#tiziana de felici
rpgchoices · 4 years
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another videogame meme → Five best outfits (for any character)  
Vivienne (DA:I) has probably my favorite dresses among all games. One of the things I really love doing in DAI is giving Vivianne new clothes and see how they change to her taste. Cassandra’s original inquisitor armor and in general the eye symbol of the Inquisition is also among my favorite armors (thank you, THANK YOU, for letting armors not have boobs, Dragon Age).
My angsty past child me really enjoyed Jack of Blades’ armor as well, black and spiky armor? Perfect. And a more elegant armor for Tiziana de Felice (Masquerada), bulky amors for women is also a favorite of mine. Furthermore, Masquerada in general has so many beautiful clothes.
As you can see my preferences lies in armors and vaguely threatening mage robes, and the best mix I have is Flemeth. 
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Soooo....ermmm...now...Argh. It’s an old enough pictures, but i won’t to complement or correct them. May be, one day I will redraw it, but definetely not now. Because when I was drawing it, I was under feeling from such beatiful, ineresting and, for my opinion, brilliant game. I’m playing a lot of games, and I admired all of them, but Masquerada admire me objectevly. It has logic, interesting and unexpecting plot (thousands thanks to the scenarist!) and logic lively characters. I believed them. I believed that they feel pain, sorrow, believed, they don’t know what to do. 
Also this game have a very amazing visual and sound.
Masquerada appeared suddenly in my life (thanks to @solanj) and suddenly became one of my favorite game. I would like to thank  Witching Hour Studios for such brilliant story and I hope that Masquerada 2 someday will emerge.
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defenestratin · 7 years
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Masquerada: Songs and Shadows comes out on Aug 8 on PS4 and Xbox! 
Honest to god one of the best games and stories I’ve played and I’m so excited for more people to be able to experience it! 
Thanks @losebetter for organizing this countdown! 
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soularch · 7 years
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Masquerada: Songs and Shadows is coming to PS4 on August 8th!! Check out this awesome lore-rich game, it's such a cool experience ;O;!
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strategischwelt · 7 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS 2017 x HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018! @MasqueradaGame
Credit(s) by https://codelauren.deviantart.com 
dA: http://fav.me/dbwmoa4 http://fav.me/dbwmq0k 
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losebetter · 7 years
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okay, okay. but seriously. y’all who have been following me for any length of time probably know this already, but this game has been a huge source of inspiration and hope for me! the team is such a supportive, creative, just incredible group, and i’ve met so many outstanding people through this community. ♥ 
i am so grateful for this experience... that’s why i really wanted to push myself with this illustration! it meant a lot to me to get to wrap up this countdown (if you haven’t checked out the work of the other five folks who helped me with this project, DEFINITELY do that, it’s been such an outpouring of talent and love!) so i really wanted to do something special. the final result is a few weeks of work spread across about 80 layers.
anyway.. with the ps4 release today, i really hope more people give this amazing game a shot! to anyone who will be playing it for the first time, i hope you have an incredible time. this world and these characters have come to mean so much to me, and i hope they do for you, too!
if you want the full effect of a frantic thread: here is my pitch on twitter! i love you guys, thank you thank you thank you.
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cenga · 7 years
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Masquerada launches on the PS4 and Xbox tomorrow~~ Super excited for the team!! Honestly one of the better story driven games I’ve had the honor of experiencing ;w;
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poisonhemloc · 7 years
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Done! For now at least. 
So many things I’d do differently but I’m not committed to making an entire new shirt especially so close to halloween so this’ll be fine.
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pantsferdinand · 7 years
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hi here’s some masquerada doodles of my beautiful children, minus one but i’ll doodle him later pfffffft.
and yes, that’s the best flute i’ve ever drawn.
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srslyarts · 7 years
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(crosspost from twitter but ey)
Awesome ladies from Masquerada Songs and Shadows game! If you like a story rich game I really recommend checking this one out! I just finished playing today and Boy do I got them feels. :”””)
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kaytewrites · 7 years
pick your favorite lesbians, and “I think I’m going blind from your beauty.”
(a/n: my favorite lesbians, oh god, jersey how do i pick???
you get mask lesbians, because they are v good lesbians and i love them.)
It has been three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours since they ended the Eighth Canticle. Tiziana has spent much of that embroiled in meetings and organizing people as befits her status as Magister, ensuring the Bright Hall’s construction proceeds smoothly, and aiding where she may in the reconstruction efforts. Her status gives her the power to influence those she needs, but the freedom to go where she may. It is - freeing. She enjoys it more than she thought.
Especially now, she thinks, as Amadea pulls another daisy from the fields around them and weaves it with deft fingers into Tiziana’s hair. Tiziana had simply disappeared from her offices with a word to her assistant to cancel her meetings and tell everyone she was doing ‘work elsewhere’. Amadea, she knows, is supposed to be looking for ‘ruins’. Whether there are any to be found in this field is doubtful, but they’ve both given at least a token effort in searching before settling underneath the shade of an oak older than both of them combined.
The sun is bright, warming, and Tiziana watches the sunlight dapple on Amadea’s pale hands whenever they chase into the edges of her vision. She’s more enraptured with the snatches she gets than she ought to be, but then, neither of them should be here. Tiziana blames Cicero and Kalden’s damning influence.
(The truth is, she would not trade this moment for the world, or any of them for that matter. Her guild is her soul, yes, but Amadea… Amadea could very well be her heart.)
Tiziana feels at peace here, leaning against the woman that is her lover and watching the wind sway through the flowers. When Amadea’s hand sneaks into her vision again, she grabs it in her own, pulling it to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to the calloused palm.
“The crown isn’t done yet, Tizzy,” and she would curse Vasco for ever dreaming up that nickname except for the way it falls like honey from Amadea’s lips.
She lets her head tip back in Amadea’s lap, careful not to disrupt the flowers, and looks up at her smiling, content face, the splash of freckles across her cheeks that are red with heat and sun, the dark brown eyes glittering like jewels in the light, the wiry red hair bound tightly to keep it contained. She knows what that hair looks like unbound, now, and it is a memory she keeps close to her chest like a locket.
“I should go blind from your beauty,” she says, and the heat-blush across Amadea’s face deepens.
“Nonsense.” She looks away from Tiziana’s eyes, back to her hair, and fiddles with a flower.
“’Tis true. I am no poet, but looking at you is akin to sunlight - beautiful and glowing.”
“ ‘You’re no poet.’ Sure, Tizzy.” She covers a nervous giggle with her hand, and leans down to press a soft kiss to Tiziana’s forehead. “You’re lovely, Tiziana. The most lovely woman I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.” She breathes the words across Tiziana’s skin, close enough to feel her lips move.
Tiziana tips her head back, far enough that she can kiss Amadea properly. The angle is a little awkward, near upside-down, but it is no less sweet for it. When she pulls away, Amadea’s eyes are wide and she can’t stop smiling.
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rpgchoices · 5 years
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Masquerada: Cicero and his companions
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@losebetter made me do it. Not that I needed more than a tiny little word. xD *grabby hands*
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Masquerada: Songs and Recs
Cicero: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Tristan, code name -- Been There, Done That. Kalden is -- Currently Doing That. Amadea is -- It Happened Once in a Dream; Vasco, code name -- If I Had To Pick a Dude. Tiziana is -- Eagle Two.
Tiziana: Oh thank the Light.
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incorrectmasquerada · 7 years
Vasco: Do you know what the question I'm asked most is?
Tiziana: "Will you please leave the premises"?
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strategischwelt · 7 years
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Cicero: Really?!
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