#tvd 1x13 children of the damned
tvshowsfandomblog · 1 year
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Bonnie kisses Bartender Ben and immediately knows he’s a vampire. Creeped out but playing it extremely cool, she gets him to sit down and tries to escape the Grille behind his back. Too bad he wasn’t playing on letting her out of his sight. She is kidnapped in full view of the bar and no one reacts.
Elena realizes what a weird life she’s living as her vampire boyfriend successfully digs up and opens his father’s grave to retrieve a magical spell book from the Civil War days. Stefan opens it up only for Damon to show up, upset, but clearly not very surprised that Stefan has acted behind his back. 
Stefan shows no regret, saying that he can’t let Damon bring Katherine back. Tell me Stefan, will you ever admit it’s because of your unresolved feelings or are you still on the whole “it’s too dangerous thing”? 
Anyhoo, Damon’s voice breaks as he apologizes for thinking for a second that he could trust his brother. Stefan shoots back that Damon is incapable of trust. Damon looks stricken as Stefan says that the fact that he was there meant that he read the journal and he was planning on getting the grimoire himself. Damon doesn’t hesitate to say that of course he was because the only person he can count on his himself, that Stefan made sure of that. 
Then, Damon redirects his focus away from Stefan and to Elena, whose image comes into to focus for the first time. He says that he trusted her and she fooled him. Elena looks guilty and can’t hold his gaze. 
The standoff continues. Damon says, “so what are you gonna do now? Because if you try to destroy that, I’ll rip her heart out.”
Stefan: You won’t kill her.
Damon raises his eyebrows but Stefan remains confident. So Damon vamps past Stefan to grab Elena from behind. He says that he can do one better, bites his wrist, and feeds Elena his blood. 
This is a man at the end of his rope. He has lost Katherine when his brother sold her out and she was captured, lost her when he died, lost her in the fire. Then he was turned into a vampire and he had hope that he could see her again. He protected generations of Bennett witches and waited 145 years for a comet to arrive. He recovered the talisman, but lost that to a Bennett witch who was barely aware of her nature and didn’t care about it. He lost it for good when Emily possessed her descendent to break her promise and destroy his hope. He found another way when there wasn’t supposed to be one. Despite Stefan hiding information, he found the journal, he found the location of the grimoire, only to see his brother trying to destroy it. Damon has done more than anyone thought possible, carried the burden alone, suffered the condescension and mockery all for the slim hope of saving Katherine and reuniting with his love. If his threat to kill Elena won’t work, he’ll threaten to turn her. Stefan finally recognizes this desperation and he is moved to act. 
***Point to note, Stefan was not moved to act on the threat of Elena’s life, but he was when Damon threatened to turn her. This could mean two things: either that he understood Damon well enough to know he wouldn’t kill her and was confident enough with that knowledge to call his bluff [which seems unlikely considering how poorly he understands Damon in any other situation] or turning Elena is worse for Stefan than her death. Now, we know that Damon probably didn’t want to kill her but he is also the King of Snap Decisions so that was a pretty risky move for Stefan. Make of that what you will. 
Damon: Give me the grimoire or I’m snapping her neck and you and I will have a vampire girlfriend.
Stefan: Let her go first. 
Damon: The book.
Stefan: I’m not going to give this to you, until she is standing next to me.
Damon, sounding increasingly desperate: The problem is that I no longer trust that you’ll give it back!
Stefan: You just did the one thing that ensured I would. [At Damon’s nod, Stefan sets down the spell book.]
Damon: [gently nuzzles Elena’s head before slowly releasing her]
Elena rushes to Stefan’s side and they both quickly exit stage left. Damon is left alone, lit by the torchfire by his father’s grave. It wasn’t how he wanted this to go, but he got what he needed and he’d do it again if he had to. He picks up the grimoire, and remembers how as a human he saw Katherine carried away in chains. His father pushes him up against the wall, says that he’ll be killed if he’s a sympathizer. With zero hesitation, Damon spits back, “then let me be killed!”
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The Vampire Diaries, Ep. 1x13
Children of the Damned
pretty good episode title, there's nothing else i want to say about it though.
firstly, bianca lawson is back!!!!!! she's back!!!!! and i still love her! this time, we're seeing her exclusively in flashback, which is wonderful because we get some good good historically inaccurate clothing. bianca lawson looks great! pearl looks great! jeremy's manic pixie stalker girlfriend (jmpsg) looks great! other nina dobrev looks great! damon and stefan look stupid!
we begin the episode with stefan and elena sleeping in stefan's bedroom (they've clearly had sex). then damon comes in and wakes them up (crossing so many lines). blah blah blah let's find katherine blah blah blah. damon leaves and stefan and elena start having sex again. the door is still open and you just talked to damon! how are you in the mood?
then we get one of the best transitions in the show thus far: we transition from stefan and elena kissing to damon and katherine. in a scene very reminiscent of the one we've just seen, bianca lawson (emily) comes in to tell katherine that pearl is downstairs. we've now drawn effective parallels between bianca lawson and damon, damon and stefan, and katherine and elena (past to present). i don't know what this means, but i will assume it means something.
in a small, funny moment bianca lawson (emily) teases katherine for sleeping with both brothers. i loved this moment and bianca plays it so well with such a wry smile. we also learn that the townspeople are selling vervain elixir in the town store, meaning that mystic falls knows that vampires are among them (parallels to the sheriff in the present). all in all, i think we can see these flashbacks as foreshadowing the rest of the season. mystic falls of today will follow the pattern set in the civil war. we also learn that jmpsg is a vampire from the civil war. she's been locked in the body of a teenager the whole time, which must suck (pun intended).
back in the present, stefan and elena are talking about damon. elena says something really interesting (taken from the transcript on the wiki): 'you know...i really think that damon believes that everything he's done, every move that he's made, he's done for love. it's twisted, but kind of sad.' let's talk about that. damon's actions have bee pretty consistent thus far (at least after we learned what his plan was). he is willing to betray anyone and anything to save katherine, even elena. he seems to want to protect elena (she's his last resort) because she reminds him so much of katherine. i think the reason he hasn't killed stefan yet is that he knows katherine will want to see him. even if he doesn't want her to see stefan. we know from a previous episode that damon believes that katherine never compelled him. we know he was in love with her. we can assume that he is still in love with her (tvd does not seem to be asking whether vampires can love but whether damon can. there is never a question of stefan's love for elena.) so, i do think that elena's view of damon is not wrong. however, i also think that there is a level of selfishness to it too. i think part of why he loves katherine is that he loves how she made him feel: important, desired, desirable, powerful. he may love her, but he also loves what she represents. damon's is not an uncomplicated love.
stefan does not argue any of this, however. he says, 'there are other ways to get what you want. you don't have to kill people. damon has no regard for human life. he enjoys inflicting pain on others.' stefan is also correct; damon doesn't have to kill people to get katherine back. however, it is worth noting that katherine will kill people when she gets back. damon doesn't have to kill as a means to his end. but, his end does involve killing. damon doesn't have regard for human life, at least in the abstract. he doesn't want to kill the people he's close to, but he doesn't mind killing anyone else, which is the biggest difference between the brothers.
later on, stefan goes to confront ht to get the journal back. ht reveals that damon killed his wife after he tries and fails to kill stefan. then we get a van helping mention, a full four episodes after i mentioned van helsing. we also learn that ht's wife's body disappeared after he saw damon bite her... vampire?
back in the past, we learn that father salvatore (not a priest) is a vampire hunter and he's very disappointed in hte brothers. we also learn that all of these vampires have daywalker rings, leading to a big question: how are all these people getting these damn magic rings. my guess is that it has to do with bianca lawson. which begs the question: why is she hanging out with all these vampires? she's so chill with extreme amounts of murder, but her descendants are not that chill with vampires. did she have a change of heart after the vampires were in the ground? was she always subtly working against them? or did her descendants have a different view of the situation? (in general, i think all the characters on this show are way too blasé about human life. katherine has shown a clear willingness to not only feed on humans but to manipulate and turn them. i don't think anyone should be okay with letting her out, no matter how much damon loves her.)
in the present, damon flirts heavily with jenna, which is disturbing, particularly because immediately after she leaves he begins flirting with her niece. what the fuck damon. then, damon looks into elena's eyes while she lies to him. she accuses him of trying to compel her. it's obvious that's not what he's doing. he just thinks she'll be a shit liar. apparently, she's not. damon then goes to talk to jeremy about the journal where he says, 'hot trumps weird,' and encourages jeremy to get it on with jmpsg.
meanwhile, bonnie is out with nwbjd (who is revealed to be incredibly stupid in this episode, which is not really a surprise). she describes him as 'a perfect gentleman,' funny and sad given that the only reason he's on a date with her is to kidnap and manipulate her. luckily, bonnie realizes this when she kisses him. she then does some pretty good acting to avoid letting him know that something is wrong. unfortunately, she drops character too fast and he knocks her out.
back in time, we see the characters make a series of jokes that have tragic implications: 'i'm beyond saving' you are; 'i'd sooner die' you will. they're caught up in the story now. we're in the fifth act of hamlet—all that's left to do is wait. the characters can no longer escape their fate.
in the present, stefan reveals that his dad hid the journal in his grave. also, damon sees jmpsg and does recognize her, which is very good. he then tries to choke her and she chokes him. which leads me to a very interesting question: do vampires need to breathe in this universe? because they are both gasping for air. but, they're vampires and everything in me says they shouldn't need to breathe. i don't have evidence for that within this universe, but i feel it would be crazy to tell a vampire story where that isn't true.
in the past, we learn that father salvatore (not a priest) is willing to do a lot to destroy vampires. he does stefan with vervain without his knowledge in order to reveal katherine's identity (when she's about to sleep with his son). he then kidnaps katherine and brings her to the church. now, i think his actions are a little harsh, but i don't disagree with the idea that katherine needs to be destroyed. she is dangerous and willing to kill his sons. however, i also understand that these events are very traumatic for both stefan and damon and their father is not helping with that. he has deliberately caused trauma for both his sons, and that can't be ignored either.
the real sticking point in all of this is that damon blames stefan for what happened. even though it definitely wasn't his fault. he had no way of knowing his dad had been dosing him. stefan didn't betray damon and katherine. he was tricked. but damon has blamed stefan for this over the years. damon has let this misplaced blame ruin his faith in stefan and humanity. damon has let his misunderstanding of this incident ruin his life.
in the present, damon is upset that elena lied to him (which is a perfectly reasonable thing for her to do since he wants to reawaken her murderous doppelgänger), so he tries to guilt trip her. which then leads to his moment where elena is supposed to feel bad about it, even though she made what i think is the correct choice. why does elena even care about damon? we see that she values him over and over again, but he has yet to do anything likable.
we then learn that jeremy invited his manic pixie stalker girlfriend into the house while elena is alone upstairs. stefan runs up the stairs, but elena is already gone. the window sits open. hard cut—that's the end of the episode.
it is not the end of what i have to say, though! i have been reading a book of essays about buffy the vampire slayer, and there i was reminded of a concept that applies very well to the vampire diaries. that's the concept of the shadow self, which comes from jungian philosophy. in my understanding, a person's shadow is the dark part of themselves, the desirous part, the part that they think they need to hide in order to live successfully in society. in media, the shadow self is another character that represents the shadow part of a character. the prototypical example is dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, where hyde is the shadow of jekyll. in btvs, the most obvious shadow is cordelia as buffy's shadow in the early seasons. cordelia represents the life that buffy wants, the forbidden side of buffy's desires.
in tvd, i think we have two very prominent shadows. the second, and maybe more obvious, is katherine as the shadow to elena. this is a bit of a forward thinking shadow because these two have not actually interacted yet. however, i think it likely that katherine will turn out to represent a lot of elena's repressed thoughts. the interesting thing about this pair is that elena may also turn out to be katherine's shadow. as a vampire, wishes for love and companionship and community are a bit shadowy, somewhat unusual. perhaps elena will represent a kind of longing in katherine for a stable, happy life that she can't have in her current circumstances. who knows?
the first shadow is damon to stefan. it seems so obvious to me now that damon is stefan's shadow. they're both obsessed with elena, but damon is in a creepy and concerning way. the stalking early on, the obviously sexual flirting, the way his eyes go to her whenever they're in the same room. he insisted on getting into her house, using caroline to get close to her. he's also always bringing these issues up with stefan, goading him into being more overt in his desire of elena. damon is the dark side of stefan and stefan is the light side of damon. they each represent what the other won't let themselves feel. it's almost tragic in its beauty.
to sum it all up, a conversation between me and my girlfriend as we watched the episode: 'don't be a creep damon.' 'he can't help it.' and he really can't.
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incorrect quotes from the tvdu : source - mad men
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sassenachscreencaps · 6 years
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(The Vampire Diaries, 1x13 - Children of the Damned)
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zalrb · 7 years
TVD = The It Doesn’t Make SENSE Diaries {1x13 Review}
Welcome to the 13th review of season 1! As per usual, here are the guidelines: Considering that I haven’t sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I will start with my usual disclaimer:  I write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena senitments and I feel the need to say there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism and anti-blackness. OK. Ready? Let’s go.
1. Opening scene of Damon helping Katherine murder two people and yeah Human Damon is a lot meeker but that doesn’t mean that this grown ass 20-something year old man was “done in” by Katherine, he knew exactly what he was doing and doesn’t actually seem to struggle with her killing two people, he just seems mildly uncomfortable and then he kisses her with their blood on her lips, the fact that he has a “Aw gee” meek demeanour doesn’t make him any less of an an accessory to murder, guys.
2. Elena and Stefan cuddling as they wake up! So cute! The way she smiles when she wakes up in his arms and how he kisses her, omg.
3. I also just realized that the door is still open when Elena brings Stefan back into bed so like not only does she not give a shit if Damon hears them fucking, she doesn’t care if he happens to pass by either. But seriously, how can anyone say they didn’t have amazing sex, she’s like um excuse me, half-naked God of a man in my bed, I’m not done.
4. Seriously, Giuseppe doesn’t realize that his two sons are sleeping with the same woman in one house? HOW?
5. Also, legit Damon would’ve been married with kids by now. Stefan wouldn’t be too far off either, it would actually be interesting if they were at least promised to two other women and then Katherine came. Like if Katherine convinced Damon to destroy his life, leave his kids, leave his wife so they can run away for an eternity together and then went oh btw, your brother is coming with us and then set the series of events in motion in which the town was at war with itself and Damon spent over a century waiting for her and feeling the guilt of having abandoned his wife and children for her but holding on to the idea that this woman he did all these things for will finally reunite with him only for her to be gone? Then that would be way more interesting and have way more emotional stakes than what we have now.
6. Yep, let’s just brush over the fact that Emily is enslaved. Pearl also would not be so easily accepted.
7. No seriously, how OLD is Anna? When did she turn?
8. And I never got why Pearl wouldn’t just leave Katherine behind. Like yo if they have vervain in elixirs and they’re trying to find vampires, I’m about to LEAVE.
9. “You were sad, Ben, you lacked purpose, you needed me.” I don’t understand this idea of vampirism = purpose because the show doesn’t expand on that. As a vampire your emotions are heightened so if Ben was sad as a human, would he not just spiral into despair as a vampire? And also his “purpose” is to help Anna for her own agenda, how would Ben not realize that? At least in True Blood when Godric turns Eric, Eric is dying and Godric likes the fire he has because Eric was a viking and he was like do you want to be a companion of death? I will be your father, brother, son and friend. In TVD it’s just ... what?
10. “You know I really think that Damon believes that everything he’s done, every move he’s made, he’s done for love. It’s twisted but kind of sad.” HOW, ELENA? How was turning Vicki and leaving Stefan to clean up the mess done for love? How was abusing and raping Caroline done for love? And how can you speak so dispassionately about something when the people being affected are the people you’ve known since childhood? It doesn’t make SENSE. From the first season, Damon and in relation Delena is the biggest writing weakness.
11. Stefan: “There are other ways to get what you want, you don’t have to kill people” LIKE RIGHT THO? And Elena just tilts her head like, “Oh. True.” WHAT? This reminds me of a plot line in Friday Night Lights, where a man attacks Tyra and tries to rape her but she manages to fight him off but then he comes back again and tries to rape her so Landry kills him. After a while, the attacker’s brother asks to see all of his brother’s victims to apologize on behalf of him and Tyra is uncomfortable doing it so choose Landry to go in her stead and his brother is like, I’m sorry he never used to be like this ... he was the only one who took care of me, my dad ran off and my mom was too drunk to feed us and Landry is like, you know what, pretty much every person in Dillon has the exact same story and they don’t turn out to be rapists! Same THING.
12. Also, I have a question about these journals ... does every Founding Family have their own set of journals? And if they do, since they make up the council, shouldn’t they you know SHARE these journals with each other? Like why is it so singular?
13. OK, schools do get locked you know.
14. Paul commands such presence in his scenes, seriously when Alaric discovers he’s a vampire and Stefan just dashes him to the desks and tells him to sit? I would not want to cross him.
15. The woman who plays Pearl has so much more presence than Nina and she comes across as older -- because she is -- so for her to take point from Katherine is like, why? I don’t get it.
16. “I never asked for your respect.” “Good for you, Damon. Because all I have is disappointment.” Said every sane viewer ever.
18. Also, I missed when Damon went over to Elena’s house. And him being in the kitchen cooking is like, that’s cute, Stefan did that 8 episodes before, you’re late.
19. His grin is annoying.
20. “You met Damon.” “Who do you think killed my wife.” Oh yes, ALL for love.
21.Elena feeling guilty about lying to Damon is like, remember that time he nearly killed Bonnie? Remember that time he nearly killed Caroline? Remember that time he killed Tanner? Remember that time he turned Vicki?
22. And so Jenna and Jeremy aren’t a little bit curious why a grown ass man is hanging around Elena and why he’s at their house? When Angel is in Buffy’s house, she has to lie to her mom and tell her he’s in college and that he’s her tutor and Joyce side-eyes the hell out of that so Buffy has to sneak him up to her room. If you’re making sexy eyes at the man, Jenna, then he should not be around your niece the way Damon is.
23. “Elena and I are bonded for life, I can’t imagine it any other way. She’s my sister, I mean, I’d die for her.” WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY BONNIE. Elena hasn’t done anything in these 13 episodes that would warrant such loyalty.
24. Also, Damon just told Elena that he won’t let anyone get in his way when it comes to getting Katherine back, like it was a threat, and when they find out the journal is gone and that Jeremy is the only other person who knows about it and he walks back into the house that determined and Elena is just like “Damon, leave him out of it ...” I would panic especially considering that Damon had already negatively impacted Jeremy’s life by turning Vicki.
25. Yeah, this Giuseppe is stern and a hard-ass but I didn’t get the impression he was this tyrannical, abusive father. In 1x20, Stefan does say even in our death you only feel shame so like I don’t get a sense of closeness with Giuseppe and either brother but I really do feel like they turned him into a monster in season 7 as an attempt to excuse Damon’s behaviour because we all know if you’re forced to eat your pet bunny nearly two hundred years ago you have to act out and kill people.
26. Stefan, why are you giving Elena a shovel too to dig up your father’s grave, you can vamp speed that shit.
27. Seriously. Paul’s sighs when Nina is kissing his stomach and chest, like ...
28. I forgot Bonnie actually kisses Ben.
29. WHY would you open the grimoire there? Vamp speed the dirt back into the grave and then go. HOME.
30. Oh shut UP, Damon, you’ve caused this town so much damage, Elena owes you nothing.
31. It’s also super gross that Damon sniffs Elena’s hair as he hands her back to Stefan after force-feeding her his blood.
32. It really bothers me that the show is substituting vampires for the enslaved without talking about the enslaved, like it takes some kind of privilege and entitlement to have  a show set in the South and flashing back to 1864 and NOT talking about it.
33. To be fair, Stefan didn’t tell Giuseppe that he was sleeping with a vampire, he was just like so maybe we shouldn’t kill all of them. I get that in the heat of the moment, Damon would blame Stefan but like 100 and some odd years later? Fam, let it go. Or if the point is that he can’t let it go and the older he gets the more stuck in time he becomes, that needs to be displayed more.
34. I love that forehead kiss and Stefan and Elena holding hands till the very last minute is their aesthetic.
35. Wow, Jenna being semi-active! “You know you’re not staying the night, right? Keep the door open.”
36. Pearl’s death is probably the most moving part of the episode.Much better than Damon’s man pain.
Thanks for reading!
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tartademiel · 12 years
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
We start this episode off strong with a flashback to Mystic Falls in 1864. Katherine shows off her acting chops as a damsel in distress in order to lure two men into a false sense of security before draining them both. Oh the joys of vampire life before easily accessible blood bags. Not that I think KP is necessarily a staunch supporter of the “moral” blood sucking present day vamps seem to laud. 
I have to wonder why this old man was traveling at night if he was the one to mention that it’s not safe at night. Returning home from a secret rendezvous with his mistress perhaps? Intrigue indeed. 
Anyway, KP kills random dude and poor hapless coachman and turns with a bloody smile at the body lying in the middle of the road. “And that’s how it’s done,” she says, smugly. 
And for the first time we see that the body in the road isn’t a random corpse, but it’s Damon! He gets up shakily. I love Ian’s acting here, showing off discomfort at the deaths, desperate rationalization of Katherine’s lifestyle, and a struggle for calm. He loves her and in Damon’s mind, love means accepting every part of a person, from the adorable way her nose crinkles when she laughs to the reality that she murders innocent people for food. 
Damon: What happens to the bodies?
Katherine: We’ll drag them off into the woods and let the other animals finish them off. 
[Can we just take a moment to appreciate Katherine calling them “the other animals” as if she sees herself as an animal as well?]
Seeing Damon’s hesitance, KP asks if Damon is sure that he’s ready. He tries to convincingly say that he is, but you can see a little doubt. Katherine presses him, drawing him deeper into her world. She entreats Damon to kiss her, even with two men’s blood on her lips. Damon, who at this point is not entirely innocent in a technical sense, still retains some form of his sweet summer childhood, removes his handkerchief to wipe her face. KP brushes his hand anyway, tells him to kiss her anyway. And you see it, the moment when Damon decides to commit, to damn himself in the process of falling for the charming, destructive Katherine Pierce. 
Damon firms up his resolves, tightens his fingers in Katherine’s curls, and loses himself in a passionate, bloody embrace.
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Elena pulls Stefan on top of her for some canoodling which transitions to Damon in bed with Katherine back when he had curly hair and smiled un-sarcastically. Sidenote: while KP’s corset is pretty, it is also aggressively a 21st century perception of a 19th century corset. A lady of the time would never have worn one on her bare skin.
Damon and Katherine show off a little more of their dynamic in which Damon is devoted and fun and Katherine enjoys his company while showing off that she is in charge. Damon has no issues with a powerful woman on top and yet is also strangely tender as he traces her vamped out face.
Emily Bennett comes in to say that Pearl has arrived so Damon and Katherine share a kiss before parting. Katherine, looking flawless as usual, descends the stairs in a beautiful sage green gown and cameo necklace. Emily shows off her knowledge and judgement of KP’s game with the Salvatore bros. 
So does her friend Pearl, who is gorgeous and classy and I love her immediately. Pearl is also a vampire but a far more cautious one than KP. She runs the local apothecary and raises the alarm about vervain and the growing awareness of the townsfolk. 
Katherine wants to stay and Pearl’s daughter is revealed to be Anna! 
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Back at the Gilbert house, Elena is going through boxes of old family stuff while Stefan watches from the kitchen. Lazy. They share the following convo which I think is very in character for them both; Elena shows off her empathy and understanding, Stefan shows off his desire to appear as the better brother:
Elena: Do you think Damon really believes us? That we’re both trying to help him?
Fascinating that it is Elena who asks this, especially because she doesn’t question it in an urgent manner because it is necessary to their plan that he believes them. She seems to be asking honestly if Damon would trust them.
Stefan: I don’t think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn’t something that comes naturally to him.
Okay, just speaking generally, most human beings as children are predisposed to trust one another. It is only through life experience and growing up that someone develops reserve about placing their confidence in someone else. Show me someone with trust issues and I can guarantee it is because they have been used or betrayed before. Stefan does not seem to register that. 
Elena: You know, I really think that Damon believes that everything he’s done, every move that he’s made, he’s done for love. It’s...twisted, but kind of sad.
This right point right here. This is why I enjoy characters like Damon and Anna as antagonists. Because doing awful things will always be awful, but the motivations behind them always change an audience’s perception. We have villains who are villains because their actions are motivated by fear, desire for power, self-preservation, a higher purpose etc. But someone motivated by love? That’s the most dangerous one out there. Damon and Anna will try any scheme, use any person, and kill anyone in their way to save Katherine and Pearl. And really, how far would Elena go to protect her family? The line between justified and evil becomes pretty thin to our main characters over the seasons, and that’s just in a few years. Damon and Anna have been trying to rescue their loved ones for 145 years.
Stefan: There are other ways to get what you want, you don’t have to kill people. Damon has no regard for human life. He enjoys inflicting pain on others. [pause] For 145 years, every single time that I have let my guard down and let Damon back into my life, he’s done something to make me regret that. I’m not going to make that mistake again. 
No, Stefan, you don’t have to kill people. So glad that you, the vampire who has never killed an innocent person, is making that point. I would argue that it’s not so much that Damon enjoys hurting other people as much as he enjoys the end result (i.e. sating his hunger, making a point, protecting himself); still horrible, but hurting people is not the goal, per se. Stefan offers up that he’s been hurt by Damon before which is why he won’t trust him again, which is actually the most valid thing he’s said. It is only slightly undercut by Stefan involving Elena in this deception and thus putting a target on her back. Not exactly a smart move there, bud. 
Elena: So what do you think will happen if the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back?
Stefan: I think that no matter what Damon promises, a lot of people will die. 
It’s me again, being nitpicky. When did Damon promise that no one would die? I’m pretty sure that is something he hasn’t ever said. 
Elena process that and then goes back to the boxes. She finds a picture of Johnathan Gilbert (who Stefan recognizes) and a creepy muzzle. Jeremy walks in and says that he gave the journal to Mr. Saltzman. Elena and Stefan share a loaded glance. The plot thickens.
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Stefan comforts Elena that the blood should pass from her system soon. Elena asks how he is. Stefan says that Damon was right, this was his fault. 
A flashback shows Stefan holding Damon back from rescuing Katherine in town. Damon is furious, saying that Stefan is the reason this happened, it is his fault, he broke his word. He runs off. 
In a remarkable case of self-examination, Stefan says that he put his faith in his father and Damon put his faith in him. That betrayal destroyed any trust Damon had. This is one of the few instances where I sympathize with Stefan. He was young and naive and he believed that if he spoke to his father who he loved and trusted (without mentioning Katherine) it would be okay. Yes, he broke his word to Damon and it was awful, but anyone could tell it was the action of a lost young man torn in two directions, not an active malicious act. 
However, what I don’t agree with is Stefan not connecting this to Damon’s persistent issues with trust, and with trusting Stefan in particular. I don’t agree with Elena saying it was not Stefan’s fault or that he didn’t do something wrong. Even if it was not what he wanted, Stefan speaking to his father was the direct cause of Giuseppe’s suspicion that led to Katherine’s capture. Even if he didn’t bring up Katherine, he still went against the spirit of the promise he made. Part of growing up is to acknowledge your culpability, even when the result was not what you wanted. 
Stefan goes downstairs for aspirin and Jenna says that he’s lucky she likes him. He is lucky, but it’s weird that she does because I’ve never seen her interact with him despite the fact that she’s been present for every rant Elena has had about his lies, shadiness, and general inconsistency. 
Jonathan discovers Pearl is a vampire and betrays her immediately. What a tool. Anna has to watch as her mother is shot and carried away. In the present day, Stefan remembers Anna in just enough time to see that Elena has been kidnapped from her bedroom.
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Gravedigging is going well. Anna mocks Damon for screwing up opening the tomb. Considering Anna was watching since the comet and perfectly capable of compelling Caroline to give her the magic talisman necklace while Damon was locked up, her superiority falls kind of flat here. Was her arrival time a ret-con thing? But she is pretty awesome for even knowing about the spell. Being a wallflower occasionally has its perks I guess.
Damon takes the criticism well, he also ties Anna’s comment about getting others to do her dirty work to Logan Fell. There is a rather amicable exchange of information before Damon decides to dip out, saying he works alone. I admire Damon’s intuition and adaptability and Anna’s confidence and cool pragmatism. Seriously, it’s good the show doesn’t have them team up, they’d be a killer combo. 
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Guess what happens next? If you guessed a flashback, you’d be right! Stefan sits shirtless in bed, admiring Katherine as she sits at her vanity. He asks if the talisman was from Damon. Katherine tells him not to be jealous and she gleefully proclaims that she can enjoy them both because she’s spoiled, and selfish, and she gets to make all the rules. Stefan smiles, indulgent, and smitten by her behavior. She then pushes him back and lays kisses up his chest before biting his neck. Stefan enjoys it immensely. 
But then Katherine chokes on the vervain in his blood and collapses to the floor. Giuseppe storms in [was he waiting outside listening to them get it on? It seems like they’d already had sex at least once at that point], seeming more concerned about KP being a vampire than the fact that his precious son was fornicating with the poor orphan girl he had taken in without any marriage discussions having been brought up. But fair, the vampire thing is kinda a big deal. He urges Stefan to call the Sheriff while KP lies unconscious and Stefan runs out, shirt in hand. 
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Elena reads the journal with Stefan who realizes that his father “taking his secrets to his grave” was a far more literal phrase than he thought as a child. 
It’s like the seventh or eighth flashback I think, but Stefan shows off his immense love and respect for his father, which is given in turn by Giuseppe. A far cry from what Papa Salvatore and Damon had. Stefan goes back on his word to Damon and speaks to his father about vampires and if it is right to kill them all. Granted, he never brings up Katherine or offers specifics, but it puts his father on the alert about what connection his son might have with a vampire.
Following his own lead, Damon waits for Anna in her hotel room. There is a mutual choke-out than ends in a truce.
Elena and Stefan have a discussion over Giuseppe Salvatore’s grave. Stefan offers a hollow point that Elena doesn’t need to be involved, but it’s kinda late in the game for that now. Elena says she wants to protect the town and keep the tomb closed. Does she still think Damon wants every vampire free? Did Stefan not tell her that Damon is only trying to free Katherine and get the hell away from Mystic Falls?
For no apparent reason given Stefan’s superior strength and speed, he gives Elena a shovel to help dig. Like, why would you do that Stefan?
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Katherine and Pearl are back in the apothecary, idly gossiping about the townsfolk and Pearl’s romantic prospects. Damon, with Katherine on his arm, is concerned about their attitude and why they are not more worried about the imminent threat. He is also wearing a red paisley waistcoat which I appreciate. This boy needs to wear more color!
Damon also says that he would sooner die than betray them. Poor boy’s got it bad. You get the sense that when he falls in love, he would burn the world to the ground, himself included, if that’s what would make his partner happy.
Katherine reassures him that their disguise as respectable ladies who walk in the day is impeccable, implies she will be turning him soon, and they share a soft kiss. In public! Oh, the depravity! Luckily Anna warns them that Mrs. Fell is approaching so he can back off to a respectable distance. 
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femmedefandom · 2 years
TVD Rambling Rewatch 1x13
Bartender Ben is bemoaning his poor singing skills with Bonnie. They ended up at the Grille which is odd because who goes to their workplace in their free time but makes sense because it is the only restaurant in Mystic Falls. 
Bonnie is adorable and sweet and I love her smile so much. Just wish it weren’t directed at the creepy Ben. He gently fishes for info about her friends, Elena specifically. Bonnie unprompted says that she would die for Elena which seems both an extreme thing to say but also weirdly intense for a first date. 
In other news, Stefan relays that the journal is missing and Damon accurately says that there is something strange about that Saltzman teacher. Stefan says that Alaric doesn’t know anything. Damon asks who else knew. Stefan automatically looks at Jeremy and Damon goes to question little Gilbert despite Elena’s protests to leave him out of it. 
He heads back inside and Jeremy is confronted by his sister, his sister’s boyfriend, and his sister’s boyfriend’s brother all weirdly intense about the journal. After Alaric and Anna, poor Jeremy must think there’s hidden money or a treasure map or something in that thing. He connects it to Anna and Damon is very enthusiastic, offering to drive Jeremy to meet her. 
Bonnie calls Elena about her date, seeming upset that Ben is a “gentleman” who does not immediately make out with her. Weird priorities in a guy, but Elena is supportive. She hangs up so Bonnie can seize the day and Stefan walks in. He let Damon go alone with Jeremy because he knows that the journal is missing and Stefan has Alaric’s copy. He makes light of threatening Alaric to get it. 
At the Grille, Anna shows up and she and Jeremy awkwardly flirt. Seeing Anna throws the supervising Damon right into another flashback. 
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