#watch gundam
qberryshortcake · 18 days
Are you wondering how to get into Gundam and need an autistic transbian with insomnia to help guide you? Well you're in fucking luck!
Happy for u tho/I'm sorry
Start with either Witch From Mercury, Iron Blooded Orphans, or Mobile Suit Gundam. All three you can go in blind and have a grand old time. WFM is the lesbian one though, and my proper intro to the franchise.
What even is a Gundam?
Let's get a little vocabulary out of the way. A Mobile Suit is a bipedal giant mech, generally with one pilot, that uses a combination of mounted weapons and weapons held in the mobile suit's hands. This can be railguns, tank cannons, missile launchers, or a good old fashioned energy sword.
Are all mobile suits Gundams?
No, actually! It's a poodles/dogs situation. All Gundams are mobile suits, but not all mobile suits are Gundams.
What makes Gundams special?
It varies from series to series. In some it's that they use a special power source. In others it's a direct interface with its users. They often require less training than other mobile suits, and have a much higher skill ceiling. No matter what, one rule is more or less universal: only a Gundam can beat another Gundam. This is one of the driving forces for every antagonist. It's also why these shows get so heady.
Who is Char Aznabke?
The antagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam (see below). He's iconic, charismatic, stylish, and machiavellian. There is a Char in every Gundam spinoff. It gives you a sense of dramatic irony knowing that, because if nobody is wearing the mask, you're trying to figure out who will. And if somebody is, you're wondering what they'll do.
Okay, where do I start?
Let's bring out the timeline chart (bear with me):
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This may seem intimidating at first, but once you break it down, it starts to become a bit more scrutable.
The first thing to understand is that Gundam has a singular canon timeline, the Universal Century, and the rest are spinoffs. You could theoretically start down any of these timelines and have a grand old time. That being said, some starting points are better than others.
Universal Century - if you're down with old animation, you can't go wrong with watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam! You can start with Gundam Origin to learn about Char Aznable's backstory, or jump straight into the original anime
Future Century - This is one of the weirdest wildest Gundam series with Mobile Fighter G Gundam. I haven't seen this one and I personally wouldn't start here? But hey if you want a giant robot tournament where every country has a themed Gundam that has sliiiiight racist vibes? Uh well then this is truly one of the shows in all of Gundam.
After Colony - This is where a lot of us originally bounced off of the series. Gundam Wing was what was on Toonami back in the day. The dub isn't...great, and the story is *extremely* edgy. That being said is is rife with ship bait and Deathscythe is an incredible Gundam design. All the same themes, just very hamhanded.
Correct Century - this takes place in the far far future, and technically the previous three timelines converge on this one. It's so far in the future that Gundams are practically a myth. This is Turn A Gundam, or as it's usually stylized, Ɐ Gundam. I haven't gotten to this one yet, but I love the moustachio'd design of the titular Ɐ Gundam. I wouldn't necessarily start here, just because this one kind of assumes the viewer has seen at least a Gundam before. From what I've heard at least.
Cosmic Era - While I own several gunpla from this series, I have only seen an episode! It's... I've never heard a single good word about this one. As far as I know it is more geared toward younger viewers, which also means it is the most shamelessly about advertising gunpla...well other than a couple other series we'll get to.
Anno Domini - okay here is where it gets a little odd because there's multiple timelines that use this abbreviation. The first is Gundam 00, or Double O (not zero). This one is really fun. It takes the edge from Wing and makes it kind of humorous. A slow burn, where you realize that maybe a single force having a monopoly on violence, made up entirely of child soldiers is,,,not the best idea? Great place to start.
Anno Domini - Gundam Build Fighters and Mobile Suit Gunpla Raiders G are, charitably, celebrations of the gunpla hobby. I wouldn't start here.
Post Disaster - God I almost wish this had been my first series. Iron Blooded Orphans is about a bunch of dudes being guys. They escape from slavery and go into business for themselves, and get embroiled in a political conflict while escorting a princess back to Earth from Mars. Fantastic show, but it clocks in at 50 episodes, so keep that in mind if you start this one.
Ad Stella - this is where I started. Witch from Mercury is absolutely incredible. Just 26 episodes. It follows Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran, after the former wins a duel, and due to sci fi anime logic, becomes betrothed to the latter.
Great, anything else I should know?
I said this in another post but if you're still on the fence because giant robot shows you've seen in the past haven't been great, I get it. I was the same way. The point of the robots being humanoid is because it takes out the abstraction of using vehicles of war, without cutting down on the scale of the wars being fought. When a character, for example, goes to destroy a military base single-handedly, you get that disconnect.
Sure it's a pilot doing war things, but it's *very* different when your opponents are as outclassed as most things and a Gundam.
It's always been about the horrors of war, the victims of those wars, and the wounds and scars that are left on the soldiers of those wars. The cool robot is so that a character can lose an arm but still have to keep fighting. In some series that character may have felt the pain of losing an arm while jacked into their mobile suit. It brings a viscerality that fighting with planes, tanks, and starships simply wouldn't be able to replicate.
Oh. And uh. Gunpla. Gunpla are the Namco Bandai line of models. They all require minimal tools and no glue. They're generally posable and some are extremely posable. They come in 1:144, 1:100, and 1:60 scale (primarily). They're also not cheap. The smaller models cost around 30-50, but they get expensive quickly. So uh. Don't? Get into them?
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dragonomatopoeia · 2 years
it is so deeply important to have friends who have completely different tastes than you re: media. gotta be the normie friend for some and the weirdo esoteric niche guy for others. the one who can be chased with a worm around the playground and the one who can do the chasing in turn. peace and love on planet earth
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studiomomo · 1 year
The Comeback - Recap
Stream went well. I talked about my goals for the year, ranted about Gundam, and even managed to clean up my island in Animal Crossing. So many weeds. Here's some clips... (sorry for the mature audience label, I swear a lot)
I was late all 2022 and I guess it's just gonna be my thing.
I really outdid myself and I've honestly got more work to do.
I will be getting through as much of this watch list as I possibly can before the end of the year. Gonna build my Berserker Nobel model when I get to Mobile Fighter G Gundam. The G stands for greatness. If anyone wants to watch the Gundam franchise in full, the list is available here.
And lastly, one of my loftier goals for the year.
🌸 The Momo Pages 🌸
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baharrothbluu · 9 months
Suletta Mercury is such a name, imagine being called John Earth
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kaereth · 11 months
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married!! married ;v;
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thechekhov · 11 months
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"Watch a show" they said, "it'll be fun" they said
Everyone seems to not realize how seriously I end up taking stories I like. Well guess who got me to finally watch his gundams with him.
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hannsoap · 23 days
Suletta's a WOC, born to a (implied) European mother and a (implied) South Asian father, at first she's a country bumpkin unaware that girls could get married, but once she found out she fully accepted and leaned into it
In the end of the show, after an intense struggle, she's gained mobility issues in her legs requiring her to use a pair of canes to support her body (the show's depiction of disability in general is very positive and doesn't dehumanize or talk down to folks with disabilities)
So really, she's a disabled lesbian WOC who is yes, very much, is happily married to her CEO girlboss wife Miorine (who runs a company that develops medical technology and prosthesis for folks with disabilities) while living a peaceful life in the countryside as an elementary school teacher
TLDR: watch gundam witch for Suletta she's everything
(P.S. she has crazy shy anime girl stutter in the early episodes but thats Suletta lore related TRUST)
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exmakina · 18 days
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Happy Suletta Sunday!
Felt like drawing something to mark the occasion. :>
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tanukiimo · 3 months
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suddenly started thinking about feather maintenance/preening in my monster au… waughh
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some extra brainrot
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majimasleftasscheek · 9 months
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I hurt
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milksetters · 10 months
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g witch...
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kurozu501 · 10 months
there’s always been pushback and resistance to artists trying to make queer art. its a very noticeable pattern when you look into the background and creation of queer shows.
revolutionary girl utena only exists because ikuhara wanted to make a sailor moon movie centered around haruka and michiru and was told no. utena and anthy weren’t able to kiss in the anime because one of the utena team members was homophobic and threatened to walk off the project if they made the girls too gay, so it was only once the movie was made, she was gone, and ikuhara had full total control that he could have utena and anthy kiss.
korrasami weren’t allowed to do more then hold hands. they only finally got to kiss onscreen in a sequel comic released way later. steven universe’s final season was rushed and messy because the show was basically cancelled after insisting on having a gay wedding with an onscreen kiss. she ra’s creator had to spend 4 seasons carefully laying the groundwork to force the executives to accept a gay happy ending because otherwise it would never have been allowed. disney suspiciously cut the owl house’s third season short right around the time the show made the lumity relationship canon. The Nimona movie was cancelled when it was nearly finished and only finally released this year.
i guess my point is that executive meddling from stupid old men happens to all queer content that makes it into the mainstream and rather then letting it get you down you should show appreciation to all the artists and creators who swim against this current of suppression and still manage to give us great stories.
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hopeworth · 3 months
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adracat · 1 year
Shaddiq and The End of Fairytales
Shaddiq is quite interesting. His hubris is that he's a romantic at heart. He's styled as a Prince and idealizes Miorine. He dreams of being the triumphant liberator of his people, Prince of Earth itself and heir to a fallen family. It's the makings of a grand romantic story. Yet it was those delusions of fairytale grandeur which led to his downfall
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His relationship with Miorine is one-sided but he pictures slowly winning her heart with patience. He refuses to intrude upon her sanctuary because it would ruin the narrative. Rapunzel needs to let the prince inside.
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If Shaddiq insists he's different, a prince and not a beast, then surely she'll love him.
But then someone earned her heart the way he always dreamt. Suletta, who Miorine changed for and allowed into her castle of flowers while he's kept firmly at a distance.
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It briefly incenses him that this pauper girl, someone not special from Mercury of all places, has earned his princess. He challenges her and their exchange reveals how little he thinks of Miorine's agency. The groom controls the bride. His anger deepens the moment Suletta contradicts him. As the groom, she'll believe in her bride.
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During the duel he reveals his world view. Only a person with vision, someone special and destined for greatness like himself can wed a princess. He's soundly struck down because he underestimates Miorine and Earth House, factors he didn't account for while focused on Suletta.
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When we next see him, Shaddiq appears oddly resigned. His hostility towards Suletta is completely missing. Yet in the context of S2, we finally understand why. Because this preserves the fairytale. Suletta is the knight who fairly won the princess' heart. He recognizes Suletta sees Miorine as something sacred; a divine beauty worthy of worship. He can concede so long as that image is upheld.
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When Guel becomes holder, he doesn't react until this moment. Because he believes Guel has stained Miorine's hands with blood. She's no longer the princess in the tower. Miorine's pure image is ruined and it's entirely Guel's doing. This anger once again leads him to another downfall.
Considering Utena, this is such a clever use of the message princely/fairytale ideals are inherently nonsensical. You cannot paint yourself as a savior and disregard a person's agency. Life does not mirror romantic illusions and instead it's those dreams which blind you to reality. A child's view of the world, not an adult's. Shaddiq remains that orphan who imagined a heroic life for himself. And you can't help but pity him for it.
Ofc, whether he stays out of the game post ep 20 remains to be seen...
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Alright to Spare OP of the Clown Motel Post
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
So I have 4 possibly 5 ideas so far:
1) Middle of Nowhere Nevada or Alabama or Nebraska outside the Gundam Fight Zone - No Gundams To Save You Now Boys
2) This is Post-Divorce for Domon and mere months before the next Gundam Fight.
3) Domon and Chibodee were exhausted and possibly close to a confession before the terrifying clown music kicks in.
4) Only One Bed - Used for Commedic and also Horrific Effect when SEVERAL Clowns pop out of said bed (it was not immediately visible that they were there.)
Is it a trap door to the underground lab they're being produced in? Did the guys not notice a misshapen pile?
I can't decide if the clowns are Ghosts, Aliens (Like IT), or DG related somehow. Like someone got ahold of some samples and are using then for nefarious purposes -namely to build an army of deadly mindless clowns operated via mind control that have gone rogue somehow.
I will say I didn't initially picture Kyoji having anything to do with this but he is my favorite darling meow meow and thus I'm happy to incorporate him into any G Gundam thing I do.
5?) Maybe Kyoji is along for the ride trying to help them research whats going on? Maybe they get separated when Kyoji is dragged off
Or a noise startles Chibodee and he bolts with Domon hot on his heels trying to stay together but they didn't notice Kyoji was trying to read something on the counter and when he looks up he's alone like "You've gotta be fucking kidding me"?
Tagging mutuals I was brainstorming with already that may want to write something with this:
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary
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