thinkpinay · 8 years
You know when SJWs fail when I, a transgender male-to-female woman(Who grew up really low class) hates 'em.
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thinkpinay · 8 years
Seriously, people are offended by South Park??! List of offensive South Park topics...
You do realize what show you’re watching, right? I haven’t watched the new episode yet, but chances are its problematic as fuck. If you haven’t noticed, South Park doesn’t discriminate who it makes fun of. They rip on everyone including themselves, each other, and their own show. 
South Park had offended / made fun of/ joked about…
Everyone in the LGBT community, Blacks, Whites, Asians, fat people, Jews, “sluts,” Christians (mostly the catholic church, the priest, pope etc…), Scientologists, woman, men, sexual harassment, Native Americans, Democrats, the entire country of Canada and its people, Gingers, gender reassignment surgery, poor people, cops, Apple products, Al gore, Bush, Obama, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Magic Johnson, aids sufferers, ADHD, aspergers , Selena Gomez, Barbara Streisand, Tom Cruise, R Kelly, Kanye West aka Gay fish, the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Mexicans, doctors, lawyers, abortions clinics, mariachi bands, people who drive hybrid cars, San Francisco, the FBI, the CIA, the FDA, men with small penis, IT guys, cable providers, Katrina victims, Naggers, animal activists, the rain forest, zip lining tour guides, people from New Jersey, rednecks, vegetarians, gluten free dieters, Boy Scouts of America, 9/11, Pokemon, The Food Network, Broadway, teachers, psychologists, schizophrenia, disassociate identity disorder, Taylor Swift, Facebook, pot head towels, cynical people, people who overuse curse words, motorcyclists (aka Fags), wikileaks, Jessie Jackson, Michael Jackson, Steve Irwin, Yo Gabba Gabba, Miley, Justin Bieber, Jonas brothers, Disney, WWE, Billy Mayes, people who have publicly shit their pants, prostitution, Helen Keller, South Park itself, Walmart, the homeless, Mormons, rich people, white privilege, Anne Frank, gamers, Big tobacco, Michael Moore, home security systems, business start-ups, the redskins controversy, football safety, global warming, Oprah’s Vagina, Oprah’s asshole, Alcoholism, conspiracy theories, capitalism, cosmetic surgery, parents who purposely infect their children with chicken pox, herpes, people who have an ass for a face, whale wars, missionaries, Russians, the british ETC….
AND I made this list off of the top of my head. (watched alot of SP when it was on Netflix…good times good times.) If you actually get offended by South Park, then you doing it wrong and you need to stop watching
ohhh….I’m sorry, we can’t do anything to help you….
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Unrelated side note: The South Park gif game is so F’in strong
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thinkpinay · 8 years
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thinkpinay · 8 years
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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thinkpinay · 9 years
The Military Man in May
Five long months I awaited your arrival.
The minute I saw you 
my heart started to race.
You were standing right in front of me
but I could not believe you were there.
You closed and locked the door to my room.
Stared into my eyes with a cocky but sexy grin.
And I stared right back at you
biting my lip as we slowly inched closer to each other. 
Then you pulled me in and gave me
the long awaited kiss I had dreamed of having once again.
So passionate, so hot.
I ran my hands across your muscular arms
and slowly moved to feel your body.
Your face with a tiny amount of stubble on it.
Your strong back which I felt up and down.
Your hard chest that made me weak at the knees.
You pushed me against the wall
and my fantasies became reality. 
Our shirts flew off and
I rolled my eyes in pure ecstasy as you
kissed and sucked so passionately at my neck.
Your hand running up my thigh. 
Fast paced breathing.
Our bodies slowly grinding against each other.
I could feel my body ache for yours.
You lifted me up and placed me on my bed.
I looked down and my shorts and panties
were already on the floor. 
You kissed me so sweetly and 
teasingly kissed every part of my body 
as you slowly inched to my pussy.
The wait felt like an eternity until...
I felt your tongue inside me.
I clutched my pillow and 
couldn’t believe he was doing this to me. 
I moved towards him and pulled down his pants.
I put him inside me and sucked on him.
I look up and see him tilt his head back in pleasure.
I keep going. Harder. Faster. 
I see his knees buckling
His hands clutching the bed sheets.
His breath raging uncontrollably. 
I slow him down because I know I want him in me.
He unravels a condom and lifts me up.
Shoves me against the wall we were on 
and goes in. 
oh. my. god.
I’ve waited so long for this man to 
be inside of me. 
It feels insanely good.
We stare into each others’ eyes and
he gives me that sexy grin again.
That was all I needed.
I explode in passion and euphoria and
collapse into his shoulder. 
He kisses me and brings me back to the bed.
His kisses make me want to melt inside.
I feel him suck on my neck again.
My arms held back by his.
and he enters me once again. 
I look at his face on top of me
and he looks so intense and sexy that
I almost can’t take it. 
He asks me
Do you feel good, baby?
I feel so good that I can’t no words 
can come out of my mouth but an
uncontrollable moan of pleasure. 
His breathing gets faster and uncontrollable again.
His moans are so hot to hear. 
I feel myself on the edge along with him.
He goes harder and faster.
His face of sheer ecstasy was all I needed
to reach my climax.
I screamed out loud and he thrusted into me.
His release just as intense as mine.
He collapses on my body and 
we both kiss hard and long as
we try to regain our breath. 
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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When someone tells me don’t be such a square
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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Yes. Of course. Always.
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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rubbing the tummo (◡‿◡✿)
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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They are just too adorable. 
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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same_outfit_for_40_years.jpg http://meme-apartman.tumblr.com
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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602K notes · View notes
thinkpinay · 9 years
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50 notes · View notes
thinkpinay · 9 years
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thinkpinay · 9 years
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