ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
14. Paul McCartney
went on Paul McCartney’s live concert last last Sunday!! THAT Paul McCartney!! one of the members from The Beatles you know. still can’t believe it... 
it was such a magical night. everything was so authentic and i felt right away that “this is a real music”. he didn’t look like he was 74 at all. he’s still got the move and voice there and he exactly knew how to entertain his people! that’s amazing! i wondered how it felt to have 20,000 people waiting for myself and watching myself. that would drive me nuts for sure. 
anyways, i had a great great time and can’t thank him enough. hope he could visit Japan sometime soon, coz i miss him already like crazy!! lol 
thank you Paul for making my night so special. :) 
Ayano🐦 13.5.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
13. My Thoughts
hello! sorry i have been away for a while ;( 
it was not that i was super busy to write but i was super lazy to do so... lol to be honest i haven’t had so much to do lately except preparing for the Europe trip, reading, watching movies, part time job. well, sometimes i regret that i should have done something exciting this past 2 weeks because i always had a willing to get myself involved in volunteering activities. but somehow, i didn’t have energy to do it. i don’t know why though. like i said, i kinda regret i haven’t done something, but at the same time i know this is the right decision for me, doing nothing. i needed it. well, truth to be told, i realized that i didn’t have someone who i wanted to hang out with. that sounds awful huh? but it’s okay for me. something has been bothering me lately. so many mixed feelings inside of me right now. i am graduating, can you believe it?! besides, i’m not ready to be 22 yet. even 21 have never felt good yet. how can i be prepared?? being grown up could be so cruel sometime. it’s like i have been too hasty to be ready or i don’t know. i never settled down. that is something my mom is super worried about me for. i’m always looking away, not being here. if you get what i mean. it’s like i don’t present here. as a new year’s resolution, i set up saying “make each day count”. i don’t think i am doing well on that. NOW is important. i know that. yeah, i think i have to think about “NOW”. 
Ayano🌞 20.2.2017 
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
12. Shopping Date
hello people! how are you today? ;)
so, here is me with another wisdom tooth taken off three days ago🙊
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well, this time is better than the last time coz the last time the top and bottom on the left side were both taken off at the same time! but still, it hurts SO much. ;( it feels like i’ve got something real heavy in my mouth...
and today, had shopping date with my mom!😘 we’d been looking for a dress for the upcoming commencement ;) it took forever to find one i really liked. we stopped by more than 20 shops and i tried on hundreds dresses!!👗 (okay, i exaggerated it a bit but felt like it) it was hard to look for the right one coz Japanese don’t wear dresses as much as Americans do in the first place. there aren’t so many options out there. besides that, a very few of us wear dresses on the graduation ceremony. we usually wear Japanese traditional dress called “Hakama” (袴). it looks like this☟
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but i don’t like it much. it looks ridiculously heavy, so expensive to lent one, it doesn’t look cool at all (for me), and on top of that i don’t wanna look just like everyone else. as you can see, i didn’t see the point of wearing it lol so, i decided to wear a dress instead. and i say that was the best decision i have ever made :) i had been always afraid of being so different from everyone else. i had thought difference was shame. but now i know SAME IS SHAME. wear what you are truly comfortable with. Japanese people especially don’t like express who they really are. that is what i don’t like about Japanese. it’s OKAY to be different!😤✨
anyways, we finally found one i really liked. actually, that was the one which caught our eyes at the very beginning😁 we came back lol i absolutely am falling in love with the dress!! the color is so-called wine red, so fancy and cute! can’t wait to wear it!! coz that is my very first proper dress in my entire life!!!! wow! i’m SO pumped!!😃 i really wanna show it here but i can’t coz my face is awful... lol but i definitely will upload it here i promise!!!!
thanks for reading! good night🌛
Ayano🌞 5.2.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
11. Lil Brother
hello! :) it’s February already! how fast the time flew by?!😲
happy news is my mom and i are now reconciled :) we said “sorry” to each other. feeling so great afterwards! 
anyways, guess what happened today! our lil brother, Charlie perched on my hand!!👏 look how cute he is!😍 
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he looked so happy to be on my hand and arm! he did even groom! lol it was such a precious moment that i won’t never forget. he is getting acclimated and that makes us happier than ever before!!✨ thank you Charlie for letting us love you. you are one of the most precious thing ever happened to me ;) i am so madly in love with him💓 
well, that’s all for today. thank you for reading! good night🌛🌠
Ayano🌞 1.2.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
10. Presentation
hi. how are you guys doing? 
so, in the last blog, i talked about the fight with my sis and today i had another fight with my mom this time...😂 i mean... yeah fights happen when people live together. lol the cause was ridiculous that i can’t even write in here but i couldn’t stand her attitude.... again... i knew i was wrong but i just couldn’t let it go and wanted to beat her. (i know it sounds so immature) every time we fight, she always makes me feel i am the one who is being a foolish and kid. and the worst part is that SHE IS RIGHT. she always wins our fight, ALWAYS. coz she knows everything about me. it’s SO unfair. (i sound like a seventeen, don’t i? lol) well, i gotta be more mature huh?  i will talk to her tomorrow. 
alright, to change the subject, i did a presentation yesterday in front of more than 200 people!!!!🙋 although i didn’t write about it in here, i had been chosen for the representative of our seminar to present my graduation thesis! whoo! i felt so grateful to have an opportunity like that. my theme was “Language Ego” it’s about one’s identity change depending on what language he or she speaks. i have been quite passionate about this topic over the years coz this is something i actually experienced. i was truly interested in it so that’s why i could enjoyed working on my thesis and was chosen. i am SO proud of myself right now😏 the graduation thesis is a great work in my 16 years’ student life! WOW! i was lucky enough to show everyone what i had done (includes some professors) i am truly thankful. i was quite nervous though lol 
i like talking in front of people :) talking about my thoughts, what i am passionate about, opinion... i like to present or speech. i really enjoyed it😊
thank you for reading! good night! ;)🌌
Ayano🌞 31.1.2017 
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
9. Sister Fight
hey guys! how are you doing today?
so, i lost myself last night. i mean i couldn’t control myself really. i was almost losing it. what happened was my little sister and i had a hard time communicating each other. i didn’t like the way she talked to me. i was trying to do something to tuck Charlie in but then i kinda screwed up and scared him a bit. so my sister who was watching it took the thing i was holding by force (i found it that way) i got SO MAD at her attitude. but i couldn’t say anything at the particular moment. because i thought i was too immature to be mad at that kind of situation and i didn’t wanna have a fight in front of Charlie. so, i shut the feeling in. 
and then i went back in my room. and thinking over what happened minutes ago. i was still SO mad and that made me cry somehow. that was the most terrible feeling i had ever been through in a while. 
i still had been mad all day long today. but felt so uncomfortable with it. so, i decided to talk about it with my sister. and i just did a couple of minute ago. yeah feeling so great afterwards. talking about the fight is hardest thing to do especially with your sister. but that is what sisters for. we fight. and that’s the right things to do. 
we have been going through a difficult time coz we don’t have age difference much. just 1 year and half. but still i am the oldest. that makes it difficult i guess. my pride that i am a older sister bothers me a lot. but yea gotta deal with it. 
anyways, we made up each other now. the things are solved. i like her a lot. she is my lil sister forever. and that never change. 
thanks for reading. ;) 
Ayano🌞 27.1.2017 
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
8. Hanging Around
Hi people! It’s been a while!
Had a last class of my favorite teacher😢 So sad... loved that class. 
After the class, we had so much fun hanging around today (...literally) ;) 
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The Ferris wheel near my school was SO COOL!! The view was AMAZING!! There was Mt. Fuji even🙈 I guess we are so good at having fun ;)
So sad we have to say goodbye to all the memories we had this past 4 years but believe so many bright futures are ahead of us!!✨
Well, it was all for today. Sorry for the brief blog ;( Going to watch “Steve Jobs” the one starring Michael Fassbender tonight! Excited!😸 Will write about it sometime later but I am SO inspired by Steve Jobs right now! (I know I’m late)
Ok. Gotta go now. Have a nice day or evening or night ;)
Ayano🌞 25.1.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
So, we went to hang out after the exam! And this place was so quiet and relaxing. Loved it so much. Wished I could have known here much earlier ;( Had so much fun having a chick talk with this one😄💕
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
7. Last Exam
Hi! Hope you are doing well today! :)💕
I had a very last exam of my school life today. I mean, 16 years. I have been a student for 16 years. Boy, that’s something. Started with elementary school, junior high, high school, and college... well, it’s gonna be a loooong blog if I start writing about my life being a student so I’m not gonna do it now. But maybe someday. Not so long from now. 
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This was my last “last minute study” ;) Trying to cramm all the stuff into my head😂 But it went well afterwards. Well done Ayano! YOU DID IT! 
After the exam, we hang out looking back all the memories of the college life. Omg I’m making it sound so emotional lol It IS a big deal though. We are going to be official working ladies from this April, not students anymore. How scary is that. 
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Had so much fun talking with this one😜💜 LOVED this place! 
After that, we had a big burger at J.S. Burgers. 🍔 It was AMAZING!! I love Avocado and Cheddar cheese! We will definitely go back again! 
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Thank you for reading! Have a nice day or evening or night ;) 
Ayano🌞 19.1.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
6. Europe Trip!!
Hi! How is your day going so far? 
Ok, so i’ve got two exciting news! 
First one is... I am going to Paul Mccartney’ live on April 30th!!!! It’s Japan tour and taking place in Tokyo!!!! AHHHH!!!! Can’t even!!!! Still can’t believe that I was able to get the ticket!! This is a big deal!!! My parents are so excited too!! hehe (My dad, oh yeah he is a HUGE fan of the beatles😉) 
Well, I’m not particularly crazy about him. It’s not like I am a huge huge fan of his or anything like that. But still, it’s pretty exciting isn’t it!! He is a legend of all time and who DOESN’T want to see him???? This is definitely one of the “dream come true”!!!🎶
The second one is... I am going to EUROPE!!!!😆 Me and my best friend decided to go on an europe round trip for two weeks!! TWO WEEKS BABY!!!! Can’t you believe it?! We are visiting Italy, France, UK, and Spain! And we are doing backpackers!! It’s gonna be a blast for sure!! Ok, now I’m using too much “!”. It’s kinda annoying I know! But can’t help it!! Sorry!!😹 
So, I’ve been pretty much planning for the trip all day long today. Looking for the flight ticket and reading guide books or some kind of stuff. Same thing as what you do when you decide to go on a trip :) Some people don’t like planning for trips. Yeah, it could be tricky and need a lot of work but I enjoy it :) I guess that is the best part of the trip apart from the trip itself of course lol 
Well, I gotta go now! Have to study for the English business class’s test tomorrow! I liked that class. It’s so sad to say goodbye😿 
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day or evening or night ;)✨
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
5. Wisdom Tooth
Hey! How are you all doing today? 
My lil brother Charlie has been doing well since he joined our family. He still seems to be creeped out a bit but getting acclimatized :) 🐦
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Look at that cute little innocent face!! AHHHH!! I wanna squeeze him!! Lol He tweets every morning at 8am. Isn’t that cute?! I’m just so crazy about him right now!!
Well, another exciting story is I got wisdom tooth off a week ago. It happened to both top and bottom tooth on the left side at the same time. you know what? It hurt SO MUCH!!!! It swelled so badly, I couldn’t even look at it. It’s gone now but still hurts a bit :( 
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Ok, so this is what my face looked like. It was actually much worse than what you see in the pic here. I felt so miserable coz I couldn’t eat much. Well, I did eat but it’s not the same. It hurt every time I chewed. You can’t imagine how annoying it is. 
I realized how grateful it is to have a health body without any pain every time I eat. Sounds so simple but it’s so important not to take it for granted. But I will love my body and life no matter what happens :) hehe 
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day or evening or night ;)
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
This is the video he is tweeting! Isn’t he TOO ADORABLE?! I am so grateful for having him here. Thank you for joining our family Charlie! Hope to make a lot of good memories with you! Welcome to the Kutsuzawa’s :) 
Hope you enjoyed the video! Thank you. 
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
4. A New Family Member
Hello! It’s been a while. How have you all been doing? :) I’ve got some exciting news! 
First of all, I finished up reading “Misery” a couple of days ago. Pretty sure most of you have heard this title by a either book or movie. It is a horror story written by Stephen King. To sum the story up, there is a famous author named Paul Sheldon whose romance novels featuring a character named Misery Chastain is quite successful. One day, he gets a serious injury by a car accident and his legs are crushed. He is rescued by a woman named Annie Wilkes who is a number one fan of his. She shuts Paul in a room and makes him to write the sequel of the novel just for her. Now, Paul’s suffer begins because it turns out that Annie is a psycho and she is not a normal person. Is he able to run away from her at all?! 
Well, this is pretty much about the story. BUT it was so incredibly insane, I tell you that. I have never screamed while reading up until I read this book... lol So painful, scary, creepy, and gross. It was definitely worth reading though. Had so much fun imagining the unimaginable scenes. Lol 
Well, the second exciting news is that we have got a new family member two days ago!!🐦
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He is a budgerigar and named Charlie ;) Omg he is so cute and I just can’t stop watching him lol But he still seems to be scared a bit. But yeah I bet it is super scary coz something 50 times your size is watching you out of the cage and talking loud... I’m trying to be nice I swear. 
I LOVE how he tweets, it’s ridiculously ADORABLE!! I will post the video which he is tweeting later since I can’t upload videos here somehow. 
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day or evening or night! ;)
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
3. My Own Way To Refresh
hi, how are you all?
i went to eat Taco Bell today! FINALLY! when i was in the States, i loved Taco Bell. it opened here in Japan last year. we only have a couple of shops yet but i’m so glad it’s here!! the one i visited today was in Shibuya in Tokyo.
i forgot the name of what i had but it was great anyways lol i had Nacho and Taco with lettuce, tomato and pork in it. i took my parents there coz they never had an experience of it. glad they have one now! ;)
by the way, what do you do when you realize you need a refreshment? as for me, i go on a walk by myself. i like having people around but i need to have a time being alone regularly :)
so, yesterday i took a walk by the river which is just 5 mins away from my place and it was so relaxing. there are people talking, walking dogs, jogging, singing, playing guitars… i love how slow time go by out there. one more thing i love about walking by the river is the sound of walking on rocks!! don’t know why but i just LOVE it!! feel like i can keep walking forever and ever ;)
making a time being alone and relaxed is important for me to go on. some people don’t mind to have people around all the time but it’s just not my thing :( so, every time i get lost or stuck in negativity, that is something i do. how about you?
well, thank you for reading and have a nice day or evening or night ;)
Ayano🌞 6.1.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
2. New Year’s Resolutions
hello! how are you all doing today? :) it’s the fourth day of 2017 already! (here in Japan). time flies so fast doesn’t it? 
here are Japanese traditional new year’s dishes called “Osechi”. they were amazing!! my tummy was about to explode tho lol some of them are homemade. finally finished up eating all the leftovers yesterday :) 
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well, since the new year has begun, i want to write down my new year’s resolutions here. i’ve got a couple of them, so i’m listing them up. 
- Be more independent 
- Be myself 
- Do not live someone’s life but live mine
- Be open to anything and try anything 
- Love myself 
- Do not ever trust first impressions
- Do not let myself down
- Trust myself
- Be more confident 
- Try to know and understand everything including something i am not interested in. 
- Be more curious 
- Be more humorous 
- Try to make some laughter out of anything 
- Laugh out loud a lot 
- Start something new (maybe sports?)
- Go on a jogging at least once a week
- Read more than 20 books 
- Keep this blog updated 
- Make each day count 
that was pretty much it! most of them are about myself trying to be more grown up.
i will be graduating this March and i will be working at a company!! total new life and new journey!!!! i am excited but fear and anxiety occupy large part of my feelings. so, i will try to be open to anything as much as i could and be nice to everyone. so many opportunities and chances are ahead of me. i can’t ruin them. i hope i can be a lady that i want to turn out to be. 💗
thank you for reading! what is your resolutions? :) 
Ayano🌞 4.1.2017
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ayanoworld-blog1 · 7 years
1. Nice to meet you & Happy New Years!
Hi :) My name is Ayano Kutsuzawa, 21 years old and I am from Japan. I like reading, writing, watching movies and TV shows, singing... yeah pretty much same as yours ;) oh and I love learning English! I am not a native speaker of English but I try hard to be as good as you guys are! I hope to better my English as I write blogs in here. Can’t wait to share a lot of exciting things with you guys! I would like to post my favorite things, my experiences, my thoughts and opinions... meaning basically anything! lol I want to keep this blog like a diary so that I could look back on all the memories later on ;) 
There was Mt. Fuji when I went on a jogging in the morning the other day. It was incredibly beautiful and overwhelming. Mt. Fuji is known for good fortune. Here is a pic to share it with you! 
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Nice to meet you and Happy New Years to you all! I hope your 2017 will be filled with a lot of laughter and happiness! Thank you. ♥
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