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saw some red alert fanart and was compelled to take some pics as he’s one of my favorites. i don’t fiddle with my masterpiece toy often, i’m always so worried i’ll snap something important and i really can’t afford another, haha. anywho, hope you like them!
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I don’t care if they barely had any apperances in the G1 cartoon I had to ship InfernoxRed Alert
lines by the amazing sexy http://squibbyart.tumblr.com/  http://squibbyart.tumblr.com/post/106745679788/drcockula-said-uhhh-g1-infernoxred-alert
and I colored it because it was too beautiful thanks Squibs ahhh
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Gonna be gone for a bit
Was going to post this sooner but didnt have the time haha, but these next two weeks im gonna be pretty much nonexistent because finals and my god these clzsses are a bitch x___x
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"next step the brig!!" >8c
"Blaster what would do if you paint was a lot like Soundwave's?"
"Probably confuse everyone."
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Are you afraid of Santa?
He is a 'human' that is apparently spying an entire world to deem whether you are 'naughty' or 'nice' then breaks into your home to bring you gifts that people just seem to trust and expect not to explode or harm them. So am i afraid? Not, very suspicious of and believes he needs to be taken down faster than the decepticons need to be take down, yes"
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Flare just growled at the other as he was blocking his way to the weapons, just great. Though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly intimidated by the larger framer mech, especially with how slim his frame was. "That's too bad you'd should definitely have a medic look at that," he chuckled lightly. 
"But again Blaster needs it, so if you don't mind?" he questioned as he made a gesture for the other to move aside. 
Caught Red Handed
The words snap out of his mouth on automatic. “Are too.” The veteran squinted as he came up on the shorter ‘bot. Kid looked… off. Red optics, darker, purpler paint, maybe a little more than just off. Decepticon. That’s what the lippy brat resembled. Slag. 
"Ya wanna run that by meh ‘gain, brat? These ol’ outdated audials’re havin’ a hard time pickin’ up yer snit." Che, probably was a damn ‘con. Some other worlder the war vet had mistaken for his Red. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d mistaken someone for one of his own.
Crossing his arms over his chassis, Ironhide blocked the other from coming any further into the armory. Like he was about to let some slimy Decepticreep anywhere near Autobot weaponry.  
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::Slagger:: Red Alert couldn't help but grumble under his breath, though the mech made a valid point on that. He have to learn to control that.... eventually. Though at at his admission Red Alert made sure his recording was still going. His paranoid nature always made him record all his conversations as it was, but every now and then he needed to double check. 
::As if what ever happened in the Pits can be considered legal now:: he comments as he set his systems to try and pinpoint an actual location to where this mech was. Neutral or not picking mechs apart for their parts was not a mech they could allow to roam free. He would just need to make sure he could keep the conversation going. ::What would even bring you to such action?:: 
He made no further comment on ‘truth vs rumor’. Instead, he’d laugh, maybe a bit bitterly, and tap sharp digits against a console. ◢You really ought to not be so open about your dislikes. Ain’t going to remember your name; just going to call you Kid from here on out.◣
It would also be a reminder that Red Alert wasn’t a bounty and shouldn’t be picked apart if they ever ran into each other.
◢I wouldn’t say horrid. Maybe a little morbid. Nothing worse than what happened in the Pits.◣ 
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spinning-the-classics replied to your post “Online”
you is so naughty, encouraging impressionable little me xDDD
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Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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Bleh school why you make it hard to come on, but hey I am now so weeeeee M!A is over but yeah its sexual Sunday wooo makesmereallywannadrawsomenaughtyRedstuffbutidkwhat lol
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::Not always, but behind every lie there is said to be a little truth:: he commented a small part of his cpu happy that there seemed that there was no reconision in the others tone. All his privacy probably making good of itself on making himself hard to look up. ::And no nothing new and i have my reasons for not liking it:: he commented never being a fan of how young of an officer he was.
::And horid collection if my sourses are true::
::If rumors are correct and i do have the right mech then yes, I believe you are capable of ‘naughty’ things, nor are you in any way innocent:: the mech comments voice still stern and mistrusting as he paused when asked for a name pondering the possible conciseness of...
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::If rumors are correct and i do have the right mech then yes, I believe you are capable of 'naughty' things, nor are you in any way innocent:: the mech comments voice still stern and mistrusting as he paused when asked for a name pondering the possible conciseness of giving his name to this mech before finally making a decision.
::I am not a kid, and I am Red Alert of the Autobots, you are Lockdown correct?::
::And you’re right I don’t have any interest in hiring for your a job, and you don’t have to do anything to grab my attention. Way I see it all mechs deserve it, some more than others can never be careful what they’re capable of:: the last part of his message made it...
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Have a Prowl to go with the Ironhide one I did :3
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My gods, you draw Ironhide fantastically! Came across a drawing of him you did and made a fangirl squeak loud enough my coworkers gave me odd looks. Totally worth it. Please keep up the excellent work!
ooc: O.O oh wow umm thank you! Bahh I'm not used to getting random compliments in my ask! but I'm seriously glad you like it! And bwahahaha to making you squee in public~
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"I am not a brat," Flare just grumbled back matching the other's glare at him, there were plenty of mechs at the deception base larger and older than him, but he wasn't one to back down even with his glitching processor. Besides what attitude was he talking about? he was being professional. 
"And I don't know what you're talking about attitude I did not say anything wrong or out of content, besides Blaster is a commander shouldn't some guard grunt be following orders?" he said in a 'matter-of-fact'ly matter. Though as the other came closer he should have noticed that his pain job was darker than its usual hue, as well as the difference in frame, or more importantly the red optics. 
Caught Red Handed
His glare immediately softened when he saw just who it was that had paid him a visit. If he’d known it was Red, he wouldn’t have yelled. Kid couldn’t take harsh words, least as far as the weapons specialist could tell. There was even an urge to apologize
"Aw, so—."
One that was immediately crushed by the security officer’s callous remark.
One that, coming from this particular mech, hurt. Not some spark deep pain, but the crushing kind when a friend made a genuinely nasty remark behind your back-strut. Only this had been directly to his- optics wide, mouth slightly agape- faceplate.
"The frag?" The expression was quickly replaced with a look of baffled anger. "Ya ain’t gettin’ slag from mah armory with a’ attitude like that, ya damn brat.” He put the gun he’d been holding down, standing to his full height and stomping toward the cocky glitch. 
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Inspired by schandbringer's tied up pictures, wanted to do someone, so the first of which may be several Ironhide~
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