#wang yanhong
kpopmultifan · 1 year
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Mnet idol survival show BOYS PLANET (the boys version of the successful GIRLS PLANET 999 which spawned Kep1er) has released a set of profile images of the competing trainees.. The series debut is scheduled for February 2nd.
1. Seok Matthew (MNH Entertainment) 2. Takuto (YY Entertainment) 3. Toui (FNC Entertainment Japan) 4. Wang Yanhong (Asia Star Entertainment) 5. Wang Zihao (Chromosome) 6. Wen Yechen (Youth With You alum) 7. Winnie (FirstOne Entertainment; member of NINE.i) 8. Wumuti (JPark&Company; Under 19 alum) 9. Xuan Hao (Beijng Stardyehot Entertainment; Youth With You 3 alum) 10. Yang Jun (Asia Star Entertainment)
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blueaiyuice · 1 year
yangjun and yanhongs reaction to their hot performance never fails to get me
like...yangjun looking like he wants to die. yanhong getting a little too into it. yangjun dying at the end. yanhong just nonstop going. both of them serving face. these were the loser-coded duo we deserved to see more bc GOD yanhong is a huge personality but they completely erased it
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mydaylight · 11 months
The thing that I appreciate the most about Story of Minglan is how pro-active its female characters are. It’s not just a show meant to highlight the exploitation and vulnerability of women in the context of the Song Dynasty society (although we certainly get to witness that); but one that lets their fierceness and determination and agency shine. It’s so remarkable that the majority of the plots in the show are centred around women and resolved by women. Even when it comes to the case of antagonists like Lin Qinshuang, Xiao Qin-shi, Old Madam Wang, the empress dowager etc, they are imposing figures with complex motivations that contribute to all the important developments. When little Minglan gets orphaned, it’s Hualan’s advice to Wang Ruofu that appeases the Wei family and Old Madam Sheng who steps up to take Minglan under her wing when her own father wouldn’t. When Molan has an affair, it’s up to Wang Ruofu and Old Madam Sheng to take the initiative to speak to the Liang family about a possible marriage. When Gu Tingye proposes marriage to Yu Yanhong, it’s her mother the one who needs to give the final approval and in the end cuts him off. When Qi Heng gets threatened, again it’s Princess Consort Yong pulling the strings. Consort Rong decides to murder the Yong Family (the family of the prince about to inherit the nation, mind you) to get revenge for the rape and death of her younger sister. Shulan’s divorce is negotiated by her own mother and grandmother, and not her father. When Auntie Kang is killed, it’s Old Madam Wang the one going to imperial palace to scheme against Tingye. Minglan gives up on ever expecting her father to give her justice so she steps up and takes extreme measures to get revenge for her mother’s death, and her contribution is what helps Yanran, Shulan, Kang Zhao’er, Zhang Guifen, and finally Old Madam when she gets poisoned. Even Concubine Wei, who always insisted on keeping a low profile, was ready to go to the Kaifeng Court to prove Xiao Die's innocence (so you see where Minglan gets it from). And Lady Bai was ready to divorce her husband and walk away with her children after finding out how she was used. Even that small moment of Mingyue asking to have her family’s slave contracts returned to them so she can escape being forced to become a concubine to a man she doesn’t like is so satisfying to see. It’s just so great to get a show like that that’s not just trying to make a point about the suffering of women, but actually lets its female characters be active participants in their own stories and take control of their lives instead of being subservient to male character, or reducing them to the role of the love interest or a passive sufferer.
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palaeonecromancy · 4 months
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Happy Fossil Friday!
Who: Yi qi
name meaning: "Wing" "Strange" = "Strange wing"
pronunciation: Yee chee
What: a scansoriopterygid (climbing/gliding maniraptoran dinosaurs) theropod
When: Middle-Upper Jurassic
Where: Tiaojishan Formation in the Hebei Province in China
Fun fact!: Yi qi is the shortest binomial of any extinct animal discovered so far, sharing this status (ironically) with the extant Ia io, the great evening bat.
P.F. (personal flex) Fun fact!: One of the authors on the original paper describing the discovery of Yi qi was my undergraduate thesis supervisor.
Why are they cool?: When you think of birds you think feathers and Yi qi certain had those, but what sets this funky little lad apart from other maniraptorians of this time were the long rods of bone protruding from its wrists that supported membranous tissue not unlike the wings of a bat.
Here is a link to the original paper describing Yi qi if anyone is interested in learning more!
And just for fun cause she's super cool, here is a link to another of the paper's famous authers, Jingmai O'Connor's website, the punk rock palaeontologist!
Image Credits: (Left: Emily Willoughby, Right: Figure 2. Xu, Xing, Xiaoting Zheng, Corwin Sullivan, Xiaoli Wang, Lida Xing, Yan Wang, Xiaomei Zhang, Jingmai K. O’Connor, Fucheng Zhang, and Yanhong Pan. "A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran theropod with preserved evidence of membranous wings." Nature 521, no. 7550 (2015): 70-73.)
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ntgospel · 1 month
Cristãos são presos por venda ilegal de bíblia na Mongólia Interior
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/perseguicao-religiosa/cristaos-sao-presos-por-venda-ilegal-de-biblia-na-mongolia-interior
Cristãos são presos por venda ilegal de bíblia na Mongólia Interior
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Em março de 2024, a detenção de dez cristãos na cidade de Hohhot, capital da Mongólia Interior, por suposta venda ilegal de bíblia, gerou grande repercussão no cenário jurídico e cristão. Este caso se destaca pela peculiaridade de envolver Bíblias publicadas legalmente em Nanjing com autorização do governo, mas cuja venda por uma igreja doméstica não oficial foi considerada crime pelas autoridades locais.
Acusação e Argumentação
Segundo o guiame, as acusações contra os dez cristãos, identificados como Wang Honglan, Ji Heying, Zhang Wang, Wang Jiale, Liu Minna, Li Chao, Yang Zhijun, Ji Guolong, Liu Wei e Ban Yanhong, baseiam-se no argumento de que a venda de Bíblias por uma igreja doméstica não filiada à Igreja das Três Autonomias, entidade controlada pelo governo, configura crime mesmo que as Bíblias em si sejam legalizadas.
Análise Jurídica
A criminalização da venda de Bíblias legalizadas por uma igreja doméstica levanta questões cruciais sobre os princípios de liberdade religiosa e livre exercício de crença, consagrados em diversas leis e convenções internacionais. A alegação de “operações comerciais ilegais” como base para a condenação dos acusados, mesmo com a demonstração de que as vendas não visavam lucro e sim a evangelização, suscita dúvidas sobre a imparcialidade do processo judicial e a garantia do direito à liberdade religiosa na Mongólia Interior.
Perspectiva Cristã
Do ponto de vista cristão, a condenação dos cristãos por vender Bíblias legalmente adquiridas configura uma forma de restrição à livre difusão da fé e ao acesso aos textos sagrados. Esse tipo de medida, além de violar os princípios básicos da liberdade religiosa, pode gerar impactos negativos na comunidade cristã local, dificultando o exercício das práticas religiosas e a vivência da fé.
O caso dos dez cristãos presos na Mongólia Interior por vender Bíblias legalizadas serve como um lembrete dos desafios enfrentados por minorias religiosas em diferentes partes do mundo. É fundamental que os princípios de liberdade religiosa e livre exercício de crença sejam respeitados e defendidos, garantindo o direito de todos os indivíduos de professar sua fé e compartilhar suas crenças sem receio de perseguição ou represália.
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lalilula · 1 year
Haru. Haruto. Hiroto.
Kei. Keita.
Ricky. Riku.
Wang Yanhong. Wang Zihao.
Xuan Hao. Zhang Hao.
Yuki. Yuto. Yutaka.
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xf-2 · 4 years
武漢ウイルスが腎臟と睾丸を損傷する理論的可能性について、著名な保健科學の預印誌ネットに令和二年二月十二日から論文が公表されてゐる。「ACE2 Expression in Kidney and Testis May Cause Kidney and Testis Damage After 2019-nCoV Infection」Caibin Fan(樊彩斌), Kai Li, Yanhong Ding, Wei Lu Lu, View ORCID ProfileJianqing Wang。 https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.12.20022418 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.12.20022418v1.full.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20200326033916/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.12.20022418v1.full.pdf 勿論、審査を經て掲載されたものではない。審査といふのは時間のかかるものだ。掲載元の紐育冷泉港研究所は西暦1890年に設立され、ノーベル賞も出してゐるとのこと。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%89%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%BB%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E6%89%80https://www.cshl.edu/about-us/ 以前、武漢ウイルスの人造的性質についてインドの論文が預印ネットから取り下げられたことが話題になったが、この腎臟睾丸論は取り下げられてゐない。これについては既に廣く報導されてをり、新情報ではない。https://www.am730.com.hk/news/%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E/%E6%96%B0%E5%86%A0%E8%82%BA%E7%82%8E%E6%81%90%E6%90%8D%E7%9D%BE%E4%B8%B8%E4%B8%8D%E8%82%B2-207993 http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2020-02-15/doc-iimxxstf1568252.shtml https://news.sina.com.tw/article/20200217/34253072.html https://hk.news.appledaily.com/china/20200217/VPPS3OKSMORRRVG2VAQ4Q5A4JQ/ https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-news!-latest-research-published-by-chinese-scientists-say-coronavirus-might-render-certain-male-patients-infertile この論文の第一著者、樊彩斌氏は蘇州市立醫院の泌尿器科主任。http://www.smh.cc/showInfo.jsp?id=688  そもそもチャイナ・ウイルスであるから、チャイナから多くの學術情報が出て、先進國で掲載されるのも當り前のことだ。  その後、三月十日になって湖北電視臺經視頻道(湖北テレビ局經濟チャンネル)で、ほぼ同樣の醫師見解が報じられた。https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jcawe5L-54ry4p_emGhDxg  それによれば、湖北の華中科技大學の同濟醫院の生殖中心(センター)の李豫峰教授らが、武漢肺炎の治癒後の患者は生殖能力の檢査をしておく必要があると注意喚起した、とのことである。發熱による睾丸損傷ではなく、ある種の毒素が細胞に侵入するとのことである。  この李豫峰教授の注意喚起は三月十二日に湖北省政府のインターネットにも掲載されたが、反響が大き過ぎたためか削除された。しかしチャイナ監視下の各媒體で轉載されたものは削除されてゐない。http://finance.ifeng.com/c/7umUYdG5k3g http://baby.sina.com.cn/news/2020-03-14/doc-iimxyqwa0232795.shtml https://www.nnews.eu/topnews/187134.htmlhttp://www.fjhy.net/shenghuopindao/2020/0318/46114.html https://kantie.org/news/598118672 https://hkx.eu/news/73479.html シンガポールなど海外でも報じられた。 https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2232593.html https://www.dw.com/zh/%E6%96%B0%E5%86%A0%E5%90%8E%E9%81%97%E7%97%87%E8%82%BA%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD%E8%B7%8C%E4%B8%89%E6%88%90-%E6%8D%9F%E7%9D%BE%E4%B8%B8%E8%87%B4%E4%B8%8D%E8%82%B2/a-52757936 それらによれば、理論的に根據のあることで、ただ臨床例としてはまだ無いと、李豫峰教授が語ってゐるとのことだ。 この醫學的可能性について、ここ數日になって再度報じられ、チャイナ監視下の媒體でも醫師らが議論してゐる。臨床例は即時に出るものではなく、過去のSARSの時にも睾丸損傷の症例があったさうだ。http://www.xjjkyy.com/a/nvxingjiankang/1537.html http://mini.eastday.com/a/200327162558207.htmlhttp://mini.eastday.com/a/200327162558207-2.html http://mini.eastday.com/a/200327162558207-3.html https://www.cn-healthcare.com/articlewm/20200320/content-1097120.html http://bbs1.people.com.cn/post/1/1/2/175276186.html http://www.medsci.cn/article/show_article.do?id=0077190e53c5 日本でも漫畫家孫向文氏らが注意喚起してゐる。 https://twitter.com/sonkoubun/status/1243379624479846405https://twitter.com/keiseisuzuki/status/1243405156894429184https://twitter.com/amayadori3888/status/1243510943843139586/photo/1  ところが、この議論に對してツイッター社が封鎖措置を行なった。恐らく誰か孫向文氏をデマと決めつけたがる人がツイッター社に通報したのだらう。この封鎖に對し、西村幸祐氏らが聲を揚げてゐる。 https://twitter.com/kohyu1952/status/1243569070345203716 https://twitter.com/swim_shu/status/1243482601735634945/photo/1https://twitter.com/swim_shu/status/1243482601735634945 https://twitter.com/amayadori3888/status/1243510943843139586 上記の醫學情報を完全に無視して、「單なる發熱による睾丸損傷だ」として孫向文氏を批判する人もゐる。https://twitter.com/NecoskiN/status/1243457500420030464 https://twitter.com/yatanosyu/status/1243570740474986496  ふるい情報すら集めずにすぐデマ標識を貼りつける人が多い。言論の在り方として極めて不健康だ。このやうな人々がツイッター社に通報したのだらうか。彼らを日本五毛と呼ばせて頂かう。
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neurosciencenews · 5 years
New hope for treating childhood brain cancer
Experiments in animal models of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a devastating form of brain cancer that afflicts young children, leads to an experimental drug that destroys DIPG cells, but not healthy brain cells.
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(image: DIPG cells, pictured here, are generally resilient and replicate rapidly. With a dose of MI-2, however, the cells abruptly die. The image is credited to Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics at The Rockefeller University.)
There could be new treatments on the horizon for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, or DIPG, a devastating form of brain cancer that afflicts young children and is currently incurable. Recent experiments in animal models of the disease have identified an experimental drug that effectively destroys DIPG cells. And a team of Rockefeller scientists just figured out how this promising compound works.
The research, described in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that the drug acts on cellular cholesterol pathways, and suggests that these pathways may be fruitful targets for treating a variety of brain cancers.
Original Research: Closed access “Target identification reveals lanosterol synthase as a vulnerability in glioma” Richard E. Phillips, Yanhong Yang, Ryan C. Smith, Bonne M. Thompson, Tomoko Yamasaki, Yadira M. Soto-Feliciano, Kosuke Funato, Yupu Liang, Javier Garcia-Bermudez, Xiaoshi Wang, Benjamin A. Garcia, Kazuhiko Yamasaki, Jeffrey G. McDonald, Kivanç Birsoy, Viviane Tabar, and C. David Allis. PNAS published ahead of print March 28, 2019 doi:10.1073/pnas.1820989116
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maceikblog · 2 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #70 11.3.2022
Krykiet, mecz testowy, dzień 4
Indie Zachodnie (373/9, Nkrumah Bonner 123, Jayden Seales 4/79 & Kemar Roach 1/31)-Anglia (311 & 217/1, Jonny Bairstow 140 & Zak Crawley 117*, Ben Stokes 2/42)
ICC Puchar Świata Kobiet: RPA (223/9, Lura Wolvaardt 75, Shabnim Ismail 3/41) pokonało Pakistan (217, Omaima Shohail 65, Fatima Sana 3/43) 6 runami
ICC World Cricket League 2: Oman (276/3, Shoaib Khan 105*, Bilal Khan 5/60) pokonał Namibię (275/8, Gerhard Erasmus 76, Bernard Scholtz 2/49) 7 wicketami
Turniej WTA w Indian Wells:
Magda Linette-Astra Sharma 4:6 6:7(1)
Iga Świątek-Anhelina Kalinina 5:7 6:0 6:1
Turniej ITF w Bendigo: Weronika Falkowska/Alexandra Bozovic-Merel Hoedt/Alexandra Osborne 6:3 3:6 10-8
Puchar Świata w biegach, sprinty w Falun
37. Dominik Bury
44. Maciej Staręga
62. Mateusz Haratyk
64. Kamil Bury
49. Monika Skinder
CAF Liga Mistrzów:
Al Hilal-Al Merreikh 1:0
Zamalek-Wydad 0:1
Belouizdad-Jwaneng Galaxy 4:1
MyGolfLife Open, 2 runda: 26. Adrian Meronk
Challenger w Roseto Degli Abruzzi: Jan Zieliński/Hugo Nys-Jozef Kovalik/Lukas Rosol 7:6(8) 7:5
Puchar Świata w biathlonie, sprint kobiet w Otepie:
18. Monika Hojnisz-Staręga
56. Kamila Żuk
66. Magdalena Gwizdoń
69. Anna Mąka
2 Bundesliga: Hansa Rostock-Holstein Kiel 3:2
PDC European Tour w Hildesheim, 1 runda:
Markko Kantele-Scott Waites 3:6
Alan Soutar-Luc Peters 6:3
Martin Lukeman-Jimmy Hendriks 6:2
Mario Vandenbogaerde-Martijn Kleermaker 4:6
Darius Labanauskas-Niko Springer 6:2
Nathan Rafferty-Ricky Evans 3:6
Jose Justicia-George Killington 6:4
Martin Schindler-Jermaine Wattimena 6:5
Dave Chisnall-Stefan Bellmont 6:1
Vincent van der Voort-Gian van Veen 6:2
Daryl Gurney-Lukas Wenig 6:4
Joe Murnan-Kim Huybrechts 3:6
Karel Sedlacek-Adrian Lewis 6:2
Puchar Świata w narciarstwie alpejskim, slalom gigant w Are:
10. Maryna Gąsienica-Daniel
Mistrzostwa Świata w lotach, dzień 1
12. Jakub Wolny
19. Piotr Żyła
21. Kamil Stoch
29. Paweł Wąsek
Tirreno-Adriatico, 5 etap:
55. Rafał Majka (31 w generalce)
81. Cesare Benedetti (113 w generalce)
142. Maciej Bodnar (142 w generalce)
III Liga: Bałtyk-Olimpia 1:4
Energa Basket Liga: Trefl Sopot-Anwil Włocławek 82:89
Bruk Bet-Zagłębie 0:2
Górnik Łęczna-Legia 0:1
Puchar 6 Narodów: Walia-Francja 9:13
Igrzyska Paraolimpijskie w Pekinie, dzień 7
parabiathlon, biegi na 12,5km
kobiet siedząc
1. Oksana Masters (USA)
2. Kendall Gretsch (USA)
3. Shan Yilin (CHN)
10. Monika Kukla
kobiet stojąc
1. Liudmyla Liashenko (UKR)
2. Zhao Zhiqing (CHN)
3. Brittany Hudak (CAN)
Iweta Faron nie ukończyła
mężczyzn z przewodnikiem
1. Oleksandr Kazik/(p)Serhii Kucheriavyi (UKR)
2. Vitaliy Lukyanenko/(p)Borys Babar (UKR)
3. Yu Shang/(p)Wang Guanyu (CHN)
7. Paweł Gil/(p)Michał Lańda
parasnowboard, banked slalom mężczyzn SB-LL2
1. Sun Qi (CHN)
2. Matti Suur-Hamari (FIN)
3. Ollie Hill (GBR)
19. Wojciech Taraba
mecz o 5 miejsce
Czechy-Włochy 3:4 po dogrywce
Kanada-Korea Południowa 11:0
USA-Chiny 11:0
curling na wózkach
Słowacja-Szwecja 4:6
Chiny-Kanada 9:5
mecz o brązowy medal
Słowacja-Kanada 3:8
Pozostałe konkurencje medalowe
paranarciarstwo alpejskie, slalom gigant kobiet
z przewodnikiem
1. Veronika Aigner/(p)Elisabeth Aigner (AUT)
2. Zhu Daqing/(p)Hanhan Yan (CHN)
3. Barbara Aigner/(p)Klara Sykora (AUT)
1. Zhang Mengqiu (CHN)
2. Mollie Jepsen (CAN)
3. Andrea Rothfuss (GER)
1. Momoka Muraoka (JPN)
2. Liu Sitong (CHN)
3. Zhang Wenjing (CHN)
parabiathlon, biegi na 12,5km
mężczyzn siedząc
1. Liu Mengtao (CHN)
2. Taras Rad (UKR)
3. Liu Zixu (CHN)
mężczyzn stojąc
1. Benjamin Daviet (FRA)
2. Mark Arendz (CAN)
3. Grygorii Vovchynskyi (UKR)
kobiet z przewodnikiem
1. Oksana Shyshkova/(p)Vitaliy Kazakov (UKR)
2. Linn Kazmaier/(p)Florian Baumann (GER)
3. Leonie Maria Walter/(p)Pirmin Strecker (GER)
parasnowboard, banked slalom
kobiet SB-LL2
1. Brenna Huckaby (USA)
2. Geng Yanhong (CHN)
3. Li Tiantian (CHN)
mężczyzn SB-UL
1. Maxime Montaggioni (FRA)
2. Ji Lijia (CHN)
3. Zhu Yonggang (CHN)
mężczyzn SB-LL1
1. Wu Zongwei (CHN)
2. Chris Vos (NL)
3. Tyler Turner (CAN)
0 notes
blogtintonghop24h · 4 years
Con cái giới siêu giàu Trung Quốc sống ở Anh, Mỹ, học ĐH Harvard, MIT
Zing trích dịch bài viết của South China Morning Post về xu hướng cho con cái du học ở những ngôi trường danh tiếng trên thế giới của giới siêu giàu Trung Quốc.
Trung Quốc luôn được đánh giá là quốc gia có môi trường sư phạm khắc nghiệt và sự phân cấp trong giáo dục ở mức cao. Học sinh trong nước luôn phải cạnh tranh để đậu vào đại học danh tiếng, nhằm tạo bước đệm cho sự tiến thân sau này.
Cuối tuần, các học sinh nước này phải quay cuồng trong núi bài tập Toán, Tiếng Anh và học thêm các môn năng khiếu. Học trường điểm hay du học quốc tế được xem là lợi thế lớn để thành công tại đất nước tỷ dân.
Nhằm tạo dựng nền móng vững chắc, giới siêu giàu nước này có xu hướng cho con ra nước ngoài học tập để phát triển toàn diện. Với khối tài sản khổng lồ, các tỷ phú xứ Trung không tiếc tay chi tiền để con cái được giáo dục tại những ngôi trường có danh tiếng hàng đầu thế giới, đi cùng với đó là mức học phí “trên trời”.
Giới siêu giàu Trung Quốc có xu hướng cho con cái du học để thụ hưởng nền giáo dục tiên tiến trên thế giới.
Mạnh tay chi tiền, cho con du học từ nhỏ
Từ khi còn ít tuổi, những cậu ấm cô chiêu của các gia đình hào môn được tiếp cận nền giáo dục tiên tiến của các nước phát triển, đa số là phương Tây.
Annabel Yao (22 tuổi) là con gái của nhà sáng lập kiêm CEO tập đoàn Huawei , Nhậm Chính Phi (có khổi tài sản 1,1 tỷ USD ). Cô nàng sinh năm 1997 vừa tốt nghiệp ngành Khoa học Máy tính tại ĐH Harvard (Mỹ). Cô từng sống ở Anh, Hong Kong và Thượng Hải.
Ngoài thời gian học tập và theo đuổi sự nghiệp công nghệ của gia đình, Yao còn là vũ công múa ballet. Trước đó, 9X từng gây chú ý khi là một trong 19 thiếu nữ trẻ ra mắt giới thượng lưu thế giới ở buổi tiệc khiêu vũ Le Bal des Debutantes tại Paris vào tháng 11/2018.
Ái nữ tập đoàn Huawei được gia đình cho du học từ sớm để phát triển toàn diện.
Sicong Wang (32 tuổi) là con trai tỷ phú Vương Kiện Lâm (65 tuổi) - người sáng lập Dalian Wanda Group, tập đoàn bất động sản lớn nhất Trung Quốc. Cha là đại gia sở hữu 14,1 tỷ USD , Sicong Wang được gia đình hết sức đầu tư cho việc học. Anh du học tại Singapore, sau đó theo học trường Winchester tại Anh với mức học phí 51.400 USD /năm.
Wendy Yu là con gái Jingyuan Yu, tỷ phú sáng lập tập đoàn sản xuất cửa gỗ Mengtian. Cô nổi tiếng khi khoe cuộc sống xa hoa trên mạng xã hội. Từ năm 15 tuổi, 9X đã được cho đến Anh theo học trường con nhà giàu Taunton, Somerset rồi sau đó học Quản lý thời trang tại Đại học Thời trang London.
Không nằm trong danh sách tỷ phú, song ca sĩ Faye Wong (sở hữu tài sản 150 triệu USD ) cũng đưa con gái 13 tuổi Li Yan đi du học tại trường Alpin Beau Soleil, Thụy Điển. Ngôi trường này có học phí lên tới 12.000 USD /tháng.
Những cậu ấm cô chiêu nhà tài phiệt Trung Quốc đều được cha mẹ mạnh tay chi tiền để theo học các trường danh tiếng.
Mario Ho Yau-kwan là con trai Vua sòng bài Macau Stanly Ho (qua đời hôm 26/5). Mario chứng minh bản thân không chỉ đơn thuần là người thừa kế mà còn là tài năng xuất chúng. 9X từng 2 lần vô địch giải Toán học quốc gia Hong Kong.
Mario bước chân vào Học viện Công nghệ Massachusetts (MIT) chỉ mất 3 năm để hoàn thành chương trình học 4 năm. Anh cũng là sinh viên trẻ nhất trong lịch sử chương trình Thạc sĩ Tài chính của MIT.
Nửa số tỷ phú tốt nghiệp đại học trong nước
Cùng với sự trỗi dậy của nền kinh tế, Trung Quốc ngày càng có nhiều tỷ phú mới. Năm 2019, trong danh sách 10 tỷ phú mới của thế giới, Trung Quốc góp mặt đến 4 người, theo Hurun Report.
Cũng theo danh sách Hurun Report’s Global Rich List 2020, những năm gần đây, Trung Quốc có thêm 182 tỷ phú mới, nâng số tỷ phú của nước này lên 799 người. Trong khi đó, những con số này tại Mỹ chỉ là 626 tỷ phú với 59 gương mặt mới.
Công chúng không khỏi ngạc nhiên khi biết rằng phân nửa số tỷ phú nước này không hề có bằng cấp cao, lọt “trường top” hay được du học nước ngoài, theo một báo cáo của Hurun Research Institute.
Chính các trường đại học trong nước đã đào tạo nên những người giàu có nhất.
Jack Ma cùng phân nửa các tỷ phú của Trung Quốc chỉ theo học trường trong nước.
Nổi bật trong danh sách tỷ phú xuất thân từ trường trong nước có Jack Ma - đại gia sở hữu khối tài sản 38,8 tỷ USD . Nhà sáng lập trang Thương mại điện tử Alibaba tốt nghiệp Đại học Sư phạm Hàng Châu.
Tỷ phú Ma Huateng tốt nghiệp ĐH Thâm Quyến vẫn thành công vang dội với vai trò đồng sáng lập WeChat, sở hữu 38,1 tỷ USD . Một ông lớn ngành công nghệ khác là Robin Li Yanhong (có 6,2 tỷ USD ) - chủ tịch kiêm CEO của tập đoàn Baidu - cũng chỉ tốt nghiệp ĐH Bắc Kinh.
Chủ tịch tập đoàn Evergrand Group Hui Ka-yan (tỷ phú có 21,8 tỷ USD ) hiện là nhà đầu tư bất động sản lớn nhất Trung Quốc. Ông xuất thân là sinh viên ĐH Khoa học và Công nghệ Vũ Hán.
Tuy nhiên khi đã tích lũy được khối tài sản khổng lồ, có vị thế cao trong xã hội, đa số tỷ phú Trung Quốc có xu hướng đưa con cái ra nước ngoài để thụ hưởng nền giáo dục tiên tiến. Không chỉ tạo dựng tiềm lực kinh tế mạnh, những tỷ phú này mong muốn con cái sẽ có những bước tiến mạnh mẽ về sau.
Theo Zing.vn
Nguồn https://ift.tt/2UVzjQh
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lostmaniac-blog · 6 years
Zhang Shengren was appointed director of the Hubei provincial science and Technology Department, Liu Yanhong, director of the provincial people's social Bureau.
Original title: Zhang Shengren was appointed director of the provincial science and Technology Department, and Liu Yanhong served as director of the provincial people's social Bureau.
Hubei daily news (reporter Wang Xin, Zhou Sanchun) on the afternoon of July 26th, the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee of the thirteenth people's Congress of Hubei province was voted through: the decision to appoint Zhang Shengren as the director of the Provincial Department of science and technolo from https://www.waonews.com/news/25170-Zhang_Shengren_was_appointed_director_of_the_Hubei_provincial_science_and_Technology_Department_Liu_Yanhong_director_of_the_provincial_people_s_social_Bureau.html
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mydaylight · 1 year
I must admit I have a lot of respect for Madam Yu (Yanran’s stepmom and Yanhong’s mother) for refusing to marry Yanhong to Gu Tingye after he tells her about the salt farms worth 27000 liang per annum to convince her about the marriage. I don’t think it was reasonable to expect Tingye to throw his children on the streets, but Madam Yu not wanting her only daughter to marry a man who clearly prioritizes another woman and basically only wants to marry to provide his mistress and kids with a stable situation is understandable as well. And she impressed me by the fact she wasn’t even the slightest tempted by the money. I was reminded of Minglan backing off the marriage to the He Family later on, which was not an entirely dissimilar situation when you think about it. Of course, Tingye is not entirely unsympathetic and would probably be decent enough to Yanhong, but I think in the end Madam Yu made the right call to cancel the wedding.
I really like how the drama compares the kinda flippant attitude dads have in this drama versus the more protective and uncompromising manner of the mothers (and grandmoms!). Mr Yu wanted Yanhong (and Yanran previously) to marry Tingye because of how rich he is due to the Bai’s family’s assets and we also saw how Sheng Hong settling for the Yuan Family for Hualan - against Ruofu’s protests, if I might add - brought her more harm than good eventually. I think the series is trying to make a point of how Mr Yu, and Sheng Hong and many other men are oblivious to the struggles of women due to their own male privilege, whereas women like Wang Ruofu, Madam Yu, Grandma Sheng, Youyang Grandma Sheng etc. are less likely to push their daughters or granddaughters in an imperfect marital situation because their own experiences as women inform them on how likely they are to suffer because of it.
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adalidda · 6 years
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Illustration Photo: Solar Modules manufacturing plant in China (credits: solar giga / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Toward New-Generation Intelligent Manufacturing
Authors: Zhou Ji, Li Peigen, Zhou Yanhong, Wang Baicun, Zang Jiyuan, Meng Liu
Journal Title: Engineering
ISSN: 2095-8099 (Print); 2096-0026 (Online)
Publisher: Elsevier
Society/Institution: Chinese Academy of Engineering
Intelligent manufacturing is a general concept that is under continuous development. It can be categorized into three basic paradigms: digital manufacturing, digital-networked manufacturing, and new-generation intelligent manufacturing. New-generation intelligent manufacturing represents an in-depth integration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI) technology and advanced manufacturing technology. It runs through every link in the full life-cycle of design, production, product, and service. The concept also relates to the optimization and integration of corresponding systems; the continuous improvement of enterprises’ product quality, performance, and service levels; and reduction in resources consumption. New-generation intelligent manufacturing acts as the core driving force of the new industrial revolution and will continue to be the main pathway for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in the decades to come. Human-cyber-physical systems (HCPSs) reveal the technological mechanisms of new-generation intelligent manufacturing and can effectively guide related theoretical research and engineering practice. Given the sequential development, cross interaction, and iterative upgrading characteristics of the three basic paradigms of intelligent manufacturing, a technology roadmap for “parallel promotion and integrated development” should be developed in order to drive forward the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry in China.
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/B2xjQk6Bd2eJQqN6A/toward-new-generation-intelligent-manufacturing
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cryptobully-blog · 6 years
China's Biggest Political Event Sees Blockchain Praise
China's Biggest Political Event Sees Blockchain Praise
Chinese policy advisors from across various sectors are weighing in on domestic blockchain development during the first days of an ongoing annual political event.
Commonly known as the “Two Sessions” – comprising the National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) – the event this year has already seen a wide range of comments on blockchain from provincial and municipal representatives to CEOs of major internet firms. The event started on March 3.
The NPC is China’s top legislative arm, which proposes policies and oversees its enforcement, while the CPPCC serves a consultative function for lawmakers, with its membership coming from corporates and political parties, as well as ethnic groups in China. Both events are hosted every spring over the course of 10-14 days at national, provincial and municipal levels.
While the topic of blockchain has yet to make it to the lawmakers’ agenda, comments from CPPCC members have brought attention to the tech to both local and national political events.
Applications are key
While China has already clamped down on initial coin offerings (ICOs) and fiat-to-crypto order book trading since September 2017, the government is still stepping up its support for turning blockchain technology into real-life applications.
Speaking to that effort, Pony Ma, CEO of Chinese internet giant Tencent, said in a press Q&A session during the CPPCC conference that his firm is actively exploring various scenarios that could see the application of blockchain technology, according to a report from Sohu.
Ma commented:
“Although the invention of blockchain is [excellent], the key to its future lies largely in actual applications. Meanwhile ICOs remain highly risky. We do not intend to participate in launching our own cryptocurrency.”
Echoing that comment, Li Yanhong, CEO of search giant Baidu, said that, while blockchain technology is revolutionary, it’s still a very early stage, according to China’s tech news Leiphone.
The comments are largely in line with recent developments of the two internet firms, as Baidu and Tencent have both recently launched blockchain-as-a-service platforms in order to facilitate companies that seek to develop applications using the tech.
Meanwhile, Zhou Yanli, currently a CPPCC member and former vice chairman of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, doubled down on his belief that blockchain applications promise to play a major role in improving the efficiency of the insurance industry in China.
China has already seen joint efforts in piloting blockchain application within the insurance industry. As reported, in April 2017, a group of 10 insurance companies said it had completed a blockchain trial in the country.
Calls for change
Yet as interest in the technology grows, some policy advisors are casting doubts on aspects of the blockchain industry.
For instance, Zhou Hongyi, chairman of internet security firm Qihoo 360, commented:
“The only real application of blockchain I can see so far is bitcoin. And yet in the history of blockchain development, lots of exchanges and wallets have been hacked, which proves blockchain technology needs serious security improvement.”
Meanwhile, Ding Lei, CEO of internet technology firm NetEase, believes that a lot of the current attention given to blockchain is driven by speculation.
“Applications should be developed in accordance to actual market needs, instead of just using the name of blockchain for speculation,” he said.
Addressing the issue of speculation, Wang Pengjie, a CPPCC member from minor political party Zhi Gong, proposed a regulatory framework that would potentially treat tokens as public stocks, saying:
“A regulated cryptocurrency exchange platform under the oversight of People’s Bank of China and Securities Regulatory Commission would serve as a formal way for companies raising funds through ICO and trading cryptocurrencies.”
Cities take a focus
While the event has seen notable comments at the national level in Beijing, city-level conferences have also discussed ways to foster blockchain developments.
According to Leiphone, in China’s Guangxi Province, policy advisors from the provincial CPPCC have already proposed the drafting of crypto-friendly guidelines to attract firms that design, develop and implement blockchain applications.
Similarly, CPPCC members at a city-level conference in Chengdu suggested that the local government should have a policy in place to build an incubation center to foster adoption of blockchain technology in the city’s financial services.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Hangzhou, the city where e-commerce giant Alibaba is headquartered, said it would make blockchain one of its top priorities for 2018, in an effort to foster quality development in the field.
People’s Great Hall image via Shutterstock
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GSE60539 Identify and characterize the circular RNAs expressed in lactating rat mammary glands
Contributors : ChunLei Zhang ; Yanhong Wang Series Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing Organism : Rattus norvegicus
Purpose: A novel member of RNAs, circular RNAs (circRNAs), has recently been evidenced to play key role on biological process regulation. However, the global landscape of circular RNA remains largely unknown. In the present study, deep RNA-sequencing technique was employed to identify and characterize the circular RNAs expressed in lactating rat mammary gland.compare NGS-derived retinal transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) to microarray and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT–PCR) methods and to evaluate protocols for optimal high-throughput data analysis Methods:Deep RNA-sequencing technique was employed Results: A total of 6824 and 4523 circRNAs were identified from rat mammary glands at two lactation stages, respectively. Numerous circRNAs seem to be specifically expressed in different lactation stages, as only 1314 circRNAs were detected in both libraries. Majority of the candidate circRNAs maps to intronic and intergenic regions, namely noncoding regions. There existed the circular preference or specificity of some genes. Interestingly, 4 protein coding genes (Rev3l, IGSF11, MAML2, and LPP) that also tanscripted high level circRNAs have been reported to be involved in cancer. The distribution of specific miRNA binding sites and RNA binding proteins binding sites also implied the role of circRNAs in mammary gland development and tumorigenesis. Conclusions:The results provide the basis for comparisons with breast cancer profiles and for selection of representative circRNA candidates for future functional characterization in breast development and breast cancer.
from # All Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2vOB6uc from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2vOYHLt
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