My version, with fanfiction I’ve read recently.
1. The parentheses in Margo_Kim‘s 22 Short Fics About Abed Nadir
“And Pierce was Innocent Bigot, Manipulative Bastard, Butt Monkey with occasional forays into the Token Evil Teammate (with a Heart of…hmm. Fine, a Heart of Gold is valid for him too).“ - @andhumanslovedstories
Summary: Inspired by "32 Short Films About Glenn Gould" and the portraits of Despair in Sandman: Endless Nights. Twenty two views of Abed's life from childhood memories to his current course load. Written for Yuletide 2011.
2. The em-dash in notbecauseofvictories‘s & a past life in the trunk    
“I can’t shout at him and tell him how stupid he was, how idiotic to go out looking to protect the whole fucking city, because—I needed my friend!”
Summary: Somewhere, Karen Page doesn’t race down the stairs after the man in the black mask, only to find him bleeding out onto the concrete. Somewhere, Matt Murdock doesn't die. (Karen is Daredevil AU) - @notbecauseofvictories
3. The ellipses in protagonistically‘s And other things that don't get old    
“Oh, well, you know Jason, he needs to be mad for a while… he’ll come around.”
Summary: Because Damian deserves the chance to grow up.  And Bruce deserves to see it. There's always collateral damage, though. - @protagonistically
4. The colon in Lise’s nobody said it was easy
"Now. Here's the last question for today: why did Dumbledore choose you, in particular."
Summary: [143k] Remus comes back to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts to Harry's class in their sixth year. - lise
5. The period in Netgirl_y2k’s The Game of Courtship    
"Sweet girl," she said, "wolf girl.“
Summary:  I loved a maid as red as autumn, with sunset in her hair - @netgirl-y2k​
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LOTR/Hobbit rec list
I’m relatively new to this fandom, so I would appreciate any recs! As always, I promise 20+ fics, with 1+ outside of ao3.
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Bridging Troubled Waters by AraSigyrn
Summary: Gimli and Legolas have a cunning plan to win their fathers' approval of their marriage.  Short crack!fic fill for a prompt on the hobbitkink meme.
Notes: Brilliantly hilarious.
Parental Consent by Honesty
Summary: A pair of star-crossed lovers broach the vexed issue of parental consent.  Humour.
Notes: Another hysterical take on the meet-the-parents trope.
Sky as Grey as Your Heart by afrai: Legolas waits.
Beyond This World by Thundera Tiger: A Legolas and Gimli fic set LONG after RotK in the Undying Lands. Baically, a tale of the ultimate end to the Fellowship.
Fragments of Truth by cruisedirector: What Aragorn does and does not tell Arwen when he sees her again.
The Birth by elceri: Aragorn greets the birth of his first child with trepidation and doubt, but Gimli helps restore his faith in Legolas, himself, and their future.
Surfeit of Honours, A by Halrloprillalar
Summary: Merry/Pippin. The Houses of Healing.
Notes: Hilarious, just as any Merry/Pip fic should be.
In a World of Strangers by Isabeau: Things aren't what they used to be, and mushrooms are no longer important.
Phantom Pain by Victoria Bitter:  *SLASH* The Ring is destroyed, but will things ever be the same for Frodo and Sam?
Waiting for Courage by cimorene: Frodo worries about addiction and his own strength.
Famished by bleargh: Rivendell. Frodo has yet to wake up. Sam is disheartened.
I have to start with Tawabids, whose fics I adore, but can’t reread too often because they are devastating. They write Hobbit fic, and helps me to reconcile the terrible Hobbit trilogy. In particular, I recommend:
Crooked Eyes
Summary: Released by the enemy as a warning to the King under the Mountain, Kili has one day to reach Erebor in time to save the lives of his brother and uncle.
Notes: This is such a great take on not just Kili’s character, but the setup of the LOTR universe in general. It’s chilling, though, so be warned. Side Kili/Tauriel.
Counting Games
Summary: If it had been up to Dís and Thorin, they would have kept Kili's parentage a secret to the end of their days. Fili knew what his brother was: half-breed, mixed-blood, not-dwarf, and he couldn't love him any less for it. But never in his worst nightmares had he thought the secret would come to light so soon and so brutally.
Notes: This is a what-if Kili was half-orc. Tawabids likes to play with what it means to be an orc, and implications of making an entire race evil without exceptions.
Suffer the Little Ones
Summary: Lost in the wilderness after a goblin raid, young Fili and Kili survive against all odds to grow up semi-feral in the forest, while Thorin and their mother believe them dead. More than a decade later, Thorin hears news of dwarves robbing local farms and captures the bandits, only to recognise his own nephews. Now laden with two unsocialised youths who have no knowledge of normal dwarf life, Thorin is faced with the impossible task of teaching them to trust him.
Notes: This is my personal favorite, and I reread it all the time. It’s lighter than the other two, but still morally grey enough to never let the reader off the hook. 
To Find Our Long Forgotten Gold by Wealhtheow21
Summary: AU of movieverse. It is many years since tragedy struck the line of Durin when the youngest heir was lost to a pack of orcs. Now Bilbo Baggins, having agreed only to stealing treasure from a dragon, finds himself instead tangled up in a web of tragedy and revenge. Perhaps it's foolhardy of him to get involved at all, but really, someone has to try and keep these dwarves out of trouble. As for the rest, well, what is lost does not always stay lost forever.
Notes: What if Kili had been enslaved by orcs as a child? While the premise is grim, this is a hurt/comfort fic, and as such, is very fluffy at its core. Reading this series makes my soul feel better.
A Memory by RunRabbitRun
Summary: The one where Dwalin helps Thorin babysit.
Notes: I don’t even care that the premise is cliched, this fic is too cute.
The Very Secret Diaries by Cassandra Claire: No summary, but these are collected short humor fics.
Beauty by dymphna:"All will love me and despair..."
The Gleaming Road by melblue: When Denethor orders Faramir to seduce Eomer it highlights some cultural differences between Gondor and Rohan, and leads to a moment of self-discovery for Faramir. (Eomer/Faramir)
The Best Laid Plans by shie1dmaidenofrohan: Eomer's having trouble coming to terms with Eowyn's engagement to Faramir. When Merry and Pippin decide to help the two men reconcile, disaster is almost certain to follow. Edited and reposted as of August 14 2006.
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Marauders Rec List
20+ fic, many links outside of ao3. Will include Wolfstar, but other pairings will be a separate list. MWPP isn’t my favorite thing to read in HP fanfic, which is the reason why the Shoebox Project isn’t on here (b/c I haven’t read it obv) and this list is definitely a thing in progress.
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Company with Dinner by amanuensis
Summary: None given, but this is a story about Sirius and Buckbeak
Notes: Very short and very cute
Dead by Morning by ivyblossom
Summary: Harry spends a night at the Black house.  Ouch.
Notes: This is a sadder and darker fic about Sirius, but well written. Side pairing Harry/Ron.
four thousand two hundred and sixty by Kel
Summary: None given, but this is about Sirius escaping from Azkaban
Notes: Not as dark as I thought it would be.
making moony laugh by Raven
Summary: PG-13, slash, Sirius/Remus. Fred and George discover who Moony and Padfoot really are. Then, over the long hot summer at Grimmauld Place, they discover who Moony and Padfoot are to each other.
Notes: This is a great, great fic that’s so touching and so tragic, and with a great remix
Mapmakers by Casira
Summary: Discovering just who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are brings up even more questions for Fred -- and when fate takes another of them away, it's time to go back to the source for some answers. 
Notes: This fic is an amazing remix of Raven’s, with a great look into how the Marauders’ Map was created.
Thirteen by minnow 53
Summary: Remus is with Sirius, but obsessed with young girls.
Notes: Strong warning for pedophilia, rape, violence, death. This is a very OOC characterization of Lupin, but it’s on here because it’s the kind of fic that’s hard to forget. 
Breathe Out Anger by Penknife
Summary: Remus wants an answer.  It would help if he knew the right question.  Set in the early 1980s.
Notes: An insightful fic about what happened right after Voldemort attacked Harry the first time. This really makes you feel for the tragedy surrounding the Marauders.
This is another Penknife, October 30, 1981
Summary: It's the last good day.
Notes: Very similar to the previous fic, but it might be even sadder in a way that makes you realize the previous actually has some hope.
The Uncle by copperbadge
Summary: Remus had the Dursleys whacked. Tactfully, of course, and well after Harry left the house.
Notes: Hilarious and cracky. Who hasn’t read this, or any of copperbadge’s other fics?
Also by copperbadge, Sublimation and the Snitch
Summary: Remus is seventeen. Of course he thinks about sex while writing essays.
Notes: Weirdly funny.
Scion by Phoenix Serapha
Summary: At sixteen, Sirius is confronted with the true nature of his family on his last night in Grimmauld Place.
Notes: A beautiful, touching fic about what happened to make Sirius leave home.
The Doll Army by FernWithy
Summary: Six year old Dora Tonks gets a visit from three Marauders, and her dolls get a new mission in life. (I Wonder If...) This story was written prior to the release of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."
Notes: This is a rather sad but also cute story
Map of the Problematique (D.M.L.E. Evidentiary File 142-3b.) by SullenSiren
Summary: "He's going to make it a RULE."  Before they went their separate ways, Moony, Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail shared a flat.  The flat had rules.  This is how it went. 
Notes: So good! Despite the wonderfully written Wolfstar, I almost feel as if Wormtail is the best here. So understated, and tragic, and relatable.
The Shortest Distance Between Two People by riko
Summary: In which Sirius learns that growing up isn't nearly as easy as it sounds.
Notes: Another Wolfstar. What’s great about this is riko’s characterization of young Sirius.
All Gone Aside by alianora
Summary: The Headmaster, and the aftermath of a prank gone wrong.
Notes: This is a great canon AU, and the way that it unfolds has so much suspense and artistry.
Broomflight by Mad Martha
Summary: "How come she married him?" Harry asked miserably.  "She hated him!"
Notes: This is part of a much larger series, but this is my favorite fic in it - a great explanation of how Lily and James got together, and very cute.
Honorable mentions:
The previously mentioned Silent All These Years by Cluegirl: There is a curse on the Black family.  It claims the eldest child of each generation.  Sirius and Bellatrix, unsure which will fall to it, swear a childhood pact that will stay with them when everything else falls apart.
Also previously mentioned, The Familiar and the Family by Donna Immaculata: Scabbers’s first Christmas at the Weasleys’. Meet Baby!GinnyandRon, the Twins from Hell, and Bill and Charlie’s Return.
Mercy, Pity, Peace by Julie Fortune: This story contains industrial-strength angst. The kind that comes in 50-gallon drums with biohazard warnings. The kind sensible people wear protective clothing to handle. It is dark and scary and there is serious violence, and oh look, there's also homosexuality. Character deaths. Etc. And if you're still reading after that, thank you. And take my advice ... go get chocolate first. (Wolfstar)
To Walk Afraid by Imochan: When Sirius Black is six years old, he sees it.
Sweet Sixteen by minnow_53: Remus relives a day in the past. (Wolfstar)
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Death Eater Harry Potter Rec List
This rec list is Death Eater-centered, including Snape. Not pairing-centered. As always, 20+ fic with 1+ outside of ao3.
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The Death of Narcissa Black by massicot
Notes: There is no link, because it’s been taken down, but copies of this watercolor comic still float around the internet. It’s possibly the best HP fanfic ever written and its removal haunted me for years.
Sea Change by tangleofthorns
Summary: A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter as fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together.  -Margaret Atwood
Notes: In many ways, Narcissa is a more interesting character than Lily, and this fic explains why she isn’t just a cliche or sidenote. It’s sad, and makes me rethink if I want kids.
The Things Draco Carries by catsintheattic
Summary: Another pure-blood will recognise you by your blood and heritage, but any commoner will recognise you by your possessions. Seven years at Hogwarts. Seven insights into Draco’s schoolbag.
Notes: I would love to learn how Draco’s character became so changed by fanon (if somebody knows, seriously lmk!) but this is the best description of canon Draco I’ve seen. Just as I would if I met the real Draco Malfoy, I recognize the tragedy of his story and yet don’t feel sorry. The ending sentence is beautiful.
Dear Aunt Snape by marginaliana
Summary: Snape’s words reach more people than he'd counted on when he is recruited for The Quibbler's new advice column.
Notes: Widely recced, this a short humorous but also weirdly touching fic.
Silent All These Years by Cluegirl
Summary: There is a curse on the Black family.  It claims the eldest child of each generation.  Sirius and Bellatrix, unsure which will fall to it, swear a childhood pact that will stay with them when everything else falls apart.
Notes: This fic is criminally underread! I cannot believe more people haven’t shown this fic love. The ending kills me every time.
Snape's Happiest Memory by Pasi
Summary: Albus Dumbledore sets three requirements for Severus Snape's entry into the Order of the Phoenix.
Notes: This fic rings so true, it feels like canon. 
one for sorrow by Lilith Morgana
Summary: Eileen sings to her baby in Azkaban.  
Notes: As you might guess from this summary, Snape is a horrible person in this fic, but this is really a story about his mother, who is very sympathetic and makes the fic. This fic is short, touching, and tragic.
No Room for the Weak by perverse_idyll
Summary: There's a Boy Who Lived and a boy who didn't, and even a mother can't always tell them apart.
Notes: This is another fic about Snape and his mother, but this is a more uplifting fic with a stronger, meaner Eileen.
Of Things Dead and Buried by severity softly
Summary: Severus returns home from Hogwarts over the summer between his sixth and seventh year to find his mother quickly becoming a shell of her former self.  She might be willing to forget herself, but he won't.
Notes: Oooh. This is for the Snape hater. Tense and well-written. Great ending.
Honorable mentions:
Mentioned in a previous list, The Abyss Gazes Also by tangleofthorns: You build your own Azkaban, and you let yourself out. (Sirius. Rodolphus, Bellatrix, others).
Also previously mentioned, Young People for Progress by bluemoon02: After the death of Harry Potter, Severus Snape struggles to find a purpose in his life, and is over-whelmed at the changes being made to society.
Winter of Discontent by aliciadances: "Her mother talks as if Regulus has gone somewhere on holiday, but fear feels like an icy hand on the back of her neck." Set during the first war.
Out of the Shadows by lyras: None given, but this is a Snape observing Harry fic
Into the Silence by lyras: Severus's year as headmaster of Hogwarts presents many challenges. Acceptance is the greatest of them all.
Spinner's End by chudleycannonsnumber1: He had nothing in the end.
The Familiar and the Family by Donna Immaculata: Scabbers's first Christmas at the Weasleys'. Meet Baby!GinnyandRon, the Twins from Hell, and Bill and Charlie's Return.
Man of Property by Josan PQ: None given, but this is Snape with house elves.
We Were All Basically Alone by Mimosa Plume: A trip through the memories of one Severus Snape.
Ex Libris by magnetic pole: The summer he is sixteen, Eileen Prince says good-bye to her son.
Stuck Slytherin Study Group 1 by rabbit and -v-Jinx-v: Short silliness involving several stymied Slytherin students, including one Severus Snape!
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Naruto/Sasuke Rec List
Back to my OG fandom, this time for an ubiquitous pairing. 20+ fic, with 1+ outside of ao3. Due to the size of this list, I plan on updating with more recs later.
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In Good Company by weialala
Summary: This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.
Notes: The fic is wayyy wayyy better than the summary, and transcends the I-see-ghosts trope. If you don’t like this fic, you’re lying.
Sowell is a great Naruto fanfic writer, with a lot of classics I reread all the time. Among my favorites are
Wrong Turn
Summary: Naruto and Sasuke have an interlude in the desert. Nothing changes.
Notes: This is the kind of fic that’s so thoughtful it leaves you wondering if you need to immediately go and reread it.
Two If By Sea
Summary: Sasuke has always known he'll die by water.
Notes: A short, angsty fic, which let’s be for real, is how we like our Sasuke fics.
Summary: Naruto teaches Sasuke how to believe again.
Notes: A succinct, gut-punching fic that’s full of angst and hope, and so much plot in a surprisingly short fic. A believable alternate ending.
rageprufrock is one of my favorites as well. Amazingly funny, touching, brilliant, amazing.
Summary: It's rough being Team 7.
Notes: Hilarious! There’s no reason not to read this.
Kantayra is another classic, and writes great short humor fics.
The Subtle Art of Uchiha Seduction
Summary: Sasuke’s finally decided on his chosen mate, and he pursues him with the same ruthless determination he does everything else. Unfortunately, it’s all too subtle for Naruto.
Notes: Cracky and funny.
Commiseration Night
Summary: Now that they're jounin, husbands, and fathers, the men of the Konoha 11 get together once a week to commiserate about their sex lives...only Naruto doesn't seem to get point when he talks about his marriage to Sasuke. Naruto/Sasuke/Naruto.
A World of Truth by luchia
Summary: The world is trapped in an illusion which removes anger, hate, and death. It's paradise, giving everyone everything they've ever wanted and reviving anyone they've ever lost. Nearly two years into the illusion, Sasuke snaps back to his senses and must decide whether to keep the world in false bliss, or return it to war-torn reality.
Notes: A great alternate ending, and one that makes you really for and empathize with Sasuke. Can’t recommend it enough.
megyal is another Naruto staple, and is thankfully prolific. Of her fic, I particularly like:
(Make things so) Complicated
Summary: Naruto as Jounin; Sasuke redeemed/Jounin (+ genin team optional)... either established (healthy) relationship or a get-together piece. Really, it's the interaction I'm after. Kids welcome. 
Notes: Fluffy, cute, and touching in the way that all megyal fics are.
Put a little fixing on it
Summary: Back and forth on Sasuke's return.
Notes: This was brilliantly remixed by Elizabeth Culmer, and I recommend both fics.
What Isn’t Broken, Can Still Be Fixed by Elizabeth Culmer
Summary: Madara lied about the eye transplant's effects. Captured and brought back to Konoha, Sasuke must adjust to blindness and his unexpected survival. NaruSasu, written for RemixRedux 8.
Baby Animals, Weddings, And Other Things Not Normally Associated With Uchiha Sasuke by prettypriestess
Summary: In which Konoha needs to upgrade their plumbing to be more resistant. (Or, the one where Sasuke and Naruto get genin and maybe someone buys a house.)
Notes: Wherein Sasuke and Naruto are accidentally domestic, which is a trope I adore, and is done particularly well here.
Damaetas by pellaz
Summary: SasuNaru. Set postseries. Orochimaru has taken Sasuke's body, and Naruto hunts him while dealing with such obstacles as training his first genin team.
Notes: The fic takes the unhealthy aspects of Naruto’s obsession with Sasuke to its logical conclusion. It’s disturbing, angsty, and so so good. It’s the kind of fic that makes you realize that we were robbed of characterization.
The Inevitable by rayemars
Summary: Sasuke can see the changes that communication with the fox demon is bringing to Naruto, and he knows what they're leading to.
Notes: Another tragic fic, this time in a bite-size amount.
Killing It by dawnstruck
Summary: A year after Jiraiya's death, a new Icha Icha volume gets published. Self-declared Number One Fan, Hatake Kakashi, grows suspicious, but keeps buying them anyway.
Notes: The writer has tagged this as cracky humor, but I think it’s more touching than anything else. Less Narusasu though, and more a Kakashi POV.
Twentythirds by Erisabesu
Summary: When one ritual dies, another is born. [SasuNaruSasu] Yaoi.
Notes: This is the kind of fic that takes character growth very seriously and is a very believable way I could see Narusasu happen in the canon universe. 
A Stitch in Time by aureus yarara
Summary: What if Team Seven could have seen, the day Orochimaru bit Sasuke, the future that will come when he takes his offer? Naruto: loved, admired, Hokage. Sakura: strong, confident, head of the hospital. And Sasuke? What does his future hold? Will he like it?
Notes: Sadly, the writer has promised no sequel.
Moonflower by mylilchickadee
Summary: Grief, loneliness, lost chances . . sometimes one can lose themselves to them. And Naruto falls hard. An unconventional, sort of one-sided NaruSasu. Character death Mangaverse
Notes: Angsty in a really good way. The ending is brilliant, and ties up loose ends in a way I really wish Kishimoto had remembered to.
This Life by crazy toffee
Summary: Naruto’s dream was to become Hokage and gain the respect of his village. Between the life he wanted and the life he has, can he really find a way to be happy? Can he really have the thing he wanted most of all?
Notes: Another great alternate ending fic. Fills me with a lot of hope.
Honorable mentions:
Cohabitation by weialala: Sasuke starts calling Naruto "the missus" behind his back two months after moving in with him. It was, in retrospect, akin to ritual suicide.
All things of dearest value hang on slender strings by sirona: Nothing sours a village’s mood faster than a heatwave, and with the anniversary of the Fourth Ninja War on the horizon, the Nanadaime Hokage knows something must be done about it. That’s where Sabaku no Gaara comes in, but Sasuke is not best pleased with his involvement.
words without thoughts never to heaven go by gatty: None given, but be warned that this made me sob on a bus.
The Listening Sky by Fahye: Finally, a Naruto fic written in full knowledge of the manga, even though this particular story should be considered AU after chapter 345. Ish. NO HEBI. ALAS.
The Tower by Nilladriel: Naruto destroys a village. Sasuke does something about it. Futurefic, SasuNaru.
Healing the Broken by KizuKatana: The war is over, and Sasuke is brought back to the village after his defeat by Naruto. But he is struggling to re-assimilate into the village. As his mental stability continues to erode, Tsunade and Kakashi ask Naruto to try a different treatment method. Naruto x Sasuke (slash - boy x boy). Post manga chapter 693.
This, He Learned by unknown: Naruto had learned many things from Sasuke (…) perhaps it was high time Sasuke learned something from Naruto instead. For a change.
Therapy by NavyBlueWings: After four years, Tsunade has had enough of Sasuke and Naruto's fist fights. Ordering them to go to the best therapist in Konoha seems like a good idea. But what's this...? Dom and Sub? Sleepovers and kiss wars? What did they just sign up for?
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Criminal Minds Rec List
Now for a change of pace: a cop procedural. Promising 20+ with at least 1 outside of ao3.
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Bread is to Stone as Fish is to Serpent by isilya
Summary: "The killer we are looking for is well educated and is most likely a white male inhis early thirties, " Prentiss says, looking around the room with big, serious eyes. "He's organized and prides himself on his meticulous planning. He holds a position of respect in the community. People look up to him and he's well-liked."
Notes: Perfectly paced, haunting, and thought-provoking. Better written than any episode of Criminal Minds.
Kuria Dalmatia is a great writer and multishipper, for those who are interested in dabbling. Some of their best are:
The Hotchner/Reid classic, Triggers & Ties Series
Summary: It isn't fair to compare Spencer to Haley—something Aaron tells himself every time he and Spencer are together—but he finds himself unable to stop. Aaron and Spencer work through the highs and the lows that real life brings, including the devastating attack by Foyet and Haley’s murder.
Notes: I don’t see a lot of hints of this ship in canon, but Kuria does an amazing job of rooting her fics in canon.
A commitment, but worth it, Bau Bau to the Black Sheep is a mostly gen fic that has better characterization and plotting than the show.
Summary: Haley had every reason to hate Aaron and his job. Even after the divorce, all Aaron had to do was show up and he was hailed as the FBI agent who at least tried. She wasn't expecting to finally forgive him.
And for fans of angst, Part of the Script
Summary: Part of JJ's old job with the BAU was delivering notifications, sometimes even coaching the locals on how to do it. So when a young Statie delivers devastating news to her home, all she can think of is: he's doing it wrong.
A cute kid fic, Mud Pies & Dinosaurs
Summary: The problem with having two dads who had three doctorates, four Masters, a JD, and at least six Bachelor's degrees between them was that they didn't know how not to help with Jack's science fair project -SLASH, established relationship, geekiness ahoy!
Blaze with the Glory by kyrdwyn
Summary: If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.  James Baldwin
Notes: An absolute classic. I wish all AUs were like this: somehow completely different, yet true to the characters and universe. (Except for the Hotchner/Reid, which is, of course, up to debate).
He Could by Neurotic Squid
Summary: Morgan wants to tell his mother about Carl Buford.
Notes: Handles the messiness of the Buford situations with aplomb.
Blind Trust (The Render No Reason Mashup) by poisontaster
 Summary: “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” ~Walter Anderson
Notes: While you couldn’t tell it from this list, I’m a Moreid shipper. This is the best fic in the ship I could find. 
Trompe L’oeil by sodakey
Summary: In Breckenridge, Colorado, Reid sees Gideon for the first time since Gideon left the BAU. Gideon doesn't see Reid. Reid. Team. Case fic. Gen.
Notes: Though this is a case fic, I read it as more of a long character fic, centering around Reid post-Gideon. 
Argument From Silence by holdur
Summary: Sometimes Gideon called Garcia to check in
Notes: Very short, but a great take on Gideon. Explores his character without the preachiness I see so often in this fandom.
Honorable mentions:
Forgiveness is the Key by buffyaddict13: There's only one really important question. Can you forgive yourself?
The Absence of Light by buffyaddict13: Spencer Reid is afraid of the dark.
Waking in the Lonely Dark by Deejaymil: 'Agents Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid are the latest victims in a long line of what authorities are only now admitting could be serial abductions ranging back over a decade. Dubbing the abductor 'The Ghost', the only thing authorities seem to be able to agree on is this: no victims have yet been recovered.'
All the Difference by Drea: Seven people. Seven roads that lead to the BAU. What might have been, if they'd turned right.
What Makes a Family by ficdirectory: AU. Part 1 of the What Makes a Family series. Single artist, Emily Prentiss, wants to do more with her life, but she has no idea of the highs and lows she will face as a foster mother. Features the rest of the team as kids. *WARNINGS: Implied sexual abuse, self-harm, addiction, language, violence* **Nominated: Best Alternate Universe in the 2012 Profiler's Choice Awards**
Dumb and Ditzy by TimelessTears: AU. Years of being bullied for his smarts left him dreading when people figured out he was a genius. What better way to throw them off then by acting stupid? Enter: Dumb Blond Spencer Reid.
5 Mandatory Events at the FBI Regional Training Seminar by travelinthedark: “Hey guys!” Jeff’s voice is just as upbeat as it was when he was telling the entire conference room about the wonders of community stewardship and his volunteer work as a ‘Big Brother.’ It’s also just as loud, and Hotch wonders if the guy realizes he doesn’t have to shout at people who are less than five feet away from him. “Are you ready to come up and add your ideas to the aspirations board?”
The apple and afterward by Lenore: What if Reid hadn't managed to kick his Dilaudid addiction? What if he needed a job onthe side in order to afford his habit?
I have no comment on the matter by jujuberry136: It’s all fun and games until somebody starts cheating at Klingon Boggle.
Pretty Boy by Lago Lindari: Morgan and Reid interrogate a pedophile. Reid is clever. Morgan is upset.
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Gen (Ensemble) Harry Potter Rec List
Because Harry Potter as a fandom is much older than ao3, traversing HP fanfic only in the Archive would be horribly inadequate. Harry Potter has some of the best writing on the internet, and it’s a shame so many people have forgotten.  These are HP gen fics I love that don’t center around a single character (those will be a separate post). Promising 20+ fics with at least 1 outside of ao3.
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The Abyss Gazes Also by tangleofthorns
Summary: You build your own Azkaban, and you let yourself out. (Sirius. Rodolphus, Bellatrix, others).
Notes: I don’t know how the writer made the cheesiest Nietzsche line into something touching, but they did.
Mors Mortis by kindkit
Summary: The dead get lonely too.
Notes: Another great by the inestimable kindkit. It’s brilliant and creative. A little emo, but not particularly angsty. Grim without being annoyingly grimdark. Don’t want to describe too much, because I don’t want to give anything away.
unsticking the shadow by pogrebin
Summary: So yeah. My idea of the multilayered prejudices in the Wizarding World & the lengths to which Slytherins will go. Messy and complicated and- well. I suppose you'll see. Hermione!fic.
Notes: Another beautifully cerebral, dark piece. This writer understands the violence within the HP Universe better than JKR.
Seven Weddings by stereolightning (phalaenopsis)
Summary: Seven weddings. Seven conversations between friends, siblings, lovers, and almost-lovers. Written in the "La Ronde" style.
Notes: Starts and ends with a Lily, which is a beautiful piece of symmetry. Does its part to redeem the mess that is the HP Epilogue. Light and easy to read.
Oubliette by Kate Bolin
Summary: Some things are meant to be forgotten. But new students never know that. Harry Potter PG
Notes: A short creepy ficlet.
Young People for Progress by bluemoon02
Summary: After the death of Harry Potter, Severus Snape struggles to find a purpose in his life, and is over-whelmed at the changes being made to society.
Notes: What about HP makes so much of its fanfic so depressing and dark? That said, this fic might be angsty but it’s brilliant and well-conceived. I personally love this fic more as a commentary on Wizarding society than a Snape study.
Mud, Blood & the Sound of Guns by chase glasslass
Summary: A different war begins. The people want a saviour who'll protect them from bullets and Harry isn't it. 'Death Eaters killed eleven wizards this week. The Muggles have killed eighty.' [oneshot]
Notes: Okay, okay. My last depressing Wizarding society commentary fic. It’s written in Hermione’s POV, and is poetic in conception.
The Two Step of Death by Lady Game
Summary: In the end, they all dance to the music of two words and a flash of green light. These are the stories of the last ten victims of Lord Voldemort. A 10x100.
Notes: This fic is written in defense of Muggles and our favorite Muggleborn, Hermione. Despite the title and summary, it’s somehow less angsty than the previous fic and so easy to read there’s no reason not to give it a try.
The Children by copperbadge
Summary: To the rest of the world, they will always be the Children.
Notes: Copperbadge, or Sam Vimes, might be the ultimate BNF, but I add this rec just in case anybody hasn’t come across their fic yet.
Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain by mousapelli
Summary: Well, here's a creepy bit of pairing-less Harry/Neville fic for everybody. Harry's on the verge of an epiphany, Neville seems to be at the center of everything lately, and Dumbledore's good for nothing but twinkling.
Notes: This is for everybody who hates Dumbledore.
switch by corvidae
Summary: The Sorting Hat has sorted thousands of students in the course of its life. If it makes a mistake or two, who's to say it's wrong? Certainly not Fred or George Weasley.
Notes: A bit of humor/crack for those who think the Sorting Hat was an obviously stupid idea by the four founders.
Allotted Portions by Kangeiko
Summary: There is a room in the Ministery that is not warded. Set during GoF; goings-on at the Department of Mysteries.
Notes: Creepy, short, and unsettling. Prior knowledge of Greek mythology a plus.
Honorable mentions:
Cauterize by Lady Altair: "Of course it's missing something vital. That's the point." Dennis Creevey takes up his brother's camera after the war.
Alive on Air by Raven: PG, gen. Remus, Lee Jordan, Kingsley and the twins. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows.
and yes i said yes i will yes (or: four weddings and a funeral) by honey_wheeler: Set during and post-Deathly Hallows. Love, life, death, and Weasleys.
Lacking in Colour by noticeably: The first time that Millicent tunes into Potterwatch, she swears that it's an accident.
Seven Photographs by Casira: Glimpses of our heroes at the end of the battles and beyond, as they face what's lost and what's to come.  Post-Deathly Hallows; spoilers abound.
The Threstrals Lullaby by melusinahp
When September Comes Again by auntbijou: Muggles aren't quite as oblivious as they seem...
Harry Potter and the Polka Dot Plague by Mariner: Harry Potter discovers why polka dots are evil.  Severus Snape discovers why it's a bad idea to forge your medical records.  Lucius Malfoy discovers why you shouldn't give surprise gifts to your boss.
Death and King's Cross by sciathan file: [DH Spoilers, One shot]  Who was to know Death had etiquette enough to be personalized?  Ensemble fic.
Tower of Air by Cluegirl: Albus Dumbledore counts the costs.
If I missed any good fic or you want me to take your fic down, please let me know.
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Kakagai Fic Rec List
Wanna start my blog off with the best ship. Promising 20+ fic with at least 1 outside of ao3, organized links, and summaries.
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First, I recommend anything by forgetme. Specifically, try:
For a sort of melancholic, nostalgic, soft feel, 敬老の日
Summary: At thirty-seven Kakashi is starting to feel old.
Notes: Short, sweet, and feeling like the writer is smarter than I’ll ever be, which is just how I like it.
For romance that hurts, Technological Progress
Summary: Kakashi makes a phone call.
Notes: A rare fluff piece from this writer
For emotional pain, Atë
Summary: Hindsight is 20/20.
Notes: The great thing about being in a fandom where the source material is aggressively mediocre is that fanfic writers are often better than the original. This fic is the perfect example. It delves deeper and more honestly into Kakashi’s character than Kishimoto ever did, and doesn’t pause to give him, or the reader, a break.
A great take on the classic amnesia trope, Still life in pale blue
Summary: A day in the life of war veterans.
Notes: A great Gai point-of-view! Understands Kishimoto’s intentions better than he can.
Note that they haven’t transferred all their fic from fanfiction.net where they are thisloser
The history has its eyes on you series by tasalmalin.
Summary: This five-part series is a Kakashi-centric time travel fix-it. It starts out pretty dark, but the real heart of the story is one of healing, and there are happy endings on the horizon. Specific warnings are included with each chapter.
Notes: I’ve reread this series countless times. I normally hate time travel fix-its, but trust me, this one makes up for all those times you’ve read one that’s fizzled out or disappointed. It never loses focus, and always stays true to Kakashi’s character. The first two stories are pretty fucking angsty, though, so those who want to skip to the fixing might want to start with the third story, I know that we can win.
Everything by maldoror, who has sadly only written two kkg fic. That said, I recommend her other Naruto work too.
For a little pick-me-up, Break in the Routine
Summary: Kakashi had heard people complain about 'routine', calling it humdrum and boring. For Kakashi, routine meant that nobody was actively trying to kill him and there were no missions that day. Routine was good. An implausible green and orange streak vaulted over the iron fence and darted off a cherry tree, causing a dramatic shower of petals around him as he hit the ground. Gai, showing up for his regular challenge. Yup, still routine...Until Gai told him what he was challenging Kakashi at this time.
Notes: This fic has been recommended again and again, but what the heck. It makes me feel better every single time I read it.
For something thoughtful, Descent
Summary: A and S rank missions are killers - especially the kind Tsunade hands out since she's been made Godaime. Kakashi has handled some pretty rough ones over the years with his teams, wow, he could tell you stories...But his team is gone. He's no longer a Jounin-sensei and he no longer has to watch over a bunch of brats. Now his missions are ANBU level.ANBU missions are different. The view through that mask is narrow. There is nothing to protect, only targets to kill. There is no mercy, no regret, no remorse. No prisoners. It's very simple, really. Considerably simpler than being a Jounin-sensei. If only Gai didn't insist on joining his rival/friend/partner around on these, it'd be simpler still. (Timeline: short time after Sasuke's defection)
Notes: Not as easy to read, but in the good way. Has a wonderful Lee.
Good Lives by the great jibrailis
Summary: Gai accidentally becomes first lady of Konoha.
Notes: Lighthearted. This fic perfectly outlines what Kakashi and Gai deserved.
Mending Fists by cranes
Summary: Strangely enough, it's Kakashi who suggests they resume the challenges after the war.
Notes: It’s honestly so fucking cute.
the dew is never all dried at once by ohdeariemegoodness
Summary: Somehow, Kakashi gets his happy ending.  He also gets kidnapped.  Fortunately, Kakashi makes a great damsel in distress.
Notes: This fic is what it would look like if Kakashi could actually get some emotional closure. Reading it is bittersweet, because it makes me resent canon.
Definitely not a Love Story by tuesdayfic (tuesday)
Summary: Guy woos Kakashi. Kakashi is not exactly appreciative of his efforts. Neither is most anyone else in the village, except those who are laughing. They are sadly numerous.
Notes: The fic ends with a cameo by Iruka, which makes me wonder, is that a nod to the ever popular Kakashi/Iruka ship that makes no sense? I also love tuesday’s other works as well, though this is definitely my favorite.
Afternoon Tea by 100demons
Summary: Kakashi and Gai try to figure out what happens next.
Notes: This fic is good, but honestly mostly here to encourage people to read all of 100demons’s work.
The Best Is Yet To Come by alestar
Summary: Kakashi has spent nearly his entire life in a freefall state, bracing himself for impact, turning his body to absorb the blow and land on his feet. Now in his early thirties he finds the rapid winds of gravity dying down around him. He finds himself crouching on solid ground. A moment of disorientation, followed by what?
Notes: It’s a little sad how relatable this fic is. 
Last but not least, A Tree Called Life by mostlyharmless
Summary: Years after the war, the shinobi world is experiencing a new kind of peace. Kakashi and Guy are enjoying some time off after a mission, until Guy decides he is ready for the next step in their relationship: moving in together.
Notes: Funny. The Sai in here is particularly great.
Honorable mentions:
Helping Hands by desolate butterfly: [KakaGai, gen]  Gai can see underneath the underneath.  It's a habit he had to pick up to take on the role of Kakashi's eternal rival.
Anniversary by kimi no vanilla: The things we do to ourselves when no one is watching. The things we watch because we cannot bear to look away. Kakashi from Gai's POV.
Only Ever You by Chrononautical: Eternity isn't just for rivals.
Monster by chibi_zoe: Trust Gai to have an over the top name for a certain common morning problem.
More Than Puppy Love by thekatthatbarks: “Kakashi, you haven’t….always had…?” Gai asked him, looking at a loss for words. “What’re you talking about?” Kakashi cocked an eyebrow at him, annoyed at his vagueness. He put one of his own fingers in his mouth and probed at his teeth, trying to see what was wrong. His hand stopped when he felt the pointy tips. He looked at Gai incredulously and moved his fingers around inside his mouth. It almost felt like…canines?
Every Little Bit of It by slash4femme: Kakashi knows before the day even starts that it is going to be a bad pain day. Not for him but for Gai.
PS If I missed a fic or you want me to remove your fanfic from this list, please let me know.
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