#warfpat x reader
speedystarshine · 1 year
Can you please write head canons about Matpat egos with a Reader who sleeps a lot, and when I mean a lot I mean like lot!
Who would be The one who Hold the reader while they sleep, Or be a little shit and Play loud music to annoy them
You don’t have to write it but I would appreciate it if you do! Have great day/night <3
Ofc!! Here you go! (Lmao I took out Mack because I realized poor guy would basically be doing your job- that would be kinda funny tho like imagine going to sleep on the ship beside him and waking up to entire colonization and you're in a cage 💀)
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
Kinda sad he can't really hang out with you that much when you're asleep, so he definitely makes moments counts when you wake up!
One of the one's to hold reader while you're asleep. Y'know that universal feeling where you have a cat on you and won't move even if it hurts because there's a cat on you- Very much like that.
He takes pictures, beware because he has blackmail on you lmao-
Honestly sometimes he uses you as a mini table and just edits and even sometimes record whole-ass videos on top of you 😭
Another ones to hold you, but like.... stiff.
He doesn't move the entire time. Bro is sat snkadfkj
Sometimes if he has stuff to do (Read: people to murder) he just kinda flings you on his back and goes off to do whatever
Eventually puts you in a bed because he feels bad, especially if he finds you asleep like on top of the fridge or some random shit 😭
Listen to me he had to sleep on a desk chair for five miserable nights he knows damn well you're gonna be sore when you wake up 💀
The Detective
Honestly how he would react depends on whether your on the team or part of the place but would still kinda be the same
If you're a part of wherever the team is he's kinda sad he doesn't get to see you that much-
If you're on the team though, he is desperately trying to fight so you don't get voted out snjasj-
He is weak as hell. Mans isn't strong enough to carry you every where so most of the time makes sure you fall asleep in the safe spot.
The Hermit
Honestly just leaves you to do your thing 💀
Unlike The Detective, he is way too strong, so he'd probably end up throwing you around like a sack of potatoes and possibly accidentally off a cliff
If you guys are indoors he's slightly more relaxed but still on guard, since everything is new to him no matter how much you tell him its safe-
If you guys are outdoors though, he feels so bad about leaving you in case anything comes back before he does so he tries to make sure your awake when he leaves. <3 You're asleep when he comes back tho
He is a complete ass whether he realizes it or not 😭 I have a hc that no matter where he goes, goofy ass jazzy music follows him, so good luck
He makes lizard noises in your ear to test how deep of a sleeper you are snsnskfds
I'm sorry he loves you but he has. So much fun with you 😭
Probably interviews you and asks about your day and stuff and then pans to your chair which is empty because you fell of it in your sleep
He loves you but your lowkey going to have to get a restraining order if you want even a smidge of sleep around him</3
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What MatPat egos are like as lovers
(The Detective, MadPat, Mack, The Hermit, WarfPat, DarkPat)
The Detective: - Are you kidding? This man is the sweetest!! - He likes bringing you flowers a lot. His favorites are lilies, because they remind him of you - Physical touch is definitely his primary love language (have you seen him and Ro in Escape the Night?!) - He’s a very patient person most of the time, unless he gets too stressed out. Arguments (because, let’s be honest, they’re inevitable in all relationships) with him are rare. - He isn’t always the one to apologize first, but he makes a point to always make up for it after you’ve both cooled down
MadPat: - What?? A serial killer can’t be a good lover, right…? - Ha! Wrong! - Well, mostly. Sometimes he gets so caught up in work that you don’t see him for a whole day - I have no idea how he does it, but this man will somehow work his ass off every day at the pizzeria, and then come home and manage to give you all of his attention - He likes listening to you talk. Not always anything in particular, either. Hearing about your day, reading to him… all of it is nice. He especially likes it after a long day of work, or after, uh… his less-than-legal hobbies - If he can help it, he tries to keep you separate from the whole… serial murder thing. Though, I’m sure it’s inevitable you find out eventually…
Mack: (Crewmate & Head Engineer) - For crewmate Mack, he’s obsessed with you. But not in a creepy way. He just loves being around you, and probably even went as far as to beg the captain to put you on similar jobs so he can stay with you as long as possible - Loves forehead kisses! Both for you and for himself, but every time you two have some alone time together, it’s cuddles and forehead kisses if he has his way - Head engineer Mack is more bold. He’s less outwardly touchy, and is far less obsessed with you, but that’s mostly because he has a reputation to uphold. He’s the second-in-command of the whole shop, after all. People look up to him! - However, he does use his title and his power to keep you around him as much as possible, same as crewmate Mack. Maybe it’s you being assigned the job of cleaning the same room that he’s stationed in, or specifically keeping you from working on one particular day so you can spend the whole day with him
The Hermit: - He’s the most protective of all the egos. He knows the danger out in the world, and is very adamant about keeping you safe. - Admittedly, sometimes this protectiveness borders on possessiveness, but he’s a sucker for you. All you have to do is tell him that you appreciate his concern and that you’ll be okay. Sometimes you have to agree to take him with you, but overall, you’re usually allowed to go on your own - It sounds absolutely insane, but with him as your lover, you are treated like royalty. Sure, he lives in a cave on a (mostly) deserted island, but you have everything you could ever want. - You swear he has some kind of extraterrestrial abilities…
WarfPat: - Oh dear, let’s hope you’re up for the chaos - His love language switches like… every time you blink I swear. One day he’s all on you, hugging you, kissing you, etc. and the next, he’s giving you gifts like there’s no tomorrow - He’s overall a pretty energetic guy, but around you, he simply cannot sit still. He loves being around you!! It makes him really talkative, too, so he ready to hear him infodump about anything - You are his favorite guest on his talk show, easily. You’re a fan-favorite, he always says - He’s kind of like a teenager when it comes to some things in the relationship. Like, for example, he is a sucker for matching things. If you made him matching bracelets, he’d love you until the end of eternity (he already does but you know)
DarkPat: - I know he looks like an asshole, but it’s mostly just for show - DarkPat is a mix between The Hermit and Mack, really - He doesn’t like physical touch all that much. Not just in public, either, but all in all. He will hold your hand sometimes, but kisses make him uncomfortable when they’re unprompted, and he isn’t really one for cuddling - He makes up for the lack of physical touch with gifts. Specifically expensive jewelry. Seeing you wear it makes even him smile, and then he buys you more - Rich man fr - He also likes taking you to fancy dinners for dates, which kind of freaks out the people around him, seeing a glitching entity with too much eyeliner, but as long as you’re happy
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speedystarshine · 2 years
(Because I said so, also for 33 followers because Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Thank you all so much for the support <3)
Matpat Egos with a Winged!Reader
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (crewmate/engineer/dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat
The minute he sees you he's all 🤨👀🧐. He's uh... Not really used to seeing entity's or hybrids or other egos, so sometimes he forgets that not everyone is human. Fully human, anyways.
He's really interested in them, though! (Even if you might take it a different way due to his facial expressions 😭) He mainly wants to study them and understand how they work, but outside of him wanting to know everything about them, he thinks they're really cool! And soft, he sometimes picks up stray feathers that have slipped for them. Is also immediately there if you mention needing help preening. I mean, c'mon! A) their soft, B) you like it and C), he likes it! I don't think he really understands that preening is usually done by uh....yk. Not new friends, let's say.
Probably asks if he can fly with you once and then starts crying the second you're both 0.1 centimeter of the ground 🙄
5/10 very helpful, but also very annoying.
"That's cool, now if you don't mind I'm on fire and-" IM JOKING IM JOKI- He's not tho
He thinks they look amazing! He likes the markings/colours on them, and asks you about them.
The only thing he's curious about though is, how do you balance with them? They look very heavy they are and are certainly bigger than you.
As long as you're okay though, he doesn't mind!
He's heard about preening before, but has absolutely no idea what it is exactly or how it works. He reminds you about it daily, though.
He also collects the feathers that fall out, but gives them back to you instead of keeping them. Probably keeps one or two to study them, though.
He won't ever tell you this, but he is very intimated and turned on when he sees your wings stretched out at full height. Just sorta 'eeps' and scuttles away.
He's also very careful with his weapons when he's around you, since he knows that if he swings stuff around too much he could hurt you :(
Probably turns on his chainsaw every now and then and then giggles like the bastard he his when you jump
Stops after the first few times though, since sometimes you knock stuff over with your wings, and also, you have wings. He does not. You will and have suddenly flown of with him as revenge. And he knows you'll do it again.
Mack (crewmate)
You'll definitely know the first time he sees them since it'll be silent and then you'll hear a little "oh!"
He's like a little puppy and just follows you around everywhere, and it's very obvious that he has a lot of questions.
He's too nervous to ask you outright though, probably asking Celci to ask you since he knows that if he asked Mark then Mark would tease him and he'd probably die tbh-
You definitely notice that he's following/staring at you, so sometimes if you stretch n yawn you make sure to stretch your wings full height so he can see.
Also picks up feathers bro why do all of them but instead of waiting till your gone like the others, it'll be a mad scramble to get them before they hit the ground. What can I say, he's a little bit of a germaphobe.
He doesn't really know what they fully feel like, but from what he knows they're very soft and silky, you obviously take good care of them.
His favourite pastime is ruffling them so their all fluffy :)
One day when the two of you are alone you feel him staring for the bazillionth time that day, so you eventually cave and tell him he can touch them if he wants too.
Mack is processing-
When he does, he'll be so excited! And nervous. His hands are probably shaking. Eventually though he melts into it, and actually finds it very relaxing both of you. Probably turns into an accidental preening session.
Mack (Engineer)
Instantly notices, how could he not? He absolutely adores him, but acts as if they're a massive nuisance all of the time (We're not stupid, Mack-)
Cleans up your feathers after you, all the time, even though you haven't asked him too.
Sometimes you shed more on purpose because it's funny to hear him mumble stuff like "If I were Captain, I wouldn't leave feathers all over the place!" Yeah yeah sure, we know you have a big fat crush on-
Every single feather he collects, he keeps in a little cabinet in his room. If anyone where to ask he'd get very flustered, but is reasoning is "Well we can't throw them out the Airlock, littering is bad!" Uh huh, sure-
Sometimes if he's walking closely behind you, going on his rants about how he is clearly the better captain, or something else, you smack him in the face with your wings
He's so shocked help 😭- He's trying to process what happened, like yeah it hurt but how come it was so soft? What even- OH
Captain is cackling their ass down the corridor all ready, not waiting for his reaction.
He'd be so flustered for a second but then remembers 'wait I'm supposed to hate them' and just storms off after you, yelling shit like "Captain! Ugh! They are so immature- 👹"
Calls you 'bird brain' as an insult but it eventually becomes a pet name as time passes
Mack (Dictator)
Is immediately in love with them and you the second you step onboard-
When you land, he gives you the final choice to make the 'right' decision and make him Captain.
And you know what? Yeah sure, go ahead.
Captain: *giggles* IM FREE YES FUCK YOU-
Tee hee, no. No you are not.
Anyways, his thoughts about them!
He really does think they're pretty on you, heck, you always look amazing! But... He does need you to rely on him, and knocking you a peg lower than you already were seems to do the trick :( sorry.
He's not a total monster though (🤨) and he knows how uncomfortable it can be for you to have feathers, since he'll sometimes wake up to heaps of them in your shared bed.
He'll also preen them for you, though he constantly tugs on your collar which can make it annoying.
Sometimes if he wakes up before you, he'll pet them gently. Will instantly scream like a girl and shove you out (and most likely off) the bed when he notices you waking up.
He also likes how they unfold and seem to shelter you two from everyone else when you two are, uh...... 😳Holding....hands...?
^He'll also tug on them if he knows it'll get a reaction out of you
Throws out the loose feathers :( What's the point of having feathers when he has the actual bird? Thing?
He loves you (🧐) but will snip them if he feels like/catches you're trying to run away too much.
The Detective
He will trail around with you, but unlike Mack, and unfortunately for you, will asks lots of questions. And I mean a lot of them. Writes down everything you say in his goofy little notebook 😭
Also calls you 'bird brain', but it comes out more teasing and friendly than derogatory.
*sighs* keeps your feathers. Probably has a separate journal with all of them in there, yk how some people do those flower stamp journals?
Claims it's for 'research' or 'evidence' like bestie the only 'evidence' I'm seeing is how much of a simp you are-
Is a lot more touchy than the other egos, probably just immediately holding them and being like 🧐😳🤨 whether or not you're comfortable of people touching them 😭
Preens them for you, but he does ask first though. However, if your wings were really dirty and not taken care of, he'd sit your ass down straight away and start-
Probably puts on gloves when they're dirty because he's a dramatic ass bitch-
Sometimes when he feels really tired and just wants to go home he'll make 'little' hints like "y/n would it be odd if you gave us the answer to this puzzle" or "y/n wouldn't it be so funny if you just flew of with the strongman rn haha" yeah no sorry bestie
Yk how sometimes ppl do the thing where they ruffle someone's hair? Yeah he does that but with your wings because he has a teensy tiny theory that it's practically the same thing. it's not, don't tell him tho
Yeah if you got jumpscared you'd probs accidentally smack him in the face with them since he's always like. The closest person in your general vicinity.
Sometimes if you two cuddle you wrap them around the both of you like a blanket and let him pet it :)
Poor guy just needs to lie down, yk that image of a pathetic looking kitten with milk spilt all over it's face yes that is him 24/7
He loves you tho :)
The Hermit
Oh you'll be wanting to stay away from him 24/7.
It's not that he'll actually hurt you, it's just a general vibe, and the fact he keeps making little comments that imply he wants to roast and eat you.
He doesn't get social cues though, having lived by himself for so long, so he probably doesn't get that it's coming across that way or why you look so scared 😭
He is super affectionate towards you, practically begging to preen you despite probably having no idea how to do it.
You have to show him 😭 you also do his hair! Bro's been living in a cave for god knows how long, you can't tell me he doesn't have random stuff in it.
He won't keep your feathers, although if you were to give him one he'd do something silly like tuck it behind his ear :)
He also keeps one on a necklace, kinda like how he has that mini skull :D
Is overall super affectionate and friendly, despite everything else about him practically screaming "sketchy" and the fact he never seems to want you to leave his cave or side
He doesn't really have a lot of questions about you tbh, instead just pinning it as 'the many beauties of nature'. He does find them fascinating though, and tells you so every so often.
BlackBoxWarrior - Will Wood, 2:46
Bro will probably drag you by the wings into his goofy ass studio >:(
Frames if as an interview but honestly he just wants to know himself-
Asks if he can give a 'live demonstration' of preening even though A) the answer is probably most definitely no B) he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's like a kid playing tag except they don't know the rules so they add random shit to make it looks like they do-
You eventually let him, in private, since he won't leave you alone and every single fucking door you open leads you right back to his studio >:((
He still takes a sneaky little video or picture because of course he did 🙄 istg he's like those girls who my teacher will be like "guys my friend died :(" and then you just hear "A NEVER ENDING STORYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHH STORIEEEEEE" and look back to see two white girls twerking
He loves you though :) he finds that your wings make great blankets/pillows if he's tired!
He swears it's like cat hair though he'll wake up with feathers in his fucking mouth and hair and even his moustache
If he's being too annoying though don't worry you can just swoop him up and fly off with him :)
Which.... Uh doesn't actually work the way you'd want it to because he finds it fun and pretends to fake swoon because he's a bastard
I'm sorry I don't know his character that well 😭
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Tee hee finally finished *collapses*/j I guess this is technically a 30 follower special, hope y'all enjoy!
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Hey there, can I get some uhhh.....mini HC's on matpat egos affection? (also its okay if not, but can i also get googliplier and the jim twins?) also some fries-
*grips you by the throat* anything else? no? alright, that'll be 8.50- (Just kidding, ofc you can! I love these little scrunklo's so here you go!) Sorry it took a while, I haven't done this many characters before (but I don't mind dw)
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (Crewmate/Engineer/Dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat, Darkpat (as a treat bc 50+ followers tee hee), Googliplier, Jim Twins
hmmm, I'd say........5/10, neutral :)
He appreciates affection, and can sometimes be a little bit clingy the more comfortable he gets with you, but he's definitely not as all over you as some of the others.
Like all Mat's, is touch starved (jesus christ someone give them love 😭) but controls himself a lot better, and even though it might go to the point of him seeming uninterested, he really looks forward to the little moments you do spend together. :)
Not big on PDA, since he's a little nervous about it, but most commonly, in public or out, prefers something small like locking pinkies or holding your hand.
He’d actually start dying on the spot if someone were to walk in as he was giving you a lil kiss-
Have.... have you seen this man
10/10. He tries to control himself at first, worried he'll scare you away if he come's off as too clingy, so most likely you'll end up initiating the first act of affection.
After that though, he pretty much takes it as the go-ahead and is all over you.
Seriously, he needs to be touching you in some way 24/7 or he will through a hissy fit. It can be a little uncomfortable, since he's always shifting or moving in someway, and his grip is a little too tight, but give him a break, dude needs this.
In public (if you ever somehow end up out there which is highly unlikely), he'll be practically draped over you. An arm or a hand on your shoulder or waist at all times. He's paranoid, okay-
Mack (Crewmate)
He's just a little guy :)
I'd say 7/10! Definitely one of the Ego's to be craving affection 24/7, but he won't go batshit crazy like some of the others. He knows when to control himself.
He also knows not to be too much in public, since it would very much be seen as unprofessional.
If you allow him to though, he'll be pretty touchy! A little peck on the cheek as he hands you a report, holding your hand as you show him how to do something or vice versa, just the little stuff.
His favourite thing to do is to just sit and snuggle up with you in bed, whether it be just watching a movie or doing your own thing.
Mack (Engineer)
Honestly? 5/10, neutral!
He does like it, don't get me wrong, but he's a bit more reserved and shyer with affection than the other Ego's.
That doesn't mean he won't give you any, though! His favourite thing to do is to just lean up against you or sit beside you when the two of you or doing something.
....He will admit that sometimes he does give you a kiss here or there or acts overly clingy to rub it into Mark's face-
He prefers nose or forehead kisses, he finds it adorable :)
He's a bit more relaxed then crewmack, and won't hesitate to hold your hand or give you a little peck. He won't over do it though, acting just like normal instead of putting on a show.
Mack (Dictator)
....oh boy. oh no.
10/10, for sure. He is possessive as fuck and isn't afraid to show it.
He’s definitely super clingy, but always attempts to flip it around to make it seem like you were the one who’s clingy (yuh huh sure you dragged us onto ur lap because we were lonely)
While he enjoys seeing you on the floor, his favourite thing is if you sit on his lap while he works. You make him a little bit soft (and he’d NEVER admit it) but the collar helps to reassure him. 
He likes giving you little kisses here and there, and honestly if someone were to come in he’d just keep going. Why should he stop just because there’s an audience? That being said, he loves flustering you, especially in public. It’s probably a power thing tbh-
The Detective
9/10, one of the more affectionate (they all are, but yk)
Especially after the events of Season 2 and 3, he is going to need a lot of reassurance. 
He’ll be quiet about it at first, but eventually starts to crave it. Will literally be on cloud 9, happiest guy in the world if you give him a peck on the cheek or spoon with him :)
He likes to hold your hand no matter where you are. Outside, inside, in front of others, anywhere. It reassures him that you're still here after everything and sometimes because of that he'll just start randomly crying out of seemingly no where
His favourite thing in the world (well not favourite since yk...nightmares) is if he has a nightmare and wakes up panting, you'll be there to hug him and tell him its okay :)
Just pls give him some love
The Hermit
10/10, one of the three most clingiest Mat Ego's.
He can't help it! It make's sense, considering he was abandoned and left to fend for himself for around 20 odd years.
So yeah, he’ll go all in. He’s touch starved as hell and he loves the fact that you give him what he craves. He mainly prefers to give affection through providing for you, but he loves the physical stuff too! 
It is law to give him cuddles during every part of the day. He holds you to that, very aggressively-
He likes kisses too! He doesn’t really understand it at first, but don’t worry, he’s a fast learner.
His favourite is getting to cuddle in to you while you ramble on about how things that’ve changed over the years, and while it makes him happy, it makes him sad knowing how much he missed out on.
In public, first of all are you sure, he’ll be...uh... odd about it, that’s for sure. He’s not really used to all of the noises and sights and people, so he just kinda clings to you and growls at any random passer-by. Yeah you might not wanna do that again-
5/10! He does love affection, but won’t cling to you unlike some of the others. He prefers to give affection in small spurts, like a kiss on the cheek or a head pat.
He mainly prefers gift giving or quality time, but he can be touchy here and there. 
That being said though, he wouldn’t mind if his s/o was overly affectionate, or didn’t prefer all the touching! He’s easy either way.
Watch out though, he will exaggerate any kind of affection you give him or he gives you because he can. 
By that I mean he full on swoons or faints because he’s a dramatic little bitch 🙄
3/10, least affectionate of all the Mat Ego’s. That’s what he’ll tell you at least-
(He’s actually a 6/10, craves attention)
But for real, look this little emo ass bitch and tell me he’d be normal about anything.
He says doesn’t really give or ‘do’ affection but istg watch his face turn dark grey the minute you give him a smooch or a hug
If you two did anything affectionate in public, he would literally kill anyone if they were watching because he’s goofy
Please help him do eyeliner, he will love you forever if you help him (but also be very offended because he thought it looked cool before 😭)
5/10, surprisingly neutral. (That was a pun please laugh)
He doesn’t mind it at all, and while he understands it because he can just look it up, he doesn’t really....get, it?
He will admit though, he does like it!
Mainly because he finds it ‘nice’, and it also makes him feel like he can protect you
He claims to find it stupid and useless in front of people and then watch him pull you into his chest because he got jealous 😶
It’s a 50/50 on public affection to be honest. He really just...doesn’t care. You’re his partner, and if he wants to give you affection, he will! He won’t go ham with it though, and respects your boundaries.
The Jim Twins
10/10, it’s just how they roll! These guys are everywhere, all of the time (which is kinda neat, considering the fact that they’re news guys)
They love it though! They’ll be all over you if you let them, and honestly they’d definitely flex you while recording because they’re just like that 😥
The other Ego’s silently thank you because “jesus fuck finally someone to control them” but also silently resent you because now the Jims won’t stfu about you.
In public they tone it down slightly, but they still give shit-tons of affection to their amazing partner >:D
Frfr though keep them on a leash because it will start with all of you walking to McDonalds and then you being dragged down an alleyway because they “saw that dang wolf again”
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Hope you enjoyed that anon, sorry it took so long! I added Darkpat as a treat lmao
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speedystarshine · 2 years
If I may, can I request how the different Matpat egos would react to the winged player (yn) picking them up and flying with them? (Bonus points if it’s out of nowhere and they don’t see it coming) I’m absolutely LOVING this blog!!
ofc, and ty for the kind words! I just used the same characters that I did in the 30 post :P
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (Crewmate/Engineer/Dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
screaming, crying, pissing his pants, calling his mommy,
No but don't he will actually throw up the second you reach the ground
He swears he hates you so much for that especially since it's highly likely that he was like hitting your chest to get you to put him down and then suddenly you're 10,0000 feet in the air and be like "yeah sure okay :D"
Demands you carry him half because he's petty and half because his legs are shaking so bad 😭
Bro had coffee too like. He loves you but his coffee man c'mon not cool :(
Demands hugs and kisses and literally anything that'll stop him feeling nauseous he's such a baby 🙄
Probably threatens to clip your wings but you know he's too pussy to actually do it/hj
You made him drop his chainthrower :( 
(yes he calls it that he told me himself and also you owe him a new one and also here’s the marriage papers before you can process-)
Screams for like half a second and then just sits there like :T he’s processing okay- 
Honestly, he just clings to you like a koala, let him have his internal mental breakdown in peace 😭
You finally put him down and he doesn’t let go-
He comes back half an hour later looking as if he’s been crying and asks you to take him again so he can have his quirky y/n wattpad moment 
give him a hug bro just wants to look cool in front of you okay let him have that   :(( you don’t, and give him hugs instead :)) *cue mat standing outside the door like HUH?!?!? 😡😡🤡🥺😭*
He does genuinely find it fun, (and is slightly scared at the fact you can just fly up with him like he weighs nothing) but he will also cry-
he’s trying :(
Mack (Crewmate)
in space? :0 (I’m joking this is probably either on Earth or when y’all get to the new planet)
do. do you want to be single?/j
but seriously- his reaction would be similar to mat’s except its just non stop screaming the whole time :(
and then extra :( because when you two get down he won’t talk to you and just kinda follow you around with the 🥺 expression on his face. 
He needs hugs and ice cream and distractions asap right away bc he genuinely thought this was a murder attempt or sum (it wasn’t, but he doesn’t know that!! :dd)
Mark would laugh but he honestly just feels sorry for him because of the puppy eyes- 
probably drags him to you to make you apologize (Even tho you probably have 10000 times the second he started crying) He’ll talk to you again dw he just found it funny how you were so panicked at his reaction >:) manipulative shit-
Mack (Engineer)
Kinda just freaks out and laughs nervously the whole time while tucking his face into your chest
the second you land, he is so pale. Like damn bro you need a minute-
in the most monotone voice ever, excuses himself to the bathroom, where the distant sounds of throwing up, sobbing, fanboying?? and other stages of grief can be heard 
he finds it hot 😭
Marks thinks its the funniest shit ever like full on kidney collapse knee slaps, table slams- Yeah he’s not ever letting Mack forget it even tho it was your fault
Don’t worry though, Mack will still hug you and hang out with you and stuff but he’s always tense as if your gonna swoop off again
he even starts bragging to the others as if he wasn’t a millisecond away from pissing his pants and praying
relaxes eventually tho :D kinda holds a grudge against you, but jesus just-
warn him next time if you want to do it again 
Mack (Dictator)
Haha what wings?
What freedom of limbs to be able to swoop in the first place?/j
no but you might actually want to start running after you pull a stunt like that, bro’s gonna pull fucking operation: hunt the bird 😭
his reaction is kinda funny but also not? 
lets out a yelp, and demands you put him down but in this very startled squealing tone- 
after he gets used to it glares at you with an ‘unamused’ expression but you’re so close to him that you can see this man is 👌 close away from crying
just kinda stands there and processes when you put him down and then immediately chases after you
he has a gun so you might want to be good at dodging mid air-
yeah you’re definitely in big BIG trouble afterwards but in your opinion it was totally worth it (unless that’s not the first time or prank you’ve pulled and he decides to clip your wings :((()
tbh the thing he’s most embarrassed about is the fact that there were people around to witness
calls the firing squad on those that tease him about it because haha funky dictator man >:D
The Detective
why? literally just why would you do this to him 
you will be paying for his therapy/j
he finds it really fun but would prefer if he doesn’t have that falling feeling in his stomach
or in his entire body. like at all
his glasses fall off halfway through. you will also be paying for-
he’s so polite about it too although his voice definitely breaks a lot 😭
you get halfway up and he goes “yeah uM y/n this is reAlly nice and all bUt can you put me dOwnokaynevermindholyshitfuckcuntbitchmotherfu” 
he just clings to you afterwards with an awkward smile like “hi <:)?” yeah he’s not letting go bestie you can say buh bye to privacy after that <3
he doesn’t throw up bc he’s a girlboss but definitely feels queasy after which is half of the reason why he’s still clinging to you
probably wouldn’t get it, but if he felt confident enough sometime later would ask if you can take him up again :)
and immediately regrets it- he finds it cool that you can fly though, even if he doesn’t prefer it!
tbh he just wants to see the sky and shit with you because he’s a dork and a simp and we love him 😌
The Hermit
are you sure. are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you would want to pull that shit with this man.
you ever hear the phrase “they’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid”?
i mean- okay. yeah sure. say you did
I feel like he’d be ready because the second he feels you about to prepare he just kinda instantly knows what’s gonna happen
ik his character is sketchy as hell and he keeps making it seem like he’s gonna kill you but bestie if you do pull this off you might figure out pretty soon where he gets all that food from
it’d definitely be different if you were his s/o, but just because you’re safe doesn’t mean you’re wings are! :D 
yeah but no he’s not having it why would you even do this
honestly the only scenario this happens and you don’t die or lose limbs is if you ask him first and makes sure he wants to because otherwise you’re next honestly 😭
absolute suicide mission and his reaction isn’t even fun he just gives you that polite strained adult smile while staring into your soul-
*sighs* its funny because I think this is the same way I started out the intro on the other post-
but yeah, crazy man would love it, you know he would. Probably giggles and shit as if he’s not suspended 20,00000 feat in the air being carried by a person who is shorter than him and theoretically shouldn’t even be able to carry him
because he can warp reality, I think he’d use that power to ‘spice things up’ with your little trip
and by that I mean you’ll endlessly be doing the loop the loop because he keeps flipping the sky upside down and noclipping you EVERYWHERE
bro the tables have turned because the second you land he’s clapping and wanting to go again and y/n is the one throwing up and shit-
he actually unironically finds it cute and its like a 50/50 on whether his exaggerated swooning is sarcastic or not
you drop him halfway up whether on purpose or just because you feel like being a dick and he teleports your ass with him 😭
wants to give you kisses mid-air because he would meanwhile you’re too focused on not crash landing into either his studio or the Ego mansion
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There you go, sorry they took so long to do, I was knocked out cold today! :P
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Egos with reader who has adhd?
(also I love your content!! 🫶)
Thank you :)
The Detective: - Literally doesn't even notice at first - More than happy to let you rant about your hyperfixations, he even encourages it! - If and when you get overstimulated, this man is trained. He knows exactly what to do to help you and get you out - If you are medicated and have to take your meds at a specific time, he is absolutely on top of making sure you take it. If you forget, don't worry, because this man has your back
MadPat: - He doesn't really notice either, he just assumes you're a very energetic person - He's perfectly fine with it when you tell him, as long as it doesn't become an annoyance (you could never be an annoyance to him) - Actually grows to like your stims. Specifically the smaller ones like leg bouncing or playing with your hands. He thinks it's cute - Overall completely unbothered (in a supportive way of course)
Mack: (head engineer) - "I noticed." - Pretends to be annoyed as an excuse to get you some fidget toys so he doesn't look soft when he just wants to help you :) - If he ever sees you using them, he's definitely smiling on the inside - He lets you play with his hands, too, if you'd rather do that instead of playing with the fidget - Space gods have mercy on anyone who comments on it, though, because they may or may not have gotten themselves a one way ticket to the afterlife
The Hermit: - He isn't exactly around humans much so he doesn't realize that your ADHD-ridden behaviors are considered "unusual" to neurotypicals - Has absolutely no idea what ADHD is. And likely will continue to not understand until long after you explain it. - But he does make it clear that no matter what, he still loves you :)
WarfPat: - I headcanon that he has ADHD too! - Actually gets kind of excited because he feels he can relate to you more! - Hyperactive bursts are common for him, so if you have them too, you guys will get along great - He talks about his most recent hyperfixation almost constantly. He doesn't even mind if you don't listen, but if you do, he's going into an almost uncomfortable amount of detail - He kind of does the same thing for you if you're talking about your hyperfixation, where he isn't always 100% listening, but he focuses in occasionally
DarkPat: - I have stated this a million times but I will do it again! RANT TO THIS MAN! He will listen to you talk about literally whatever (hyperfixations!! Talk about your hyperfixations!) and will listen intently the whole entire time - If you want any kind of fidget to stim with or just to have, he will get you like... a dozen to choose from, and even more if you want to - I promise you, if you have a hyperfixation that you're REALLY into, he will spoil you so bad, getting you merch and other fandom-related gifts like there's no tomorrow
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Would the egos let you do their makeup? If so, how would that go??
(I am such a sucker for your writing 🤭🫶)
Well, I am a sucker for asks 😉
The Detective: - He is all for you doing his makeup, but only if it’s subtle if he’s going to work that day - If it’s an off day, or a weekend maybe, he’ll be more willing to add some more flair - Literally the perfect model. He will stay completely still the whole time unless you tell him to move - He’s like a trained soldier 🫡
MadPat: - I was actually 50/50 on this but… - I don’t think he would let you unless you absolutely begged him for like… a week straight. - And even then, he’s picky about what you can and can’t do. He hates powder, refuses to use foundation, and… well that’s about it, but it definitely limits what you can do
Mack (crewmate, head engineer, dictator): - Crewmate Mack would think it’s the cutest thing! - He loves how pretty you make him look 😭❤️ - No matter when you ask, he always gets giddy and excited - Head Engineer Mack would decline immediately and act offended that you’d dare ask such a thing if you’re around people - But as soon as there’s no one else around he’s apologizing and asking (begging) for you to put makeup on him because he actually loves it - Little soft boy ❤️ but only sometimes - Dictator Mack is actually way more open to it than you’d think. He 100% puts makeup on for public appearances so he can look his best - He’d prefer you doing it over the artists he hires, though, even if you aren’t a professional
The Hermit: - Makeup is a foreign thing to him… best not try to put it on him - He probably has an allergy to it anyway
WarfPat: - Similarly to Dictator Mack, he likely gets his makeup done by professional makeup artists before he goes on his talk show - Also similarly, he’s very willing to let you help! Though, if you aren’t perfect, he’ll still get one of the makeup artists to fix it up just a little bit DarkPat: (PLEASE HELP THIS MAN WITH HIS EYELINER 🙏🏻 I AM ACTUALLY BEGGING) - He’ll be the organized one of the bunch who gives you instructions on what he wants done - Unless you’re just practicing, in which he’ll let you do whatever you please - Really sweet afterwards, complimenting your work no matter how good/bad it may be :)
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speedystarshine · 2 years
almost midnight <3
i still wanna fucking punt Vamp MatEgos lovingly
the only one i’d actually just let them be. is prob Detective Vamp. he’s been though shit. and death. he gets a break as a treat
very true, guy just needs some cuddles and kisses😔 he's definitely the softest of the bunch
the others are on thin fucking ice tho
*cough cough* warfpat, madpat, dictator mack *cough cough*
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Egos with reader who is obsessed with true crime
YES! Criminology nerd over here is going crazy
The Detective: - I was kind of 50/50 with him liking it because he can tell you about his cases, and disliking it because he sees it all day at work, and even more at home with you - Honestly I think I'm leaning more towards him enjoying it because when he needs to rant about a bad case, he can tell you everything and not spare any of the gruesome details because you just don't care - If you were to ask him about anything true crime-related, he'd be happy to answer! Especially if it's something you're particularly interested in
MadPat: - Do I even have to say it? - He LOVES this about you! - True crime fan x serial killer may be my new favorite trope now? Like just imagine it - If you know about him being all 🔪 🔪 🔪 he may come home covered in blood and tell you all about his recent kill, obsessed with how intently you listen to each and every gruesome detail
Mack: - Both Head Engineer and Dictator wouldn't mind. I think it'd be really easy to get them both into true crime as well, to be honest. If you nudge them in the right direction, they can very well be just as well-informed as you
The Hermit: - Honestly it probably interests him too, just to a lesser extent. For him, it's more like... "wow, I didn't know the human body could do that" - Or the fact that he's not used to murder (being in isolation and all) so hearing about it makes him curious
WarfPat: - Hehe I have an evil thought for this one - Him waking up in the middle of the night, drowsy, to see you wide awake at like 3AM, the light from your phone illuminating your face as you watch/listen to a true crime podcast/documentary - Being absolutely terrified that you're about to murder him - You will likely receive a gift with a note saying something like "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry"
DarkPat: - Like the Detective, another one that I have mixed feelings on. Though overall, I think he wouldn't mind it - If you're one of those people that listens to true crime podcasts to go to sleep, he may have a similar reaction to WarfPat, though with less fear of him dying, and more of a worry you’ll murder some random stranger - "Oh my significant other might turn into a murderer" - And he'd still love you even if you were, so...
Ness: - Given the movie LOOOORE (I am so sorry) for fun, we're going to say you have a special interest in the Missing Children Incident - He tells you almost everyday that you should be a detective with how closely you follow the case, even though it's a cold case - He gets concerned for you sometimes, but when you get too into it, he is always there to pull you back and force you to take breaks - For example, getting you to visit him at the diner. Or taking you out on a date
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MatPat Egos as Tropes
The Detective: - Strangers to Lovers ~ Just imagine, you’re part of the team going to Everlock, and you meet Mat for the first time and fall in love? I’d read a book about that romance story for sure
MadPat: - Insane x Innocent ~ Is this a trope? Because if it isn’t, it should be. This is so MadPat and his lover, if said lover wasn’t a murderer like him (even moreso if they didn’t know about his hobby)
Mack: (Head engineer, dictator) - Flirt x oblivious ~ I can definitely see both head engineer Mack and dictator Mack being flirty with the person they like. And having the reader be oblivious to it is just so funny to me
The Hermit: - Hear me out. Enemies to lovers ~ The Hermit doesn’t always like it when people come to his island, because sometimes he feels they’re trying to take over his land. Somehow, you manage to get stranded, and he hates you at first. But then slowly warms up to you and realizes he’s in love with you
WarfPat: - Slowburn ~ You start off as just a guest on his talk show, and he doesn’t really know you, he just needs the content, but then the fans fall in love with you and constantly want you back. He keeps bringing you back, and he tells himself it’s just to keep the fans happy, but he’s secretly falling for you more and more as you continue to join him
DarkPat: - Talks x listens ~ He loves listening to his lover talk, especially after a bad day. Listening is a big way he chooses to show his love ❤️
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What I Will Write
Generally, I focus on the MatPat egos (The Detective, MadPat, Mack, WarfPat, and DarkPat) but if you send in requests for any Markiplier egos or NWTB (Nightmare & Phantom) egos, I will answer those too!!
Most all tropes, actually. Enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc. Mostly everything!
I am completely up to write for things like self harm, prior sexual assault (not by the characters but by another person), and mental health
If you ever aren’t sure if I will or won’t write something, please ask!
What I Won’t Write
Downright smut. Some mild NSFW stuff is fine but I am asexual and not interested in writing anything big
Also, no pregnancy (sorry) because I’ve never experienced it and I know I won’t be able to write it accurately
People might get mad at me for this, but I don’t write anything regarding yandere or abuse or anything else that is violent against the reader (Abuse comfort asks, however, are accepted)
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