on top of me and paints my insides a hot, sticky white. 
When I wake up he’s gone and I can tell by the position the sun is in, that there is about 2 hours until the store opens. Luckily, no one is here yet. Douche bag didn’t even wake me up. I sit up on the tiny bed and realize my clothes are gone and replaced with a new set. On top is a note and a stack of money. I grab the entire pile and head to the fitting room. I dress in the new clothes and pocket the money before jogging back to the women’s restroom. It’s the safest place to hide and the easiest place to walk out of about an hour after the store opens. I read his letter as I position myself back on the toilet seat. 
Dear You, 
I’m not sure what you needed the money for, but for the first time, it felt wrong taking it all for myself. So, here’s your share. 
I took your clothes and replaced them with new ones. Pro tip, it’s smart to leave with different clothes than you came in with. 
And, okay, I might’ve kept your panties. Don’t judge me. 
I hope I see you again, and from the looks of our needs I think we will. I know I said I work alone, but I think we might make a good duo. 
Until the next robbery, 
I can’t help but smile. 
I wait until 9:05 to hop down from the toilet seat. I stretch again and make my way out. Bruises cover my neck and my the knot on my head is a gross dark blue and purple. I touch it and hiss in pain, I may need a doctor and a few thousand pain killers. 
I head to the front of the store and it’s clear that the morning crew picked up our mess from last night. I hear a few workers talk about an apparent break in, but no footage or any traces were found. There’s a few police officers talking to what appears to be the store manager. They nod to me as I walk to the front doors and before I get the chance to exit, a body pushes past me, hitting me in the shoulder. He turns around and gives me a flirty smirk. He’s wearing different clothes and hood covers his stupid curly hair. 
“Whoopsies,” he says and blows a kiss. 
What a dick. 
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp
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hokokon · 1 year
SpinnerXF!Reader "The beginning of romance"
This is what I have previously written and uploaded to ao3.
This story is told from the Reader's point of view.
Spinner and I were appointed to the task of shopping, with the pressing, other members were pressed into service because they were away on other business or simply did not want to go. Kurogiri, who had asked us to help, seemed a little apologetic. He must be having a hard time too.
"How's it going? No one coming through?" "It's going to be okay. Let's get going."
I put on my hat and Spinner puts on the deep hood of his jumper, and we slowly open the door to the back door of the bar we are using as our hideout, being extremely careful not to make a sound so that no one will see us.
I looked around in the night darkness with only dark streetlights before continuing on, the wind was already cold even though we had only stepped outside, and the spinner and I shivered and shoved our hands into our pockets.
"Ha... we're out of luck" "Even if you say that, someone has to do it. It can't be helped." ”But look at this shopping list. You have added a lot more than just what you need for the bar.”
Cigarettes (brand name specified), candy (also brand name specified, and more than one of those), juice (Omitted below), cosmetics, shoe polish, mobile batteries, earphones, game software, cell phone chargers ...... etc.
The email from Kurogiri included a list of those miscellaneous items as well as bar items, food, and household items. I can almost guess who asked for those items.
"Those guys ......" "It is not good for all of us to go out and be found by the police or heroes, so we have no choice." "…Oh, I'm going to have to look around for a few stores for this one ......" "Let's go to the supermarket in front of the station for now." "Yeah, let's go."
With such conversation, we both set out for a supermarket in front of the station that sold both groceries and sundries. That is when the incident occurred.
"y/n, wait a minute." "What?" "It's the ...... cops." "What are you going to do?……Can you use my quirk?" "No, that might give away your location."
As villains, the two of us who have engaged professional heroes and UA High School students may have a split face. I was concerned about this and thought about killing the police officer, but I didn't want to cause trouble for my friends. I was backed into a corner, so I asked Spinner.
"Then what should I do...?" "Watch out! y/n, please be patient!" "what……!?"
At that moment, my feet were in the air. It felt as if my torso had been caught by someone and was being held up strongly in someone's arms.
"What? Wow.......?" "Shh, quiet!"
I heard Spinner whispering from just behind me. It was apparently the spinner who had picked me up, and with me in his arms, he fled into the alleyway, climbed up the outside of the building, using the piping along the wall as a scaffold to stick to using his quirk, and hid in the darkness where the city light did not shine. I was puzzled by the suddenness of the situation, but I followed the spinner's instructions to be quiet and waited for the policeman to pass by.
"Okay, looks like the cops are gone." "I see......."
I remained quiet with the spinner holding me, and the police had apparently left in the other direction. I managed to avoid any serious consequences. As the tension dissipated, I suddenly became aware of the present situation. The spinner's arms holding me were harder and stronger than I had expected, more muscular. I was afraid of my feet floating in the air, so I clung to the spinner's shoulders, which were also firm and muscular, and my face suddenly became hot.
"Okay, let's take it down." "Yeah. ......" "Uh, ...... it's more dangerous coming down than going up, so we're gonna be careful, coming down." "Okay. ....."
Even though he has the quirk to stick the wall, a strong torso must be essential to keep body attached to the wall against gravity. Furthermore, to hold me up and lift me up with him, the spinner is stronger than I imagined.
I am somewhat embarrassed when I am aware that his hard arms are now supporting me, not just because he admired Stain and trained his muscles, or wielded a super knife knife sword and a weapon that is just loud and big, but because you have the power to lift someone up.
While I was thinking about that in my head, Spinner seemed to have climbed down from the outside wall of the building and landed on the ground, and my feet finally reached the ground as well. Was it because he was carrying me that he descended so slowly? I tried my best not to think about it because it would be even more embarrassing to think about ......, so I tried my best to keep my mind clear.
"Well, I'm glad the police didn't find you, right ......?" "Oh, yeah. ......" "I'm sorry about ......". "Oh, why are you apologizing?" "y/n, could it be,...... It was uncomfortable, wasn't it?" "Why would you say that? ...... , that's not true at all. I am very grateful to you for saving me with your quirk."
Spinner seems to be unsure of himself and concerned about his less-than-combative quirk, but that doesn't matter! I wanted to tell him. because this time the spinner saved my life. Thanks to Spinner, I didn't get caught by the police or get into trouble.
I've been thinking about ......, but the Spinner's body holding me up is more muscular than I expected, and I'm in a state of surprise, being strangely conscious of it, and taking an unnatural attitude. I have a lot to say, but my heart is so full right now that it's hard to open my mouth and say it. Spinner acted to save his friends, but I, the one who was saved, was filled with this kind of thing. What an rude person I am.
"Then why is it so unnatural?"
Perhaps I was trying too hard to keep my mind blank as if it were nothing, but the Spinner seemed to have noticed my unnatural behavior.
"It's nothing, I'm just............ surprised, I just had something else on my mind......." "I knew it. I've never done anything like this before, so I don't know how to hold someone. I've never done anything like this before, so I don't know how to hold a person, let alone a woman..." "Wasn't I too heavy? My weight."
"Is my weight heavy?" was the question that came out of my mouth as quickly as I could.it is true that I was concerned about my weight. The Spinner knew how heavy I was because I had been held up and entrusted my entire weight to him, even if unexpectedly, and of course I felt ashamed and apologetic about that. However, it was not the most important thing for me right now. If I had to say, I would say second.
I think I probably made the comment unconsciously to hide the unexpected upset of being suddenly held by Spinner, and the shame of being strangely aware of Spinner's muscular body and strength, which I was unexpectedly made aware of.
"What? Heavy ......?" "Was it heavy after all. Sorry. ....." "Oh, you mean the weight! No, no, no, no, it's not heavy at all! I think it's lighter than a super knife knife sword!" "Why is your comparison a super knife knife sword?" "I couldn't think of anything else! I just thought it was lighter and more slender than I imagined..." "Oh, you were thinking that......?"
I don't know what to do. I can't believe Spinner was aware of the size difference between me and him. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed, but I wasn't the only one. Spinner felt the same way.
"Oh, I don't mean that in a weird way!" "I know......., I was also surprised that the spinner was more muscular and stronger ...... than I expected, but I was also amazed at his physical ability to stick to the wall with me in his arms. Again, thank you...... for saving me." "Oh..., you're welcome......"
Apparently, I was not the only one who was strangely aware of this. I was a little relieved, and before I knew it, I had said this embarrassing thing. But I was able to say thank you, so it's okay. The atmosphere was very strange and somewhat awkward. And we were silent for a while, the two of us in the alleyway at night. The night breeze outside was definitely blowing, but my face was too hot at that moment to feel cold at all. Spinner's face, illuminated slightly by the streetlight, also looked a little reddish, so perhaps he was in the same state as I was.
"Okay, let's switch gears and go shopping! There's so much to buy, it's going to take a while!" "Yeah, right! let's go! Let's go shopping!"
I was the one who broke the silence. I raised my voice just enough to not be too loud and acted as best I could as if nothing had happened.
Spinner must have noticed my intention, because he took me up on it. But when I glanced at the spinner, my gaze swam with his. My gaze swam with it, and I couldn't bear the embarrassment, so I turned my head away.
Even if we only mended the surface, neither Spinner nor I could act as naturally as before anymore. We had already become so aware of each other that we tried not to look directly at each other.
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moonarchvs · 2 years
Grocery shopping
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summary- After finding an empty fridge at night and having no food for dinner, you and Tom decide to go for some grocery shopping.
warnings- allusions to smut, established relationship, FLUFF GALORE, Tom manipulates reader into buying a candy bar
author speaks- So, I was suffering from a writer's block yesterday and I was scrolling through pintrest to like get some inspiration and this pin just gave me an idea and here we are! But fair warning, I watched nwh today and I have a LOT of fic ideas so......be ready guys
Word Count- 1.4k
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With your pinky in your mouth and your eyes roaming over the open fridge, you called for Tom who was busy playing his new PS5 on the living room couch.
When you received no response you looked back to see his tongue poking out from his lips and his eyes focused on the screen as he constantly muttered something incoherent to you into his headset.
You huffed, annoyed and made your way towards him. You tapped his shoulder and he didn't even look at you. You gave him a look of disbelief as he egged on his fellow teammates over the headset, paying you no heed.
"Tom, babe, honey, sweetheart, darling, love?" You kept repeating and tapping his shoulder but to no avail as he raised a finger in the air and mouthed 'one sec' to you.
But you were done with his ignorance, so you grabbed the remote, turned off the TV and snatched his remote control from his hand.
Within a second his eyes were on you with his jaw dropped at the sudden switching off of the TV. His lips formed into a pout and he pulled you into his lap. With a yelp you threw your hands over his shoulders to steady yourself.
"Darling, you know I was playing that." He said in a low whisper.
"Don't darling me right now, I have been calling you for the past 20 minutes." You retorted.
"Okay, now you're exaggerating." He shot back.
"Thomas." You said, in a warning tone, with a glare.
"Sorry." He said immediately, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
You hummed at his submission and said, "You know how we were planning to make mac and cheese tonight?"
He hummed for you to continue as he played with your hair. "Well we ran out of milk. And cheddar. And macaroni. In fact, the whole fridge is empty." You completed with a defeated sigh.
"Really?! What about the pantry?" He suggested, now holding your hand and rubbing circles on your knuckles with his thumb.
"Tom, who are you kidding, we never keep anything in the pantry." You deadpanned.
"Good point." He agreed as you leaned ahead and placed your head on his chest and his other hand cradled your head, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
You two sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments when you heard him suggest, "You want pizza?"
You shook your head "We had to work on our cooking skills, remember?" You reminded him and he sighed in defeat.
"Well then what do we do?" He asked, bending his neck to look at you as you craned your own to meet his gaze when an idea struck you.
"You wanna go grocery shopping?" You offered but Tom immediately shook his head violently making you pull away and look at him.
"I'm in no mood to deal with fans right now, I'm too tired." He whined, pulling you back into your previous position.
"Oh c'mon love, Mr. Shelby knows you live here, he practically helped us move in remember." You said, referring to the owner of the departmental store which was walking distance away. "Besides, it's like 11pm, no one buys groceries at 11pm." You reasoned.
Tom looked at you, reluctance and hesitation clear in his eyes and now it was your turn to pout making Tom groan and peck your lips as he lifted you bridal style, 
"Those lips will be the death of me."
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10 minutes later you two were walking into the empty store and despite your protests or reasoning, Tom still wore an oversized sweatshirt with the hood on to be safe.
You grabbed a cart from the entrance and moved to the aisle where the cereals were placed. 
"We even ran out of cereal?" Tom questioned.
"Well if someone did not insist on eating two bowls every single day we would not be in this position." You retorted, making him turn beat red.
Then you grabbed the biggest Lucky Charms pack you could get your hands on but just as you put in the cart you saw a captain crunch pack already lying there with smirking Tom holding the cart.
"You picked last time, it's my turn now." You said pulling the captain crunch out of it and placing the lucky charms instead.
"Because they are superior. Duh." Tom shot back, snatching the captain crunch and placing it back and taking out the lucky charms.
You and Tom were having a stare down as you constantly picked and kept the cereal packs back and forth, neither of you willing to back down.
Just as you both slammed the packs of choice together in the cart, Mr. Shelby, the owner came into view, "Sir, mam, can you please turn it down, we're getting complaints from the other shops." He said in a monotone voice, making heat rush to both of your cheeks.
You looked at him with narrowed eyes and outstretched your hand, "Two of both?"
"Two of both."
Next you went on to get 3 cartons of milk, cheese slices and other dairy products. Then you were moving onto the vegetable section when you noticed Tom wasn't beside or behind you. You looked around and saw him longingly gazing at something.
With eyebrows knitted in confusion and face scrunched up in irritation you went after him and sighed at his childish behavior when you realised he was watching the candy aisle.
He noticed you beside him and grabbed a hershey's bar and looked at you hopefully, "I want this candy bar."
"It's been so long-"
"No, Thomas." You snatched it from his hand and kept it back.
"You're supposed to be on a diet, remember?" You said trying to pull him but he stayed grounded on the spot.
"You can't spell diet with D I E." He reasoned and you just gave him a blank face but then his eyes lit up and you knew he was up to something.
"Sweetheart," He started, voice low as he circled you slowly making your heart race.
"Remember when we made the chocolate ganache?" He questioned and your eyes widened making him smirk. You distinctly remembered the last time you two prepared ganache in the lockdown for your birthday cake. Sam had sent you the recipe and you and Tom spent hours preparing the perfect one.
You remembered how the night had proceeded, first it was just two amateur cooks trying to make some chocolate ganache but soon it started into a food fight and then Tom had done something which took your breath away. Literally. 
During this food fight, a lot of melted chocolate was spilled on both of you, just as you two calmed down and collapsed on the couch, after cleaning up the kitchen. Tom noticed some on your neck and had a bright idea.
He crawled over to you and straddled your hips and you looked at him with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. Wordlessly, the brunette leaned and sucked it off your neck making you grab the back of his neck.
He pulled away but you found the action so arousing, that you grabbed him by the collar and had pulled him into a heated kiss.
And then one thing led to another and let's just say, you could not walk properly for a few days.
Your eyes looked back at Tom who's chin now rested on your shoulder as he looked at you expectantly.
"F-fine but just 2 bars." You stuttered and Tom's features were taken over by a triumphant smirk.
"Atta girl." He whispered, slightly nibbling on your ear and releasing you immediately after. His antics made you shudder as your heart raced in your chest.
You shook your head and moved onto the vegetable and fruit aisle. You grabbed some potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower and apples, oranges, and pomegranates.
"Babe! Look!"
You looked up to see your boyfriend standing with an acorn in his hand and an excited smile on his lips.
"What's up?" You asked.
"It's a-corn." He said And laughed bashfully right after.
You gave him a blank face and a silent apology to Mr. Shelby who watched the scene play out, cringing at the horrible pun.
Now that you were done with your grocery shopping you got your stuff to be billed.
"And that would be 48 dollars." The cashier announced.
Tom started to pat his pockets. Once he had checked all his pockets, his eyes widened and he looked at you nervously. You caught his nervous look and immediately understood.
"Tom, you brought your wallet right?"
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