coloredgravity · 3 days
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Some traditional sketches of Aaron that I colored digitally cause I didn't want to change my linework in these doodles.
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coloredgravity · 11 days
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Aaron really fears his other half. It's not something he can run away from, which makes things worse considering he hears it constantly inside his mind. That's why he doesn't sleep much.
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coloredgravity · 20 days
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You better run...
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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Just some sketches of Aaron today!!
My sleepy sarcastic boi ^^
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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Aaron’s current job is working as a nighttime security guard at an art museum/gallery. He doesn’t actually need the flashlight due to having great vision in the dark, but it’s protocol. The scary part though is that he has to angle it just right so his eyes don’t do the creepy reflection thing that dogs do XD
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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What can I say, I'm a slut for werewolves XD
I've been working on a story for about a year now, and I'm having fun developing the main character. So here's his introduction...
Aaron Klafford
Age: 32
A decedent of the Twelve Progenitors.
Host to the Six-eyed Lycanthrope
History When Aaron's great-grandmother died, the powers of the albino lycanthrope became his. As a child, he was incredibly inquisitive which always made him seem a little more mellow than other kids. He was shy to a degree, but it was more out of fear of getting discovered that he wasn't necessarily "normal." This initial fear soon turned into a severe anxiety issue when he was a teen. While growing up, he learned of his heritage, and the mantle of responsibility as one of the 12 apostles, and it scared him. He saw what the others became, and the idea of gruesomely mutating into a creature caused him to distance himself from his family members and other werewolves.
It wasn't until a certain traumatic event happened when he was 18, that he completely ran away from the life of being one of the chosen. Aaron has accepted the traumatic experience and knows that he's not responsible, but it completely warped his feelings on using his wolf form, as it breaks him down physically, and somewhere in the recesses of his mind, he can feel the sentience of the "blessing" that was given so long ago.
Keeping his head down, Aaron was able to escape the gaze of the other 11 and his family and went into hiding. Eventually, he was able to snag a job as a nighttime security guard at an art museum and made enough money to live in a small apartment. His life has been somewhat calmer since he left, but there's something that keeps nagging at the back of his mind. Maybe it's the fear, maybe it's the anxiety of being found…or maybe it's his instincts warning him that something is coming and that he'll have to accept his monstrous side to overcome it.
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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I made this piece about a year ago... Still love it
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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Here's another Bob Ross Master Copy of his piece, "Southwest Serenity" but I added one thing to the painting for giggles to see how it would fit in.
Can you guess what it is?
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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I was inspired by the "recent" League of Legends music video.
Seriously give it a listen if you haven't: Here
But I couldn't help but think of Ephraim when I was listening to this song. It's been ages since I've drawn him. It felt good coming back to a character I loved and still love so much.
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coloredgravity · 1 month
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For the final project in my class, my students get to pick a video from the ultimate Bob Ross Playlist which has all seasons of the Joy of Painting.
I love doing this project with my students because I give myself the same amount of time as they do and they can see me struggle along with them.
The video I chose was back in Season 21 Episode 10 called: Blue Winter
I was pretty happy with how this came out. Let me tell you, painting digitally is extremely hard but I'm enjoying the struggles and being pushed out of my comfort zone.
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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Took part in a color palette art challenge back in 2023 in a Discord server I am part of and I really just got to relax and have fun.
I'm trying my hardest to work on my backgrounds, understand color, and study its potential.
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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You see flickers of memories before your eyes as you finally reach the place that has haunted you in your nightmares.
Nash's life before he became a god was stressful beyond belief, but he was able to grow and adapt to what was thrown at him. Instead of rejecting who he was, and denying his birthright, he accepted it and used his power to protect others. This gave him a new perspective on fate/destiny. It wasn't that he was chosen to fulfill prophecy, but he was the piece in the puzzle that fit.
And he made his peace with that.
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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Back in 2020 I drew this for @proxis-shattered-expectations of our characters interacting.
While I was proud of it back then, I know I could draw it a lot better now...so that's what I did!
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You can see the chemistry between Siva and James a lot better now. ^w^
James is mine
Siva belongs to @proxis-shattered-expectations
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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Made this art for my buddy on Discord. This feral mother-fucker on the left is Peter. He's a tortured prisoner of war who became a werewolf from experiments. And then my handsome man on the right, Conner, he's just happy to be there and cause mayhem.
I'm doing my best to work more on my backgrounds for my art and I'm having a lot of fun.
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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Been working on a character design for a little bit now... you can see when I finally started understanding his hair more haha!
So this is Conner. A genetically modified super soldier during civil war times. What runs in his veins is something ancient, something evil. A power that shouldn't have been harnessed by humanity. This dark magic grants him incredible strength and physical prowess. The downside is that he hears what almost could be described as the voices of the damned. They whisper to him, they crave violence. They desire blood. Which is something Conner can definitely grant.
Conner is not a good person. He is not a bad person either. He's a soldier doing what needs to be done.
But he really enjoyed killing.
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coloredgravity · 2 months
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Gilgaul: Wielder of Life and Death
This was probably my biggest project of the year so far. I started this puppy way back in late December and just finished it about a week ago.
Nash, ended up making the ultimate sacrifice for those he loved and removed the physical manifestations of life and death from sleeping gods. However, doing this cost him his life in the process. But due to this act of heroism, he ascended to the realm of gods and became the new possessor of life and death.
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