#written by two white ppl so there's nothing race-wise bc that's not something we have any authority on and we didn't want to say something
babblingbat · 7 years
I was chatting with @wolvaraash about generations and the names of generations bc we’re only two years apart but we’re considered in two different gens so it starts off like
Her: You’re the beginning of the centennials! And I’m the end of the millenials!
Me: Otherwise known as the middle
I like the idea of being a ruined, transient wanderer not attached to anything
And eventually it just got into new names for the “transitioning period” between generations like “genderation” (a typo that we liked) and “Not-quite-where-they-ought-to-be generation” to full blown social commentary.
Here’s our “BEST OF” collection:
(To be clear: These are commentaries on generations pre-millennials. They are mostly things pointing out issues caused by pre-millennials, although there are a few which just kind of highlight things about millennials and onwards.)
“We know y'all are gonna die early because of your unhealthy lifestyles (like smoking) and guess what? No we won’t bury you next to your father who you claimed was the perfect man even though everyone knows he was a violent alcoholic and hit great grandma eventually giving her an early death. No instead we’re gonna donate your body to science for the greater good and to better the future of our world” generation
“All of what I say to you goes right down the drain because even if I’m a fucking 25 year old you’ll still tell me I’m a kid and you won’t take me seriously no matter what I say, no matter what I show you, no matter what I’ve done, unless I have literally committed a crime or ruined your personal house because even though you point to selfies as the ultimate representation of vanity maybe it’s actually the fact that you only care about me if it directly affects you” generation
“As an artist, my artistic abilities will not leave me begging in the streets. It’s your idea that it will and your oppression and restrictions that make it difficult for me to get a job as an artist. You know who’s killing stuff? You. You’re killing my job opportunities and my will to live fuck off with your beliefs on how perusing my passions is a waste of time. Stop telling me I’m wasting my talents on something that is frivolous when I could be turning my passion for art into passion for something that matters like creating weapons for the government. Seriously wtf stop telling me to use my brain to protect my country I’m SICK OF IT FUCK OFF” generation
“Stop telling me what I should and should not wear it’s my body and I wear what I like thank you very much. If you care so much stop looking at me with your disgusting face. Peasants are supposed to avert their eyes when royalty is near, maybe you should try that” generation
“I start learning about the world and I turn around to learn something and next thing I know, my mom’s an anti-vaxxer, transphobic and thinks that trigger means something you disagree with, and 90% of my family voted for an ignorant cheeto” generation
“Maybe y'all should take a step back and think about what you’ve done” generation
“I want to be anywhere but here” generation
“I actually typed in pokemon instead of generation subconsciously before catching myself wtf is wrong with me” generation
“Yeah you know what I didn’t take you into account when I started identifying as a lesbian because it has nothing to do with you and the fact that you think that I need to think about your fucking feelings when I’m realizing shit about ME is really fucked up like do I need a fucking hallpass to decide I like girls take a fucking second and think about that no I like girls and I don’t give a fuck that you wish I was straight I’m not so fuck you” generation
“Seriously you guys stop complaining that I complain too much when I’m in pain. You have made me stop saying anything when I’m in pain dear god you will be the death of me because while I’m on feverish on the floor telling you to call mom you’re still watching atv videos in YouTube, telling me to stop complaining so much it can’t be that bad” generation
“It’s because of you telling me that I’m talking too much or that you don’t care that I’m scared to start talking about something that interests me and that’s honestly so screwed up because I wanted to tell someone about how I’d figured out how someone had animated a game and I stopped halfway through the first sentence to check that I wasn’t boring them” generation
“I love hugs” generation
“Stop getting offended when I ask you what your preferred pronouns are, just because you have no tolerance for me asking doesn’t mean someone might really appreciate it one day. Yes yes I had a feeling you were cis as soon as you reacted like that but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop asking anytime soon” generation
“My correcting you on my pronouns does not trigger you, you are an asshole who ought to be supportive but all you do is complain when I tell you what you can do to support me and if I tell you that you’re misgendering me then you should say ‘shit, sorry’ and move on and correct yourself, not go on a rant that victimizes yourself and forces me to listen to your whining about how hard my identity is for you for half an hour, the only way this has anything to do with you is how you treat me, I didn’t decide not to be cis just to spite you” generation
“Pls stop telling me to choose one gender, no I won’t dump you just because I like girls and boys no seriously I can choose anyone in the world and I chose you what the fuck no I’m not gonna cheat. No I’m not a confused straighty pls stop calling me gross it makes me feel bad” generation
“You have too many issues to own so many guns” generation
"No, I'm not a guy or a gal, and it is not my fault that you continue to assume one or the other rather than asking me.  I'm trying to be as obvious as I can and still you insist on stuffing me in a box that I don't belong in.  I'm not a member of your binary and I don't want to be, ask me about pronouns when you're talking to me, and if you aren't sure, fucking ask before getting pissy that I'm gently saying 'actually I use' just because you feel like my development is nothing more than an inconvenience for you" generation
And finally:
"We should make these into a textpost" generation
**credit not individually given by request
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