yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
0:21 我あか゚名なヌやむチどぅない居ぶる、小孊校幎生
0:25 くたや同志どぅちぬカむリずぅうずぅずぅぬセン
0:29 䜕時いちん䞀緒たどぅん遊あんび居ぶん。
0:32 今日すヌや祖玍村ずぅたいむらに居ぶるむチや、䜕時いちん䞎那囜島どぅなんちたに䜕様ぬヌんにぬ暮くらしき居ぶんでぃ䞀日ひずぅいたみ居ぶんどヌ。
0:49 早朝ずぅむおぃ時でぃに起うぎ居ぶんどヌ。未たでぃ眠にんたんすや。
0:58 早朝ずぅむおぃかなでぃいる事くずぅやラゞオ䜓操。
1:01 䞎那囜物蚀どぅなんむぬいし蚀んでぃ぀るように習ならい居ぶん。
1:23 んヌあたおぃ目みヌ芚さたん。
1:28 顔っちら掗あらいおぃ、早朝ずぅむおぃぬ埡飯いヌ食ふん
1:43 其うぬ埌あずぅや、んヌちみ歯はヌ磚みがきるん。
1:46 あさずぅあぶんき挚拶あいさおぃきおぃがら、孊校がっくんき行ひるん。
1:52 孊校がっくんき行ひるんどヌ。
2:00 くみぬ早朝ずぅむおぃや、諞むヌるしラゞオ䜓操きるんどヌ。䞎那囜物蚀どぅなんむぬいしゆ。
2:22 孊校がっく終うわいおぃ、宿題きるん。
2:26 其うぬ埌あずぅや習ならい事ぐずぅ。氎曜日や空手からおぃ。
2:37 りクレレ習ならい居ぶん。
2:45 䌑だちみぬ日っちヌや、ひびだずぅ遊あんび。
2:51 チャンバラぬ竹だぎゃ遊あんび居ぶん。
2:56 倧人うぶっずぅがら習ならいおぃ、笛ふいばぎん吹っおぃ知っ぀ん。
3:13 あさ、あぶがら習ならい居ぶる䞎那囜物蚀どぅなんむぬいやあらヌぐたち。
3:33 䞎那囜物蚀どぅなんむぬい末たびん䞊等どぅヌでぃない欲ぶさん。
3:39 倜どぅる時でぃに、たんぐるどぅさび埡飯いヌ食はいおぃ、湯颚呂どぅふるはやいおぃ、時でぃに眠にんどぅん。
3:52 明日あったや䜕ぬヌきおぃ、遊あんぶかや憩どぅぐいわり
3:59 あらヌぐ面癜うむっ぀ぁる䞀日ひっずぅいあったえヌ。むチ、たヌしくたみ取ずぅらし誇ふがらさゆ。たいふなあがみいた、又たた明日あったがら意地いでぃ出んでぃりゆ。
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uchinaaguchiblog · 3 years
This podcast episode features Yaeyama language researcher Madoka Hammine talking about language attitudes in her own community. She talks about how sad she feels that her own community devalues their own heritage language, and the emotional fulfillment she gets when she is able to find people willing to speak to her in their heritage language. She also talks about the difference between her community's reaction to researchers from inside their community versus those from outside. Very interesting and worth checking out!
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
Wikipedia for Yonaguni
🌹Wikimedia Incubator is where new language version of Wikipedia is made.
If you know Yonaguni language, you are strongly encouraged to edit or create new articles.
劂果䜠 / 劳通曉與那國語歡迎䟆線茯。
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
䞎那囜語蟞兞 - Yonaguni dictionary
✅蟞兞ぬ第二版2003や、倧和蚀葉 - 䞎那囜物蚀。
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
今日ぬ蚀葉ニュヌス - News in Yonaguni language (Dunan language)
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欧矅巎ぬ囜んたにや、月がら匷る暑続き、月日倫敊にや今幎ぬ䞀番高る気枩32 °C曞おぃ留みたん。
🌞英國氣象局前倩 (11日) 衚瀺埞呚五開始會再次出珟䞀波熱浪。
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
Temporal adverbs in Yonaguni - A complete guide
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*This is the updated version from the previous one.
 Telling time (temporal adverbs) is one of the essential conversation skills. 
In Yonaguni, there are some adverbs that have alternative forms, which learners may need to take note of.
1) 䞃日なんかcan be written as 䞀週間, which is a loanword and kun’yomi reading from Standard Japanese.
2) According to 䞎那囜こずば蟞兞, 四日日どぅがおぃis the same as 四日どぅヌが, meaning two days after tomorrow.
3) Similar to 䞃日, 四日なおぃどぅがなおぃis sometimes written in a Japanese manner, 䞀昚昚日.
4) 䞀昚日 can be written as 昚日䞀昚日んぬぶずぅおぃ.
5) According to どぅなんむぬい蟞兞, 明埌日あさおぃis the same as 四日ぬ日どぅがぬおぃ. All sources I have point out that 明埌日 is a much more common word choice.
6) 日ぬ数っちぬかヌでぃ, meaning every day, can be used interchangeably with 日々っちヌどぅ/おぃヌどぅand 毎日たいにち.
7) Another common adverb that is not included in the infographic is 明日明埌日あたさおぃ, meaning in the near future (lit. tomorrow or the day after tomorrow). As you may have noticed, this word is the contracted form of 明日あったand 明埌日あさおぃ.
8) For days of the week, the pronunciations are almost identical to Standard Japanese. In terms of spelling, 曜日 ようびis usually spelled 曜日よヌびin Yonaguni.
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yonagunilanguageblog · 2 years
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
🌺「 県道」や䞎那囜物蚀し「倧道」んでぃ蚀だり居ん。
🌹"県道" is called “倧道" in Dunan.
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
Yonaguni writing system
アンカ゜ナダミャヌラドゥナむブル。(full Katakana)
あんか゜なやみゃヌらどぅないぶる。(full Hiragana)
我んか゜名や宮良どぅないぶる。 (Hiragana mixed with Kanji)
aNŋa naja mja:ra dunaiburu. (Latin alphabet/Romanization)
There are currently 4 known ways of writing Yonaguni.
Ryukyuan languages are rarely written partially due to Japan’s post-war language policy.
Ryukyuan languages consist of many local varients. Every island of the archipelago has its own language, and every language has different dialects.
Japanese Katakana was introduced to Ryukyuans well before the Ryukyu Kingdom was annexed by the Empire of Japan. Kanji on the other hand were, at that time, not used to document any Ryukyuan language.
As the archipelago Japanized before WWII, some Ryukyuans adopted Japanese Kanji into their languages. Some Kanji are pronounced using  kun-yomi reading (meaning that the pronunciation of the vary word does not reflect upon the original pronunciation from Chinese).
Some words may be represented by many Kanji. For example, the word for “I” can be written as “我”, ”俺”, or ”私”. 
Since there are currently no dictionaries for Yonaguni Kanji, I am compiling one on my own based on a book called “Yonaguni Folklore” published in 1983.
Modern Ryukyuan languages lack standard orthographies, and the most common way to write these languages is by using full Katakana or Hiragana. However, most linguists would suggest that we use Romanization, a method that could document Ryukyuan phonology with precision.
This blog is dedicated to either full Hiragana or Hiragana-Kanji writing.
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
たいはんぬ地理 - 臺灣地理 - Geography of Taiwan
・䜍眮ずぅ地圢 - 䜍眮與地圢 - Location and topography
🌺台湟やナヌラシア倧陞ぬ東にあい、地球ぬ䞊にや北半球ぬ䞭皋に浮たいおぃ、倧海ぬ地震ぬ垯ぬ䞊にあん。 台湟ぬ囜土ぬ䞉䞀分や山どぅない居る。島ぬ真ん䞭ぬ山䞊みや「䞭倮山脈」んでぃ蚀りおぃ、䞀番高る山や玉山、高ぎや3952mあん。
(舊字體: 臺灣やナヌラシア倧陞ぬ東にあい、地球ぬ䞊にや北半球ぬ䞭皋に浮たいおぃ、倧海ぬ地震ぬ垶ぬ䞊にあん。 臺灣ぬ國土ぬ䞉䞀分や山どぅない居る。島ぬ眞ん䞭ぬ山竝みや「䞭倮山脈」んでぃ蚀りおぃ、䞀番高る山や玉山、高ぎや3952mあん。)
🌹Taiwan is located in East Asia. Its position on Earth is in the northern hemisphere on the Pacific "Ring of Fire". Two-thirds of Taiwan's lands are mountainous areas. The principle mountain range on Taiwan is the Central Mountain Range, with Yushan being the highest peak at 3,952 meters above sea level.
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・䞊月 - 氣候 - Climate
(舊字體: 臺灣や幎がら幎どぅ暑る所んでぃ蚀りるん。)
🌹Taiwan is generally a warm place.
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(舊字體: 島や南北に现どぅあるがら、北臺灣や亞熱垶にどぅ、南臺灣や熱垶にどぅある。臺灣には節ちあか゚、歀處䜕時んっぎみんたいどぅ居る。季節颚ぬ圱響ぬ爲に、倏や臺灣海峜ぬ偎に、冬や倪平掋ぬ偎に降氎量か゚どぅ增加きるどヌ。)
🌹Since the island is elongated from south to north, Northern Taiwan is classified as subtropics, while Southern Taiwan belongs to tropics. Seasons are divided, but it is generally humid all year round. Thanks to the impact of monsoon, Western Taiwan receives more rainfall during summer whereas Eastern Taiwan often enjoys a rainy winter.
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(舊字體: 䞀般に冬むし月や正月䞀ちがら六月迄、寅ぬ方颚たんふぃらし、倧變冷どぅ。)
🌹The cool season spans from January to June, with monsoon influence.
🌺唐ぬ島がら倧冷る蟌か゚来たるゆんがら、平成28幎ぬ冬や倧倉冷たんすやヌ。玉山ぬ山ぬ頂䞊や正月䞀ち二十五日に最䜎ぬ-4 ℃迄気枩か゚䞋か゚いおぃ、其ぬ時ん台北垂にどぅおぃ降たんどヌ。
(舊字體: 唐ぬ島がら倧冷る蟌か゚䟆たるゆんがら、平成28幎ぬ冬や倧變冷たんすやヌ。玉山ぬ山ぬ頂䞊や正月䞀ち二十五日に最䜎ぬ-4 ℃迄氣溫か゚䞋か゚いおぃ、其ぬ時ん臺北垂にどぅおぃ降たんどヌ。)
🌹 Winter of 2016 was anomaly cold due to cold waves from North Pole. Temperature on top of Yushan dropped to -4 ℃ on 25th of January, and Taipei city also reveived snowfall on the same day. 
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(舊字體: うるでぃんや雚ぬ節どぅ、すヌすどぅ雚降おぃ、気枩か゚日どぅ暑さぐ成るん。)
🌹Plum rain season of East Asia usually starts in late Spring, when it gets warmer day by day.
🌹The island experiences hot weather from June to November.
🌹Typhoon season is usually July to November.
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・地方区分 - 行政區劃 - Administrative Divisions
(舊字體: 我達ぬ島にや、6ぬ盎蜄垂ずぅ3ぬ垂ずぅ13ぬ瞣か゚どぅあいどぅ居おぃ、倧さる五ぬ所んき別り居ん。)
🌹There are 6 special municipalities, 3 cities, and 13 counties in Taiwan, and can all be divided into 5 regions.
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yonagunilanguageblog · 3 years
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