#where ncuti would get his big i'm the doctor moment
doc-oswald · 5 months
I'm really so excited to get to know the fifteenth doctor, for now he seems calm and mature, I liked him very much.
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mooncaps · 6 months
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^ My initial reaction to the events of The Giggle.
I'm trying not to be too thrown by the absurdity of it, because really the whole show is absurd. The idea of a time traveling phone box that's bigger on the inside and an alien that can regenerate so new actors can play the same character is pretty ridiculous. I'm just used to it because the show's been doing it for 60 years, I've been watching the show for 16 years, and I had an understanding that those concepts were part of it.
Bi-generation isn't really any more absurd; it's just new. So I'm trying not to get too stuck on that.
And I like David Tennant, Ten was my favorite Doctor, so I don't mind the idea of the door being open for him. I'm not entirely clear on whether we'll be seeing any more of him on screen, or if he's just getting his happy ending, but it feels like a big thing to introduce if he's just going to be shelved. (At the very least, they've left open room for Big Finish to tell stories.) Much as I like him, if Tennant occasionally pops up, then I think it will feel a bit like stunt-casting and pandering, even if I'm the one being pandered to.
Ever since Power of the Doctor, I've been hoping that Tennant's return would be setting up a tie-in to Tom Baker's cameo in Day of the Doctor. With his retirement starting, maybe he'll go on to revisit some more old favorite faces and become a curator. I'd be down for that as an interesting story. Though I worry that it, or any other storyline they do with the bi-generation, could distract from Ncuti's introduction and establishing his presence as The Doctor.
I'm left to wonder if they're not confident that fans will stick around for Ncuti so they want to keep people on the hook for David. I'm also not sure how I feel about giving Ncuti the unconventional introduction. Maybe it'll prove to be the right fit for him. I guess time will tell on that front.
One thing about these specials is that they didn't feel much like events to me. Day of the Doctor, Power of the Doctor, and even Journey's End felt more like special events. These three mostly just felt like regular episodes. The Giggle came closest to feeling like an event. Although the regeneration (bi-generation) felt like an underwhelming moment, narratively. And we all know RTD and Murray Gold are capable of delivering emotionally resonant scenes. I feel like Ncuti's very sudden introduction so far lacks weight compared to most of the others. None of the new Doctors ever get much in their first scene, but they come in as part of a big emotional moment. I don't think I like that Ncuti didn't really get that. Hopefully his first proper story can give him more of a chance to make an impact. That's always where a new Doctor really gets to establish theirself.
And I guess we sort of got the new Doctor in the old Doctor's outfit this time. Though I find it frustrating that RTD is fine with having Ncuti run around in his underpants, but felt like putting David in Jodie's outfit would've been "taking the mickey."
I probably need more time to sit with the new ideas and get used to them. I'm someone who very much enjoyed the Timeless Child story (and wished they did more with it,) so I know I can get into new concepts shaking up the lore, but this seems like it's gonna take a bit more time for me to adjust to.
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oodlyenough · 2 years
anyway here's some power of the doctor thoughts from someone who phased in and out of thirteen's era very casually and only saw like a cumulative 10 episodes of it, maybe
honestly i enjoyed it more-or-less/more than i expected, lol, maybe because i had no particular expectations riding on it i just wanted to see what would happen. i don't think it was the tightest or most coherent script but no showrunner's finale ever has been LMAO so... it is what it is.
the master's entire plan seemed overly convoluted and i don't entirely follow why we had half the plot elements we had, but i'm also always willing to accept the master doing fuckshit for reasons that don't really go beyond wanting to ruin the doctor's day and get their attention. so like. sure. i can roll w that lmfao. the daleks and cyberman stuff seemed totally superfluous too but... whatever idc
dhawan's master isn't my fave master but he's enjoyable to watch, imo. the most bonkers one of the 3 modern i think? which considering the competition is a high bar, lol.
i think a bigger crit, for me, of 13-era master is more on jodie's end, where i don't get as much conflict and whatnot from her, which in turn makes it a less interesting dynamic than the other modern master+doctor combos. the push-pull mutual obsession is what makes them fun! i don't believe 13 would cradle his body sobbing and begging him to regenerate after he tortured her for a year, so really, what's the point
it was nice seeing ace and tegan. i think i maybe once saw a serial with each but it was so long ago, so i won't pretend any kind of authority in terms of how they were written. but i liked having them around lol
i think it was a bit of an odd choice to have dhawan 'take over' the doctor's body or ...whatever... in jodie's very last episode. it would've been a better showcase for jodie whittaker, and accomplished the same basic plan, if somehow HE regenerated into HER, and jodie got to play both the doctor and the master. ah well, because...
i really liked the old doctor cameos! I was not spoiled for it at all and i thought it was very sweet, especially giving five+tegan and seven+ace their moments together.i'm sure the actors appreciated a chance to be together too. just nice :) and i love my man eight lmao... king
also the mishmash outfit of all the past doctor outfits was cute
i thought the "tag you're it" line was a cute ending line! (although it would've been better if she regenerated into ncuti ...lol. i'm sure it was written and acted long before they settled on the 60th plans so i guess it can't be helped.)
the big downside to me was: yaz and thasmin
thasmin isn't a ship i'm invested in personally but i did start watching again after they canonized yaz's feelings in EOTD because i was like oh, how far will the show go with this? and the answer is apparently "nowhere". LOTSD felt totally unresolved and then we just never brought it up again. i can live without a kiss or a happily ever after, but when you've spent nearly a year patting yourselves on the back for a queer doctor/companion relationship, only to not do the barest minimum to address it, that's fucked up. why canonize your accidental-by-admission subtext if you're not going to DO ANYTHING? sorry to the shippers who really got jerked around by this show for no reason.
and then, even setting aside that irritation, the most egregious thing of all...
yaz's exit. just absolutely flabbergasted they did yaz/mandip so dirty that they didn't even TRY to come up with and articulate a reason for her to leave. ludicrous!!! she spends her whole time swallowing her feelings for the doctor's comfort and that extends all the way to leaving because the doctor kicked her out with nary a hug? what the fuck? one of the longest running companions ever and this is the sendoff she gets, kicked out because the doctor decides, sans explanation, she "needs to be alone" to regenerate despite having regenerated with many companions prior? lmao... yaz sweetie i'm so sorry. she doesn't even get to give the speech to the companion support group. my god. martha jones you need to call her up immediately
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Sorry to rant in your direction. I'm feeling a bit savage and overprotective by some of the awful comments I have been seeing on that new BBC interview with David. Saying that he's got far too skinny, looks malnourished and needs to eat a sandwich. Like what the heck is wrong with people that they feel the need to write negative comments about someones weight, makes me so mad. David is naturally very slim and even if he had lost weight why do they feel the need to be dicks about it.
Hi, Anon! No need to apologize at all--you are more than welcome to rant on my blog, as I like to think that it’s a safe place for folks to speak their minds. (I’m on the road at the moment for another speaking engagement, so that’s why I’ve been a bit sidetracked and am trying to catch up on Anons.)
As I’ve mentioned previously, I am not a big watcher of DW, and so have been aware of what has happened recently in more of a general, peripheral sense. From what I am seeing, though, it seems like people are upset at Jodie leaving as 13 or upset at Ncuti not being given a “proper” regeneration as the next Doctor, and instead of aiming those feelings and frustrations where they belong--at Russell T. Davies and the writers/showrunners--they are aiming them at David.
It’s terribly cheap and easy to attack someone’s appearance, too, and it speaks to the fact that these people have nothing else to attack--he’s a beloved Doctor in the DW pantheon, a talented actor, and a lovely, sweet human being, so all that leaves is his looks. But it’s patently ridiculous, because look at him:
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So pretty. So gorgeous in that ludicrous shirt, with those delicate features and hands of his. I have had people message me privately with concerns about David’s appearance, but only in the sense of being worried about him looking tired from working so hard and hoping he is eating enough...not calling him ugly and/or attacking his appearance out of some misplaced rage over DW. Sheesh.
As far as I’m concerned, the only acceptable comment about David’s appearance in the BBC interview is this, because it’s hilarious and also the fucking accuracy...
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He absolutely looks like he co-owns a hair salon called Unicorn & Daffodil in Palm Springs with Michael, and they are on the verge of adopting a puppy and Michael is fed up because he’s on his third cream rinse of the day and wants to get iced coffees for him and his husband once David is finished with his interview in their tastefully-appointed living room:
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So yes, I have no idea why anyone would be possibly a dick about and insult David’s appearance when you could talk about the eyeliner he is wearing or that freaking shirt or his delightful inability to sit straight instead.
It’s so ridiculous to crap on people’s happiness at their fave Doctor returning (in whatever form), and especially to go after David himself. He is friends with Jodie, thoroughly admires Ncuti, and is clearly thrilled to be part of the show again, which he has loved dearly since he was little, so I do not at all see the sense in people trampling over his joy.
Hopefully the haters will go away once this initial wave of DW content subsides and/or by the time the series is released (November of next year, I believe?). But even if they don’t, you are always welcome to rant on my blog again, Anon. Thanks for writing in! x
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
So I've been thinking about the final episode of the Thirteenth Doctor. It was pretty good - probably the best episode we've had since the reveal that the Doctor is the Timeless Child, the true source of the Time Lord's ability to regenerate, and the only person likely possesses infinite regenerations. (Admittedly this retcon does call into question the source of River's ability to regenerate, but I think I'd prefer fanon answers only. We really do not need River to come back at this point.)
Flux was... not great. And we're still dealing with the fallout from that. At the end of the Flux episodes it did not seem that universe was restored afterwards, so it's a much smaller place out there. Time itself is no longer what it was and history that could have been no longer will be. And I've been wondering if they'll ever do something to fix that. I was hoping Thirteen's final episode would have dealt with how Flux left things - she's been running from what the Avatar of time told her and she legitimately thought that this was it. She was going to die. No more regenerations - that's what she was told by Time itself, after all.
So I was disappointed that Thirteen's final episode just kind of sidestepped the issue. I mean, if the repercussions of the Flux episodes are just ignored then I can pretend the episodes never happened and keep watching. Canon has always felt a lot more malleable for Doctor Who than other shows I enjoy anyway, so quiet - or loud - retcons are easier to accept. But despite my dislike of the Flux episodes it's a really big event to just hand wave away.
And while the events of the episode are clearly what Time's avatar meant while taunting the Doctor about her upcoming death... for 'no more regenerations' there was certainly a lot of regenerating going on. I'm just saying.
The Master stole the show, as always. The Master thrives on ridiculous chaos, murder, and annoying the Doctor. While there's no obvious reason why he picked Rasputin, it seems most likely he heard the song while trying to figure out when/where to hide his forced regeneration machine. And the song gave him his answer, so of course he had to have a dance sequence to it later. The Daleks and Cybermen can be seen regretting everything while Ra Ra Rasputin is playing. Honestly, best moment of the episode.
Teagan and Ace were wonderful too. Showing they found each other and are friends now, the two of them finally getting closure with their respective Doctors, and the fact that they both are still more than ready to dive headfirst into adventure was so fun to see. Teagan saving Kate was something I think she really needed, especially after how the Master used her hopes about the Doctor to sneak in his Cyber army. And Ace taking her baseball bat to Dalek again while teaming up with Graham to blow up the Daleks controls was perfect.
Graham showing up was good to see - I was disappointed that there was no Ryan, but he got referenced at least. I wasn't really surprised to see Graham either. The Doctor gave him and Ryan psychic paper so they could keep investigating alien causing trouble on Earth - I still live in hope they'll get a spin off in the vein of the Sarah Jane Adventures. By showing up at the volcano, Graham demonstrated that he and Ryan are still having adventures. They're just not leaving their lives on pause anymore to do it the way Ryan felt he was when they were traveling with the Doctor.
I think the biggest surprise of the night, though, was Thirteen regenerating back into Ten. I really can't think of him as being the Fourteenth Doctor - he's not. Fourteen is supposed to be Ncuti Gatwa and I don't really know how to articulate the disappointment I feel about the new actor I've been excited about getting bumped a number. (I think they announced who'd be playing the new Doctor too soon and didn't consider how it'd look to have David Tennant basically steal the new actor's thunder. If they'd waited to announce Ncuti Gatwa until next year, it would have been less... upsetting, I suppose.)
Not that I'm disappointed Ten is back. The concept of the Doctor regenerating into an earlier form was originally floated during the original series. It never happened, but the idea stuck around. It was finally teased with Eleven meeting the Curator during the Day of the Doctor. So the Doctor regenerating into the Tenth Doctor is the final step in executing that concept, which is exciting to see.
Of all the new Who companions, Donna's parting with Ten is the one where the lack of closure bothers me the most. Rose eventually got closure with Ten-too. Martha walked out with her head held high and became very successful in her chosen career. Mickey refused to take the Doctor's shit and became a hero in his own right. Jack grew beyond the con man he used to be and has become someone the Doctor can rely on at the strangest times, but doesn't need to be with them to know they love him in their own way. Amy and Rory finally left it all behind thanks to a temporal paradox, but they had happy, successful lives together and River still visited them when she could. Clara's hubris did her in, but she had many more untold adventures in her own TARDIS with Me before finally accepting her death. And Bill may have turned into a Cyberman, but her space ship girlfriend restored her and they went exploring together.
Donna had her memories erased and her personal triumphs striped away. And while she does find her own happiness, it's dissatisfying that Donna will never know that her insecurities are wrong - she is the woman who saved the universe. And her reward was having the future she desired most stripped away.
Ten Take Three (look, I'm not calling him 'Fourteen' okay) is getting three episodes. Donna will be there. So will her daughter Rose? (If I've heard the rumors right?) And it would be interesting if the three parter was about making up for past mistakes. Giving Ten a chance to finally help Donna, even if mending their relationship to what it once was is no longer possible. I was hoping for that anyway with Ten and Fourteen (because Ncuti Gatwa is Fourteen, so help me...) but I suppose in some ways it'll be more poignant for Ten to be getting an unexpected second chance now, long after dying, than for him to have that second chance but not remember it later when he dies saving Wilf. (I dunno, will it though?)
But Donna had regeneration energy change her. And not just anyone's regeneration energy - the Doctor's. The Timeless Child's. And as no one really knows what the Timeless Child is - what the Doctor is... and thus the impact on Donna could ultimately have been entirely different from what the Doctor expected.
So this upcoming three parter holds my hopes not only that Donna's memories will be restored but that the universe will be restored along side her.
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veggiehomosapien · 6 months
'k. i just watched the last ep of the dw special.
it had its fun moments, surprisingly was okay with neil patrick harris as the toymaker and it was lovely to see certain characters again, but i gotta say...not pleased. i just gotta get my thoughts out. very long rant incoming (feel free to skip lol):
bi-generation? really? i can vaguely see what rtd was trying to do but man...what a mistake i think that was. it completely takes away from ncuti's doctor having his own regen moment and the "passing of batons" -- AND the fact that fourteen is just what, chilling on earth with his own tardis and can come back at any time?? (and let's face it, he probably will. not that i don't love seeing david but we need to let this go now, it's time to move on!). and how ncuti's doctor has the "cloned" tardis and david's fourteen has the "original" like? idk i feel really icky about it all?? absolutely none of this was necessary. and don't even get me started on that line that donna had when fifteen regenerated ooooooooo *grumbles* they better have black writers writing for ncuti bc if this ep is anything to go by...yikes.
as if that wasn't enough lol, the fact that yasmin khan, the woman who fell for the woman who fell to earth, the first sapphic southeast asian companion, who JUST left the doctor, was not even acknowledged?? if we're name-dropping all of the previous companions, why ignore her? four eps ago we had her and the doctor sharing their final moments together, and the doctor absolutely cannot have just forgotten everything that happened given that they mentioned the flux. but also! we had kate stewart in the ep! and mel! where the fuck was the mention of the support group! "just saw yaz the other day, she's doing well." "dan and graham say hi" - LIKE HELLO?????? and the cheap shot of "who'd have thought. i ended up with a family" after thirteen called her companions "fam" (and i'll even mention amy and rory for that matter). like listen, i love donna and i love ten (and found fourteen very interesting!) but COME ON. the doctor has had, and will continue to have, family, in all of it's varying forms and connections. there is no need to differentiate between the other "families" (that have been explicitly mentioned as families) - as well as the "you came home" line. *eyeroll* yeah uh huh, thanks rtd. the doctor never had people to call home before. i just think that line was in poor taste. a complete disrespect to the previous characters who we know and love.
and i want to reiterate the fact that not only was yaz not mentioned or acknowledged, but martha too. she knew ten's face, she's met donna, why wasn't she a part of unit? why were yaz and martha the only two of the main modern companions to not be mentioned hmm?
anyway. apologies for this long-winded rant. i'm just. disappointed. and frustrated. this had so much potential but i guess i should have known what we were getting into with thirteen regenerating into david and him not wearing thriteen's clothes and then rtd saying that he didn't regen into her clothes bc a man dressing in woman's clothes could be considered drag and that would be a "delicate" topic (so what was jodie dressed in twelve's clothes? and if you went on to write the idea that the doctor's gender is outside of the binary, what's the big fuss, rtd?)
all this to say, i am excited for ncuti (so excited for him, he did wonderfully in this ep!!) and i can't wait to see what he brings. he deserved a better introduction. one to call his own.
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