cartgirl08 · 14 hours
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Harley Quinn, and green lanterns design I had to make a design for digger and Barry , best friends for my au
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cartgirl08 · 5 days
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A Comic strip of Lois and Superman but instead of them, it’s boomerflash 🪃⚡️
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cartgirl08 · 8 days
I'm dying to know more about how Owen fits into this au. Like does Digger ever tell him about his half brither brother? Or talk to Thad about what his mother was like?
In this AU diggers son Owen died very young Owen died when he was 11 digger
Growing up, made a lot of enemies in Australia and one of those enemies who he had a bad blood. with killed his son
Because of that digger doesn’t talk about Owen a lot or even mention him, but if Thad find a photo of Owen, and ask digger who he is digger will have a little bit of hesitation, but in the end, he will tell him a little about Owen and how he was like before he died but not much
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When digger finds out that Thad mother was Meloni Thawne the woman he used to love before she disappeared. He would be shocked, surprised, and horrified at the same time. but when his emotions start coming down,
he realize that Thad doesn’t really know a lot about his mom. He’s surprised about that because he fucking expect the guy who duplicated him from Bart will tell him a little about his Mom because of that digger feels he has the authority or has to tell Thad about his mom and how she was like
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cartgirl08 · 8 days
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Boomerflash ⚡️🪃💖
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cartgirl08 · 15 days
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I finally finished my designs of Captain boomerang and the flash I hope you like them because I’m gonna be using these designs for now on when I draw them I
bet you guess which one I have the most fun with cough cough (digger )
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cartgirl08 · 18 days
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Some drawings of my AU kid, boomerang, and some information
Because of thad biology and creation, his eyes are very different to other humans or other people. His eyes are vibrant, yellow, matching the speed force because of his vibrant eyes. He has to cover them up with sunglasses so no one knows he’s Inertia the kid who killed Bart (don’t worry Bart got brought back to life )
thad is a very observing kid. Too observant for his own good He can easily tell something is wrong or something bad’s gonna happen but he can also use observant to tell peoples motives, so it comes really handy when digger and he hast to figure out who they can trust,
But there’s an upside down to his observant thing he found out that the flash(Barry Allen) for him so obvious and so blatantly out there is into his mentor and he hates the fact that he’s knows he hates even more that he seems to be the only one who knows this
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cartgirl08 · 22 days
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bunni man
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cartgirl08 · 22 days
So what did you like about the story?
Whats your though?
It was good, writing of the story really told us it was really like if it like it could be in one of the episodes of the show. Honestly, I liked it. It was really good. I liked all of the parts. I like the part that it’s canonically canning that Kade hates thunder. not gonna lie to you. I cried a little but honestly, it was a pretty good story. I’d give it 1000
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cartgirl08 · 22 days
I do have this one idea
How about the rescue team came back from the mission savings and people and everyone went to their different places and everyone went to their like quarters or something and Kate is just they’re taking off his equipment until he feels something on his back and it’s heat wave is confused at first, but he sees his action sort of like a dog so he does the same thing you said he would do and his chin sound like like a dog to me, but that’s my idea. Hope it makes sense  
So yeah, thanks for the idea. I will probably make a comic about a scene from your story.
seen your pinned post so i've been thinking of a little head-canon i thought of using for my future story that i'll be working on today. some kind of a kadewave (not a 100% ship for me) headcanon that i'll be using. but i'm not 100% sure if i should use it in the story considering it IS a comfort like story between them the partnership growing and getting better to the point they act themselves whenever they're together. (i could tag you in it)
anyway the headcanon is that whenever they are alone, either one of them bumps their body part against the other for attention, in a way A cat does to grab the owners attention for pats, cuddles, etc, etc. or whenever they are feeling down, one of them taps or bumps their head gently to ask for physical comfort, If Heatwave does it, Kade is on top of Heatwave's head and gives soft pats and smooches for comfort, if Kade does it, Heatwave has Kade laying right underneath his chin (shown in the picture) and lets Heatwave's use his thumb to caress his scalp (top of his head if you're having english problems)
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I like the idea it sounds pretty cute and nice. I mean in my interpretation of heat wave and kade they don’t really show much love stuff but they do. It’s just they denied doing it, but I quite like it.
And yeah, I would like to be tagged when you finish your story or post the first chapter I would like to read it and that was so you’re a pretty good writer. I can’t wait to see what else you cooked up. 
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cartgirl08 · 22 days
seen your pinned post so i've been thinking of a little head-canon i thought of using for my future story that i'll be working on today. some kind of a kadewave (not a 100% ship for me) headcanon that i'll be using. but i'm not 100% sure if i should use it in the story considering it IS a comfort like story between them the partnership growing and getting better to the point they act themselves whenever they're together. (i could tag you in it)
anyway the headcanon is that whenever they are alone, either one of them bumps their body part against the other for attention, in a way A cat does to grab the owners attention for pats, cuddles, etc, etc. or whenever they are feeling down, one of them taps or bumps their head gently to ask for physical comfort, If Heatwave does it, Kade is on top of Heatwave's head and gives soft pats and smooches for comfort, if Kade does it, Heatwave has Kade laying right underneath his chin (shown in the picture) and lets Heatwave's use his thumb to caress his scalp (top of his head if you're having english problems)
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I like the idea it sounds pretty cute and nice. I mean in my interpretation of heat wave and kade they don’t really show much love stuff but they do. It’s just they denied doing it, but I quite like it.
And yeah, I would like to be tagged when you finish your story or post the first chapter I would like to read it and that was so you’re a pretty good writer. I can’t wait to see what else you cooked up. 
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cartgirl08 · 26 days
Cute 💖✨
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this is bringing me an unrealistic amount of joy
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cartgirl08 · 27 days
Hi, I love your art and your AU ❤! About the Flash rogues, if there was a cartoon about them ( even if it dosen't exist I named it Central City: Rogue Tales) it should have an episode just to James's love to cowboys; something like it:
After they came back from a work, James would fall asleep in the couch and dream about Being in a old west adventure with his friends.
I am convinced that James would try to make Hartley, some how, play the Yodel-adle-eedle-idol-oo by Alameda Slim from Home on the Range.
And one day he would apear in Mindy's bedroom dressed like a cowboy trying to rizzing her up.
So that it for today, saw you asking for ideas, don't know if was that kind of stuff you were talking about, but there is it ❤
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Here you go, a cowboy James and him trying to convince Hartley to play the song progress he’s fairly miserably oh yeah. I like to think both of them are the same age as Wally well in my AU 
Anyway, thanks for the ask it was really fun drawing James as a cowboy. Thank you again. I hope you have a nice day. Oh yeah I hope you can send more asks.💖
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cartgirl08 · 27 days
Hello, I’m taking a quest of anything head head cannons a ua art quests anything don’t be shy ask away ✨💖
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cartgirl08 · 28 days
Would Thad be jealous of Digger's attention on Flash when/if they'd date? Just, suddenly not only he has to share his time, he also shares it with The Flash! Idk, just talking
I would say yes I think he would be more protective over him, because when I researched about Thad he was only born to be basically Bart version of reverse flash so he never really had anyone to care for him or anyone to love him, knowing that diggers the only one person that gave him a chance and making him his apprentice and caring for him even protecting him from his old team the rouge and he’s more of a father than his father ever could be or the person who made him could ever be 
Because I like to think that Thad is very observant to observant for his own good, so he will tell very quickly that the flash is very interested in digger, but for him to want to date him, he has to get through him 
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cartgirl08 · 1 month
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Some drawings I did in my sketchbook of Boomerflash of today hope you guys like them 
Also, why I was drawing this I was listening to this song when I was fucking drawing this
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cartgirl08 · 1 month
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This is my design of azrael @mintartem @twost3ps
Azriel is different between all of his brothers his skin is gray. His wings are dark. He mostly wears dark ropes with a pinch of color, mostly gold his rope has little horns. Because of his demonic appearance, a lot of Serafin and young angels are quite scared of him, even though the old ancient angels are scared of him. He is the second oldest
His voice claim is take me to church
Oh, I like to think there is a ranking in the heaven place the ones that have crowns of halos are the most responsible ones and have more authority like Azriel Michael and Rafael because of that Azriel can come anytime, he pleases in Eden and out, so it makes it easy for him to visit Adam anytime he pleases like Lucifer, who has to sneak in to Eden 
Oh yeah, you guys can ask me questions about them if you like 

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cartgirl08 · 1 month
Hey, I was wondering something. Do you got any ideas for Thad & Digger kid boomerang au cause if you do I would like to hear them
But if you want to, you don’t have the answer if you don’t want to 
Well, hope you have a nice day or night when this gets to you ✨☺️
thank you @cartgirl08 for asking! sorry it took so long to respond. I wasn't sure what ideas to share, since I don't typically like making headcanons—which is, oddly enough, the first thing that came up in my head when I read this—but I do like AUs a lot! sooo...
truthfully, I don't actually know much about Thad other than that he's a clone of Bart that was created by Eobard. but I love the idea that Thad really adores Digger ever since he takes him in as an apprentice, like, wowee, that's his favorite person for seemingly forever now!
Thad could also at first not like Barry when they first meet. the moment he sees him and Digger interacting, Thad will have a sudden sixth sense of their interest in each other
but other than that, I feel like it's better if I just leave it up all to you. purely because I'm not too confident when it comes to creating ideas for others since I don't think I'm good at it. and I don't mean this in a "I don't like being asked for ideas" way, since I do geniunely appreciate it a lot that you decided to ask for my input in this 😊😊
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