#yolo let's attack valinor!
sauronnaise · 2 years
—Eru Ilúvatar, whenever something happens.
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thegreatstrongbow · 7 years
All the silm questions. Yolo
1. What’s your favourite Noldor? Finarfin. No contest. I love my blond son.
2. What’s your favourite elf (can be Noldor or not)? Beleg, naturally. I do love a lot of elves though
3. What’s your favourite dwarf? Gimli, I love him so much? What a dude. He counts because I said so.
4. What’s your favourite Valar? Nienna!
5. What’s your favourite man of the First Age? Haleth or Túrin, I can’t pick
6. Would you have followed Fëanor? Nope
7. Glaurung or Ancalagon? Well, it depends what for. Ancalagon probably has more destructive power but Glaurung has the brains. Depends if I just wanna crush the city or if I wanna ruin the city.
8. What’s your favourite character of the book? (You CAN’T cheat like me, it must be JUST ONE) I love all of them so much but I gotta say Beleg. 
9. Discuss Maeglin’s actions and motives. Ah, Maeglin, the poor thing. You gotta feel sorry for him, you know? His mum dies, his dad’s an arse (and dead) and no doubt he felt like an outsider in Gondolin. I don’t blame him for giving into Melkor, but I think the best thing to do was to tell people what was coming once he got back. He could have saved a lot of lives - including his own.
10. Which King of Númenor is your favourite? ngl, I don’t know much about them so I’m gonna play safe and say Elros. 
11. Do you agree with the way the Valar dealt with Middle-earth? Well, in their defense, when they did go to war in Middle-Earth personally, it caused a lot of damage. They could have been more clear with their advice/plans though.
12. Doriath or Nargothrond? Doriath!
13. A character you don’t like and why. I don’t actually dislike any characters, I’m just kinda meh on some I guess
14. What’s your favourite Maiar? Gandalf! He knows his shit. And he totally counts as Silmarillion okay.
15. Would you trust Ossë? You can’t trust anyone. 
16. What do you think of Fingolfin going to attack Melkor? One of the biggest bad ideas in the book, tbh.
17. You are Fëanor and YOU HAVE the silmarils (Melkor didn’t take it). Would you give them to Yavanna save the two trees and bring light to Valinor again?  I would, but I really like trees and I’m probably a little biased.
18. What do you think Eru meant by “And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.”? I don’t know what he meant exactly but he knew 100% what he was doing when he let Melky loose on the world. 
19. Who do you think had the worse destiny: Húrin or Túrin? Túrin! Even though Húrin had to watch it all happen, he got to have a life before the curse where everything was at least kind of happy and hopeful. Poor Túrin never really had that chance.
20. If you could be a character from the book which one would you choose? None of them. Who do you think I am? They all have horrible lives. But maybe Findis if I had to pick. That’s not quite so bad.
21. What do you think of Melkor considering all since the song? What a dude. He’s evil, you have to admire his determination to be evil.
22. If you could marry one of Fëanor’s sons which one would you choose? Celegorm. We can have a hundred puppies instead of kids.
23. What do you think of Eöl? He’s an interesting character, but a right arsehole. 0/10 would not be friends with.
24. Why do you think that the race of men are the only one that never went to Valinor besides the orcs? I imagine Men reproduce faster than elves, so maybe they’d run out of space. Maybe the final resting place of Men is cooler than Valinor. Maybe the Valar are jerks. Who knows.
25. What’s your favourite Age? First Age for sure. Gotta love the drama
26. Imagine Sauron falls in love with you but you love Melkor who loves no one (seriously that little shit). What do you do? Marry Sauron for power and seduce Melkor. Obviously.
27. What do you think it was the most evil deed of Melkor? I dunno man, he did so much shit that I can’t even remember rn.
28. Would you prefer to fight against Gothmog (the balrog of course) or Glaurung? Gothmog. 
29. If you were an elf in Midlle-earth after the War of Wrath would you sail immediately to Valinor or wait a little more in Middle-earth? I’d say in Middle-Earth it’s cooler there.
30. What do you think of the fact that Tolkien created in 360-ish pages something so perfect and complex? What a nerd. Thanks
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