#what is carly and shauns ship name
My thoughts while TGD 2x18 “Trampoline” aka a long ass post because I started out with no expectations and got everything I freakin wanted oh my god I’m still freaking out 😭😭 my thought process was a whirlwind lemme tell you
So a little stressed and worried about tonight’s ep with shea probably crumbling for good and shaun being in the hospital and melendaire going down the drain *sigh* but I just need to remind myself that I didn’t get so into this show and become active on tumblr because of the ships but because I love the characters and the storyline and shaun overcoming challenges of being autistic and fighting against ableism and need to remember that and remind you all to in case you’ve forgotten as well
-reliving shaun being upset was heartbreaking omg
-shaun bby no where tf is the bartender
-😂 v blunt lady and omgggg Lim making jokes about it I love her also why do I feel like this is either a hint with the “subservient” thing saying melendaire will never happen :// BUUUT why can’t it if they just have the same review/hr going going over it as well I also don’t have to have my melendaire while Claire is still his resident but I would still like moments between them OKAY?!
-🤮🤮 I’m disgusted I knew this moment was coming a dramatic kiss omg wtf I’m done already and this is so awkward omg
-yes Claire give them that look realize you LIKE MELENDEZ
-lmaooo damn morgan throw park under the bus but omg yes she DIDNT DENY BEING GAY OUTRIGHT GIVING ME HOPE OF HER BEING BI/PAN PLZZZ 🙏🏼🙏🏼
-that’s a fucking lie han, Melendez and Andrews have both challenged him and and our now backing up their boy and believe he can do it at least fucking Andrews is which is surprising because god knows Melendez has hardly interacted with Shaun or stuck up for him this season despite them having that moment in the finale last year
-a shaire moment fuck yes 😭 Claire being compassionate and inspirational as always
-I’m so in love with Claire Browne and I know I’m reading into ships too much but Claire saying she wants to fall in love after seeing l*mlendez isn’t a coincidence right?? Or is it a shaire hint which I’m not COMPLETELY opposed to if I can’t have my melendaire but if shea doesn’t work out I think Carly should come into the picture more 👀👀
-omg 😭 shaun wants to be a dad
-This shaire acting out interaction is giving me so much life oh my good it’s cuteness freakin overload
-what the fuck what the fuck glassman you’re proposing what the fuck
-I’m just looking into everything because that seemed like a parmorgan moment with him being young and can still have kids 😂 also why does Park suddenly look v young in this ep
-shaun being blunt as always I love it and so does Carly
-😂 morgan is such a kiss ass I love her and did Neil have that face because of her doing that or because he’s not secure in his relationship with lim 😏😏
-oh shaun honey why are you lying please get checked out and Claire please press him more for info
-and yes I fucking love Carly backing up shaun and doing the test for him
-really shaun is going to get in trouble for how he talks to patients but we have fucking park saying shit like that to an old woman and Morgan has done the same too in the past like really?!
-Fucking tell him lady and I can’t believe morgan is being more compassionate then someone else for once
-shaun finally opening and telling people how it is like yes let him be sad and angry before making him move on
-and shaun bby nooo the collapse has come
-what the fuck why isn’t anybody else in the room for/with shaun besides Claire isn’t anybody else worried
-gdi han hitting Andrews where it hurts he hates looking like a fool but I’m still hoping Andrews will override him like he wants and bring shaun back like I’m still so shocked he’s fighting for shaun like this
-aww finally Melendez showing care for shaun and not wanting to risk even 1% chance of him getting worse 😭
-that’s so adorable Claire getting into character for shaun and getting camera angles and movements like he does for his epiphanies and visuals
-omg Claire asking for a step stool to be Shaun’s height 😂
-ok Lea don’t say yes because you feel guilty and like you have to
-ugh shaire is being so cute tonight separately and together shaun being happy Claire figured out the diagnosis
-and this old lady was a fucking trip what the hell
-please don’t let me down Andrews like you’ve done before
-I love you Daniel dae Kim and wish your character wasn’t an asshole so you could stay but sayonara my dude
-so now chief of surgery is available so I’m hoping from this l*mlendez moment they’ll break up or will have have tension now and Melendez will go have a moment with Claire 👀
-The fact that I can finally use this gif 🙌🏼🙌🏼
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-oh my god yes shaun please tell me you’re going to Carly and Lea don’t have regret idk how I feel it’ll be a twist if it’s a love triangle with Shaun, whoever he’s going to ask out and Lea
-aww glassman and Debbie it’s actually cute especially since they’re real life husband and wife but y’all should already know that
-and this is not the wedding I thought I’d be getting but I ain’t mad
-omg yes yes yes yes it’s Carly YESSSSS I’m freaking out and cheering like shaun is
-can I just say I’m so glad Carly is back and I so fucking called her and shaun happening blessss 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
-honestly just forget what I said at the beginning of this about ignoring ships because right now mine are sailing so I’m sorry if yours aren’t and imma die happy rn ok
-brb tho gotta read the 350 texts the group chat had during the ep
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futhorcc · 4 years
Do I ship Shaun and Claire...Yes 1000%
Do I ship Shaun and Carly...Yes 1000%
Do I also ship Claire and Morgan...Yes 1000
In conclusion 🤡
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okimargarvez · 4 years
How to develop a relationship (and how not to)
Sharly vs Luke & Lisa
My favorite ships at this 'moment' are Garvez (Luke Alvez and Penelope Garcia, Criminal Minds) and Shea (Shaun Murphy and Lea Dilallo, The Good Doctor).
The evolution of both couples it was opposite. Garvez dynamic it's the typical one of love-hate with a lot of sexual tension, turned in a wonderful friendship. Between Shaun and Lea was born a great friendship since the beginning, because she doesn't treat him like an autistic person, but just as a person; even if Shaun was suddenly very taken by her and we understand this after their 'escape', when she convinced him to skip work. And how ended that escape? With his first kiss. Then Lea had to move to Hershey and this period is clear that what Shaun feels for her it’s serious (like when he says he likes Hershey, even if he never been there, but Lea is there, so...). Don't let me talk about the car fragrance or about the songs. Then Lea came back but things were difficult, she made clear that he hadn't to think about them in romantic way. At the end of Season 2 Shaun started to talk with a girl, a pathologists named Carly, after a while he asked her a date and she said yes. But just a moment before Shaun asked Lea how he is, and seems that she believed he wanted to date her.
In a very few times my ships had to face the same problem: a rival, another woman, a third wheel: Lisa and Carly. Why, though, it's easier to accept the introduction of this last one? And even their story.
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Let me first say, even if I have already said this, I hate the way CM writers use Lisa characters and Not her.
Said this... There are at least 3 main reasons.
1. Time when we saw Lisa on the screen it's much less than Carly's. Lisa appears during only 3 episodes. Her first blind date with Luke; only 20 seconds at the hospital for no reason (if not to remind us she still exists); in a tragic episode, aimed to demonstrate Luke's change. Instead, Carly it's a constant presence since her first significant moment with Shaun at her lab, and above all, since their date, during Season 3.
2. We know so little about Lisa than about Carly. And, in the first case, are mostly instrumental informations, for make her more similar to Luke (the fact they were in the same hard places). Instead, the most important thing we know about Carly (at least for me) it's that she has a sister with autism and that this can help her to understand him.
3. The growing of the relationship. Lisa and Luke met during a blind date (13x12), for the willing of his best friend Phil. But we know nothing about her until episode 13x21, when Luke said to Tara 'she has just a drawer. 8 episodes where he never said at least her name. Lisa appeared again in 14x1, then in 14x6, when they have just moved on together. Luke named her in episode 14x11, when he complained with Penelope about the fact Lisa wanted a housewarming party; he named her in 14x15, during Ross's wedding, saying she had to work overtime; he said her name even in 15x1, during the babyshower of the 5th Simmons, another family moment where she was absent. We saw them while they were known each other too little, we lived with nothing for too long, and their rare romantic moments Even if the ending scene of 14x6 seems to suggest that after Phil's death Lisa will be his safe place, but considering her continued absence is difficult to believe it.
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The relationship between Carly and Shaun is more detailed and we see a lot of their scenes. Before they were just coworkers, then Shaun asked her out. We see their first date, but also the other following ones. We see them talk, kiss (more times than just once as with Luke/Lisa), arguing and make peace. But, overall, Carly did always her best to make him at ease, comfortable. She has patience, she is understanding; it's really hard to dislike or hate her. Off course, she is not perfect, like every times she thinks the others are interfere with their story... But even in this, she has her part of reason. And, you can say whatever about her, but there will be always this: she makes Shaun happy.
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These are the reasons why I can bear easier Sharly than Luke/Lisa (they don't have a ship name, to deeper it see this). Carly wasn't introduced to make us laugh during scenes like the one where Garcia was sent to stop Luke' date. Carly is not a nuisance, it's a growth element, for Shaun, for herself and even for Lea. Now, I don't know how will go to both couples; for CM we are about to find out, while for TGD I wish we can have a lot of seasons. But I'm sure about something: if the story between Carly and Shaun will continue and will become more serious, I will handle it and I will be even happy for them. Not the same for Luke and Lisa. Not as long as I keep seeing a man so happy to dance with a woman it's not his, less sorry than his coworker that his girlfriend is not there, a man who keeps looking at his colleague as she was a miracle. Here, I can't stand this. I'm always here to change my mind, but not to let someone (especially professional person) make fun of me. I know this is all about fiction, but I studied these things (really) and there is a thin (not really so thin) line between bantering fans and mocking them deliberately, deluding them just to make them to watch.
And what's the reason for not make garvez? We want to say it aloud? Because Penelope isn't the classic slim. Just this. CM has the chance to set us the example (that I see every day, everywhere): demonstrate that you can be with everyone, no matter how you are physically, just that you two love each other. Stop.
Ok, in fact there 8s a fourth reason. With the introduction of Carly, the moment between Shaun and Lea decreased but didn't totally disappear. While in Season 13, after Lisa we had a period of empty, filled only by little fragments that had, however, confirmed the thesis (Luke still thinks the same about Pen, how he looks at her in 13x16?). Luckily, in Season 14 things got better, and the 15 seems even more. Give garvez scenes, even just friendly moments. Show them together, just that. Like for Shea.
It's already a good step. Because, not show them together it would be like try to make us forget what happened before. And their friendship. But I won't do it. Nothing can make me forget sentences like 'If I ever could be the someone you want to go to when you are crying'. Or 'Thank you, Lea. My life is better with you'.
Just as I never stop to ship garvez and shea.
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Because I believe something that it's really sad. Good is good, but best is best. And, in my opinion, Lea and Penelope are the best for Shaun and Luke. Not because they together can have the best relationships of the world... No, they are a mess, each for different reasons. No, what I mean is that, in the eyes of Luke, nobody will ever be like Penelope; he never looked to Lisa as he does with Penelope. About Shaun, the way he acts when is with Lea it's just different than with Carly, even Sharly shippers noticed that he seems more comfortable with Lea...
I don't know if they are really the best for them, but they are different, that “different” that makes, indeed, the difference.
All my ramblings
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ficsinhistory · 5 years
Sharly - An Analysis
Hello! As I said, this is a post analyzing my favorite couple from The Good Doctor, Sharly! Believe it or not, I've seen them as a couple since 'Mont Rushmore' and the end of the second season made me thrive! I wanted to make this post because besides talking about my babies, I want to show that although surprising, the writers already showed that it would be possible to happen. Making it clear that my intention here is to speak my point of view, if you are not ship is ok, we can all have different opinions. Second, I am a neurotypical person, so I will explore more Carly for reasons of knowledge, not leaving Shaun aside, of course.
I, at least, since the first time I saw Carly, I've been shipping she with Shaun. I like her personality as we saw in the incredible episode between her and Claire, for example when Carly said that guilt shouldn't always fall on the lab every time some sample was lost, but also not insisting on it after the search (besides the fact that a duo between these two is iconic by itself) and how Shaun feels comfortable around her, which is very important in any relationship.
When they met, their interaction already showed how reasonable Carly is. Shaun is wanting to accomplish the tasks in the best possible way, including wanting the exam as quickly as possible as Melendez asked. But of course he has to wait and Carly makes this very clear, besides explaining that he can't tabulate the samples in degree of importance as he wanted. That's when he says he's gonna throw a rock in her window. However, I love how her reaction wasn't to get angry or offended, on the contrary, Carly, although initially surprised, followed Shaun's line of thought saying that she really wouldn't like it and in the end said that the test would come out in 15 minutes, making it easier for him to wait.
Despite being firm, she is also a balanced girl who knew, in the short period she had with him in the first season, to understand and understand Shaun, so much so that in the same episode, even if visibly confused, she heard Shaun ask for a series of tests, even if in the series they seemed unnecessary at the time, still trying to alert him that he could stay in trouble, or in "trampoline", where he had scenes that I will comment on after they made me melt.
Carly has always been a kind and worried person, "Intangibles" also shows how much she knows how to work in a team and gets along with other people, including Claire, with whom Carly showed a very great affinity, and now that her character has been promoted to the main cast, I really want to see more of the friendship of these two! She, like Shaun, heard Claire vent while she was still looking for the sample. Besides having an A+ sense of humor!
After that, unfortunately, there are no more appearances of her in the first season, however, Carly comes back at the end of the second and in ways that made me ship Sharly even more. As soon as Shaun gets to pathology, I just absolutely love how excited Carly is about the fact that he works there! She gets him excited and says she doesn't need to be called Dr. Lever, showing that she wants him to feel comfortable and seeing him as someone accessible, besides understanding that it must be all too new for Shaun, it's 'like going to Disneyland for the first time'.
I also like very much how it pays attention when Shaun sees a biomass printer and uses the term "we", not only to say that it also works in pathology, but to show that it is including in this world and that it is part of a team, which makes him happy. She also asks him if he wants to test the machine and comfort him by saying how important and vital their work is. This reveals that Carly imagines how much Shaun loved being a surgeon and does everything in her power to make him more comfortable on the spot.
Much of their interaction in this episode is Carly trying to help Shaun move on, which due to the short time they had and because she is not part of a more immediate circle of Shaun's coexistence, she can't cope with the fact that he insists so much on going back to surgery. Even so, he doesn't get angry at her, thinking she doesn't understand, on the contrary, Shaun has a positive view of her, so much so that in "Breakdown", while talking to Lea, he remembers her after a comment and speaks of several quality of her, saying that Carly is intelligent, nice and aggressive, also casually commenting that she wants him to stay in the department because Carly thinks that they are a good team.
I love it, very much, because Shaun doesn't like the pathology, he doesn't want and doesn't like the idea of being there, but, he likes the presence of Carly, he feels good in her presence and, when he talks to Lea, he visibly already shows that he is slowly falling in love with her and that's very cute! Shaun has difficulty with some parts of the social interaction and, he's working on it including, so I think it's sweet and touching how quickly he came to the conclusion that Carly likes him, and how she makes a point of showing that too, revealing a great dynamic of friendship, which later evolved into a romance, where both express affection and are open about it.
"Trampoline" for then, was the peak of their two this season and showed how much they both care. When Claire is helping Shaun practice flirting (the scene was iconic with Claire advising him, she is a roll of cinnamon too pure for this world), it is clear how scared he is of being rejected, due to previous experiences and shows how much he really wants to try a relationship, showing that not a bit one-sided this romance, at least when it comes to Shaun.
They'll talk to Carly later, who makes it clear she misses Shaun in pathology. He, on the other hand, don't miss the pathology, which she responds with a smile, however, showing that she understands it. Later, Shaun begins to get a more serious picture due to the injuries and tries to get an exam, he goes straight to Carly, and it is in this scene that I may have had a fangirl outbreak.
Carly says Shaun can't order more tests, saying that he doesn't work in the hospital anymore and can't have a patient, already suspicious of the situation. Shaun says said it's from a Claire's patient, but once again, she doesn't buy the idea and says the sample has no name. Shaun realizes that Carly already knows the truth and assumes that she won't be able to do anything, and that's when she does it:
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She pulls the sample, and that's when you know she really cares. Carly is attached to the rules to some extent and what he's about to do can get her into trouble, however, she will not only take the test but also ask more to know what Shaun has, referring to him as "the patient", respecting the fact that Shaun wants to do everything with discretion. When he says he's coughing up blood, her face says it all:
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She's worried. This is a serious symptom and this fact stirs her up, which then claims it will do the tests. Later, with the results ready, she finds him in the cafeteria and tells him what it could be, when Shaun said he was induced by Trauma. And that's when, for the first time on the show, she interrupts him. Again, Carly shows that she cares about Shaun. She sits next to him and, still referring to him as "the patient", says that the symptoms will get worse and that he needs to take a medicine, which she writes a prescription, to improve. And what follows is a series of cute Screenshots. My favorites are how Shaun looks at Carly and how she watches him leave.
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After Shaun passes out, he recovers, Claire manages to save the patient, he gets his job back. The end of the episode without a shadow of a doubt and the most incredible and kind part regarding these two.
Shaun's gonna ask Carly out, who's pretty surprised and stunned. He asks if she would like to go out to dinner and she asks if this is a romantic date, which she agrees to go on. With this, Shaun goes away cheerful and the scene gets even softer with the fact that Carly was watching him go away with a smile.
And that's it. I really wanted them to be the endgame, they have a great dynamic and complementary personality, but that's for the writers to decide. For all intents and purposes, this was my analysis to show that Sharly was always possible and that I can't wait for the third season. Until the next pals, I'm out!
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70srogertaylor · 4 years
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Tagged by @bran-loaf thanks darling! 💓
1. Shadowhunters
2. The Good Doctor
3. La Casa de Papel
4. Skam Italia
5. Bates Motel
i. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Definitely Shaun Murphy
ii. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Probably Jonathan lmao cause he’s a pain in the ass but also from the good guys it’ll be Simon
iii. What is your favourite episode of 4?
Definitely where Eleonora en Edoardo tie the knot
iv. What is your favourite season of 5?
The last one, it never got boring
v. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Absolutely love Sergio and Lisboa’s relationship🥺💓
vi. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
I ship Claire and Dr. Melendez so hard but since they’re not a couple yet I’d say Shaun and Carly
vii. What is your favourite episode of 1?
The episode with magnus and alec’s wedding🥺💓
viii. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Probably the one with Rihanna in it because it showed a lot of things that happened in the movie
ix. What is your favourite season of 2?
Probably the first one 💓
x. How long have you watched 1?
It was like three years ago before the first season ended I think
xi. How did you become interested in 3?
My brother said it was a good one and we all started watching it as a family and it blew my mind, and also I loved the professor and Tokyo right away (and now I have a love-hate relationship with her lol)
xii. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Actor, hmm probably Rocco, I don’t know if that’s his name I can’t remember but he’s the guy who played nico, and actress obviously Benedetta 💓
xiii. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
I think i prefer the good doctor, the acting, the lessons they teach me throughout the seasons it’s just too good
xiv. Which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
I think La Casa de Papel has more episodes but I’ve watched some of the Shadowhunters’ episodes two times
xv. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Definitely Eleonora, being as pretty and wise? But also loving your friends and family that much? Yep that’s me
xvi. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I don’t think so, money heist is more of an action and suspense show, and SKAM italia is more of a teenage drama
xvii. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Izzy And Clary, I don’t even know why izzy is a straight character she’s a bisexual icon for me bYE
xviii. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
I think Bates Motel has a better storyline but the plot twists from La Casa de Papel bring a lot of excitement to it so to me it’s 60/40 slightly better on Bates
xix. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Skam doesnt even have a theme does it?
Tagging: @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @isitstraightvodka @deacytits @queenscoolcat and anyone who feels bored enough to do this💚
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coldasyou · 5 years
Hello and welcome to my thoughts ™ on the new episode of the good doctor! I know you are all DYING to hear them so let’s go.
We love an opening that references season 1 episodes! (Added to my gif list)
Is lea implying her family was poor ugh icon
Poor Shaun he deserves better
Claire and Shaun aren’t together I really can never win
I’m screaming grey’s anatomy really took all the good paitent storylines rip
Killed someone this show has lost it
Ugh skip
They’re really just throwing out brain scans as if those doesn’t cost thousands of dollars paitents can’t afford that
The scalpel is back THE LEVELS the show said if we’re going back to season 1 storylines we’re doing it all…does this mean Shaun and Claire can act like they did in season 1 and actually talk?
CARLYYYYYYY fucking finally this really is a season one throwback and we get a last name
She is so sweet
And she is talking to Shaun can Claire come hang out too
Me too Shaun me too
Ugh this is why I’m a humanities person
IM SCREAMING leave Claire the fuck alone
Morgan was so quick to be like “SO YOU HATE EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN GOD HMMM” breznik feelings canceled until they have a cute glance again
I’m already annoyed with this plotline
Claire is talking to ******** more than she talked to Shaun last episode shaire stans remain the MOST oppressed
Can I call Claire an atheist icon now? If they make her change her beliefs I’m gonna be annoyed lmao. I think there can be some middle ground here y’all
I relate to all this Catholic Guilt ™ tho
Park needs to stop acting like he gives a shit lmao
Park stop fucking stirring the pot since when did YOU care
Ugh it’s hard only stanning four ppl on this show
Can someone PLS just threaten to sue Han or leak this to the press lmao problem solved you’re welcome
How iconic would it be if lim was just like “I’m autistic. Are you going to transfer me too?”…LISTEN SHE IS AUTISTIC
I was right Claire looks beautiful
How can you afford all these surgeries I’m yelling
Who is being poisoned with cyanide I’m screaming can we pls have a show abt pathology and Carly and not these boring ass plots we’ve been getting
NEXT TIME I love one (1) man
She deserves better I’m tired of everyone talking down to her
I’m screaming can we pls have her go talk to Shaun abt all this and promise she’ll fight for him or is that to much to ask
The ableism is jumping out
Han is why men don’t have rights
Claire is the queen of being right while everyone else is dumb af
Oh this lady damn everyone is coming back this episode!
Glassman she’s dating someone why are you so Dense
Is this gonna be like a Brennan from bones situation where everyone keeps pushing religion on Claire when she doesn’t want it I’m already tired
And another thing she just thinks he shouldn’t suffer for god she never said she didn’t think he should believe
But enjoy projecting your shit on her Morgan!
Lim is the only bitch in this house I respect
Honestly probably not bc Claire isn’t allowed to have anything either!
So we got Shaun talking abt Claire but in this way WHYYYYY
just let them be happy together I hate this
Clarie’s hair looks amazing
Claire is a hockey fan…the gay jumped out
What is Shaun doing I stan it tho
Oh NOW glassman will talk to him
Well I mean Shaun has been right abt like 90 other cases
Glassy you’re so fucking annoying remember when you were all abt helping Shaun lmao
Shaun is so honest ixhxjsuswhhaa
Oh the loophole Jessica taught him well
Shaun that’s like…probably illegal but that’s okay
I wonder when the whole quarantine issue is gonna go down
Shaun yess now bring out those illustrations
Han is just gonna steal his idea pretends to be shocked
God these episodes kinda drag when you aren’t live-blogging and reading jokes
I know they’re married irl but she looks so young compared to him
Yeah lady he always pushes ppl away get used to it
Anyone else feel glassman has become intolerable this season?
Claire is so smart queen of religious studies
Okay this show isn’t going the route of Claire being converted or singled out as a bitch or bitter…we will proceed cautiously
Morgan is so fucking nosey you are loosing all the goodwill I gave you
Also just say atheist I’m screaming???
Ofc bc everyone who doesn’t believe in god is broken and empty and secretly hates themselves LOVE that for me!
I’m screaming the girl is like Oh Worm
Han is so annoying get a JOB
King of boundaries!
Are y’all gonna start shipping lim and Shaun now bc I’m not ready
Good work I’m still not gonna put u back in surgery tho
He’s so close to crying I’m abt to mcfucking loose it
Freddie is coming for the Emmy
Kinda wanna d*e
Allistics have lost their rights
Wow it’s almost like everyone has weaknesses including you doctor Han and yet you’re still here
Can a show just have a charecter that’s not religious it doesn’t have to be like a THING I’m tired
Oof the cinnamon tography
SCALPEL I’m gonna cry can we get a flashback now?
Steve didn’t die for this
overall Thots: han can choke, needs more shaire, when will lea be allowed to talk to someone who isn’t shaun or glassy, claire deserves better, carly should have her own show, morgan is on the shit list again, park is still irrelevant…6/10 
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johnandrasjaqobis · 7 years
SCREAMS AND MONKEY JUMPS THROUGH YR WINDOW: 30 - 40 for both carly and thomas
SO I FORGOT ABOUT THESE UHHi remember i started them when we were in atlanta and then just threw it in my drafts to finish the next morning and guess who never finished it the next morning
so I’m pretty sure this was the ‘headcanon for each word’ thing. so here it is. very late.
CarlySexShe’s very glad she doesn’t have to worry about birth control these days – that prescription is probably long expired
DeathBefore the bombs, Carly had never really seen the death except what they showed on the news. Going straight from watching her husband’s murder to killing random strangers on her own was more than a little jarring.
BirthShe was born in Oregon, but they moved to the east coast pretty shortly afterwards.
SafeOnce they manage to open and move the safe that Carly found in an old neighbor’s house, she put it in her new place down the street. It rarely holds much – a stash of caps, a spare pistol, occasionally some records she needs to bring to Dez later, and the holotape Nate left.
AffectionShe’s not a very tactile person initially, but after long enough, turns into the type to just drape herself over someone.
Guiltboy where to startIt takes a week or two to really set in, partially because the attack on the Institute happens so shortly after, but Operation Red Glare haunts her. It was the only option, it was fair retaliation, it was necessarybut there were kids on that ship.
SacrificeWhen she gets renounced as General, someone mentions that it’s a noble sacrifice. Carly’s doesn’t tell them how much of a relief it is to be rid of the title.
VengeanceShe didn’t expect to have a vengeful streak, but it can be seen across the ‘Wealth. First Kellogg for Nate, the Brotherhood for Glory and a dozen other agents she knew by face if not by name, then the Institute for Switchboard, for High Rise, for Nate, for everything.
SympathyThere was next to none for Kellogg. The little jaunt through his memories gave her information about Shaun and the Institute, but the rest barely registered – it had been long enough, dude, there was plenty of time to turn over a new leaf.
SecretCarly’s always been good at lying – it came with her job – but only for the short term. Having to keep up a consistent story for months at a time does not come easy, especially at first.
ScentShe never expected to get used to the smell of recent death, but it’s something she barely notices anymore.
ThomasSexThomas isn’t a particularly forward personexcept when the doctors are trying to work out his meds.He gets the feeling X6 still isn’t telling him everything that happened in that month or so.
DeathThe first time he came to with blood on his hands and a body at his feet that he didn’t remember killing, he threw up.That was, of course, before the bombs even fell.
BirthHe nearly missed Shaun’s birth, because he’d been in an appointment across the city when Audrey went into labor, and an unexpected military blockade took another two hours to get through.
SafeThomas still doesn’t know why Aiden exists -- he knows the medical reasons, the psychological answer for it, but he doesn’t remember the event that made Aiden necessary to keep him safe. His old therapist had been starting the process of trying to bring those memories back, getting some closure, and maybe making Aiden a bit easier to handle.But then, y’know, the world ended, and having a fairly psychopathic alter-ego made things a little safer anyway.
AffectionFrom the day the bombs fell, it is a long time before Thomas sees any real affection. Shaun tries -- they both do -- but it’s still a little awkward parsing that relationship out.The hug he gets from X6 after destroying the reclamation chair is the first one he can remember since before he stepped into the cryo pod.
GuiltThere are a lot of nightmares on the road, and a whole lot of those center around the people he (or Aiden) killed. There are even more after wiping out the Railroad. When he offhandedly mentions them to Dr Volkert, Thomas notices his medication gets very slightly altered, and he sleeps through the night after that.He’s not sure if he should be more guilty for that.
SacrificeFor about a day, Thomas had convinced X6 that people would bring all of their Christmas trees to the center of town on the 26th and burn them as a sort of sacrifice.He got a memo a day later with nothing but an old article talking about the Boston Christmas traditions.Neither of them mentioned it after that.
VengeanceThe most vengeance Thomas has enacted was hunting down a mole rat that had taken off with one of his boots.He got it back. There were quite a few holes in it, but he got it back.
SympathyPeople inevitably find out about his mental health issues. When they do, it’s always a toss-up of whether they’ll look afraid of him or look overly sympathetic.Most of the time, he’d prefer the fear.
SecretThomas has never kept his DID a secret, especially when the military draft came calling. He told them outright about it, told them it probably made him unfit to serve. They took him anyway, and then discharged him three months later because of it.
ScentThomas has found that he has a certain fondness for the smell of leather and the burnt ozone smell of laser weapons.No idea why, of course.
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