misdrnet · 6 months
مرحبا، هذه مدينة سيهوي! يرجى قبول بطاقة العمل الجديدة هذه لجذب الاستثمار!
مرحبا، هذه مدينة سيهوي! يرجى قبول بطاقة العمل الجديدة هذه لجذب الاستثمار!
استثمر في تشاوتشينج نُشر في قوانغدونغ بتاريخ 2023-10-30 22:10
تشاوتشينغ يرحب بكم
المحطة الرابعة → مدينة سيهوي
نقدم لكم بطاقات الأعمال الاستثمارية الصناعية لمدينة Sihui
أين تقع مدينة سيهوي؟
مدينة Sihui هي البوابة الشرقية لـ Zhaoqing.
وهي جزء من منطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو الكبرى.
المنطقة بأكملها مدرجة في دائرة الحياة الاقتصادية لمدة ساعة واحدة في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ،
إنها الطريقة الوحيدة لربط منطقة الخليج الكبرى بالجنوب الغربي.
تتمتع مدينة سيهوي بمزايا نقل جيدة، حيث تتلاقى أربعة طرق سريعة، اثنان عموديان واثنان أفقيان، في سيهوي، ويوجد إجمالي 11 مدخل ومخرج للطريق السريع، وقد تم ربط كل مدينة بالطريق السريع. تمر عبرها السكك الحديدية الخفيفة بين المدن بين قوانغتشو وفوشان وتشاوتشو وسكة حديد قوييانغ وقوانغتشو وسكة حديد سانماو. بالاعتماد على الممرين المائيين الذهبيين شيجيانغ وبيجيانج، يمكنها الوصول إلى النهر والبحر، ويمكنها الإبحار مباشرة إلى هونغ كونغ وماكاو.
كيف هي القاعدة الصناعية لمدينة سيهوي؟
مدينة سيهوي في عام 2022
إجمالي الناتج المحلي الإقليمي المكتمل يبلغ 74.354 مليار يوان.
تمثل 27.5% من مدينة تشاوتشينج،
العديد من المؤشرات الاقتصادية مستقرة وفي تحسن.
المجموعة الصناعية "الرائدة + المميزة".
وهو يمثل 83% من إجمالي قيمة الإنتاج الصناعي فوق الحجم المحدد.
تم تصنيف مدينة سيهوي كأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في الصين ذات إمكانات تنموية في عام 2022، وأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في البلاد من حيث التنمية الخضراء، وأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في البلاد ذات إمكانات استثمارية، وأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في البلاد ذات إمكانات استثمارية. مدن في البلاد من حيث الابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي، وأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في البلاد من حيث جودة التحضر الجديد، وأفضل 100 مقاطعة ومدينة في البلاد. عينة من أفضل 100 شركة تجارة إلكترونية تنافسية في المدينة .
ما هي المزايا الصناعية لمدينة سيهوي؟ صورة موارد الأراضي الغنية
مساحة صناعية جديدة قابلة للتطوير في مدينة سيهوي
تصل إلى 26,250 فدان.
ميزة تكلفة الاستثمار الواضحة
سعر الارض الصناعية بارك
فقط ثلث المدن الأساسية في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ؛
تكاليف الكهرباء الصناعية والمياه وتكاليف العمالة التجارية
وهي أقل بكثير من تلك الموجودة في المنطقة الأساسية لدلتا نهر اللؤلؤ.
بيئة عمل ممتازة
تقييم وتصنيف بيئة الأعمال في مدينة سيهوي من خلال مؤشرات مختلفة
في مقدمة البلاد والمحافظة.
تعزيز إصلاح "القدرة المزدوجة والالتزام المزدوج"،
يمكن بدء عمل تجاري في نصف يوم.
يمكن للمؤسسات الصناعية البدء في البناء فورًا بعد الحصول على الأرض.
ما هي شركات النقل الموجودة في مدينة Sihui؟
منطقة تشاوتشينغ للتكنولوجيا الفائقة، مجمع سيهوي الصناعي
التركيز على تطوير تصنيع المعدات المتقدمة،
مركبات الطاقة الجديدة وقطع غيار السيارات،
المعلومات الإلكترونية والصناعات الصيدلانية الحيوية.
مجمع الصناعات الكيميائية الجميلة
لبناء المحافظة وحتى الوطن
الحديقة المهنية لصناعة الكيماويات الجميلة كهدف،
تقوم بشكل رئيسي بتطوير راتنجات البوليمر الاصطناعية، وما إلى ذلك.
الصناعة الكيميائية الدقيقة المهنية.
حديقة تشاوتشينغ (Sihui) الصناعية للمعلومات الإلكترونية
التركيز على تطوير الجيل الجديد من المعلومات الإلكترونية،
مكثف الراقية وغيرها من الصناعات.
حديقة نانجيانغ الصناعية
التركيز على تطوير مواد الألمنيوم (السبائك) و
صناعة مواد جديدة تعتمد بشكل رئيسي على المواد المركبة من ألياف الكربون،
مواد مبتكرة تدعم صناعة تصنيع المعدات المتقدمة
وصناعات الملحقات.
وتم تدعيم الطرق الداعمة بالحديقة، وتم مد شبكة أنابيب إمدادات المياه، وشبكة أنابيب مياه الأمطار والصرف الصحي، وشبكة أنابيب اتصالات الطاقة، وشبكة أنابيب الغاز، وفي الوقت نفسه تم إنشاء محطة معالجة الصرف الصحي بالحديقة، والحديقة الذكية، كما تم بناء محطة إطفاء ومشاريع أخرى.
الاتجاه الاستثماري لمدينة سيهوي
تطوير مركبات الطاقة الجديدة بشكل رئيسي، وتصنيع المعدات المتقدمة،
المعلومات الإلكترونية، تخزين الطاقة الجديدة، المواد الكيميائية الدقيقة،
الأطباق المعدة للأطعمة والمشروبات ومعالجة المعادن وما إلى ذلك.
الصناعات "الرائدة + المميزة".
انظر هنا،
هل سبق لك أن انجذبت إلى مدينة Sihui؟
تشاوتشينغ الدافئ والمضياف،
مرحبا بكم في الاستثمار وبدء الأعمال التجارية في مدينة Sihui!
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zhaoqing, guangdong, china
by wesley chiwai tang
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hotelbooking · 2 months
7 Days Inn Zhaoqing Seven Star Memorial Archway Tianning Plaza Branch 7 Days Inn Zhaoqing Seven Star Memorial Archway Ti, located in Duanzhou, Zhaoqing, is a popular choice for travelers. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's must-see destinations. First-rate hotel services and facilities that define the Plateno experience await you at the 7 Days Inn Zhaoqing Seven Star Memorial Archway Ti. This hotel offers numerous on-site facilities to satisfy even the most discerning guest. All guest accommodations feature thoughtful amenities to ensure an unparalleled sense of comfort. Besides, the hotel's host of recreational offerings ensures you have plenty to do during your stay. Superb facilities and an excellent location make the 7 Days Inn Zhaoqing Seven Star Memorial Archway Ti the perfect base from which to enjoy your stay in Zhaoqing.
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herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Banna Caecilian (Ichthyophis bannanicus), family Ichthyophiidae, Zhaoqing, China
Some herpetologists consider this species as a population of the Koh Tao Island Caecilian (Ichthyophis kohtaoensis).
photograph by Kevin
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by13x · 3 months
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Traditional Dances -34
Chinese-Guangning County- Zhaoqing City - Guangdong Prefecture -廣寧山獅 Guangning Mountain Lion
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On this fine day, the warm rays of the Sun illuminate Kongsang, bringing with it comfort and peace. Even the loud shouts from Suckling Pig Roast are nothing but golden rays that add to the eaves.
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : The incident last time was an accident! I swear in the name of the flame in my palm that I will never burn another piece of equipment into ashes!
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Suckling Pig Roast, why are you quarreling with our gorgeous so early in the morning?
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Oh, Kongsang Ambassador, you came just in time! I was just about to fix the roof of Glazed Tile House, but Master won't give me the farm tools no matter what I say!
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : I know that you also hide an unknown source of power within your body. Use it to seduce Master!
OPTION 1 : WHY DO YOU NEED TO FIX THE ROOF? SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Wh-When I was gliding across the roofs the other, I accidentally did some damage... OPTION 2 : WHY DO YOU NEED TO SEDUCE ME? BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Although seducing beauties isn't something a Kongsang Ambassador is expected to do, I still would've done so without Suckling Pig Roast's request. After all, I'm willing to do anything to earn your smile, Gorgeous.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Also, is the house you mentioned a small residence built with blue bricks and glazed tiles? I heard that the residence has a lotus pond. If you throw a silver coin into the pond and make a wish, your wish may come true.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : The other day, Ron Goldie ordered two carriages worth of silver coins... I'd better visit the owner of the residence to make sure we didn't cause him any trouble.
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Wishes coming true?! T-Then the owner of the residence must be an expert in magic and wonders. Maybe they're just like me! Master, let's go!
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Wait! Suckling Pig Roast... Running with our gorgeous and a shovel slumped over your shoulder is highly inappropriate!
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Inside the garden of the petite residence, a monk donning a beige robe is meditating.
The banks of the pond are littered with footprints. Tiles are scattered everywhere, covered in loose strands of dead grass. The bottom of the lotus pond is reflecting rays of silvery light. Countless silver coins lie silently on the bottom of the pond.
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Ah! It's you? You're the owner of this Glazed Tile House?
DINGHU'S VEGGIE : Amitabha... Long time no see, Dana.
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Don't worry. I'm a hero who is tasked with the mission to protect this world. My flames protect me, and I bring peace and prosperity to all those around me! Look, I brought tools today to fix your roof!
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : Ah. The roof has been fixed... Dear little monk, your skills are as impressive as always!
OPTION 1 : BE MORE POLITE, LITTLE ROAST PIG. DINGHU'S VEGGIE : It is alright. If you follow your heart, you need not seek, as your heart is the law. I know that he meant no harm. OPTION 2 : YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER? DINGHU'S VEGGIE : One sows a cause and harvests a result, but everything is within your heart and defined by your judgments. Mercy, mercy.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : I didn't know Master Dinghu's Veggie was the owner of Glazed Tile House. I've long heard of your name, Master. Now that I've finally met you in person, you're indeed as graceful as they say you are.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Although I only came into being during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, I heard your name when you were once invited to be a guest at the Machu-Han Imperial Feast.
SUCKLING PIG ROAST : My friend, why did you...?! When we were fighting in Zhaoqing, you wouldn't allow a single Qing solider inside Qingyun Temple!
OPTION 1 : SOUNDS LIKE A STORY. DINGHU'S VEGGIE : Amitabha. Please talk not of the past, Dana. After all, the past does not hold much truth. OPTION 2 : SOUNDS VERY IMPRESSIVE. DINGHU'S VEGGIE : I... am still lacking in cultivation on my path to understand the laws of this world.
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BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : The battles in Zhaoqing? Could it be... In other words, you were born during the reign of Emperor Yongli? Please forgive me for my ignorance... I should not have mentioned the Qing banquets...
DINGHU'S VEGGIE : The dynasties change, and it is nothing but trivialities and fantasy. After all, one's true calling should only be peace and comfort for all beings on earth.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : I dare not compare myself to you, master, but the period I lived in was known for its chaos. I used to suffer countless sleepless nights. The only thing I wished for was the safety and peace of the folks of Fuzhou...
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : It's a pity that history cannot be undone. In the end, all the things were ruined and turned to tatters, just like this garden.
Dinghu's Veggie stops fixing the floor tiles and raises his head.
DINGHU'S VEGGIE : If you wish to fix a garden, fix it. If you wish to bring peace to all, do it. Inner peace can be obtained through meditation and action. With this endless wisdom, you shall find freedom in your heart.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : Through meditation and action... That's true. However, I thought that following the Buddha was the equivalent of alienating oneself from the mundane matters of this world, including the changing of dynasties.
DINGHU'S VEGGIE : That... Was what I once thought, too. However, the teachings of the Buddha are endless, and so is my journey of cultivation.
BUDDHA'S TEMPTATION : I'm all ears, Master.
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afewrice · 1 year
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laumantung · 1 year
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#VKNOW #肇慶 (at Zhaoqing) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpr0jCyyCMq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yhwhrulz · 6 days
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misdrnet · 7 months
From September 27th to September 30th, 2023, during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday, traffic congestion in Zhaoqing has become a hot topic.
The transportation infrastructure of Zhaoqing's 5th tier cities must withstand traffic pressure beyond the first tier.
To go to Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Xiangxi, one must pass through Zhaoqing.
Zhaoqing is a necessary route from the Great Southwest to the Pearl River Delta. Definitely blocked.
The Huizhao Expressway has not been completed and cannot share the traffic pressure of the Erguang Expressway.
The Guangfo Zhaoyun Expressway has not been completed and cannot share the traffic pressure of the G80 Guangkun Expressway.
The traffic jam in Zhaoqing proves that its transportation infrastructure lags far behind economic demand.
Sihui - Qingyuan, Siqing Highway, has not been widened for decades,
The Provincial Highway S263 of Guangning Huaiji in Sihui has not been widened for decades,
Sihui Guangning Huaiji, apart from the S263 Provincial Highway and the Erguang Expressway, lacks other county-level and township level road connections. Quite backward.
Some sections of G321 and G324 national highways in Zhaoqing still have two lanes in both directions and one lane in one direction.
The G80 Guangkun Expressway, in the Zhaoqing section, has only two lanes in one direction and four lanes in both directions, and is often congested in daily traffic.
The serious shortage of investment in transportation infrastructure by the country and province in Zhaoqing is the reason for the severe traffic congestion in Zhaoqing.
The transportation infrastructure in Zhaoqing cannot withstand the pressure of the Pearl River Delta towards the southwest of the motherland.
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greaterbayarea · 2 months
Zhaoqing Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong discussed the development strategy during the 2024 Two Sessions: Deeply integrating the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and accelerating the development of manufacturing and green economy
By Sun Lei Hong Kong Economic Herald
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Xu Xiaoxiong pointed out that Zhaoqing City adheres to the real economy as the foundation and manufacturing as the leading factor. Through the implementation of the ten action plans of “Manufacturing Leadership” , Zhaoqing City has successfully introduced and cultivated hundreds of billions of industrial clusters such as new energy vehicles and new energy storage. Since last year, Zhaoqing City has held more than 120 large-scale investment promotion activities and successfully connected with more than 3,000 companies. The planned investment in manufacturing projects introduced has exceeded 100 billion yuan, significantly improving the growth rate of industrial investment and the overall strength of the industrial chain.
In terms of the development of emerging industries, Zhaoqing City has not only become an important city in the new energy automobile industry in Guangdong Province, but has also carried out all-round strategic cooperation with industry leading companies such as CATL to vigorously promote the rapid growth of new energy storage industries and electronic information industries. Through these efforts, Zhaoqing is rapidly becoming an advanced manufacturing base with important influence.
Regarding how to further promote industrial and economic development, Xu Xiaoxiong emphasized that Zhaoqing will be deeply integrated into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area industrial chain and actively promote the formation of new energy vehicles, new energy storage, metal processing and other industrial clusters by optimizing the layout of industries and parks. At the same time, relying on technological innovation, we will promote the deep integration of industrial digitalization, intelligence and greening, and use technological innovation to drive industrial upgrading and urban transformation.
In terms of deepening the green development strategy, Xu Xiaoxiong said that Zhaoqing City is actively adjusting its industrial and energy structure to promote the transformation of industries in a green and low-carbon direction. As one of the national carbon peak pilot parks, Zhaoqing is committed to building green and low-carbon factories, promoting green technological innovation and advanced green technologies, accelerating the construction of green energy bases, and achieving deep integration of green development and manufacturing.
These strategic arrangements and efforts of Zhaoqing City not only reflect its firm determination to accelerate the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, but also present valuable opportunities for domestic and foreign investors to join Zhaoqing’s economic development journey. As Zhaoqing City continues to make new progress in green transformation and high-quality manufacturing development, it will undoubtedly become a new highland for economic development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even the country in the future.
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josnashak69 · 3 months
 Colleagues who used to look down on Tik Tok gave up on Amazon
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shomepage, all the products are no more than 3 US dollars, and there are also coupons of 100 and 200 US dollars. There are more and more brands on SHEIN . ZARA offered HE Tuber a 40% discount and bought 4 sets of small skirts. "In addition, Zhang Ying even led her colleagues to gather "wool" on Tik Tok, "Buy pots from the ataub official store on Tik Tok, the original price is 150 US dollars, the discount is max 30%, and the shipping fee is free. It only costs $112.50 to get it.”
"Colleagues who used to look down on Tik Tok gave up on Amazon and immediately downloaded Tik Tok," Zhang Ying said with a smile. The Chinese platform's "money-making ability" made friends who were originally loyal Amazon Prime users say "Tik Tok is so delicious." .
While overseas consumers are going on a “Black Friday shopping spree,
” countless merchants are also participating in this battle to “steal away Amazon traffic.”
"The performance of established e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay has declined significantly this year. They used to double every year, but this year's estimated performance of 590,000 yuan was not even half completed by November," said RAY, the owner of eBay's US area. Because he noticed the traffic growth of Tik Tok, he started to open a local store called "leisdeal" on Tik Tok in August. "The traffic of the old platform declined. I analyzed that a lot of traffic was attracted to Tik Tok. As a result, I settled first store on Tik Tok." Sales exceeded 1,000 orders in five days, and all inventory was sold out in less than a week.”
"In order to participate in the Black Friday event
earned less than 2 yuan per order. For Black Friday, I will directly reduce the price by 20% and earn nothing," a SHEIN factory owner told Alphabet. Black Friday is an important event that foreign trade merchants must not miss. Node, "If you don't grab a wave of traffic at this time, when will you grab it? It's worth it to make data."
Picture/Factories busy with orders on Black Friday stay up late to 
Undoubtedly, this year, Chinese platforms going global have firmly surpassed Amazon in terms of traffic.
The day before Black Friday, workers at Temu's Nansha warehouse in Guangzhou had already felt the atmosphere of Black Friday. "The daily inspection volume increased by about 25%, and there were obviously many more Christmas-related decorations." In order to prevent the warehouse from exploding, Temu Manpower reinforcements were urgently deployed from Zhaoqing.
"Black Friday sales have doubled, from an average of 400 orders per day to more than 800 orders. I feel that foreign trade is not so difficult." As a merchant who has just settled in Temu for half a year, Dafang has definitely enjoyed Temu's Black Friday sales. Traffic bonus: Da Fang has never been exposed to overseas markets before, but now, he can "earn US dollars effortlessly" with the help of the platform just by linking domestically. After the huge order, Da Fang said with a smile, "I can make it this year." Have a good New Year.”
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photos-car · 5 months
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baconbangtan · 5 months
China Trip 231112-231119
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Sharing the photos I took during my Guilin-Yangshuo-ZhaoQing-Guangzhou trip
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vanimeiy · 6 months
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#ZhaoQing for a #ScentofTime promo event at Youku
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thxnews · 7 months
Shenzhen Grandsun Fuels Philippines Growth Story
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  Phase Two of Expansion
A prominent Guangdong-based electronics manufacturer, known for its production of headphones, Bluetooth speakers, drivers, and intelligent devices, is advancing with the second phase of its expansion project in the Philippines. Charles Wu, Chairman and Founder of Shenzhen Grandsun, announced this development during a meeting with Dr. Ceferino Rodolfo, Undersecretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Managing Head of the Board of Investments (BOI), held in Zhaoqing City.  
Building a Strong Supply Chain
Shenzhen Grandsun, one of the Chinese companies that participated in a roundtable meeting with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. during his state visit to China last January, is taking steps to create a more robust supply chain. This initiative aims to encourage the company's suppliers to establish a complementary presence in the Philippines, ensuring a seamless flow of resources and materials.   Model for Future Chinese Investment Undersecretary Rodolfo noted that Shenzhen Grandsun's presence in the Philippines sets a positive example for other potential Chinese investors. This collaboration demonstrates how a top Chinese OEM and original brand manufacturer can work alongside Filipino talent to meet the increasing global demands of their customers, especially from the EU and the US.  
Expressing Gratitude and Long-Term Plans
During the meeting in Zhaoqing, Undersecretary Rodolfo expressed the DTI-BOI's gratitude to Shenzhen Grandsun for its confidence in doing business in the Philippines, even during the pandemic. He also commended the company's long-term commitment to expanding its audio equipment manufacturing business in the Philippines. This commitment extends to Filipino executives who have played a significant role in the company's growth over the past 26 years at its Chinese headquarters.   Fostering City Relations In addition to the discussions with Shenzhen Grandsun, Undersecretary Rodolfo met with Zhaoqing Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong. The mayor praised the Philippines for its commitment to building relations with the city, where Shenzhen Grandsun is also expanding its manufacturing operations. Zhaoqing is becoming a hub for various industries, including food and beverage, agriculture, mining, new energy vehicles (NEV), and parts manufacturing.  
Expanding Production and Investment
In an important update, Wu confirmed that Grandsun Advanced Electronics (Philippines) Co. Inc. (GAEPCI), which initiated headphone production at the LIMA facility in Batangas during the pandemic, is now operating at full capacity. Furthermore, two new factories are set to open in the Philippines by the end of 2025. These additional facilities will cater to the increased production required for Shenzhen Grandsun's speakers, serving the US and European markets.   Growing Investments and Job Opportunities With the completion of Shenzhen Grandsun's four audio devices' (headphones) production facilities in the Philippines this year, the total investment by the Guangdong-based company in the country is expected to exceed PHP3 Billion. Employment opportunities are also on the rise, with an estimated 1,000 employees by the end of 2023. The company aims to provide 8,000 jobs in the Philippines by 2028.  
Global Recognition and Awards
Shenzhen Grandsun has earned its reputation as a global leader in audio technology and design. The company was ranked 7th globally on the Global Smart Headphone Invention Patent Ranking, surpassing major players like LG and Huawei. It has also received over 70 international awards since 2015, including prestigious honors such as the CES Innovation Awards, Reddot awards (Germany), Good Design Award (Japan), Chicago Good Design Award, and the IF Award in Germany.   Advancing Investments DTI Secretary and BOI Chair Alfredo Pascual highlighted the substantial progress in investment leads generated during President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s official visits. In addition to Grandsun's expansion, they inaugurated Unilever's Beauty & Wellbeing and Personal Care factory in September, further contributing to economic value-adding activities. The DTI-BOI ensures that these investment leads translate into tangible operations, facilitating their growth and contribution to the Philippine economy.   Sources: THX News & Philippine Information Agency. Read the full article
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