#tysm for adding the image ID!
tallulah477 · 3 months
hi! i was wondering do you have a visual or description of the na'vis genitals? I know you mention it coming out of a sheath, but id love to know more! Tysm :)
I love this question more than you can imagine LMAO
Ok, so . . . In my mind I have a specific image that I picture when writing alien genitalia for the Na'vi (based on my own personal preferences, of course). I wish I had an exact image so that I could show you but I haven't come across one that looks exactly like what I want. (There's a severe lack of drawn alien genitalia for Avatar, so if anyone knows of some good art . . . lemme know 👀)
That being said, if you want a visual, lemme give a HUGE shout out to @/Killveous on Twitter/X cause he has some great Na'vi genitalia designs and they have a lot of the aspects that I visualize and I actually lost my mind when I stumbled across it.
Link here for your viewing pleasure and reference.
I haven't really considered it too much for the females yet, but for the males this is what I picture:
Cocks are retractible and sit inside the body for protection.
The slit (or sheath) is a flat opening between his thighs that acts as the entrance for the cock to come out or retract back into for mating. When aroused, the slit becomes slightly engorged or puffy and wet with a natural lubricant (or slick). It feels good if you rub it or lick it!
When aroused enough, the cock peeks out through the slit until it's completely out. The slick coats the inside of the slit and the cock to help the slide out and make it wet.
I also really like the idea that the Na'vi slick has some kind of natural aphrodisiac in it so that if its ingested (so like by licking slit or sucking it off a cock during oral), it increases the consumer's arousal and desire. It would taste really sweet, I think.
I also think that the slick would provide some kind of aid to help ease the stretch during penetration to avoid any real pain or uncomfortableness and make taking the obscene size of the Na'vi more manageable, which would be really helpful with Na'vi/Human relationships.
The tip is a pretty lavender color and slightly cone shaped but not a crazy amount, just enough to make it look visibly different from a normal cock
No foreskin cause it's naturally protected by the sheath
There are bumps and barbs along the shaft and a few scattered on the tip for added texture and stimulation as well as glowing bioluminescent freckles
Bioluminescent cum! (I don't remember who made up this headcanon but . . . THANK YOU cause omg it's so good.)
When close to orgasm, a knot forms at the base of the cock. It's basically a large ball that swells and then eventually locks inside the female, usually with the intention of getting her pregnant, until it deflates and he can pull out.
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lamuliz · 4 months
ID anon again. I just saw your response, thank you for your feedback on the description! I made the necessary changes:
[id: digital comic of a child laying flat on their back amongst rubble, their eyes lifeless and glasses broken. the text says, "I'm dying."
"Cute cat": a fluffy cat stares up, residing outside a scratchy, rough building on a sidewalk.
"Barbed wire.": two children look up a wall with barbed wires, a ball caught neatly in between.
"Is my life flashing before my eyes?" is written out in white text against a black background.
"Severed hand": the person looks down, their shoes peeking from the bottom of the panel. in front of them, a child's severed hand lies on the ground, blood splattered from beneath the rubble.
"Crying baby": a parent smiles to comfort their crying child on a hospital floor. behind them, a doctor walks past.
"Smug soldier": a soldier stands, resting their hand on the butt of their rifle, looking down. their eyes are blocked out by black scribbles.
The remaining panels are in plain text, reading: "I'm sorry, body. I'm sorry arms, legs, eyes and heart. I couldn't give you enough. They didn't let me give you enough."
In red text: #strikeforgaza
Grey text: #freepalestine
/end id]
As for adding the alt text, I am only aware of how to add it on mobile, which is: edit the post > clicking the three dots and then the button: add alt text. Though there is a tutorial on the official tumblr website: https://help.tumblr.com/hc/en-us/articles/231453828-Adding-Photos
Each line should be on the corresponding image it is describing, and feel free to copy paste and alter the description.
Thank you. ❤️
I've added the alt text, i hope i didn't butcher it lol,, tysm for the help
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
omg thank you for responding to my ask!! tysm for explaining the grammar and even a bit of the culture!! my brain is rotting so much from this newfound knowledge, i might go feral :D!
i do have another question, what irl languages are you referencing from? I think you’ve said ancient greek but i’m dying to know how your brain functions when it comes to constructing this language.
i will say i love the world building you’ve done just explaining starspeak, it’s absolutely ruined my brain and i’m once again living for it!
waa i'm glad you saw the answer, thank you for sending in asks! i'm also delighted to get to share my worldbuilding and cultural headcanons... this is very nice for me!!
i did mention this before but it was quite small and attached in this image which i now realise i didn't put an ID on. so i'll rehash that and explain a little better!
under a cut because no art just text wall, rip;;
i'm referencing predominantly modern greek, because translating back-and-forth with ancient greek is a bit harder and in my quick attempts required more dictionary flipping than i felt like doing for something which is just for fun in my free time. i can and have done it for certain phrases- especially ones that are older even by Celestial standards- but it's mostly modern greek and occasionally a tiny bit of arabic.
i was inspired by naming conventions for stars and cosmic entities on earth, and the general bastardisation of languages that occurs with the proper names of stars
and oooo aaahhg whuuughh i wish i could say I did something really cool and thoughtful, but if i'm being honest with you the bastardisation "process" i go through for this is translates several words in the vicinity of what i want >> mashes them together >> makes them have the vibe i like 😂
(i reckon this would look like absolute hell to anyone who actually speaks/reads these languages though, so again I'm profoundly sorry for that omg;; there's also a very good chance there are overlaps with other languages, or that some of these made-up words might translate for others in ways i can't predict or always catch. i originally designed this only for fun and personal use and never imagined anyone else would be interested in it, so it's a bit of a hot and self-indulgent mess haha)
there are a few words that i've formed which now affect the basis of other words and don't require any further translation of bastardising.
for instance asté for "star" appears very frequently; as you might imagine. another is the diminutive ró which can be added onto or into most other phrases to imply that something is small; ie astéróki (small star).
other aspects- like the existence of formal reverse possessives, or question particles (like you would find in mandarin chinese)- are just ways i think language can be really varied and interesting! i guess i just think there's no reason that alien languages would be formed with the same structures as earth english in particular so if i have the opportunity to do Not That then i do!
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kittytual · 1 year
hello :) just wanted to say thank you so much for adding an id to make my art more accesible to other people !!! i've been wanting to do that myself quite from sometime now... so i was wondering, do you have any tips on how to write them? i want to make sure everyone is able to understand if i write them myself, i don't want them to be lacking info or not being comprehensibles :'] tysm again !!!!
hi!! it's good to see ppl appreciative of providing accessibility, especially since tumblr hasn't made many steps into making that happen. as for ur question, i do have a few links on my pinned post to help with writing image descriptions, but i'll put them here for convenience: this goes in depth regarding ids, why we need them, general tips as well as tips on video descriptions and overall making ur art and blog more accessible. and some templates here and here.
there's more to accessibility than image descriptions though, so i'll link this post as a starting point. there's also the people's accessibility server!! u can ask for feedback on image descriptions/general accessibility there, as well as request image descriptions from other volunteers. i usually do so when im low on spoons. i've been in there for a while and the ppl there r rlly nice so if ur comfortable w discord servers i highly recommend joining
hopefully this answers ur question, and i apologize if i come off as incomprehensible as its 3am in my time zone
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cocopudu · 7 months
hihi! idk if you saw, but could you please add my image description to this post [hyperlinked] of yours to make it more accessible for visually disabled people/people who use screenreaders/etc? not under a readmore, and no bold/italic/small text. feel free to fix any mistakes, and credit is nice but not necessary. tysm!!
only just saw this !! but ive added the id to my original post c: tysm for going thru and writing it ohmygosh!! <3
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snowdin-stims · 10 months
so so super awesome to see you adding alt text to gifs!! just as a reference, you don't need to include id & end id in alt text, and if the gifs are mostly similar (ex. your recent snowy trees) you could try something like:
"3 gifs of a tree line and ground covered in snow with snow lightly falling, the sky dark blue and the light making the snow appear off-white."
and just paste that in the first gifs alt text! honestly your original id works and is phrased well, but by adding the "[X] gifs" and then the description only on the first gif, it helps with some redundancy :3 but only really do something like that if the gifs are already really similar
i hope this doesn't sound judgemental, i'm genuinely happy you're starting to add alt text/ids, i just thought it'd help to share some advice :D
tysm for the advice!! its really appriciated :] half of why we haven't added ID's yet is cause we've struggled to figure out how to ID gifs when the image/description changes, so i really appriciate any advice anyone has and seeing other ID's of our gifs to get ideas on how to go about it! /g
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starjuicebox · 2 years
how do you pick your colors? your art is so pretty and glowey!!!
awww tysm!!
id love to make an in-depth post abt this sometime with images, but here’s some info/tips and tricks i use for about every piece i’ve made in the past year or so!
- while using the eye drop tool to pick a characters basic palette (and then adding fun colors via adjustment layers) can be a good start/something i do to brainstorm and start out my flats, you might want to NOT stick with this, since
-skin tones change with light and surroundings, so even if you use official art to pick from…the character might still look pale depending on what other colors or light you’re adding to the piece
-the adjustment layers i use as my first steps (hard and soft light, multiply, and exclusion on low opacity are ones i often use) often mess with the contrast i had in mind.
as a result, my typical process is messing around with adjustment layers (tbf, i’m familiar w most of them and how they look, so it’s easy to achieve a starting base p quickly) but THEN coloring new flats on top based off of that.
that way, i can choose Myself how i want the final color palette to look, and push colors that aren’t coming through enough/add or remove what i don’t want. for me, this often means more saturated colors or changing some areas to be a new accent color.
sorry if this makes no sense at all, i’ll prob make a post w images someday…but for now i hope this helps!!
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haunted-joystix · 7 months
hi! tysm for adding image descriptions to your art /gen
i just wanted to add:
ids often glitch out when put under cuts / read mores, so it's best to put it in the post itself or add it to the alt text
also please try to add a plaintext version to your text art! eg "‧˚₊꒷꒦︶💜︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹" can be described as "text art of sparkles and melting liquid around a heart." also please keep in mind that stuff like enlarged text, small text and coloured text also makes screen readers glitch out! once again tysm for making your art more accessible!
hi!! ill keep these in mind, tysm for the tips!!! :D <3
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chilblainsaint · 10 months
HI HI!!!!! We just wanted to say that your rain world art and ocs are so so soooo cute!! We adore them so much!!!
I also hope you don't mind me adding image IDs to your art either <:)
Oh yeah, ofc I can add image ids!!
and tysm tjjfhrhrhdb 💚
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neopronouns · 2 years
Hello!!! Could I please get some Dialtown (if you're comfy with that!) DNI banners, with Oliver Swift, with the Stargender or Kenochoric flag, and Text that reads "DNI; Under 18+, Anti Mspec Gays/Lesbians, Anti non-traumagenic/endo systems, Anti-Fictives, DSMP stan, etc" ? Tysm!!! Sorry if this isn't clear /gen !
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let me know if you want anything added/removed/changed!
image id: eight 1500x250 dni banners, each with text reading 'DNI: Unde4 18+, Anti Mspec Gays/Lesbians, Anti Non-Traumagenic/Endo Systems, Anti-Fictives, DSMP Stans, etc' and with an image of oliver swift from 'dialtown' with his hands on his hips. the top four banners each have the stargender flag in the background and the bottom four each have the kenochoric flag in the background.
the top banner's text is white with a thin black outline, and the second banner's text is black. both have oliver swift at the left edge of the banner. the third banner's text is white with a thin black outline, and the fourth banner's text is black. both have oliver swift at the right of the banner.
the fifth banner's text is white, and the sixth banner's is black with a thin white outline. both have oliver swift at the left of the banner. the seventh banner's text is white, and the eighth banner's text is black with a thin white outline. both have oliver swift at the right of the banner.
end id.
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
I really love your faunirose flag (tbh I am OBSESSED with all of the rosboy flags), I think there’s already a genderfaunet and catgender flag, but by any chance can you do a faunirose and catgender flag?
aww tysm i'm so glad you like them! and sure thing! i hope you don't mind, but i didn't change much about the flag, i just changed a few colors slightly and added a catgender symbol.
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are medium purple, grey-violet, grey-blue, dull turquoise, pale yellow, yellow, orange, violet, and medium blue. The non-problematic catgender symbol is in the center of the flag. End ID.]
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marigold-suncakes · 3 years
Can I request another: Harelight(ShadowClan) drinking near waterfall btw I love your artstyle :)
Ahh im so sorry for the late response !! tumblr bugs out a lot for me so i didnt see this ask until yesterday im so sorry
without furder ado , here he is !
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[Image ID: A drawing of a white cat with light yellow eyes drinking from a waterfall with rocks and trees surrounding them. The artwork's color palette consists of teal, orange, brown and pink shades. End Image ID.]
**adding image ids to my posts now , please feel free to give me advice on how to better describe stuffs
had a lot of fun drawing the back ground for this !! tysm for the ask and the compliment btw !!
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oceanselevenism · 3 years
sorry for reblogging basically your whole art tag dhsjdhdj i love your style so much!
PLS DONT APOLOGIZE ID DIE FOR U. also TYSM for adding image descriptions my brain is a blank slate
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sad-af1121 · 6 years
Hi.🙂 I really love your writing and want to know if you can help me. I'd like to make a masterlist and with every tutorial I pull up, I find the directions confusing. I'm very computer illiterate, so if you could explain it to me in a dumbed down version, it'd help me a lot. Thank you so much 🙂🙂
I know there’s more than one way to make a masterlist but I went with the simplest way I came across. First I created a text post with “MASTERLIST” as my title, added a header (which is any image you want with maybe your tumblr name on it. You can make this on any photo editing website and it’s super easy. I can provide some websites if you want later) Then I typed out the name of the fic, adding a dash mark or “:” to add a summary if you want. After I have that written down, you highlight the text (title only) and these circles will pop up asking if you want to bold, italic, link and etc. Click on the link circle and it will ask you to add the link of the site you are connecting it to. Now for this you have to make sure you have something to link it to. So locating an old fic that you wrote on your tumblr and copying/pasting the link into the link bar on your masterlist page will work. Once you’ve done that, it will give you an option to open, or remove. Click open to make sure it opens in a new tab. And if that works, there you have it! The first of many fics to add onto your masterlist! 😊 also id tag it something you would remember like (my masterlist or whatever) so that it’s easy to find and edit whenever you want.
You can organize it any way you want and however you want. Just don’t make it look too confusing because some people have done that and I myself have :’) And once everything is added and adjusted to your liking, you hit post and yeah! A masterlist 🙌🏼
I’m also answering this off my phone so I am sorry if I don’t make sense or it’s confusing. You can message me directly and I can help you step by step with that too. If you have any more questions, I’ll be glad to help ❤️ and tysm for reading my work. Asks like these make my day.
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