#what kind of sick burn is this maura???
rumpled · 2 years
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julieverne · 4 months
Jane puts herself in a box she labels as 'straight'.
She puts you in another little box labelled 'straight' as well.
The kind of boxes that don't stack nicely. The kind that don't fit on top of each other.
But you and Jane fit together so nicely.
"Man, this is great, isn't it?" Jane enthuses. You've bought Fenway tickets for the playoff. Jane is in full cosplay, but she sulks when you call it that, even when you explain it's exactly like dressing like a character from a show. Jane doesn't like to be labelled as a 'nerd'. "The only way this could get any better is if this were a date."
Jane looks over, sheepishly. "Of course, not a date with just us. Just, like. If I had a date. And you had a date. And they were both men. That kind of date."
"A double date?" you suggest. And Jane nods thankfully.
"I wish somebody would pick me up," Jane grumbles when Frost elegantly seduces a woman at The Dirty Robber. You immediately put your arms around her and lift her. She's not heavy, not like this, and you lean back to steady against her extra weight.
"Not like that, Maura, c'mon!" Jane doesn't struggle, though, and her cheeks are pink when you put her down. "You know, like I wish a man would pick me up."
"For sex," you say, nodding and completely understanding the intricacies of what Jane is saying now that she's explained it.
Jane tosses her head and rolls her eyes but all of her overdramatic over reactions don't mean much when weighed against the cute little blush on her cheeks.
"This would be perfect, if you were a man," Jane says. She's sprawled across your lap, and you're rubbing your fingers through her hair and over her back. The game is on the tv but she's too relaxed to do more than cheer when a goal is scored. "You'd be perfect, if you were a man."
"I think I'm fine as I am, and I don't want to tailor any of my dresses. So I won't undergo a sex change for you, Jane. Not even if that's the only way I can get you to date me. I like being a woman, and I like that you're a woman, and until you said that I was thinking about how perfect this was, here and now, with both of us being women."
Jane is completely still. Even her breathing has stopped. You can feel her heart beat pounding crazily through her rib cage from where your hand rests on her back.
"I don't - I can't date women." Jane's voice is small and sad and full of regrets. Jane breathes in and rolls over in your lap, trying to sit up and move away from you like you've burned down her little box with the label on it. Like it hadn't been drenched with gasoline and torn to tinder already.
"Not 'women'. Just me."
"You are, though."
"I'm a woman, yes. But I'm also the person you come home to every night. I'm the person you call every day. I'm the person you being food to when they're sick, and I'd bet dollars to glazed doughnuts that I'm the only person who's actually seen you cry. But I will not sacrifice my wardrobe for you, Jane. I won't be a man for you, because I've never wanted to be a man. Not until I met you and thought it was the only way I can be with you."
"I don't want you to be a man."
"But you want to find a man 'just like me'. You say this is perfect, but it's not because I'm not a man. I think I'm perfect as I am, apart from the part of me that wants to change for you because you can't admit what we are to each other." You're upset now, and so is she, but not the angry kind of hurt, just deeply sad on your part, and she's lost and confused.
"But I'm straight," Jane argues helplessly. "Aren't I? Aren't I supposed to feel this way about men?"
"Feel what way?" you ask, seeing a splinter in her armour. You prod and push at it.
She kisses you. She's still half-across your lap and she melts into your arms like a soft serve frozen yoghurt swirled but you're touching, you're touching her and her mouth is so soft and generous and braver than Jane is because she can't pull away, she's lost, and she's running her hands over you like she's found the holy grail and it's under your dress.
"That was perfect," Jane tells you much, much later. Her fingers trail over your bare skin in your big bed, and her lips linger on the bones of your shoulder, on your collarbone, on the freckles you try to cover up on your throat. "Because you're you, and I wouldn't want you any other way."
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reneesbooks · 11 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
Are there any places, objects, or even people in your stories inspired by or directly borrowed from your real life?
Share a snippet if you like 💜
yes it is saturendsday.
i feel like i have recurring themes/events that get pulled from my real life instead of people and places. like there's gonna be a dead dad somewhere. there's gonna be some memory fuckery. one of my roommates in college read an early draft of HDI and looked up at one point and said "romeo and juliet was a formative experience for you, wasn't it?" so that's something. lacuna i think has a lot of plot points and character details that are directly borrowed from my life, as it's a story about grief and grieving and i've got some life experience with that.
here is a snippet that i wrote this morning :)
Keelan opens his eyes.
“Keys!” Maura's face appears above him, her eyes brimming with tears. “Thank the gods, you're awake. How do you feel?”
He blinks, trying to orient himself. He's laying on a cot in the infirmary, undressed from the waist up. His mouth is dry, his toes are tingling as sensation returns to them, and he can feel stubble growing in on his jaw.
“What happened?” he says, immediately wincing as his dry throat scratches with the effort. Maura bites her lip.
“You don't...you don't remember?”
His head aches. “Remember what?”
She drops her gaze to her lap. “You...you were helping bring witches in for the trials. One of them attacked you.”
“I remember bringing witches in yesterday, but everything else is a blank.” He scratches his jaw. The stubble must have grown in fast.
Maura's gone a shade paler. “Yesterday?”
He slides his gaze to her slowly. “Yes. Why?”
She won't look at him. “That was over two weeks ago, Keys. You've been here, recovering, for fifteen days.” Her fingers curl into her palms in her lap. “I...made a mistake.”
There is a sick feeling in his gut that has nothing to do with the healing wounds that he sees across his chest and arms. He takes a moment to look at them, to process what they are. “I was burned,” he says as it finally dawns on him. “Badly.” As sensation returns, he can feel how extensive they were. His whole chest, across his shoulders and arms. They're mostly healed now, so the pain is mild but constant. “But I don't remember anything.”
Tears drip down Maura's cheeks. “You were in so much pain. I thought...I must have done something wrong. I didn't mean—”
“You took my memories.” There is a distant roar in his ears. He can't even feel the absence in his head, but he knows, deep in his chest, that they're gone. “You stole them.”
“I only wanted to take the memory of the pain,” she says, tears falling faster as she reaches for his hand. He pulls it away. “You...you were in agony, Keys. The witch who burned you...she nearly killed you. I couldn't...I couldn't let you live with that kind of pain.”
“You learned the exact spells that Levi used on us.” He stares at the wall on the other side of the infirmary. He can't look at her tears anymore; he isn't sure how much longer he can handle the pressure in his chest.
“I thought if I learned how he manipulated us, I could stop it from ever happening again.”
“How is this stopping it?” His voice raises, but he still can't look at her. He glares at the other side of the cot instead. “Fucking hell, Maura, how is this stopping it?”
She inhales sharply and he closes his eyes, letting his head fall back on the pillow. A moment passes silently, then another. “I will leave you to recover in peace,” Maura finally says. He feels a hesitant, fluttering touch on his hand before her footsteps pace away with a swish of skirts. He doesn't open his eyes until he hears the infirmary door open and then shut. He is alive and alone and missing fifteen whole days of his life.
He rolls over and tries to get some sleep.
lacuna taglist: @serenanymph @lyssa-ink @oh-no-another-idea @lena-rambles @ashen-crest @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @serpentarii @allianaavelinjackson @laurenisnot
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bellarxse · 3 years
february 2nd: interruption
the world turned sweet (AO3) Nate hates the rain – hates the way it punishes the flowers in the grounds of Tulip Hall, hates that it has spoiled his companions’ moods.
Hates that it has thwarted his plans for a ride with the Captain.
The Captain, though, is genial enough. And also, it seems, an inveterate flirt, eyes lidded as he brushes off Nate’s grousing about the weather from the other end of the chesterfield. “I can hardly complain of spending more time with you, here.”
“I—” Nate is grateful for the low, ambient light of the hearth in the drawing room to hide even the barest hint of a flush on his face, turning his face away to collect himself and not be drawn in by the way the Captain’s eyes shine with fire beneath dark waves.
“I should like that too, Captain—”
“Mickey. I insist.” The Captain’s—Mickey’s—intervention is gentle, and a muscled arm stretches out across the back of the chesterfield as if to bridge the gap between them, and Nate turns to face him as if following some long-forgotten instinct.
“Mickey.” Mickey’s eyes are warm at Nate’s words, and he smiles at Nate widely enough to make Nate’s heart ache.
“I had merely hoped that I would be able to show you more of the estate.” The weather outside was far too inclement, winds howling and sky steel-grey, though thick, dark eyebrows disappear under lush tresses as Mickey reassures Nate.
“I had expected nothing more from my first English winter, you need not worry.” Mickey draws closer to him and slowly—so slowly—raises a calloused finger to trace the flush high on Nate’s cheekbones, making Nate’s eyes flutter shut for a moment.
“Though I had not expected the winter blooms to be so captivating.” Mickey’s voice is sinfully deep, and when Nate opens his eyes again Mickey is right there, pupils ink-like as normally bright blue eyes flicker down to watch as Nate licks his lower lip reflexively, his mouth inexplicably dry all of a sudden.
Nate’s breath hitches, and he dimly recalls his governess teaching him about Isaac Newton’s theories and—
And then the Lieutenant arrives, and the moment shatters like cristallo in Nate’s hands.
Mickey leans back as if burned, scowls at the Lieutenant who affects not to notice the irritation. The three of them sit in silence for a while before Nate requests more lights to be brought in, so at least he can escape into another world in one of his books.
Tries to, at least. Every other page, his eyes are drawn back to Mickey, who has not stopped looking at him in what feels like centuries, sometimes with a small, secret smile that Nate feels warm his soul.
They continue thus (the Lieutenant having stubbornly resisted any of the Captain’s increasingly less gentle suggestions that he might like to tend the horses, or check the bags, or be somewhere else) until it is dark without and Mickey and the Lieutenant must leave to return to Sutherland’s townhouse.
“We will see you soon, your Grace.” Mickey’s tone is thick and dark with promise, and Nate does not sleep a wink that night.
The day after his valiant attempts to stop his commanding officer making a fool of himself, Mason is bored, and tired, and bored, trying to explain something very simple to a man in his late twenties who should know better. “You know that you cannot stay here.”
Mickey looks bored too – or tries to, but the tightness around his eyes betrays the affectation, even as he tries to cover it with a sharp laugh. “I know. But why can I not enjoy myself while I am here?”
It is not as if Mason does not know fun – has not indulged himself in the pleasures of the flesh (though not recently, not since they first arrived in London, and he does not like to think about why that might be). Instead, he deflects and defends Richmond with a scowl.
“He deserves to be more than a plaything, you—”
“He is.” Mickey is harsher than Mason remembers ever seeing him, even on the blood-soaked battlefield at Santa Maura, blue eyes now ablaze and teeth bared in a snarl.
“Prove it.” Mason is shocked at himself, that he is involving himself in Mickey’s business so – but he Nate deserves better than to be cast aside, and Mickey is hurtling towards a precipice that Mason cannot save him from.
“I—” Mickey, for all his bluster on the battlefield, looks like a lost, little boy then, blue eyes wide with what looks like fear and soft, Mason realises, with unshed tears.
“I’ve never—” Mickey has not said much about his past, but Mason knows he had wandered half the globe before his 22nd nameday, lost and adrift – little wonder, then, that he has not known this kind of companionship before, even if he is well-versed in the other.
“Talk to him.” Mason tries to calm his voice, squeezes Mickey’s well-muscled shoulder gently, even as he chides him. “Get your head out of your arse.”
A wet-sounding hum of assent and a nod, before Mickey turns to face the wall to compose himself.
Nate does not want to interrupt them, is perfectly prepared to return to the library from whence he came – but he fancies that he hears his name on Mickey’s—Mickey’s—lips and cannot resist listening.
“You know that you cannot stay here.” The Lieutenant’s accent is as familiar as Mickey’s, as is the flat tone of his voice.
What is not familiar, is the harsh bark of laughter that leaves Mickey, whose laughter is usually warm and lilting, musical in its peaks and troughs.
“I know. But why can I not enjoy myself while I am here?”
Nate feels quite ill, all of a sudden, feels something within him slam to the floor like a leaden weight. Jerks away from the door and lets the book fall through his fingers as he flees to his father’s folly, where he stays until the storm outside has grown to a crescendo, loud and wild enough to match the storm of his own heart.
Nate jerks away from the door, flees to his father’s folly, where he stays until the storm outside has grown to a crescendo, loud and wild enough to match the storm of his own emotions.
Nate can hear the men searching for him and for a selfish moment does not care, does not want to care (caring hurts, it hurts to have been used so). Then thinks of what might happen if they do not find him soon, thinks of Riona and how the scandal might affect her with their arrangement in place, and ventures out into the storm, one step at a time.
The wind is punishing, and he welcomes this pain, drinks it in instead of savouring his own.
“Richmond!” And too late, Nate realises that even when trying to lose himself in the storm he has fallen back into Mickey’s orbit.
Mickey walks slowly up to him, dark hair plastered to his cheeks and blue eyes wild with a worry that does not seem to dissipate even though he has found his quarry. “We were worried sick, what—”
Nate brushes the outstretched hand away and carries on walking, carries on even when he loses his footing in the mud and skids down the bank.
“Don’t walk away from me!” Mickey’s voice is little more than a howl, primal and wanting, and Nate turns to face him with lips pulled back in the nearest thing to a snarl he has ever managed.
“Why? Is this not fun?” Nate’s voice is harsh, harsher than it has ever been, and he enjoys the flinch that draws from Mickey, even as Mickey strides confidently down the bank and stands before him.
“Fun is us being able to laugh in the warm. Safe and happy.” Mickey’s eyes are soft as he brushes hair away from Nate’s cheek, and Nate’s skin burns under Mickey’s touch, calloused fingers sanding away his hurt.
“But you—”
“I would not – you deserve more. That doesn’t mean I can’t want—” Exactly what Mickey wants must go unanswered for now, as Nate bends to capture Mickey’s lips, tastes the rain and salt on his tongue, and is not sure whose it is as he tangles a hand in thick, dark hair and devours the man in front of him, who offers himself willingly with a gasp.
“Your Grace!” Mr. Jenkins’ voice can just be hear over the storm and over Nate’s thundering heartbeat.
Mickey laughs helplessly, even as he steps away reluctantly to look up at Nate as best he can with the rain in his eyes.
“Always with the interruptions.”
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((Maura belongs to the lovely and talented @whump-sprite))
It’s cold and damp, where Willow wakes up. He tries to move, instinctually, but his wrists are trapped in cold iron shackles, hung up by the ceiling. His ankles seem to be in a similar state, trapped to the floor. All he can see before him is an old stone wall.
“H-hello?” he calls out, voice catching in fear. He can smell blood, lots of blood, and sweat, and fear. “Hello?”
He doesn’t hear anything but for a few distant, muffled moans, some stifled crying. There must be other cells, here. He shifts unsteadily, biting his lip and trying to stay calm.
Later, he doesn’t know how much later, he hears a slow click, click, click of approaching footsteps. Someone in high heels walking on stone. The rusty squeal of a door opening makes him cringe, and he strains to look behind him.
“Well, look who’s awake,” a woman says, sultry and smooth. “It’s so good to meet you, dear.”
“Who are you?” Willow asks. He doesn’t try to keep his voice steady. This is a bad situation, and he knows it.
A low, throaty chuckle. “You can call me Mistress.”
The bottom drops out of Willow’s stomach. Mistress--that’s what Anders called the woman who’d hurt him, who’d burned him, when he was feverish and plagued with nightmares. “M... Maura?” he squeaks.
A hand grabs his hair and pulls his head back sharply. “Tut tut. Now, that’s no good, dear, it seems you don’t listen well. You’d best open up your ears a little more, because I have some questions for you.”
Willow swallows thickly, staying still as stone until she releases his hair. “What, what do you want?”
He can practically hear the smile in her voice. “Resistance members have been seen coming and going from your place of employment. You surely have to know where it is they gather, or some of their home addresses, right?”
He shakes his head rapidly. “No, I don’t! I swear, I don’t know where they go after--”
“That’s a shame. I’m sure you would’ve liked this to end quickly, dear. But if you’re going to be coy, I’m going to have to be rough.” She tugs on the back of his shirt, and there’s a ripping noise as it’s cut open with some kind of blade. His back bare, she runs a hand along his skin. “Well, now, you’ve already got a burnmark here,” she says approvingly, running her fingers along the old childhood scar on his side. “Let’s see about giving it a match.”
Her heels click away, and Willow shudders, trying to move away with the limited movement he has. He knows what Maura does, how she likes to burn people. He’s tense, ears straining for movement, for any noise. The sound of things being picked up, put back. A box opening. The strike of a match, the roar of flame catching.
“Now, then,” Maura coos, walking back over to her trembling prisoner. “Perhaps this can loosen your tongue.” She pulls back the side of his opened shirt, and presses the head of the torch into his side.
Willow screams, hearing his skin hiss and sizzle from the fire and the hot, jagged torchhead. The pain is intense, white-hot, blinding, and it doesn’t stop. When she pulls the torch away, he feels something come away with it, and he feels dizzy and sick.
“Where do your Resistance friends live, dear?”
“I don’t know,” he whimpers, voice thick and wet with tears. He can smell his own burnt flesh. “I promise, I don’t, please...”
Maura clucks her tongue. “Well, that’s too bad. Let’s give this another try.”
He screams before the heat even touches him.
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niall-talk · 5 years
This Christmas (5)
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“I still can't believe you did that?” Niall said with a look over his shoulder to the backseat where I was. There was a hint of laughter in his voice.
“I could have taken care of it for you.” Bas said as he glanced at me in the rearview mirror. I noticed a smug grin on his face.
“Hey it was not my fault. He shouldn't have tried to touch me. I didn't know him.” So apparently I almost injured one of Niall's friends named Conner. He shouldn't have just walked up and touch me. My fight or flight mechanism goes to fight when I'm in new surroundings.
“Not going to have to worry about this one,” Bas laughed. “Might need to get her on the security team.”
“Oh hush and drive,” I shoved his shoulder a little. We were finished with Niall's quick overview of Dublin. To say I was overwhelmed would be putting it mildly. It was a beautiful place, and I could see myself coming back again. Not to mention it was full of one of my favorite accents.
Basil got us to Mullingar and my eyes couldn't believe what they saw. It was a small town like Niall had always told me. Small but you loved it. All decorated for Christmas. Lights strung up over the roadways like arches. A huge tree in the center of town. People walking the sidewalks and they actually spoke to or acknowledged the people they came across. You didn't see that in LA.
“You alright back there? You went silent all of a sudden.” Niall turned halfway in his seat to look at me.
“Yeah just taking it all in.” I smiled at him. “It's nice.” I looked back out my window, “And where did you say we were staying?”
He cleared his throat, “Um with me Mum.”
I felt that wave of nausea hit my gut again. I had forgotten that part. “Oh yeah. Great. Should be fun.” I tried to breath through the sick feeling so I didn't actually get sick in Basil's Rover.
“Don't worry. Mum will love ya. If you can get old man Hawkins to like you; you can win over anyone.” Niall winked at me to help ease my stress.
“Just good PR skills, and dealing with pompous golf club members.” I winked back at him and the look of hurt on his face made me laugh.
“I don't know about that Sam. He doesn't even like Niall most days,” Basil added in with a laugh.
We made small talk till Basil said we were there. I looked at the house that didn't seem to match the rest I had noticed in the city. It was bigger and had a large yard. I looked around and noticed we were out of what I guessed was the city area.
Basil had stopped at a gate and pushed in a code. We waited for the gate to open before he continued up the drive. “Niall what does your step-father do for a living?”
Niall let me know that this was his property. He just moved his mom in. I just nod and let it go. Before we even came to a stop Maura stood outside the front door waiting for us. As soon as Niall was out of the truck her hands were all over her son's face, arms and shoulders. I'm not sure but it seemed like she was checking to make sure he was real.
“Ma stop, ma. Ok ok yes I'm home.” Niall tried to sound put off, but I could hear the joy in his voice and laugh.
“I am your ma and I will fawn over ya however I want. You hear me?” This petite lady nearly scolded Niall. I liked her already. He laughed at her words and kissed her on the cheek. Then she was onto Basil who had helped to get our bags out of the boot of the truck. See I was learning some of the terms. I looked around and realized I was the only one left for her to acknowledge. Great there was that sickness again.
“And this lovely girl must be Samantha?” She stepped toward me and held her arms open. I gave her a hug and she gave me a good squeeze for such a small lady. “Dear she is much prettier than you described.”
“Ma,” Niall shook his head. She looked at him over her shoulder then back at me. “Can we go inside now.”
Maura took my hand and lead me to the door. “Boys you two can manage the bags,” she said in that motherly tone. “So Samantha, Niall hasn't told me much about ya.”
Oh great here comes the Spanish Inquisition. I felt the sickness in my stomach get heavier and my chest tighten. I put on the best smile I could, “Not a lot to tell. I'm kind of a bore I'm afraid.” I heard a laugh from behind us.
“I highly doubt that dear, but there will be time for all that later.” She still had ahold of my hand as we entered the house. I took in how open it was. The furniture and decorations were very minimal, yet felt very welcoming at the same time. “I'm sure you are hungry and tired from your flight.”
“Actually we stopped for food at Basil's Pizza.” Niall sounded a little worried when he told her that. She just smiled with a shake of her head.
Maura let go of my hand and hugged Niall again. Mumbled on and on about how glad she was to have him home.
“Ok ma over 14 hour flight. Sam might want to freshen up a bit.” He tried to use me as an excuse to get her off of him.
She looked confused for a moment by the name then she looked at me, “Is it Samantha or Sam?”
“Well my boss is the only one who still calls me Samantha. Most people call me Sammy and Niall calls me Sam. My friends in school used to call me Sammy Jo. I'll answer to just about anything though.” I was still in awe of the house. I looked around because something seemed off. Then I realized it was quite. There was no music playing or tv on in the background.
“Well Sammy let me show you to your room,” she took one of my bags that Basil had brought in.
Basil told us good-bye and reminded Niall to give him a call whenever we decided to go out. Then he hugged Maura then me and called me killer. I smacked his arm and told him to hush.
“So I fixed up the two rooms in the back for you two. Thought you would have a little more peace and quiet back there. You know how it gets around here,” she looked at Niall for confirmation.
The rooms were on the first floor down at the end of a back hallway. They were off from a second lounge room. The bedroom was about half the size of my entire apartment in LA. Simple but beautifully decorated. If Maura did all of this she had an eye for design and decorating.
“Sam,” Niall said as he knocked on the doorway. I turned to see him leaned against the door. “Mum wants to know if you want some coffee, tea or anything.” He walked in and sat on the bench at the foot of the bed.
“No I'm good thanks. So your mom is,” he cut me off.
“Over the top,” he laughed.
“No. She is sweet.” I rolled my eyes at him. “So what is the plan for tonight?”
“Just a chill night. Try to get settled in and adjust to the time difference. I looked at my phone that Niall had given back when we landed in Dublin. It was after 11 p.m. and we were wide awake. “Usually takes me two or three days to adjust.”
“Sammy, Niall?” Maura called out to us. He yelled back to answer her. “You two want anything before I head to bed?”
“No ma we're good.” He called back as he stood up to leave my room. He turned back, and motioned for me to follow him. I did and he gave me a quick tour of the place. We ran into Maura and told her good night. She gave Niall a hug and a kiss. They were so sweet together and it made me happy to see it.
I got a hug from her also, “Good night dear. If you want or need anything you make yourself at home. So glad you changed your mind and came with Niall.”
I thanked her and told her good night. After she went to bed I asked for the bathroom. Niall showed me and left me to my business. When I finished in there I heard the sound of a guitar floating through the air. I followed the music and found him in the back lounge room with the white Christmas lights on over the fireplace and the Christmas tree in the corner.
He was on the large square ottoman in front of the fireplace. A fire burning casting a slight golden glow over his features. It was a picture perfect Hallmark moment.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It's a huge day so far and they've been calling him a German Shepherd all day long because the t-bone steak Nancy assholes who are around him all of them this is haven't you ever heard of what I really do and you like some sort of retard pile tell him it's off if it keeps sending you s*** is so they turned around and said we're going to get out of here we can't tell him that and start screaming it and yelling it finally the handler said what they say it's off you keep sending her s*** heads to bother him. It's going to get something we're having a war we're doing nothing treating like crap nobody really cares no running around doing this Nancy pansy s*** for no reason except to harass them and turn around said to us you don't care exactly what we're doing and why cuz we think we're losing already okay you make it we're making you lose cuz you won't knock off this rancid act and you're dying because of it which is kind of funny cuz Jim Morrison put in a song says these people are an idiot actress all out on their own and start crying I said we can't help it it's a lot of people can't help driving off a cliff and they just keep going so you got real mean then he says our fault talking when you say this can use that but really at the price you're doing it at it's not even like going to be worth today so it's a point of view existing riding around to make him eat it to ride him around to make him eat it and you're the ones rolling up the stone cuz your idiots oh I see it's raining is so far is not doing it since they made the song and the album I mean you don't have any argument at all except your s*** and you don't do anything instead of laughing it's a horrible thing and we're a bunch of perverted morons and don't do anything so they started mocking you and we took him away these people these people on here aren't worth anything interact and motif and won't change so we're going to take over here such a garbage town anyways all these dumb strip malls and buildings are so old to get sick by walking into them of asbestos cinnamon so we just start shutting down with asbestos tests and other things you should start doing that I need to do something here so I started doing it and I got the health department and we're going through their crap tons of people are dying because it and it works got a huge group doing it now it's growing it is he knows it's awesome the state is a piece of junk supposed to be so moving in and we're doing other stuff today is a banner day out there in the walls it's almost like 550, 000MNNNNNNNNNNNN at each Thunderdome each hour and Tommy f is under attack as well he has 650,000 MNNNNNNNNNNN each hour at him and eventually it's going to break and they plant explosives and they're getting closer and closer and eventually they're going to be through the chatter dome and they'll be in there messing up all the stuff whether and if he doesn't come out and stop them it'll happen right now it's fine missiles after missile after missiles they're knocking a lot of them down and they land right on top of him just trying to move it to the edge and they're getting blown up inside he's getting very frustrated he's brought an air power and it works and they're getting shot down now there's too many soldiers and they can't stop them
Who's going to pull out and it's today and said it would be today your ship's offshore bombarding and they're from a foreigners lands but they're his father so they're probably going to kill each other over and over until it's over and it isn't Tommy who's burned on the bed as Trump and it was for his performance today and Maura is Jenna is the pilot and ask Chris for help and he said some things are very valuable he's a very competent soldier in the office I'm laughing cuz it's true and keep saying it too worried my legs are killing me what do I do just try and stuff doesn't work that great so people at all but you know he needs help
And the United Kingdom is being invaded over and over and they said in the ad he killed he gets killed he dies and repeat the next day and they keep coming and say his clothes or something so going after him and everybody's fighting like crazy over there it is a huge huge war against the max the max are calling for people like no tomorrow it is a massive war and shortly they're going to start waking up the Dead and they're going to be running around town saying screw you wondering what's going on and Joe's yelling he says well they're not trying to hit you and he said good stuff spise there where your parents it looks around the Sun there and it's so quietly thank you cuz you're welcome and hopefully it's three days all these Max will be gone you don't have to yell and scream by because I have big problems all over but tons of them are going so let's see he tries to say stuff and no but they'll help him you mean mom this is a day behind you and she'll find you don't worry about it. So there aren't the stuff they keep talking to him says yeah that's how I kicked it off I don't expect to go over there don't expect to get anything from it. Is she playing it cuz half of her as vice president okay.
So it's going well I'm going to wake up George start doing things about how and stuff it goes us to be secretive and he goes and stuff because you only want to move over there she starts thinking about it just so they have to I said yeah but you can do it and he said okay
And also there's tons of people talking this is a hell they won't give an apartment they want to take him to the United Kingdom and take everything it's a huge war there they're harming the s*** out of them and they're all going to be near Westminster and they'll be kept there it's for safety and it says how long will it take this is going to be days at least because there's a huge huge Army coming up there every every hour it's going to keep screaming freaking nutcase. Pounding and screaming there's no reason for it it's just an a****** sure too you're getting moron. The problem is that trying to bring him over there is a dick probably go over there cuz such an a****** we know it too so there's a huge for us going against you like Kingdom what's somebody to handle an a****** we will Zig Zag says, you both said he's an animal that needs to be contained he's absurd he's being about stupid things really mean about things are good and we don't want to listen to it we're busy so I'm ordering them to shut them down and get help if you need it.
He appreciates it we're trying to get this done is at least 300 TNNNNNNNNNNN TROOPS AND SAILORS TRYING TO GET HERE. The heavily armed and they're bringing heavy and everything from ships and from land and up north as well and it is from a contingent of mac daddy and his son is intercepting and his son has about 200TNNNNNNNNNNNN SO HE HAS LESS AND HE'S PULLING SOME OF THE YEAGER OUT
Now they're doing assault on each other all of the world massive assaults and they're trying to kidnap our people in the middle and they're getting their asses handed to them globally like they should and it is a complete nightmare for a lot of people because they're stuck in it and we're sending an emergency units everywhere and what he's saying is the people here could be a problem I'm keeping an eye on it and we see a whole bunch of assholes running around doing stupid things and we're grabbing them now and I'm sending in some forces too what Joe does every day is ridiculous I'm going to shut him down if you can't we're bringing people take care of his people or shut them the hell up you don't need this stuff here, and he's trying to kidnap our son he's not his son at all he's not as kind so please people be kind and sending troops to stop this from happening at all you can't be put in the hospital we don't want him there we discussed it length and we sent orders and ascending for a lot of troops need them badly here and a sign of going tons of people
There are about 500 TNNNNNNNNNNN regulars going at it within Florida right now and that's too many so we have to shut it down and he smells toast in the house but it's supposed to be poisoned or something and like warning us like what do you think we're going to do negotiate with you sending distractions for them to run after it never work so using it or driving them and it's tons of people but we need a lot more troops here and I'm ordering it now I'm sitting in huge battalions they're going to be tons of them in here by tonight and tonight we're doing several things that are huge there's a few things going on here the shadow dome should be empty I'm going to keep them empty and we have an idea how to do it we need a big shadow dome down south and of course taken first before we can take these and we did figure out this true and we do have a way of holding them I can do prep work too carefully excavated correctly and he said was you're in there with keju and you might as well install the ring because you can't let him in there ever again anyways so go in there we have to rip the ring out and the ring takes a while to make other way it's not a bad idea I'm going to jump on it and we really need it in there so we're going to push for it and we're going to start doing that too I'm going to push for the others to be captured and today
The movie Europa report has occurred destiny 1 and destiny 2 are beginning The fleets of trumps are emptied he's powerless his air is falling rapidly as is his son and daughter who is an ogre to him who helps evict him as well as Tommy f and Mac the whole crew of sopranos who believed on their infighting which is so stupid cuz he told him what he does but he said he can't really cripple them and throw them to the fishes when I'm here so Bitol and goddess wife set a new group could take them over and that's what we're planning on doing and it's probably Biden and he'll take a beating in his this is Europe and it's going to continue that way they have a ton of people don't really care but our son was about the court by him he thinks and a lot of people think it's Trump but Biden was doing it is a fanatic for it we do need that it's dependent on the shattered at home in the bunker below but we have to completely defeat them more or less for it to happen and but he says I can't go there but it forced they could go there and we have to rip those rings out and we could reinstall them but we don't want to so it's kind of a way of holding on to it it's a crying out loud it's weird just saying it's weird I think it's weird that's a weirdos you guys are there like singing or performing this is terrible that doesn't really know though if we're doing that or not it's really for attentioning we have cross tensioning so it's going to go on it's going to happen you got a lot of things happening now and we don't have time for any of this poop that you guys are delivering you don't have any time and it's huge what we're doing is gigantic we have two more Thunderdome up and running in the in Canada and we have one almost running in Sahara actually only have two up and running and then Max says that's dumb because that's why we're talking now and they won't let me go over there till that one's ready to try and get the stuff my own son is a dildo in the way. And yeah gotta you hit Trump your own groop and a waste of time Max says. You don't understand it yes we do this a****** that let us see this trap on purpose and you knew about it what happened to like sending in teams that know what they're doing I also hear him say this so I couldn't get away with that what about the away team a rescue team rescue rangers yeah well I didn't figure that strength is not thinking Max's says.
The stone chips are out so people are now fighting over the Black ships and if I didn't over spaceships to get there and see ships and it's huge it is a massive fight Washington DC and New York City are being walled in everything in Pennsylvania is walled in and Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island right now and by Corky and the nights in White satin are heading up there and that's why it's doing it and I got to take over and then I'll just pile up from the wall and climb over in about 20 different spots and it's done before and he's screaming and yelling and Max is loading up the other guys New Mexico start attacking corky the inside.
The ship is ready and they're trying to get the fleet in and this time they might take a better route and just go there fast and it's fixed up reinforced and I'll go to talk because it's a pain in the ass this is going to be used for I guess King Kong and most of them are out of here except for Ken and it's not really a wiz with it it's been a long time on the computer but I really wasn't good at
The whole thing is heating up and it's not because of destiny 2 it's really because the AI is going over and also the stone chips are out of the way so it is because of destiny 2 and that's a huge huge reason and the stone chips are not necessarily out it's just that they don't have people piloting them they think and they probably will send a whole bunch out there and be destroyed and Saturn does come around the bend but this event with and oryx be happens beforehand and thyshik
Thor Freya
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jobethdalloway · 7 years
“Um, i don’t know you, but you are headed right towards the grounds, and i don’t have time to explain that i accidentally let all the blast-ended skrewts out of their cages, stop asking questions, you need to RUN” RIZZLES of course
Sundays were Maura’s favorite day of the week. Students were usually milling all over the grounds on Saturday, celebrating the start of the weekend; by Sunday afternoon many had resignedly retreated to the library or the dormitories to finish up homework. Maura preferred to do most of hers during the week and finish up on Saturday, where she could reliably have a lot of space in the library to herself.
Sundays were for recreation, and today she had decided to take her rarely-touched Firebolt for some practice flying near the forbidden forest. The broom had been a gift from her grandmother who somehow always seemed to know what was popular but didn’t keep up with her granddaughter - who would have much preferred a set of brass scales. It seemed rude not to give the broom a try, even though Maura had no interest in using it for sporting or traveling purposes.
She had just sat down to read some more of “Quidditch Through the Ages” on the usually-quiet edge of the woods, when she heard a loud scream. Taken aback, she stood up with her wand in hand to see a brunette racing towards her, long limbs flailing rather ungracefully.
“What on earth–”
The girl grabbed her by the arm and kept up the pace, yelling, “DON’T LOOK BACK KEEP RUNNING EVERYTHING’S FINE HAHAHA.”
Too bewildered to even bother stopping, Maura asked, “Who are you and what in Merlin’s name are we running from?” Nothing from the forest ever wandered out of the safety of the trees, and unless this girl was wildly unstable (which admittedly seemed like a possibility) she never would’ve gone in there to agitate something enough to chase her.
“The name’s Jane Rizzoli and we’re running from Skrewts!”
“Blast-ended skrewts!”
“Have you been confounded? There’s no such thing!”
“No such thing! Ho, ho, you’re cute!”
“Really, now!” Maura balked, digging her feet in for a halt. Jane looked at her, aghast. “Have you been jinxed? Did you try some of the mushrooms by the north edge of the forest?”
“Do you not take Care of Magical Creatures?”
“No; magizoology holds no interest or relevance for me.”
Jane grabbed her hand and started to run again. “Okay well Hagrid created these hybrid monsters last year that are some of the most ghastly things to ever exist on this earth, and I may or may not have been inadvertently responsible for unleashing a pack of adolescent ones and they’re headed right this way.”
“Are they dangerous? I left my Firebolt back there, should I-”
“A broomstick?! Why in the name of Willow Rosenberg didn’t you mention that before?! Accio Firebolt!”
“Well, I’m not usually one for flying-”
“Rich kids buying nice crap they don’t need just so people know they’re rich,” Jane muttered under her breath.
“What was that?”
The muttering made it hard to hear, but so did the sound of the herd gaining on them, composed of what Maura could only assume were the blast-ended skrewts. Her Firebolt was flying above the animals, just narrowly missing a blast of fire as one of the skrewts propelled itself forward.
“Never mind, just hang on!” Jane said. She jumped on the broom as it flew past, pulling Maura on after her. Maura heard an extremely unattractive shriek escape her as the skrewt in front blasted forward again - but it missed them by a wide margin as Jane vaulted towards the sky.
“Holy Moses!” she crowed. “This thing flies like a dream!”
“I’m sure my grandmother will be thrilled to hear it,” Maura said, her grip tightening around Jane’s waist as she flew them higher. “Could we maybe get a little closer back to the ground again, please?”
Jane dutifully brought them down a bit, then headed for the castle. “Is your grandma really into broom culture or something?”
“Not so much as she likes to keep on top of popular trends,” Maura said. “She gave this to me without even asking if I’d like one, which I don’t because I don’t play Quidditch and I don’t fancy them for travel, either.”
“Yeah, I figured that second part,” Jane chuckled, trying to shift so Maura’s arms wouldn’t feel quite so restrictive around her. “So do you just like to take it out for some air now and then? Seems like a waste to keep a broom like this closed up in a box all the time.”
“I know. I’m trying to familiarize myself with it. That’s why I’ve checked out all the library’s books on Quidditch and-”
“Books!” Jane laughed, swooping towards the castle. “You can’t teach yourself how to fly by reading books, you gotta give it a go on your own! Didn’t Madam Hooch teach you anything?”
“Yes, she taught me that riding is intuitive and I don’t have the–AAH!”
She yelled as Jane made a short dive, coming up on Professor McGonagall’s office. It appeared to Maura as though the professor was trying to pretend she couldn’t see them; Jane waved and each time she moved to get out of McGonagall’s peripheral vision, the professor shifted in her chair just slightly enough to be able to continue ignoring her. She sighed when Jane knocked on the glass and called her name.
“You may wanna get your eyes checked, McG,” Jane said when the professor finally opened her window.
“You may want to check that nickname, Rizzoli, because if I hear it again you’ll find yourself in detention.”
“Sheesh! Okay, professor.”
“Now to what do I owe the pleasure of becoming a stop on the Gryffindor Casanova’s latest date?”
“Date?! She wishes,” Jane joked.
“What happened to your sense of urgency?!” Maura cried.
“Miss Isles!” said McGonagall, looking surprised. “I didn’t see it was you hiding back there!” The presence of a student as serious as Maura seemed to indicate that no shenanigans were afoot. “What is so terribly urgent?”
“You know that paddock Hagrid had of blast-ended skrewts?”
McGonagall’s mouth was a thin line. “Yesss…”
“Funny story, they do NOT like living that close to the black lake. The giant squid can reach pretty far with those tentacles, and he smacked one of the skrewts and they all broke out. And are running rampant near the forest. Just thought you should know!” she called as McGonagall ran from the room with impressive speed. “Wow, she moves pretty quick for an old lady.”
“Should we go back?” Maura asked, looking over her shoulder. “There must be something we can do to hold those beasts at bay until Professor McGonagall gets there.”
Jane redirected the broom back towards the forest. “I tried a freezing spell and stopped a couple of them, and I stupefied a few but there were too many coming at me to do anything really effective. All I could think to do was run.”
“And scream,” Maura chuckled.
“Right, and you were so calm when one of them used its fiery butt to launch itself right at you.”
Maura rolled her eyes but conceded the point. “Ugh, there they are. I’m surprised they didn’t go into the forest.”
“We should send them in there, maybe the centaurs will kill ‘em all, take them off our hands.” Jane shifted to keep the broom straight; Maura was twisting around as if looking something. “Uh, what’s on your mind there, Isles?”
“I was wondering if there was something we could levitate to fence them in until the professors arrive.”
“If Hagrid weren’t off on .. whatever business he’s doing, I’d just go to the cabin for his advice.”
“Does he keep firewood outside? I would think someone his size would have a giant fireplace with giant logs.”
Maura’s assumption turned out to be correct, and before you could say “wingardium leviosa” (but after Maura did), she has transported the logs to the skrewts and managed to construct a crude enclosure for them. “That’s pretty good!” Jane said, sounding impressed. “But you seem to have forgotten the fiery butts thing. One fart fire and your fences are toast.”
“Has anyone ever told you you have a way with words?”
“Why, no!”
“And they probably never will. What was the paddock made of, can we get it?”
“Steel, and no. The squid - which I was in no way taunting prior to this incident - started eating it when I left. Go figure.” Jane saw one of the skrewts starting to smoke, and shot an aguamenti charm to douse it before any wood could get burned.
“Oh, good idea!” Maura said. “Why don’t we act as an emergency water tower until the professors arrive? And why don’t we do it from the safety and non-bobbing branch of that tree?”
“Do you get motion sickness?” Jane asked, steering the broom to the sturdy branch Maura had indicated. She looked quite relieved to sit on it, and Jane joined her. “I’m sure Madam Pomfrey must have something for that.”
“I suppose she may; it’s never been enough of an issue for me to seek any kind of treatment.”
“Mm. So what’s your first name, Isles? McGonagall wasn’t informal enough to say.”
“Maura,” came the reply, as she calmly took her turn dousing a skrewt. “Merlin’s beard, did you say Hagrid bred these things? I thought hybridization of such dangerous animals was illegal - and this must have fire crab in it somewhere.”
“Eh, it’s a hunch. We’ve got a good family friend back in the states who’s pretty fond of magical creatures himself - I think he owns every edition of every book Newt Scamander ever published,” Jane chuckled. “He’d never heard of blast-ended skrewts, and when I described them to him he said he thought they sounded like a mix of fire crab and manticore.” She laughed again. “I still can’t believe you didn’t hear about these last year, I mean even if you weren’t in class with them! Didn’t any of your friends tell you about 'em?”
“No,” was Maura’s curt reply. She didn’t have friends so much as classmates and suite mates, but there was no reason to tell a near-stranger that. To avoid further prying, she deflected: “What about McGonagall’s Casanova comment, care to defend that?”
“She’s exaggerating,” Jane scoffed.
“What exactly is she exaggerating?”
“Heh. I wouldn’t have thought it was in the nature of a Ravenclaw to like gossip,” Jane said, flipping Maura’s house scarf with the tip of her wand - which would have been innocent enough if she hadn’t just been using the wand to spritz a skrewt and forgotten to end the charm. “Whoops!” she laughed as Maura sputtered, using the dry part of her scarf to wipe her face. “That was an accident, I swear!”
“I’ll believe that if you’ll explain McGonagall’s comment.”
“Why do you care?”
“I find you very physically attractive and your personality intrigues me, so I thought I might ask you out. But if you’re a playboy or you only date boys, I won’t waste my time.”
Jane was stunned by the forthright nature of this answer, and Maura wouldn’t have been so blunt if she hadn’t worried that lying would lead to her fainting and falling into an angry mass of skrewts.
“Uh…well, first of all I’m about as interested in dating guys as I am in dating a blast-ended skrewt,” Jane said. “And McGonagall is just being funny. She’s uh… caught me in a couple of um, compromising positions with some girlfriends in the past.”
“Where were you that a teacher would - never mind, I don’t want to know,” Maura said, although her imagination had gone into hyper speed painting a very enticing picture of Jane, sweaty and breathing heavily and STOP, WHAT IF SHE CAN PERFORM LEGILIMENS AND IS READING YOUR MIND?!  "Girlfriends plural, you say?“ Maura managed.
"I mean, not at the same time. I’m .. assuming you wouldn’t be into that?”
“I’ve never given it much thought,” Maura said, growing redder at the bait dangling in front of her mind’s eye. “But I think for now I can say no.”
She was relieved to see professors McGonagall, Grubbly-Plank, and Flitwick arrive just then. Grubby-Plank let loose a long, loud rant of swear words she’d have likely reined in if she’d realized two students were in a nearby tree.
They watched the teachers work for a while, then Jane said, “In case you were wondering, I’m not seeing anyone right now, and I would be interested in getting to know you better in a non-emergency situation.”
There are some things you can’t share without ending up wanting to ask someone on a date, and corralling blast-ended skrewts is one of them.
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