#ts ent
be-t-s · 1 year
Blockberry, SM, YG, and TS ent, all sit at the same table
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
its sad seeing jongup (bap) on peak time and going through another audition prog :(
crazy when you think bap won the rookie award against exo, vixx, and btob and were on their way to being a big boy group but because of a crappy company, they lost a lot along the way... they were what bts wanted to be.
god i fucking know..... it's so sad he should NOT be there at all. they absolutely were what bts wanted to be and yet here we are!!!! in the darkest timeline!!!!
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virgoz · 2 years
bap made such good music it makes me want to shake someone
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pompadourpink · 1 year
Les temps du présent
Le présent de l'indicatif/présent simple
The indicative present is used to
describe what one is currently doing (présent d'énonciation): je travaille - I'm working (as we speak)
describe a fact (présent de vérité générale/historique): les chats sont des animaux - cats are animals
describe an ongoing fact that started in the past (présent duratif): il pleut depuis hier - It's been raining since yesterday
describe the scene (présent de description): le soleil est caché aujourd'hui - the sun is hiding today
describe a habit (présent d'habitude): je cours tous les dimanches - I run every sunday
describe what just happened (présent de passé proche): je viens d'arriver - I just got there
describe what is about to happen (présent de futur proche): je suis là dans une minute - I'll be there in a minute
give an order (présent d'injonction), alternative to the imperative present: tu rentres tout de suite ! - You get home immediately!
make a story feel real (présent de narration): il y a six ans déjà que mon ami s'en est allé avec son mouton. Si j'essaie ici de le décrire, c'est afin de ne pas l'oublier. - It has been six years since my friend left with his sheep. If I try to describe him here, it is so that I will not forget him. (Le Petit Prince)
express a possibility (présent d'hypothèse): si tu es gentil, tu auras un cadeau - if you're kind, you'll get a present
La conjugaison
First group (-er except Aller): je marche, tu marches, il/elle/on marche, nous marchons, vous marchez, ils/elles marchent
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finis, tu finis, il/elle/on finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils/elles finissent
Third group (everything else): typically je cours, tu cours, il court, nous courons, vous courez, ils courent; long -oir verbs: je veux, tu veux, il veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent; -indre/-soudre verbs: -s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez, -ent; other -dre verbs: -ds, -ds, -d, -dons, -dez, -dent; -ttre: -ts, -ts, -t, -tons, -tez, -tent; -rir, -llir: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
Auxiliaries: je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont + j'ai, tu as, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont
N.B. Many third-group verbs are irregular because they used to be two different verbs (ex: Être comes from both Essere - to be and Stare - to stand) that eventually became one and consequently have two bases and can have up to five stems. Always double-check for different, stems, extra letters, accents, etc.
Notable exceptions:
A vowel -i- cannot be between two other vowels in the first and second person plural so it will turn into -y- (vous croyez, nous voyons)
In -cer and -ger verbs, the first person plural changes to allow for the correct pronunciation (nous lançons, nous mangeons); c > ç, go > geo.
In -aître verbs, only the third person singular keeps the accent (elle naît).
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Le présent progressif
The progressive present is an emphasized version of the enunciation present and is therefore used to describe an ongoing action that started recently and is actively being done as the narrator is speaking.
It is built by putting together the subject, the verb Être conjugated in the indicative present tense, the adverbial locution "en train de" (in the progress of), the infinitive form of the verb of action, and possibly an object.
Je suis en train de manger, j'ai bientôt fini - I'm eating, I'm almost done
Est-ce que tu es en train de travailler? - are you working?
Nous sommes en train de faire nos devoirs - we are doing homework
Le conditionnel présent
The present conditional is used
to express a wish: j'aimerais retourner en Italie - I'd love to go back to Italy
a suggestion: tu devrais partir tôt - you should leave early
a hypothesis: il pourrait rentrer demain - he could come home tomorrow
to casually share one's opinion: je n'aimerais pas qu'on me dise ça ! - I wouldn't like it if someone told me that (can be a way to aggravate a situation)
to ask something politely: je voudrais un café - I'd like a coffee
to refer to the future in the past: elle a dit qu'elle arriverait tard - she said she'd arrive late
La conjugaison
Conjugating the present conditional is easy for the first two verbal groups: just add the terminations to the infinitive of the verb. If the verb ends in -e, remove it: prendre > je prendrais. Fun fact: you can build the imperfect tense by removing -er- for the first group and turning -ir- into -iss- for the second.
First group (-er except Aller): je marcherais, tu marcherais, il marcherait, nous marcherions, vous marcheriez, ils marcheraient
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finirais, tu finirais, il finirait, nous finirions, vous finiriez, ils finiraient
Third group (everything else): typically: je courrais, tu courrais, il courrait, nous courrions, vous courriez, ils courraient; auxiliaries: je serais, tu serais, il serait, nous serions, vous seriez, ils seraient + j'aurais, tu aurais, il aurait, nous aurions, vous auriez, ils auraient
Main irregular verbs: auxiliaries + aller - j'irais, devoir - je devrais, pouvoir - je pourrais, recevoir - je recevrais, savoir - je saurais, tenir - je tiendrais, venir - je viendrais, voir - je verrais, vouloir - je voudrais
N.B. Make sure to not mix it up with the simple future tense, they're similar!
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L'impératif présent
The present imperative mood can only be conjugated in the second person singular and the first and second person plural. It is used
to give an order: viens ici tout de suite - come here right now
a suggestion: appelle-le tout de suite, non ? - maybe call him now?
a plea: s'il te plaît, pardonne-moi ! - please, forgive me
to ban someone from doing something: ne touche pas à ça ! - do not touch that
La conjugaison
Warning: it often looks like the indicative present - without a subject. If so, in the second person singular, the verb will require a final -s only if the current final letter is a consonant. Certain verbs cannot be conjugated, like vouloir.
être: sois, soyons, soyez; avoir: aie, ayons, ayez
va, allons, allez; finis, finissons, finissez; marche, marchons, marchez
N.B. Pronouns can be added: a reflexive verb will come with a tonic pronoun and a dash in a positive sentence: Lave-toi !, and a direct object pronoun in a negative sentence: Ne te vexe pas !; when referring to a portion -en: Prends-en un peu ! (an -s will be added for the liaison to be possible), and to a place, -y: Vas-y !
L'infinitif présent
is the neutral form you find in dictionaries: courir, marcher, prendre
is found after prepositions À, De, Pour and Sans: c’est sans dire, viens à la maison pour dîner !, on part sans perdre de temps
is found after a conjugated verb: il voulait partir tôt (the second verb can be the first element of the sentence: courir nous fatigue)
expresses an order, advice, prohibition: frapper avant d’entrer
expresses anger, surprise or a wish: m'excuser, moi ? plutôt mourir !
expresses doubt in an interrogative sentence: que faire de ce garçon ?
Le participe présent
The present participle works like an adverb and either expresses an action that happens at the same time as another action, that is possibly the consequence of that action, or describes the subject. It is built by removing the termination of the verb and replacing it by -ant.
Les employés possédant une voiture peuvent se garer dans la rue - the employees who own a car can park in the street
Étant déjà en retard, je décide de courir - being already late, I decide to run
N.B. To get the right pronunciation or avoid a mix-up with an adjective, it can be necessary to modify or add letters when building the present participle. For example: convaincre > convainquant (as convaincant is the adjective), diverger > divergeant ([ʒ], as divergant would be a [g] sound).
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Movie: La Piscine - Jacques Deray, 1969
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smile-files · 1 year
okay so there's something kinda weird with the welcome home 'so below' page??
there doesn't seem to be any text on the page, but just for the fun of it i decided to command-f to look around. and apparently some letters are present?
i'm not gonna upload all of my screenshots, but this is what it looks like - it says that there are letters on the page, and has these weird yellow-orange lines on the right side of the screen corresponding (generally) to the number of times that letter occurs - notably, not being in the same spot for every letter. i cannot highlight the area with the lines, the lines disappear when i zoom out too far, they do not move when i scroll, and there appears to be a maximum of two of them for any given letter (t, as shown, was said to occur three times on the page, but only two lines were displayed).
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there were shown to be occurrences of the letter a (1 time), c (1 time), e (1 time), i (2 times), k (1 time), m (1 time), n (3 times), o (2 times), p (1 time), s (1 time), and t (3 times). there were no occurrences of any punctuation marks or symbols as far as i could tell.
also trying out some letter combinations, there was 1 occurrence of 'te', 1 occurrence of 'to', 1 occurrence of 'en', 1 occurrence of 'ai', 1 occurrence of 'co', 1 occurrence of 'ip', 1 occurrence of 'ki', then 1 occurrence of 'kip', 1 occurrence of 'ma', 1 occurrence of 'mai', 2 occurrences of 'nt', 1 occurrence of 'ent', 1 occurrence of 'on', 1 occurrence of 'ont', 1 occurrence of 'tent', 1 occurrence of 'cont', 1 occurrence of 'sk', and 1 occurrence of 'skip'.
so then, counting everything overall, this page contains the letter-arrangements 'mai', 'cont', 'tent', 'skip', 'n' (by itself - and i checked by following it with a space when searching), and 'to'. this last one doesn't seem to make sense, as 'cont' and 'tent' already account for all 3 ts, but when checking again, 'to' indeed is on this page (and i tried to add it to 'cont' or 'tent' to make 'conto' or 'tento' but neither are there). bizarre.
i have absolutely no idea what any of this means. i'd just call this some weird thing on my computer's end but i find it peculiar that 1. there are only specific letters involved here and 2. those letters seem to string together in ways actual english words tend to. if any of you good folks have any idea what's up i'd be happy to know!! thank you and happy searching!!!
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creams-wifey · 1 year
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aita-alternia · 7 months
:(a!ta for assum!ng a s!ng from another bloodcaste?):
:(so ! (8so, purpleblood) grew up wear!ng the s!gn of r!ft. as ! grew up, !ve educated myself on the h!story of my ass!gned l!neage. wh!le ! resemble my born ancestor !n many ways, mostly v!sually, ! do not agree w!th the acts !t has comm!ted, includ!ng blatant hemophob!a and l!ve cann!bal!sm): :(s!nce then, !ve abandonded my born ancestors legacy. however, as ! was look!ng for alternat!ve s!gns that m!ght f!t me !n my bloodcaste, ! found none that made me truly feel represented): :(through my research, ! d!scovered many s!gns of different bloodcastes ! had not yet known of before. one of wh!ch, the s!gn of the pat!ent, a jade s!gn, has part!cularly caught my !nterest. ! deeply sympath!se with !ts assoc!ated ancestor, and have cons!dered adopt!ng !t as m!ne): :(! do fear though that th!s m!ght be seen hemolog!cal appropr!at!on? ! do not see myself as a jadeblood, so !t m!ght come off !n the wrong way. most people !ve talked to about th!s seem to be f!ne w!th !t, some arent. though most people who judged me for th!s have been of higher castes?? so !m really unsure): :(! hope !m not be!ng !nsens!t!ve !f ! were to comm!t to th!s):
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12thperigeeball · 4 months
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Grand Couturier Nominee No. 9 - Kinesa Mamono
Submitted by: Eudico Lunati and Arvenn Cirsim
I want to nominate Kinesa Mamono to be the [ ] Ball King [ ] Ball Queen [x] Grand Couturier
of the Ball of 12th Perigee Eve 2023 because … ⸦[She’s always put her ent^re sOul ^ntO her yule Outf^ts and ^ th^nk th^s sweep she really exempl^f^es the sp^r^t Of the theme. A jade ^n purple lOOks real gOOD. She always wOrks her ass Off and ^t shOws.]
0-do you know how hard it is to make three outfits each sweep under time crunch for the ball!? i mean, i don’t but she does and she pulls it off every! sweep! never misses. she made that jewelry herself!!^^^^>
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Turner Syndrome Awareness
Having Turner Syndrome isn't easy. Creating awareness for Turner Syndrome shouldn't just happen in February, but all year long. More awareness for Turner Syndrome means more research and more research means better medical care for those of us who have TS. I can't count how many times I've had to be the one to educate a doctor about Turner Syndrome because they weren't aware of it. If more Doctors are educated about Turner Syndrome they will be able to provide appropriate care and treatment. This is especially important because not every woman with Turner Syndrome has access to the numerous specialists that those with TS are expected to see they may only have their GP (General Practitioner).
Health Care Team:
Because Turner Syndrome can result in developmental concerns and medical complications, several specialists may be involved in screening for specific conditions, making diagnoses, recommending treatments and providing care.
Teams may evolve as needs change throughout life. Care Team specialists may include some or all of these professionals, and others as needed:
• Hormone disorder specialist (Endocrinologist)
• Specialist in women's health (Gynecologist)
• Physician who specializes in genetics (Medical Geneticist)
• Heart specialist (Cardiologist)
• Specialist in skeletal disorders (Orthopedist)
• Specialist in urinary tract disorders (Urologist)
• Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist
• Specialist in gastrointestinal disorders (Gastroenterologist)
• Specialist in vision problems and other eye disorders (Ophthalmologist)
• Specialist in hearing problems (Audiologist)
• Mental health professional, such as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist
• Developmental Therapist, who specializes in therapy to help your child develop age-appropriate behaviors, social skills and interpersonal skills
• Special Education instructors
• Fertility specialist (Reproductive Endocrinologist)
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
i wholeheartedly believe that if ts ent wasnt shite, bap would stay popular and beets market share would be smaller. bc bap truly walked, at one point it was them vs exo no one else came close. and their i-fanbase was also pretty big, esp considering back then kpop in general wasnt yet as accessible as it is now. anyways its a spilled milk discourse
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 18 August 1834
7 1/2
10 50/..
Long but not good kiss last night   ver[y] fine morn[in]g – F[ahrenheit] 70 1/2° at 8 1/2 a.m. br[eak]f[a]st at 9. A- [Adney] and I took the
serv[an]ts and out at 10 1/2 and ca[me] in ag[ai]n at 12 hav[in]g seen the bath[in]g establish[men]t and walk[e]d ab[ou]t the pub[lic]
walks, all the lions at Vichy – large handso[me] build[in]g built by the [ancestors] of Louis 16 – and close to
all the hot[e]ls – ab[ou]t 80 baths (baignoires) 16 of th[e]m being in anoth[e]r good build[in]g call[e]d the hospit[a]l
tho’ appropriat[e]d to the pay visit[an]ts – it is the hospice th[a]t is for the poor, who ha[ve] 7 baths th[e]re – poor
b[u]t rath[e]r pict[uresque] lit[tle] town, at a lit[tle] dist[an]ce fr[om] the baths, separat[e]d by nice pub[li]c walks and gard[e]ns –
shaded and cool and pret[ty] – Hot[e]l Bonnet at 9/. a day where the Dauphine went and all the gr[ea]t peop[le] –
Hot[e]l de Paris at 8/. does n[o]t ta[ke] mere passers-by – Hot[e]l Cornil or la poste als[o] at 8/. and
where one can go for on[l]y one night – where we are (Hot[e]l Montaret) ver[y] 2[n]d rate –
no horses till tomor[row] – w[e]nt out ab[ou]t th[e]m mys[elf] for ab[ov]e an h[ou]r, till 2 – none to be h[a]d at
the poste, or by the mist[re]ss of our hot[e]l – might get th[e]m if and when I c[oul]d, sh[oul]d n[o]t be stopt on th[i]s
acc[oun]t at the next poste – ran aft[e]r the 1st cart I saw, and by th[i]s means g[o]t 3 horses for the
sa[me] I sh[oul]d pay for 4 en poste, aft[e]r m[u]ch bargain[in]g for all? seem know[in]g how to surfaire if they
can – the man ask[e]d me 40/. th[e]n came d[o]wn to 30/. th[e]n took my pr[ice] 27/. – chang[e]d my dress –
fr[om] 2 8/.. to 4 1/4 writ[in]g out journ[a]l (latt[e]r 1/2 Thurs[day] and the who[le] of Fri[day]) – horses at 4 1/4 – 3 and 2
men – and off fr[om] Vichy (the peop[le] think[in]g they h[a]d me fast) at 4 39/.. – at Cussy at 5 –
ver[y] pret[ty] nice good vil[lage] or lit[tle] town – detain[e]d th[e]re 20 min[ute]s adjust[in]g the harness – the
horses d[i]d n[o]t go ver[y] well at 1st – I greased mys[elf] ag[ain]st the offhind wheel in tell[in]g th[e]m how to
fast[e]n on the bag of oats, and w[e]nt int[o] the mans’ cabaret to rub the grease off – fine count[r]y all the
way to S[ain]t Gerand le Puy – nice liveable whi[te] wash[e]d chat[eau] (left on hill) on our ent[ran]ce – at the
Poste at 7 20/.. – 20 min[ute]s settl[in]g – to pay 20/. for the night, beds, din[ner] and br[eak]f[a]st – A- [Adney] and I walk[e]d
out 20 min[ute]s the ev[enin]g so fine – din[ner] at 9 – ver[y] fine day – F[ahrenheit] 72° at 10 1/2 p.m. –
 Eggs hatched by the heat fr[om] the spring at the low baths
and douches at Vichy
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wakeupfreanz · 2 years
Is YG ENT’s new girl group actually in the making or are they just saying that 💀 because ts gets pushed back soo much.. like what’re they up to? Are they constantly changing the member lineup or smth? When could the group actually be revealed to the public like.. 😭
Is it in the making? Justice, yes.
In energy, feels like they're taking their time to iron out things VERY meticulously. Constantly changing members? AoS, yes. In energy, it feels like they're either trying a different approach to their typical group model or are trying to really step out of the box? When could they be revealed? KoC. This feels like either a wet or dry season. I'm going to say possibly next year. But the energy feels like they're going to be juggling dates for a white. Pisces, scorpio, or next-next cancer season. Maybe even something like Leo season under the moon in cancer. Come back some time later and we'll see if this answer changes.
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-\ The wish for anonymity is not out of cowardice; I don't see a need to create an account, especially not on your behalf. Your claims of "symbolism" are laughable at best and stand on shaky ground. All in all, a very unconvincing argument. -/>
-\ I am aware that I may hold the throne in due time. "Cullbait" is rather inaccurate of a descriptor, given the ratio of personal deaths to other deaths I possess is around 0:900+. -/>
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brigidandair · 5 days
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Album - TRCNG Single Album 2: "Rising"
Album Inclusions - Jihun A 》 Album Sticker Sheet - Jisung B 》 Jisung Clear Card
I have been wanting this album for so long, but by the time it came out, I had decided to stop supporting TS Ent. entirely. After TS folded, I prioritized B.A.P, and somehow never managed to pick up a copy of Rising, but a friend of mine got this for me for my birthday, and it's GORGEOUS! Now I just need to find Taeseon's cards...
scanned by me. please give credit to brigidandair or Jasmyr if you use them!
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scienza-magia · 6 days
3.946 posti a concorso per laureati presso le Corti d'Appello
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Ufficio del processo nuovo concorso per 3.946 posti. Il Ministero della Giustizia ha indetto un concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, su base distrettuale, per il reclutamento a tempo determinato di 3.946 unità di personale non dirigenziale dell’Area funzionari, con il profilo di Addetto all’Ufficio per il Processo, da inquadrare tra il personale del Ministero della Giustizia. Il concorso è bandito per il Ministero della Giustizia, dal Dipartimento della funzione pubblica della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri per il tramite della Commissione per l'attuazione del progetto di riqualificazione delle pubbliche amministrazioni (RIPAM) Ente che ha bandito i concorsi: Ministero della Giustizia Scadenza di presentazione delle domande: 26 aprile 2024 Link al bando: https://portale.inpa.gov.it/api/media/6031e446-6090-4dff-9ff4-aac697dedb8d I posti messi a concorso sono così ripartiti: - Codice CASS - Corte di Cassazione n°95 unità - Codice AN - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Ancona n°51 unità - Codice BA - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Bari n°121 unità - Codice BO - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Bologna n°196 unità - Codice BS - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Brescia n°139 unità - Codice CA - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Cagliari n°127 unità - Codice CL- Distretto della Corte di Appello di Caltanissetta n°38 unità - Codice CB - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Campobasso n°21 unità - Codice CT - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Catania n°120 unità - Codice CZ - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Catanzaro n°150 unità - Codice FI - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Firenze n°205 unità - Codice GE - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Genova n°146 unità - Codice AQ -Distretto della Corte di Appello dell'Aquila n°88 unità - Codice LE - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Lecce n°92 unità - Codice ME - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Messina n°41 unità - Codice MI - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Milano n°347 unità - Codice NA - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Napoli n°460 unità - Codice PA - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Palermo n°157 unità - Codice PG - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Perugia n°47 unità - Codice PZ - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Potenza n°58 unità - Codice RC - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Reggio Calabria n°91 unità - Codice RM - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Roma n°494 unità - Codice SA - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Salerno n°93 unità - Codice TO - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Torino n°260 unità - Codice TS - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Trieste n°106 unità - Codice VE - Distretto della Corte di Appello di Venezia n°203 unità Il candidato, che può presentare domanda per uno solo dei codici di concorso sopra indicati, dovrà inviare la domanda di ammissione al concorso esclusivamente per via telematica, autenticandosi con SPID/CIE/CNE/eIDAS, compilando il format di candidatura sul portale “inPA”, disponibile all’indirizzo internet “https://www.inpa.gov.it/”, previa registrazione sullo stesso portale. All’atto della registrazione l’interessato dovrà compilare il proprio curriculum vitae con valore di dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione, ai sensi dell’articolo 46 del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445. Per la partecipazione al concorso il candidato deve essere in possesso di un indirizzo di posta elettronica certificata (PEC) a lui intestato o di un domicilio digitale. Per l’ammissione al concorso sono richiesti i seguenti requisiti, che devono essere posseduti sia alla data di scadenza del termine stabilito per la presentazione delle domande che all’atto della sottoscrizione del contratto di lavoro: - cittadinanza italiana o possesso dei requisiti previsti dall’articolo 38, commi 1, 2 e 3-bis, del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n.165; - maggiore età; - godimento dei diritti civili e politici; - non essere stati esclusi dall'elettorato politico attivo; - non essere stati destituiti o dispensati dall'impiego presso una pubblica amministrazione per persistente insufficiente rendimento, in forza di norme di settore, o licenziati per le medesime ragioni ovvero per motivi disciplinari ai sensi della vigente normativa di legge e/o contrattuale, ovvero dichiarati decaduti per aver conseguito la nomina o l’assunzione mediante la produzione di documenti falsi o viziati da nullità insanabile; - non aver riportato condanne, con sentenza passata in giudicato, per reati che costituiscono un impedimento all’assunzione presso una pubblica amministrazione; - idoneità fisica allo specifico impiego cui il concorso si riferisce; - qualità morali e di condotta; - possesso di uno dei titoli di studio di seguito indicati
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Laurea (L) in: L-14 Scienze dei servizi giuridici; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; ovvero Diploma di Laurea (DL) in Giurisprudenza; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; ovvero Laurea Specialistica (LS) in: 22/S Giurisprudenza; 102/S Teoria e tecniche della normazione e dell’informazione giuridica; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti: ovvero Laurea Magistrale (LM) in: LMG/01 Giurisprudenza e titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; nonché, nei soli limiti di cui ai commi 1 e 7 dell’articolo 1, in possesso di: Laurea (L) in: L-18 Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale; L-33 Scienze economiche; L-36 Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; ovvero Diploma di Laurea (DL) in: Economia e commercio; Scienze politiche; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; ovvero Laurea Specialistica (LS) in: 57/S Programmazione e gestione delle politiche e dei servizi sociali; 60/S Relazioni internazionali; 64/S Scienze dell’economia; 70/S Scienze della politica; 71/S Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni; 84/S Scienze economico-aziendali; 88/S Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo; 89/S Sociologia; 99/S Studi europei; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; ovvero Laurea Magistrale (LM) in: LM-52 Relazioni internazionali; LM-56 Scienze dell’economia; LM-62 Scienze della politica; LM-63 Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni; LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali; LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo; LM-87 Servizio sociale e politiche sociali; LM-88 Sociologia e ricerca sociale; LM-90 Studi europei; titoli equiparati ed equipollenti; Il concorso si articola nelle seguenti fasi: - valutazione dei titoli, secondo la disciplina dell’articolo 6, distinta per i codici di concorso di cui all’articolo 1, comma 1, che avverrà mediante il ricorso a piattaforme digitali. La valutazione è finalizzata all’ammissione alla prova scritta di un numero di candidati per ciascuno distretto di cui al precedente articolo 1, comma 1, pari a sessanta volte il numero dei relativi posti messi a concorso secondo quanto previsto dal successivo articolo 6. Ai fini della votazione complessiva, il voto conseguito nella valutazione dei titoli è sommato a quello riportato nella prova scritta; - prova scritta, riservata a un numero massimo di candidati pari a sessanta volte il numero dei posti a concorso in ciascun distretto oltre eventuali ex aequo, come risultante all’esito della fase a).La prova scritta si svolgerà mediante strumentazione informatica e piattaforme digitali, anche presso sedi decentrate che verranno comunicate con le modalità di cui all’articolo 4 e anche con più sessioni consecutive non contestuali, assicurando comunque la trasparenza e l’omogeneità delle prove somministrate in modo da garantire il medesimo grado di selettività tra tutti i partecipanti. Consiste in un test di n. 40 (quaranta) quesiti a risposta multipla da risolvere nell’arco di 60 minuti, volta a verificare la conoscenza delle seguenti materie: - Diritto pubblico; - Ordinamento giudiziario; - Lingua inglese. Scarica il bando di concorso in formato PDF Read the full article
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babyawacs · 9 days
#s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimen ts #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #i ntelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheys hxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@d wnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@b erlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #basics_and_necessit ies #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #i ntel #default  #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges # breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_co la_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfev idence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_ one_two_three #evenmore #itis judges lawyers banks insuran ces allthat map german trickery map german trickery the germ an trickery is the truth not what the trick implies ai donot botch this. sort this p r e c is e l y mapping. the . trick. is. truth. not what the trick fakes. whichever e ffort clueless and fools wouldbe like wellthen both are righ t then wellthen the raping cockroaches framing of their crimes is then truth too quic keveryone bring the condoms and the sssexxxlojack of germany badensen and imminently /// lawyers banks insurances this is criminal securitypolicy yo u handle criminal securitypolicy of criminal governance and because thereis no check onthese itis which trick wor ks why youdodge dirty thrown objects allthetime why the way of courts demanding what is mine is their trick to somed ay something sticks the civillian surviving what them do to civillians how them rule civillians is not the liabi lity or the fault of the civillian and minors are victims i court demand what is mine but thereis no checkonthem on ly which trick works while they try tomake all guilty to exterminate quell wahtthey want and to rob waht they want atleast to gag quell and threaten whattheywant n o t letting them the proof of how guilty the civillian is t oo then too this is how it works and i r e a l l y ge t upset with fucktup fraudwest /// govt caused crimes syst em caused crimes nothing compensated but smear and degrade to rob the victim and nut the victim and once nutted allth ey overtape to date all experimental things additionally didnt happen too because nuts then locks implant boobytraps on any shitty ambiguity they german trick weasel twis t until a shitty ai matches it as alike simillarity too or absolutions their crimes it can make v e r y furious w itnessprotect mercyalways serotolerance with the facts how they tried to solve it todate is selfevident them:  /// lawyers banks insurances the utmost germans could do governm ent caused systemcaused they did the utmost they could u ntil they couldnt thereis no generosity of their better i ntent the utmost they got away with they could do they d id govt caused system caused until they didnt all refram ing is their default trickery .@deutschland @deutschland ihr halteteuch sssexxxbadensisch fuer fantastisch denn das was ihr mit dem angestellthabt solange ihr konntet istnicht das wasihr damit anstellen wolltet aber weilihr deswegen so fantastisch seid verdient ihr von dem aeh //// lawyers banks insurances nuclearhed ge "how that civillian survived the crimes of y o u r system is not the liability of the survivor andor the support." //// lawyers banks insurances i demand liability of criminal fraudsystem trickery tha t tries to make oneof their countless victims g u i l t y t hatis whatthey do for alittle bit of control andor theft they make all g u i l t y that let them and i d e m a n d
#s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them #clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw…
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