tarot-bimbo · 29 days
Pick a pileく⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
How does your future spouse flirt?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
I see them being a little toxic but in a good way like more so In a teasing manner. He would like to show off his muscles and pick you up ya know do pushups with you on his back🥴. I can see him being very romantic nothing too much when he kisses you it's really fast and deep. After the first kiss he's working fast to get you in bed I don't think it's that hard tho 🤣 you fall for this persons face they may have a cute little doll face or just be really pretty to you and that's what you like. They like buying you things bracelets and stuff may even get you a necklace with something very special to the both of you on it. They may spy on you? They call that flirting I guess 😜. They like taking you on plenty of dates , anywhere you say you want to go the next day he will surprise you and take you. You may complain about work and he would give you a massage to help you lose stress. They definitely like doing your hair if they do that. They could simply like to cuddle and watch a movie they just like spending time with you doing anything. Your person really likes physical touching so anytime you two are touching they are definitely flirting.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
He loves to worship you like anything you want you can have it 2 times. He loves spending large amounts of money on you even if it's dumb shit and you don't need it but simply because you can. I see you might be a little spoiled it's giving daddy's little girl 🫣. He loves to take you on far away trips I am seeing when Aladdin took Jasmine and showed her a whole new world 🌎. They also fix things for you like let's say the cabinet door fell off in 5min it's back up. Believe me this dude wasted no time trying to make you happy . Anything that makes you happy he will get you even if it seems impossible HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN honestly he's such a sweet guy🥹.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
Your future is very shyyyy 🫣 so I don't see a whole lot of like physical touching. I think you two are like dating online 😂 I see a lot of flirty text. I think you both are very shy and that's why I am barely getting any info 😅. Or they are a very closed off person in General. I do see them really wanting to hold hands tho and like other soft things. I can feel the blush all over my face literally flushed with fever 🥵. I think they find you too beautiful to even touch at times and just want to keep you safe and clean like a porcelain doll. He likes to keep you dolled up all like a princess you both may be into dressing like royalty. Roleplay?
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
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630 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 24 days
Pick a pile/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
What does your future spouse like about the you most?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
They like your smile 😁 , you really glow to this person they might even say you look golden to them. They like your hair too might even randomly play in it or ask to do your hair. This person will most definitely be all mover you and they think you are just the most ADORABLE little thing ever 🤣. Might call you a lot of pet names some even you didn't know and it might shock you and you will be like " omg what even is that?" While dying laughing.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
They LOVE your brain , this person hasn't talked to a lot of smart people and when they see you are not only pretty but also smart they will fall for you even more. You two may have the same sense of music and they will like that too. It's definitely your personality you could be really funny and stuff and this person can't help but love that. You may eat wild too like no care giving. Most girls on a date eat like a mouse and save it trying to be someone they ain't for a man but you will be yourself and fuck up a burger on the first date and if he doesn't like it you will find someone who will attitude ( I LOVE THAT) he definitely never met a girl like you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
THey love your hair, it might be really short and they love that I am seeing more so if a short afro and stuff and I think you might be a little embarrassed by your hair for some reason ( Your hair is fine don't Trip) and this person would make all that go away I see you change your style a lott too like box braids one day and a bad ass front lace the next. They love that you are never the same always keeping them on their tippy toes. You are just the most I see you may like anime , kpop and stuff like that and you may collect a lot of stuff too. I see that they just love YOU. Everything about YOU what you like what you wear what you eat Everything they want to know everything. It's giving obsessed 🤣
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
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361 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 29 days
PICK A PILE♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
What does your future spouse look like?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
Okay so pile one I am seeing someone who works out he or she is most definitely strong they could pick you up. I am seeing like 5'11 he could be that height or shorter I am hearing short king 👑 this person is definitely not so tall they could even be shorter than you actually. But you like that obviously, this person is gonna be your Husband most definitely gonna try to put a ring on your finger REALLY fast. You got lots of wands and swords so I am taking that as he definitely is not gonna disappoint you in bed and if this is a girl then she definitely has a wap lmao one of you may get shy a lot. There could be an age gap I am seeing short hair maybe black or white curly. He could be Italian or from Germany? He could like the beach a lot when you do get with this person he is most definitely gonna take you to his favorite place on the beach. He could also live by water or you two will meet by water. He's rich like not Beyonce rich but he doesn't have to work ya know? He's I can see he has chest hair and if you are a man reading this she definitely has really bug breast or really small. If you are a man reading this I think you definitely have a thing for milfs or they flock towards you and if you are a woman a lot of older men throw themselves on you or that's just what you prefer. They definitely have a big house. Possibly does gymnastics. They could also wear a lot of red or layered clothing. For men I am seeing a girl who mostly wears long dresses and for the woman I am seeing a man in formal get up honestly or like really layered clothing like the aesthetic boys you may see on Pinterest with the baggy layered cloths and stuff. Whoever they are they can dress. They like to cover up a lot tho maybe a cancer I thought of a crab going in their shell suddenly. They definitely also have a high role in their workspace and could even own their own business. Big bosses are what they call themselves 🤣. They have a very heavy accent probably not from the same place you are. Probably an earth sign. I rolled my zodiac dice and you got Aries,Virgo and Gemini.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
Okay so pile twooo Already I am getting your person is loud and their personality. They keep you guessing. They definitely party,like the party doesn't start until they arrive. Your person is definitely clumsy I almost mixed two tarot decks😵‍💫. Definitely day dreams a lot they are very care free they might see the world as one day it's gonna end why not ruin it first? Okay so this person talks a LOT like never a dull moment with them tho. They could travel a lot honestly I ain't getting a lot on look but like green eyes dark hair and eyes, you may think their eyes are very intense and intimidating. They like wearing a lot of hats tho they could possibly be 25 and up. He works he's not rich or anything but he can most definitely spoil you. They definitely like touching you in public and being in nature. They are a lot to even handle not gonna lie but they are also very closed off. They don't want to tell me too much they like surprises and they know you probably hate waiting and stuff. I am also seeing dark red hair like cherry red. He's talking about how he dyed his own hair and has to mix multiple colors. I think you or them might like both genders. Heavy on loving animals might even be an Instagram influencer. I am seeing you two are closer than you think 🤔 my phone buzzed as confirmation on that. They will always be on the phone with you texting FaceTime regular calls it doesn't matter as long as you two are talking. I rolled my astrology dice to see what zodiac sign you would get and I got Aquarius,Libra and Scorpio so these could be in their birth chart.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
Okay so right off back he may look like that dude from Ghostbusters Dan Aykroyd but when he was in his prime. They are on the thicker side and honestly they just might work a lot then go home and do nothing 😅 I am seeing you are the one to spice up there life might even be a chef. He has longer hair definitely not black but not honey blonde more so like a dirty blonde or like a golden brown. He likes to garden and build things. They are the type of you say that your car was messed up could fix it even if they are a woman this could shock the shit out of you. They could look like total dork glasses and everything. Favorite movie could be revenge of the nerds. I am getting a lot of older references and shit oop they definitely have a potty mouth 🫢. But I think both of you are older than most ( please don't take that the wrong way 💖) or just really have a thing for old stuff. They definitely live in the city but when they get with you I see you two might move in a place with more land and green fields I heard like Oregon but I have no idea what that place looks like 😅. I used my astrology dice to find out potential zodiac signs. Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn. You got two of the same zodiacs from pile 2 might wanna rest that too or not 🤪.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
(if you are looking for a private reading please let me know mwah(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠))
I hope you enjoyed this pick a pile♡
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tarot-bimbo · 19 days
Pick a pile⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌
What is gonna happen next month?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1.
So I see you having fun and going outside with friends or family. You might just party a lot , never a dull moment for you. You could be a person who easily gets bored and a lot of stuff doesn't excite you so , I see you just having fun with the things you like and the people you love. I do see a situation coming up and I do see it will have you tangled for a bit. It could be with work , love or just you in general. You will come out of it and I do see a lover approaching you , you could be buying a new house and if you are already with someone I feel like you two could move in with each other. You could be getting a makeover💄 or you could be changing your aesthetic.
Additional messages
Good things come in threes , learn from the past , watch and wait, be here now
Elephant spirit, Hummingbird spirit and seahorse spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2.
I see you are having financial problems , You might be feeling really depressed and sad but it's just a short-term situation, spirit is telling you it will be over by next month. You could be very bad at managing money tho your guides are telling you to manage your money better you could be spending more than you are receiving. Just stop spending recklessly. I also see someone coming to you this month but I think this person is bad they are mean and controlling just like to rule and take control of everything. But for sure next Month you are tackling those money problems and getting it solved.
Additional messages
Feel the feels , use your mind wisely, see the big picture, surrender now
Pig spirit, giraffe spirit and Moth spirit could be significant to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3.
Pile 3 I see you are going through this change maybe it's the end of an era for you. You could be changing your whole life around soon just a change even if it's small. I see there is something you want but you are a bit confused by it maybe other things are distracting you. I do see you going to chase your dreams and succeeding and celebrating with friends and family. You should do some hermit work too but if you already have and feel like you don't need that then start going after your dream. Maybe you don't like something that is going on but you are confused about it.
Additional messages
King , act as if ,trust in the magic, know your worth
Chameleon spirit, white raven spirit and the skunk spirit could mean something to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed your pile
238 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 29 days
Pick a pile(⁠≧⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠≦⁠ ⁠)
Have you already met your future spouse?
1. 2. 3.
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4. 5. 6.
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Pile 1
No 😔 you haven't you are actually having delays around this connection maybe one of you need more time to heal. The card says you may be deceiving yourself emotionally. You can say you are ready for a relationship but as soon as you get in one you may pull away or shut them out. Basically I am seeing you need more inner work first.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
No😅 I am seeing him coming in really soon tho. I think your future spouse lives very far from you so they have to travel a LOT. They are also having some problems I have no idea what tho😋 but they are moving very fast to you. I heard put a ring on my finger! So you could be calling this person in I see you two ready for this connection tho pookie😍.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
No because I am seeing your future spouse going through a lot right now you should try to spiritually comfort them ☺️ They are having big money problems so they absolutely have no time for love right now he's not even being represented by the knight but instead of the 2 of pentacles but he's working to build himself up to the king of pentacles. So he needs to work on his fiancees, well he just wants to be good enough for you , they are saying you dont deserve a scrub 😭
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 4
No... But! That's because you are the one that's supposed to find them😏 I am seeing you both frustrated that you guys don't have a lover but I think like next week you should be meeting bro honestly you might see him the next day after reading this I can feel the nervousness and the excitement bubbling up in me. So I am seeing travel more and you WILL find him
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 5
YES😍 you are the first pile today to get a yes sadly, But lucky for you. I am seeing you feel bounded or gagged tho? Maybe you did find someone but the feelings are so overwhelming or maybe you want everything to be perfect so the things they do that piss you off or hurt you, you may not speak on them but HONEY YOU NEED TO like ASAP type shit if you are feeling like that in this connection they will completely understand if they are the one if not then you let them go🍃
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 6
Yes again 🥴 I am seeing yes and no ands if or buts about it . Period💅🏾 I am seeing you two completely obsessed over each other lot of sexual energy 🤭 You are making me smile for no reason I feel like you have did your fair share of waiting and it was completely worth it 😌. You two might have even started off online thinking it would go nowhere but here you two are. I think what it was , is that you two may have fallen out one time or had a lil break or whatever and when you two linked back up then you guys realized you can't live without the other. You realized just how precious that other person is to you.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed your pile♡
203 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 24 days
Pick a pile (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)
What does your future spouse look like? part 2
1. 2. 3.
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4. 5. 6.
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Pile 1
I see that your person could be from the UK! A buzzed head might be dyed red or green they also might have green eyes. I see them mostly rocking retro clothing. Probably thrift a lot and might even take you with them. They could be quite tall I am seeing 5'9.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
I see that your person might be from Ireland or Rome , around Ireland/Rome The family could even be from there. Your person is actually short 4ft-5ft this person could also have very light eyes. Like blue or gray. They could change their fashion up a lot you will never see them in the same outfit twice
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
I see that your person is Black but not American American because I am hearing they are from France or Canada even , I am seeing that they are tall or just taller than you they could workout a lot too . They could have brown eyes or black almost there is something about the shape of their eye that you will fall in love with. I am seeing a low cut style they could have waves but dyed a different color.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 4
This person could be from Mexico I am seeing someone who dresses in culture ( sorry I don't know the best way to word it) like they are heavy on their culture and they follow everything that comes along with it. They could also have short hair and like the color red or wear it a lot. Y'all could be the same height. This person takes their shoes very seriously like they are a HUGE shoe nerd/geek and they could have plenty of shoes. If you want to make this person cry buy them some shoes they have been wanting.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 5
This person could be from Hawaii 🥴 they could have long hair even a traditional arm tattoo. They could even have a tattoo on their back. They definitely love to show their skin, they could wear a lot of open shirts and go to the beach and surf a lot too. Big foodie tho they would eat anything and they could surprise you some times. Definitely knows how to hold their liquor and their ground I hear.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 6
I am seeing your person could be from India/Asia. They could wear a lot of sandals and stuff. I don't think they know how to dress so well 🤣 you will definitely have to help them find a scene of fashion. They could be very tall maybe 6ft or taller. They could wear glasses. This person is more quiet and laid back they don't worry too much about anything. Long eye lashes thick lips slender eyes.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 7
America this person is definitely from America I could hear them talk but they sound like gen z a lot of slang and stuff. Definitely dresses like a white man 🤣 sorry but this person is very basic I see they love sports too they definitely never misses a game might wear joggers a lot. I don't think they care too much in their appearance I think people just flock to them anyways. They love wearing hats too.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
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tarot-bimbo · 8 days
Master list•°•°•く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
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Future spouse
How will your future spouse's family react towards you?
What does your future spouse look like?
What does your future spouse look like?pt2
Who will ask who out first?
What does your future spouse like about you the most?
Is your future spouse a celebrity?
How many kids will you have and how will they act?
How does your future spouse flirt?
Have you already met your future spouse
What is your next big come up?
What is gonna happen next month?
Wanna get a reading
[More to come~]
44 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 29 days
Pick a pile ᕙ⁠(͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ
Is your future spouse a celebrity?
1. 3.
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Pile 1
Definitely not 🤣 there words not mine. I think your person hates attention. They might be more of an introvert and prefer working alone and privacy. They also feel like they are a puppet for people to see if they were famous. Can't say what you're thinking because of people and you can't go where you want because of people and just other bullshit it's just too much for them. Plus they feel like most of the people in the industry are devils 👹.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
I am hearing yes but I think this person is giving me more so famous for hanging out with famous people 😭. Now I don't know a lot about celebrities but I think they are in a friend group with Timothy chalamet now DO DON'T ASSUME THIS this is simply just what I am picking up on. I feel like his friend group is big and really big like he may know some of everyone and everything he's definitely in the mix and not the wrong mix either 😁 which is good. It's giving still up and coming I don't think they have won a reward for what they do yet.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Hope you enjoyed your pile♡
33 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 26 days
Pick a pile ₍⁠₍⁠◞⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠₎⁠₎
Who will ask who out first?
1. 2.
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I am seeing you will most definitely ask them out first, I am getting the song Not shy by Itzy. I see you looking good and feeling and you see the person and you like them so you go get them 😈 I want it I got it type of vibes. I am seeing you as the bold one and them more shy they might even stutter while telling you there name or number 🤣 I see you looking really good tho confidence is key 🔐 🗝️
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
I can see a friend telling🤣 I think both of you are scared of rejections so you may have sent a letter of a messenger or vice versa and I think this friend probably got tried of you two waiting and just helped . You could even get mad at this person for doing it but once you hear how the other person likes you back you will calm down and thank the friend
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
I hope you enjoyed this pick a pile 😉
41 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 8 days
I feel like your future spouse's family will be a bit standoffish
The fact that I get in every single reading is hilarious to me, I surely do have rbf face 😭🤣💀
😭 same bestie... Same
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tarot-bimbo · 24 days
🐋Wanna get a reading?🪼
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Future spouse readings:
Letter from future spouse $10.10
Question about future spouse $5.55
Future spouse initials $1.11
Future spouse zodiac sign $1.11
Future spouse appearance $12.12
General reading on future spouse $15.15
Career readings:
Question on career $5.55
General reading on career $10.10
Career calling $15.15
Next big accomplishment $4.44
( please DM me if you are interested 🪼✨🎐)
Cash app $SpiritBimbo
4 notes · View notes
tarot-bimbo · 8 days
Hii 🙂
Thank you for your free reading and your efforts. Yes I am studying for medicine you are right. Good to know I will be able to help people. Thank you for reading and your pacs 💕🥰
That's so cool 💖 I could smell all of the medicine and medical supplies actually and that's what made me say that🤣 no problem again🪼
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tarot-bimbo · 25 days
Hii! Love your channel ☺️ I was wondering if you could do a reading and tell me about me and my future spouse favorite hobbies to do together? Thanks sweetie pie! Take care xx
Of course 🤣
I am seeing and hearing Everything whatever you want to do baby 💖 It's your world 🌍 they will do anything you want even jump into a waterfall but I do think baking is one of the there favorites activities to do with you and hiking and I getting pure nerd energy from them tho 🤓 you two might even have a planned movie night together going through all of your guys favorite movies. He wants to show you this movie he used to watch when he was a kid all the time.
( I hope this resonates with you. I love you☄️)
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tarot-bimbo · 25 days
Hii, if you're still doing free readings may I have one, please?🥺
I would like to know if my future spouse is a celebrity or not, and also if I'm going to meet them while traveling? Thank you so much in advance if you do answer me❣️
No sorry I don't think your future spouse is a celebrity but that's okay ❤️ I also see that you won't meet this person traveling they might just be next door to you 🤭🚪
0 notes
tarot-bimbo · 25 days
Hi. I hope you have a nice day. I dont know if your free reading still open. If not please ignore this question.
I just want to ask about what is awaiting for me in the second half of this year. Will i be successful? Will my desire and dreams come true?
My name is E. I would love to connect with you. Hope u r doing well.
Thank you.
Okay so I see that right now you are making plans and ideas on some business or some opportunity that you want maybe a job position. I do see your dreams coming true but it will take a bit more time honestly, you might even get tired but you must not give up. I am seeing it will take you longer because you are doing this without magic 🪄
( I hope this resonates with you. I love you☄️)
0 notes
tarot-bimbo · 25 days
Hiii 😊
Can I get the free reading
Initial -sh. Sign-virgo
Age -(18+)
Can I know about my career? (Future) Right now I am studying
New follower btw I love your pacs a lot. It resonates with me.thank you for pac 🥰)
Are you studying Medicine? Or medical work? Or anything to do hands on. I am seeing a lot of people coming to you for help actually, when they are hurt or sick. You could help people a lot and I am getting that's how people know you. When someone says your name everyone is like oh they helped me so much and I see that it's just in your d.n.a to help others. I feel art too you might like and paint a lot but the things you paint are deep they have an actual meaning behind it , you could paint illnesses a lot and people can truly feel the art.
( I hope this resonates with you. I love you☄️)
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