youmboom · 10 days
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have a safe one y'all!!! shout out to all my fellow nebularomantics 🗣️🗣️
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youmboom · 29 days
Oh boy arent these sketches cool!! Its almost like i was never stuck in an airport for 14 hours!!
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youmboom · 1 month
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so this idea is still brewing in my tiny pot of a skull, but the way i've been imagining it is this gal right here is the child of a planet eater, maybe a mutated rabbid of some kind, or possibly just close cousins. She works with the rest of her family to help feed her father and keep him alive (think the planet jackers episode of zim, works sort of like that)
while her siblings tend to go a more peaceful route by keeping a majority of the planet alive before delivering them, the princess relishes in the extermination of all life on each planet, sicking her worker bees on ANYTHING that moves (or questions her if, they can even get to that point)
The planet that she's currently focusing on exterminating has already been conquered by the rabbids, but who could pass up on a double conquering?!? and it's unfortunate that this planet in particular has the doc and all his subjects stuck on it, will they be able to survive??
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(first rendition of her, still love the linework on it, originally was not cat themed!!)
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youmboom · 1 month
You will Love the next drawings im close to being done (me yapping to an empty room)
But shes a silly princess character inspired by Edge, the freaks from outer space game+the original concept art of them, possible lore dump with a side of plot holes as well. Oh how wonderous!!!
Unfortunatly my dubious plan of drawing all day is foiled (offf doing volunteer stuff) As a thank you for your time tho take this shitty phone drawing of ecto
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youmboom · 1 month
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Ohhh my beloved Ecto he's so gooey he has a spirit form where he fucks around and floats through walls and leaves his disgusting ectoplasm everywhere, but the main downside is that he has to physically die to use the form (the body is revived when the spirit returns) my main sona guy
the brain is parsley i was just doodling her in the corner
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I physically cannot draw on anything more complicated than a tin can excuse the incredible lighting and sketch quality
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youmboom · 1 month
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MEET MY FELLAS I've got a sort of a rabbids lab AU with a doc that lives to make frankenstien whatchamacallits, Originally working with prof Barranco 3 to create soldiers, he eventually split off and began working on solo projects (intelligent artificial rabbids akin to scribbles). they all live in an underground bunker/lab together and generally cause mischief
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THE DOc is a rabbid that's the same sub-species as scribbles (he usually shaves out of habit due to living with the future rabbids for so long) He's just a mad scientist who's very passionate about his work. He can be terrifying when in the right environment, but he can barely talk to his own creations without anxiety getting the better of him
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Doc LOVES the process of making them but doesn't really know what to do with him after they're alive, it's become a sort of estranged roomates situation with everyone in the bunker I MAY POST MORE CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS SOON im gonna treat this as sort of an archive for my little guys LOTS OF LOVE HAVE A GOOD DAY -Youmy
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youmboom · 1 month
DEAD BLOG (its been years since i've posted all the art is old no peeking 🙏🙏🙏)(i lied its just going to be dedicated to rabbids now 😊😊😊)
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youmboom · 3 years
humans are weird
my take on this concept...
i wonder how the outsiders would react to our music tastes, and how would we explain what songs we listen to during specific times, or when we are feeling a certain emotion?
alien: so this rhythm, this tune, how often do you listen to these...nice sounds?
human: ah well it depends on what i’m feeling!
human: whenever i am sad, i like to listen to very low classical tunes..
alien: oh? and that makes you feel a bit happier right?
human: happier?! i’d be sobbing until i cant catch my breath anymore of course.
alien: ..????? i’m quite confused, so then what do you listen to when you’re happy??
human: nursery rhymes-
alien: NURSER- ahem...is that not for the...how do i say this...for the smaller humans?
human: you see, unlike the smaller humans, i didn’t have a childhood.
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youmboom · 3 years
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look at em go !
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youmboom · 3 years
Mmm man :)
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youmboom · 3 years
Brewin up an idea for a new character >B)
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youmboom · 3 years
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youmboom · 3 years
The idea of the Dreamlands has been like. permeating my skull ever since Lil' Nas X tweeted about our dreams being actually another dimension. Like;
You live your life having fucking weird ass, wild ass dreams about strange places and terrifying creatures and barely any of it makes sense b/c dreams rarely make sense after you wake up. It gets so bad and frightening that you begin to take experimental dream suppressants (i don't know if those actually exist or not) and for years you have no dreams and sleep well.
And then one night you forget to take them.
And you wake up in the dark, the air is dusty and smells strangely perfumed. You reach out and your fingertips touch stone. You are in a sarcophagus.
You begin to panic. You begin to scream.
The stone is too heavy for you to move yourself so you scream louder, crying desperately for help; with no doubt in your mind that you've been kidnapped or some such thing. You hear something outside, a rush of footsteps, voices, all sounding as equally panicked as you. The stone above you begins to move and you waste NO time in throwing yourself out of it.
And then the real screaming starts. Not from you. But from them.
And when you turn, confused, you freeze because holy hell, those aren't human.
They're not even close.
Some stare at you with wide, dripping eyes, other press themselves against the far wall, screaming oh gods, oh gods it can't be!
One watches you and the expression on its face is, quite literally, an exaggeration of grief. A caricature of a tormented soul, and it steps. closer. to you. its arms. out. reaching. to you.
You back away with each step and nervously your hands twitch up to your face, maybe to cover your eyes, or maybe you want to convince yourself that this is a dream and you hope, foolishly, that your hands will pass through your eyes.
They don't. Instead you feel the raised skin around your eyes, the strangely shaped but deliberate scaring on your forehead. You look down at yourself and see your arms, tattooed in colours so vibrant that they sway in your vision like waves. Stones embedded into your knuckles, the fine cloth that's draped over your body attached through your skin by golden chains.
You feel. like you're going to throw up.
"Creature?" the thing that is a parody of emotions finally speaks and its voice is like nails on a chalk board if the nails were small silver bells.
"Creature, is it you?"
You don't know who this freak is talking to and you will not be engaging with it because you've got hooks in your arms and you've just noticed that your lips feel much colder and stiffer than you're used to. You reach up and your fingers brush against metal. You feel faint.
Fingers snap in front of your face and your name is called. Your name. You look up, into the many sad, drooping eyes of the thing in front of you and it speaks again, calls your name.
How does it know your name!?
"What the fuck is going on?" you ask because you have to, "Where the fuck am I?"
"Your crypt, Creature," it says and you're thankful it didn't say your name again, "Your crypt. What are you- what happened? You are meant to be dead! You stopped moving, you stopped breathing. We performed the rites. You are dead."
And it weeps and its hands reach the rest of the way out, stretching longer than arms are meant to stretch. They reach your face and hover there for a moment, almost afraid, before they rest on your cheeks. And then, their eyes widen; they've felt your skin, your body, your matter. You are there, you are real. And their nails dig in, drawing blood in their desperation to hold you and feel your presence.
"Ten years," they cry out and you are beginning to be pulled in, your bare feet tripping up as this Thing pulls you closer, "Ten years since I buried you!"
But that's impossible. Impossible, there's no way-
But holy shit.
"My pills," you mutter as you are all but clawed into the horrible embrace of an inconsolable monstrosity, "I forgot to take my pills."
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youmboom · 3 years
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mmm doodles of youm and her human form :)
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youmboom · 3 years
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mixing the best of both worlds, catgirls and frogs :)
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youmboom · 3 years
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da baby les goo
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youmboom · 3 years
The reason people get abducted is because in the eyes of the aliens, humans are the most beautiful, ethereal beings they’ve ever seen. You, a tiny introvert with oily skin and buck teeth just woke up in a strange room with writing you’ve never seen before on the walls.
pt.1 here
You aren’t thinking very well right now, but the even with the least awareness that you have, you know that dreams aren’t supposed to follow this rhythm; they’re cut images, muted feelings, and chopped up scenes that are blurred in the edges. 
Yet, yet, here you are, a cold feeling washing itself in the shoreline of your thinking, your mind picking up the wind sails of your thoughts and throwing them in disarray, destroying the roots and flinging them across the room. You are positive that you weren’t supposed to be feeling things like this right now; the heaviness in your chest, the cold seeping through the fabric of your jeans to the saltiness in your tongue when tasting the snot and tears that fell in.
This isn’t a dream.
“Please, Human, we need an answer. Do you wish to stay here temporarily while we await orders?” Wait here? Were you supposed to be going somewhere? The tiny panic started to set in, the instinct of the unknown, no matter what people will want to repress and say it hinders more than helps, kicks in.
You didn’t want to be a lab rat, not stuck in some cage, waiting for the bright lights to dim and be observed from every corner visible. Sticking needles under your eyes, scraping dirt under your nails — yeah no thanks.
“I want to go back to that Hell than be experiment on, thanks,” Your dry throat barely formulates the right words, the wind carrying it with little strength, yet it resonated in the quiet room.
“We are against that, we aren’t here to hurt you in any form, we are only here to observe Humans in their natural habitat. Please take some hydrating fluids,“ the tall creature gestures to something behind it, bringing a water bottle, like something you would see at a gas station.
You think you’re going a little bit insane.
Yet when the fresh, cool water touches your tender lips, washing away the saltiness and the dry desert, is where the fog clogging your mind clears with it.
You take a real look around you, the movie set scene of a futuristic white room, no sharp corner and a smooth transition of wall and floor, with just a thin line dividing.
But, as you curse your race, because humans are curious creatures with no filter.
"Is this real? Like, am I on an actual spaceship?”
The creature pecks up, surprised maybe from your raspy voice bouncing around the chamber. It spoke slow, meaningful and careful.
“Yes, we are observers, nothing else. We mean no harm to you or your planet.”
That little vocab word stuck to you, like a lost child gripping the edge of a stranger’s shirt. The wonky rock that is unbalanced with billions of people that do harm and good, kill and love. But most people are just nobodies, mere strangers that are the background to the gifted.
“Why humans?”
The questions slipped out of your mouth like water from too much water pressured in. And you immediately wanted to smack yourself at your own selfishness. Maybe they observe every being in the galaxy, humans being so insignificant that they don’t even pop up.
(The world doesn’t revolve around you.)
The creature though– the creature seemed … pleased?
“Our senses operate on a different set of mechanisms and realities, that we view the material world very differently than other beings.” That seemed kind of cool you suppose. A bit weird as he wasn’t really answering your question. The unanswered curiosity still sat in a pool in your stomach.
The creature saw that and did what you believe to be a smile. A weird, distorted version of a smile.
“We see "souls” in human terms.“
A second for the words to translate into information, process said information, and begin to understand said information.
"Like… Huh? What do you even mean?! Like, uh, the souls? What?” The terror that gripped your muscles, the blind panic, everything slowly started to melt away from the bright curiosity of what you believe to be nothing more of a fever dream. Granted, one that feels real, but is nothing else than sequences of chemical reactions in your brain.
The creature “smiled” brighter. “Indeed! Most beings in the galaxy can vary, but they all can see what humans call souls. Its quite common, but we have discovered humans are quite a special case!”
The creature talked like a discoverer, you realize, a muted yet passion fire under his words that were spoken with true conviction. A small, sharp jealousy pierced through your chest. If only you were more like this guy, if you had more conviction, more passion, more spirit, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
The creature, again, tilted his head. If to better understand your thoughts, or to confine in you. It continued, softly carrying his words with care.
“… That and humans continuously shine brighter than anything else in the entire galaxy.”
You jerk back, as if to get away from the information physically, surprise and shock plaster through your face to your body language. The creature did a small giggle, or a laugh, who knows, at your antics.
“Yes, quite true that humans are unable to bear witness to souls, they themselves shine far brighter than any other star. In fact, the reason why it took our people time to understand what we were even seeing, was because humanity shined so brightly that we mistook a planet for a star.”
You subconsciously quickened your breathing.
“It wasn’t until our later understanding of astronomy and research that we came to understand that the “star” was an actual planet, filled to the prim with living souls. We originally thought that perhaps it was the plants that were admitting such light. Or that the planet was so condensed that it shined like that.”
You didn’t realize, but the creature during its talk has completely sat down in front of you, with you completely hypnotized, and enthralled with its words.
“Imagine our surprise when we realize the species living there were so young that they were barely taking its steps to outer space. With a population just a handful of billions that was causing absolute mayhem and centuries of confusion and debating.”
The creature, suddenly looks more human, striking its weird smile again, proud and happy.
You really want to wake up now. Maybe its your subconscious trying to cheer you on, keep on surviving. You bring a trembling hand to your cold forehead. You really, really, wanted to wake up.
“O-Okay, um… what, what does that mean for me?” Your voice broke at the end, wavering out and cracking like a bad radio signal. 
The creature didn’t respond immediately, rather still gazing at you with that same tilt of the head. 
“Well, Humanity is official recognized as a protected species due to your age and population, and lack of natural or artificial protection. You have two options; You are returned to your natural habitat, and continue to live out your natural cycle. Or you could be taken out of your habit for … rehab? If you don’t want to go back to “Hell” then you can stay at a station to life out the rest of your cycle.”
It paused, for dramatic flair or for the words to sink in.
 “It’s widely known that no human has ever left its solar system. You would be the first. What do you want?”
What is it that you want?
Go? or Stay?
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