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First & Last Temptation 
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I hate it when you’re reading smut and you can’t figure out what position they’re in.
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Realised we don't have an all inclusive "be gay do crime" or "be trans throw hands" so I suggest "be queer strike fear"
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i love having a corporeal form. i love eating warm food on cold days. i love taking hot showers. i love sleeping on clean sheets. i delight in earthly decadence. i wake up and eat warm bread slathered in butter. i own multiple pairs of soft fuzzy socks. this body is so comfy and i'm not returning it any time soon
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A feeling of betrayal
Do you remember in the first scene with Crowley? He is a serpent and whispering to Eve’s ear. His whispers seem surnatural. They have this magical sound. What if a demon’s temptation is more than just words and really was a power and aptitude by itself only usable by demons.
Now imagine this.
Crowley tries to convince Aziraphale to leave with him before Armaggeddon. Aziraphale refuses, still loyal to his side. He is also, rightfully enough, absolutely terrified of what the other angels could do if they found out he deserted. Crowley starts to feel desperate. He knows of the savagery of the other demons and fear the feeling of self-entitlement of the other angels take away the best of themselves, for what was left of ‘’good’’ in them. 
In fear for his angel’s safety, ignoring the disapprobation coming from his own head, he decides, for the first time since his fall, to tempt an angel.
With all the charisma and magic to his disposal, he whispers to the angel with the same conviction he used with Eve, so many millenials ago. 
The words die on his tongue as his breath gets stucked in his throat, his eyes screwed in the angel’s. What he sees in Airaphale’s eyes disgusts him, because it is directed at him and, even worse, totally justified.
The angel’s eyes radiate the feeling of betrayal that is bringing him to tears. 
Crowley feels his heart, that he thought dead and buried, squeeze in his chest and hurt him so much that even his fall was, in comparison, a little tickle.
@neil-gaiman @neil-gaiman @neil-gaiman
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maybe aziraphale was the one who started the “gingers are soulless” joke and it’s been about crowley the whole time
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kissing isn’t everything and it definitely isn’t the only proof of love there is 
nothing - and i mean nothing - can top the way neil gaiman talks about crowley and aziraphale’s relationship on his episode of david tennant’s podcast. every time i hear it, a part of me dies in the absolute best way possible.
“because you’d actually spent 28 minutes watching the up and downs of these two on earth for 6000 years becoming the only important thing in each other’s lives. and here is this moment where they are actually - they have two utterly different philosophies of existing. and aziraphale cannot go off with crowley and crowley cannot go off without him, but he has to. and you wind up with that ‘have a nice doomsday’ line. the excitement i had at writing that stuff, and the joy i had in knowing that we’re gonna watch that relationship open like a flower to us, ending in a 1960s - with the hand over the holy water, and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house. and i knew that because it did that for me. watching what [david] and michael brought to it, and it became the most glorious, tentative, friendship over thousands of years, that then becomes sort of peculiar and flirty and weird and prickly and funny and glorious.“
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she’s a real life goddess
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Crowley: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Aziraphale: You and me!
Crowley: *tearing up* Ok.
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Is there really going to be a Season 2, or are you just teasing us?
I'm just teasing you. We thought about shooting Good Omens Season 2, but instead we just gathered in a studio in Bathgate for five months and played gin rummy with the fennec foxes.
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here’s another fun fact: asexual does not mean nonsexual.
asexuals’ relationship with sex and sexual attraction tends to be….complicated. there’s a bit of an idea of like, oh of course, you’re either sex-favorable, sex-neutral, or sex-repulsed, but honestly i see a LOT of discussion about how wildly different those can each look for each individual. some people are comfortable with some acts in very specific contexts, and deeply upset by them in all others. some people find certain forms of nonsexual intimacy (like kissing) to still be off-limits, while something most people might consider more charged (like nudity) is totally fine. a lot of us just kind of have a long laundry list like “this is fine, this isn’t, that one’s okay, that one’s always off-limits….” because the big secret is that “sex” isn’t really any cohesive act as much as a lot of little things that people just threw together and called one thing.
as for attraction: some aces are actually attracted to other people once in a blue moon, and simply don’t want to clarify that every time. some aren’t entirely sure, but don’t want to spend their whole lives guessing. some ARE completely sure they never have and never will feel an attraction.
at the end of the day, much like any label, this single word really doesn’t tell you much of anything about what a person is actually like unless you bother to ask them what it means to them.
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The top office of the building is Heaven and the basement is Hell AND the middle, like the body of the building, is Earth. Nice production really!
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My first sculpted scene! 😃 I'm very quite proud of it, and I had so much fun making it! I've never sculpted a wing this big before and also tried out a new shape of the smaller wings. The base was fun, too, since I had to use soft pastels to make shade and highlight it. I hope you'll love this piece as much as I do 🥰
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Sees Ryujin
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❥ absolute queens
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