#yknow though its really not a story game its just a fun game with some story flavor and i guess adding more would detract from the vibe
danganronpa2 · 2 years
finished cult of the lamb heehee
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sampofan28 · 16 days
Aventurine and the Masked Fools: An Uncut Ramble of a Mad Man With Bad Sleep
OKAY I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR AGES SO HERE GOES: Aventurine being invited to join the masked fools is so awesome. Like just, genuinely so so so awesome. I LOVE THE MASKED FOOLS, THEIR EASILY MY FAVORITE FACTION IN GAME, AHA IS MY FAVORITE AEON. I've been big into their lore since 1.0 but for a lot of non-masked fool fans Penacony was an introduction to the masked fools for a lot of people.
I think they did great, AND HERE'S WHY. During Penacony we get to see Sampo and Sparkle, what I'd say are the two opposite ends of the masked fools:
Sparkle is a genuinely chaotic evil type of character; she enjoys suffering, she finds pleasure in the pain she causes right. She just likes messing with people in often the most cruel ways, and revels in the chaos. She is the most heinous and evil type of masked fool (and its really cool I love a good chaotic evil). She also appears to be how a lot of the Galaxy views the masked fools: as these evil weirdos who make no sense.
On the other hand, you get Sampo. Now, big lore enthusiasts have been theorizing he's a masked fool since like day 1, and it was confirmed back in the version Topaz came out in (I wanna say 1.4 but I might be wrong). But he's the exact opposite: he views those who find their elation through suffering (like Sparkle) to be distasteful. He doesn't like them, and it almost seems like he looks down/dislikes MOST of the other masked fools. Sure, he is all for going against the law, a little petty crime, some fun chaos, but he clearly has boundaries; he never seriously harms anyone, he never does any really horrific crimes, and we know he's good with kids. In fact, he enjoys playing with Hook and the other moles. He's a chaotic neutral sure but overall he's probably a positive force to Belobog. (Also I have a theory that he orchestrated most of the Belobog plot to take down Cocolia and save it but its not technically canon so yknow).
Now I'm gonna explain something a lot of people don't get about the Masked Fools; they are not purely chaotic, they do have a basic ideology, they believe life is meaningless and thus one should have as much elation in their lives as possible. BASICALLY: LIFE IS POINTLESS, HAVE FUN. Which each Masked Fool we've met interprets differently. The other aspect of the Masked Fools is often, NOT ALWAYS BUT OFTEN the ideology attracts people desperate, depressed by life, destroyed in some way. And they tend to reach out to these people as well; it makes sense, if your life has been miserable suffering for no reason, then yeah that would appeal.
AND AVENTURINE IS ONE OF THE BEST APPEAL TO SHOW THIS WITH. His life is horrific, tragedy after tragedy, loss after loss, his freedom almost always out of his hands; he's lived a terrible life that he really never had control in. And prior to the ending of 2.2 he didn't believe he had anyone like truly anyone there for him.
So the Masked fools call out to him, and I think this was a great way to show the masked fools to a lot of more casual fans too: immediately you can connect the dots a lot of them probably were miserable or had horrible lives. Hell I haven't read Sparkle's lil character stories but from my understanding her life was/is pretty damn terrible. It also helps with Aventurine's character; he doesn't want to view life as meaningless, despite the fact he's clearly suicidal, he clearly sees a point in life. My mutual has much better explained it but yeah he connects much more to the preservation than you might initially think. Also ignoring the iffy elements of it I think having Sparkle and Aventurine interact so much was a smart decision thematically, as though this hopelessness the Masked Fools embrace is clawing at Aventurine, trying to lure him in, encapsalate him, and yet it doesn't. He finds a purpose, a will to live, he realizes he does have people who care for him ITS GREAT.
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hellspawnmotel · 9 months
What’s going on in project sekai. You make it looks so interesting!
oh uhhhh well. before you get your hopes up some of the stuff i drew is just edgy aus i made with a friend theres no blood or magical girl stuff its mostly just teenager drama. but anyway heres the deal
(disclaimer it is a mobile gacha game and those are predatory and addictive etc so yknow uh. use caution. imo though its extremely playable without having to pay any extra money)
project sekai/colorful stage is a vocaloid rhythm game where you unlock visual novel style stories about five different teen music groups who work through various problems and issues.... and also hatsune miku and her friends are there to mentor them. its got tons of vocaloid songs to play through, most with covers by the voice actors of the cast if you so choose, as well as a lot of songs made for the game, and even if you dont read the story stuff its just a really fun rhythm game. i play it basically every day lol
the groups are as follows:
-leo/need is four estranged childhood friends who desperately want to be together again but have to work through their highschool drama first, through starting a rock band
-(i havent actually read through more more jump or vivid bad squad so i cant give a good summary but theyre an idol group and street musicians respectively)
-wonderlandsxshowtime is a ragtag little group of clowns attempting to revive an old themepark stage and become famous as a theater troupe, with lots of goofs and hijinks
(suicide tw incoming)
-nightcord at 25:00 is my favorite group and the one ive done the most art for, theyre the only ones who are already an established band at the beginning of their story and theyre actually doing pretty well in terms of making music and gaining popularity, the issue is theyre all suicidal and have massive psychological problems. the main story focuses mostly on when one of the girls decides to, yknow, "disappear", and the others have to come together to try and save her. as you can probably tell theyre the group with the darkest story by far but also the best in my opinion. theyre so fucked up and i love them. also one of the members is (canonically) transfem nb so thats cool
so if any of that sounds interesting, give it a shot i guess?? i feel weird encouraging my follower base to play a gacha game lol so just be mindful. i started playing it just bc its a vocaloid rhythm game and im not good at project diva and i didnt really expect to get invested in the new characters but here i am. its also introduced me to a lot of voca songs i didnt know before which is always a plus!
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ooglywooglies · 27 days
im just going through all the video points and making oppositions to them based on what i think, thats it.
laios useless in the red dragon fight: this is setting up the premise of the story where laios is spacing out because he cannot strategize on an empty stomach which is why the party loses.
there is no urgency to rescuing falin after everyone escapes the dungeon: thats to show that all the adventurers are so used to the dungeons immortality that theyve forgotten about the consequences of death (and also they are not thinking straight bc they are hungry)
dungeon meshi is not slice of life in the traditional low stakes way a slice of life set in the real world might be. the entire premise is about making a fantasy dungeon crawler and its heroes more grounded and showing things that aren't shown in video games, eating, sleeping, bathing, etc. a major theme is life and death, what is needed to sustain life and how death is a necessary part of it.
the tone of the show is not meant to be serious/silly/serious/silly, its not supposed to be wholesome, fun, and heartfelt, though it can be those things, its supposed to be weird and demystifying because its about real life (though a fantasy lense) and real life doesnt adhere to tone either.
resurrecting falin, having a bath and dinner, and then thistle coming to collect her happening in two episodes is not crazy thats almost an hour of runtime
some of the problems with this video are just the anime format which i cant completely fault, i think the manga is better paced and the humor lands better ill probably ignore those points going forward. but i feel like if you dont watch anime very much you probably dont really know them the common genre tropes, like i certainly dont.
the reason marcille is "infinitely more popular than the rest" is a) lilys girl bias b) everyones girl bias and thats it, a lot of people like decently written generically good looking female characters. but thats not even true laios is probably equally as popular as marcille is and senshi is VERY close behind both of them.
laios is literally only generic in looks and if youre going to bring it up you might as well mention how marcille is therefore EXACTLY as generic as laios is, they are some very regular white people. in terms of looks.
laios only cares about monsters and is an asshole: this is an intentional mischaracterization the OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY make about laios, which is a result of his real flaw which is struggling to connect with other people. this is a character flaw, which is intentional and something laios himself is aware of and tries to overcome, it is part of his character arc. laios is also heavily autistic coded, im not sure if ryoko kui is even aware of it or if she herself is autistic and just wrote a bit of her own struggles into laios's character but this reading is widely recognized by people who are autistic so. like its hard to argue with a mass of people who see their disability in a character. (me included)
comparing his deadpan affect to lloyd (i dont know him tbh)s intentional controlled one makes no sense bc i assume lloyd is yknow a super secret agent who IS a super secret agent because of his self control or whatever. laios is just a guy. literally just a dude, who is autistic.
marcille and laios react to falins resurrection differently because they are different characters, showing different ranges of emotion are part of their characterization. having a limited range of expressed emotion in serious situations where emotion is expected of you is also a commonly recognized autistic trait (see me not crying at the airport when my now husband had to go back to his side of the planet when we were dating)
falin is also autistic coded and shares a lot of traits with laios because its supposed to be funny that everyone thinks falin is so talented and brilliant and lovely when she yknow picks up a bug or something but they think its annoying when laios presents the same traits.
refer to point 10 again
they are literally moving through the dungeon as fast as they can. it gets brought up, laios feels guilty about it but hes not indulging in his special interest as opposed to rescuing his sister, the adventure is enabling it. whats he supposed to do brood the entire way? do you think anyone would be physically capable of doing that? see points 1-4 again if not.
just because a different character would do something different doesnt meant the story would be better, the point of THIS story is an exploration of THESE characters
this is retreading a point but "marcille is the only character who feels like a human being" .... girl the ableism - it can be argued that marcille is a bit ND herself but she is laios's neurotypical foil, the entire point of their dynamic is she is the normal person to compare him to, to act like shes the only character that matters because shes the only one thats normal has some nasty implications.
"you or i would-" thats making some assumptions
marcille is tormented the most by the show because the show is about exploring a dungeon, a major character trait of hers is her inexperience, shes squeamish shes young and naive because she has EXCLUSIVELY studied dungeons in books she has only seen the dungeon in person for like a year or two (i dont remember the time frame but we know how time works for marcille anyway). senshi by contrast has been surviving exclusively off the dungeons resources for like 60 years. you mention that marcille grows a lot by the end but its not just about eating food she learns survival skills, she learns ecology.
sorry i need to take a break to just rant, isnt this woman a writer? i feel like all she can only see characters through common media tropes and so dungeon meshi is just breaking her brain because all of these characters are written from a strong foundation they all have roots that inform all of their flaws. i feel like she isnt willing to see them that way because she assumes that because this is an anime the author didnt put any thought into the characters beyond their designs and gimmicks, thats just speculation obvs its just the impression im getting
but like i see the way people talk about kui on here how she feels like one of us because the dungeon meshi characters are her ocs. how theyre not just characters for a story. its like imagine someone talking this way about YOUR OCS, your babies, the characters you put your heart and soul into and especially for someone like kui who has created so much depth for her characters for someone [who also calls herself a writer] to brush it all off bc it got an anime adaptation and anime has tropes.
i really dont like people who approach media from "ive seen this before" and i mean im a little guilty of it but its kind of a useless thought isnt it, for the most part things get made because someone wanted to make it not because it needed to exist. i guess its a hard thing not to think when theres just SO MANY shows and stuff out there but idk, i dont think its a healthy perspective most of the time.
chilchucks a bitch you cant listen to what he says and be like "the narrative is bullying marcille" chilchuck is bullying marcille, chilchuck is a bully
(oh it seems the numbers have reset, oops)
shes talking about why anime sucks again, i havent seen spy x family and i dont care to it doesnt appeal to me
retreading points but i forgot which ones laios thinking falins dragon form is cool is another example of how laios's character essence is that he doesnt think like other people. and i have to imagine that if not for the mind control aspect falin wouldnt be horrified by her dragon form either. neither of them care about the "obvious" socially expected reaction of "horrified" theyre thinking about a) what they like to think about which tends to be ooh monsters are cool and then b) whatever is most practical at this moment - i think its not just lily that struggles with this i think its a lot of people who follow social scripts tend to follow what the main cast of dungeon meshi is thinking so theyre horrified/confused by whatever laios is doing but he just intuits what actually materially matters and what doesnt. him thinking falin getting to have a cool dragon form has NOTHING to do with his feelings about saving her.
"your experience with autism isnt universal" neither is yours???? isnt that kind of the thing about autism (this is from her comments not the video but thats kind of her point about this point in the video is that she doesnt relate to laios's autistic traits) - guys shes saying sheldon cooper gets called out on his shit and grows as a person but laios doesnt... guys i dont even know what i can specifically say to make someone stop believing that because i dont know why anyone could believe that in the first place.
i dont want to write this point bc i dont want anyone to think i dont have any concept of like pervasive preferential trends in media but i think she specifically hates laios because hes a white man with autistic traits. i think if laios was a woman those traits would be not as bad (which is kinda funny bc i was talking about that being a joke with falins autistic traits earlier)
laios is funny to me :) (in the manga mostly)
i think she shouldve read the manga instead of watching half the anime but i guess thats it. if you (anyone reading this) see this out in the wild please dont make assumptions about me based on this post, it doesnt really tell you anything about me or my wider opinions.
i guess you can assume im autistic i did say that part, go ahead and assume that i suppose.
i think i have some clarifications i was gonna make but i got tired so i cant remember where they go or what they are, this isnt really meant to be a discussion its just me writing down some thoughts indirectly bc i didnt want to comment on her video. but its in response to a video so its only fair i guess if anyone wants me to clarify i can try my best to do that
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disasterinbound · 7 months
seeing the villainess-like otome game au on @/hourlyhanamura twitter (thank you retrospring anon) has made my brain rumble and started making me (unfortunately) think.
Who would be the villain(ess)!!! It could go both ways!!! It really could!!!
Yosuke is the favourite but not really favourite antagonist—some people like him, some don't
Maybe some things like a romance path with him was cut (HM JUST LIKE. HM.)
And perhaps Yu gets recommended the otome game by a classmate. It's popular, the characters are cute, what more could you ask for
Yu is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "ok guess i'll try it" cuz it's not like he has anything else to do in his free time besides studying, housework and making meals for himself
The game is pretty fun, and it doesn't shove romance into your face every chance it gets. He definitely gets into the rabbit hole after he realises that he's been playing it for a very very long time
As he gets heavily invested into it and the characters, Yu starts crushing on the villainess (yosuke), and wishes that he could be in the game with him/out here in real life with him
idk the crush starts as something small cuz the story could progress and show the villainess as having a sympathetic side/being more than his cold, jerkish and standoffish side except GASP it's choice locked in another character's route, so players might miss it
And then story progresses more, more softer moments with yosuke and that all adds up into a mega fat crush on him
Want to add that almost all the endings of the game are just Yosuke leaving Inaba (Junes does not disappear tho) or being absolutely humiliated and never showing his face ever again. [Sorry yosuke]
Maybe he becomes more like shadow yosuke as the game progresses....
Though that also kind of asks what kind of villain yosuke would be... would he be a calculating cunning type or like cartoonishly evil kind of bullying. i'm kind of leaning towards a mixture of both because a) this image
Tumblr media
And b) the protagonist of the game is like. Idk a transfer student. Yosuke is as well, but unlike him, the protag is well-liked and well-received. And he wants that, wants to be liked as well but because of Junes and what it represents to Inaba, he gets none of that.
All he has are harsh glares and murmuring of housewives as they whisper to each other about yet another shop out of business. They really have nothing better to do, but neither does he, out in the god damned countryside.
So he becomes insanely jealous and he decides to be a prick to the protag out of his envy and the mindnumbing dullness of Inaba. He's mean to everyone tbh, but it's more or less a shield to protect himself.
And then in comes Yu, as the newly isekaid or something idk protag.
Despite all of Yosuke's general prickliness and jerkishness towardd him, Yu still showers him with care and affection, something Yosuke hadn't really gotten since... he came to Inaba. It's kind of nice, it's making him happy that someone likes him, but he's also waiting for it to be a huge prank/the other shoe to drop
Because really. Someone actually liking him? Someone making him feel like he's much more than the scourge of Inaba?
There's just no way. Sooner or later, the townsfolk or his classmates will convince him of the Prince of Junes who ruins everything, tell him that Yosuke's such a disappointing person, don't get too close to him if I were you and whatnot.
It's better for Yosuke to push Yu away before he inevitably leaves Yosuke alone.
But Yu continues to stay, continues to lavish him with affection despite there being other, better people to give it to.
Whatever. He'll just secretly bask in it as long as it lasts, until Yu moves on. This definitely doesn't make him stay awake at night, wondering why the popular transfer student would do this.
again its similar to if yosuke was the villainess, where he gets recommended a popular otome game and he plays it, and then having a big fat crush on yosuke
Except yknow. Yosuke has his own route instead of his moments being choice-locked in a different route.
Once more the cold and cruel villainess has bad endings, resulting in getting banished or whatever.
Now, Yu gets transported and becomes the villain. He definitely sees this as a chance to lavish all his affection onto Yosuke
This gives Yosuke a crisis because mmmm this guy is pretty much rumoured to be very bad, so why is he so caring??? with me??? why are there butterflies in my stomach.... why is he also such a dork as well i saw him petting twenty cats at once...
In Yosuke's route, he has some pretty low self esteem coupled with comparing himself to the protag and junes
Because the protag is a transfer as well, but they seem to be making themselves at home while he's stuck at the doorbell
I genuinely dont know how to explain this its all in my head and makes perfect sense right now. Maybe its something like JUNES related, ingame reasons and all.
But out of the way protag, Yu is now taking charge of Yosuke's route, regardless of whether he's the villainess or not.
I dont quite see Yu being able to play along with the rumours of the villainess being a ruthless and cruel person. Sure, he might come off as cold to people, but it's his "dont get too involved" mindset that carried over.
It would be funny if some misunderstandings start adding more fuel to the fire.
Torturing cats? No, he was actually feeding them fish. The angle looked really bad to the person.
Mugging an old lady? No, he was actually escorting mrs tatsumi across the road, something which kanji is very appreciative of
Bullying year 1s? Nope. They dropped something and he was trying to give it back to them
But yeah yosuke being unable to get to sleep because he's too busy getting flustered over Yu's actions, and wondering if everyone's got yu wrong or if this is just an act to trick him into letting his guard down.
But then again, what kind of evil person would go out of his way to make him... happy?
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rivalsilveryuri · 5 months
wait what is ur favorite gen if it’s not gen 2
OK. so this is the worlds most complicated question 4 me aside from "whats your gender and sexuality" (there are no other questions) like.. UGHHH i literally CANNOT answer this without going on a HUMONGOUS essay not kidding. though if i DO it'll be really rambly.. and. not go anywhere really... (guess what?! point of no return V)
Favourite pokemon gen is a VERY difficult question for me. its easier to say my least favourite gen. Which would be gen 8. because it feels just… boring and forgettable in a way that .. no other gen feels? And is honestly a total mess in my opinion, but.. not in the way gen 9 sorta was? Cause while i definitely have a lot of gripes with gen 9, I do think theres a decent amount of positives and stuff to work with, and stuff that WORKS, and things that really stand out. ..compared to how bland gen 8 felt 2 me. And pointing out which gen im neutral about is fairly easy, aka sinnoh. (might need to really replay it and think it over tbh)
(though theres always one thing that complicates this and its like. the remakes? because sometimes i like a main gen game or hate it, and then i have opposite feelings about the remake, so its like. is the remake…. technically the gen of the origi… ok. whatever, this is a whole complication, i think i'll just go with like. whenever i say favourite gen it just means "favourite region" and remakes can count as well (minus gen 4 sorry ur remake was Like That) to make this easier)
And sayign which gens i Like… But don't tend to feel .. TOO much about ? like kanto… gen 1 has sooo much rep and content that its like.. frlg is fun, (and so is its SECOND remake, good lird) but theres not too much 4 me to chew on .. in . a.. deeper sense? aside from blue, red and leaf, personally. It's not bad! But I don't think anybody's really rearing to say gen 1 is undoubtably the best game mechanics.. visual.. story.. or.. anythin wise. it aint BAD.. but its not really.. much more ta me……
(also i'll specify, mechanics/ gameplay are like.. yes theres type additions, ability changes, oh and the split early on and myah myah and some games have gimmicks and other stuff like mounts, and supposedly bw/bw2 is harder [base game, not hard mode]-
(which. dude did you know. like. this is fucking silly to me but.. upon beating the maingame of black you unlock hard mode. "okay well, whats the issue?" well. upon beating the main game of white. yyou um. get. easymode.) (like im sorry but why the shit would you make DIFFICULTIES VERSION EXCLUSIVES…….. WHO PLAYS THROUGH AN ENTIRE POKEMON GAME.. AND IS LIKE "ah yes wait let me delete my save and do all of that again but like. even easier" W.. WHY… WHY IS… EASY MODE… UNLOCKED… AFTER BEATING THE GAME,, WHY IS HARD MODE A VERSION EXCLUSIVE???? A GENUINELY INTERESTING FEATURE N CHALLENGE?? i know people have probably said this before but its SO baffling to me. what a design choice)
-…but generally the core is the same, and ive never particularly ran into a bump in pokemon games, so it isnt really TOO much of a gripe to me. i love meaningless grinding. i was the worlds most boring little kid, i would start up a pokemon game just to grind to level 40 immediately after getting a starter for FUN. i could watch paint dry for hours i do NOT mind. The only time gameplay comes up is just. How Much is there to do? yknow? how much content.)
but my feelins on kanto are ironic cause i like johto more. sorryyy! i think johtos just more fun 2 me, partly because silver is SOO personal to me, and what they did with kanto was just a more welcome shakeup 2 me tbh. and i like the sort of feeling parts of it give off, and like. yes theres the big hole of like. team rocket being even MORE of a wet fart in that game than b4. likr sure hgss DEFINITELY gave it an overhaul but it still wasnt .. GREAT… since it was the lowest presence an evil team kind of had (until gen 8.) and while yes, they were trying to contact giovanni, and giovanni .. was.. there .. he just got time travel assassinated.. its still kinda.. eh? and being one of the games with a HUUGE identity crisis in the way that gen 2 is forever stuck to gen 1 in a way… gen 1 isnt? but shrug. I don't really mind it. OH and i love silver in crystal. he's so so funny in crystal, whats wrong with him… and i like the legendary beast stuff! i like it, it feels pretty fucking cool.. and eusines funny. pokemon crystal is so fascinatign 2 me i want to pick it apart with my teeth, i love the aesthetic, the music, everythin. (even if the late grind is HORRIBLE) ..but idk if gen 2 is my favourite. We'll.. get back to this later .
See .. this is kinda where i have 2 now explain a timeline. I KNOW. i know. .. (said through tears) You're just gonna have to sit down with me here because i am so insanely autistic about pokemon. pokemon has been my special interest since i was a tiny pea brained baby. i was literally known purely for pokemon when i was younger because i would NOT shut up about it. (….and here i am writing an unneccesarily long, entire essay. well.) My first game was xy. when i was . uhh .. gosh.. somethin likr… 9? i couldnt finish it because i genuinely couldnt read and got stuck on that furfrou puzzle. i know. its so insanely easy . its unreal. But i gave up. and i didnt have any internet so it stayed that way. for several years. I KNOW. OKAY. leave me alone…
but in the meantime i got oras and. this is when the autism kicked in . severely….. i fucking LOOOVE ORAS . ORAS HEADS LETS GOOO LETS RISE WOOO WOOO IM SOOOOO BIASED. UNREAL-Y BIASED. CRITICAL THINKING DIES HERE WOOOOOHOOOO . and . its a whole thing. i love the way oras looks. its so so so pretty, like. SHOCKINGLY pretty dude. I also really like the weird fusion oras and xy had of like. chibi models, the realistic (? i have no better description 4 this. models used in cutscenes and battles), AND the art. which was definitely unnecessary but i think the eeny weeny models were cute.. Also oras' music. i know its NOT original but i really like the way they remade it. yes the trumpets are almost absent, and some major changes were made to some tracks, which were devisive but honestly? i really like the original soundtrack (because the way rse's soundtrack sounds is really impressive) and the remake is just very lovingly done imo? it just feels nice 2 listen 2…
but . all my.. Current, More Developed Brain Opinions aside. at this point i could read. amazing development. so, i liked lisia. hated brendan. (we had beef.) thought wally was odd but fun, and i REALLY liked zinnia… and of course maxie and archie and their admins too.. and by the way, i liked this game SO much, that i completed the entire pokedex at age 10/11. for fun. so its safe to say i . may like oras. i liked it SO much i then pestered one of my older brothers when he was over to find a tutorial for that segment in xy.. and eventually beat that too. i like gen 6, but i understand a lot of people DONT, and thats understandable. lysandre is SUCH a mess, so are the rivals, but i generally found it charming. though i definitely understand why it was received Very Badly. but xy isnt my favourite.
A few years later, a bit older, when i was then 12.. i played gen 7…. and really liked it. but i dont have too much to SAY about it. (this could honestly be because i didnt replay gen 7 again, having one savefile for my entire playtime. and while i still have an unreal amount of time in usum, i didnt obsessively replay it like i did with oras.) but there's nothing 4 me 2 say that hasnt already been said.. i liked gen 7. completed the dex when i was 12. i liked lillie and gladion and hau, (and i think people either A) dumbed them down way too much, or where excessively critical over hau being. Nice. which….) and team skull.. which is one of my favourite evil teams below magma/aqua, and its definitely one of my favourite gens. but i think… people have said it before but sm had the better story, usum had the better gameplay. usum is JAMMED full of sooo much content its unreal….but i HATE what they did with lusamine. also the ultra recon stuff was kinda … uhh. it was REALLY hyped up in advertising like "oooohhh who are these mysterious people?!?!?" and they just kinda… didnt have a presence??? at all??? like. umm. ok . but i like gen 7. … i like halves of gen 7.
Then . ..gen 8 came out. and uhh. well. I lost a WHOLE lot of faith. cause when it came out almost.. …5 .. years ago .. stars abovr . i got really pissed. cause i HATED IT. i played through it, i wanted to give it a chance, and it was .. fine.. at first. but then i started thinking about it. and thinking about it. and you heard a LOT of things about it at the time. and then i hated it. i hated pokemon . and then i did not touch this game series for the next four years. I heard NEWS about pokemon, but i just kind of grew more spiteful over the years and stuck my head further underground.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months
I would love to hear your Indigo Disk thoughts
YES!!!!!!! 💎🐢💥 full disclosure I only just finished Indigo Disk's main storyline like....less than 24 hours ago so I am still RIDING HIGH FROM THE RUSH OF IT ALL. will probably be spoilers ahead, as a head's up:
first off I love that like. right off the bat youre getting hit with cyrano and cavell old man yaoi. busting out the cute little nicknames like HELLO!!! AND then you have geeta showing up and rika is there for no reason whatsoever and it's like. well ok i think they were having lesbian activities on the plane over you love to see it!
anyway setting wise, the Big Ol Blueberry is pretty fun! I love running around and the Synchro Machine is SUCH a ridiculously fun feature (FINALLY, TRUE GAMING: Dana can run around as a Ninetales and smack a big ball around.) I love all the Unova callbacks and I LOVE THE DIFFERENT CLUB ROOM LAYOUTS!! The monochrome one made me tear up and SEEING THE FUCKIGN. POKESTAR STUDIOS ENEMIES. IN THE FUTURISTIC ONE. MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING. pokestar studios my beloved i miss it sooo much 😭 My buddy Snap was talkin about how the Terarium really kind of lacks... yknow, landmarks and points of interest, though, and god I agree so hard. I love that Kitakami had its own little set of interesting features and places to go and use as landmarks and the Terariuam kind of. Doesn't really have those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass to navigate and easy to get lost but not in a fun way.... even though you have these little neat natural features like The Pride Rock and Chargestone Caves, I wish we coulda had a little bit more :( For such a widely used part of the school it doesn't feel very 'lived' in by the students there. It would've been fun to see more gathering places aside from the Very Sterile Outside Classrooms.....
The Area Zero Underdepths, though...hooouughhHHHhhh. I just. I really have to admire the fact that Indigo Disk said "ohhh you want answers?? you wanna know what's going on in this place? fuck you, youre gonna have MORE questions after this, and theyre gonna be even CRAZIER ones." YOU GO IN THAT HOLE AND LEARN NOTHING AND IM NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT. GO LOOK AT THE CRYSTAL TREE DOWN THIS RANDOM PATHWAY. i neeeed to make a terapagos post sometime and talk more about it i cannot stop thinking about this little freak. POKEMON THAT SCARE ME A LITTLE I MUST SAY. POKEMON I DO NOT FEEL IN CONTROL OF. i Know they didnt make its charged terastal form look like a dream catcher for no reason. I Know its Stellar Form Looking Like That isnt for no reason. I know its borderline dangerous power and THAT LITTLE STUNT IT PULLS. AT THE CRYSTAL POOL. THAT'S INDICATIVE OF SOMETHING I THINK. >when Terapagos's cry was the sound Terastalizing has been making all fucking game. SCREAMS.
also again oh my god if you beat the main indigo disk storyline go to the crystal pool right now GO. GO FEEL SOMETHING. GO!!!!
ok well that's. less about setting and more about story though huh. well!! story wise, absolutely loved it! I know there was a lot of apprehension when the DLCs got more properly announced and we found out they didnt really center on Our Dear Paldea Friends as scarvio proper did, and yeah I definitely can see why that's a frustration and a deterrent for some (and I'm soo so excited to hang out with Nemona and Arven and Penny in the epilogue next month....peach time (: ) but for me in the end I'm really just so enamored and delighted with all the new friends you get to make in the DLC and they more than carry that little narrative's arc on its own. The Elite 4 of the BB League are all GREAT, they got nonstop autistic girls out here in gen 9 (nemona, amarys, briar ?!??!) and it ROCKS. and i LOVE Carmine so much, everyone always wants mean rivals and mean women and folks cant even handle Carmine 🙄 you can tell she genuinely has such a big heart and cares about her friends and her brother!!! and Kieran wahhh wahh kieran my newest Little Guy ;____;.... he is SO fourteen and I did not expect to go into the DLC getting really invested in a new character's arc but it's just GOOD. He REALLY feels like a loose yugioh character in Indigo Disk, he's so angry and obsessed with victory and ultimately under it all still capable of so much kindness and regret and he's just GOOD. And his champion battle was terrifying and a BLAST!! THE MUSIC RULES. HE EVEN HAD INCINEROAR.
god and all the music in Indigo Disk was a banger. gen 9 music save me. gen 9 music. save me gen 9 music.
i'm SUPER hyped to do more BBQs with my bestie and do more postgame stuff with the "hanging out with Gym Leaders" thing and the Legendary hunting and such... lots more to roll around in and have a good time with. All in all had just a great time with it, I genuinely might put Violet as my favorite Pokemon game of all time at this point! I do grow very sad thinking about just how even more fantastic this game couldve been if it had 1-3 more years to cook properly though, like..god damn. I was getting some LAG on those cutscenes, and I know I made out pretty alright in the bugs department!!
but for now i'll just be thinking about the shit that happens at the crystal pool for the rest of my life. also Indigo Disk gave me the best possible trainer ID photo i never need to change it again
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purgemarchlockdown · 7 months
for the milgram ask game!!! i looked through your answers but if anything repeats im sorry😭
9,10,11 - kazui
15,16 - amane
9,10,15,16 - muu
Its alright! Everytime someone sends me an ask for an ask game my power grows...
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Hm, well, gonna be honest I'm not super sure what his crime is now. I know what I find the most interesting storytelling wise but Kazui is also a Lying Liar Man.
If were referring to specifically lying to his wife...I think id forgive him...I think.
Like its a horrible fucking thing to do but...I understand that "if you just lie it'll be Fine Eventually" mindset pretty well. I see how he got here. Still: Horrible thing to do! Im a bit conflicted here! I should have an easier time with this considering characters who I've forgiven before but damn, me not being really sure what he did is Getting To Me.
Though its also (presumably) NOT ACTUALLY MURDER and I know law isnt a big deal here but ALSO I dont think he should be tortured and possibly given the death penalty for this, yknow? Bit Much I Think.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
My forgiven gets a bit stronger if thats the case? I vote him forgiven because of a lot of things. For example: Even if I didn't like his character so much Id have forgiven him for Amane's sake...
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
I Love It When Characters are Horribly Resigned To Their Situations!!!! "Tragedy Enjoyers when The Tragedy Happens" Moment Fr. Kazui's super interesting to me since he's basically...given up. He's given up on getting anything he wanted and he has horrible self-loathing and is just resigned to never being really Happy, and yet he still Wants and that Wanting is already "bad" no matter if he acts on it or not.
Jupiter: But if it's only what I feel inside that matters, what am I supposed to do? I can't stop that kind of touch.
(this is an ask I get to put in appropriate quotes from Jupiter)
He's unsatisfied and disillusioned and self-destructive and it be so much easier if he was just...not "like this". Whatever This is. His family seems to be very traditional overall too and there's a lot of discussion going on about societal normal and standards.
Also also! His relationship with love fucks me up, both him and Mahiru's. It's like an obligation of sorts. Something that makes them more marketable and presentable. Their love can feel so...impersonal as a result if that makes sense. Like it's just a quota they need to fill.
Even Mahiru's actually! It's weird to think about considering how loud Mahiru is about it but there's something so vaguely impersonal about Mahiru's love. Like "This is how to be in love with you" as a title plays off that in a way. The other person doesn't get to put any input into it, this is how your Supposed to be loved.
Kazui's relationship with love is so interesting to me as a result, it's so performative and is used for his own Marketability as a person. I'm still obsessed about how Kazui and Mahiru portray love as something that is sold to people-
Plus all of this gives him some Fun Parallels with the other cat person he's paired up with. It's interesting to see how both of them deal with being perceived as inherently sinful in some way and against societal norms.
I dunno I just think Kazui is super interesting! He's an interesting fella!
15. what do you think of their voice?
I love how she sounds so much! She can sound so happy and cheeky and sweet in one moment and then ominous, angry and downright terrifying the next. Her VA is great, Tanaka Minami does such a fantastic job as her. Amane can sound so very different and yet still sound like Her. Compare Animal to Positive Parade or Magic to Purge March and even though they sound so different they still sound like Her! Magic's mostly consistent tone and emotions making it feel restrained and carefully presented vs Purge March's various different emotions and tones and just how Different it can sound depending on the part is So cool! She can go from angry to sad to bitter to defeated to joyfully ecstatic and all of those at once!
Like at the end of Purge March, Amane always sounds like she's at the verge of crying to me. The emotional catharsis was so very real there!!! It's so good!!! It's so good!!!!
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Once again directing people to how Amane seems to be in Choir.
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I know people who were in choir those people can Sing Alright. Out of everyone in the cast she is probably the most likely person to know how to actually sing properly. Plus I always think it's funny that Amane quietly calls the cult's music boring in an interrogation. I choose to believe she can Sing Really Well and that when she gets out of the cult she gets Really Into Metal.
In the wise words of my dad: "Metalheads are the happiest because we let out all our anger through the power of METAL!!!!!"
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
I Do Not Forgive Her! Sorry Muu but the Consequences of your Actions are here! I know you have a lot of problems and that the murder seems actually pretty impulsive overall but like...sorry Muu can't really forgive you if we're judging my your crime alone.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
Hmm, maybe? I still want to not forgive her honestly for some personal reasons but I do know that not forgiving her might not be the best decision overall...I dunno very conflicted I guess.
15. what do you think of their voice?
Kouri Arisa is a wonderful singer and I'm incredibly impressed with her vocals and acting. I don't have much to say on her compared to Amane but I love how she sounds so much. There's something kinda...floaty about it I guess? I dunno how to describe it, it's just sort of airy and whispery like, Muu is telling you a secret. I think it's really cool and it makes the parts where she sounds more confident and loud contrast really well.
It's so good I love it hhhhh-
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Decently I think? Like average overall. I think she knows a few songs by heart though and for those in particular she sounds really good.
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
So This is My Spoiler Free Thoughts on Fire Emblem Engage
This is definitely Awakening 2. And I don't just mean because its an anniversary title. But I mean if Awakening was the greatest hits of FE rolled into one game, Engage is the second volume to that. So much of Engage is a love letter to this franchise creating a story that tries to hit on some of the best plot beats in the entire franchise. Yes even if there are storybeats that are predictable they are executed so well.  The amount of love this game has for this series is admirable. Some of the cutscenes and storybeats use the switch to the best they can in a post 3DS franchise though still limited and clipping because... yknow Switch and not a main nintentedo development team. But still expressive for something that has always seemed to be limited on its hardware. It makes me super excited for the next FE on the switch.
There is also some of the best immersive experiences in the game with a real stand out being chapter 11 which might have earned itself iconic status. 
The characters are generally likeable though its about Awakening level in characterization, though I did notice that this cast honest gets along super well together and it makes sense as this continent hasn't been drenched in conflict till now. Awakening, Fates, Echoes, and 3H all sorta start in a pretty cold conflict worlds. 
Now storywise, Alear was good. Its been so long, but we have a protagonist with not only a personality, but an arc. I knew I like Alear the first moment I saw them be genuinely scared of the corrupted and as the story goes (even if you can predict it at points) Alear genuinely grows as a person and they do seem different from what they are. Yes, I get it they're the super special awesome, but yknow what this starts you off with that and builds the plot around so you can focus more on the characters. Honestly, Alear really doesn’t feel like an insert avatar, instead they feel like their own person that you just pick the gender of. And Honestly, I love it.
The Villains were pretty standard FE, but goddamn the FOur Hounds might be one of the best four-man villain team in FE. Zephia in particular.
The acting is pretty great. Adding a lot of heart to every performance. With the one who absolutely crushed it was Megan Taylor Harvey. 
If I had some criticisms, the emblems themselves really are kinda tools and their rules really are played fast and loose with. Also they leave me a bit confused on how they exist. However I think their paralogues are at least some fun fanservice. That said they are basically just tools. Im glad its not really "their story" like Chrom in Awakening is the real protagonist, but I definetly felt like their existent could be replaced with any old legendary weapon.
The music is also kinda a bit off for me. There are some tracks I really dug, but nothing stuck out like Echoes or 3H. Probably my favorite is the Solm music. The Four Hounds track Im not sure if I like or not.
As a mark against the characters, we do have a fates problem where there's a two royal siblings in each country, but only the older siblings get plot armor. That wouldn't be too bad but they also come with two retainers each so there's some cast bloat. I know its to give you more options.
The difficulty curve also gets insane near the end. Thank god resources and the time rewind are limitless because boy some of these maps are unforgivable. The worst in my opinion being chapter 24s.
Also there's only one paired ending and its who you chose to pair with, which sucks. But hey maybe you'll avod getting a weird ending. Speaking of pairing this game's supports generally felt way grindier. If you are just looking for Alear supports, spam gifts on the Sommniel. But for anyone else, get ready to basically solve a pairing puzzle.
Now I came in with managed expectations before the game had come. I was gonna use Awakening as my meter stick as its the only other anniversary game. So I didn't expect this to be some deep political, game of thrones style story. So I found this expirence very nice for what it was.
Fire Emblem Engage is like a big budget popcorn flick of a game. Its got questionable mechanics or story points, but the real substances is giving you this exciting journey that shows off big impactful moments wrapped up in a pretty package. Basically it is an MCU movie mixed with a Fast and the Furious movie. And yknow what, I will take something that wants to be a fun and passionate romp over something trying to be epic and serious and complex that ends up not capable of pulling off that momentum for the entire run and leaving you unsatisfied wondering what could've been done differently . And
honestly... with the romantic fantasy, the over the top animeness, but still able to make a cast you care about and story you do get invested in even with some cheesey but endearing writing... That's classic FE right there. That is some Kaga-level FE. We just added different fashion
Fire Emblem Engage is a fun game and if you are a fan of the franchise, I think you will enjoy it if you want to get on this wild celebratory rollercoaster.
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cokowiii · 1 year
The update was so coool!! I love the ending drawing you did of Mikey! It scared me cause he's clearly on a cliff but also it was so well done!!
Im so worried though. They're standing around talking when a very sleep deprived Mikey is wandering New York City?? Thats sounds so dangerous. GO GET YOUR BROTHER JVJDHEHZDV
Also is Draxum gonna come back into the story again or is he still in trouble for helping Mikey vape to begin with? I thought maybe Mikey would try to go to him in a desperate attempt to get another vape or get help. Maybe even Draxum could help him some other way with all his knowledge of mystic stuff. But I guess I'm mostly curious if he's gonna come back into the comic? (I also really enjoy the way you draw him. I think its cause he looks so casual.)
Oh miss O’Niel ain’t there to play games. She’s there to get shit DONE! Also yea walking around New York majorly sleep deprived is wayyyy dangerous. Especially if your still traveling roof by roof.
Draxum will make a comeback. He’s still in trouble by the family but he’ll have his own way of helping this situation! I just don’t wanna spoil stuff yknow? Another thing is yeah! Everyone looks casual! They aren’t always off fighting villains and working so drawing them in casual clothing seems most fitting and fun to draw :D
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leorawright · 4 months
Ok Im very excited Ive been wanting to request again for months but I work the whole day on Fridays :') but im back to request another mashup cause things have changed since the last one!
i would like to request a TF2 mashup (preferably romantic) with any of the main mercs (might exclude pyro unless you want to make it platonic).
Some stuff about me:
Im a hetersexual cis woman who wants to be a freelance artist, either in illustration or in character design! Right now Im studying illustration and its really fun to learn new techniques! I do get insecure from time to time with my art, but Im very determined to learn what I can and just have fun making art
Personality wise, Im very stoic and serious-looking, keeping to myself most of the time, but once i get comfortable I cant stop talking, like sometimes I have to remind myself to tone it down a little heheh
Once I get into something like a tv show or other series, Im very focused on it and think about it non-stop. For example, Ive been into Seinfeld for almost a year now to the point where one afternoon I spent an hour planning what a Seinfeld video game would look like, yknow, because I could. Sometimes I think about not being as involved in my interests as much as I do, but at the same time thats what makes me happy and drives my creativity, yknow?
Ive also been developing some stories of my own! Im no writer myself, but I love creating storylines and developing them further, whether they're original concepts or based on tf2 or something
As for what Im looking for in a partner, I want someone who can make me laugh. I admire someone who can talk so openly to other people but still be gentle and comforting with me even though Im not a very extroverted person. I want someone who admires my creativity and can listen to me when Im saying something, whether its something serious or not. I want someone who can share in some of my interests, and even when he doesnt he can still appreciate my enthusiam and not say something along the lines of "you're still talking about this?", yknow? Whenever I feel at my worst, I want him to just whisper sweet nothings, without having to try to 'fix' my problems immediately, just letting me slowly feel my emotions and junk. Im pretty much rambling on at this point but basically i just need the bare minimum like opening the door for me to fall in love with someone heh
I have a bit more confidence after attending art school, and Im trying to socialize more, but its still a little draining sometimes, but its still worth it in the end I think!
Uhhhhhhhhhh idk what else to put, this is mostly the bare minimum but I hope you're doing well! Take care and have a good day!
I have the perfect person...
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He has the strangest sense of humor but whenever he's able to make you laugh, he absolutely lights up
If you're having a bad day, you bet Demo will do everything in his power to comfort you, whether it's listening to you talk or just telling you terrible jokes until you feel better
Or if you're having one of those days where you just need to cry, Demo will lay beside you and whisper about whatever until you fall asleep
Whenever you talk about your interests, he pays as much attention as possible so you know he's interested
Also, he praises your art so much and loves watching you draw, he thinks it's mesmerizing
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
okkkk so ive been wonderingggg..... who are are the blue and the purple ocs you posted earlier 2day....i am so curious what is their lore
ouhg. ok. so. thats rose and wolfe, two of my lobcorp ocs part of a funy lil facility story im slowly ironing out :] um, nothing officials gonna come out of that, ijust write characters for fun, but they Do have an overarching.. Thing. going on. the lot of them.
but! those two mean a whole whole lot to me, theyve been on my mind a lot lately :] though um, their mess is. not as clear to me as some others', which is why i havent yet written up a loredump for them dkfjgndk;; but ill do my best!
wolfe is a character that Heavily self-isolates on account of not wanting to deal with anyone elses bullshit constantly. shes just kinda generally agitated at all times, snaps at just about anyone. which is on purpose, because if she has a reputation for being Scary and Unapproachable, well. people wont try. mostly.
unfortunately for her, rose is a character that Loves gossip and eavesdropping (under the cover of Simply Listening To People's Issues,) and That One Guy Who Sulks In A Corner And Hates Everyone is kinda prime material for digging into. And That She Does! Constantly. she is annoyingly persistent in trying to dig through whatever wolfe has going on, which she takes about as well as youd think she would.
rose posits it as Simple Curiosity, which wolfe doesnt really engage with, until eventually she nags so much that she starts giving one or two word answers just t get her off her back for once. ...buuuut that just means that its Working. and rose keeps trying. its just an on and on of pestering and shooing away and verrrry very slowly learning more about That Weird One That Doesnt Like Anyone.
and while wolfe keeps up that veneer of distance and disdain, its kinda.. weird. because even though it Is annoying, nobody has ever remembered what she talks about and builds off it like rose did. despite her own instincts to keep hidden, it Did genuinely feel like who she was was being respected for once. not as the caricature she put up, but simply As She Was. (she didnt know how to feel about that.)
on the other half of things, what started as a mostly disingenuous almost-game with herself ended up spiraling into genuine curiosity on rose's behalf-- she never shares much of herself much of ever, but she found herself unintentionally making exceptions with wolfe. every answer in between silences resonated in a way she wasnt really expecting. she keeps up her unruffled air, but... well, she does think about that one a lot. (that was new. and also an accident. huh.)
i dont really know what those two Have at that point in time, but They Have To Go Together, yknow?
um. dont worry about the issues. they dont exist if you dont look at them. nothing bad ever happens in lcorp.
anyway, you ever wonder what the difference is between an attack dog and a guard dog? which holds more beauty-- a prized flower or a weed growing through stone?
dont worry about it.
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summerlycoris · 3 months
Annon-Guy: As fellow Dawn of the New World fan, what do you think of the main characters introduced in that game?
Specifically Emil, Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus.
Its been forever since ive played dotnw, so i might mess up small details. (I want to play it again- but am procrastinating playing symphonia orz)
Emil- the twist with him was so good. Kinda similar to Lukes twist in tota, except a bit more tragic because. The real Emil Castnagier is dead from the palmacosta fire. And Aster is dead because of Ratatosk.
But... he's still the real Emil. Even if his life was a lie. Even if his memories of his past were fake. The memories he made with Marta, Tenebrae, and everyone were real.
Ratatosk- I cant really remember a tonne about him individually tbh. Only that he improves over the course of the story, and becomes a much better teammate to Marta and Tenebrae.
Speaking of- Marta- shes a lot of fun honestly. The quips between her and tenebrae were perfect. And her character was also really cool- going up against her dad and the vanguard, all to try and save ratatosk. Shes cool.
Also, shes got tokunaga on her backpack. Any fan of Best Abyss Character, Anise Tatlin, is a friend of mine! (joke)(kinda)(i probably would like any Anise fan unless they were murderers or something like that.)
Tenebrae- brillient honestly. After playing tota, i can see the Jade influence loud and clear. And then you get to the twist and realise- he was in on it! He knew what was going on... owwie my heart. I see his reasoning for staying silent though. Just. Ow.
Richter- gay gay homosexual gay- sorry Richter, but its true!
On a serious note. God his situation is tragic. Seeing his dead best friend in Emil- and still seeing fit to be nice to Emil, and help him out? Despite knowing that this is really ratatosk? Amnesiatically piloting a copy of his best friends body? Ow owow ow ow. That got to me when i was sixteen (still kinda gets to me tbh) why? Because he believed in Emil being Emil.
Im sorry, I just need a minute.
Aqua- another one I dont remember a tonne about. She was really loyal to Richter- even above his own desires at times iirc.
And now, for my absolute blorbo from this game...
Alice- my silliest little meow meow who has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG EVER FIGHT ME ABOUT IT!
(She has done everything wrong and i love her for it.)
I went fucking loopy for this girl when i was sixteen. Like, if she told me to jump off a cliff i woulda done it. I wouldve fought Decus for her heart in a heartbeat if. Yknow. I couldve ever stood a chance at winning lmao.
I did all her sidequests in a second playthrough. (Missed some time sensative ones in my first playthrough nooooo) and felt so bad for her when her backstory was revealed. I loved that sidequest where she gives an old lady from tetha hella medicine (iirc) because. It showed me just what she couldve been if only the world had been better towards her.
Shit, i even tried brainstorming some timetravel au fanfic with her when i was a teen. Glad that never got out of my head- i wouldve written it SO badly. (My writing when i was sixteen was SO SHIT OMG-)
I felt so bad for that final battle with them, where we had to kill her and Decus. And she realises she really did love him... tear my heart out too why dont you?!
I really need to replay this game honestly.
Decus- hes pretty cool honestly. I cant remember the most about him. I liked hearing his backstory. And he had a interesting character- prioritising Alice above any allegence he had to the vanguard. And yet- he played the punch clock villian. It was never personal if he had to attack Emil or Marta- just his job.
This is all ive got for now. One day i will replay it again. One day. I hope that answers your question!
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
Man... I can't stop thinking about the things that were talked about on the stream, especially the answer on my question - so... get ready for a ramble! its a long one. oops. i dont even know where im going with this, im just dumping my thoughts somewhere. half is about ttcc lore in general and the streams, the other half is about cathal and me projecting onto him deeper.
before i even hop deeper into this, it wasn't until early today that i learned that there was a whole drama about cranky's answers (regarding the graham and flint question and the whole "keep it sane" thing. i thought it was...off, but i understood it as 'do what you want people, just don't start any harassment because of ships and your favorite pairs'.
definitely could have been phrased better, though. at least we got a good response and an apology later from maven on twitter. but i legit did not know this was a drama until those twitter posts were made LOL. i dont interact with the fandom so i do not know how that answer was percieved by most. or if anyone except for me and my friends have had any thoughts about the question i asked that got answered.)
and what im tryna get to is that i get cranky isnt the one to be answering lore things, and probably didnt know what to answer... but it's still something to think about
because being told "cogs and toons just dont become how they are out of the blue" (paraphrasing here) as an answer to what cathal initially thought of seeing his dad be bet up and thrown off a tower is... confusing? he did say first and foremost that it has to be built upon before saying that. i understand that this is... a lot of characters! and cathal did have some focus on him thanks to the comic and they wanted to focus on other managers... but some have deeper, more intricate lore that's easy to grasp (especially the more, well, angstier managers like chip and misty.)
and we have gotten some extra lore for other managers like belle, mary, tawny.... thanks to thomas' rambles.
and it's definitely difficult for a team of volounteers working hard on a fan game together to make lore for all the characters, that are still very young in their *life span*, having been around for less than a year. despite ttcc being more character driven and focused on the cogs, it's still a game they have to run so they cannot focus on lore only and some game management has to be done first. there's a bunch of things they have to consider, like consistency and how fans may react, or possible themes or what they want the story to be...
and. yeah. its hard since. come on lets admit it. clash has an issue with how these are all given to us. hell, there's lore bits i still dont know about and im still learning because it's..so all over the place. a new player will not know about it. maven acknowledged this in the tweet and i really appreciate that, as it's honestly been my number one issue with clash, especially as someone who is there for the lore. (i mean, and the gameplay, i know some people who don't play the game itself much. well i sure do a little TOO MUCH because i have PROBLEMS. but im interested in the lore, too, yknow?)
some lore you cant learn from the wiki, and unless you interact with the community, you may never learn *where* all of this even is. if you werent live for certain lore there, it's hardly accessible to you. lore locked behind one time events, an arg website, wikis, discord chats... all that. it's hard to keep track of! i'm sure it's like that for both the fans and the writers. these characters are great, fun, and i love them, but the way we are given this information is... not the best. it's very easy to miss certain details.
it's especially bad if you're like me - only ever interacting with a close group of people you trust, (because people are scary especially a lot of... lore driven fans. yeahnoimeanshippers.sorry.and just big crowds of people in general) having only gotten back into the game recently AFTER most of the major lore events (first played once in 2019, then never again until january 2023) and also you dislike youtube and video content, so you dont watch it. something in your brain would rather if you step on a nail than watch a playthrough video (especially with commentary).
like in general it shouldnt be necessary to go through all these hoops just to know the lore! especially for things that may have little lore...
anyways, uh, back to cathal. i cannot stop thinking about this.
it definitely wasnt an answer to what i specifically asked - but possibly more so about... why cathal is the way he is? and despite what my brain and low self esteem during hard times may tell me - i do not believe that anybody is truly "lazy". i just dont think that exists. there's always some reason behind a person being unmotivated or lazy. even the little things!
but like... that's just kinda obvious. all toons and cogs have motivations. thats like... one of the basics of writing characters. have motivations for characters and reasons for why they are how they are. doesnt have to be anything tragic, just.... how they are as people.
it's totally unrelated to the question of what cathal thought about seeing his dad like that... but oh well! i asked that because i made up my own story around that already, and i just wanted to see what someone working on the game thinks about the same idea.
not to be Tumblr User CathalBravecog, but, of course I have projected heavily onto cathal. i have already stated how important cathal is to me as a character, especially with appreciating myself when im.. not exactly the most motivated. when im not doing much. taught me to appreciate breaks. hell! i keep preaching this myself. its okay to take breaks! and yet i often end up not doing it and i overwork myself on games and art and other things.
there's... a lot of things "wrong" with me that i don't have names for yet, especially due to not having a diagnosis for them, but they're very real feelings and they cause me to be unable to do things a lot of the time. various mental blocks and a new member of the gang... physical pai! hooray.
this... endless productivity we are forced and expected to do. it can take a toll on you. breaks are just as necessary and to say it's a thing that has to be re-learned is... sickening. hooray for living in a Corporate (clash) society, fellas.
one thing i can say is that i absolutely headcanon that cathal has adhd - though, maybe not the same type i do. i do not think he gets randomly hyper and wants to (and does) jump around everywhere and blurt things out randomly and impulsively. cathal here has the low energy, yknow.
i like that a lot of the content around him doesnt even describe him with the words "lazy" and "sleepy" instead.
every day is the same... even if his job is relatively simple, just watching over the camera feed - it's definitely boring... and having to do it every day is not rewarding. and being mostly alone and without consequence, he gives into wanting to do something else. he's got these huge screens and a room to himself, and he loves watching shows and cartoons... so he's gonna do that. it's more fun. it's stimulating. and especially with his dad being the one to give him his position, he knows that he's got nothing to really worry about there.
i also think it's a bit hard to be motivated knowing that... this war between the cogs and toons is just. endless. hell, again, he has to see his dad *everyday* be attacked by them. his body damaged after the fall - only to be fixed again. rinse and repeat. i would too, find it pointless. especially if you're like cathal, since i pointed out before that he is very kind and caring towards the other cogs. he's also thoughtful, noting that yknow... a lot of stairs to get to his room.
why do all that when you can chill... and feel good. do something that feels nice...
i don't have any names for this, but with how sleepy he usually is, that's definitely a thing to consider too. and just, from experience... being tired and/or sleepy it... dismotivates you even more. its so hard to start tasks even if you *want* to do them. and considering cathal mooost likely doesn't want to do his work on his own - then these tasks can be just. impossible to start.
like, i have struggled with this my entire life myself, just because of my adhd screwing with everything, but after getting covid and most definitely getting a form of chronic exhaustion from it.. things have been even harder. i pull myself through day and i barely have the energy to even start anything. sometimes i dont even do anything all day and... woops! still no mood or energy to do anything. i just work on random bursts of motivation and things that captivate me...
not sure how it relates to cathal, but, hey, if im personal here ill ramble about it too because WOW it has been biting me in the ass and i need to speak to Professionals About It
like... i dont think hes being "lazy" willingly, yknow? theres a reason behind it. it definitely is just... being sleepy, the comfort... the fun and stimulation doing something fun he's interested in (his shows) are just... stronger desires and way easier for him to get to. why struggle through something when it takes up all your energy, and then you feel no reward for it? yeah. exactly. even just "not feeling like it" is a reson. "not having energy" is a reason. hey, are these things to get better about if needed? certainly. i wish i could get help with this, it would help me in my life so so much. but should it be seen as ENTIRELY negative and as being a "hinder to society". hell nah. and i think thats swag. cathal is swag he can do this, good for him lmaooo. my brain is deteriorating i apologize.
there was... another thing i wanted to say, but i forgot. so i'll move on.
but just... yeah. i dont think cathal is just lazy. i dont believe in "laziness". he's got reasons for why he prefers naps and just... watching tv instead of doing his work. perhaps he does want to do these things, but gave up on trying. its not worth the effort, it does not feel good. its not stimulating enough to keep him going.
#long#ramble#cathalposting#i...may delete this later i dont know. i both wanna talk to ppl i know about this#but also Do Not Percieve me. I am Afraid Of What People Think#Stay Back Foul Beasts !#alsoy eah i had other stuff to talk about...more on the negative side i guess but??? its. a bit difficult to#give and .. angstier things? negative thoughts? to a character who you see a lot of comfort in. they make you happy#they help you feel better about yourself. you want to see them happy. if theyre happy#youre happy. if theyre sad...well. you are sad. sadness is natural. its a real thing. it happens sometimes. its a part of life#and i have attached some of these things to cathal already. but a few things are hard for me to consider because of The Brain Worms.#i dont want to see him hurt either yknow.#anyways i hope you enjoyer my mental illness ramble. im not normal and you shouldve known that when you followed me#thank you for existing cathal ray toby braveswag#hey fun fact remember how i said i get tired of stuff myself easily well this whole thing made me tired. i was gonna#answer an ask but now im like. man. (melts into a puddle)#(doesnt take a break bc i need instant stimulation and makes things worse for myself)#do yall see why i like cathal so much now gamers?#ya. sorry this got personal. if any of you can handle reading this u deserve a reward.#and maybe i need to start talking about personal things this much. but whatever#this is my blog i can talk about anything and thats the COOL THING!#MWAHAHAHHAHAHA!#dies#ivegot a lot going on in my brain rn cant u tell
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springlock-suits · 1 year
"Who are the main characters?"
In my version of fnaf it's definitely William, as we follow him around the most during the story!
Previously I was really focused on Fredbear's Family Diner, and the origin to everything, because I love Fredbear's Family Diner
But while the diner is no doubt very fun to explore. I realized it's not what I really want from fnaf yknow?? I'm still trying to flesh the origins of everything out don't worry, but now I'm gonna TRY and be more focused on the fnaf 1 crew/the 90s location!
Maybe Fazbear Frights too, bc I love and adore Phone Dude
Maybe ill focus on the frights for the ballpit au, more than the "wouldn't it be cool if William wasn't evil and could interact with Phone Dude" that it currently is
"Main animatronics in your au?"
Definitely the classics! I'd say all the animatronics from the first 3 games are my priority here. as I'm trying to keep the 5 missing kids, the puppet and the purple guy the main focus of the story
Since it's mostly gonna be in the 90s location with a focus on the 5 missing kids, it's only natural the classics get the spotlight ^v^
I'm also gonna -try- and give the puppet more relevance! I need to figure out what I'm doing for the Fright's and if the story ends there to see what I want to do with her though
"Some info about the missing children?"
They all possess whatever their favorite animatronic was in life! William always gained the trust of his victims first so he knew which character they'd want to be
And, I've been refreshing my knowledge on some canon recently, and I really like how in the books the kids don't seem to know that William killed them, or that they're dead at all. They're just playing pretend with their bunny friend </3
So I'm tempted to add that! Bc it lets the kids be happy and devastates me
I can't give details on each individual yet, as I'm making up the cast and I've already posted about the foxy child. So all I know is Susie and Cassidy.
But hmm. Susie's dog possesses Carl the Cupcake
And Cassidy is different in my version. They can still be the most vengeful of the kids, but idk, I've never really liked how ucn characterized Cassidy. Being the "one you should not have killed" and forcing all the others to stay and torment William when they want to move on. I've never liked that
Trying to find a good balance between "the kids dont know they're dead and just think they're playing" and "the kids DO know they're dead and are incredibly vengeful and upset
Because like. I love BOTH ideas. But its ah, very hard to get them to both work at the same time. But I love them so much TWT
Decided to "redesign" the fnaf 1 location to make more sense to me as a pizza & arcade and as a functioning building
Accidentally made a distinct lack of places to put emergency exits for guests, which only adds to the authenticity as a Fazbear building I think
Animatronics can't see or enter the Saferoom or Entrance
Tumblr media
I am willing to take questions and criticisms bc I do want to make this the map of my version
Gameplay wise, I'm not sure if the connecting rooms and lack of dead ends makes this harder or easier to survive. I'm assuming harder
"Have you ever thought of the menus they would sell in your AU?"
A little bit!
I think different locations had different menus!
Like the Diner! I think it had a little bit of everything, in line with 'Diner' name. All homemade pizzas, burgers, fries, chicken, milkshakes. It takes a LONG wait for your order to be done but you can bet its gonna be the most delicious food you've ever had. There was also a salad bar added later on in the Diner's life. The diner had the most unique menu, as it wasn't really trying to be a pizza and arcade like establishment, they just happened to be similar
When Fazbear Entertainment bought the company, they quickly slashed the Diner's menu. To be far more cost efficient, and so the restaurant could be considered competition with other pizza and arcades around at the time.
So Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was alot more focused on pizza, and pizza related items! Having such things as breadsticks, cheese bread, nachos, chicken wings, dessert pizzas and so on! They kept the salad bar, but it wasn't as well maintained
I like to think one of the locations, maybe '87? Had a pizza buffet. And of course like most pizza buffets had pasta and salads as well
Do you think any of them ever sold alcohol? I think so. Not the Diner, but at least 1 Freddy's era HAD to have had beer. Pizza places loved to have beer
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beat Forspoken, and while I probably will write an in-depth review down the line cuz i have many thoughts, I'm just going to pointform my basic thoughts while it's still fresh.
Great designs all around, the Tantas look so breathtaking with their extravagant designs and yet it doesn't take away from their world, it fits just right in. Absolutely love it.
Good world building most questions i had were answered either through the main story or extra archive stuff. Nothing felt too weird yknow
Gameplay gameplay gameplay. The magic system is literally amazing. I dont think I've had this much fun fighting in an rpg in a long time. Theres so much fun variety so you can focus on whats comfortable for you while also looking sick as fuck. Have i mentioned how good the battle system is cuz i avoid playing mage in every game because its such a slog but here its so fast paced and hits hard. Perfect for me.
The music is soooo good, I love the main theme and find myself humming it literally all the time.
Great graphics but maybe a lil too many particle effects but otherwise really pretty.
The story is technically a pro. Like its good, not bad, not great, just good. Basically something you'd find in the YA Fantasy section, thats the kinda quality it was. Which isn't a insult I did enjoy the story and characters. It just needed polish, fix up the dialogue and trim some of the story fat and i wouldn't have any complaints tbh. Probably would do better as a book series tho ngl, not sure what game format would have saved it.
Shoutout to the accessibility options. I'm glad more games are including these. I'll never understand complaints about them though, like just dont use them if you dont want/need to thats it.
ALMOST FORGOT THE COOLEST THING. THE NAILS. I'm sorry but the idea of using nail art to inscribe magic runes to give you buffs is the coolest fucking idea ever, why has this concept not been used till now. We always see rune tatoos or written on gear and stuff im fantasy media but this is such a neat ideaaaa and im forever thankful for it. Her capes are cool too I guess, with there was more variety rather than recolors tho. Kinda wish we could also get different outfits for her tho. Those jeans probably chafe.
THE OPEN WORLD IS SO BIG FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. I honestly wish this wasn't an open world game tbh, its so unnecessary. Halfway through the game, i got so frustrated and ignored everything that wasn't story points cuz getting everywhere takes so damn long, especially early on when you dont have fancy parkour or stamina. Easily its biggest fault for me.
I understand they thought it'd do way better than what happened but planning out a story as a trilogy in the gaming industry is not a smart move. I've yet to play the dlc so idk if we get closure but the loose ends werent a great way for the game to end.
Oh, the dialogue. Its easily one of the gamest weakest points. Like the type of dialogue i was writing in my original stories when i was 13 (not that ive gotten any better tbh). Basically, it's not what you expect from such a vaunted company. Frey is great when shes excited or angry, which is most of the time, but occasionally, they'll hit me with the cheesiest line I've heard in years, and idk how to handle it. Like the stuff she says in the final chapter is honestly so robotic, there is no natural flow present. Which is a pity cuz the actress was killing it tbh, like she definitely carried the lines with her emotion. Unfortunately, it couldn't save them. Like if it was something they dropped on ps3 or wii, it honestly would have done fine. What i mean to say is the dialogue is very outdated in this age of gaming. im actually surprised how out of touch it feels. Especially since otherwise its a solid game all around. Regarding Cuff and Frey banter you do have the option to make it less frequent or just turn it off but i never really found them annoying regardless.
Maybe its just me but the control scheme feels so weird, the games makes you feel like you should be gliding most of the time but holding O while spaming all those trigger buttons feels so awkward to me. But then again I also didnt care enough to change the control scheme so.
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