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Just a little note too say that I do intend to continue 8 Weeks on Wattpad but at the moment I have bigger projects I am working on. 
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Status Update!
Currently still working on my “The Coven Witch Trials” story I've got a handful of chapters and will delay releasing them as too avoid delay in posting chapters! 
I am also starting a Horror novel, not going to reveal too much just yet but I will say it will be BLOODY. 
To read my stories follow the links below:
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My first stories prologue!
                           Agnes Waterhouse Year of Our Lord 1566
In Chelmsford, England an elderly woman is standing over a stone altar with two white candles on it, she lets out a satisfied hum and says in a sharp tone “Sathan come”, suddenly an ugly mutt bounds through the home and comes to rest at her feet, the dog was scruffy with black wiry like fur. Agnes begins to chant “gairm a' ghrian” her hands begin to glow when suddenly her door is bashed in! A tall dark haired man with a gold cross and green emeralds in the center which he had around his neck stands in the doorway taken aback with what lay before him, he screams “Witch, Witch!” Agnes calls back “No please! Let me explain Barclay, please!” Suddenly a woman of short stature and a choleric personality stares at her from behind the man with her green eyes piercing into Agnes’ the short woman irritably screams “You cursed your last man Witch they’re gonna hang you now Agnes” with that she begins snorting with laughter as Agnes is dragged from her home bound by rope. Sathan trudging behind from afar noticeably keeping his distance from the scene but never letting his master far from his sight, his head bowed down and a sad glimmer in his deep brown soulful eyes. Agnes is dragged through a muddy forest her limbs flailing like a fish out of water. Soon they reach a stockade where the village folk have gathered there were men and women but also children to bare witness as she was sure to be killed for her crime.
Agnes now in chains and rags is standing before an angry mob all screaming for her to hang and burn Agnes watches as another young girl is dragged next to her and pushed into the dirt the man angrily says “I’ll be glad to see you both hang” he grins and laughs an evil laugh the young woman picks herself up and spits at the man which angers him further he goes to whack her with the back of his rather large grubby hands but stops short when a booming voice calls out “enough!” Agnes turns to stare at the other captive, her eyes widen and all her emotions merge as she recognises the woman is her daughter, only eighteen and exposed in nothing but a sack and some hard leather sandals! Agnes’ jaw dropped as she stared “Joan” she said with a whimper in her voice tears forming in her eyes for the first time in years, “mother what is going on here?” Joan says, suddenly the man from before stands atop the gallows and shouts excitedly to the crowd “Ladies and gentlemen I have before you Agnes and Joan Waterhouse both accused of witchcraft and Satan worship!” The women look at the muddy ground as the crowd boo and throw rotten fruit at them, Barclay says softly “how do you plead ladies?” Joan scoffs and says angrily “this isn't right I did not bewitch him, he loves me please!” Agnes says to Joan softly “Joan this is my mistake I shall fix it” with that she stands tall and calls to Barclay “Guilty on all charges and more I bewitched Joan’s lover he is under my spell not hers she is no witch!” Barclay laughs as the crowd gasp and boo “I'm so sorry Joan” she says as she is taken up the steps of the Gallows and a noose is tied around her neck by Barclay she can feel the frayed rope tickling her as it settles, he smiles and says quietly “And so begins a new age” Agnes frowns and says angrily “This ends with me fool no one is stupid enough to believe in your bedtime stories for children” he laughs again his rough stubble scratching her ear as he whispers “Thanks to your spell this will go on for years to come” he pulls the lever and Agnes falls and begins choking as her throat and airways are crushed by her noose she once again begins flailing but soon enough she falls limp, struggling for breath and life her last words are “forgive me” then darkness.
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