lordgrimorio · 3 years
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Deja Vu
-Papel Fabriano 200g
-Tinta China
-Pincel punta redonda
-César ''Grimorio'' Barraza
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pearseoneill · 5 years
Final Year.. Major Project Ideas
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I was hoping on my placement year I would have a sudden eureka moment for my Major Project idea that would guarantee me a first and make me millions of pounds. I haven’t exactly had that moment but I know I want to do something that I am personally really passionate about. I may not have an opportunity to have complete control over a project like this for a very long time so I need to hone in on an area I not only know a lot about already but also care deeply about.
- Vegan/Vegetarianism: This is proving to be a bigger and bigger movement, I’ve personally been vegan for 3 and a half years and have witnessed first hand how quickly this has exploded not only as a movement but as an industry as well, a few years ago I would be lucky to find a shop that I could buy a proper lunch from and now I walk into any spar shop or restaurant and I’m never stuck. This is something that can definitely be capitalised upon if I can bring something new/needed to the table
- Sustainability: Closely linked to the vegan movement, climate change is massively topical at the moment with thanks to people like Greta Thunberg. Xtincion rebellion are a group that have taken over London in the past and don’t seem to have any plans to stop with their protests. What could I bring to this movement to help it and make it more accessible to the masses? 
- Irish Language/Culture/Heritage: I think it could be a really cool idea to try and bring celebrating the rich history of Ireland into the 21st century. Whether this be in terms of tourism, or education etc. I could see maybe something involving augmented reality with educational pieces, maybe teaching people bits of Irish or maybe a tour with augmented reality as part of it. I will explore this further.
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