#this piece took outrageously long cause I didn’t really plan it lol
lyn-ne · 4 months
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Happy New Year Everyone!!
I wanna mention that this will be my last akikoha artwork for 2023. (Expect an art dump sometime next week!!) And I want to thank everyone who’s helped me along the way this year. Thank you so much for supporting my art and my stupid little ideas
and a special thank you specifically to these wonderful people (sorry if you don’t like being tagged)
@hammerbonk @slightlytoastedbagel @leg-endaryhero @hariixqt
and a final thank you for my online and irl best friends, @rick-ety and @creepybaesment
Thank you all again so much for supporting me this year! You all mean so much to me. Hoping 2024 turns out amazing for everyone<3
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jq37 · 4 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 15
Love Wins!
Welcome to an insanely chaotic episode of Fantasy High--even by the very high standards of this show.  How chaotic you may ask? Well, the first thing that happens is that Bill Seacaster point blank shoots Gilear to death for being in a relationship with Hilariel. Full dead. He is full dead. Strangely, his plan to bring him back as a janky devil does not do much to comfort Fig. Imagine that.
Bill’s pirates are looting the Bottomless Pit (Gorthalax’s domain in Hell) and Vraz orders Fig to make them stop. When she instead orders Vraz to eat her ass, Vraz nullifies all warlock deals Gorthalax made and brings none other than Johnny Spells (and his greaser pals) to join the fight!
Really, this fight is insane and it’s better served by a highlight real than a play by play so I’m just gonna give you some bullets:
All the PCs rolled super low initiative this fight which really kinda screwed them. Like Fabian was down to 16 HP one point and it was like, “Lol, this is the end of round 1.” YIKES.
A big part of this fight was just surviving long enough to get to the second level of hell and rescue Riz’s dad which I think was probably good for morale because the thought of this fight dragging on for more than a couple of rounds exhausts me. 
Fabian rolls off against Johnny right off the bat for the Hangman’s loyalty and Fabian wins with a 25 (and by coming out the gate with the word ENSLAVED which isn’t the word *I* would have used but a 25 is a 25 I guess).
He also has to contend with fighting Allistair who has a massive hole in his head filled with fire from Wicklaw eating his brain. It seems like Chungledown Bim is in hell too based on how Allistair keeps saying he’s gonna get him so he can shit in Fabian’s mouth. Of course, Fabian gets the better of him, but not before he deals out a fair bit of damage. 
Adaine uses an Arcane Hand plus her portent roll to just whole-ass throw Johnny off the ship. Like, he gets back up but it’s so funny to instead of fighting an enemy to just throw him off a set piece (see eg: Bloodkeep ep2).
Kristen Revivifies Gilear and Bill, the mercurial sunuvabitch is like, “We love the same woman! I just want her happy!” and gives him a gun. Kristen immediately is like, “Bro, you need to hide,” and Gorgug protects him while he does so (in a sarcophagus that has a 50/50 shot of being launched as ammo). 
Penelope shows up to the fight, eyes all black, wearing a shredded prom dress, and with shards of silver embedded in her forehead like a crown. Dayne and Daybreak also join the fight as messed up Harvestmen! It’s a veritable Smash Bros lineup of people the Bad Kids have killed!
Adaine and Fabian are christened the “Posh Squad” which is important to me, not to the fight. 
Adaine gets to counterspell a counterspell from Penelope, one of the sexiest things you can do in D&D.
Fabian declares toxic masculinity dead. Shortly afterward, he makes Brennan eat a die when Daybreak tries to Frighten Fabian, a condition he is immune to due to his eyepatch I gather based on the table reaction. 
Daybreak’s punishment in hell is a complete lack of self-awareness of why he’s there. He still thinks he should be sipping Mai-Tai’s in corn heaven with Helio while Kristen and Ragh are attacking him with gay spit (their words, not mine). Gay spit and, also, a ton of radiant and thunder damage.
Ragh gets some emotional catharsis by getting to body Dayne before Gorgug decapitates him. Very important step in the stages of grief. Decapitating the source of said grief. 
Penelope gets Sparta-kicked off the edge of the boat by Fabian after Ayda dispels her protective globe and Riz shoots Daybreak again for old times sake. Unfortunately, Penelope Misty Steps back up and Daybreak is hurt but not killed. Ayda does a cool Dr. Strange teleportation thing and does a bunch of damage to both of them. Fabian finishes off Penelope with a sheet/sword combo and between Booming Blade and a Psionic Blast (does she have this ability as a Bard or as a Warlock? Relatedly, when she felt something leave her was that her Warlock deal being nullified or was she feeling the deals leave her since she is sort of the temporary Gorthalax?) Fig destroys Daybreak. Johnny just falls off the ship with no PC intervention because he sucks. 
Bill also falls off the ship but Fig (with an assist from Gorgug) saves him and steals a scroll from Vraz on the way back up. By the by, earlier in the fight, she also had Baby Invisbly steal a random item from her. 
Anyway, as they reach the end of the end of the fight, Bill loads Riz into a canon (!) and shoots him into the city, hopefully towards his dad (to the distress of his party). He crashes through the window in a familiar looking building and, when he finds a hallway that he’s pretty sure leads to his dad, he goes towards it. 
He sees a familiar light coming out of a doorway (the interrogation room light) and a doorway next to it that is slightly open with steel thrones in it. There’s a two-way mirror between the two rooms and if he goes into the open one, he can see who is in with his dad. After checking for illusions and finding none, he stealthily walks in and sees, in the other room, his dad with a hulking pit fiend (30 ft tall, winged, almost dragon-y devil).
The pit fiend is questioning Pok about any regrets he had in life and Pok answers very uncharacteristically from the man we saw in the video saying he had nothing but high hopes for baby Riz. He says he had no regrets, his job was just a job, and that he only had a kid because Sklonda wanted one before going into a snarling goblin rage. The pit fiend smiles at that and says that Pok has promise so they won’t create a lemure out of him (a lemure is a weak, blobby devil). Two devils in the room with them whip him unconscious and then leave the room to go send more people to deal with Bill.
Riz Misty Steps into the room and does a self-imposed Wisdom check to steady himself after what he just heard--Nat 20 baby. Then, he opens his Briefcase of Holding, ready to scoop his dad into it when, the two lesser devils open the door and catch him in the act. But Riz persists in the scooping. They try to grapple him and he rolls a Nat 1 to avoid it. He *still* tries to get him dad. But then he notices, his gun is missing.
BLAM. The devils heads are blown clean off. He turns and he sees his dad has taken the gun--his gun originally--and shot the devils. Pok, who is amazed that Riz is there and no longer feigning apathy for the situation asks for an extraction into an earpiece, causing a halo to appear over his head and a beam of holy light to come down like a tractor beam.
“Wait,” says Riz. “You’re an undercover angel?”
“You got it, kid.”
Murph goes feral. The table goes feral. I go feral. What a way to end an episode!  
And now for an all-Dad round of superlatives:
Bill Seacaster for KILLING GILEAR 
I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain myself here. 
Honor Roll
Pok Gukgak for Officially Joining the Fantasy Fathers of the Year Club
Here either. 
I will, however, add a Hell Yeah!
Random Thoughts
If you haven’t seen it yet, the trailer for S5 of Dimension 20 just dropped and I won’t spoil it but, from the looks of it, it is gonna be a doozy.  
“Do not metagame with my freaking Dad!” Oh to have the support of an NPC Emily Axford has decided to imprint upon.
Gorgug: It’s been one year. We’re sophomores. 
“We support you as a DM and as your friend but also you’re our enemy.”
I think it’s very interesting that with just a little space and time from his dad, Fabian is finally having the proper reactions to his dad doing what I will charitably call shenanigans.
The level of distress and outrage from Emily when Gilear got shot was just *chef’s kiss*. I aspire to create an NPC that provokes that level of reaction from one of my players. Similar energy in a different direction from Ally when Daybreak attacked Tracker.    
“Adaine, the jocks are being feisty! Get out of there!”
Vraz calls Fig “the Faithless” as her devil title and she insists on instead being called, “the InFaethable”. I wanna know how long Emily’s been sitting on that one or whether she came up with it on the spot. 
Fabian upon seeing Johnny: Fuck off dude. I have too much going on right now. 
Brennan being the eternal DM mood: How do I get out of this?
Very wild how little time has passed since Leviathan. Like, Fabian’s had this whole arc and grown so much but, like, OF COURSE Allistair still wants to murder him! It’s been like two days. 
“I want to crumple up Gilear like a wrapper.”
A seven is a Murph 10.
The very specific way Brennan does foley for sword fighting (“Clang! Cling! Clang!”) is so funny to me. 
Cannot overstate how much of a power move it was for Kristen to go, “I’ve been PRAYING FOR YOU,” at Daybreak and knock him on his ass. 
I feel like I bring this up all the time but I love when Brennan is counting dice for a ton of damage and all the PCs are BSing reasons that it’s not a big deal like, “He’s just getting D4s,” or “Well I should get advantage for the reason just made up,” with everyone else fully playing along. ”
Allistair Ash, man. He is fascinating to me. I am so curious about what Brennan had planned for him originally because I feel like we barely scratched the surface before things took a TURN. He had two little moments in this ep that made my heart break for him a little: (1) When he says to Fabian, “If I die, I just come back a little bit worse but, if you die, you’re stuck down here with me.” and (2) when Fabian kills him and Bill grabs his soul and is like, “You know it’s gonna cost you X gold to revive you,” and he sighs and says, “Put it on my tab I suppose.” Like, I know he spent all ep trying to kill Fabian but I can’t help but be like, poor guy. He just has this pathos in his haplessness. I’m surprised Fabian didn’t make more of an effort to connect with him instead of being like, kind of like, “I will throw hands if I must.” Talking is a free action my dude. Anyway, I would love to see Brennan’s DM notes for this guy.   
Lou was really doing some expert D&D with all the second winding and bonus actioning and burning spell slots for extra damage he was doing. He was like, “My initiative is trash so I have to do approximately a million damage per turn.”
Lol at Ayda asking if it’s weird to talk about sex stuff in front of friends in a group that involves both Kristen and Adaine. 
Fig wishing she could do something cool in front of Ayda as if Ayda didn’t try to flood Hell on her behalf last week. My girl. You’ve already locked that down.
Not really an issue that’s we’ll run across during the run of FH but tieflings live 20-40 years longer than humans according to the official D&D lore. So lets say Fig lives to be 120 years old. And let’s say she sticks with her high school girlfriend and marries her. It’s possible they die at around the same time and then Ayda has to Deal With That in her next life but that’s not what I’m interested in. What happens if you’re a full elderly woman and your partner phoenixes into a child? What are the ethics of that? How do you deal with that? Chronomancy?
The horrified, “Love wins!” from Daybreak.
 Is there a reason the viewing room Riz was in had thrones in it or is Hell just very about the ~aesthetic~
Every time a DM asks for a HP total, my entire being clenches in prep for a Power Word Kill. 
“I’m gonna need a Dexter--”/”Counterspell.”
“You guys murdered me too but we hashed it out.”
I totally forgot that the Bad Kids lied that Ragh had shat his pants until the moment Adaine was saying it this episode. Freshman Year was WILD.
Also, just wanna take a second to talk about the elevation of Ragh from this side-note bully to a fully fledged, likeable character with depth and and an arc and gay spit. D&D is crazy. 
Summoning Boggy via Bloody Mary is such a delightful image. 
So, Kalina is the one that led Riz down the path that led to him finding out Pok is an Undercover Angel (!!!), which means one of three things: (1) She knew but miscalculated hard, (2) she didn’t know and made a different but also big miscalculation, (3) she did know and she’s doing some kind of 4-D chess thing we don’t know about yet. 
Ayda hitting Fabian with a portent and then swooping in and saving Adaine. So clutch. What a good NPC to befriend.
Speaking of, I think we all kinda figured, but Brennan officially said on Twitter or the Discord (I don’t remember which) that Ayda is autistic. Like, I was pretty sure but I didn’t wanna assume.
Lol at the absolute lack of respect Kalvaxus got in this episode. 
Pok as an Undercover Angel is SO GOOD. Like, I didn’t think he was really bad for a second but I never could have guessed he was an UNDERCOVER ANGEL. That’s such a dope combination of words. Undercover Angel (which my computer keeps trying to correct to undercover agent which isn’t wrong to be fair). Man. I love this. I love this for me and I love this for Riz. Riz deserves this. After so much crap in his life and so many mind games from Kalina and all this turmoil, he deserves to know that not only is his dad a good person who loved/loves him, he’s SO good that he’s an ANGEL and he was such a good spy in life he still is a secret agent in death. God, what a reveal. I can’t believe Riz got Spy Kids-ed TWICE by the same parent. Can’t wait to hear what exactly is going on with him.
Wait, what’s goblin heaven like? Which god is sanctioning this? Who is he working for exactly?
This episode, Kristen and Gorgug rolled 1 Nat 20 each, while Riz, Fabian, and Brennan each got 2. On the flipside, Adaine got 2 Nat 1’s, Fig and Fabian each rolled 1 that was cancelled, and Riz rolled 1 (in addition, Murph rolled two more which were lair actions and one of which was cancelled by a luck point so they don’t really count but it was very funny so I wanted to note it).
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rankdisasster · 4 years
Five and Nine dearie! ;)
since you asked about all my stories, I have around 13-ish so this is basically a giant commentary for everything:)🤘🏼😃
hidden in plain sight
what part was hardest to write?
The fucking letters, jesus christ. I thought, ‘hey, wouldnt it be fun to have Billy’s point of view with him reading what she admires about him and make it super lovey dovey and sweet?’ and I almost gave up so many times cause fuck it was hard. Took over a week with switching the wording around and finding what flowed best. Also finding what didn’t sound creepy.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Nah, I mean I could’ve had their places switch, where he’s the one that writes to her... but I loved writing him feel all blushy and giddy over someone thinking of him like that.
look what you’ve done
what part was hardest to write?
After the fight and the ignoring and all that pent up anger being released, there was an awkward moment with all this tension between the two in her room - that was challenging for sure. Cause he was being a piece of shit and he himself knew it, she knew it, everybody knew it. But what took some thinking was to be able to show the guy he was before the fight and his insecurities getting the best of him.
were there alternate versions of this fic?
I dabbled with a lot of reasons why they’d fight, but Billy as a person is just sensitive and insecure and him seeing something like that, no matter how innocent or short the exchange could’ve been in reality with her and some nameless stranger could still set him off and trigger the monster he’s got hidden inside. I can’t remember other scenarios I had thought of but that one stuck to me.
what part was hardest to write?
The relationship felt natural, like I could hear all the conversations they’ve had and seen everything they’d done together, I really really liked that dynamic but one stupid small part that killed me was writing the douchey boyfriend lol. Ultimately it’s such an insignificant part, so I scrapped any further drama with him and his deal because the story wasn’t supposed to be about him; it was supposed to be about her and Billy, their past, how it affected them both when they saw each other again after so long.
were there alternate versions of this fic?
None actually! I had it in my mind right off the bat that I wanted him to be nervous and caught off guard for once. like I said in the commentary for this, I know his personality, I know he’s quite used to thinking/believing he’s the most powerful in the room but I wanted that to change for this instance, and I strayed away from having him be untouchable or macho in any way.
what part was hardest to write?
THE KIDS. I’ve never ever written them before, and I even debated watching a few episodes before tackling it.... but I didn’t and I think I pulled it off alright. I loved their humor. I knew Dustin was always being a paranoid goofball, Lucas as the same without all the anxiety or nerdy interests, Mike as impatient and pessimistic, and Will as being very quiet. So yeah, I overcame that doubt and just did what I thought felt right.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
I thought a lot about what movie they’d watch - like a rom com would’ve been pretty funny too, but I had to have him tease and scare the kids so I made their movie of the night thing be Nightmare on Elm Street😂
punch-drunk love
what was the hardest part to write?
A lot of this flowed easy and generally wasn’t stressful at all. Describing him as a fun drunk was a blast. Thinking of what he would he say if he had no filter and felt on top of the world. I can’t think of anything that I was held back by this time, it all came out in just a couple hours when I should’ve been sleeping lol.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
When I was brainstorming by myself I thought it would just be more smutty and desperate or even a little more sad. I had it planned that she’d reject him initially, but then I got an ask that changed the game and I’m really proud of how it turned out.
what part was hardest to write?
I hardly went over it or stressed much other than tweaking a few details, but plot was pretty self explanatory - I think the most difficult part to write was all the possible ways there could’ve been scenarios where he could’ve mislead her
were there any alternate versions of this fic?
I almost wanted to write them in class but thought him on lifeguard duty would’ve been more engaging and had a lot more to go off of
old habits die hard
what part was hardest to write?
Literally everything. every. single. PART about writing people have sex is challenging, omg. Foreplay....down to kissing.....then down to actually fucking, I got red the whole time. Especially after posting it I’d almost pissed myself ‘cause it’s so nerve wracking putting smut out there holy christ.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
I wanted to get into their marriage and relationship but.... tbh I thought everyone would just skip it and get to the good stuff. So yeah there was probably an almost started version on my phone where I had backstory on how he proposed and all but thought no one would care too much lol.
obstacle 1
what part was hardest to write?
Hurt/comfort is a little challenging when you wanna do it differently. I wanted to sway away from her being this perfect female caregiver that knows exactly what to say and what to do cause that’s just so hard to picture when it comes to real life and all, not that I’m mixing fiction and life it’s just sometimes hard to believe that every girl is perfect at taking care of a guy breaking down.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Nothing too different, I reasoned in my head how he’d get into trouble cause there are infinite ways Billy could’ve fucked up but.... stealing chocolate is pretty funny and juvenile, and he knew it too, but he’d absolutely still get his ass whooped anyway.
playing hooky
what part was hardest to write?
I found it hard to know what they’d do after she got blasted, cause.....what would two teenagers do in a small town skipping school? Also easily taking personal experience for her snapping and getting tired of her careful image cause everybody had these impossibly high expectations for her, but what they’d get up to doing that was ‘illegal’ that they could get arrested for took some time to think about.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
At first I pictured them maybe like breaking in somewhere they weren’t supposed to, hence the ‘we could get arrested’ line, but skinny dipping was my favorite pitch.
thick as thieves
what part was hardest to write?
The ending gave me a tough time, I had to think whether or not if I’d forgive someone for doing that shit to me. It’s happened before, to everybody and myself, the pains of drifting apart and the jealousy that comes with seeing them blossom and become social butterflies, the joys of being in high school... Oh and I’m still working on another part:)
were there alternate versions of this fic?
I dabbled with lots of ideas but I knew I wanted two friends growing apart, a push/pull between their relationship...I don’t remember what else I had planned that I ditched.
the craft (1996)
what part was hardest to write?
Maybe the love spell part. I wanted to write it as severe and dramatic as possible, and really show how desperate and gone he was.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Hmm, I based this off the film and it does show a lot more about the girl group besides the love spell bit, but I wanted it to focus on that cause it was more interesting fucking with Billy. I liked how dark both the movie and the fic was
in utero
what part was hardest to write?
My obstacle with this one was creating this female Billy in my head, which to me was basically a flawed, outrageous, outgoing/promiscuous high school girl who makes a mistake. Writing him pining was definitely enjoyable, and him practicing his lines on how he’d say how he felt and stuff. The wording was switched around a ton, but I’m fairly happy with it. It’s not perfect, he stutters and trails off because he’s nervous, but in it’s own way I think it’s a perfect display of an insecure guy summoning up any courage he has and trying to shoo away any doubt.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Oh man, tons of ideas came to my head with this one. I wondered if maybe she could’ve never gotten ‘rid’ of ‘it’ and then they run off in the sunset, raise ‘it’ together.... Billy maturing and finding a home with their own family. BUT the reason I chose the path she took was because she’s just a kid, fresh from high school, had no idea what she was gonna do with no money other than visit her best friend. I think she knew she didn’t want it and couldn’t stand the guy who put her in this position, so she ran.
— so there it all is, kudos to you if you actually read this far down and to anyone who has reblogged or commented on any of these.... THANKYOU🖤🥰✨
And especially thanks to Haiden cause you’re the best
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horde-princess · 5 years
Prompt: post catra redemption arc; adora is called on a diplomatic mission, leaving bow and glimmer to try and figure out how to bond with vatra.- princessofgayskull
lol okay idk if this is good but i had a lot of fun writing it 😂 thank u very much for the prompt!! 💖💖💖 (also it turns out that i physically can’t not write about catradora)
“You’re suuure you don’t want us to come with you?” Glimmer asked, not even trying to mask the desperation in her voice. 
Adora smiled apologetically as she slid her sword into its sheath and pulled a backpack over one shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Glimmer… I just think it’s best if I do this on my own. But you guys can keep planning the mission while I’m gone, and it’s only for a couple of days! Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
Glimmer grimaced. It wasn’t Adora she was worried about. 
Both of them glanced toward the window seat where Adora’s friend-turned-nemesis-turned-questionable-ally was sprawled, flipping through a pile of Glimmer’s old children’s books with a frustrated scowl. 
To Glimmer, the girl resembled a feral stray cat. But Adora’s expression softened as she watched her and a smile played at her lips and Glimmer just really did not understand it. 
“Okay, okay… be safe,” she sighed, defeated, wrapping her arms around Adora’s waist in a goodbye hug. 
She could actually feel Catra’s glare burning into her back as she did so. Bow went in for a hug as well, and as he pulled away, Adora once again turned her attention to Catra with obvious longing.
Ugh, what is it with these two? Glimmer griped to herself. 
“Well, I guess I’m leaving, now, so…” Adora said awkwardly, squinting at Catra like she was waiting for something. “Bye, guys! I’ll be back before you know it.”
Finally, Catra chimed in, not even bothering to look up from her book.
“Where have I heard that before?…”
The temperature in the room dropped about twenty degrees. Adora shrunk in on herself for a second, but she recovered quickly and gathered Glimmer and Bow close to her. 
“Take care of her, okay?” Adora whispered to them.
Glimmer bristled at the request–no, it was definitely not okay… The last thing she wanted to do was spend the next two days sucking up to a petty, selfish, miserable, piece of–
Bow put his arm around Glimmer’s shoulders and spoke up.
“We will,” he promised.
Adora smiled a little. She shot one last glance at Catra and headed out the door, shutting it closed with a quiet click. Then the three of them were alone. 
Glimmer and Bow stared at Catra anxiously. After a minute, she sneered and leapt off the bed, coming to stand in front of them with her arms crossed. 
“What, are you guys gonna babysit me now? You don’t trust me at all, do you?”
Glimmer shared a look with Bow.
“Even after I got you the Black Garnet! What more do you want?”
Yeah, like that made up for all the damage she caused with it! Glimmer didn’t even want to let her stay at the castle, but she seemed to have a hard time saying no to Adora and her dumb puppy dog eyes. Ugh. Why she wanted to give Catra a second chance after she ground her heart in the dust, Glimmer had no idea, but it didn’t mean that she had to pretend to like her.
“It’s… not that we don’t trust you, exactly,” Bow ventured. 
Glimmer interrupted with a burst of irritation.
“We just don’t trust you not to hurt Adora!”
She intended to make Catra feel guilty, or upset, or something, but instead a look of genuine confusion crossed her face.
“Why would I do that? I love her.”
She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Glimmer’s jaw hit the floor and the intensity of her outrage started causing her magic to glitch.
“You what?!”
Catra leaned forward, claws flashing menacingly, daring Glimmer to challenge her on it. Bow, apparently unsurprised by the confession, jumped in to calm the situation.
“Oookay, guys! Hey. I know this is gonna be a long two days… but think how happy Adora would be if she came back and saw us all bonding! Don’t you want Adora to be ~happy?~”
He held his hands out in a plea and Glimmer glared daggers at him. There really was such a thing as being too good. 
“I guess you have a point,” she said through gritted teeth. “Fine. What do you propose we do, then?”
Bow grinned triumphantly.
“I think we should let Catra decide!”
Glimmer narrowed her eyes at Catra, who regarded them with equal disgust.
“Oh, come on…”
“Seriously! Anything you wanna do, let’s do it. …Within reason,” he added. 
Catra considered this for a moment. Slowly, a mischievous smile crept across her face.
- - - One day later - - -
“This is not within reason!!” Bow cried, out of breath. “This is definitely without reason!”
Glimmer’s heart raced as a laser beam hit the ground at her feet and she sprinted faster, a group of Horde soldiers closing in on them while explosions erupted in the distance.
“Just keep running!” Catra commanded.
They made it back to the mooncraft and quickly hopped in. Glimmer took the driver’s seat and pushed a wave of magic through her hand into the ignition pad. The craft powered up immediately. She slammed the accelerator, lifted them off the ground, and jetted away from the chaos while navigating a barrage of laser blasts. Within a couple of seconds, the ugly noises of the Fright Zone faded away and they were soaring up in the clouds. Wind rushed through Glimmer’s hair as the thrill of the mission finally caught up with her.
“Woohooooo! We actually did it, we bombed the Horde! That was awesome!”
“Nice getaway, Sparkles,” Catra yelled over the rush of air, looking crazed and windswept and kind of joyous. She leaned over a ledge and gazed down at the armory burning below them. 
Bow collapsed in a heap on a chair, hand pressed to his chest. 
“Remind me to never go along with anything you guys say ever again.”
Catra grinned playfully at Glimmer, and it stirred something hopeful in her. Maybe she could give Catra a chance… you know. For Adora’s sake.
The next day, Adora returned and they told her everything.
“What?! You guys could’ve gotten hurt!” she reprimanded, hand on the hilt of her sword as she stood over them. “I said we should hold off on the mission until I came home–”
“We’re not helpless,” Catra shot back. “And you’re not the boss of us!”
For once, Glimmer felt compelled to come to her defense.
“Adora, relax. We’re all fine, the Horde’s down a hundred war bots, and Catra and I finally found something to bond over! Isn’t this what you wanted?” 
Catra glanced over at Glimmer in surprise, while Adora’s expression turned comically incredulous. She groaned, giving up on the argument, and stomped out of the room mumbling something about idiots and worst crushes ever and should’ve never introduced them.
Bow huffed, fretful. “Well? Are you proud of yourselves?”
Catra gave Glimmer an unabashed smirk with a look that said yes, extremely.
She couldn’t help but smile back. 
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humanityinahandbag · 6 years
hotel transylvania 3: texting
 or: Ericka is thrilled to be added to the families official group chat. Unfortunately, Dracula hasn’t gotten this whole texting thing down
(Adventures in Family Texting between a small family of vampires and humans) 
Very short without much of an ending. This is nothing more than my tired excuse at writing practice and giving myself a good chuckle. Enjoy.
When Ericka’s phone dings sometime while she’s chatting to the Hydra about their lovely scales (”thank you so much, Captain, we do our very best”) she checks her phone, nearly bursts into unwanted tears, and excuses herself to lean on one of the lobby’s couches. 
Mavis: Hey, Ericka! Adding you to our family group chat! Let me know if you get this!
She’d never been a part of anything. The mundanity of a family group chat was so... boring in concept but left her warm and teary-eyed, and she swiped at her eyes. 
She was about to respond with some sort of long-winded, heartfelt thank you until three dots on the bottom appeared. 
Mavis: We’re adding Ericka to the group chat, dad
Johnny: Sweeeeet 🙌🏼
Mavis: This is a GROUP CHAT dad. She’s on, now.
Mavis: Dad, she knows
Mavis: She knows how to use group chat, dad
Ericka: I know, honey. 
Ericka: I know, honey, thank you.
Johnny: dude, you can talk to the people there, you know?
Ericka: I’m here, hon. You can talk to me. 
Mavis: We all know, dad. 
She must have looked all colors of. crazy from the way she was chuckling down at her phone. She looked up. A few monsters gave her a look or two but went back to their newspapers. Ericka shrugged off the feeling of the awkward spotlight and looked back down at her screen. 
Her boyfriend (was that what he was? the term was almost strange and young, like she was still in middle school, mooning over some blonde haired scrawny boy, but it still managed to send little sparks down her spine) was savvy in the ways of most things having to do with hotel management. 
Tech intelligent, he was not. 
She typed back “Thanks for adding me” and waited. 
Three dots appeared at the bottom of the screen. 
Ericka: I know, honey. 
Mavis: she knows, dad 😑And you don’t need to keep using caps lock. 
A minute passed. She watched the dots appear, disappear, and then appear again. 
Mavis: Group chat, dad! Group! Chat!
Johnny: lol
Ericka: Still group chat, honey.
Mavis: DAD.
Ericka pockets her phone, doing her best to swallow back the outrageous cocktail of embarrassment and hysteria. She made a note to try and teach the King of Darkness how to navigate his phone later. 
Maybe after that night. When she tried on the new lingerie. 
Mavis had grown accustomed, day by day (and sometimes hour by hour) with the presence of her fathers new significant other. And had made an effort to at least try and include the woman. 
And when she had, when the gates were opened, and when the invitations were extended, she found that Ericka... was actually pretty cool. 
She was actually really cool. 
The woman had been to nearly every continent, save Australia, and had navigated the seas for twenty-seven long years. “I started when I was fifteen,” she told the young Vampiress, who was going through the hotel menus for the week while Ericka sat beside her, stapling invoices to accounts. “My grandfather had me training before then, but we didn’t have the boat until I turned fourteen. So-”
“And you learned on your own?”
Ericka shrugged, slapping down the lid of the stapler with a thud. “I did a lot of things alone. The only thing he really helped me with was...” she squirmed, choosing her words carefully, “monster stuff. You know...”
“Oh,” said Mavis. The topic was rarely breached, though Ericka suspected it wouldn’t be long until the vampiress started asking questions. 
“But other than that...”
Mavis shook her head, shaking the memory of krakens and wooden stakes off her mind. “So what? You only learned on a cruise ship?”
“Oh, no. I learned on all sorts. Sailing, small schooners, rowboats, catamaran, fishing. I still own the cruise ship. Haven’t had the heart to sell it, yet, since cruise season is coming. Your dad and I are figuring out if I should go for a few months or not. I still have a small motorboat docked out somewhere near New York. I’m thinking of having it shipped here.” She grinned. “If I do, I’ll have to take you and Johnny out on some of the lakes. Sunrise on the water is to die for.”
Mavis, midway down the menu page, popped her head up. “For reals?”
“Sure!” Ericka flicked her hand. “Cruises are one thing. But small boat rides out? When it’s quiet and the sun is just coming up? Nothing more romantic.”
“Oh my god, that sounds perf-”
Their phones both buzzed. 
They looked down. 
Mavis slumped. “Didn’t you guys get a bed?”
“Yeah. But he likes the coffin when he’s freaking out, and you know the quarterly review is due tomorrow and...” she tapered off, already texting. 
Ericka: Honey, this is a group chat. What’s wrong?
Dracula: IM STUCK
Ericka: Yeah. Honey. I got that. But how
Dracula: SOS
Ericka sighed. “Put a pin in this,” she apologized. Mavis flashed a thumbs up. “I’m going to go save your father from himself.”
“Good luck,” Mavis called after her, going back to the menus. 
A few minutes later her phone buzzed again. There was a private text, from Ericka. 
Ericka: Your father accidentally slammed his coffin too hard. It got stuck. I’m trying to get him out. Can you call maintenence? 
Mavis: Sure.
Mavis put her phone down. And then she picked it back up, grinning.
Mavis: Can you send a video, first? 
Ericka: ...
Ericka: [Ericka has sent a video]
Mavis accepted the link. 
Mavis: ... no?
Dracula: I KNOW YOU DO
Mavis: Teach you what
Mavis: You don’t video in text, dad. You open the camera. 
Dracula: ...
It took quite a bit to get Vampire’s drunk. Their hearts didn’t technically beat, and their blood didn’t really run, and so most of the chemicals that needed to get to their brains could only get there after said Vampire were absolutely and totally pickled. 
Wayne, Murray, Frank, and Griffin succeeded. 
The wedding of the Chupacabra had ended after 5 am, and though most of the guests had long gone back to their rooms, the boys had dragged Dracula along, claiming that a long overdue boys night. 
“Go,” Ericka had told him, waving him away with a yawn. “I’m gonna get to bed anyway. My feet are killing me.” He’d swept her into every dance there; the notion of watching slow dances from the side of the dance floor had been left behind, and he hadn’t stopped smiling since they’d finished swaying to the last Al Green song. 
He kissed her cheek. And then, looking behind him to make sure his Pack wasn’t watching, he leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. 
The pack apparently was watching and chose then to let out a chorus of hoots. 
“I’ll meet you upstairs?”
“Remember to shut off the lights.”
And they’d taken him away, with little calls of “thank you, Captain!” and “we’ll have him back in one piece!” 
That had been three hours ago. Before they’d begun plying one another with beers. And then shots. And finally, when the sun was beginning to burn dew off the leaves, mixers. 
The zombie bartender handed Dracula another cosmo, while Griffin sucked the vodka out of the chunks of pineapple on his skewer. 
“God...” Murray slurred, sucking back a Sex on the Beach. “Le’me tell you somethin’. Y’all are soooooo lucky. With wiiiiives and relaaaaaationships-”
Wayne slumped down, grinning from ear to ear. He motioned for the bartender to refill his vodka tonic. “SOOOooo lucky,” he said. “SO SO lucky. I got kids. I got... got Wanda. God, she-she’s per -hic- perfect.”
“Mmmmm...” agreed Griffin, trying to stab his pineapple with the fancy umbrella. “Totally. Tot-a-lly. TOTES.”
Frank, half asleep on the countertop motioned weakly with his hand. 
Dracula poked at his cosmo sadly. He wasn’t drunk, was he? He could see straight (even if most of what he saw was doubles) and he still seemed to be able to use magic? He flickered his fingers experimentally. A shot of blue knocked over a chair somewhere behind him. 
Okay. So maybe not.
God? When was the last time he’d had this much to drink? He’d been stressed lately, with wedding planning and the hotels new wave of maintenance ever since the heavy Transylvanian summer showers had begun. His head gave a lovely thump thump and he rubbed his temple. It was stress that was causing the headache, he told himself. And not the six vodka tonics and seven cosmos he’d knocked back in the last two hours. 
Yeah. That made sense. Stress. Just stress. 
“‘M super luckyyy tooo” drawled Frank, head still on the counter. “Got... got a wife... She’s sooooo pretty.” He held his ears. “But loud.”
Griffin burped. 
Dracula poked his drink again, suddenly feeling lonely in all the talk of wives and partners. “Ohhhhh” he groaned, plucking at the cherry at the end of his tiny umbrella. “I wishhhhh I was luckkkkky too. Haven’ -urp- haven’ had someone since... since Martha an-”
“Drac!” Griffin tried to put his hand on the counts shoulder but ended up slapping it instead. “Drac you DO. Remeeeember? You have Eri-Ericka.”
Dracula sat taller. “Oh yeah!” he exclaimed. He swayed in his seat. “Ericka!” 
Frank popped up. “Ericka’s great!” he shouted before his head fell back down with a THUMP that made all the drinks jump in their glasses. 
Dracula nodded, ignoring the feeling of sea sickness in his gut. Was the hotel floating? He didn’t remember installing a lake? “She’s- she’s so so so so sooooooo great! She’s so pretty and nice and pretty and pretty-”
“So nice!” agreed Wayne. 
Murray nodded. “And she could kill you!”
“Which’s suuuuuuper hot,” said Griffin. 
“Totally hot,” mumbled Frank into the counter. 
“I shou-should text her!”
“You totally should.” Wayne pumped his fist. “Do it! Do it!”
“I’m gonna!” That was a good idea! Texting meant you weren’t drunk, right? Or stressed? Or absolutely out of your mind? 
Dracula took out his phone. “What should I say?”
“Use those faces!” Griffin said, glasses slipping off. “Girls looove those faces.”
“And compliment her,” suggested Murray. “Say she’s beautiful.”
“And could kill you,” mumbled Frank. 
“YES.” Dracula liked this idea. Dracula liked this idea a lot. 
Ericka: ...
Ericka: ...
Ericka: honey... why are you texting me.
Mavis: what’s happening?
Ericka: This is a group chat, sweetheart.
Mavis: Dad I was sleeping
Ericka: We all were. it’s 7 in the morning. 
Ericka: Why do you keep saying smiley face and heart?
Mavis: You don’t spell them you use the picture Just put a heart or a smiley face. 
Mavis: oh my god.
Ericka: ...
Ericka: text me again and i’ll actually kill you
Dracula: ... 
Mavis: Ericka, please kill him 
Mavis: I’ll give you the stakes myself
Ericka: 👍🏼I’m pretty sure I still have extras in my duffel but thank you, sweetheart
Mavis: No prob goodnight
Ericka: I’m locking you outside in the sun if you don’t stop 
Dracula held his phone close to his chest. “I just love her so much,” he choked. 
“Super hot,” said Griffin. 
Frank groaned into the counter. 
Dracula woke up with an earth-shattering headache. “Oh...” he mumbled. “Oh shit.” From next to him, Ericka looked up from her book. It was some adventure story with an explosion on the cover. 
“Yeah,” she said. “That sounds about right.”
“What did I do last night?” he rolled over, facing her, wincing in the light of her bedside lamp. His voice sounded too loud against the stone walls. “Did I die?” 
“No. But I almost killed you.”
“Oh,” he said. 
“And you drank a lot,” she said, going back to her book. “I’m pretty sure it was a bunch of cosmos. That’s what you told me when you came back.”
“I walked back?” He squinted, trying to remember. Or maybe trying to block out the light. When did the room get so bright?
“Mmmhm. Jumped into bed and woke me up to tell me that I was hot.” She turned the page. “And then you stole all the covers. You’re lucky I don’t keep stakes next to me.” 
He ignored the last part and rubbed his face. “I think I’m dead. I think I died, and now I’m dead.”
“Technically, you’re undead.”
“You know what I mean.” He pushed his hands against his eyes. “It’s been a long few weeks. Stress is doing me in.”
“This isn't stressed,” Ericka said into her book. “You’re hungover..”
He groaned, hiding his eyes in his pillow. “Vampires,” he remarked painfully, “don’t get drunk.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not true. Because you were drunk.”
“Stressed,” he argued. 
“Stressed people don’t drunk text their entire families at 8 in the morning.”
He peeked out with one eye. “What?”
“Yup.” Ericka said, popping the P. “You spelled out emoticons. and then told everyone I looked good naked.”
Dracula stared at her like she’d told him the earth was moments away from destruction.  “I didn’t.”
“You did,” she said, turning the page again. “But please. Blame it on stress.”
He hid his face in the pillow and groaned. 
I’m sure that there are many more adventures in Vampire/Human Family Texting. 
But right now, these are the ones I could think of. 
Please, enjoy. 
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