A basic summary of the e conclave is given in the video which will help you to know what views do other leaders share about the Covid-19 situation- which is the topic for the same.  India Today Group’s premier thought-leadership event the India Today Conclave goes online with a focus on the novel coronavirus outbreak.
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                           COPING WITH QUARANTINE
                        My Life In The Age Of Coronavirus
A month without going out?
A month without meeting any of my friends?
A month without going to my favorite restaurant?
A month ago could anyone of us think that it was completely possible to live our lives in a complete lockdown? It’s like our lives have come to a standstill. While we all must have all the negative thoughts, but when come to think of it, isn’t it SATYUG?
When there’s no worry of a Sunday being over, or the fear of a Monday. When we don’t have the wish to earn money nor the resources to spend it on. Where sitting with family and watching Ramayan and Mahabharat is our daily routine and the excitement of new materialistic things have come to a halt. In our highly interconnected world, is it really possible to run away from a pandemic? This is the first question I pondered after seeking refuge in my house in the busy streets of Gurugram.
After the quarantine is over, I’m sure to get a spot in one of the cookery shows or a winner in a show that portrays house help. (All thanks to my househelp who hasn’t been coming) I’m a pro in brooming, mopping, washing utensils and cooking! You name the chore and it’s done! Experts say it takes 21 days to form a habit which was the duration of the first cycle of the lockdown and I did come up with a skill that could help me have a better perspective in life. It was Editing. During this free time given to me by Mr. Modi I explored many video editing applications and made my way through it. While surfing on the net, I also came across some online courses, the result of which turned out that I completed an online course of FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING and even have a certificate in it by GOOGLE!
All thanks to internet and the technology, I could finally come out with a course and also digital networking companies which helped me earn money from home just my engaging contacts!
While many of us are trying to stay connected through calls, texts, emails and other virtual means, these alternative ways of remaining in contact can contribute to a sense of togetherness. They may be especially important to people who live alone. With fewer resources to draw upon, individuals may experience serious stress reactions. On the positive side, social isolation might be a never-seen-before opportunity to practice greater self-reflection. As we have been conditioned all our lives to run from one appointment to another, it has become far too easy to run away from ourselves. For example, embarking on an inner journey – hopefully, whenever possible, with a virtual guide – can be a great learning experience. It implies discovering what we stand for and finding out our strengths, our weaknesses, our values, our beliefs, our desires or, generally speaking, the major scripts in our inner theatre. While on this inner journey, we can try to work out what makes us laugh and to do more of it. We should work out what makes us cry and do less of it.
Along with thinking about self, we should also think about others, and so we handle a RASOI ON WHEELS in our car and provide the poor and needy with food. (Keeping in mind all the precautions) we have a team of 4. Me, My parents and my sister. Amidst the lockdown we have been granted a car pass which gives us the access to go and donate the poor the things of need. We do this wearing gloves, masks and carry a basket with a stick. We put the things in the basket and hold it with one end of the stick. People can take the edibles from the basket thus avoiding contact and ensuring that full precautions are maintained because after all, prevention is better than cure!
I highly urge you all to help those in the need of the hour as this is the time we need to stand together as people, as families, as societies and more importantly as a Nation to help combat this deadly virus!
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Being a dog owner myself, I just cant stop flaunting the benefits and love a dog gives us. Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with sharing their lives with companion animals. Pets have evolved to become acutely attuned to humans and our behavior and emotions. Dogs, for example, are able to understand many of the words we use, but they’re even better at interpreting our tone of voice, body language, and gestures. And like any good human friend, a loyal dog will look into your eyes to gauge your emotional state and try to understand what you’re thinking and feeling (and to work out when the next walk or treat might be coming, of course).
But, not all experiences with a dog is a pleasant one and one such incident took place with me on 3rd January 2020.
A street bitch living just opposite to my house in a barren land gave birth to 5 cute little pups about 2 weeks before the above mentioned date. Giving them their afternoon lunch (as I had lots of it at home being a dog owner) and feeding them milk had become  a part of my daily routine. Kids from the next lane also used to come and play with them while going and returning from their schools. My shih-tzu was also pretty fond of the newborns and used to sniff them just as they did. All 5 used to gather around my pup and greet him whenever they saw him and just like everyday, while I was talking to a friend on call and had took my dog out for a stroll on one side of the road,  one of the infants came to meet me and my dog, wagging his tail with all the excitement the little soul could bear and just while he was crossing the road, a car rushed onto him with both front and back tyres.
After several screams and tears, I finally started the car to take that poor creature to the vet. I had to choose between between 2 options in a span of the time required to apply the first gear. First was- a good and trusted  hospital (considering that was where I took my own pet) but at a farther distance and the second one being a not so good vet with a lesser distance. As I held him in my arms to place him on the passenger seat and saw his eyes closing gradually, I went with the latter option.
The doctor couldn’t save him.
Although he didn’t have any breaths left, I still took him to the other reputed hospital just to be sure and in hope of a miracle but he had lost his life only becaused a cab driver had to complete his ride and earn a  5 star rating. After killing the puppy, neither did he stop his WagonR, nor did the needle of the speedometer of his car decrease.
Everyone will lead their lives unaffected. You will scroll down to see other peoples’ blogs and I will go back to writing my next blog, forgetting that a life was taken just because someone didn’t care enough to press the brakes. It is my humble request to please look out for such helpless creatures and slow down wherever necessary.
                                                        MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.
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We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Real heroes often come in disguise. Well, not for me. My father is actually a real hero not because of the immense love and effort he put into his children’s lives but in others’ as well. My father is a nominee for the CHETNA AWARDS. He has worked dedicatedly to transform the lives of the needy and underprivileged by setting up camps, distibuting food, books, sanitary napkins and what not. Waking up early to first fulfill the necessities of the needy and then going to work to do the same for his family. He has truly been an epitome of inspiration. Being born to a father like that, Its definitely not that easy as it sounds. Our house would have been clustered with cartons of stuff to give away and I remember my mother being pissed as the Guests came on, but it had its own perks.Rather than spending on parties on his birthday, he used to go to the blind school and cut a cake with them and many of my birthdays have also been spent in the same fashion. I have seen people coming from Amritsar and Agra to donate truckloads of stuff as they would empty it at my residence. Be it Sending edibles to Nepal which had just been stuck by an earthquake or visiting Kashmir fo the same which had seen its worst flood since 6 years, I can proudly say my father has done it all. I have myself been a part of distributing blankets in the month of December at the New Delhi Railway Station and couldn’t feel better to give someone else a warm sleep! Being a teenager, I even did my bit for the Children’s Day by distributing toy cars and ludo game to little kids near my home. And sometimes, its not just how much we give, but how much love we put into that giving because after all, life is a boomerang. You get what you give!
Content by Aashna Minocha
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Is Coronavirus A Bio Weapon Made By China?
I do not go by conspiracy theories to make our assessment, so in this blog of mine I will put forth some facts that will truly make you ponder if the virus was an intentional move by China.
Restrictions are being lifted, factories are coming back online, buinesses have resumed in many parts of China and at this rate, china’s businesss will be up and running in a few weeks. While majority of the countries are struggling, China is making a headstart. Some of the biggest cities in China were largely insulated from the outbreak, while the virus spread and unleashed chaos in the remotest corners of the world, but it couldn’t do much damage in Beijing with 8 deaths with a population of 2.15 crores?
The point is that chinas financial hubs have largey emrged unscathed and can bounce back quickly . The world needs personal protection, ie. masks and guess who is providing it?
China’s daily mask production has crossed 116 million now and many companies have overseas orders like DAWN POLYMER.
Dawn polymer supplies fabrics that are used to make masks and has a 40% market share in China and the value of its shares has shot up by 417% since january. Woah! That is some good news for them!
This is just the starting, click on the link to know some more interesting head-scratching facts!
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Review of the movie Angrezi Medium is now out only on Cravehubb!
A one time watch definitely with your family!
Watch the video below for the full review…
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Gateway to Gods or Rishikesh is a place I visited this fall and experienced pure bliss. Sitting by the ganges I heard the daily pooja and couldn’t feel more rejuvenated. The bells chiming and the mantra just transported me into a different world; a world of calmness. It is a place where eggs are banned and the Hindu lords are worshipped. Foreigners from around the globe come to witness the beauty and serenity of this place. Within 10 metres on the street there is a meditation and yoga centre which not only pleases the physical body but the mind as well.
A thumbs up from my side to this place!
Much love,
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Its fine! Its normal!
Its not just you, even mine’s watering!
In love with this diet and simply can’t get enough of it. Got the opportunity to visit the Little Llama Cafe in Mussourie while I was out on a family vacation on a weekend getaway and trust me it was one of those “we will decide the destination in the car” trips.
So this post is for hardcore non-vegetarians as the top left picture contains a roasted chicken cheese burger with a salad dressing (ironic) and fries on the side. The chicken was juicier than any juice I have ever drank! While adjoining it is a delicious pepperoni pizza- My personal all time favourite straight out of the oven.
The picture below it is a korean style smoked chicken pot. Now I’m not a korean food fan myself but my sister loves to experiment with food so we landed up having this on our table and with a similar mindset, prawn sushis were ordered as well. You need to have a particular taste to like sushis and sadly I’m not one of those people!
Happy Dining!
Much Love,
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One of my all time favourite place is an Airport. It has a different kind of air. An air full of mixed emotions. Be it bidding goodbye to loved ones or greeting them with a smile so wide. Its like witnessing an end of missing someone.
This picture was taken recently while I was travelling from Delhi to Chandigarh and got the access of a premium lounge. The breakfast buffet was delicious and my plate is decorated with watermelons to start with, chicken sausage and a toast (obviously i refilled it atleast thrice) along with an orange juice for gulping it after extracting the flavour followed by a soothing body massage. (Which made me late for my boarding)
Honestly, I love Airports. The hustle and bustle, imagining where others are headed and knowing that I’ll be in a different place sometime soon.
Much love,
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My first blog will be about a country that’s special to me. Having visited Thailand quadruple times, yet it has to offer something new each time.
Disneyland is a land of wonders. My last trip was back in 2016 where after exploring magicworld,we decided to go to a place which we never knew could get us an adrenaline rush.
The souvenir shop, games,shows,rides, the light and sound show, parades and little kiosks were the life of this land. The rides were meant for all age groups and our heart beat’s crest and trough matched with the giant rollercoasters’.
The cruise was an experience to never forget. Swimming on the top floor amidst the ocean gave me chills. The buffet service was great along with the bollywood night which reunited all the Indians on the cruise!
Truly, an unforgettable experience !
Do visit Disneyland if you happen to visit Thailand!
Much love,
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