#vld oc: yathir
sarapsys · 6 years
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comic of a scene from @thisgirlhastales‘s space cowboys fic series trouble’s making everything alright because im excited for their new fic. this bit is from short change heroes.
*lies face down on ground* i spent much more time on this than i meant to? i was trying to pick like, two or three images from this scene, and as you can see things uhhhh spiralled a bit. its too good of a scene to pick just bits orz
unrelated: coran is super fun to draw??? also ive never tried doing anything with landscape pages before, i kinda like it. you’ll probably want to click through for fullsize though!
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sarapsys · 6 years
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working on a bit of illustration and needed to make up my mind how to draw @thisgirlhastales‘s OCs Yathir and Brisha
brisha was going in some weird directions for a while there (what if i cross an ocelot with a dart frog??? terrible weird shit, is what) so i went with something more based on @weblumbeblum‘s excellent design
anyway if you haven’t read the VLD Space Cowboys AU Trouble’s Making Everything Alright yet, go do it, it’s so good 
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