#whim the havanese
release-the-hound · 13 days
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Havanese ? 💙
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Havanese and CKCS have convergently evolved for the niche of Being Your Best Friend and I think that's beautiful. I would attribute it entirely to Enzo and Whim but I loved them so much before that, if I'm being honest. I think they fulfill a similar function to cavaliers but they're a different flavor of lapdog. And like, people deserve that. There will literally never be enough options for little friend dogs. Long live the havanese.
- 1 point for having a coat I could never maintain and being a little too small to be a viable option for me. But also being so cute with their little hippity hopity gate. It's a little upsetting. Forbidden Friend.
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beauceronn · 4 months
Whim says thank you for the Havanese art! The wizard has chosen to grant you 7 days of good luck 💙🌟
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OH I've been blessed! Thank you Whim 🌟❤️
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imalayla · 1 year
Whim and Enzo make me want a Havanese so bad
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Absolutely lost in the sauce
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doomspaniels · 2 years
Was the tag “this dog is a tiny dog” on the havanese in the backpack referencing that tiktok song about Karen-type customers? Because the song definitely started playing in my head when I read that. It lives there rent free.
Oh indeed yes. My brain skips to lyrics for eeeeverything if there's something remotely close!
Of course, Whim the Havanese is a very tiny dog. So tiny you can barely see her. (And I am sure Whim's personal thumb-monkey doesn't want to carry her into grocery stores, either.) I simply can't look at Whim in that backpack without hearing the song.
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release-the-hound · 6 months
Wow!! Tumblr really likes polls ...
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release-the-hound · 2 years
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As the rain continues, so does Whim's suffering.
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release-the-hound · 2 months
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I can't decide if Whim looks more like a muppet or the front man of an emo band. Either way I love her with all my heart.
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release-the-hound · 9 months
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Whim wishes you all a happy flat fuck friday 💙
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release-the-hound · 6 days
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Flowerpilled cutemaxxer
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release-the-hound · 9 months
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I let Whim rip up some old paper bags for fun, it really tuckered her out. Being a perfect little lady is hard work but someone has to do it 💙
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release-the-hound · 3 months
Working on recalls at the park 💙
Video description: A black and white havanese dog running eagerly across the snow to sit at the videographer's feet.
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release-the-hound · 1 month
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Bathtime is exhausting 💙
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release-the-hound · 4 months
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Share your breakfast with Whim, or there will be consequences.
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release-the-hound · 8 months
as a havanese owner, what would you say their energy levels are like? trainability? grooming needs? looking into getting small dogs in the future and havanese are on the list of possibilities
I think part of the reason Havanese are so wonderful for so many people is that their energy levels are extremely variable. A well bred Havanese should match its energy levels to its owners for the most part. There are days where I have only taken Whim outside to potty, and spent the rest of my time sick in bed, and she has happily cuddled up next to me and slept by my side. But she has also happily galloped alongside me for a 5km run, and been eager for more. Ultimately what Havanese want more than a specific amount of activity, is to be doing activity with their person.
Of course, I always celebrate doing more with your dog. I try to give Whim at least a 20 minute walk daily. Along with minimum 5 minutes dedicated training session and a food puzzle for enrichment. Often I am able to do more than that.
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(One if my favorite off-leash adventures with Whim. A 3 hour walk through unusually deep snow. So many sniffs and lots of excellent recalls!)
When my sister died, I was frequently doing less, for weeks. And she didn't devolve into a frustrated barking mess, didn't chew up my apartment, she was a little bored, but she was never miserable. She just lay in my bed, by my side, day after day, until I was ready to face the world again.
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(I cannot overstate how good Whim is at cuddling. If there was an international competition for it, she'd win it every year.)
I really think for disabled people, Havanese have the ideal energy level. You can meet their base needs fairly easily, but if you are up for adventure they're always ready to come along for a ride.
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(Whim travels frequently on airplanes with me, and is always complimented on her good behavior.)
Grooming needs are the sticking point for many people, unfortunately. While Havanese are genrtically capable of producing a short coat, it's against the breed standard, and so I don't know of anyone intentionally breeding for that.
For me, a non-shedding dog is worth extra grooming, but I know that's not the case for a lot of people. I have Whim shaved about every 4 to 6 months. This means that I go over her coat to comb out any mats about once a week, and I trim the fur out of her eyes on occassion. But other than that, I dont worry about grooming. I bathe her when she's stinky and trim her nails when they get long, which you need to do with every dog. I know @girlhorse keeps Enzo in a much fuller coat. If you want to keep a fuller coat, she might be willing to talk about the grooming experience.
It's also worth noting that due to their small size, combing Whim's fur is like, a 20 minute process.
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(I often miss Whim's coat from when I kept her long. She was so unbelievably adorable.)
Havanese are my FAVOURITE dogs to train bar none. I'm not a professional trainer in any sense of the word, but between group classes and my job I have seen how a lot of dogs learn. @thelittlespanielthatcould and I often compare Havs to a CKCS with a little more spunk. They are very clever and very eager to work with you, but when they have an opinion they make it clear.
Whim can be entirely focused on me for an hour long lesson. But she won't do work she's not fairly compensated for. Personally, I like a dog that won't let me push them around. If it's a hot day and I haven't given Whim enough water breaks, she'll march herself over to her bowl whenever she damn well pleases. If I'm not using a high enough value treat, she will take it from my hand and spit it on the ground. I like these things because I like dogs that set their own boundaries. I want my dog to tell me when she is tired or thirsty, when I'm not rewarding enough, when she's frightened. Because I get clear feedback from her on what I'm doing wrong, I can alter my methods very quickly to keep us in sync. I like that my dog can tell me something so clearly and I can say back to her "ok, I'm listening."
Whim does very well in Rally when I can afford the classes. She loved agility. Havanese also make great trick dogs. They have amazing handler focus (once they mature). They love spending time with you, so they love training. You just have to be fair to them. I guess I'd describe them as eager to engage, but not eager to please. She wants to spend time with me, she wants to play my games, but she isn't afraid to stand her ground if she's not having fun. Training her brings me so much fucking joy. Even writing about it now has put a smile on my face.
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(Whim and I had so much fun in agility. She loved the tunnels so much she used to go off course just to run them a second or third time. Until I started bringing out the big guns (cheese) and suddenly she was an angel again lol.)
Realistically, no breed is ever going to be ideal for every person on the planet. But 2 words come to mind when I think of Havanese. Fexible: they thrive in many different living situations, energy levels, and activities. And Communicative, about their needs, their desires, their fears, their pain. They make it easy for dog owners to figure out what to do. For these reasons, I think Havanese match well with a lot more people than the average dog breed.
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Whim has been my best friend for more than a decade. I have never second-guessed my decision to bring her into my life. I wake up every day knowing that I am profoundly loved. In my brightest moments I picture a future of adventure unfurling before us. In my darkest, her joy reminds me how to find my own.
TL,DR: Get a Havanese.
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