#why make a comment about sth someone can't change
brekker-by-brekkerr · 8 months
To all the mean/disrespectful rinas in your asks, I have to say this: The only reason why I hate rina is the hate I saw from a part of the rina fandom. Yes, I've seen so much hate coming from that part of the fandom that I can't even watch a rina scene without being annoyed... Josh and Sofia are great actors. I admit that they have chemistry, BUT I can't help but hate to see their characters together on screen bc of all the hateful comments I saw from that fandom (what you got from rinas is nothing compared to what I saw on Twitter, if you don't have Twitter, don't go there, it's terrible... Ppl really tell others to k themselves over a disney ship...). SO, to these mean/disrespectful anons (this includes also portwells or other shippers): stop sending hate (any kind of hate, including making fun of someone's posts or trying to prove a point in an insulting manner) bc that won't convince ppl to ship your ship. It's doing quite the opposite... If you really want to convince someone of sth be nice and don't insult them or the things they like... Actually, you should be nice to ppl in general bc that's common sense... 
hi anon!! thank you so much for this ask!!
it's so sad that there's so much toxic behaviour it has changed the viewing experience for you (and i know from what I've seen, for others too). it goes to show how much of an impact these toxic fans have and how excessive their behaviour is.
and i completely acknowledge that fans of any ship can be toxic--frequently when people point out how toxic r*nas can be, you see some getting upset and saying everyone else is toxic, so I'm not trying to deny that others can be--but it really has been on another level with r*na.
i avoid twitter like the plague but what I've heard and seen about how portwells are treated there scares me. i consider myself lucky that I've never gotten any crazy bullying over portwell; it has mostly fallen in the category of people not being able to mind their own business and live and let others ship differently than them.
this here especially i want to scream from the rooftops:
SO, to these mean/disrespectful anons (this includes also portwells or other shippers): stop sending hate (any kind of hate, including making fun of someone's posts or trying to prove a point in an insulting manner) bc that won't convince ppl to ship your ship. It's doing quite the opposite... If you really want to convince someone of sth be nice and don't insult them or the things they like... Actually, you should be nice to ppl in general bc that's common sense... 
it's sad because it really should be common sense, especially bc we're talking about a disney show aimed at children and people are out here bullying others over liking one pairing over another (pairings that aren't even messed up). that's when I'm like okay they need to step away from the screen for a sec, go outside and touch some grass because nothing is ever that serious and it's a real person they're harming over a fictional show.
also the "trying to prove a point in an insulting manner" thing. this!! i think some people think what they're doing is okay because they're not bullying others. but when you see someone talking about a ship they like and they haven't even done anything to provoke an argument or say something problematic and you feel the need to come into their ask box or comments and start rudely arguing with them, unsolicited, because they like something different/have a different interpretation? how is that good for anyone. like if i see a r*na post and i disagree with the interpretation of something, I'm not going to hop into their inbox and start making rude comments about how they're wrong. I can just think cool. they saw this differently than me. and keep scrolling.
because you're right, anon. the toxic/rude behaviour doesn't make anyone want to ship a couple more and instead does the opposite.
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menalez · 2 years
[literally have boyfriends]
stuff like this physically hurts me. There’s absolutely no reason to do this. ppl can call me a boot licker or a self hating bi but I just don't like lesbophobia. Lesbians have always let us into their spaces and supported us, I'm talking about the majority lesbian community and organizations not the one lesbian that was mean to you in high school. so when stuff like this happens it's just feels like we're backstabbing them. we’re a big group and when we never call out the lesbophobia from our own it makes us seem like we: don’t care, we support it, or we don’t listen to lesbians. I just don’t get why some of us act like letting this happen won’t ever affect us. It’s also just wrong to do this or never do anything about it. We can blame it on not having a community but that doesn’t stop you from saying homophobia is wrong. Bisexuals during the gay rights movement were even more opressed than most of us today but they still spoke out against it. You can blame it on fake bis and yeah they are homophobic but the bi community isn’t just fake bis.
I relate more with lesbians because I’m like 90% woman attracted. Even though I relate to them more I'd never call myself a lesbian because that isn’t right. Lesbians don't like men that’s it there’s no debate.
Lesbians spaces are the only places were u can escape men, and express ur attraction to women, bi spaces always turn into porny sites or center around men ahem shybi. I don’t know why but even though we’re a bigger demographic we can never create our own spaces and keep them together. A lot of bi women rely on the lesbian community. so if lesbians do decide they’re fed up with us and kick us out bi women are we’re left with bi men who are still men and are sexists and misogynistic, they also tend to be annoying edge lords. Straight people don’t care about us and even at worst hate us. The trans community is well you know. There are the mogais or queers and no thank you. OSA leaning bi women for the most part don’t care about LGB topics because it doesn’t really affect them. So now we have the smaller and much more marginalized SSA leaning bis that are on their own.
It just seems like we’re dead set on ruining our relationship with the only other group of women that understands us. I see all the mspec lesbians, polilez and how so many bi women talk about how lesbians are opressors even though it’s impossible for them to oppress us. If you ever try to call out a lesbophobic bi other bis will jump on you call you a “pick me” and blame lesbians for them being lesbophobic and I just don’t get why some of us are like this. Bi women can cope all you want but we all see lesbians getting tired of this. Being bi is already isolating but if this keeps going on it’s going to get worse.
Sorry for the rambling I just needed to vent to someone.
i agree on not understanding why many bi people don't see how this also can negatively impact bi people. i mean for one, isnt that an example of bi erasure!? i hear the term used a lot by bi ppl when it comes to like fictional lesbian characters who had any kind of past with a man, or women like sappho who some argue is bi because she wrote that shes dating a man with a name thats basically "ActualMan BigDick" or sth, among other arguments... but when it comes to actual bi people, who are saying theyre literally into the opposite sex but have a strong preference for the same sex, its just... radio silence? when frankly thats one of the biggest and most prevalent examples of bi erasure i can think of!
idk anything about shybi so i cant comment on it, but thats unfortunate if bi spaces do often turn into that. i hope that changes one day because i can't imagine such spaces feel welcoming to many bi women.
i do hope one day this lesbophobia will be a thing of the past and that we can truly group together and be allies to each other.. but honestly at this point im quite hopeless on any of it. i cant imagine reaching a solid common ground :/
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lucianalight · 2 years
A question about the comics because I haven't read them but is Loki really powerful in them or not? I see many people say he's not and that the likes of Amora, Wanda and Doctor Strange could easily beat him and that the show is staying true to his powers in the comics. I also see people who say that he is.
Since the loki show I've seen some of the pro-series fans have spread ridiculous lies about coimcs including Loki being in love with a version of himself, him not being genderfluid and the existence of an alligator Loki in comics. But this one is the most hilarious lie of them all. Like the nerves of these people saying sth that anyone even a little familiar with comics would instantly know it's a straight out lie. Smh.
Anyway, yes Loki is super powerful in comics and I honestly don't even know where to start listing everything he has done. But let's start from small things, shall we? Like that time he disappeared a magical bar with only a thought, or when he sent Mjolnir to Valhalla to bring Thor back from it. He once stopped an atomic bomb just to amuse himself. He is nearly as powerful as Dormammu. He easily time traveled from future to change the past. You can find a list of some of the other things he has done in @worstloki 's post here including his strength, his powerful illusions, defeating Strange and killing Nightmare easily, and my favorite when Loki takes all the universe and preserves it to save it from the gods of who sit above and feed on stories, and then frees it later.
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Like you can't top that.
Speaking of Strange, not only Loki defeated him easily in older comics, in the recent ones Strange goes against Loki again and even with help he can't defeat Loki. While Loki uses powerful magic and spells that Strange was unable to do, like freeing a spell from someone's soul without killing them, and returning all the magic of Earth to their rightful owners.
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Loki is considered one of the big guns when it comes to power and magic, in and out universe. Here are the power grids of the characters you mentioned taken from Marvel's official site.
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While Loki matches them in magical ability, he has has the advantage of thousands years of knowledge and practice, higher strength, speed, durability and intelligence over them. They would have a really hard time defeating Loki. (Although I have to say I have no idea why Amora's intelligence and fighting skills are rated higher than Loki. Loki has mostly surpassed her in them as far as I remember).
Finally let's see the list of Loki's powers and abilities from both of his wiki pages(Classic Loki and Ikol) with my comments in parenthesis.
Superhuman Strength: Loki, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possesses superhuman strength that is substantially superior to that of an average Asgardian male. (meaning humans can't beat him up and throwing him around like he is a ragdoll) He possesses sufficient physical strength to lift up to 50 tons.(that's about 45359 kg, the wight of an adult whale, two trucks or half a house) It is possible, however, that he can further increase his strength through mystical enchantment on a temporary basis. He once even managed to destroy a large building with a single punch.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Like Asgardians, Loki's bodily tissues have roughly 3 times the density of the same tissues in a human being. While he has the looks and physical proportions of a much smaller person, the increased density of his body actually makes him several hundred pounds heavier than he appears. This increased density also contributes to his superhuman strength to a limited degree.(again that makes tv show Loki in comparison extremely weak, as humans can throw him around easily. He is even weaker than his OG appearance in Thor 1 and Avengers. Loki could go toe to toe with Thor easily and Cap had a hard time fighting him)
Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Loki's body are superhumanly durable and are roughly equal to those possessed by the average Asgardian male. However, at times, Loki had imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian if hit. He is able to withstand high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, powerful impact forces, exposure to temperature extremes and powerful energy blasts without being injured. He has proved in past to be durable enough to withstand energy blast's from Mandarin's Rings and several blows from Spider-Man without so much as a blink.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Like all Asgardians, Loki, although he is inhumanly durable, at least by human standards, can still obtain injury, also like all Asgardians, his metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a human being. However, through the use of his sorcery, Loki's ability to heal himself is far above that of other Asgardians. His magical energies are so imbued into his body that he can reattach severed limbs and, while still a male, even reattached his own head at least once.
Superhuman Stamina: Loki's Frost Giant metabolism grants him superhuman levels of physical stamina in practically all activities. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him. However, much like his physical strength and durability, Loki can temporarily augment his stamina through magical means.(that means he wouldn't be tired of a long walk and complain about it like he did in the show because He Is A SpOiLeD pRiNcE)
Superhuman Longevity: Like all Asgardians, Loki ages at a far slower rate than humans. However, unlike some other god pantheons like the Olympians, who stop ageing completely at a certain point, Loki isn't fully immune to aging. Although he has recently been "reborn", he still has his memories of his previous life. While he is several millennia old, at least, he has the appearance and vitality of a young Asgardian man in his physical prime. Loki is immune to the effects of all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Sorcery: Loki has extensive training in sorcery, giving him the ability to generate and control a great quantity of mystical abilities for a variety of purposes. His magical abilities are equal to Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress in the Asgardian dimension. He has also once used his magic to turn Invisible Woman's psionic shields against herself, and has been able to break free of Celestial technology in possession of Apocalypse. Loki has also imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian, such as being beheaded by Balder. He has also been shown to be immune to the Controller's control disk, the mental influence of the Voice, and the power-sapping abilities of Rogue. Loki’s power has been said by the Silver Surfer during their early encounters as sufficient to “decimate a planet”. Telekinesis: Being a telekinetic, Loki can influence the movement of objects and people with his mind, and as such, this power proves to be devastating and chaotic in nature. Mystical Energy Blasts: Loki can project powerful beams of concussive force. Mystical Force Fields: He can generate highly durable force fields. Illusion Casting: His illusion casting can fool cities, and powerful entities such as Surtur. Teleportation: Loki has the ability to teleport himself or others across dimensions. Psionics: Loki has demonstrated powerful psionic capabilities, the full limits of which aren't known. He has demonstrated the ability to project his thoughts telepathically across great distances, even across dimensional barriers, as well as potent hypnotic capabilities. He is able to communicate with beings telepathically, though his ability to do so is greater with beings that serve him. Shapeshifting: Like a number of gods or goddesses, Loki possesses highly developed shapeshifting capabilities. He is able to adopt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. The thought has been raised that his current form is merely a shape Loki has decided to remain in. Despite this being the a well-known ability of Loki's, he has commented to himself, as he struggled to escape from Dormammu's mystic cage, that this is his "most soul-draining" power, apparently meaning it is more taxing than his other magical abilities. He has become such animals such as a snake, eagle, mouse and bee, gaining the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. While he can take on the likeness of another god, giant or human, he will not necessarily gain the special physical or mental powers of the being he imitates. Transmutation: Loki can also transform external objects into other forms and substances by magic; for instance, he has turned clouds into dragons and even changed cars into ice cream. He has also once cursed Deadpool with an indestructible Tom Cruise's face, which proved to be powerful enough to withstand being run over by a train and direct contact with a nuclear rod without receiving a single scratch. Physical Enhancement: His magic can be used to further enhance or augment his physical diagram, like his speed, strength, and stamina, but only temporarily. Enchantment: Loki can also bring inanimate objects to life and mystically imbue objects or beings with specific but temporary powers, and bestow superhuman attributes to living beings or inanimate objects. For example, Loki has augmented the might of human criminals like Cobra and Sandu. These magical effects remain only for as long as he maintains the spell that created them.
(Instead in the show Loki is shown with one percent of his magical abilities listed above. He somehow forgets to wear his illusion, messes up his spells and struggles to do enchantment, an ability OG Loki already had)
Genius Intelligence: Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and highly skilled and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loki repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Asgardians, despite his numerous crimes. Loki possesses a brilliant intellect, with some knowledge of technology, as illustrated by the time when he created a machine to amplify Iceman's powers, and when he attached devices to the Twilight sword to tap into its powers. Loki is an expert manipulator and schemer, frequently using pawns in his plans.
(In the show Loki is shown utterly incompetent and easy to predict and none of his plans work)
Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Loki can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages. (So he should have been able to understand people from Mongolia)
Skilled Combatant: Loki is a formidable combatant in his own right, particularly as a swordsman or in the use of his various energy manipulative powers in combat situations, enough to hold his own against Thor on numerous occasions and beat the Disir into (literal) submission. He is sometimes armed with a sword, a whip, or a three-pronged spear and has used magical items (such as the Norn Stones) to enhance his powers. (Loki's fighting skills are incredibly nerfed in the show in comparison to OG Loki as he nearly always fails in the show)
Hacking Skills: Loki was shown hacking the most top secured database of Avengers. He also hacked into the casino security system, using the identity of "Trixie the Hacker."
He is also a skilled cook :D
If you're interested in comics, here's Loki reading order for more information on him.
So considering all the things I mentioned, did the show stayed true to Loki's powers and abilities in comics? The answer is a big fat no.
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VERIVERY - Get Away | Weird details & connection to old MVs | MINCHAN IS THERE! | secret French message on cake!
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They are observed by a strange flying sphere.
As in Tag Tag Tag MV, Kangmin tells us (?) to be silent, which still and again hints on him having a secret.
One of them runs through the forest and gets kidnapped, someone puts a bag over his head.
The person who kidnapped him wears this strange compass watch. | Minchan had a compass in Thunder and G.B.T.B, the compass always pointed to Kangmin |
In the tent we see all 6 boys, sitting around a round table, while being observed by the sphere.
Yongseung has a letter, it reads as follows (I'm leaving out some parts):
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"My dear friends, we are confident that you remember us, for we have always been with you [...] we would like to present you a small gift [...] quaint but delectable meal [...] is your job to find the key to that party [...] a hint: Each possess a small point. [...] 7 will make a large point will open [...] able to enter [...] Merely imagining the glorious spectacle makes our blood tingle with excitement. We will be waiting for you.[...]"
It's signed with a name, I on the first look thought it means Viktor, but it's likely that the first two letters are a VR an the rest idk. Looks like a VRtoR to me, if anyone can decipher it pls comment.
After the letter is read, they round up in the forest. | As in G.B.T.B, the circle symbolism is strong in here |
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Whatever now the "key" was, they apparently found it and could open a gate | that's when those forks appear ... But the forks ain't the keys are they hahahahaha |
They wake up in an empty room, but on beds. It's 7 beds, the one in the center is empty. | Minchan's bed? |
The gate is open now, a black hole in the ground, there's a red cloth floating over it/falling into it. | Minchan held a red cloth, the exact same, in G.B.T.B. In G.B.T.B he was about to drop the cloth but then tightly grabbed it so it couldn't fly away. Did he now lose it? Did G.B.T.B predict the future? Is Minchan the mastermind behind that all, and that's why he always knows the correct way by using the compass? |
Someone left his shoes there. If you compare it with pic 7, it's Kangmin's shoes. There's fog coming outta the shoes. | In Tag Tag Tag, Kangmin suddenly was barefoot and seemingly possessed by ? The evil? He left into the dark without his shoes, Minchan was the only one who noticed it, the one who watched him leave |
The freaking kidnapper (?) comes to the hole/gate, we don't see his face.
Hoyoung observes the members, INCLUDING himself (!) on a screen. | The CCTV symbolism from previous MVs and my beloved TV that appeared in almost each MV are back |
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Note that there arguably are 2 different Hoyoungs. One that is with the other members, and the one who observes them. Observer-Hoyoung has another style, glitter in his face and blue eyes. | In Tag Tag Tag there actually were two Hoyoungs as well, one in a mirror world and one in the actual world. |
Observer-Hoyoung wears black gloves. The kidnapper wore black gloves as well (see pic 3 and 4).
For whatever reason Kangmin seems weak and Dongheon has to help him walking.
Dongheon wants to drink sth but ends up handing the glass over to Kangmin without taking a sip.
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Kangmin attempts to drink Dongheon's drink, Yongseung for whatever reason watches him.
The cake has French writing on it, it says Tirez-moi de lá, which translates to "get me out of here". | Note: "lá" actually means "there", and usually you'd rather say "Tirez-moi d'ici", as "ici" means "here". Interestingly, photo MV already used the word "there" where you actually would have had to use "here"... |
Yongseung gets angry and destroys the cake. | There's some strange fog above the table, the same that came outta Kangmin's shoes |
We get to see the scene in style of a thermographic/infrared camera. I believe that's the point of view of the observer sphere.
Dongheon suddenly randomly appears with an apple. The lyrics of the song basically deal with an irresistible temptation, the apple always has been used as a symbol for temptation. But what tempts him?
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They fall in some low-key delirious state in which they eat whatever they can find, almost animalistic. At some point some of them seem to lose interest, Gyeheon drops his fork, Yeonho pours wine (?) on the floor.
It's still observed in CCTV style, interestingly now not only by Hoyoung but ALL MEMBERS!!!
Kangmin enjoys himself a lot, but then wants to grab the srly weirdest food on the table: Toast. It seems totally out of place, next to all that fancy food.
Dongheon gets angry at that and rams a fork into the toast. The others watch the scene without really caring. | The entire scene seems to be about greed, in my eyes. Wouldn't that, alongside the apple, be a somewhat biblical reference tho? |
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Following the fight over the ...toast..., Dongheon aggressively pushes Kangmin against some metal lattice/cages idk. After a weirdly sexually suggestive (???) almost kiss (???) he wants to stab Kangmin with the fork...
Now things however get complicated. The outfits changed. The Kangmin that ate the grapes wears another outfit than the Kangmin who wants the toast. Same with Dongheon and his apple. In the apple scene, he wore a different outfit than in the toast scene. The outfit in the toast scene and in the fight scene are the same. Arguably, it's the same clothing style like Observer-Hoyoung wore since beginning.
The newly clothed Dongheon now also fights with Gyeheon.
At the same time, members who wear the initial outfit, passed out and lie on the floor.
Newly clothed Dongheon wants to stab Gyeheon with his fork...There is a bathtub.
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Observer-Hoyoung stops Dongheon (still new clothes) from killing Gyeheon. In the close-up one sees that Dongheon also has glitter on his face, like Observer-Hoyoung previously.
They all are in the CCTV room, watching how Dongheon (IN OLD OUTFIT HOWEVER) passes out.
The bathtub is in that CCTV room.
Everything hints on the existence of 2 different versions of each member. The clothes and room change might show us when we see the original members and when we see the low-key violent and corrupted members. | Note that the entire mirror world / 2 versions of the group have already been a theme in previous MVs, I wrote that down in a previous post |
CCTV members leave the...base. Everything suddenly seems very space-ish. A connection to G.B.T.B.?
The members in the old, simple outfits, are tied to chairs, sitting in a circle. The center chair, like previously the bed, is empty. Minchan's chair?
The CCTV members, wearing the fancy outfits, aim with guns at them.
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Kangmin is the only member opening his eyes. When looking at his eyes thoroughly, one notices that his iris has a very strange pattern and a structure that one usually knows from screens.
A very short shot at the end shows a spiral-like way, literally spiraling down. The interesting thing however is that there's a person with a bag over his head, walking down that way without seeing anything, stretching his arms forward - arguably to find his way through touch because he literally can't see. That DEFINITELY is the member that was kidnapped in the very beginning. My assumption still is that the kidnapped person must be Kangmin. With the kidnapper I'm not sure, it might be Minchan (because compass and cloth) but could also be Hoyoung (because gloves and 1st observer). Maybe they even worked together?
1. Ever since Tag Tag Tag sth is wrong with Kangmin, it seems that he's forever locked into some dark and lonely world and the others constantly try to reach to him but somehow don't manage to do so.
2. They definitely made sure to implement Minchan in the MV, even if only indirectly.
3. There again seems to be a good version of verivery and an evil version. Why ? What do they want ?
4. The letter is utterly creepy. It seems as if someone wants to play with them. To play a nasty and dangerous game, but I have no idea what the purpose it.
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cancerfairy · 2 years
Finally giving you the feedback you asked for. It's for the best and worst qualities ask game. Thank you so much for answering. I really enjoyed the reading. I guess it will be easier to comment on every part:
Best qualities
"dude idk if you've just been through a break up or what but this felt like such sad energy, especially when i put on the song i literally felt like crying. like who hurt you?? anyway one of your best qualities is being able to bounce back from a heartbreaking situation. i don't feel like you've overcome it just yet but when you do just know i'll be so proud of you!! i definitely feel like you two are separated right now. (if you haven't experienced heartbreak recently just ignore this part)" - yeah I mean I have never actually loved anyone deeply to have my heart broken, maybe not yet hah
"you're someone who might wear their heart on their sleeve and even though you're very romantic, sometimes you hide your emotions a lot and maybe you've been through a lot of unrequited loves in the past" - well that's true, I find it so hard to hide emotions and sometimes I can be pretty blunt with words. And that's why I might be just .. quiet and reserved. I take time to open up, but when I do I actually try to be authentic and maybe .. make myself transparent to others as well
"your ability to face unexpected changes and still try to get your shit together is remarkable" - honestly it's so hard for me to put myself together when things go not as I planned them to because I tend plan thoroughly and consider details, so I get either aggressive or devastated or all together, overall very stressed. I'll lie if I say that I can tolerate stress well.
"you're someone deeply emotional, sensitive and empathetic. you easily absorb the energy of a room and you're really receptive to whatever energies come your way" - hm have I said that I can be blunt? Actually it's easier for me to follow my mind and not my heart. Sometimes I'm the last one to figure out that internal state, the true feelings and thoughts hidden behind the deceitful facade) sometimes i do feel that there's something wrong but my intuition often deceives me. Yep
"you can be a bit mysterious at times, not wanting to fully reveal yourself or your intentions. but you're a loyal and supportive person.. even from behind the scenes" - usually I try to make my intentions obvious. I don't like to mislead people. But I do think that I'm a loyal person especially to those who are close to me. I kinda want to be helpful and grow with them so that makes me a bit opportunistic? anyways I wish them good
"people might see you as very dreamy and artistic as well. you're someone who can make things look easy when you do them and you might be really good at multitasking. you're someone who likes to have balance when you deal with things. i also feel that you have a lot of charisma and charm :)" - here it's true that I'm perceived as a dreamy person, maybe I want to be perceived as artistic as well, I feel there's something inside I should show and I'm working on digging deeper and finding this part of me. But I suck at multitasking. If I start doing lots of things I fail in everything. I figured out that I'm better at focusing on tasks separately and fully finishing one thing before another if possible. And I never had a situation in my life where I could consider myself charismatic or have charms to yk make sth the way I want, probably it's not about me.
"i feel like one of your worst qualities is that you have high expectations and they get let down so easily. it's kind of like you self sabotage things by having these really high expectations. it often leaves you feeling so sad and disappointed" - I agree that I often expect the best and the greatest and it often can't meet the reality but I can't help it for now
"you also might be a bit too forward when speaking.. it's like you move too fast with people. you need to be more self aware for this in order to deeply connect with yourself" - honestly I don't fully understand this part. If you mean that I'm too sociable or kinda superficial when talking? If so then I.. see myself as a reserved person who likes to connect deeply and selectively, but in order to do so I need to find the right person... so 50/50?
"i also feel like you might resist change or you have a fear of new beginnings.. maybe you like staying in the past and reminiscing? you get stuck in negative mindsets and don't recognize that what you have is good and you should be grateful for the things you have more often. you might lose hope fast when things come crashing down or you're someone who finds it hard to be your authentic self. it's like you lack the patience and drive to bring yourself into a more positive mindset and your inner child also needs some love and healing. you need to sit still, listen and take your time getting to know yourself. you are too much about outward appearances. start with your inner work, your value, your self esteem, your personality. you need to confront your fear of being alone and acknowledge the different limits you may have put on yourself because of that fear. lower your expectations but increase your standards. please understand your worth, your value, your purpose here on earth. there is no need to feel small or compare yourself to others. you deserve better than you think. seek out learning experiences and pace yourself. if you wanna get back into school or study then go study. just recognize that you have options in life and allow yourself to imagine positive outcomes <3 " - here this is a huge part with interwoven messages. Thank you so much for the kind warm cheerful words. It had some soothing effect and I felt very grateful to hear something like this from you. I'm really more on the blue sad side and tend to stuck in negativity. And as I have already said it's hard for me to accept changes. And I'm quick to give up on new beginnings, it's true. But again I'm so grateful you took time and wrote so many beautiful supportive words all of which can be applied to me. Thank you!
damn son well this one was kinda a hit or miss huh? either way i'm grateful for the honest feedback!! i like how you went in depth about what resonated and what didn't tbh i appreciate that, it'll help me improve c:
for the heartbreak part idk i just felt really sad or depressed energy so i assumed it was that. but you're very welcome for the end part bestie, i meant every word 🤍🤍
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roominthecastle · 5 years
I can't help but think you're being a bit too hard on Eleanor because of ship bias. I mean, why would you called her 'her worst self' and 'selfish' when she's always been one to throw stuff to get in heaven (even with the character development)? But suddenly she's being sappy and depending on someone who isn't Michael and the whole M/E fandom is at her throat. I'm as unconfortable as the next shipper with all the C/E scenes but is it really Eleanor and her characterization that's at fault?
Yes, of course I am biased (to a certain degree). When the show caters to my preferences, I’m more docile and much less likely to nitpick and complain, when it doesn’t and it drops the ball to boot, I get grumpy. So I’m your garden variety fan, basically. But I don’t believe I’m “at Eleanor’s throat”. Her and Chidi being together doesn’t make me uncomfortable bc it’s her and Chidi and not her and Michael (+ I often see things popping up in the C/E dynamic that can have potentially interesting implications for Michael’s development and for M/E, too. Generally speaking, the three of them make up a curious whole for me).
I know the chances of (2-sided) M/E happening are somewhere btw zero and never, so I’m not exactly eyeballing C/E as some kind of obstacle to my personal shipper nirvana, jumping at any chance to “punish” Eleanor for choosing the “wrong” partner. But I do feel uncomfortable with the way the C/E romance is written this season. “They are sidelining my no. 1 dynamic”, while frustrating, is not the reason for this, it’s not why I’m not crazy about Eleanor’s behavior and Chidi’s OOC-ness.
Eleanor + character development always resulted in stuff like her being emotional and vulnerable w/o getting aggressive and demanding, her accepting it when Chidi turned her down w/ dignity despite feeling heartbroken, and her being considerate of others to the point of volunteering to go to the Bad Place to save them. This is where she was a year ago and the year before that at the end of each season. This is not where she is now. I’m not saying being selfish and throwing stuff is not in her character make up or her problem-solving toolbox. Her overcoming these impulses, however, is the very point of her character development (made blindingly obvious last season when she lied about passing the Judge’s test and refused to go through the portal to TGP). What we have (currently! so it can change any time) in S3 is the opposite (see the in-your-face door to TGP that won’t open for her), it’s her completely giving in to these impulses to the point of seriously endangering everyone, meaning that she has, in fact, regressed. I suspect it is a point the show is trying to make but we’ll have to wait and see.
In “Janets”, all Janet asks is that they stay put until she and Michael deal w/ accounting. Eleanor works herself into a state over Chidi not opening up to her on command, putting Janet through hell and almost erasing her friends from existence while her own self is also disintegrating. Despite the serious consequences, this harmful behavior carries right over into the next ep where all Michael asks is that they lay low bc folks in TGP are so rule obsessed, they can send all of them right back to TBP. Eleanor immediately smashes stuff at the door to TGP bc it doesn’t open up for her when she demands it. It’s her bullying of Chidi from the previous ep all over again, only in a vase-meets-door form. Even Chidi has to be all about her now as he magically turns into a grossly idealized version of himself (see in S2 how she rejected a similar “fake Chidi”), spending the entire ep trying to prevent her from blowing up again while the rest of the team is cleaning up the mess in the mail room and Michael is away trying to fix the calculation issue. Despite the crazy-intense circumstances, everybody is trying to do something for somebody else except her - she is still hyper-focused on herself and it stands out to me bc this is a version of her I’ve never seen before and it’s def not the best one.
Again, it’s not because she is w/ Chidi but the issues become especially apparent within that dynamic since the second Michael showed her those memories, she just latched onto Chidi, expecting him to fill the void left by her screwed up upbringing that’s been freshly dredged up thanks to her not-dead mother. They made her lurch from “I’m incapable of love” to “I’m madly in love and nothing else matters”, hand-waving determinism while failing to provide any other reason why these 2 are suddenly together again. They are trying to play it as romantic/funny but it’s not romantic when someone’s whole identity has to be propped up by another person and it’s not funny how that other person has to repress his own identity/issues to be able to do this. It’s a suffocating, unsustainable interplay. Or if it’s meant to be interpreted as “love cures mental illness and erases every character flaw in 5 minutes, so you can finally be the proper romantic partner”, then it’s even worse. You don’t have to be a shipper of another ship or look too deep into this story to see these (imo) legitimate problems (but it helps, yes, since it’s natural to be more critical of sth you’re not emotionally invested in and gloss over stuff to preserve the fun potential when it’s your OTP or sth, I do give you that).
Eleanor having to coerce love and attention out of Chidi will never be cute, either, or proof that those feelings were there all along. People pushed some quotes from WJH into my face about how Chidi calms down bc he finally has what he always wanted - interesting choice of words, btw, given the pin Michael gave Eleanor - but 1) an actor’s opinion will not automatically replace my own (no, not even if it’s Ted’s or some other big fave’s) and 2) how exactly were we supposed to glean that Chidi wanted to be with her so much in this reboot? Was it when he went steady w/ another woman despite Eleanor being an option all along? was it when he refused to give private lessons to her bc he was just too busy? or was it when he - despite witnessing her meltdown - sent her packing bc they already had enough material for his study? For some reason the writers missed every opportunity to build this up properly and make this extremely syrupy display stick, but I’ve already said everything about that in another post.
This whole idea of “he felt this way all along, he just didn’t actually show it, so we can skip actual development” is a lazy, corner-cutting approach which reminds me of the worst kind of fanservice attempts I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing with several of my favorite shows recently. I have very low tolerance for that stuff now bc it never ends well. I did not expect to see this particular brand on this particular show, but here we are, I guess. Or if it’s a case of creative exhaustion/boredom where this billion times rebooted couple is concerned, then maybe it’s time to park them and give a not yet over-explored dynamic some attention instead to keep things fresh and fluid as opposed to stale and forced - again, not an unreasonable request, even if it comes from someone who is invested in another dynamic, given the lack of care that was apparently put into developing C/E this season.
I don’t like not liking things on this show (and it’s not Eleanor I don’t like, it’s the way they deconstructed her in order to write her back into a relationship as if she couldn’t exist w/o it), and I am sorry if I disappointed or offended bc it was not my intention. I hope they flip things or introduce a new angle that will make me re-evaluate. I am always open to that whenever new material arrives and I honestly hope they will make me eat my words soon. I will merrily absorb the suckerpuches. But for now, this is my opinion and “you just don’t like that she is not with your fave” - while a natural factor - is not the main reason why I made my comments.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
so i listened to thomas rhett and wrote down my kind of incoherent thoughts:
remember you young - i'm. i like this a lot. it makes me a little sad but not too much? but a little. but it's also just really nice and god the lyrics.
almost - "i almost didn't kiss that girl, turned out to be my wife" is my fav line but otherwise i'm currently unable to comment on this song.
notice - i'm a sucker for very specific lyrics and the whole chorus qualifies as that i think. i'm literally in love with this song.
die a happy man - damn. this is too cute 🙈 i love the lyrics so so so much and it sounds so nice too? it's very. wait idk actually. i wanna call it soft.
marry me - okay what the fuck. that's my new crying song. i have no idea why but that song really hit hard. like normally songs make me cry when i can relate to them but here i can't but this is just so sad? and god idk.
that old truck - this is very precious i think. WAIT IT WAS WRITTEN WITH JULIAN BUNETTA? apparently he wrote a lot with him. what a crossover. i don't quite know how to mix thomas rhett and one direction in my head 😅 okay anyway i love this song.
i really really enjoy his music. like even the kinda sad songs are still so nice and i like the hopeful undertone most of them have? and i love how he writes about his wife. i think i would spontaneously combust if someone said sth like that about me nevermind if someone wrote like that about me. and i also just love to see just so much love 😅
i'm really grateful that you keep showing me new music btw. like i've been listening to so much stuff that i probably wouldn't have ever found if it wasn't for you telling me about it and you just have my eternal love for that. like most of the past few days i either listened to simple creatures, ajr or noah kahan (and oasis but well) and i wouldn't have found even one of them if it weren't for you so yeah. point is i love you and i'm very thankful for your existence just in general too. okay bye xoxo, fiancee
(i'm truly sorry i'm able to send long asks now and will thus never shut up again)
okay i can’t actually remember if i rec’d you thomas rhett as an artist or specific songs from him because i do know all these songs but i do not know why past me recommended you that old truck? although i guess it is a good song. but ANYWAY:
!!!! i AGREE !!!!! dude the FUCKING vibes of remember you young. theyre so so so specific i literally made a playlist just for that song but i can’t fuckign come up with any other songs to PUT ON ITTTT
!!!!! i am so with you about the specific lyrics god that’s part of what i love about thomas rhett so much he is SUCH a good lyricist and storyteller like he DOES IT it’s so so good. it’s so good. also yeah he fucking loves his wife he’s written many many songs about her it’s so very very cute i love them. also i am surprised at myself that i didn’t recommend life changes bc that’s one of my favorites of his so consider that song rec’d
fiancee................come on. come onnnnn. i’m grateful to YOU!!!! for LETTING me give you new music!!!!!! i just like??? i don’t have words for how much i love you for the kindness of allowing me to talk about music i like and then actually LISTENING to it and!!!!! talking to me about it !!!!!! like i don’t have the words for it i really truly don’t. i love YOU i am thankful for YOUR existence in general many many hugs and kisses xoxo from me also nobody wants you to shut up please dude. go off
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