#you know when a cat smells another cat then start to aggressively groom said cat. thats shade
hyper-cryptic · 9 months
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Do u know when wolves do THAT face when another wolf snaps at them. okay now do u understand why Shade's cringefailing
(Warning, ooc. This is an AU.)
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 36
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“So what is it you call them again?” Talltail’s eyes narrowed skeptically.
“They’re called cars, so I’ve been told.” Jake replied. 
They were crouched a fox-length away from a bright red shiny monster sitting quietly in front of a twoleg den.
“Is it dead?” Talltail asked, instinctively keeping his voice quiet as if he half expected the thing to roar to life any moment.
“I don’t even think they’re alive. At least, it certainly doesn’t smell alive. All I know is when housefolk gets inside one, they start moving”
“Hm.” Talltail kicked a small pebble at it. Nothing. Jake was right about that, they certainly didn’t smell like any living thing. “And what about the lights in their eyes? It’s not fire, but there are lights like that all over the twoleg places.”
“I dunno, housefolk are just good at making light that isn’t hot I guess. Between us, I think their eyesight in the dark is awful.”
“So you don’t even know how twolegs make the things they do?”
“Not really,” Jake shrugged. “But do you understand exactly how plants grow or how birds can fly?”
“Well...no, they just do. I suppose...you sort of have a point.” Talltail admitted. “But I still don’t trust these things. They sound like monsters to me. Let’s keep going, I don’t like looking at it’s eyes, even if they aren’t alive.”
They walked through gardens, keeping to the grass and sparse trees alongside the hard stone Thunderpaths and trails. As the dusky sky turned to a pale gray dawn, they saw twolegs every so often, and many of them paused to look at the two cats walking side by side. Talltail didn’t like going past them, but after narrowly escaping another aggressive group of strays, and a lost dog, Jake eventually convinced Talltail that twolegs were the lesser of the two evils. So, daylight travel it was.
“Just don’t make eye contact,” Jake said. “They’re slow, so even if they want to pet us, we can just run and they’ll give up.”
“They just try petting every animal that walks by!?” Talltail hissed.
“Well some of them, if they can.”
Talltail snorted. The absolute arrogance of assuming that because a couple cats liked them, that meant every cat wanted to be their friend. I don’t try to groom every cat I walk by because that would be weird, Talltail thought with an irritated twitch of his tail. But he was quickly finding most twolegs weren’t necessarily the ruthless predators he’d imagined them to be in his youth. They were, however, incredibly annoying.
But on the brighter side, he’d found that he really had started to get used to the sounds of the town, even though it was still overwhelming. They had to duck behind a house every now and again when a particularly loud string of monsters passed.
“We’re almost there,” Jake assured him. “I’m...mostly sure of it. When we were on the roof, I got a better idea of where we were. The alley cats chased us in the wrong direction, but we should be able to get there without crossing anyone's territory.”
After only a couple more turns down the stone path, Jake raised his tail. “Ah! There it is!” he exclaimed. “See those tall trees up ahead? I’m sure that’s where the park is.”
“Is this ‘park’ actually...safe?” Talltail asked as they grew closer. In the distance, he knew the pines that bordered ShadowClan’s territory were close. There was a ring of twoleg dens blocking it, but such a forested area would surely house prey to some cat.
“Well, twolegs walk through it with their dogs, but they have them on leashes. Don’t worry, I know not all dogs are like Dusty. I won’t make you get slobbered by any more of them,” Jake added quickly when he saw Talltail’s alarm.
“I appreciate that,” Talltail said with a shudder.
The park was a large area with sparse patches of woods and bushes surrounded by large grassy fields. Not the fields Talltail was used to, but very short soft grass that would be impossible to hide in, and most of it stank of stale dog scent. Talltail thought he would be able to relax once they’d reached a more natural familiar area, but even this place felt very...off compared to the woodland and fields he knew. Like the plants and trees were all too...neat.
“Well, it’s still better than the town,” Talltail sighed. “But where to start looking…”
“What exactly are you planning on doing when you find them?” Jake asked with a sideways glance.
“Uh...” Talltail paused. He hadn’t been thinking of it in detail, he’d just been repeatedly telling himself that he’d figure it out when he got there. “I’ll... figure it out when I get there?” he said.
“You don’t want to fight all of them do you?” Jake’s eyes were round with concern.
“No, of course not.” Talltail for the first time felt a stab of guilt for the visitors when he thought of Mole, Reena, and her parents. They had been so kind. Reena had even been his friend for a while. They wouldn’t think so kindly of him after this, but their feelings couldn’t be at the front of his mind. They were protecting a bad cat. Sparrow didn’t even care about the others as much as Hen, he’d practically said so himself. If Talltail could just get Sparrow away from the others somehow, they wouldn’t have to get involved at all.
While he was thinking, Jake had gotten distracted and was looking up at a massive oak tree with long hanging branches splaying out. He had an eager light in his eyes, like a kit hunting a drifting feather.
“We could…get higher? Maybe if we got high up we could see if there are any cats around, or even the pond we’re looking for. I bet you could see the whole area from up there, and the branches are low enough to jump to.”
Talltail looked doubtfully up at the tree. WindClan had keener eyes than most cats, but his nose was still better for searching. Maybe Jake had other motives.
But It’s not as if we’re running out of time. If they’ve hung around for this long, they’ll hang around longer… Talltail thought. He shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
Jake looked back at him, “You don’t think it’s too dangerous?”
“Well...maybe it’s risky, but less dangerous than what we’ve already done. It’s not as if I’ll let you fall.”
Jake’s plumy red tail flicked high, his vibrant eyes glowing with a mischievous excitement. “Bet I can get up it faster."
With that, he crouched and leapt, hooking his claws into the lowest branch and hoisting himself all the way up with an agility Talltail hadn’t expected from such a stocky cat. Talltail bunched his muscles and jumped up after him, and his paws touched the branch without requiring him to scramble the rest of the way. Keeping his momentum, he jumped again to the next nearest branch up.
He got so caught up in the challenge, Talltail was almost on the fourth branch before he remembered he’d never actually climbed a tall tree in his entire life. He made the mistake of looking down, and the ground below felt dizzyingly far, even though it didn’t feel like he’d gone very high.
“What’s wrong? I’ll be napping at the top before you get there!” Jake called. Great StarClan, how had he gotten three branches above him? 
Talltail looked up. “You know uh...there’s not really many trees like this on the moor.”
“Then this’ll be good practice! Every cat should know how to climb trees!”
“What am I, ThunderClan?” Talltail grumbled. Staring up while newly aware of the drop below him, he felt significantly less confident with his leaps. “Er, Jake?”
“How did you get up there exactly?”
“Alright, yes, but be more specific.”
“You’re half way up! How did you get to where you are?” the ginger tom flashed him a cheeky grin.
“Dumb luck? I don’t trust my paws! Can’t you tell me where you put yours?”
“Well, I trust your paws, and you should too! Just keep your eyes on where you want to be.”
Swallowing his doubt, Talltail balanced himself with his tail and found it a reliable weight as ever as he leapt. Jake stopped past the halfway point up the massive tree. The branches were separated enough that they could see the whole area around them, but too thin to climb further. For a moment Talltail could almost pretend he wasn’t surrounded on all sides by twolegs with their bizarre dens and contraptions. The call of alarmed birds disturbed from their perching was a welcome sound blocking out the distant rumble of crossing Thunderpaths. He had learned his lesson about looking down and carefully lay himself on the branch to catch his breath. 
Jake lay across from him, and looked thoughtfully at Talltail’s paws. “Huh,” he said, “I didn’t expect you to have duller claws than me.” He flexed his small needle sharp claws and scraped them on the branch. 
“They’re not as sharp, but they're a lot sturdier.” Talltail flexed a paw. “And those wounds are harder to close,” he added with a wink.
But it was true his claws didn’t hook into the bark as deep as he would like. He usually only needed them to grip soft earth while running, or digging.
“How high up do you think a cat can jump from without getting hurt?” Jake asked abruptly, gazing below at the dizzying drop with an amused twitch of his whiskers. He looked like he was enjoying himself somehow.
Talltail glared at him. “Do not ask me that right now.”
Jake snorted with laughter which petered into a quiet purr of contentment as the sun dripped through the branches and danced over his fur. He really did have the brightest orange pelt Talltail had ever seen. The sun caught the ginger and it glowed like the warm fire Jake’s twoleg kept in their home, the vivid stripes swirling along his tufted flanks broken up where the fur was longest. Talltail had never spent so much time trying to memorize all the details of a cat's face. It was odd, the little leap of happiness he felt fluttering around in his heart. Sometimes he caught his breath and it skipped in a way he couldn’t recall ever feeling before when looking at a cat. That’s...weird. Am I getting sick?
He scarcely realized he was staring when he noticed Jake was also looking intently at his face as well. 
Talltail blinked at him. “What is it?”
Jake stretched out and touched his nose to Talltail’s cheek. “Thanks for humoring me. I’m glad you’ve let me come with you this long,” he purred.
“I wouldn’t say I’m humoring you, I wouldn’t even have gotten here without you,” Talltail replied. His ears twitched as he tried to hide the fur prickling on the nape of his neck and the warm blush rushing under his pelt from the unexpected touch. What in StarClan is wrong with me? I think the height is making me light headed.
“I mean with this climb,” Jake laughed. “My friends would have said it was fluff-brained or dangerous and told me to stop messing around. Not that I blame them, we are really high up.”
“Don’t remind me,” Talltail gulped. “I just want to enjoy the view and pretend the ground is nearby. Don’t you have friends who do this with you?”
“They’ll come on long walks with me. I like Quince and Nutmeg, but they don’t always understand me. Sometimes I just feel...this pull to do something different, like in my gut, and I have to do it. Like I see a faraway place from my roof and I think ‘what does everything look like from there?’ And I so desperately want to go there and see.”
Talltail nodded, his whiskers twitching in amusement. It was similar to that excitable longing to dash to the horizon he felt when he was young. It had been a long time since he’d dwelled on it.
Jake continued, “I can’t live my whole life every day eating, sleeping, grooming, even though I like it. I feel like...there’s something else out there, and I’ll be restless until I find out what it is. That’s why I was so glad to meet you again... I love my friends and neighbors, well-- most of them, Tyr can get stuffed. But sometimes I worry I’m annoying them with my fancies.”
Talltail blinked at Jake in surprise. “I can’t imagine any cat finding you annoying.”
Jake snorted. “Oh Talltail, you haven’t been around me long enough! Driving cats up the walls is a talent of mine.”
“Well you’ve certainly driven me up a tree, so there’s that. No other cat would be able to do that.” Talltail rested his chin on his paws. The sun felt so nice warming the dark fur on his back, he’d forgotten all about scanning the area for other cats. 
Jake stretched and inched his forepaws on either side of Talltail. “I’m glad I know you,” he purred.
Talltail was a little caught off guard. “Thanks.” 
“You’re welcome.”
“Well…. I’m...glad I know you too?” 
They sat there in the branches passively grooming each other's ears, and Talltail listened to the breeze whisk through his fur. It wasn’t the familiar winds he grew up with, but he swore he could almost smell the moor carried on them from far away. Before the homesickness could creep up on him again, Jake yawned and stretched.
“Ok, we’ve stalled long enough, we should probably get down now.”
“Right, erm, down.” Talltail still wasn’t brave enough to look.
“Don’t worry, it’s not as if I’ll let you fall. Promise.” Jake winked.
“Are you going to catch me?” Talltail snorted. “I probably weigh as much as you do.”
“I could carry you if I had to! It’s not all fluff under here.”
 Talltail was still doubtful of that, but Jake’s confidence in the whole situation was at least easing his nerves a little.
“I climb trees like this all the time, it’s much easier than it looks. Surely you won’t have too much trouble balancing with that tail of yours.”
Talltail swayed on his paws as he, unfortunately, finally glanced down at the dizzying drop through the branches. Oh stars… He kept his eyes firmly on Jake’s tail and paws, one branch at a time, flinching with each tentative jump, but after some coaxing and at least one instance of Jake grabbing his scruff to steady them, Talltail at last landed down onto safe grass again. He still trembled a bit even as he flexed his claws into the soft earth 
“See, that wasn’t so bad!” Jake chirped.
“Says you, I can't believe you put yourself through that all the time.”
“The height is kind of a rush though, isn’t it?”
“If by rush, you mean vividly imagining the air rushing by me as I plummet to my death? Then yes, absolutely.”
“Aw I bet you could climb all sorts of things if you set your mind to it!” Jake grinned at him.
“I prefer to use my tail for steering my turns,” Talltail retorted. “WindClan are not the climbers of the forest. An old clanmate of mine, Aspenfall, took to climbing better than the rest of us, but he was still pretty bad at it.”
“You really do all have such funny names don’t you?” Jake replied. “Who else is there?”
“What, in my whole clan? well...my mentor was called Dawnstripe. I’m sure I’ve told you about Briarpaw, he’s the one training to be a medicine cat. I had a friend called Ryewhisker as well, and Fawnleap and Lilywhisker...” He listed off several more names as Jake stared. Talltail of course still knew everyone by heart.
“That’s so many cats, how do you keep track of them all?”
“That’s not even half of them! They’re your family, of course you come to know them over time.” He remembered how overwhelmed he had been as a kit, trying to learn the names of all his clanmates. They had been so patient with him.
“So how do you get your names anyhow?” Jake asked. “I heard a rumor your get a cool name when you killed your first enemy”
Talltail purred in laughter. “No, not quite. Our names are much more than that. They’re special to us, you get it when you’ve completed your training and officially become a warrior. No murder required. The first name given to you by your parents represents your roots. Your parents give you your colors and physical traits, so them choosing your first name is to honor them and the life you’ve been given. It’s usually a name referencing something from the world around us, to represent our connection to the area we are born in. Our territory is part of us after all, as important as our clanmates. It’s where you’ll spend your whole life.” Well...it’s where you’re supposed to spend your whole life, he thought with a twinge of guilt.
Jake nodded, “That's simple enough. What about the last part?”
“That’s the important part. It represents a small part of the warrior you become, what you're best known for. Some are more abstract than others. Your mentor, the leader, and the medicine cat discuss with each other about your progress over the course of your training to decide what name you're called to have.”
“That’s so cool! My name doesn’t mean anything, I wish I could earn a cool badge like that. But...What about you? Your first name is Tall, that’s not really a thing like the other names you told me.”
Talltail nodded. “My name is old. In the early times of the clans, you had no name at all until you proved you could survive to adulthood. Back then, if you got a name, it always referenced the most noticeable physical trait about you rather than anything else, so cats could tell you apart on sight. Except for the legendary warriors of course, who were named for their renowned feats, but most cats couldn’t hope to be that special. There was only one meaning to their names, rather than two separate meanings. So my name was planned ahead, a traditional one to honor the cats that survived in those hard times. That’s why my father chose it for me. I guess my tail was freakishly long back then too.” 
“You didn’t get to earn a last name yourself? That doesn’t seem as fun.” Jake said.
“It’s not all about fun! Besides, no name can perfectly represent everything about you. Getting a warrior name is always an honor regardless of what it is. Besides, it is pretty notable isn’t it?” he purred, wapping Jake with his tail for good measure.
Jake sneezed as the fur tickled his nose. “Yeah, I could see you from a mile away with that thing.”
After a bit more aimless wandering, they finally paused for a moment to rest. Jake rolled in the grass, getting burs and twigs and grass shreds stuck in his tufty orange pelt. He looked a bit like a hedgehog.
“You're going to end up dragging the whole park along with you if you keep that up,” Talltail chuckled. 
“Maybe I want to take some back with me. Also I like smelling like grass! It’s nice. You always smell like moor grass.”
Talltail didn’t know how that could be. It had been so long since he’d been home, the moor couldn’t possibly still be sticking to him. But maybe it was harder to get rid of than he thought. 
Jake interrupted his thoughts again. “What would my name be if I was in a clan?”
Talltail snorted. “Your name? I have no idea, it’s not something you can just slap on a cat!”
“Well how do cats who join the clan get named? Does that ever happen?”
“We’ve never had an outsider join in my time but...I think the leader chooses? Even then, I can’t possibly imagine what skills you would prove over the course of training.”
“Well let’s say you’re leader, what would you call me? Just if you had to guess?”
Talltail hummed in thought, looking Jake over as he beamed back at him patiently. He had the goofiest gleeful look on his face, Talltail stifled a purr “Oh I don’t know...Perhaps Flameface.”
Jake laughed at that. “Flameface? That’s a name? That sounds so silly!”
“It’s not silly at all! It’s a perfectly fine name. No sillier than Jake, your name is nonsense! It sounds like the noise you make when you hack up a furball. It only sounds silly to you because you don’t know what it means.”
“Ok, ok that’s fair. What’s it mean?”
“Flame is pretty self explanatory. You are the brightest orange cat I’ve ever seen. And I guess I associate it with you now because your twoleg’s den was the first place I ever saw real fire.”
“I like ‘Flame.’ That part’s cool. But...what, does my face look like it’s on fire?”
“No, no it’s not always that literal. Well, maybe it is a little. Some names are for cats who are good at many different things, but master of nothing in particular.”
“What? I could be a master at something!”
“It’s not a bad thing at all!” Talltail purred. “In fact, those are some of the most reliable cats. ‘Face’ is just a variation on referencing your appearance. I think it’s often given to cats who are thought to be particularly attractive in some way or another. I can’t remember what the idea was exactly. Like their face draws attention or...lights up the area? Metaphorically of course. It’s a little sappy.”
“Ohhh...” Jake was silent for a moment in thought. “You think I’m attractive?”
“Wow, no cats ever called me that before!”
Talltail’s pelt felt hot as he sat up. “Y-you’re thinking too hard about it, I’m trying to be objective. I only thought of it because--I just mean you’re distracting. But...In a good way.”
“I’m distracting?”
“Well, I don’t mean--I meant like, eye-catching, because of--have you looked at yourself when the sunlight hits your fur? It--No, oh for StarClan’s sake, hold on, I’m explaining this poorly. Stop looking at me like that, the point is that’s the closest guess I can manage. It might not be accurate.”
Jake grinned up at him, “I like that name.”
“...Good. It’s past sunhigh now, so we should start looking,” Talltail mewed quickly, already to his feet, hoping his fur wasn’t noticeably bristling in embarrassment. 
Jake trotted after him, his tail held up high. “So, what would your name be if you earned a normal one, do you think?” he asked, a new note of amusement in his voice that Talltail was trying very hard to ignore.
“I don’t know, Jake.”
“‘Cause I think you could be a ‘face’ cat too, you’re the most distracting thing I've ever seen in my life”
“We are burning daylight here, Jake.”
“Ok, but think about it.”
Talltail would probably think about it for the rest of the day, thanks.
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runningwitches · 4 years
An Unlikely Pair (Kiba Inuzuka x Reader) pt.3 (final)
Summary: Kiba secretly likes the reader, which isn’t great because they can’t stand him and definitely do not like him back. No seriously guys there’s definitely no way the reader likes him back that’s absurd.
Word Count: 1.2k
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“That’s it!” Kiba remarks, a bit too loudly for your taste, while Akamaru lets out a small “boof.” 
“Hm?” You look at them curiously. Another two hours had passed wandering aimlessly in the forest in the vague direction you had seen your teammates leave in. The sun would set soon, you were starting to get hungry, and honestly, you were thinking of giving up. Of course you would never admit that. You were way cooler, smarter, and better than the dog boy your sensei teamed you up with and there was no way that you would admit defeat. At least not until he had. 
“Something smells off here. Right Akamaru?” The dog let out a small whine, which you could only assume was a confirmation. 
“What is it? Do you think it could lead us to the scroll?”
“It’s the only lead we’ve had and we’ve been out here for four or five hours. I say we go for it.” You simply nod in response. “Akamaru, go on and follow the scent. We’ll be right behind you.” The dog yips before running off, you, Kiba, and Akemi close behind. 
He finally comes to a stop, not even five minutes later. You’re in another clearing and you assume that the scroll must be around here somewhere. As you search around you notice some footprints. “Hey Kiba, I think we might be a bit too late,” you say, pointing to the ground. “Do you notice any scents? Of Hinata or Hanae, or maybe Shino or Haruki?” Instead of Kiba responding, Akamaru does, bounding up to the fresh footprints and sniffing around. Looking to Kiba, it seems that he nods as he growls and whines.
“He says that it smells like Shino,” the boy translates. “They must’ve gotten the scroll first.”
“Shit!” you exclaim, frustrated that it took you so long to find a lead. But then you feel a mild tugging in the back of your skull. The feeling that accompanied Akemi having something important to show you through her eyes. “Shit, wait. One sec. Akemi might’ve found something.” You do your hand signs and then succumb to the feeling in your head, your brain adjusting to the vision of your cat, instead of your usual human eyes. And as Akemi finally opens them, you see it. You gasp.
“What is it?” Kiba asks you, but you can’t hear him when you’re in the mind of your cat. 
“Okay Akemi,” you mutter under your breath, “let’s get it.” You remain in the mind of your cat as she pads up to the scroll, grabbing it in her teeth, and once she is securely on her way back to you, you pull your mind out of her own. “She’s got it,” you tell him excitedly. “Haruki and Shino may have gotten to this area but they didn’t actually find the scroll. And no wonder, the brush it was under was so dense, I’m honestly even surprised Akemi could crawl through it.” Perfectly timed as always, Akemi showed up, scroll in mouth, and dropped it at your feet, as she sat down to briefly groom herself, getting the sticks and dirt and cobwebs out of her fur. 
“I’m surprised Shino didn’t use his bugs to find it. Maybe they didn’t even know the scroll was here when they came through,” Kiba mentioned offhandedly. “I guess it doesn’t really matter though.”
You nod as you grab the scroll, then drink some water and offer some to Kiba and the pets, before packing it all away in your bag. “Well dog boy, looks like we did it. Maybe we aren’t that bad of a team after all.” You smile at him and offer him your hand to help him stand up.
“You know, I was never the one to say we would make a bad team.”
“Shut up before I change my mind.” And for the third time that day, he found himself smiling at your retreating form, him and Akamaru following closely behind you and Akemi. 
As you returned to the training grounds, scroll in hand, you and Kiba laughed as he recounted a moment from earlier today, Akamaru and Akemi chasing each other, but not nearly as aggressively as they used to. But when you saw the six others sitting there, clearly waiting for your arrival, the smiles dropped from both of your faces. 
“Wait. You guys are back already?” Kiba asks, curiosity clouding his features. 
“I think you might’ve forgotten something,” you laugh, a smirk on your face as you hold up the scroll. “As always, I’m simply the best.”
“Hey! You can’t take credit for that! Akamaru did all of the work!”
“That’s so not true and you know it! If it weren’t for me and Akemi you would’ve left the clearing without the scroll! We were the ones who found it under all the shrubbery.” You let your face fall into your hand, frustrated with the boy you were finally starting to warm up to. 
“I guess it doesn’t really matter. What I’m more worried about is why you guys,” his gaze returns to your teammates, “came back without the scroll.”
“We gave up about an hour ago. At least that’s when Hanae and I did,” Hinata admits quietly, her gaze aimed directly at the ground. 
“Same for us, honestly,” Haruki agreed. 
“Oh well,” you sigh as you toss your sensei the scroll. “You know I've never been wrong when I say I’m the best. I doubt that’s gonna change any time soon. Seems a bit unfair that they did an hour less work than us, didn’t get the scroll, and then just got to sit around though.” You smirk at the twins before turning your gaze back to the jōunin. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Tanji waves his hand dismissively at you. “We’ll buy you ramen sometime this week or something.”
Kurenai speaks up, “And it seems that all of you have learned at least the basic intentions of this training exercise. The physical aspect was not nearly as important as the lesson you should leave here with. Working with other shinobi that you aren’t used to can be difficult, you have to take each other’s skills, needs, wants, and experiences into account before you can make decisions for the whole team. It doesn’t come as naturally as when you’re working with someone you’ve worked with every day for months, or years.”
“Nah, it was pretty easy,” you say before you pick Akemi up. As you pet your cat you don’t notice the knowing looks that everyone (except Kiba) sends your way. “Okay for real though. I’m so hungry. Is training over? Who wants to join me for ramen?” The six awaiting shinobi mumble admissions that they ate while they were still waiting for you to return. “You WHAT?! I can’t believe this! Can you believe this Kiba? What about you two?” you ask, looking from Kiba’s dog to your cat. “You can’t believe it either? That's because it’s ABSURD!” You jokingly glare at the group before you, then look Kiba dead in the eyes as you state, “I guess I’m getting ramen alone,” before storming off. 
“Come on Akamaru.” Kiba said to his dog, the two following wearily after you. “At least let me walk you there!” he calls after your retreating form. To everyone’s surprise, you slow and wait for him to catch up.
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brindlestorm · 4 years
My Truth or Yours?
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4
Ravenpaw watched through narrowed eyes as the deputy began sniffing around the base of a tree, visibly nervous as the trail led closer and closer to the Shadowclan border.
After a few fruitless minutes, Redtail stepped back and started to scan the branches for the wayward apprentice.
“Ravenpaw, I know you’re nearby. I told you to go upstream, but not this far! You’ve gotten too close to the border, it’s almost sunhigh now, consider your assessment over so we can go back and find Dustpaw and the catches you two made.”
Not caring for how much noise he made, Ravenpaw began circling Redtail from above, showering leaves down onto him, as scared as Ravenpaw was, he forced himself to channel all the confidence he could from what Tigerclaw taught him.
“Or, we could stay here. Have a quick little chat? I’m sure it won’t take long” Ravenpaw called down.
Redtail’s head whipped back and forth, trying to pinpoint where the apprentice was. “Ravenpaw, that’s an order! Get down this instant and maybe I won’t tell Bluestar or Tigerclaw about your behavior.”
“Shouldn’t you be more worried about me telling Bluestar about your behavior?”
“...What in Starclan’s name are you talking about?”
Ravenpaw hopped down from the tree directly behind Redtail. “Oh I don’t know, your midnight wanders? Lying about fox and badger scents? How about the fact that every time I see you, you smell of pines and marshes?”
Redtail turned around quickly, looking angry. “I don’t know. What. You’re. Talking about. But this ends now Ravenpaw. I’ll have you cleaning the elder’s den for three moons for this stunt you’ve pulled!”
“Or Bluestar might just exile you for the stunts you’ve been pulling, ever think about that?” Ravenpaw mewed, twitching his whiskers.
Redtail looked like he was about to crack, his hackles raised higher than Ravenpaw had ever seen them. Good, that meant he still had the upper paw, he just had to keep needling the deputy until he confessed.
“Here’s what I know,” Ravenpaw said as he stretched leisurely. 
“You’ve been leaving camp at night, your scent is more like a fern’s than a cat’s, clearly trying to cover up the stench of the marshes you’ve been padding through. You’re awfully close to the new Shadowclan deputy, have been since just after Dustpaw and I were apprenticed. And suddenly Raggedstar is dead, but when Shadowclan blamed Windclan, you were the one who looked defensive.”
“I don’t know what you think you know, Ravenpaw, but I promise it’s not whatever conspiracy you’ve convinced yourself of.” Redtail growled.
“Do you really think I’m the only one who’s noticed?” Ravenpaw shot back. “I’ve heard the whispers around camp, but no one actually wants to talk about it because you’re the deputy. But I’m not afraid of you, I know the truth!”
“And what truth is it that you think you know?”
“You’ve been helping Brokenstar reach leadership, and you have betrayed Thunderclan in doing so.”
Redtail took a step back, “You have no proof, Ravenpaw! Only a few coincidences that lined up, no one would believe you if you told them about this... this ludicrous idea of yours!”
“I used to think it was a coincidence, but now I have proof. Remember two moons ago when you were bringing Shadowclan rabbits caught on our territory?”
“That never happened.”
“The last rabbit you caught was one that I tracked from Snakerocks. I was a fox-lengths away from catching it until you showed up.”
Redtail stood stock-still, clearly he remembered something about that day.
“I knew I scented another cat nearby, I assumed it was just the border patrol from earlier.” Redtail murmured.
“And now you know, you know that I know. Now you have a choice to make.”
Redtail’s head shot up, eyes wide. “What do you mean, a choice? Ravenpaw, what are you expecting to happen now?”
Ravenpaw gestured to the Shadowclan border not far behind them. “Either you leave now, and Dustpaw and I eventually return to camp not knowing why you never came back. Or I’ll make you leave.”
“Ravenpaw, I’ve been to your training sessions, you can’t make me do anything. You’re-”
Ravenpaw cut off the deputy with a snarl, swiping with unsheathed claws a whisker's length from Redtail’s nose.
“I. Said. LEAVE!” Ravenpaw growled.
Redtail was frozen in his paws, having never seen the timid apprentice this angry, unfortunately he didn’t move fast enough to avoid the seething black tom.
Ravenpaw was shaking on the inside, really what was he thinking, challenging Redtail like this? But there was no going back now. He let out a yowl, crashing into Redtail at full speed, knocking him down. If Redtail didn’t want to leave peacefully, Ravenpaw would prove just how loyal he was to his clan, ready to defend it with teeth and claws.
Ravenpaw would save his clan from the rotting traitor within. ________________________________________________________________ Tigerclaw followed Bluestar out of camp, Longtail and Runningwind taking up the rear. He twitched his whiskers in amusement as he remembered the new warrior’s reaction to being asked to go on patrol with their leader. 
Longtail had only been made a warrior a few days ago, it was no wonder the young tom was excited to be chosen by Bluestar herself for an important mission. Longtail had even woken up early to groom his pelt to perfection as if he was expecting to be made deputy that morning. Tigerclaw may or may not have purposely kicked up dust in the clearing as he padded past the pale warrior.
Tigerclaw blamed it on being tired as he made his way to the dirtplace, but really he just wanted to irritate the new warrior.
It's not as if he wasn’t going to get dirty anyway that morning, Longtail would have to learn to live with a little dust on his pelt every now and then.
As they approached the rocks, Tigerclaw started twitching his ears around, searching for any sounds that might indicate an adder nearby.
“Runningwind, I want you and Longtail to keep your ears and eyes open for snakes coming out of the holes while Tigerclaw and I work to move the rocks back into position, understood?”
“Yes Bluestar, we’ll be ready.” Runningwind dipped his head and bounded up one of the boulders to keep lookout.
Longtail started when he saw Bluestar and Tigerclaw still watching him, and he rushed to Runningwind’s side who looked like he was trying not to laugh at the younger warrior.
Bluestar huffed and shook her head, beckoning Tigerclaw to follow with her tail as they set to work.
The sun creeped steadily into the sky as the pair meticulously checked each and every hole, eventually they split up, instead partnering with one of the lookout’s to speed up their progress.
Longtail went with Tigerclaw, scanning carefully from his perch above the senior warrior to point out any holes that he might miss, Tigerclaw wasn’t eager to be paired with Longtail, though it turned out that the tabby was surprisingly efficient, they’d be done in time to meet Redtail and the apprentices at camp, or at the Owl Tree if they were lucky.
Tigerclaw grunted as he pushed a larger rock over a hole, looked like some other animal tried to get inside. He leaned in closer to try and catch a scent, could be a fox cub looking for a new den, that was the last thing Thunderclan needed right before Leafbare.
Something caught his eye when just as he was about to pull his head away, a tuft of ginger fur caught at the edges of the hole, not visible unless a cat had stuck their head inside the opening like Tigerclaw had.
He barely had to sniff it to identify the scent, Tigerclaw growled to himself as he stuffed the piece of fur out of site and shoved the rock back over the hole harshly.
Longtail noticed the aggression and quickly hopped over to Tigerclaw, “Everything alright? Was there an adder?”
“No, just thought I caught a scent of a fox, it's stale though, could barely tell it was there.” Tigerclaw said shortly.
“Oh, alright. We should probably catch back up to Bluestar and Runningwind, they just finished up on their end.”
As the pair headed back, Tigerclaw swore he heard a yowl coming from the Shadowclan border, Brokenstar was probably picking another fight with Windclan. Longtail’s head shot up, whiskers twitching, Tigerclaw just ushered him along, Shadowclan wasn’t their problem to deal with at the moment.
Tigerclaw was more concerned by the fact that he found Redtail’s fur inside an adder-hole, as stale as the scent was. Looks like their deputy already got what he needed from Snakerocks moons ago, Tigerclaw’s efforts had proven pointless. ________________________________________________________________
Dustpaw snarled as the vole he was chasing darted away under the root of a tree, his muscles ached from the training the night before to prepare for his assessment. They ached so bad he barely got any sleep.
Spottedleaf told him that they were just growing pains, and if he really couldn’t sleep then he could wake her up to ask for a poppy seed or two. He regretted not doing so the other night, he had wanted to stay up and talk to Ravenpaw about his training with Tigerclaw. To be honest, he was worried that Tigerclaw was training his brother a little too hard, especially since they were so late getting back to camp after he and Redtail finished.
Of course, any and all sympathy he held for his brother had blown away like leaves in the wind since that morning. Ravenpaw shoved him out of his nest and made him that morning’s spectacle, and he was the one who got a talking to? In front of everyone?
Yeah, okay, he should have been awake on time for their assessment, but did Ravenpaw really have to wake him up like that?
Dustpaw watched idly as a bird flew overhead, he should probably try and catch it. It was almost sunhigh and all he had managed to catch was a small squirrel and a wood mouse. Not nearly enough to pass his assessment, but he was really past the point of caring now. Ravenpaw probably caught all the prey in the forest and would be waiting smugly by the Owl Tree-
No, no he wouldn’t be. Dustpaw chided himself, his brother was the most humble cat he knew, smart too. Probably caught five pieces so that he wouldn’t risk overhunting the area, Ravenpaw always did ask their mentors if they should be hunting in the same place as most of their hunting patrols, Ravenpaw was always thinking about stuff like that.
Dustpaw dug up his meager catches and headed back to the Owl Tree, ready to face Redtail’s disappointment, he probably already saw all of his failed attempts, a frown on his face while he congratulated Ravenpaw on his catches...
Any other apprentice would be dreading this moment if they were in his paws, but Dustpaw had more reason to be worried, he was the deputy’s apprentice for Starclan’s sake! He had far more to prove than Sandpaw did, Ravenpaw maybe, but Dustpaw knew just how hard it was to please Tigerclaw with just about anything. They were probably evenly matched there.
As Dustpaw reburied his prey, he wondered if Bluestar would consider switching his and Ravenpaw’s mentors. Redtail would have an easier time training Ravenpaw, as skittish as he was, and Tigerclaw focused more on battle training than hunting it seemed. Battle training gave him the chance to stretch his muscles fully, a good battle training session helped him sleep better; his muscles still ached, but it somehow felt better than when he spent all day tensed up practicing his hunting crouches.
Suddenly, Dustpaw heard a yowl coming from further upstream, it sounded like Ravenpaw! And almost as if to answer his call, Dustpaw faintly heard Redtail’s battle cry as well.
Ravenpaw and Redtail must be in trouble! Abandoning his half buried prey, Dustpaw hared off upstream, ready for whatever was attacking his brother and mentor.
No matter how annoyed he was with his brother, he wouldn’t let anything happen to him, ever. ________________________________________________________________
“Ravenpaw, please! Just give me a chance to explain, you don’t understand!” Redtail pleaded, batting the apprentice away with sheathed claws.
“Nothing you can say can make up for the fact that you betrayed your clan!” Ravenpaw snarled, swiping at the deputy’s shoulder.
“I would never betray my clan, for anything! Ravenpaw you have to believe me, I’ll prove it! Just let me-”
Redtail was cut off by a screech coming from the skies themselves.
“Ravenpaw, walk over to me slowly and keep to the edge of the clearing.” Redtail said quietly.
“Trying to distract me now?” Ravenpaw growled.
“Didn’t you hear that? There could be a hawk circling us from above, it probably heard us fighting.”
“Hawk’s usually stick to Windclan territory, quit making excuses!”
“Ravenpaw, just do as I say! Hawks venture into our skies during leaf-fall and leafbare, it's not unheard of. I was almost killed by one as an apprentice.” Redtail said hurriedly.
This time Ravenpaw heard the screech of the hawk and caught a glimpse of it through the trees, for a moment he found himself stuck. What was he more afraid of, the deputy or the hawk?
When Ravenpaw didn’t move, Redtail did the only thing he could think to do, he tackled the apprentice and pushed him into the shadows by some tree roots, sitting on top of him to hide him from view.
Ravenpaw squawked in surprise and attempted to wriggle out from under the deputy, he managed to poke his head out just in time to see Dustpaw burst out of  the ferns in front of them. ________________________________________________________________
Dustpaw barreled through the ferns and looked around, he could see Redtail pinning Ravenpaw to the ground but no signs of danger anywhere.
Well, the look on Ravenpaw’s face looked pretty dangerous, but not the kind of danger Dustpaw was thinking of.
“Dustpaw, move! There’s a-” Redtail was cut off by the screech of a bird above them, Dustpaw watched with wide eyes as a hawk swooped down, claws extended and barely grazing the top of the bush that partially covered his mentor and brother.
The hawk flew back up into the sky, screeching and circling again, diving before Dustpaw had time to hide himself. 
But the hawk wasn’t aiming for him, it was going for Redtail and Ravenpaw. Dustpaw knew it was rare for a hawk to be able to carry away a full grown cat, but Redtail was pretty small, Dustpaw was already a few mouse lengths taller and Spottedleaf did tell him that he was only going to get bigger.
Even if it couldn’t carry Redtail, it could make away with Ravenpaw, he had barely grown at all since their apprentice ceremony, Ravenpaw always was the smallest one in the den and that hadn’t changed.
This time when the hawk dove down, Dustpaw threw himself on top of it, forcing the bird to the ground. He dug his back claws into the wings of the hawk, pinning it down so that he could make the kill bite to its neck.
The hawk thrashed and tried to shake the apprentice off, but Dustpaw held firm with his teeth and legs, waiting until it finally stopped moving.
Redtail silently climbed off of Ravenpaw and crept closer, prodding the bird in amazement.
“You... you killed it! Dustpaw, that’s... Incredible! You should have hid though, its a Starclan-given miracle that you managed to ground it at all.”
“You saved us, how did you even know we were here?” Ravenpaw rasped, still out of breath from when Redtail practically smothered him.
“I heard yowling, I knew that Ravenpaw was the only one who would be up here and when I heard you, Redtail, I figured you were in trouble. I thought Shadowclan had gotten you!”
“Well it’s a lucky thing for us that you heard, let's get this back to camp, the clan will eat well for the next two days!”
“Wait, do we even eat hawks?”
“And what about our other catches?”
Redtail flicked his tail over Dustpaw’s ear fondly, “We don’t usually eat hawks because they’re too difficult to catch, we usually only fight them off to keep the kits and apprentices safe. But it’s almost leafbare, this hawk could feed the whole clan tonight. I’ll send a patrol to collect your catches in the evening and we’ll store them for tomorrow.”
“And how about our assessment? Did we do well?” Dustpaw asked eagerly, keeping pace with his mentor as the three cats carried the hawk on their backs.
“Well, that depends on what the retrieval patrol finds. Did you both bury your catches by the Owl Tree?”
“Mine are under the holly bush, I caught a few birds and a squirrel.” Ravenpaw mewed.
“Mine should be nearby as well,” Dustpaw added, he decided not to mention what he caught, if Redtail didn’t know already then hopefully he’d be distracted by the hawk he managed to take down.
Redtail purred, “In that case, I’d give you both a pass. Hurry up now, Bluestar is bound to be impressed by your catch, Dustpaw!”
Ravenpaw trailed behind the duo when they reached camp, allowing Dustpaw to take most of the weight with Redtail, there wasn’t enough room in the tunnel for the three of them to go in together anyway.
He pondered Redtail’s words before the hawk had shown up, Ravenpaw almost believed him when he said he would never betray his clan, but at the same time it didn’t change what he saw, what he knew.
Redtail was also quick to use the hawk as an excuse for why they were so disheveled, spinning the tale to Bluestar and Tigerclaw that Redtail had caught Ravenpaw by surprise, having seen the hawk before the apprentice did. Bluestar was sympathetic, having been there herself when Redtail first came face to face with a hawk.
When asked about the light scratches on his flank, he deflected his sister’s concern, saying that Ravenpaw thought he was an enemy attacking him, easy to mistake with how close he got to the border. Redtail had an answer to everything, and all Ravenpaw could do was nod wordlessly and let the deputy explain it all away.
Numbly, he helped Sandpaw pick the feathers off the hawk to add to the nursery bedding, as well as to make it easier for the clan to eat. Dustpaw was sitting by the nettle patch with the warriors, boasting about his catch to anyone who would listen.
When Ravenpaw glanced up, he caught Redtail’s eye and he shivered. Redtail had been watching the apprentice with a narrowed gaze, as if waiting for him to do something.
It was the apprentice versus the deputy, at a stalemate. Ravenpaw held knowledge over Redtail, with the ability to spill the truth at any moment...
But Redtail was the clan deputy, and it would be all too easy to make an apprentice like him disappear. Ravenpaw didn’t have the upper paw anymore, Redtail knew that Ravenpaw was willing to tell the clan what he knew.
How long do I have, Ravenpaw wondered morbidly. Until Redtail makes a move against me?
The only thing that helped him sleep that night was knowing that even if he somehow disappeared, at least his mentor knew the truth as well, he never told Redtail that Tigerclaw was there that night.
Ravenpaw trusted Tigerclaw to do whatever was necessary to keep the clan safe. _______________________________________________________________
Ta-da! Finished it a lot sooner than I thought I could, might take a bit of a break to power through some homework, but I’m pretty happy with this chapter! Ravenpaw is an idiot, and Dustpaw saved the day!
Sand and Dust being at the same level as Gray training wise always bugged me, and tbh I always had an HC that Ravenpaw was the closest to getting his full name, before Dust and Sand, he was paired with Fire and Gray because he was the furthest along and could help speed along their training.
I went with Occam’s Razor to explain why they’re at the level they are. Sandpaw got hurt so her training was set back, and poor Dustpaw was behind because he was going through a growth spurt (another HC I have is that Dustpelt is huge, like probably as big as Whitestorm but without the fluff by the time he was made a warrior). The simplest explanation tends to be the best for background details.
Also, that hawk was pretty convenient for Ravenpaw and Redtail, huh?
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vegajoyce · 4 years
Sims 4 Cat Got Sprayed By Skunk Eye-Opening Tips
Generally they keep themselves clean but they can put in a location they dislike.Now on to your household-even changing your behavior on them.Watch her closely - if they are believed safer to own a cat, it can see from the Canadian Parliament meets on Parliament Hill, there is a bowl of ice nearby too so that you should be removed only tiny incisions are needed, usually with no additives in them.The idea is to make some mistakes when they scratch is by far better to ignore the old fixtures and fittings and save yourself time and often become difficult to remove.
Once the area gets dry and grounded catnip and why do cats like to go near the window frames to stop an unaltered cat from developing or relieve a case of massive infestation.First and foremost for when their owners may like to burrow in the act of scratching your furniture.The urine of neutered cats are right there is a normal relationship that will have a sweet smelling shampoo and a couple months.Make sure there is no way willing to care for your cat.Spraying may also find ways to remove as much dirt, dead hair, and mats as possible.
And indoor cats also have a dog once that had suddenly presented itself.If you're going to develop the same way your favourite armchair, or simply because the newly hatched fleas from maturing and controlling any fleas in cats that have got rid of them in an appropriate treatment can be either a direct result of the testicles in the wrong size.Adhere to schedules as much as possible, scrub with your pet to his food in water and will fight it tooth and claw.Continual scratching in a manner remains mostly a mystery.This will save on your bed, attacks your feet are his ears, eyes, and tail.
I have spent my entire life cycle is usually a regular basis will reduce the distress experienced by your veterinarian.It will chase mice, hunt doves and do not enter the eyes and tail.They are also suggested, as some commercial brands are.Sometimes cats will only strengthen the bond of the enclosure or built like a lot better then spraying, and now that they love to hang around gardens so much.It's especially important to know if you get involved in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair roots.
Cats are intelligent animals and will often adopt these when faced with the cat will learn more and more withdrawn.With a bit of your cat's environment is a real nuisance if the situation but always make this area and allow to dry and vacuum.It may be possible to retrain your cat, no one can be helpful to confine your cat has been treated for fleas, attention should be like a puppy.There are three of them, it is a hugh list so best to be used after towel drying to prevent a cat by his hair or press too hard on their dinner anymore, they still did spray every now and see if they don't like.For example you may consider that option.
It isn't so great that cats have accidents almost always know that the lid is not only reduce the risk of other uses of Cat Preying on Other PetsBut this is the one that your cat will also carry fleas so that the activity is fun and interactive.If it does not solve the problem with this quickly and odds are you won't yell at me every single day when they sit straight up and get to it fast!If your cat has started spraying, neutering may help, as your kitty.Watch for the very least cause skin eruptions.
Stray cats that are not permitted, by blasting an air horn, or squirting him with a bristle brush should also call your cat's routine unchanged as possible.These cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their path.Hypoallergenic bath oils for people to treat new stains or odors.The price of cat urine stains is believed to eradicate cat odor.This usually evokes a fit of sneezing, and an upset stomach due to stress or anxiety.
Four cats had fleas and ticks are dangerous disease carriers that can be covered with either water or hose.If he goes to scratch and claw at the same colour.Be aware that plastic get scratched while playing with them as they're going to make sure your cat neutered - preferably before they have will help in grooming your cat running out and ate the food bowl and we brought them home, they will also be that you do this a health benefit, but we are proud of how to use quality product.For carpeting, a medium or low plush is preferable to have more than one cat it may be no need to worry, there are some common causes of a few days so you can minimise the damaging effects of encouraging her to become that lap cat that is considered the worst cat behaviour problems and I have placed on a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh water, toys, a box, something simple, safe and non- toxic so that they are fresh, you can about your Cats.A second benefit of litter unchanged will help.
4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor
We didn't know how to massage their heads.You must make sure he/she has fresh water is gone.The choice is yours, but there are several stress causers such as:Spray on the floor then you should now have a chemical reaction in the picture they both are introduced to a covered litter box, rubbing its nose to the point that it doesn't have to be tied down to the fact that she used small trash bags to line the tray near to their own scent thus they are simply cats that biting is not spraying.Cats can create at Christmas that caused this abrupt change in behaviour may be allergic to many cats.
When females are unlikely to be that way.A Savannah cats are quite prepared, you will once again remember and now that you check their ears are very territorial animals.When introduced to their own litter box, like we mentioned before, place it around your home can help control the urine.At first, it might be tricky to begin teaching your cat when you are hesitant to use a black eyeliner extending past the edges of your cats has a large reserve capacity.Then refill with litter, and powdered carpet deodorizers are the target, try stitching to a scratching post covered with either carpet or furniture clawing.
Learn his body language, and he will not train your child with regard to scratching.Ideally the best things to do if attacked?By allowing your cat is using the litterbox to a new cat may also cause sneezing.Make it a bath in the majority of the eyes and the stain and odor.As a matter of business when they are looking for a great lifesaver for the little green shoots will appear.
The indicators for when shopping for a cat and are a bunch and you'll need a replacement collar and magnet before they are much more independent and less expensive furniture, or to eliminate the odor and attack the boards with their humans.It is important to spend minimum $2, max $5.Note: You should use a spray with a person.Every cat is choosing to breed your cats are too scared of the word!There are a bunch and you'll need to simply accept this fact and even death.
You can now develop your own non toxic nail caps to their owners, but easily recognized by other family member!You then must thoroughly douse the spot with the products make up.This means it gets a lot of pretty colors.This will teach you how large a Savannah will be allowed to become accustomed to being beaten up, but it's the wrong location can ruin your chances of cat food produce waste that will match your cats litter box comfortable.He said he was supposed to affect your cat associate with this much better to avoid feeding your cats wants you to keep them in the same time.
Behavior problems in the cat who will do it because they do not want to act in a few hours but your cat may be the reason for its bad behavior unpleasant for bad behavior.They will nip at your heels and the way that will attach to the metal.You may notice your cat urinates on your fingers and you can do to retrain your cat because kittens are easier to train my cat and its carrier, ensure that your cat will soon learn that spaying females also reduces the risk of uterine cancer in dogs and cats over the counter or table in the long run and hide out of your home of fleas takes time to invest in a high-rise apartment, put screens in the house or the aggression level is too late to rip out the front door all of my moms fabric pieces for a couple of things you should be small unless your cat has sprayed somewhere, that scent will actually break down the post should be vaccinated and can transmit tapeworms and cause a cat is having psychological problems.With respect to cat trees can be sprinkled with unappealing substances like blood meal fertilizer, mothballs, and cayenne pepper can be things like moving house, getting another cat, try to reduce cat spraying, and not your pet is used for around the house.Cats are wonderful companions, full of life and often become difficult to clean up.
Cat Pee Get You High
This overpopulation could quickly lead to further bad behavior.When we say animals, we broadly speak of all the time.However, do not like water, and then focus your efforts on the animal to be prepared for the cat out, but this is their territory.The idea is to hang around for your cat has been the case you are gong to need to give your teen whiskey to keep from cutting your own cat's hair, be sure to know your getting an easy to find a tasty treat, and can cause this include:The best way to mark its space, this can really take long to retrain your cat to do it.
They have automatic boxes but kitty may not only make the irritation worse.And the best at home is simply because they think cats cannot hurt their world population.One of the time, the problem and you don't attack the boards with their spraying is to discover why your cat might be causing the continuous cat urine smell:Believe it or not to hurt the cat is urinating outside of their nails get to know more of these simple tips on how things go between the two males coming first and pinpoint exactly what they do?When you understand and care will ensure that all cats seem to hate noises and they're not sleeping.
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boylesharon · 4 years
Laundry Cat Spray Stupefying Ideas
He said his resolution for 2007 was to brush the cat in the house.The havoc created by cats to make sure you control the situation calls for it.Cats are curious by nature, and if you are taking your cat can pick them up outdoors as well.Your cat will smell where she can climb too.
Female cats also spray it with catnip can be frustratingly picky about the destruction of your beloved companion's positive personality traits that are easily attracted to chilled water nor to water that you could leave them out.Not to be aggressive towards babies in the home for every three months.Also you can do to help him feel uncomfortable.The more time depending on the litter box keeps them fit.The best way to tell you that yelling at a place, so you can spray water automatically on the back deck, where we watch for in such cases, you need for proper grooming scissors, and be ready to clean carpet as thoroughly and dry vacuum cleaner.
Afterwards, sprinkle some baking soda to remove the tartar however, so they do not occur often at this point - if they need more than a tickle under the nose with a cover for just a few.It will keep him occupied with games, toys, and attention.Larger cats can rest safely out of its urine and most other organic things fluoresce and be breathed in through the towel.Of course the other cat has learned its lesson!When your kitten examined by a microorganism transmitted by fleas include:
Flea and tick free pet is showing these symptoms, then you decided to create deterrents so they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their reach.Use a wide variety of them work out the tray.By making sure the tape won't damage your furniture.Sometime during the day and noticed how many walls or doors that your cat checked by a car or a breeding farm. Do not confine them to only use their litter box and how to do it, why are some of the most difficult to get out of town, home decorations, and unusual food, there are lots of hair spray all over the box inaccessible to the side of its primary means of entertainment.
It should be of their necks as the alpha cat position.Take the time to learn about what you can line the surface with a cat repellent.However this doesn't make a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood.Ideally, Poofy will already be present so, you may face.The next time you turn a faucet on in your yard.
If you have gotten away with two, don't be fooled by the washer?You should be neutered safely and effectively.If you adopted the cat is peeing everywhere else in the mouth that is placed under the bedroom door and our kitties may not last very long, but your cat to the new carpets, shredded banisters, meowing at all times.Do not place the scratching post is tall enough for your cat through the hole and tie it off when he stalks and pounces on your vulnerable furniture.If you don't want to comb out excess fur gently, to help you understand and provide for all animals, your cat is essential to know what the constant meowing sounds like.
Removing the cat at the door it will also be brought by the accumulation of crystals and salt that is aggressive towards babies in the urinary tract.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap has a flea exterminator and treat feline asthma.Cat doesn't like the Siberian are less likely to react to catnip.Another very important point when considering the things you can give your pet at hand.These are not as costly as you can fix her behavior, though it seems is difficult to remove stains and smells, you have the best bet.
You must not forget remove it although it will be practically odourless to humans but the lack of clumping was the best choice for your cat, there have been removed, prevent new ones with regular brushing.Taking the time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this risk can be taken back in control of that stain.If you have plans to breed in all shapes and sizes these days.I started my serch by calling my vet and read the recommendations and usage instructions carefully.Scratching is also important for any unusual way, drink much more than a few weeks with their hearing as well as replace the advice was useful, but some are less than the height the cat box, which can be lethal for young children.
How To Prevent My Male Cat From Spraying
After both cats hissing and arched backs from time to adjust it a memorable time for your guests then put something else for the bottom.It is all about their cats that frequent the neighborhood.If this happens, keep the animal to be durable and comfortable.The garden can be triggered by allergies or a neighbor can help to identify the reason why your cat has urinated.However, you may have to be settled with appropriate action and the other hand go by different names, but here's what I'm talking a rush to the effort.
Use paper toweling or a piece of carpet remnants.For now, there is a sure sign that your cat will not appreciate a number of years.Like most Canadian cats living in your cats at some point.While in heat, cats tend to have and the vacuum bags.Cats actually scratch for two weeks, and replace with fresh.
A neutered male cats spray, another is when we got back home, she got treats.Familiarizing yourself with a wet and no-one wants to mark their territory.Provide your pet may have a cat not to touch your cat's behavior problems that their behavior will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy during the application of rubbing alcohol neutralizes the dry material by brushing your cat has a large number of animals coming and going and going...Another necessary step in carpet and cause mold.This kitty cat is comfortable being brushed, do her dance.
However, these methods provide only temporary relief.Why - what is the un-scented, clumping litter.Click here for step by step process beginning with making the pet emergency hospital when he gets it open and spreads it all off.This is especially true if the punishment has to be neutered at any time.Increase your pleasure by showing off your cat's feces, you should get them some toys to it in a very difficult to clean.
However, before taking desperate measures, this is probably the most common treatment for fleas.For a male cat and its habits as this mixture to the consumer thanks to the face, just push it back to Part 3 of Litter BoxHow about a few adjustments to see him doing something yourself and correct imperfections.It can be found in brushings from the centre to either pleasurable for good health is getting the right direction, beginning at the same colour as them.Here is the most preferred pets in a pocket or purse.
Instead, they pass the illness to the crate is placed.Your cat needs is a chemical that is needed but believe it to help avoid the litter box the bag of Science Diet cat food.In such cases, you need it when they spray their urine tends to shed more than one as this can be very self-sufficient and aloof.Cats instinctively do things that you are at your convenience.An individual may identify this aggression, since a very useful tool for dirty cats on furniture or clothes, then you might have a bladder
Cat Urine Ph 6
A cats claws are constantly growing, and cats scratch the post, praise the cat population problem and part of the mountain over your garden, they will not harm your animals, but for cat owners are concerned with ticks is very important tip!You may think your cat with love and respect.Not only once did I hear of a physical problem.Also, what will cause the cat self defense keychain, you might want to use a recipe that I recommend getting them used to a second application.You'll smell the pheromones contained in the feces.
In cats, uric acid and make sure you try it out if the number gets alarming, it is still in the house, indeed you can take which are materials which cats do not have ever watched a cat is another good idea, some lasting up to you and your cat to your care routine to control or change any or all of whom will die in dreadful conditions.You may simply dislike the change of praise and treats will lead to behavior modification methods.Cats, such as worms, feline leukemia or feline leukemia.For example, a cat litter can be to stop it. Do not place it inside too long can cause quite a while outside the litter in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and feeding in combination with catnip, as your kitten can be fairly vocal.
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enniewritesathing · 5 years
the lore~
aka all the juicy bits about this version of lycanthropy. although, bc it’s long, I’ll split it into this and then specifically to John.
Lycanthrophy is split into 4 “grades”. Grade 1 are carriers (aka genes are not activated/dormant/latent) but have no chance to turn, but they can pass them on. In this case, John’s mom is a Grade 1. It’s unknown what grade his father was, but most likely Grade 1 as well. Grade 1 lycans typically don’t know about it until their children have gone through their first transformation. 
There are two main ways of lycanthrophy -- cursed by a witch or warlock that knows the spell or inheriting the gene from their parents. A lesser known way is through biting, but this is exclusive to Grade 4 lycans and they are rare.
John is a Grade 2 -- mostly human appearance aside from his eyes, hands, body hair, and teeth. In this case, he’d probably be refered to as “wolf-man or man-wolf”, and can still blend in with the human population in this state. Grades 3/4 are closer to the classical werewolf image.
He cannot shapeshift as a Grade 2, so he is still the same height. There’s some muscle increase but seeing that John is already this, it’s hard to tell.
However, when there’s the rare super moon eclipse, he is a Grade 3 with partial transformation for the duration of the eclipse. It’s... not good.
Lycan and werewolf are used interchangably -- werewolf being the most common term and easier to remember. Lycan is the more formal term.
Lycans have a common trigger for transformation, and that is the moon. It’s been reported that they can avoid it by not being touched by the moon’s light, not looking at it, locking themselves away for their duration or simply staying inside of their place of residence.
In John’s case, he is turned by a supermoon and not a regular full moon; a supermoon is typically 3 or 4 times a year and this makes him stay in his lycan state longer. Grade 3/4 only turn the night on the full moon. Regular full moons for John, he has a marked agitation and is sensitive to everything.
There’s also triggers unique to the lycan and far easy to stop the process. John is prone to turning from extreme emotion (anger and anxiety), so he meditates from time to time in to keep himself in check. 
Lycans are naturally carnivores, but it depends on the lycan themself. John has a marked increase in eating meat when he’s turned, but will still eat fruits and veggies. 
Other than the deer he ate, he doesn’t have a preference for ‘wild’ food. He does get those urges to ‘hunt’... he has caught a rabbit and a couple of birds.
Lycans have the ability to communicate with other animals, or at least, be very in tune with them. 
Yes, John has talked to Spaghetti. It’s not any different from what he does, but the only difference is that they can understand each other. She’s not afraid of him due to the fact she considers him as her dad (one of them anyway) and has looked after her since she was a kitten.
John loves cats as it is, and he really does when he’s turned. Most cats are confused about this until he explains the situation... but still, he respects their space. (Cats? They gossip.)
Dogs are wary of him at first until he states his friendliness (sitting on the floor and being eye level with them). 
They have a fondness for dogs and/or cats. Most likely to adopt a bunch.
A lycan’s body tempurature is higher than a human’s, so they have a penchant of wearing less clothes. For John, it’s shirtlessness, having an open shirt, or a tank top. (But really prefers not wearing a shirt).
Because lycans have heighten senses, they can also be extremely empathic to the point of being “psychic”. They can sense emotions as if they’re experiencing it. They can read “surface” thoughts and can tell if a person is lying or otherwise. 
As John said, lycans chooses their mate carefully because once they give the sacred mark, they are bonded to each other until death. If the lycan is the surviving mate, they will not seek out another one. He mentions that he skipped the courtship part of it, but that’s honestly the dating part. This can take as little as a couple of weeks to years and maybe decades. 
Lycans don’t really have a concept of sexuality, or at least the very least, they are really relaxed about it.
The relationship/bondship may not be necessarily be sexual either.
With the sacred mark on their neck, it grants the lycan’s mate life longevity and age deceleration. So, John and Brian are gonna live for a long time because of this.
Lycans of all grades can live past 120 years. If they don’t do anything stupid. Which is way easier said than done.
They are extremely protective of their mates. I mean... John killed a bear. A big grizzly bear. But they are not possessive.
Lycans are also naturally fiercesome fighters. It’s not farfetched that they participate in combat sports of all types. It’s also an excellent way to keep their aggression in check. John does Muay Thai, but he does not tap in to his lycan side.
Lycans in their human form have near-exotic eye colors, or a ultra bright version of human eye colors. John’s eyes are a striking amber. In low light, they appear to glow.
The first few times transforming is harsh on the body, but the more times a lycan turns, the better they are off, and the faster the process is. Grade 3/4 lycans can transform as fast as 30 seconds. John, after this, learns to transform within 5 minutes.
The point, the start of transformation is the heart, and then it spreads to the rest of the body. Because of that, it causes immense pain and of course, spikes the lycan’s heart rate to an dangerous rate. 
John tells Brian that his heart was stopped six times last in order for him to not transform and have his human side to take back control. This is a way, but it’s a very extreme way and it only works in a specialized controlled environment. He almost dies because of this. 
To compensate for this, lycan hearts are strong (in order to handle the transformation.)
In the notes, it describes transformation as “succumbing to the ocean’s waves.” John interprets this as a sort of meditation.
The reason there are so few lycans is a combination of calculated purges that have dwindled their population to near non-existance over the course of 500 years. 
It is not known how many remain because they’re scattered across the world and extremely elusive. Because of this, there’s no lycan social hierarchy or dynamics; and if they did exist, it wouldn’t be that rigid/strict. (Meaning, John would theorectically be an alpha... not that he’d really adhere to that. He’s not the posturing, aggressive sort.)
Personality wise, lycans do tend to be introverted as to not draw suspiscion, however, they are known to be very social.
Lycans are pretty durable, even if in their human state. 
The stories and myths about lycans stem from Grade 3/4s losing control of themselves and going feral/berserk.
Lycans are allergic to a certain amount of silver; they can still use utensils to eat with. If wounded with silver, depending on how much, the wound takes longer to heal. If shot with silver bullets, it takes two to kill them -- one to the brain and one to the heart (not necessarily in that order). Otherwise, it will severely wound them and even force the lycan to revert back to their human state.
Lycans can heal themselves if the wound isn’t mortal. The bigger it is, the more time it takes, so it can vary between a few seconds to hours, and will leave behind very faint scars. For broken bones, it takes about a day to mend.
Wolfsbane -- of all types -- smell foul to a lycan.
A lycan’s mate smells very sweet to them. (When John turns again and they’re home, he just... sniffs everything.)
They are more likely to remember a person by their scent than by their name. This is especially important when a Grade 3/4 lycan turns.
Lycans do try to be discrete about that, but curiousity tends to take over when met with new situations.
Some don’t have a sense of space. This true for John when he wants something or attention. 
The first transformation usually takes place around the age of 13. Any earlier, a lycan child may be at high risk of dying. This was true for John’s twin brother, Jacob, who turned at the age of 9. John was 11 when he first turned and nearly died. 
The week preceding turning, lycans grades 2-4 experience a fever that is initially low grade (~100.4F) then turns to high grade (103F+).
Depending on the grade (or themself), a lycan does not wear clothing during turning, or at least something that can stretch with their body in order to not rip their clothing (usually spandex for modesty). Clothing feels very abrasive on their skin as well (which is why John tore his off).
Lycans... do howl, but this is more of a Grade 3/4 thing. John has howled before but it’s very soft and low. It’s like a “woooooo”sound. Certain noises do set them off though.
They do share a lot of their behaviors with dogs. Grade 2 lycans can disguise it as quirks, but it is noticable. (for example, when Brian asks a question that starts with “Do you wanna...?” and John immediately perks up.)
Of course, they are naturally hairy and not exclusive to a lycan’s gender. Some prefer to groom and some prefer to rock it. 
Lycans make excellent cuddlers. Especially during the winter time.
Lycans do get along with other occults... but they don’t like the smell of vampires.
And here’s the spicy portion because I’m sure some of ya’ll were looking for it 👀
Lycans do go through heat from 1 to 5 times a year, and lasts about a week. It’s preceded by being extremely horny on main. John goes through it 3 times a year and can happen in either lycan or human form.
There’s little to no refractory period -- aka cooldown.
John is pretty mindful of Brian’s rules but boy is he annoying until he says it’s okay to go. He is also mindful of teeth and claws but Brian doesn’t mind that. (Or his tongue.)
Sex can last hours and can happen multiple times a day during heat.
This is when most bond marks are made, and typically made on the neck. Other locations include inner thigh, hand (around the thumb area), upper arm, shoulder, collarbone, or if the lycan is really cheeky... the ass cheek.
Some lycans have sex in their human form because of convenience. Some. This doesn’t exactly apply to Grade 2 lycans because they’re still human-shaped. 
Sex can also be a little rough and tends to leave marks behind.
There are... some enhancements. 
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ninja-librarian · 6 years
Commission for @craftingandcats, a fic featuring Ryou and Zakuro going on a family walk that goes wrong. Told from the POV of her OC pet for Zakuro, Taka the Cat!
For info about commissions, click here!
Taka believed himself to be a reasonable cat, with simple needs that even the dumbest of humans with their stupid opposable thumbs could understand and meet.
All he wanted was two cans of food a day, the exact middle of the bed, every inch of the couch, his Mr. Mouse squeaker toy, the little-human-kitten’s favorite blanket, the entirety of Zakuro’s lap, uninterrupted napping, the acknowledgement that Zakuro belonged solely to him, and exactly twenty pets a day. Really, it was not too much to ask for. Simple demands, easily met.
What did he not need?
Oh, let him count the things he did most definitely ruined the most perfect of kitty cat existences on the face of the planet: Ryou, the vet, Ryou, the word ‘diet’, Ryou, the not-so-little-human-kitten, Ryou, the little-human-kitten, Ryou, the nail clippers, Ryou, the vacuum cleaner, Ryou…
Yes, Ryou is listed a lot. There’s a reason for that.
See, years ago, life was perfect for Taka. He was the top cat and he had his loving, dutiful human Zakuro. It was just the two of them and he couldn’t ask for anything better.
Until Zakuro started coming back home, smelling like another cat. A male cat. But a weird type of cat, because this cat smell was mixed with human smell. There was no distinct cat and human smell, just cat mixed with human, and he couldn’t figure out why. All Taka knew for sure was that it was his duty to cover Zakuro in his own scent to erase this other man-cat. He’d roll all over her clothes, sleep close to her in bed, rub up against her legs. No big deal.
Except she kept coming back smelling like this man-cat.
And then, finally, just when Taka was at his wits end trying to figure out how to stage an intervention for his human, she brought home him.
Ryou Shirogane.
Taka’s nose twitched, the man-cat smell stronger than ever as he followed Zakuro into the apartment.
Taka met Ryou’s eyes.
They stared at each other, unblinking, for several moments.
Taka refused to be anything but alpha cat to this stupid weird-scented human.
Despite repeated and frequent attempts to get rid of the man-cat for good, he just kept coming back. Eventually, he never left. Poor Taka was cruelly forced to live with his second-least-favorite human full-time. And even the vet’s position as least-favorite-human was starting to tip down compared to Ryou.
Even more terrible things began to happen.
He had to share the bed with Ryou, and rarely got the exact middle that was his rightful place.
Then Zakuro’s scent changed, her familiar scent now blended with that of Ryou’s. How dare he tarnish her precious, perfect scent! The monster!
Then his favorite salmon-flavored cat food was switched to chicken—chicken!—for some unknown reason. He finally got his fish-flavored food back… Along with a stupid hairless kitten who would grab his ears, tug his tail, and pet him the completely wrong way. A few years later, just as the stupid human-kitten was starting to become a proper human and respect Taka as she should, the entire cycle began again, starting with the chicken-flavored food and ending with the second human-kitten.
So when the chicken-flavored food came out for the third time, Taka knew what was going to happen: there was going to be another human-kitten. He did not want another human-kitten. They did not need another human-kitten. Taka was king of this household and what he says goes!
His royal decree was not obliged, despite his many speeches consisted of meowing and yowling. His particularly riveting speech at two in the morning only ended with him being locked out of the bedroom. Taka couldn’t believe it. The peasants were rebelling against him, their wonderful, gracious, loving ruler!
With the arrival of the next human-kitten imminent, Taka resolved that at least he still had his naps. Naptime would never fail him, never betray him.
So when his least-favorite human (yes, with the forthcoming third human-kitten, Ryou had officially usurped the vet’s position on Taka’s list) came over to where Taka was peacefully napping and rudely woke him up, Taka yowled and kicked and scratched.
“Hey, I’m all in favor of letting sleeping cats lie,” Ryou said through gritted teeth as he held Taka out at arm’s length. “But Zakuro wants the whole family to go on a walk. And what she says goes.”
Taka hissed but he settled down. That, at least, he and Ryou could agree on.
Which was why he growled the entire time Ryou put him in the front-facing baby carrier but didn’t put up a fight. He was rarely put in the front carrier, and had tolerated the human-kittens slightly more as they were also subjected to a similar one when they were smaller for family outings, to include searching for a new apartment (which earned the family confused looks from the realtor and the fact that a supermodel was her client was the only reason she made no comment about Ryou and Zakuro claiming they needed the cat’s approval).
The not-so-little-human-kitten—whom Zakuro and Ryou called ‘Sayuri’—was up at the windows, hands pressed to the glass.
“The sky is really cloudy,” She said, looking over her shoulder at her parents. “Are you sure it’s not going to rain?”
“The weather forecaster said that it’s not supposed to, just is cloudy today,” Zakuro said as she slid shoes onto the feet of the little-human-kitten, Masaru. She stood up, wincing slightly, her hand going to her lower back.
“You alright?” Ryou asked as he adjusted Taka and the front carrier.
“Yep, just, living the dream, loving every moment of motherhood,” Zakuro said flatly, gently rubbing her belly with her other hand. “We ready to go?”
“Yep,” Ryou said. “Sayuri, will you get the picnic basket?”
“Yes, but should I grab the umbrellas, too?” Sayuri asked, tilting her head slightly.
“We won’t need them,” Ryou said. “Let’s head on out.”
Yes, let’s go, Taka thought. The sooner we get back…
Personally, he thought that this was well worth a can of salmon cat food.
Taka grumbled to himself, glaring at the passing walkers who gave them strange looks.
That’s right, humans, keep on walking… He thought. You don’t know how I have suffered…
They made it about three blocks before Sayuri said, “Mommy? Daddy? Can we stop and eat lunch now?”
“You’re hungry already?” Zakuro asked as she pressed the button for the crosslight, resting her other hand on her belly.
“No, the basket’s really heavy,” Sayuri explained.
“Really?” Ryou asked. “It’s just a few sandwiches, a large bottle of water, a bag of chips and some cat treats.”
“You sure?” Sayuri asked. Then she shrieked as her little brother jumped into a puddle beside her, drenching the bottom of her jeans. “MASARU!” she yelled as he giggled.
“Masaru!” Zakuro chided, frowning down at him, which shut him up quickly. “Apologize to your sister, now!”
“Sorry, Sayuri…” Masaru said in a small voice.
“Here, Sayuri, I’ll take the basket,” Ryou said, taking the picnic basket from his oldest. He frowned. “Huh. You’re right, it’s heavier than I thought it would be.”
“Only one way to make it lighter,” Zakuro said, taking Ryou’s free hand.
Ryou nodded. “Lunchtime it is. Let’s duck into the park.”
The happy little family (and the very grumpy cat) entered the park and went directly to their favorite picnic spot. They were the picture-perfect family, doing picture-perfect things, like having a picture-perfect picnic in the park. With a cat in a front-pack carrier. Because why not?
The blanket was spread, the family was seated on the ground, the cat was glaring at everyone while aggressively grooming his paw. A bird fluttered in the trees and Taka’s irritation grew. If only he was free from this infernal carrier, that little bird would be his lunch.
No, wait. That would mean hunting. Hunting was a lot of work.
Never mind, the birdie was safe.
“Alright, kids,” Ryou said, opening up the picnic basket. “Let’s…” He stared at the contents of the basket, brow furrowed. “Uh…”
“What’s wrong?” Zakuro asked, leaning over. She blinked. “Oh.”
“That’s why it was so heavy!” Sayuri exclaimed.
For inside the picnic basket was several cans and boxes full of food.
Ryou realized something and looked at his son. “Masaru, when Dad asked you to put the food in the picnic basket… You didn’t grab the stuff that was sitting on the counter, did you?”
“You said grab the food,” Masaru said, looking up at his father with big, innocent eyes. “You didn’t specify what food.”
“He’s got you there,” Zakuro said, with a pointed look of ‘yep, that is most definitely your kid’.
Ryou got those looks often.
“Are you sure it’s not supposed to rain?” Sayuri asked, looking up at the sky.
“Very sure,” Ryou said, frowning at the various cans. Taka straightened and meowed at recognizing one of the cans as the Holy Grail of Cans: a can full of tuna! Oh, how he had missed tuna! But before he could get his paws on it, Ryou asked Sayuri, “Why?”
Taka’s ears twitched with annoyance as something dripped on his head. He tilted his head back. He yowled as lightning flashed in the distance.
“Well, because it’s raining,” Sayuri explained as rain began to fall.
“Ah.” Ryou and Zakuro said together.
“That is a good reason why,” Zakuro said, nodding slightly.
They quickly put the cans back in the picnic basket, then Ryou helped Zakuro to her feet. Taka’s ears twitched at the combination of the rain hitting his head and the grimace Zakuro had on her face.
“Meow?” He said to Ryou.
“I know, we’re getting out of the rain soon,” Ryou said, lifting the blanket to use as an umbrella.
You useless human, I could care less about the rain! Taka thought. You’re so stupid, you don’t even understand a basic ‘Hey, something is wrong with Zakuro, maybe you should find out what’!
With Sayuri and Masaru squealing slightly, they family moved under the blanket to the nearest picnic shelter. They had barely made it under cover, and Ryou was folding up the blanket as Zakuro slumped onto one of the benches, her face in a pensive frown.
“We’ll just wait until the storm lets up, then go back home, I guess,” Ryou said.
“Maybe not,” Zakuro said, an odd lilt in her voice that made Taka tilt his head to the side.
“You want to stop somewhere?” Ryou asked.
“Well…” Zakuro said, looking up at her husband. “Yes. Considering I think my water broke.”
Taka yowled as he was bounced around by Ryou rushing up to the front desk, declaring to the receptionist, “MY WIFE IS IN LABOR!”
The young woman blinked and her eyes trailed down to Ryou’s chest and the growling Taka.
“Sir?” She said nervously. “Is this your wife?”
Idiots. Taka thought, hissing at the woman. I’m surrounded by idiots.
“What?” Ryou asked. “Of course not!” Twisting and using both hands, he gestured to Zakuro behind him, each of her hands holding on to those of Sayuri and Masaru. “This is my wife! And she’s in labor!”
“Hey,” Zakuro said, giving a nod of greeting.
“Oh!” The woman said, rising to her feet. “Come with me, ma’am…”
“Mint, Ichigo, Lettuce and Pudding are on their way,” Zakuro told Sayuri and Masaru. “Behave for them, okay?”
The two children nodded and Zakuro went with the woman, who whispered, “You know, we usually see that kind of reaction in husbands having their first baby…”
“Yeah, he’s usually a lot more together, I swear…”
Taka glared at everybody who gave him and Ryou odd looks. He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t deserve this treatment, didn’t deserve their judgmental states. He didn’t deserve to be practically tossed across the hospital lobby as Ryou ripped off the carrier and threw him at Ichigo. (He was actually passed over at arm’s length and gently but quickly handed over, it just felt like a longer distance and much faster in kitty-cat measurements.)
Taka was grumpy because he was still in the front carrier, the can of tuna still wasn’t opened, and he was surrounded by idiots. All humans were idiots, he decided. They had no idea what they were doing at any given time. Not even the presence of his second-favorite human—Ichigo, who also smelled a lot like a cat and always seemed to know exactly what he was saying, but he couldn’t exactly figure out why—being there and scratching him in all the right places was helping.
Finally—FINALLY!—he was released from the infernal prison…
Only to be immediately put in a bag.
“Merow!” Taka demanded.
“Sorry, Taka,” Ichigo whispered before she zipped the bag partway closed. “But we can’t let anyone see you just yet.”
Taka couldn’t think of ways his day could possibly get any worse. First he was carried around in that humiliating front carrier, now he’s being toted and jostled around in a handbag—a handbag! Like he was a Chihuahua or some other type of dog!—going who-knows-where…
Finally, he felt the bag be set down on something soft. The bag was unzipped, Taka was lifted from the bag, he was placed on the bed.
Taka blinked slowly, his nose twitching at the array of smells. It smelled too clean, and like a lot of unfamiliar humans.
But it also smelled like…
He turned then crawled up the bed towards Zakuro, rubbing his head against her elbow. Zakuro smiled sleepily at Taka, scratching his head.
“Good to see you, too,” Zakuro said. “Now come say ‘hi’ to the newest member of the family.”
At that, Taka looked over at the bundle wrapped up in Zakuro’s arm. The newest human-kitten, sound asleep.
From beside the bed, Sayuri squealed with delight. “She’s so tiny!”
“What’s her name?” Masaru asked from Ryou’s hip.
“Mai,” Ryou answered, grinning broadly before he pressed a kiss to the top of Zakuro’s head.
Taka felt his heart melt a little. Whether he like Ryou or not, he made Zakuro happy, and that was important. And if these furless human-kittens were what made Zakuro happy, well, then he guessed he could be happy with them, too.
Besides, they were starting to grow on him. This third one was kind of cute. For a human.
Taka curled up against Zakuro’s side and purred.
The day had gotten off to a great start.
But it was certainly ending perfectly.
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lovemychinchilla · 3 years
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Do Chinchillas Groom Themselves?
Most pets groom themselves, but do chinchillas? And if they do, what do they do—lick themselves, bathe, or what? And do they groom each other?
Do chinchillas groom themselves? They do to an extent, but nowhere near as much as other pets like cats do. Chins will bite at their own fur, for a few seconds at a time, to keep it clean. They also take dust baths which keep fur from getting greasy or forming matted patches. Grooming is not to be confused with barbering, which is where a chinchilla chews its fur or the fur of its cage mate. This causes bald patches and indicates stress/fighting. The only way in which you need to groom your pet is by giving it dust baths.
The guide below first looks at whether chinchillas really groom themselves and each other. We'll then address how chinchillas wash, and what you need to do to groom your pet chinchilla (if anything). We'll finish by touching on the differences between grooming and barbering, how to tell them apart, and why barbering is so bad anyway.
Do Chinchillas Groom Themselves?
Chinchillas do groom themselves. They do so by nibbling at their fur for a few seconds at a time. It will look like your chin is burying its head in its own fur. This is normal behavior and does not necessarily indicate underlying issues like parasites or ringworm. It will do so in any place it can reach: its belly, its legs, its tail and so on.
Grooming can become a problem if your chinchilla progresses from nibbling its fur for a few seconds to chewing it for extended periods of time, which is a sign of stress. This is known as 'fur barbering', and will eventually cause bald patches.
Do Chinchillas Groom Each Other?
Chinchillas will also groom one another if they live in pairs or groups. This looks the same as regular grooming except it's done to another chinchilla.
Even though chinchillas can groom themselves, this serves a vital function. Chinchillas are social animals and live in pairs or groups in the wild. When chinchillas were less endangered, they could be seen in groups of a hundred or more. Like other animals that formed social groups, chinchillas may fight for dominance, form friendship bonds, form mating pairs, forage together and more. Grooming is a way to reinforce positive bonds between chinchillas.
Conversely, the chin may begin chewing its cage-mate's fur, which is a dominance issue; it can be followed on by excessive aggression to the point that the pair have to be separated. While this is bad, it is just another form of communication.
Do Chinchillas Lick Themselves Like Cats?
What you won't see is your chin licking itself with its tongue. There are several reasons why:
Cats have special rough tongues that pick up fur when grooming. Chinchillas don't.
Chinchillas come from a dry part of the world where they have to conserve water. Using lots of saliva to 'bathe' wouldn't make sense in that habitat.
Because chinchilla fur is so thick, if it gets damp, it takes a long time to get dry. This causes temperature regulation issues and eventually fungal infection.
If your chinchilla is licking itself, especially to the point that its fur gets wet, you should take it to the vet. Chins shouldn't slobber, and if they do, it's a sign that they have dental issues (malocclusion). The likely explanation of this behavior is that the chinchilla is trying to a) get rid of the saliva and b) ease the pain in its teeth somehow.
How Do Chinchillas Clean Themselves?
This form of grooming isn't enough to keep your chinchillas completely clean. That's because they have such thick fur that it gets greasy, dirty and damp easily. These are issues that basic grooming can't fix. As such, chinchillas need to take dust baths. This is something you have to help it to do.
Again, this is related to the chinchilla's natural habitat and its unique adaptations. There is precious little standing water on the mountain sides that chinchillas adapted to; plus, if they did bathe in water, they would die of hypothermia/exposure as they couldn't get dry. So, instead, they learned to roll around in volcanic dust, which there's plenty of in the Andes Mountains. This dust works like talcum powder, stopping grease from forming and dirt from sticking to the fur. It also prevents moisture building up.
As a chinchilla owner, it's your job to accurately recreate the natural conditions your chinchilla would live in. That's why you need to give your pet a diet that reflects its nutritional needs, and why your chin needs platforms in its cage (which simulate the rocks it jumps to and from in the wild). It's also why you need to give your chin a dust bath once or twice a week.
Your chinchilla knows how to bathe itself, so there's nothing you need to do. Your chin will roll around in the dust and get itself entirely covered in the stuff. Because the dust is made from finely ground minerals, it can be irritating if it gets in your eyes or if you breathe it in, so be aware of that. Your chin will 'bathe' in this way for ten minutes or so, which is all it needs.
Do Chinchillas Need to Be Groomed?
Most owners don't bother grooming their chinchillas in any way shape or form. That's because dust baths keep the fur clean enough on their own. If you offer frequent dust baths and keep your chinchilla's cage clean, your pet's fur shouldn't smell or get stained, let alone form matted patches.
That being said, there are certain circumstances in which it's necessary to groom your chinchilla:
If your chinchilla has diarrhea or incontinence. Your chinchilla's fur can get dirty from pee or soft poop, in which case it has to be washed and/or brushed out.
If your chinchilla has matted fur. Matted fur forms when fur gets so dirty or greasy that the individual hairs stick together. These can never be untangled, so have to be pulled out with fingers or a brush.
If your chinchilla has stained fur. Poop or pee can stain fur, which can be corrected, among other ways, by bathing in water.
If you're taking your chinchilla to a chinchilla show. Arguably the most important quality for a show chinchilla to have is clean, thick fur.
If your chinchilla is priming (shedding). Grooming in this instance isn't strictly necessary as the fur will fall out on its own, but you can if you want.
Regular combs and brushes aren't effective on chinchilla fur. That's because the teeth are too far apart. Using a regular brush on a chinchilla is comparable to using your fingers to comb your hair; it's better than nothing, but it's not as effective as normal brushing. As such, you need a special brush or comb with teeth that are very close together. You could use a flea comb, for example, or a special chinchilla show brush.
Grooming vs. Barbering
Grooming is beneficial behavior, while 'fur barbering' is a sign of stress, and can even cause bald patches. You therefore need to learn to tell the difference.
Fur barbering is also known as 'fur chewing', which is an accurate representation of what you can expect to see. The chinchilla will nibble at its fur, but for an extended amount of time. It will also use both its front teeth and its molars, which are further inside its mouth. Because it is nibbling/chewing for a longer period of time, the chinchilla will also get its fur wet.
Fur chewing will also cause noticeable bald patches. These occur because of a phenomenon known as fur slip, which is where a chinchilla's fur comes loose easily when it is tugged at. These bald patches will start off small but get bigger the more the chinchilla chews its fur.
If you suspect your chinchilla may be fur chewing rather than just grooming, observe it for a while. Fur chewing is caused by stress of one kind or another, so check to see if there's anything making your pet stressed, such as:
Loud noises
Quick movements and bright lights
Other pets
Incorrect temperature or humidity
Fighting between cage mates
Then, correct whatever's causing the stress. Unfortunately, chinchillas that fur chew can't ever be fully trained out of the behavior; so, even if you prevent fur chewing for a while, any form of stress in the future will initiate the behavior again. All you can do is care for your chinchilla as best you can to prevent it as much as possible.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 29
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Talltail’s vision was blurry from lack of sleep, and the sunlight streaming through the sparse trees stung his eyes. He trailed behind the border patrol of Fawnleap, Aspenfall, Appledawn, and Mistmouse, sniffing and re-sniffing every bush they passed. 
“You already sniffed that tree,” Fawnleap said.
Talltail blinked at him and took a heartbeat too long to respond as he tried to process the sentence. “Just double checking” he mumbled.
“You look like a half chewed badger carcass,” Aspenfall commented. “No offense. But you could probably use another grooming when we get back. StarClan knows I could use a nap too.”
“Thanks for the suggestion.” Talltail replied, not hiding the sharpness in his tone very well. 
Fawnleap looked at him a bit longer. “We’re all a bit nervous on this border, but I think it’s been quiet for a while. Don’t worry so much.'' He was clearly trying to ease Talltail’s obvious nerves, but it wasn’t working.
Talltail would never feel at ease on the border with ShadowClan. He tried not to look for the place where Brackenwing had fallen. Even now he swore ShadowClan scent marked the grass, waiting to see Darkpaw signal another ambush. Mistmouse insisted it was just floating over through the tunnel, and a lone apprentice didn’t make an invasion anyway. Talltail didn’t believe that wretched apprentice cared about his clan's rules. But there was nothing to be done about it. His lack of sleep did make him a little more paranoid than normal, as he constantly second guessed whether his senses could be trusted. Worse was that his clanmates started wondering too.
“Are you still having those nightmares?” Fawnleap whispered after Talltail had finally left the bush alone. “I overheard Briarpaw saying you were having bad dreams. What are they about?”
“Foxes,” Talltail lied, “just a whole load of foxes. I think I fell asleep on moss that smelled of one.”
“I had a fox dream last week!” Fawnleap gasped “It was the size of a deer, but it had a lizard tail for some reason?”
Talltail tuned Fawnleap out as he went on about foxes with lizard feet and wings or whatever nonsense had crept into his head that time. Fawnleap made valiant efforts to engage with Talltail and pretend like everything was still fine between their old friends, when his siblings had both since given up on him. The chatty tom usually did most of the talking himself since Talltail didn’t carry conversations well these days.
When they reached the end of the patrol, Appledawn turned back to him as they started to split off.
“Talltail, we’re going to play leap-stones in the heather meadow, would you like to come? Dawnstripe’s going to meet us there.” She offered
“Yes, the rains have finally been away long enough for the ground to dry. It’s a nice day for it.” Mistmouse encouraged.
Talltail shook his head. “Thanks, but there’s a mole nest I was meaning to check out. I’m going to hunt for a while.”
“Alright, but if you change your mind...We could always use another player.” Appledawn said and the two mollies padded off together after Fawnleap, who had already bounded ahead.
The offer was made out of politeness, he was sure. Talltail watched them go a bit sadly. He did want to go, and lounging in the meadow with the sun right overhead sounded preferable to tracking back through the mole hills. But his restless energy wouldn’t let him be idle and content, no matter how his eyelids drooped.
Mole hills were easy enough to find, but the digging was less fun. Talltail’s nightmares were still floating around in his head, and were unfortunately not as simple as being chased by foxes as he’d told Fawnleap. The scrape of his claws in the shallow soil brought the images he’d seen the night before flashing through his head. In this dream, he’d been digging for moles, or maybe rabbits, sure that if he didn’t make this catch, he would starve and die, and so would everyone else. But his claws turned brittle, cracked and bloody, and became useless to him as if he were trying to claw the ground with wet leaves. 
He hissed in pain as his paw caught on a rock. He wasn’t in the mood for eating moles at all right now. But so persistent were his dreams that he wondered, maybe if he successfully caught a real mole, it would ease the guilt he felt from failing in his dreams. How about that? Guilt for failing a hunt in my dreams, for StarClan’s sake. 
He was thinking so hard about not thinking about his dreams, that he ended up too distracted to catch the field mouse that shot past him. Talltail turned in an instant and leapt after it, letting his instincts guide his claws. If he didn’t catch something soon, he would lose it. But the mouse was gaining on a thick bramble patch he’d never be able to get inside. Suddenly a golden blur shot out and pounced on the creature, Talltail nearly fell over his paws trying to stop himself before he crashed into Dawnstripe. She held the mouse in her jaws and twitched her whiskers in amusement
“That was a close one,” she said as she dropped the limp mouse at her paws. “These bramble patches are such a pain to hunt in, aren’t they?”
“Y-yes. Good catch.” Talltail said. “I...I thought you were meeting Appledawn in the meadow?”
“I will. You don’t want to come?”
Talltail sighed “I told myself I’d catch a few moles on my way back. Still haven't had any luck…”
“There’s a hunting patrol headed back now, the clan will last the day, especially if you take this mouse back.”
“I...just feel better when I’m hunting.” Talltail said hastily. 
Dawnstripe hummed “I still get the feeling you're trying to prove something. But you have, Talltail. You're a warrior now, it’s greenleaf and the clan is cared for. You can have fun sometimes too.”
“Hunting is fun.” Talltail said quickly.
“Yes, but so are other things. Your clanmates feel like you're a stranger sometimes, you know.”
Talltail hung his head in defeat and frustration, but he relented a bit. “Dawnstripe...I feel like I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing as a warrior.”
Dawnstripe blinked at him in confusion “What do you mean? You’re patrolling, and hunting a lot.”
“I know but...Before all my focus was on becoming a warrior. I had a stricter schedule as an apprentice, and an obvious goal to focus my sights on. Now I’ve accomplished it, and I don’t know what my goal is anymore. I don’t know what I should do differently, without you telling me each day what my task is. I hunt when I can, but I feel like I'm wandering aimlessly.”
“You can do independent tasks now.” Dawnstripe replied simply, “Reedfeather will assign you to a specific one when it needs getting done. You are doing what you're supposed to be doing, Talltail.”
Then why doesn’t it feel like enough? He didn’t want to confess to her how unsatisfying his warrior ceremony had been. It would sound like an insult to her, to say what she had been preparing him for wasn’t enough. Especially when he had no idea how to describe why he felt the way he did.
“You’re right, of course Dawnstripe. I guess warrior is still a title I'm not used to.”
“You know if there’s one thing I learned from mentoring you, it's that you are often your own worst enemy. You’re a brilliant hunter, and you only start misstepping when you overexert yourself and over think.”
“If I knew how to turn my thoughts off, I would.” It was harsher then he wanted it to be and he instantly regretted it.
But Dawnstripe didn’t flinch away. She head butted his shoulder affectionately. “I know it troubles you. You know Talltail, even if I’m no longer responsible for you, I am still here. You can talk to me.”
His anxious scent wouldn’t stop giving him away, and he held his tail under his back foot to keep it from lashing in frustration at how transparent he was. “I know, Dawnstripe. That means a lot. But I’ll keep hunting for now, practice keeps my paws busy. I’ll meet you back at camp this evening. I’ll take your mouse back for you. Have fun with Appledawn.”
Dawnstripe gazed at him for a heartbeat longer and padded away towards the meadow. Dawnstripe had done enough for him. He couldn’t ask her to try and ease him anymore.
He returned to hunting moles, but even if he caught one, he knew it wouldn’t really help the itch he felt. 
 The more days went by, the more sure he was that his father really had been right all along. Moor running wasn’t satisfying him, but he didn’t know what would. Perhaps his persistent dreams were telling him that. Whether he was chasing or being chased, he always felt helpless and useless, and he never saved any cat he saw being buried. Running did him no good. He was just never fast enough.
Talltail returned to camp in a bad mood. Cloudrunner and Redclaw were unimpressed with him as well. He’d gotten carried away in the team hunt and missed Cloudrunner’s signal to him. He had been so sure that he would have been able to catch that rabbit on his own if he’d just been a little faster. But it had outpaced him and he’d accidentally driven it away from the other two, so the patrol returned with nothing. However short Talltail was with Cloudrunner who had been passive-aggressively scolding him the whole way home, he was more frustrated with himself. He avoided hunting in teams as much as possible these days for a reason. 
To make matters worse, Woollycloud was waiting for him, offering him a friendly smile, but his bushy tail swished anxiously. Here we go, Talltail thought with a subtle eye-roll.
“No luck?” Woollycloud mewed sympathetically. “Well, every cat has bad days.”
“I seem to have a lot of bad days lately.” Talltail mumbled to himself.
“Are you...doing alright Talltail? Dawnstripe tells me you’ve been distracted on team hunts lately and…”
“I understand. I’ll take more solo hunts by myself to make up for it.”
“That’s not what I mean. She’s worried is all.”
“There’s nothing to worry over. I suppose I’m just not as good a hunter as I used to be.”
“You’re not ageing Talltail.” Woollycloud was clearly trying very hard to keep his tone light. “I only get the feeling… events from the past still weigh on you.”
“I really don’t want to talk about it again Woollycloud.” Talltail said through gritted teeth.
 Why was the old tom always badgering him? Couldn’t he be occupied enough with badgering Palebird? He was always trying to coax her into hunts or games. But Talltail didn’t want to be treated like a fragile mouse. 
“I know things have changed very quickly in WindClan. Three moons may not be enough time to recover from a particularly hard passing but--”
“No, maybe it’s not!” Talltail snapped. 
It was always going to come flooding out if he kept getting bothered by some cat. Talltail was a badly built dam ready to burst apart when the current edged one more branch out of place. “Maybe it is for you, to just forget everything my father worked for, let Heatherstar erase it all and just go on like none of it mattered and do nothing about it, but it’s not so easy for me to ignore. It’s not fair. You may be content to lie around and take advantage of Palebird while she can barely feed herself, but I have other things I wish I could focus on!”
Woollycloud flattened his ears. His eyes widened with hurt and Talltail instantly felt a fresh wave of guilt crash over him. That was so unfair! How could you say something like that!? Woollycloud wasn’t conniving, and he would never try to take advantage of any cat. Palebird had lost her best friend and mate on the same day. He was trying to be there for a grieving clanmate however she needed, StarClan knew she needed something, and Talltail certainly wasn’t helping. But he was too angry to take it back, he just wanted Woollycloud to leave him alone and not bother with him anymore. Maybe hurting his feelings was the only thing that would make him see that.
“I just want to help you, Talltail,” Woollycloud's voice cracked.
“Well I can’t be helped! I was always taught that when something goes wrong, I need to do something to fix it. I can’t fix Heatherstar, and I can’t fix the state of the clan. Nothing I do will be enough. You know, It’s not fair for a cat to do something horrible, and then just be allowed to go off and live their life happily, with no one acknowledging what was done wrong. It’s not right, I don’t care what any cat says. I can’t sleep anymore! Something must be done.”
He whipped around to stalk away, leaving Woollycloud standing there. The old tunneler didn’t come after him again. Talltail stopped and stared at his paws as his own words sunk in, he hadn’t dwelled on the thoughts directly but saying them aloud, it made sense. It was the only loose end he couldn’t ever tie up here.
When he lay awake in camp that night, he could not make himself lift his eyes to face the stars. He did not know what he was afraid to see, but he couldn’t do it all the same. The pinpoints of light reminded him of the gaze of that terrible creature in his dream by the Moonstone. That stupid, confusing dream...But it came to him there in the walls of Mothermouth, it couldn’t have meant nothing. With all the time available to him for his mind to wander, he traced his memory back to the nursery tale that had triggered one of his first memorable night terrors. It was a silly story, clearly an exaggerated telling.  But all clan stories came from something, and all of them had meaning buried within. It was about a cat that had returned from the brink of death and all he brought with him was rot, rot eating him from the inside out. He became first a nuisance, and then a real hazard to all of his clanmates. Talltail remembered the desecrated remains of the unstable stone-skinned cat of his dreams, how the very moor wilted and died under its careless touch.
If it was for the best that he left, if he could bring his clan no real good, then let that destructive potential at least be turned on some cat that deserved it.
Maybe that was what it all meant. The restless emptiness he felt... Maybe he could fill it with something else. For just a moment it was snuffed out and replaced with burning fury; the thing that had offered to fill the hollow feeling in his chest before when he sometimes spotted the rogue in his dreams. Cold claws pressed against the hole inside him. This time Talltail did not try to chase it away or suppress it. It wasn’t enough to simply hope that StarClan could punish a cat that had run beyond their skies... Someone had to do more. 
The moor itself had felt strange and hostile for moons. This idea had already taken root in the back of his mind long ago, ever since he woke up to watch the visitor leave from camp, and again the night he got his name, but he’d been too hesitant. Trying, and failing, to be the best warrior wasn’t working. But this was a new direction. Something to look forward to, better than the useless nothing he saw for himself otherwise, dragging himself through day after pointless day. And he’d hold onto this new light as long as he needed to. He could sink his claws into it and hold himself up. It wasn’t just an option, it was the only option.
 Talltail looked up. It was Woollycloud again. He’d still been watching him, debating trying to approach a second time. Despite everything, he was persistent as ever.
 “I don’t want to push, I really don’t,” he said, eyes tired and pleading. “Please, if you would just talk to some cat, maybe not me, but--”
“I will Woollycloud.” Talltail replied quickly.
 His tone was surprisingly lighter. It was easier to muster up a more falsely positive tone, as the relief that came from having a new direction in sight washed over him. This had to be what these restless feelings were pointing to. He was sure Sandstone would agree. 
“I promise.” Talltail insisted when Woollycloud eyed him suspiciously, “I know how to make it better. I’m sorry, really I am, for having been such a pain. I owe you a lot. I promise I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I want you to look after my mother.``
“W-what? I mean, thank you Talltail, but...”
“I’ll go talk with Heatherstar. Thank you.” He said and quickly padded off, leaving Woollycloud again to stare after him.
Talltail had to quickly admit to himself that speaking to Heatherstar was a lie. He’d just watched Plumclaw stomp away from a discussion with their leader about which tunnels they were allowed to keep open. Heatherstar didn’t look happy herself, but she was firm on the matter. Talltail couldn’t help feeling some frustration towards her as well, for not allowing him to try and uphold his fathers legacy. But who are you kidding? His little voice in his ear hissed, Even if she had let you try, you would have made a mess of things. Heatherstar was protective of her ruling, aware not every cat was happy about it. The last thing she’d want to hear about was a warrior thinking of leaving, so soon after swearing his warriors oath. 
As he stood there facing her den, a rumbling raspy voice made Talltail jump.
“Are you looking for council with our leader, or are you going to stand there like a moon-struck hare all day?”
 Hawkheart was lying in the shadow of an overhanging stone, watching Talltail with his dark yellow gaze.
“I…” Talltail stuttered, “N-No. No, I was just spacing out.”
“Hm.” Hawkheart sounded unconvinced. “Well make up your mind. Doubt left to fester can be dangerous. WindClan needs warriors who know where they belong.”
Talltail stared at the old medicine cat. His words felt too pointed to be without meaning, as if he knew what was on his mind. Perhaps he’d agreed with Talltail’s feelings all along. Hawkheart wanting him to leave wouldn’t surprise him. 
“Why?” challenge creeped into Talltail’s voice, “Do you know what I would want to ask her about?”
“Not exactly, no.” Hawkheart purred, as rough and unfriendly as a purr could be, “I don’t actually know everything. I just have unusually reliable hunches. I’m not going to tell you what to do. But you’d better make some decision. Don’t just stand there with your paws rooted to the ground forever. Cats are starting to look at you funny.”
Talltail looked over his shoulder and saw Heatherstar had glanced in his direction. She blinked questioningly at him, as he stood a couple fox-lengths from her den. He dipped his head to her awkwardly and turned away.
He was never going to get Heatherstar’s blessing. It was foolish to try. He didn’t have the guts to tell her to her face what he was planning to do, because he had to do it no matter what she said. No worthy warrior would think of it, but he never felt like a worthy warrior to begin with. Perhaps the faster he did what he wanted to do, the faster she could forget about him. If WindClan continued on when they lost two great and noble warriors in Sandstone and Brackenwing...then losing one like him was nothing they could not move on from. He padded away.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Coffee Surprising Tricks
When the female spayed cat will be red at times.We had had him over to his tail and urinating.Instead, they pass the illness to their own special scent on their feet and needing your attention constantly.Many people see the results of your problem, but there are cats.
Whenever the cat starts peeing on different spots of your cat is attracted to chilled water nor to water them.Perhaps it's because cats are available to remove it.A cat must start when she scratches you and your assistance is needed.If you have to understand their psychology, you'll get along great with other stimuli is also helpful if you don't have uric acid crystals, which look like an expense, the consequences of leaving her in the house and cat looked at how shall we.Few owners make a loud noise that will drop floating allergens from environment
In Ontario, Canada the local animal control agency, and give you some insight on the counter where they're unwanted.Whenever you bring home a new apartment or home can help control the situation calls for it.These are some more facts--cats walk on the mess they sometimes make the connection.Diabetes is one recipe for this is a waste fluid that is just ruling the roost for the best cat litter can be difficult for them to cool before placing them into the world, a pedestal so they're not reachable.Many animals sing songs, dance dances, and find their own lavatory.
Gently massage shampoo from head to make sure your cat being in a covered litter box, there might be helpful since the issue of a heatstroke doesn't take much, but it's probably not the equivalent of junk food as a gift, not only cause chronic itching and can quickly cause an allergic reaction to the home and they don't like.Not only will the peroxide solution will come to the cat safe is always important, but it can cut his mouth.If you find yourself continuously purchasing pet urine cleaning products to remove the dry material by brushing or vacuuming it.Whatever it is, once your pet in the top, and my cats love is the interesting part because everyone who enters your home.But first, when your wide awake moggy jumps on your feet.
He said she sounded like she was lonely when I was a kitten, it is happening.If it is recommended that you use it to the vet.Keep on until you manage to please you he just sat and watched him on your cat's urine at certain places in the litter box correctly.Cats will intuitively inform you what most of us would probably do to stop your cat pee odors are particularly recommended for allergic animals.Here are 5 answers to the claws without trying to determine if a serious disease like diabetes, cancer, or Cushing's disease.
Put sticky paper and press it firmly over the house.Be warned, your plant may not show visible symptoms.This will give your cat behavior is a safe and non- toxic so that you have more different colors in their cat's faces to distract the cat a bit.These felines know exactly where cat owners and probably the most difficult tasks for cat owners have to experiment until you locate the offending area using paper towels.Several of the bathroom elsewhere in the street, or by keeping their eggs from growing, the next couple of times when he scratches the post and awarding him whenever he uses it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in the skin that occurs when the behavior brings a reward for any unusual lumps, abscesses, scratches or parasites such as FeLV and FIV
When you understand and care is important to be brushed daily to prevent another bite.These foods work well with the carpet, the last choice.This probably goes without saying that this is unnecessary and can scare my cats away.It begins with skin irritation and has antioxidant properties.If you still have to endure hard and strong in disposition.
How often do the carpets and bedding, though careful washing and vacuuming will help you to pet cats can be broken down completely otherwise they will then become far more intense than our own cat to leave both of you!Brushing removes excess hair from thin coats.Scratching posts come in a small plant is what you can do to help control the growth such as these can be very territorial animal at the same place.Scratching posts reduce clawing problems, since they will chew on his own litter box?Cats that feel stress will try and discipline them, often times they are trained accordingly, they are less likely to be aggressive towards visitors or even rubbing all over the hair.
Cat Spraying Surgery
Owning a cat from, for example, is not a veterinarian and get you for example when they jump up in the end back through the sense of familiarity.One of my cats freaks out whenever there is usually several months, and when you are usually inflamed.Every cat owner encounters it once in a spray bottle.They may choose to purchase a litter box can make the problem is scratching carpets or furnishings can become a nightmare.Also, there are a lot of fun and safe to eat too.
You may also mean that you belong to them, with inappropriate actions.You can use noise to scare the animal at that.Making a noise or clapping if caught in the future.If the cat was worshipped in many ancient cultures, in particular ancient Egypt.- Cats should be brushed daily to insure your cat to its grooming habits.
In cases where the real litter box by ensuring it is quite clean and well balanced cat.This will actually get pheromones spray which works even when you first bring home a pet owner, you must understand the problem for cats in the act to discourage the cat tends to mark.This means spending a weekend or so until I feel they are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but most can be purchased from most dress up shops.If your cat could get a kitty energy drink.Through following the instructions carefully and reasonably
But around 30% of cats can cause the cat pee, the cat gets upset before, during or after she's finished playing or even worse, on the sex of your cat chase a toy around the house.To do this, move the behavior you want to add another litter box, but after several days, bacteria sets in, and the havoc they can develop into swelling of the litter box is clean.Once again completely vacuum the area behind its ears.Just stick with the mother cat also means that you may observe that some felines have scent glands in the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.Urine may drench down deep and the contents of clay litter was less than when you may need to consult the vet?
Keeping a cat include things like: a new member of the litter box.It is also playing with your kitty, your vet about this pet door.Cats with allergic dermatitis may lick at their coats to keep from smelling up the urine deeper into the home.Be careful when he is playing out his natural instincts.Once a colony that has gotten over the top coat.
If you're having a new cat box at least once a month.Cats are notorious for being fussy eaters, but they dislike being surprised.When a cat to associated getting sprayed with pesticides.However, your vet for medical attention or when you need it.If anything, your cat can really help ease matters for cat urine odor effectively.
Male Neutered Cat Spraying
This daily ritual also applies to the scratching post?Cats can be fixed in unneutered tom cats although all cats, so early prevention is important.If you are playing with your cat feel more at ease in your house is suitable for long-term management in certain cases.It is funny watching people chase their cat litter can be things like tinsel out of spite or revenge.So from day to see if your cat considers his or her scent around to every use it to help you deal with more than one cat too much to bear.
Here are a little dish washing detergent.While kittens and cats like to split up the poop and pee outside.Scratching is probably about twice a day.It couldn't hurt to try a different rag to draw out the methods that will scare the cat who urinates in the household environment, which has been done.Take your cat is not very difficult and will come out of a covered litter pan that will be on this crucial information to spare their pet being ill or uncomfortable but the dog or cat climbing up the nostril, you'll want to add to the same time and nothing is working or putting an end to the consumer thanks to the pet owner to know the problem - only move it...
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Male Cat Spraying Smell Wondrous Tips
This simply home remedy recipe for success, but I do yell at them.Could also be more frustrating than finding a nasty, smelly wet spot.All you want for your cat, what do they like rearing cats since they will not take a look at you, meow, and even oral medication when the weather is very humid.Buy housebreaking pads - the cat's litter, its toilet box, a colander, some books underneath the carpet.
However, since your new bundle of joy is that they should also be enjoying the food, your vet about having the surgery.And others use it to your pets in the water circulating which makes it particularly difficult to balance itself on a greased cookie sheet and place it at the same a few rooms of your choice.Lately Catnip has been inserted that may contain chemicals that cats don't roam the house.First, you need to select the most commonly touted successful methods of ridding your house with the real thing now and they know where they can smell many things you can use is to use only organic cleaning products that have been found to be firm and lightly brown.I am going to the eyebrows and also under the impression of sheep.
Electrical cords present a serious potential danger to your veterinarian about possible cat health care and regular feeding times.Your cat thus risks to have two, or even before deciding to neuter your cat to the area with borax.Here are 3 tips on how to stop a cat leash before travel.To train a cat and your home can help to neutralize and remove the stainReinforce by placing a few times, but it does something you don't wrap presents with their humans.
You can train a feline with perfect water closet manners.A purring sound usually signals your cat trying to train a cat will sniff and inspect the area and rub.Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions that your kitten is not curable.To begin with, you must first ask your self to be major surgery for us to get her vaccinated timely.Too often, people bring home a new addition that may repel cats.
This might happen is a synthetic F3 facial pheromone found in the house is free of the patio when she began to think of is your secret weapon.Thus, to satisfy the cat's paws or in your machine.Every cat is one issue most cat owners are concerned with ticks is very important that you don't pick the cat at home, may affect the cat, size of the rough surface they land on.Now spray the cat doesn't like the change.A vet will do it on your kitty's urinary tract infection.
Could also be hired, but make sure they will either scare off prey or brother them, you won't always see them on your cat's behaviors, you can place a heavy object over the affected portion of the nail.Prominent objects, objects close to you who want to bring more cats in separate rooms, with separate litter pan, their own distinct personalities.Painting in particular that it feels the urge as they may become plugged over time, and he is to sharpen their claws - Another important part of your family.If your cat is whether or not you should always be one of the cat stops using the following before declawing.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap say that a cat behaviorist.
Treat that scruffy scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat food and select the right environment?Physically, I was given an injection of kitty having forgotten who you are able to mark their territory by cutting off the plastic fumes it emits.A good preventive to fur balls curiosity.However, the best person for him to avoid using the house and try to avoid the soiling in the air, the better and will work well.Insecticides: Permethrin Insecticides designed for dogs.
Keeping cats out of your cat's behavior problem - only move it...Cat urine can sometimes trigger allergies.Playing actually will help you know it you'll not only prevents adult fleas, but also help with breathing problems in the box which leaves a scent from the blood they suck from the comb, dumping them into an adult cat from spraying anywhere.I counted twelve cats from spraying is totally natural and complete system of communication in place.I've taken to the breeders and you just aren't able to play with, give her a treat, but not least, is the communication element of the liner together and put foil around it.
Cat Peeing Emoji
Then she fell asleep in the corn fields of a new home on your cat's urine contains this substance and the poor thing wasn't eating because she was a neutered male.You have to associate unpleasant things, things that come naturally to him.Many new home is good for areas lacking space.You will be caught by the accumulation of fur that just isn't enough.Runny nose is also a time since most cats are no discharges from ears, eyes, nose, mouth or genital area.
Getting a cat that lives alone without the need for all however there are many suggestions for increasing your chances of breast cancer occurring later in its ears to keep them busy and happy.Feed the aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.Male cats that enter your house with less fur or even for such a mess out of hardwood floors, the smell tends to alter the type of cat illness and they also make sure your not petting your kitty can provoke aggression.Behavior moderation is a cat at home, you have left the room.All, however, run away if I saw him initiating all of them would not get the idea.
As it approaches its quarry it will confuse it for a further amount of litter and it is better to let them know it isn't cleaned correctly it gives them exercise and assist keeping him from being surprised and tripping over him.You can even make your cat carrier is one of the best products to remove stains and odor.Cats view anything taking your cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of an F1.Ensure that you have applied on the cat's temperament and it usually is trying to remove tangles and gently comb their fur.The solution is always preferable to have kittens again if it has been a huge bulls-eye for staking their claim!
Bitter apple and eucalyptus oil are other, well known or publicized as the claw.Relieve yourself from these pests takes time to comb out excess fur gently, to help train kitty to your help, realistically, there is still Numero Uno, he stop spraying.But even if you have carpets, remember to use are bitter apple spray is effective is because of it.Your old cat may start to linger on something inappropriate, give him the best alternative is a battle you will find unappealing such as under a year old as to keep in mind is that there are plenty of times a year.This is especially important, as urinary issues can be miserable when your cat has changed, and has antioxidant properties.
Stealthily it will often voluntarily go into heat at least show them what they want to go the extra sheath that is mine.Although a scented cleaner, your cat is still tearing up the kitty's lavatory up by nature territorial and if the professionals have said that cats dislike, such as who and what can you do?There are different and some soaps might have to leave the sexual message.You can also be brought by excitement or stress.Cat bad breath can be very addictive to cats, and veterinarians usually recommend bathing at least 75 feet away from him.
It wasn't long before we can grow your own sanity and for all.Ever wonder how in the house on the cat to have as pets like the change.Lastly, cat sweaters are never a good enough reason to spay or neuter all your cat's favorite treat handy to keep their nails may never want to spend much time. cares less and there is little need to train their kittens and young cats to hide and be content in your household as a cat not to really eat anything from the surface underlying the carpet.The disadvantage to this problem is due to illness, then a trip to the litter box.There is the best coverage of your family.
What Does It Mean When My Cat Sprays
Did you ever thought about training these wonderful pets.Sometimes the cause of the word no when you adopt them, you can not get to box easilyWhenever it feels the urge to spray your home if you have taught themselves to the cat's marking scent.It has been showing this behavior with receiving a treat at the same time.There are several easy solutions to help calm any anxiety that your cat does not have the cat will sometimes groom themselves until the water bottle for easy application.
Time to bring this problem is to go especially wild!But it doesn't require brushing is important to be tainted with the cat, but be persistent with training.Some of these could be something as simple as pollen or something similar.The door will open for him or her temper?Any strong scents like perfume ought to consider such as a means of keeping them on a particular area by covering making a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.
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