#but the era looks like it will be amazing
buckttommy · 22 hours
honestly the vibes of your post about Tommy's active racism during Gerrard's era were weird. he very much did actively participate -- he says something along the lines of "did we forget to tip the delivery guy" when chimney first shows up to the firehouse, he says that hen has 'New York bitchiness' when she and chimney are bonding, to name a few things -- and being closeted does not excuse racism or give it a nuanced 'purpose'. it's such a tired and played out trope that 'oh the white person was lashing out because they were scared of their queerness coming to light' and I think as a community we deserve better. you treating this conventionally attractive white queer man as some kind of amazing representation makes it seem like being queer is only radical for white ppl bc Black ppl are already a member of the dirty underclass so it doesn't change their social standing at all. that's not even to mention that josh has been a white queer character connected to the mains since season 2 - I feel like this does such a disservice to the amazing queer characters that we have had so far and it just rubs me the wrong way.
"Vibes were weird" is not a valid criticism.
"he very much did actively participate" - You're right! I was wrong. He did.
"being closeted does not excuse racism or give it a nuanced 'purpose'." - You misunderstood what I said. Tommy's queerness does, indeed, give his behavior purpose, but you're interpreting the wrong use of the word "purpose" here. So we're all on the same page, purpose is defined as "the reason for which something is done." Now, the full quote of what I said was: "his complicity would be absolutely shitty and inexcusable if he was just a cishet white man. no questions asked. but if — if — you view his behavior through the lens of the fact that tommy is queer himself? that tommy is, and always has been, a member of a marginalized community who felt it was easier and safer to assimilate than it was to be openly queer and have a target on his back? his behavior becomes a whole hell of a lot more understandable. yes, it’s still shitty, but. there’s a purpose behind it." So I'm very clearly saying that, "hey, Tommy did a shitty thing, but coming from his perspective, I can understand why he did it." Note: Condoning and Understanding are completely different things.
"it's such a tired and played out trope that 'oh the white person was lashing out because they were scared of their queerness coming to light'" - I have no idea which shows, movies, or books you're interacting with in which this is a storyline you see play out with enough frequency that you've grown tired of it, but please share those titles with me. I'd like to compare them to the current story playing out on screen. Thanks!
"it's such a tired and played out trope that 'oh the white person was lashing out because they were scared of their queerness coming to light'" - I don't actually write the show, so this frustration of yours is irrelevant to me. Noted, but irrelevant all the same.
"and I think as a community we deserve better." I agree that we deserve amazing stories. I neither agree nor disagree as to whether this story is amazing or not, because I haven't analyzed it from that perspective, but I look forward to seeing what kind of stories you create and release into the world to counteract what you think is an oversaturation of dissatisfying queer media. /srs /gen
"you treating this conventionally attractive white queer man as some kind of amazing representation" - I happen to think all representation is amazing because there are a lot of people in power who want to kill us. Whether or not Tommy is good or bad representation seems pretty low on the list of things that are actually a threat to Queer existence, especially when Project 2025 exists. And that's just a threat facing Queer people in the States alone. Other crises face our Queer siblings in other parts of the world, and none of them will be solved by Tommy Kinard or 911, whether he's perfect representation or not.
"bc Black ppl are already a member of the dirty underclass so it doesn't change their social standing at all." - Not a fan of your wording here. Mainly because this statement does not seem necessary to the current conversation. You could have said: treating this conventionally attractive white queer man as some kind of amazing representation makes it seem like being queer is only radical for white ppl and that would have been sufficient, but you didn't. Reconsider why you used those words here.
"josh has been a white queer character connected to the mains since season 2" - Josh isn't connected to the mains, he's connect to Maddie, and she already has a husband. And also Josh is gay, so she wouldn't be an option for him anyway. Outside of Dispatch, there really is no room to play with his character. So this point is irrelevant. (But if you are one of the few Buck/Josh shippers in this fandom and are mad they didn't get together, I can't say I blame you. I would be mad too).
"I feel like this does such a disservice to the amazing queer characters that we have had so far and it just rubs me the wrong way." - This is a very valid opinion, but as I already stated, nothing about the writing of this show has anything to do with me. So your opinion has been noted and discarded.
Hope that clears everything up.
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witchywitchy19 · 2 days
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Normally I dont get involved with such things when fans of Drivers go toxic against other drivers.
I come onto the Lewis Hamilton tag because it brings a calmness into my life seeing my favourite driver doing something like co produce a film about the first american women motorbike driver and his fashion looks.
However today on my break I was greeted with this.
I know in TeamLH, we do have some toxic people and the stuff they say is not acceptable on any level however all drivers have a level of fans like this for example Max fans in 2021 with their death threat to Lewis or Alonso fans with the black face and crymilton posters during the mclaren years.
Yes defend your favourite driver if you must, call out those toxic fans but...
Do Not come for Lewis with the same amount of hate your trying to defend George from.
To say Lewis is egging his fans to be toxic and say all these horrible things about george, that he wants to see this chaos reign.
To say he is encouraging these fans to attack George. That his personality is so fake.
Yes Lewis at one point had not been a good team mate but look back on the fucking grid on when he was a little shit on the track. Sebastian Vettel had his dark era when he didn't give a fuck, Fernando Alonso with his screw everyone era with 'I knew he would break, hes got a wife and children at home'. Michael Schumacher was a terror at one point. Nico Rosberg using dirty tactics and everything he knew about Lewis. The older grid did not compete in karting with one another except for a few, they were all cut throat with one another. They were brutal
But they enjoyed that.
This grid, a lot of them grew up with each other so they are a lot softer with one another.
Lewis and Nico both let a championship come between them. They were both at fault for it all not just Lewis.
Valterri's mental health was down to the team and how they led the drivers, Lewis may have not been aware of it. So to say Lewis actively contributed to it, like he knew he was doing it. Fuck off. Lewis was coming off a year were his childhood friendship was gone, Nico retiring, pushing all his focus into the championship and going up against Sebastian. There were times Lewis helped Valterri.
To say he is trying to break George. Lewis has sent praises to George from time to time. 'Its incredible, hes done an amazing job today, he had great pace, hes been so solid these first three races and hes working and really grafting away, hes doing an amazing job'
And this bullshit of he doesnt do well with being second or he only knows how to drive in first. This is complete shit.
For Lewis its racing, it doesnt matter where he comes, he wants to race. Hell he even enjoyed the hell driving from Kevin back awhile ago.
So if your gonna defend your driver then go ahead but do not come for a driver with the same level of hate worded differntly as the people your trying to defend your driver from.
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callyourose · 2 days
match point, a challengers fanfic. set two.
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↳   masterlist ( start set one here ! ) — In which the fabric of Lennon Caddel and Tashi Duncan’s friendship starts to change when they meet Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig.
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LENNON CADDEL AND TASHI DUNCAN were best friends. Everyone knew it. They came as a matching set. Everywhere Tashi went Lennon was there too, right by her side. In the dining hall, in the stands of a boys tennis match. They even shared a dorm room. There was no one else on planet earth that the two girls would rather spend all of their time with. Or It used to be like that, at least. Only recently, Lennon had been seen with a curly haired brunette boy brushing against her side every now and then. Everyone that knew them joked that Tashi had finally loosened Lennon’s leash a little. The two were still seen together all the time, obviously, but it seemed like their duo had turned into a quartet. The aforementioned brunette boy, and a blonde, making their appearances at matches and in the dining hall. Lennon, who once looked like she had to be dragged to tennis practice, went everywhere with a pep in her step. Maybe it was the boy she was seeing. Maybe Tashi had finally cooled down. Nobody really knew. But whoever it was, they were doing their job. And they were doing it well. By the end of the school year, Lennon Caddel would be ranked number one in women’s collegiate tennis. Across the entire country. 
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“Let’s fucking go!” Lennon had just won her third match of the season, officially pushing her to the top spot in the country. A freshman. #1. If you had told her six months ago that this is where she would be, she would’ve laughed in your face.
Patrick and Art are in the stands, cheering like their life depends on it. Tashi is standing up from a bench not too far away, running in the direction of her best friend. She picks her up and spins her around before setting her back down on the court. Lennon isn’t just smiling. She’s glowing. 
“You’re fucking amazing!” Tashi exclaims, grasping Lennon’s hands in her own. She pulls her into the tightest hug and sighs. The sigh was something akin to relief. Lennon was too elated to notice. She catches Patrick’s eye over Tashi’s shoulder. He winks at her and all she can do is smile back. 
She’s got the world in the palm of her hand. Number one in the country. Best friends a person could ever have. And the type of boyfriend that she thought only existed in a romance novel. What could get better than this?
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perkypeony · 21 hours
gojo fluff with a tiny bit of angst
You had always seen strange creatures since you were born. At five, your parents revealed a family secret—you were a sorcerer, a rare trait in your country. Despite their lack of cursed techniques, they discovered that you had one. They taught you hand-to-hand combat and how to wield tools imbued with cursed energy.
At fifteen, you were attending a boarding school. One day, during your English class, a man with white hair and sunglasses knocked on your classroom door. A hint of Japanese laced his voice.
"Excuse me," he said, his voice smooth yet authoritative. "I'm looking for y/n."
You blinked, staring at him. Your heart skipped a beat. You recognized him immediately from a picture your dad had shown you. "Gojo Satoru..." you whispered in awe. Why did the strongest sorcerer of the modern era want to meet you? Were your parents okay?
"Yes, yes, it's me," he said with a playful smirk, clearly used to this kind of reaction. "Now, y/n, we need to talk. I've handled all the documents. You're coming with me to Tokyo today."
"Wait, what?!" you exclaimed, your heart racing. "But... my friends, my parents—"
"Say your goodbyes quickly," he urged, his tone still light but firm. "We've got a flight to catch."
As you stood there in shock, your classmates began to murmur among themselves. Your best friend leaned over and whispered, "Who is that? He’s so...handsome!"
You flushed slightly, realizing how surreal this must seem to everyone. "He's...uh, a family friend," you said, trying to keep your voice steady. "He's here to take me to Tokyo."
Your bestie's eyes widened. "Tokyo? That's amazing! But...why so sudden?"
"It's complicated," you replied, forcing a smile. "I'll explain later, I promise."
"Do my parents know about this?" you asked Gojo, still trying to process everything.
"Of course," he nodded. "Now, hurry up."
As you gathered your belongings, your friends crowded around you, firing off questions.
"Are you really leaving?" one asked.
"What's Tokyo like?" another chimed in.
"Are you going to be okay?" your bestie asked, their concern evident.
"I'll be fine," you assured them, though your heart was heavy. "I'll keep in touch, I promise."
You and Gojo stopped by your home first. Your parents had already packed your things. They looked apologetic.
"Mom, Dad, why didn’t you tell me?" you asked, feeling a mix of betrayal and curiosity.
"We're sorry, y/n," your mom said, tears welling in her eyes. "We wanted to tell you, but we know you would refuse if it meant leaving your friends and us."
"We can’t teach you much about your cursed technique," your dad explained. "Gojo Satoru is here to take you to Tokyo Jujutsu High. It's the best place for you to learn and grow."
You felt a pang of sadness about leaving them, but the excitement of starting a new chapter in a foreign country took over. Your parents accompanied you to the airport, and you hugged them tightly, bidding them goodbye.
On the plane, you couldn't help but steal glances at Gojo. You had seen pictures of him before, but they didn't do him justice. He was even more impressive in person, and you found yourself struggling to keep your excitement in check.
"Aren't you going to ask for my autograph?" he teased, noticing your frequent glances.
You blushed furiously. "I-I didn't want to bother you..."
Gojo laughed. "Don't worry, y/n. We've got plenty of time to get to know each other."
A few months later, you found yourself in Shibuya, exorcising cursed spirits. Several sorcerers were already down and Gojo Satoru had been sealed. Let's just hope you will survive.
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doc-oswald · 6 months
I'm really so excited to get to know the fifteenth doctor, for now he seems calm and mature, I liked him very much.
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silusvesuius · 2 months
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some guys (crunchy)
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not crunchy
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petrovna-zamo · 3 months
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Katya will be featured in the documentary series Raw & Real: The Truth Be Told
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sincericida · 1 year
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ANDREW GARFIELD at the Zegna Spring/Summer 2024 Fashion Show during the Milan Fashion Week menswear.
(via GQ Spain)
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atlantis-area · 7 months
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TAEMIN (Guilty, 231112)
Special thanks to @megaversed for all the patience and help given!
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martitheevans · 15 days
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OMG he looks so good, one of those people blessed with being able to do anything with his hair and it still slays
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vertigoartgore · 17 days
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2003's Amazing Spider-Man Vol #2 #50 (LGY #491) cover by artist J. Scott Campbell, inker Tim Townsend and colorist Dan Kemp.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I was looking for boot ref pics and then came across this painting
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Oh my fucking god???????????????? Putting this one in the ref folder bcs oh my god??????????? They did not have to serve this hard?????????
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
They started the band under the name Rocket Baby Dolls, and Bellamy describes them as “looking like the Cure, but sounding like Rush. Call it progressive goth.” It was mainly an instrumental band, but after winning a contentious Battle of the Bands contest and getting a good response from the judges, they began to focus more on songwriting. “We wrote hundreds of songs,” he says, “but it wasn’t until I was 18 or 19 when I began to express myself more and be more confident to do that. I wound up as the lead singer by default. There was no one else in the town that wanted to sing. Back then, it wasn’t really cool to sing falsetto because Nirvana and all that stuff was in. We saw Jeff Buckley do a concert, though, and he wasn’t scared to be a high-voiced male. I think that helped me open up and not be afraid to use a more expressive and emotional vocal style.”
—Matt Bellamy, 2005
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forever-rogue · 2 years
thinking about blondrew garfield this fine evening. i gotta somehow incorporate this into a fic. he's just 🤌🏻
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jebeplanet · 1 month
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sincericida · 10 months
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ANDREW GARFIELD with fans in Italy.
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