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wip I guess
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kurapika’s dream
a companion to my “leorio’s dream” comic, also a rework of an older idea!
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It's Mr. Leorio!
2000s gossip magazine special on the best candidate in the Election Arc! I just know he had stans.
This was another challenge from the @greedislandchallenge server!
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I answer you that Uvogin once smashed Shalnork's tablet when he was playing Angry Birds
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HxH Ringtone HCs 1
even tho I seriously need to study rn- eh. also weird title but okay
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It could literally be anything
From the theme song of an old bungee gum/texture surprise commercial
To just a screeching fire alarm
Like he just enjoys catching people off guard and it's one more way to do it so why not~
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Poor guy suffers from IRS (indecisive ringtone syndrome) 😔😔
Pakunoda has tried to fix it in the past by just having him keep the default ringtone
But then he gets soo bored of it :((
He needs his ringtone to be a nice classical piece
But he also CAN'T decide which classical piece it should be
So he just ends up shuffling through a library of like at least a hundred of them
Per month
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He can and WILL yell at you for ending the call too early
Even though he just... was not picking up
Yes. He's the type of guy to like his ringtone so much that he straight up does not pick up his phone at times
And even if he does pick up he will complain about his favorite ringtone ending and yes it is your fault
Why? Because he can.
It's a problem™
It's probably just one of the default ringtones though
He's not as non-basic as he likes to boast 😔😔
yes it does, Phinks.
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Bold of you to assume he has a ringtone
He keeps his phone on silent 24/7 because otherwise it may turn out to be a liability when he's sneaking/shadowing around
Practical but... frankly boring
Even if he ever un-silents his phone, it's just the default ringtone
Why? "Because I have better things to do"
Fair enough
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Wait wdym you can change the ringtone???
What's a ringtone???
I don't even have a phone???
No??? That phone is not mine??? I've literally never seen it before????
What's a phone???
Ok boomer
Fr tho queen behaviour
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A ringtone?? Huh?? You're so basic that your phone rings when someone calls you???
Sorry but he's just built different
His phone releases a special kind of aura that only he can detect that tells him that someone is calling him
The stronger the aura the more urgent the call is
Very 🤓👆 coded
but also can't say I wouldn't want one too
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An x Unlikely x Alliance
Hanako- rescued from a travelling circus at a young age- dedicated the rest of her life to her savior and older brother, Hisoka. However, she eventually realises there are worlds beyond the one her brother rules in. Will she be able to escape his shadow by being a hunter?
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Word Count: 2k
This year's exam-site was a large area of land, bordered by tall electric fences. Long blades of grass that reached upto her waist went on for acres, interrupted only by a tall tower in the middle of the field. It reminded her of a lighthouse, painted a faded red and white.
"Do you think he's the examiner?" Hanako stared at the short man standing atop the tower, hands on his hips.
Hisoka only hummed in response, wide eyes dancing across the examinees. Of course.
"What do you think the exam this year is going to be?" She nudged his leg with a knee, annoyed.
"Who knows~" He continued his nonchalant assessment.
"You're in a mood." She scoffed. "What? Nervous? Excited? Or... bored?"
Hisoka tilted his head up to the skies, lost in thought. "Who knows~" He repeated, smiling down on her.
"Huh?" She glared up at him. "You're only doing that because you know it pisses me off."
"Who knows~" He patted her head in a mocking show of affection, walking away. When she began to follow him, he paused. "You know you can go off somewhere without me too."
"But- you like it when I'm with you... don't you?"
"Who knows~" He shrugged, continuing his pace.
"Fine." She rolled her matching golden eyes at his retreating figure. "I can manage on my own too, you know. I don't need you." She made an effort to say the last part louder, only getting more frustrated when he refused to 'grace' her with a reaction. Narcissist.
Before she could recover from that blow to her ego, a short stout man with a poor excuse of a friendly smile began to approach. Bad timing.
"Oh hey!" He babbled. "You know that guy? He looks pretty intimidating, huh?"
Hanako crossed her arms, turning away. "Who knows."
The man blinked stupidly before regaining his composure. "Right... I forgot to introduce myself. How rude! My name is Tonpa-" After a judging pause, he proudly added, "-and this is my 33rd attempt at the hunter exam."
"Psht. Thirty-three? You're really that weak? I mean you look weak, sure but... that's a bit too much."
She could sense Tonpa's aura flaring in suppressed anger as he gave her a nervous laugh. He can use nen? But no... his aura isn't strong enough to have been trained. Maybe he doesn't even know about it himself?
"If you keep failing so much, why keep trying?" She attempted to prod.
"Well," He smiled, scratching the back of his head with one hand, "I guess I'm a bit addicted to it."
"Sure." Hanako was unconvinced.
"Hmm... I'd say we have a toast to friendship!" Without waiting for an answer, he sets his rucksack on the ground and begins to go through it, careful to hide the remaining contents from her sight.
Is his plan now to team up with someone strong to pass? She wouldn't mind playing around with him really. At first notice, he appeared quite simple and week. Yet, she could sense something brewing under the surface, a potential waiting to be unlocked. After all, finding the exam site thirty-three times and not dying in each of his thirty two attempts so far has to count for something.
"Here!" He pulled out two cans of orange juice, holding one out for her.
"Cool." She mumbled as she accepted. She was thirsty anyway. The moment she pressed her lips to the can, Tonpa's aura shook with glee. Something was wrong. She pretended to take a sip.
"Like it?" He grinned.
Hanako shrugged. After a moment, she continued. "You wanna team up?"
Tonpa's eyes widened. "Wanna what?"
She shrugged once more. "Team up. I doubt it's agains the rules or anything."
"Why would you wanna team up with me?" He was on high alert.
"Maybe I just wanna see you pass." She glanced at the examiner high atop the tower, so high in fact that she could barely discern his appearance. "Who knows~"
Tonpa gulped. "Fine." He sounded more serious now. As the two shook hands, Hanako attempted to agitate his aura. He only frowned, pulling away a bit early.
"So... what's your name?" Tonpa asked, slightly more at ease.
"Just call me by my number. I don't like giving out names unless I have to."
"Sure." Tonpa read out the tag attached to her bright orange hoodie. "Number fifty-one. It's gonna be quite a while before the others arrive, huh? How about we find a nice place to sit?"
"Uh huh." The two walked on for a bit, before Hanako decided to settle down against the tower, placing the still-full can of juice next to her. At least the grass was shorter there. As she pressed the side of her head to the wall, however, a faint rumble shook her brain. What?
Backing off, she pressed her hands to the wall instead. A series of faint rumbles. Some over the other. A lack of a pattern. Couldn't be a machine.
"Hey," She frowned at Tonpa. "What do you think could be-"
"ALRIGHT!" The sudden announcement from above rattled her. The microphone sizzled before the examiner continued, "WELCOME TO THE TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIXTH HUNTER EXAM!" Shit. The stupid speaker was only a few feet above her. She ran a good few metres back with Tonpa at her heel before stopping to glare up at the examiner.
"I will be the examiner for your first phase, that shall begin in ten seconds. Survive to pass!" With that, he began counting down. "Ten! Nine! Eight!" Everyone took a wary fighting stance as one side of the bottom wall of the tower began shifting up to reveal metal bars. A cage? "Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three!" As the door stopped extending, the entire cage came into view. Beasts of all shapes and sized snarled inside, restless for blood. They were somewhat trained though, Hanako noticed. Despite being crammed into such a space, none of them were attacking each other. "Two! One! ZERO!"
More than half the examinees let out panicked cries, running away from the tower as the metal bars suddenly disappeared at 'zero'. Tonpa, too, was about to break into a run, before Hanako grabbed him by the collar. "As long as you stay close to me, I'll protect you, yeah?"
Trembling with fear, Tonpa nodded. The idiot was already trusting her with his life. Fine.
A big frog with wide blurry gray eyes took ridiculously high leaps towards them, Hanako's aura flared. Already, two examinees had been crushed under its weight, blood and gore stuck to its belly and feet. Suddenly, Hisoka's words before they entered the exam site echoed in her brain. "Don't show off your nen." Fair. The beast was not using any extra, so why should she?
Beside her Tonpa shuddered. "You'll take care of it, r- r- right? Because I sure as hell won't be able to."
"Of course." She took out a small but deadly sharp knife, previously hidden in her right boot. Amidst the chaos and the anxiety of the beast almost upon them, she focused. Using Gyo should be fair game. It was always useful in figuring out the weakness of the opponent. There was a complete lack of aura in his eyes. The stupidly big frog was... blind.
"Come on." She grabbed Tonpa's hand, forcing him to run along.
"Didn't you just say-" He began, panting with both mental and physical exertion.
"We don't have��to fight it." She explained as they kept running towards a more emtpy area. She had stopped flinching over dead bodies a long time ago, but the amount of blood, gore and screams strewed around still kept her uneasy. The examiner was certainly a sadistic one.
Suddenly, an enlarged decapitated head of a... tiger? began rolling towards them at a great speed. The hell? It has only a single big eye where two should be and red bubbling drool oozed out of its mouth, spilling around in its trail. Where its neck should be was only a seemingly-thick layer of dark red skin. Its creepy eye was locked onto her, leaving her with no doubt that this one could in fact see. Fine then.
Leaping forward to take it head on (pun intended), she held the knife out in front of her, bringing the blade down just before she landed on its head. The beast screeched out, drool splashing in her general direction. Pulling out the knife from its eye a little too late before she jumped back, a few drops of the liquid landed on her collarbone, sizzling the skin there.
"Hisoka!" She cried out without thought as the chemical rapidly ate away at her skin and flesh. Through adrenaline blurred vision, she saw the creepy tiger head blindly rolling towards a stunned Tonpa, as she landed back on the ground. Shit. Bracing her body for a run, she- stopped.
 blur of motion and two cards were lodged at the side of its 'neck' ended. Before she could realise she was slipping, a strong hand was supporting her back. Hisoka. The moment her brain said his name, his smiling face came into view.
"Relax," He said softly, but she knew it was an order. "The chemical has cooled down. There's not much damage, except to your shirt, if you count that." With a dramatic sigh, he added. "When I said you shouldn't use nen, I meant your nen ability. Not things like Ten and Ren. Don't disappoint me." Abruptly, he let go and disappeared in another blur of motion.
Hanako struggled to catch her breath, wide eyes searching for Tonpa. There. He was crouched down in the grass, trembling arms over his head. The now-unmoving tiger head lay dead at his side.
Don't disappoint me. Hisoka's words played over in her head as she looked for another target. Since so many examinees were dead or fatally injured by now, there were less beasts running around and more feasting on their prey. The sight, on such a large scale, was an awful one. She had researched the trials on previous exams but had never even heard of one this brutal. How had he even been allowed to do this? She wondered as she noticed Hisoka fighting the bigger beasts around in the distance, his bloodlust in a frenzy. Of course he was enjoying the cruel atmosphere.
Watching him playing with the beasts like that, however, made her itch for a proper fight too. With a burst of Ren, she ran towards the nearest target. A big snake with a long tongue swallowing the eyes of a dead examinee. As she got closer, it shifted its focus on to her, releasing its whip-like tongue at her. Dodging its first attack, she used Gyo to find a vital point. Its belly. The snake hissed at her as she drew closer, launching another attack. This time, she slashed away its tongue, leaving it defenseless. As the snake helplessly thrashed around, she flipped it over with a strong kick and drove the blade in its underside. A fountain of blue blood spIurted out of its wound as it hissed once more and twitched for the last time.
One more. Her wild eyes scanned the field, landing on a large ostrich with an unusually long neck, head bobbling as it ran around aimlessly. She ripped the knife out of the snake, wiping the blood on the tall blades of grass around. As she positioned the knife, however, an ear-splitting whistle echoes throughout the arena, catching the attention of all beasts. In a frenzied hurry, they all began dashing back towards the tower. In a minute, they were all inside, the metal bars back on. A few more seconds and the tower door slid back down as before.
Hanako sighed. Too bad.
"All survivors! Please gather around the tower. If you're still standing without major injuries, you will be permitted to move on to the next phase. You have thirty seconds."
Tonpa. She suddenly remembered once more and returned to where she had last seen him. As the examiner's loud count down assaulted her ears, she nudged his head with a foot. "Hey! Next round. Come on!"
Slowly, he turned his head up. "It's- it's o- o- over?"
"Yeah." She looked at him more closely. "You don't seem to be in much of a condition to try the next phase. You sure you wanna continue?"
The determination returning in his eyes, he stood back up, brushing away dust from his clothes with a hand. "I'm fine."
"Good for you."
Near the end of the countdown, the pair joined the small group waiting at the foot of the tower. "...Two, One, and... Zero!" The voice boomed. "Congratulations! The fifty-three remaining applicants, out of the original 239, have passed the first phase of the hunter exam. A total of eleven applicants have lost their lives while the rest 175 are too injured mentally and/or physically to continue."
Only eleven? She hadn't expected fifty-three applicants to be able to pass either. Maybe she had overestimated the examiner's penchant for sadism. Oh well.
"The buses for taking you to the next exam site will be here in a moment. In the meantime, please wait patiently. No fights allowed."
With a sigh, Hanako walked over to sit against the tower once more. A familiar rumbling greeted her and she smiled, just then realising how drenched in blood she was.
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Hanako- rescued from a travelling circus at a young age- dedicated the rest of her life to her savior and older brother, Hisoka. However, she eventually realises there are worlds beyond the one her brother rules in. Will she be able to escape his shadow by being a hunter?
Major genres: Adventure and Angst
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Word Count: 1k
"What you can do, darling, is not magic. It's just nen."
"There's a difference?" She dared to ask.
The man had been staring at just her throughout the entirety of the show. Granted, her act usually impressed the audience the most, but not many kept their eyes on her with that creepy of a smile. Sharp angular feaures and a muscular physique under a shiny suit and tie. He didn't strike her as the not dangerous type. If anything, his medium-length cherry red hair only served as an additional red flag for his character.
"Oh there is." He had an edge to his voice that reminded her of a sly black cat for some reason. "Ah! You see, magic is something only achievable by a special few; while nen on the other hand is not all that special."
Hanako grimaced. What's this guy's deal?
"...which is why I'm not here for your nen, or 'magic' as you'd like to call it. Rather, I'm here for-" He paused for dramatic effect, "-you."
She needed to call security. And fast. However, the moment her body tensed to move, the man was behind her, keeping a tight grip on her shoulders. "Don't call anyone... unless you want them dead, mhm?" His mouth was right beside her ear, practically breathing his words into it. Gross.
"What do you want?" She huffed out, buying time for her next trick.
"You, darling. I came here to take you." He tigtened his grip. "I'd recommend you to resist. It'd make it more fun for me that way."
"Fine." Careful not to show it in her stance this time, she gathered enough energy in her hands for a decent attack. She just had to make contact. Without warning, she thrust her hands behind herself, palms aiming for his knees. He won't be able to walk after that one. Ever.
A chilling chuckle and his grip had moved down to her wrists, painfully angling them upwards. The bastard didn't even allow her to catch her breath.
"Which one should I break first, hm?" He applied more pressure, eliciting a sharp hiss. "Or maybe I should break both of them at the same time. What do you think?"
Amidst the tension, her brain struggled to catch up. Truth be told she'd never been in a real fight, not with an actually capable adult. She'd been trained for show, not violence. If the latter had been true, she'd been out of this place a long time ago.
Still, she couldn't just give up, right? She continued to struggle against his grip, but to no success. His dark energy seemed to encompass her whole, forcing her own to stay down.
"Why do you even want me?" She gritted out. "There are-" She gasped as his energy grew stronger, "-easier targets. Leave me be."
"Because you're special. And because... you're mine."
"Yours? You're delusional." Her voice began to crack with fear. "There's no way-"
A swift kick to her abdomen sent her all the way to the other side of her tent, knocking the wind out of her. Coughing, she struggled up to her knees, one hand on a tent pole. The back of her head throbbed from where it had hit the ground, nearly blinding her vision.
She glared at the man as he walked over to her, strangely graceful. A few feet away, he stopped, eying her with a smirk. "I'm offering you an out, little girl. Take it."
"There's no way I'm gonna be-" She pulled herself back up to her feet. "-trusting a creep like you. I don't even know who the hell you are."
"Ah! Right." He looked midly surprised for a moment, eyebrows arched up high. "I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. I'm Hisoka Morrow, renowned magician and- of course- your dear older brother."
Hisoka grinned. "Don't believe me?"
"Of course, I don't. That's- that's stupid."
"Well you can just ask your ringmaster then... and if that doesn't work." He pulled out a bundle of folded paper out of his pocket, before offering them to her. "Curious?"
Hanako's eyes narrowed as she grabbed the paper from his hands, quickly unfolding it to reveal its contents. "How did you-"
"Trust me now?"
"You could have just stolen it from my actual sibling." She shot back, pocketing the bundle herself. "You're just a thief."
"You really think your brother would allow that to happen?" Hisoka dramatically rolled his eyes. "Well if you don't believe me, you can just give me those papers back, hm? When I could have stolen them- as you say- I could have also forged them, no?"
"No." She braced herself for a fight.
Hisoka tilted his head, making a show pf consideration. "Come with me and I'll let you keep those. How about that?" After a pause, he continued. "You know you can't win against me; I can easily take those away from you... along with the rest of the journal."
Hanako hesitated. "Do you-" She took a deep breath in an attempt to steady her thoughts. "What would you do if I come with you?"
"Simple. I'd train you to be the stongest."
"And... then?"
Hisoka closed his eyes, as if imagining the moment. "We'd have a fight to death. Sounds fun?"
Hanako smiled at the absurdity, yet somehow found herself excited at the idea. "Sure. And you'll lose."
"We'll see about that." Hisoka shrugged, smiling back. "Now what'd you say to burning this whole circus down and beheading everyone here except us, hm?"
"Sounds fun."
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His Shadow
An x Unlikely x Alliance
This is my new masterlist in an attempt to make this old-ish blog match my new writing interests. I will still mostly be writing hunter x hunter fanfics and hcs. The old one can be found here. I will be updating this asap.
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I'm bacc again again
hallo im bacc
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I love chrollo pretending to listen to your own opinions on a specific topic only to later change things in a subtle way and end up sharing his idea, not only in discussion topics but in everything, "love I like this dress" "mmh but look, this color goes better with your beautiful eyes, it would highlight them more", "the pasta on the menu looks good" "yes my love but it might give you a reaction since you are allergic to tomato" lmao.
He has a great time seeing your surprised face at the comments he says and how easy it is to have control over how you dress, how you style your hair, your nails, what you eat and how you do it.
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hallo im bacc
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
Interact w this post if u want me to read ur hunter x hunter phantom troupe or kurapika-centered fanfic or rec me one bc I'm fr starving rn and I have z e r o idea what to reeeaaaaad
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
Every single fic update there is an author trying frantically to find the right balance between a nonchalant aside of "leave a comment if you enjoyed =)" and clinging desperately to the coat tails of a random stranger, dragging along behind them on the street wailing "Please, please! I have to know what you thought! I'm desperate to talk to people about this! Ask me about the alliterative repetition! Ask me about the symbolism!"
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
dont you fucking talk shit about garlic bread
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
Do you ship them?
[x] I just want to put them in a room together and observe their dynamic under different circumstances and what-ifs all the while making notes like I am some kind of animal behaviorist.
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
~Flipped Coins~
-Darkness & Delusion-
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Kurapika is alone when he wakes up, a dull ache in his throat. He never sleeps with the lights off, yet it is pitch-dark. The bed feels different- softer. He's not where he's supposed to be.
With a jolt, he sits up, blind hands searching around for a lamp. There's none. Where is he?
Slowly, he feels his way off the bed. The carpet is cool under his bare feet and Kurapika shudders. A step forward and his feet brush across something. His socks and shoes. He puts them on quickly, before attempting to survey the rest of he room.
The walls are cool and even- worse- they are solid. As he paces the boundary of the room, his hands reach the doorknob. Locked.
"Fuck." Kurapika curses under his breath. His brain is foggy, a headache pulsing beneath his temples- and the claustrophobia is not helping.
With a huff, he attempts to gather his aura. Nothing. He tries again. Nothing.
One more attempt confirms his fears- he's either in the middle of a really awful nightmare or he has actually lost his nen. Shitshitshitshitshit.
Panicking now, he tries to kick open the door. Near the lock should work, right? Three more hard kicks and he succeeds, the lock finally submitting to his force.
A bedroom. Lavish wooden furniture with tastefully placed decorations- enchanting red accentuating the brown shades. But what catches his eye the most is the man sitting on the bed, legs stretched out with a thick hard-cover book on the lap. The casual attire should suggest an equally ordinary character- yet the raven hair and cross tattoo-
Kurapika's breath hitches, fists curling as wild red takes over his eyes- far more captivating than any of the red in the room, Chrollo's smirk seems to say. Chrollo. Chrollo.
"How the fu-"
"Language, Kurapika." The man gently smooths the sheets next to him. "Sit down."
"No, you- you- what the hell did you do to my nen?" Kurapika grits out, words already souring in his mouth. How could he have ever let-
"Didn't I just tell you to sit down?" Chrollo raises an eyebrow and the sheer authority- audacity- in his tone nearly makes Kurapika flinch.
"As if you'll answer my questions if I sit down-"
"I will."
"I don't even need you to answer my questions." Kurapika spits out, taking a hit at collecting his aura once more. His stupid aura just keeps floating around mindlessly, refusing to respond to even the strongest of his wills.
"Is that so?" Chrollo's face remains a mask of serenity. "I won't answer your questions then, and you may keep standing as you please."
This infuriating bastard. "What the fuck do you want?"
"You." Chrollo chuckles, a soft haunting sound.
"Fuck you." Kurapika stifles a shudder. Why is he even just standing here? A wave of bloodlust from the monster in front of him and his question is answered. Unhelpfully, his brain supplies- You don't stand a chance. Yet he wants to tear him apart. Kill him, his insides scream.
He has to calm down. He needs to. What would Leorio do in this situation?
With a glare thrown in his general direction, Kurapika walks over to the annoyingly inviting armchair next to the bed and sits down- only a few uncomfortable feet away from the monster. "Talk."
Chrollo can't help but play with the young man in front of him. "Didn't you just tell me you didn't need my answers?"
The chain user takes a deep steadying breath. "Yes. I don't need them. I want them. Now-"
"Of course," Chrollo continues his game nonchalantly, "an important distinction." After a tense pause from his companion, he adds. "Continue."
"Why do you have me here?"
"Well..." Chrollo rests his chin atop his hand, leaning forward. "... I got quite bored of staring at lifeless eyes and thought, why not begin to appreciate the living specimen-" His heart pounds faster as the kurta's eyes glow an even brighter shade of red.
"Why, you-"
"I'm not done yet." Chrollo directs another wave of bloodlust at him, restraining any possible movements. "In simple words, you're here to be my slave."
The statement hits him like a truck of brick, leaving a storm of nausea behind. "What?"
"Slave, Kurapika. You will be my slave- whether you like it or not. I'd recommend the former, it'd make things easier after all."
"You- you bastard. You're fucking delusional-"
"Am I now?" With a terrifying grace and an equally suffocating bloodlust, Chrollo gets off the bed. Taking slow deliberate steps, he walks over to the immobilized kurta.
Before Kurapika can break out of his shock, Chrollo grabs him up by the collar and shoves him against the nearest wall. The blood-red wallpaper presses against his back and he only has the time to utter out a soft 'no', before- before-
Kurapika's mind shatters as Chrollo leans forward into a kiss, assaulting his senses with the heavy perfume and bloodlust he wears. If he hates me so much, why would he-
"Who's delusional now, Kurapika?"
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
~Flipped Coins~
-A Dim Welcome-
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The car ride somehow passes quietly. The small dose of chloroform Chrollo administered at the start works surprisingly well, keeping Kurapika softly snoring throughout. Chrollo never thought he'd watch one of his worst enemies be at peace and actually feel... satisfied.
A private blimp and another car ride later, they're finally at the base- a large previously-abandoned manor, with artfully placed red-brick walls and twisting vines.
Pakunoda is the first to approach him as he enters, an easy gaze and an easy smile- little judgement behind them. Her eyes flicker to the kurta in his arms before settling back to him. "So, how did it go?"
Chrollo returns her easy smile, before passing through her fading form. The hall is deserted. He has not told anyone about his plans yet. If Paku had still been alive... He shakes his head. She's not. And her murderer is in his very arms. Yet.
Ascending the first curling set of stairs, there is a long dim hallway, with faded paintings and cracked wooden ornaments. He can smell the mould.
Skipping the various doors lining the corridor, he reaches the wide set of double doors at the end. The Master Bedroom. There's another room attached to it (besides the bathroom)- Chrollo can't guess what it used to be for- but he has shifted a bed and a closet inside to make a place for the kurta.
And so, he gently carries Kurapika inside, locking the door behind them before placing him on the bed. With a fond smile, he tucks him in, before softly kissing the tip of his nose.
Chrollo isn't stupid. He knows there are other abilities the kurta owns. He may have his strongest but that in now way incapacitates him from providing decent resistance upon waking up. And that's where Feitan comes in.
Producing a vial from his pocket, he lightly shakes it. The white from the LED light diffracts into sharp shades of the rainbow inside, the colours dancing around with the smallest movement. (A/N: yes this is gay juice).
Crouching down, he digs his fingers into the kurta's cheek, forcing his muscles to open his mouth. Popping off the cork, he tips the contents down his throat.
One dose should be enough for a week.
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