urdream111 · 2 years
have u got to the void state?
not yet but i will!
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urdream111 · 2 years
manifesting is so so easy, but people feel the need make tons of methods, subliminals,...about it, using them is fine but you really don't need to
Remember this:
thoughts = reality.
affirmations = thoughts
Back when i didnt even know about law of assumption/manifesting, i have so many negative thoughts about myself and my life, but i started to change these negative thoughts into positive thoughts because i was so sick being so pessimistic all the time and my reality started to change too, i got prettier, people likes me more, better grades, more confidence, regain my passion for drawing, etc. And I didn't even care about what I saw in the 3D, I just kept being persistent, even if it was something unpleasant. It's totally okay if you breakdown or spiral, just remember to get back on track and there's always movement behind the scenes, you can even vain affirm and not put any emotions into your affirmations, it doesn't matter.
All you really need to do is affirm and persist, honestly.
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urdream111 · 2 years
List of things I ever remember manifesting (for remembering and self motivation purposes, as well as for you guys):
Before being conscious:
- Instant changes in personality and talents
- Being perceived exactly as I want in every sense, wether my physical self corresponded to it or not
- My teeth being super straight because I didn’t want to wear braces when I was younger
- A childhood friend that I never remember meeting in kindergarten because I thought there was no one I wanted to be friends with, became my constant friend throughout life
- Crushes liking me back up to extreme degrees and pursuing relationships with me
- Supernatural boyfriend (yikes)
- Conscious friends I designed in my head and that did in fact remember me from 4D
- Fame (decided I didn’t want it though)
- MacBook Pro and 2 iPhones
- The latest expensive DSLR camera at the time
- Winning giveaways
- Being in magazine covers
- Instant temporary or permanent personality changes in people
- Memory and physical proof of events wipeout
- Disappearance of objects
- Manipulation of world events (mainly associated with taxes because a girl loves to shop and politics because fuck oppressive leaders)
- Moving anywhere I want to
- Temporary eye color changes
- Money
- Manipulation of perceived time as in it going back, moving slower or faster
- Getting what I want even if I missed what seemed to be the right place and time
- Fashion trends
- Receiving lost orders on days that mail isn’t even supposed to be delivered
- Making stores, services and products that were oddly specific appear in my area
- Free concert tickets
- Being acknowledged and befriended by famous people from all over the world like actors, singers and important people in the industries I have interest in which always ended up having common very specific interests with me
- Getting free items I wanted
- Astrology chart changes in others when I was into that crap
- Flight cancelations
After becoming fully conscious:
- Being fearless
- Popularity intensified
- Major discounts in a lot of new clothes, shoes and expensive cosmetics
- Inducing huge sales, tax free changes and free shipping on my favorite sites
- Getting items from the site that weren’t being sold anymore and that were suddenly available in my size only
- Getting food delivery on places that weren’t even open at that schedule
- Weather changes, either scheduled or instant
- Celebrity relationships that I decided on being real
- Wiping out things that I didn’t want in my reality to the point there was no proof and no one remembered instantly (freaky)
- Making objects appear on command
- Making People message me just because I thought of them for a few minutes (not sure if I liked this)
- Situations going in my favor with exact monologues I wrote then being spoken by others to the most tiniest detail.
- Super specific texts messages and thought transferring
- Manifested actual millionaire and famous friends which I didn’t even know existed and seemed so obviously randomly generated for my reality, and also taught me on things I wanted to learn about
- Clear skin
- Got rid of skin and food allergies/ reactions and stomach problems I was convinced by others I had
- Got rid of the fear of astrology and all that crap dictating my love life and my living years
- Temporarily lived in a penthouse with a partner
- Weight loss and keeping up with it despite eating everything I want and I eat a lot (went to 40 something kgs)
- Friends getting into relationships
- Instant summoning of knowledge for assignments and exams I didn’t knew nothing of, or very little, or that I improvised. Through quick bridge of events or instant summoning. Also I know for a fact that some stuff I wrote down didn’t make sense at all for what it actually was but I still passed against all logic.
- Getting taken on dates to specific places and restaurants, getting ordered specific foods without saying anything
- Perfected time manipulation: Doing a lot in a short time frame, making time go back or forward, time freezing
- Ended up in the void after freezing time without even knowing what it was, just assumed I had fully detached from 3D
- Mastered perfect revision (found it annoying at one point though that I was revising everything instead of going back to self concept and assuming it was gonna work out in my favor and permanently getting rid of things like it did before I was conscious)
- Not sleeping for 6 months to test the law and how the consequences of hearing about what is the health limit for us is actually that impactful or not if you refuse to believe it
- More money, even on specific dates
- Extremely fast order deliveries
- Home renovations
- New fridge
- Cancelations of exams, postponing of exams, teachers passing everyone out of sudden laziness or mercy
- Postponing flights and life events of people I knew
- Making people move across continents
- Finding good blogs and a good neville community on here after feeling annoyed I was the only one who seemed to be practicing it in a more easy way before coaches and people more in lack came along (which I don’t blame, I was just a bit confused for a long time thanks to that)
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urdream111 · 2 years
manifesting isn’t hard. you’re just overthinking. you’ve been unconsciously controlling literally EVERYTHING ABOUT THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE instantly with incredible ease for you whole life. you’re still controlling it. you just think it’s harder now that you know you’re doing it. before, when you were unconsciously manifesting, a single thought was enough to create ANYTHING. suddenly it isn’t anymore. why? comment why you think it isn’t.
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urdream111 · 2 years
screaming rn
you’re one of my favs too!!
your fav loa accounts ?
@carmensapientia (my fav <3)
that’s it :)
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urdream111 · 2 years
what reality shifting is & how i do it 🌌
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what is reality shifting ? 🤔
reality shifting is simply moving your consciousness from one realty, the one you're currently in, to a reality that you want to be in.
reality shifting is not just dreaming. i know it can be confusing but there is a difference between lucid dreaming and reality shifting. with lucid dreaming, you are in a unique state where you becomes aware that you are dreaming and can sometimes manipulate your dreams/people in your dreams. reality shifting is different, as everybody in your desired reality is a real person with their own feelings, thoughts, and actions. with reality shifting, you're just another normal person in that reality, with no control over others/events (unless you script/intend otherwise.)
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how i shift ✨
1. i listen to a 5-10 minute sleep guided meditation on youtube to help get my mind/body relaxed.
2. once i’m done meditating, i go on musi (an app basically like youtube where you can listen to music without staying on the app) and turn on a shifting subliminal with rain sounds (my fav is ethereal daydreamer subliminals <3)
3. once i turn on the subliminal, i get off of my phone and get in a comfortable sleeping position.
4. once i’m in my comfortable sleeping position, i do a body sleeping method where basically you squeeze (not actually squeezing with your hands but like.. “cringe” each part of your body from your toes all the way to your face, holding each squeeze on each body part for ten seconds. once you squeeze every body part for ten seconds one by one, squeeze your whole body + face for ten seconds and then release.) you’re body will start to feel so numb. you’ll know you did it right if you start twitching or start feeling tingling sensations afterwards lol
5. after that, i visualize where i want to shift. i think about all the fun things i’ll get to do and all the fun people i’ll get to meet and the food i’ll get to eat. after that i just fall asleep listening to the subliminal and i wake up in my DR. that’s it that’s all :)
happy shifting!
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urdream111 · 2 years
"world is mine" affs
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the world works for me
the world is my oyster
everyone breaks their backs to get me my desire
i am in control
i am the operant power
why do i always get everything i want?
everything i desire is already mine
i love being the god of my reality
i'm in control of my reality
my life is on easy mode
i am limitless
my life is perfect
everything always works out in my favour
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urdream111 · 2 years
Help ive overconsumed info and nownidk what to do
The way you worded this made me laugh a little ngl 😂
When you’ve over-consumed info,
we have to simplify things and go back to the basics. Just keep these 10 commandments in mind and forget everything else.
Your assumptions form your reality. What you assume solidifies into the 3D.
You create the rules. Fuck science, matter, research and the limitations of the flesh. You’re God, never doubt yourself on what’s possible.
Circumstances do not matter. Your current situation is simply your present assumptions solidified. Reality is extremely malleable. Changing your assumptions changes your reality, no matter what.
Anything is possible. Anything. The only limit to your manifestation is the extent of your belief.
Methods do not hold any power. YOU DO.
Work on your self concept. Know you’re God and persist in your new reality.
Let go of the old story. The past like I said is simply a collection of your assumptions. It does not define you. You can be whoever you want to be.
All you need is faith and trust. Believe what you want is yours and know that you have it. It’s a done deal. Knowing is the secret. And in the words of Neville Goddard, faith is loyalty to the unseen reality.
Persist in your assumption and do not give up. You’re almost there. Failure does not exist in our reality. Remember, the fear of failure is also a cause of failure.
Bridge of incidents does not exist. There is no waiting period or time lag. You can manifest instantly if you want.
Hope this helps you, baby x
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urdream111 · 2 years
due to my flawless manifestation skills ofc 😌 shoutout to @msfeminine for being my 500th follow!
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urdream111 · 2 years
you are.
no matter what happens, how you feel, how you perceive, you are, and will never stop being.
what is being, though? being is consciously perceiving. by perceiving, you are. by perceiving, you are conscious. 
consciousness is god.
this is the fundamental principle you need to be aware of. you are god. the one reading and understanding my words is god. take a moment to let this sink in. realize that you are the power. the light. you are in control of absolutely everything.
you can play with your imagination a bit and imagine this god to be whatever you like - a fictional character, an imaginary figure, or a loved one. i personally incorporated my childhood fantasies into this, and imagined that i hold the power of light (i LOVED winx club and stella omg). 
in order to create, you have to believe that you are able to. and honestly, if you, the literal creator, don’t create, who can? it’s you and only you. the one able to perceive and understand. you set the rules. you establish whether you need to visualize or not. you decide how your manifestations show up. 
by imagining (being conscious of something), you bring things into existence. that is the beginning and end of your job as a creator. consciousness is the “material” everything is made out of. literally everything, from situations to objects, is a form of consciousness. 
you are the source from which all things are derived. 
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urdream111 · 2 years
My latest helpful and feel good blanket self concept affirmations:
• I am perfectly perfect.
• I am my best self inside and out at all times.
• Only my positive thoughts manifest.
• Only good and amazing things/ miracles ever happen to me.
• I am happily, blissfully married. (I want to add why I love this affirmation: Ive always had this goal for my relationships. So if that is you too, realize that this implies that you have all you want within it, wether it is by “creating” the individual from scratch as if this is a hologram computer system and inserting it in your time frame since time doesn’t even have to be linear, or you can visualize this with your specific person who will most likely adapt to it, even in their personality. But obviously you should assume it implies THAT. Why would you be stuck affirming for contact and every other isolated act when this one can induce the whole movie dream for you? Exactly. This is the BOMB)
• I always have big, safe and instant supplies of money.
• I’ve always been rich and wealthy.
• I can afford anything that I want.
• I am perfectly healthy.
• I fully, completely and unconditionally love myself.
• I am the most beautiful and powerful being in existence.
• I am a millionaire / financially free.
• I can afford anything I want.
• I am god, that’s why only what I want can happen.
• I have my ideal/ desired (insert whatever u want).
• Everything in my life is perfect.
• Everything in my reality is perfect.
• Everything in my life, reality and this universe is exactly as I want it to be. (Good for big world events, improving laws or countries, supplies within a country etc)
• I am my best self.
• I am the dream/ main character/ the star/ the queen.
• I am infinitely one. (Good for reminding yourself of unity and that everything is happening.)
• I am living my dream life. ( a life of luxury, happiness, security, whatever u wish.)
• I have the perfect self concept.
• I am extremely attractive/magnetic. (whatever trait you wish to have)
• I factually/ objectively am/have (insert desire).
• I am grateful for having/being (insert desire + feel the heightened emotion. Not needing to feel the emotion if you feel the knowing but it helps me a ton and makes it fun).
• They simp for me.
• I am extremely sucessful.
• I am the most successful.
• I am always safe and blessed.
• Ur reality is untouchable and so are u. No need to worry crossing paths with other ppl manifesting and opposite big event. Your reality will induce a safe split between those.
• No logic is needed. Just knowing, feeling. Thoughts and emotion help greatly and even though emotion is not absolutely needed it helps a ton to being able to simulate those and the senses. It makes life easier because your cells and subconscious think the event is occurring now. Even though we are living in an eternal now.
• Command ur subconscious, meditate for the sake of letting go of shit moods, go to the void, script, do art about your desired people like drawing… whatever it takes. But you don’t even need to. You just need to know once and hold it in ur thoughts. Even if you’re not constantly thinking of it. You’re always going to get what you want.
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urdream111 · 2 years
100 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
1. My mind is ruled by positivity!
2. I think and live from a constant state of abundance!
3. I deserve all the good in the world!
4. I can do anything!
5. I embody confidence!
6. Nothing is impossible with God!
7. Everything in my 3d indicates that I am the luckiest person in history!
8. I want it, I got it!
9. Failure is nothing to me!
10. I have unleashed my full potential!
11. Doubt never crosses my mind because I'm so successful!
12. I'm pampered by everyone around me!
13. Everyday is a good day for me!
14. I live the most ideal life imaginable!
15. My self concept is top tier!
16. I cannot be surpassed!
17. I have everything I could ever want!
18. I feel liberated because I have realized my true power!
19. I've achieved godhood effortlessly!
20. I am destined for my desires!
21. I am destined to always be the best version of myself!
22. I am destined to live my best life!
23. My luck is infinite!
24. I know my worth!
25. My desires automatically become reality!
26. Logic does not define me!
27. Doubt has no place in my mind!
28. I never dwell on negativity!
29. I always look on the positive side!
30. My power in infinite!
31. I have no limits whatsoever!
32. I succeed effortlessly in everything I do!
33. I expect myself to succeed!
34. I am always in control!
35. Time is never a worry!
36. I can do it!
37. I assume only the best for myself!
38. I am universally loved and appreciated!
39. I feel loved because I am loved!
40. My efforts never go unnoticed!
41. I am a joy to be around!
42. Everyone appreciates my company!
43. I am the life of the party!
44. I am the definition of privileged!
45. I have pretty privilege!
46. Nothing stands in the way of me obtaining my desires!
47. I have proved my worth just by existing!
48. I have changed for the better!
49. I never go without my needs and desires!
50. I have accomplished all my goals!
51. I am improving in every aspect of my life every single day!
52. There is no limit to the good things I experience in my life!
53. I am a blessing!
54. Everyone respects my wishes!
55. I am universally respected!
56. I trust myself fully!
57. Everything fits my desires, as it should!
58. I receive new, wonderful opportunities every single day!
59. I rise above failure and doubt!
60. I bring positivity into my daily life!
61. I never fear because I control everything!
62. Reality is malleable!
63. My life is constantly improving!
64. I am talented in all walks of life!
65. My self love is unlimited!
66. I impress myself and others with how powerful I am!
67. Manifesting my desires easily is in my nature!
68. I am destined to be the most beautiful person ever!
69. My beauty is unparalleled!
70. There is only good in my future!
71. Things will only get better from here!
72. I have fallen in love with every aspect of myself!
73. I deserve to be loved and cared for!
74. There is no room for negativity in my life!
75. My manifestation ability is unmatched!
76. I feel satisfied with my coming manifestations!
77. My desires find me no matter the circumstance!
78. I accomplish anything I set my mind to!
79. Manifesting my desires is effortless!
80. I am incapable of failure!
81. My self love is infinite!
82. Everyone agrees that I am the most beautiful person of all time!
83. I am grateful for my unmatched power!
84. I am grateful for my unmatched beauty!
85. Anything is obtainable for me!
86. I rule reality itself!
87. Reality bends to my will!
89. It's wonderful that I get everything I want!
90. I am treated like royalty!
91. I can change anything to fit my desires!
92. I love being God!
93. I assume everything is easy for me!
94. I don't have to work to gain all my desires!
95. I have mastered living in the end!
96. My ability to persist is unparalleled!
97. It's natural for me to have my desires!
98. I spend every moment living my desired life!
99. I am proud of all my accomplishments!
100. I am God!
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urdream111 · 2 years
So as long as we keep the thought in mind we will get our desire how do we determine the length and time it takes to get it
you determine the length and time through your mindset/how long you think it’ll take your desires to manifest :) also you don’t have to keep the thought in mind 24/7. you just have to think it once in a way that says you have your desire and then flip negative thoughts afterwards.
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urdream111 · 2 years
clarification: opposing thoughts don't set you back to the beginning of your manifestation
they can if you're just starting and/or have a terrible mindset surrounding your manifestation, but if you have a good mindset, you won't be "reset" so to speak. you'll still have good assumptions to fall back on and help you stay aligned with your desired reality.
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urdream111 · 2 years
questions about my latest post
comment under here with your questions about my alignment post and i'll reblog this with answers because i can't reply to y'all for some reason
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urdream111 · 2 years
you cannot create your reality. you never have and you never will.
long post ahead BUT IT'S WORTH IT. yes, this is a law of assumption post. yes, you do manifest. this is a post to clear up a huge misconception in the community. tl;dr at the end.
you do not create your reality. you choose it by aligning with it. all realities are already in existence. every possible object, circumstance, and thing you could ever dream of manifesting is already in existence. you literally cannot create anything because all the infinite realities already contain everything. here's what actually happens when you manifest:
1. you have a thought
2. that thought automatically and instantly aligns you with your desired reality
3. you start shifting on a pathway of realities to your desired reality
4. you arrive at your desired reality
lit rally kill me t*mblr just deleted two whole paragraphs i wrote
if you have a negative thought, it will automatically start shifting you to a reality that fully aligns with that thought. don't worry though. you can stop that and start yourself shifting towards your desired reality with a singular thought.
when you see movement with your manifestations, it's because you're shifting towards having your desire and you're on a path where you see movement. you could suddenly blink and have your desire without seeing any movement at all because you were on a path with no visible movement. anything is possible.
why do unexpected things manifest in my reality?
unexpected things happen because you're always aligned with those things being a possibility. for example, you know people can die, right? you don't contradict that, so you're always aligned with it. therefore, people in your reality die.
how law of assumption and law of attraction play into each other
law of assumption states you manifest what you assume. law of attraction states you manifest what you match in vibration. as it turns out, they're both right. your thoughts have certain vibrations. every single one of your thoughts has a vibration. when you assume something, you think of something with a certain vibration and assume it will happen. you then automatically and instantly align with that vibration and start shifting towards a reality where you have that desire. you see how the three laws (attraction, assumption, and what i'm talking about) intertwine?
how to manifest something with just one thought/how something can manifest with just one thought
when you manifest something with one thought, it's because you stayed aligned with that thought until you reached your desired reality. you aligned with your desire, dropped it, and shifted to your dr. you didn't contradict it, so you never unaligned with it. it's easy as pie.
how to utilize this with ease
affirm that you have full confidence in your manifestation abilities
remind yourself that you are the god of your reality. you can choose anything you want and it will show up in the 3d because your consciousness precedes what you see in the world.
realize that everything is just a matter of choosing. if you don't want to see something in your reality, just choose something different. choosing = aligning. this has lifted a ton of resistance off me.
self concept affs!!! i can't stress this enough. some of my favorites are "i can shift to any reality at will." "i'm a master manifestor" and "how do i manifest so easily?"
tl;dr: you don't create your reality because everything already exists. you instead think something and start shifting through realities until you have that thing. this because you align with everything you think and you're always shifting to realities you're aligned with. if you don't want to see something/see a lack of your manifestation, think something different and choose it because everything is a matter of choice. choosing = aligning. law of assumption, law of attraction, and this all match up because your assumption = your though, which has a vibration. you align with that vibration and shift to your desired reality.
if you have any questions or want to know how something works with this theory (ex. how falling asleep in a state of being can lead you to waking up with results), send me an ask or comment under here! i'll reply to comments with my other account which also has dream in its username.
@divineangelbee @id18297 @222barbie @cinefairy @4rdcorners @amaranthine777 @aztro444 @venusgoddard
@carmensapientia @pl6netgirl @arabella111 @sexyandhedonistic what do y'all think of this? mind reblogging it so it gets more traction?
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urdream111 · 2 years
fav tumblr accounts
myself ! lmao
i may have forgotten some!
neville lectures
rearrange the mind
coin of heaven
god and i are one
faith is loyalty to the unseen reality
live in the end
imaginal acts become facts
order then wait
god's law and his promise
self concept affs
self concept affs [cinefairy]
affs for everything u could ever need [cinefairy]
self concept affs [heartscollector]
aura + body + sc affs [ang3ldezzi]
an array of affirmations [divineangelbee]
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