frisbys-artwork · 14 days
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A Peaceful Sleep
Due any given day, Rugorg moved Emiliano into his hut and still kept him under strict watch, even chaining the boy’s leg to the bed overnight.
As much of a nuisance it was to have his leg chained up, Emiliano was just grateful to now be a little more free from the ropes that previously bound him, and also so near the end of his pregnancy. The baby still tossed and turned inside his womb endlessly, but Emiliano no longer felt those powerful kicks, which also allowed him to relax and sleep a lot better than he had in the past several months.
Tonight he slept in peace again, despite the rather uncomfortable feeling he got once in a while, and the rain outside Rugorg’s home added to the serenity of it.
Hey guys! Thanks again so much for you patience. Life's just got a lot going on for me.
Anyway, here's the next bit for Emiliano's story. Sure must be quite the relief for the little Palaccian (Italian) to not be feeling those turbulent kicks and punches from Rugorg's son anymore.
Art by Anonymous.
Story and Characters by me.
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frisbys-artwork · 4 months
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Cause & Effect
"It's amazing," Rugorg said, gently touching the boy's massive dome of flesh. "I'm ashamed to have doubted your potential at first, but I was right that it was destiny we met."
"Ugh!" Emiliano groaned, feeling another jolt of movement. "I'm glad you're admiring my work, but how much longer will I be like this?!"
Rugorg (50) ignored what the Palaccian had just asked him, and continued to be in awe by the life in the womb. After several decades of being the best blacksmith in his horde, and the entire land, he felt it was time for his legacy to get passed on.
Emiliano (18) hated being bound to the bed all this time, but after a few attempted escapes Rugorg refused to trust him. It was the most uncomfortable feeling ever, but it’s what he brought upon himself.
He just hoped the orc would be pleased with this child once it was out of him. These were the longest 10 months, and all he wanted was to return to his normal life again.
Art by Anonymous
Hey guys! Here’s a new short story I’m working on.
The backstory: Emiliano tried to cheat Rugorg out of some gold in a game of poker at a tavern. He thought he had bought the orc enough beer to get him drunk for an easy game and a nice satchel of gold, only to be proven wrong when the Orc dropped a royal flush in front of his straight flush. The bet was that if Rugorg won, Emiliano was to be taken home with him for a night of intense passion, and that’s exactly what happened after.
Months after he returned home, Emiliano found out he was pregnant, and kept it as discreet as he could, but Rugorg knew. By Orc law, if the baby was conceived on Orc land, Emiliano was to return with Rugorg immediately. He was the orc’s property until that baby was out.
Palacci is supposed to be this world of mine’s Italians.
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frisbys-artwork · 7 months
Coffee and Wet Kisses
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Dr. Utt swam and saw his husband approaching the pool, wearing that white robe he loved seeing him in.
Charun took a sip of his coffee and watched the Orc swim right over to him, rise from the water and plant a big wet kiss on his enormous, sensitive stomach. Onkar was too distracted by the butterflies to care about the pool right now.
“Now do I get a coffee too?” Korom asked.
“You’re really going to make me waddle all the way back for your big mug of coffee?” Charun asked, chuckling.
“Of course! Don’t I deserve one?”
“Well…of course you do.”
“Great, and then you’ll join me in the water with Onkar.”
“Do you really want my fat ass to overflow the pool?”
“Hush, you beached whale. Get me my coffee and in the pool right after."
The boy laughed, gave Korom a kiss, and headed back to grab his husband’s coffee.
Hey everyone! I finally get to post this piece, and give you a taste of what to expect from these two. This is just a lovely piece of them enjoying a morning pool. We'll be going back to how these two met hopefully, as I'm sure some of you are dying to know how this big daddy orc snagged himself this young adult, and immediately started a family with him. Oh, for the record that baby orc next to Charun isn't theirs. Onkar's from a previous marriage (that we'll eventually learn more about), but Charun didn't mind, and in fact accepted Korom's son as his own quickly, and took it as a great start to practice being a dad.
Art by Anonymous.
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frisbys-artwork · 7 months
Meet Dr. Korom and Charun
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After Dr. Korom's previous marriage ended in the most bizarre manner (his husband literally vanished after Onkar was born), Korom became devastated but pulled through for his son. Being a father was the best thing that had ever happened to, and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world, but he still missed having a partner. Still damaged even months later, he had to reject meeting Charun again after their first encounter (the boy had bumped into the Orc's coffee as it was held out), only for him to eventually cave into his loneliness and seek meeting with the boy again week later.
They had a wonderful conversation back at the coffee shop, took a walk near the park, met again later that night and hooked up. Barely three months after dating, Korom proposed to Charun, knowing it was too soon but sure this time he was the one, and they enjoyed a honeymoon on a tropical resort. Soon after, Charun announced he was pregnant, and Dr. Korom was overjoyed and like his life was complete again. -- Hey everyone! Sorry for such a long, LONG time away from posts. I've been busy, plus trying to create more character pieces like this before I started posting more of the Mpreg-related stuff, and I wanted to get something more coherent to post too instead of just images from different timelines.
Yes they're my most extreme eye gap yet, but IDC. I dated and fell for a man that age many years ago, when I was only 23 years old myself but sadly, as is my curse, I couldn't have him because he had moved by the tine things looked promising.
Sulwatish is "Swedish" and Unyi is "Indian" in this universe."
Here's full art without the character descriptions and their size differences.
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frisbys-artwork · 8 months
Vampire squid is not a squid or a vampire either.
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I have just learned that Mountain Goats are NOT, in fact, actual Goats.
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frisbys-artwork · 9 months
My FAVORITE comic!
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Get this comic as a high-quality art print, signed by the artists:
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frisbys-artwork · 10 months
Check out my Pokémon region based on Australia!
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Water type
Ability: Torrent (Powers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low)
Dreamworld Ability: Dazzling (Surprises the opposing Pokémon, making it unable to attack using priority moves.)
Dream Entry: When cornered, Seawinkle will create a strobe light effect with their bulbs, confusing and frightening the predator for a moment, and then it makes its escape. It is much faster in the water than on land.
Chaos Entry: It communicates with others by flickering the bulbs on its shell. Scientists have discovered it knows Morse code, but aren’t sure if it learned it from humans or if it originated it.
Additional Data: At night, these Pokémon illuminate seashores with the constant flickering of their shells, which attracts dozens of people to watch. If they sense someone has stepped into the water, they will stop their lights and hide right away. Seawinkle also put predators in a trance-like state by rapidly flashing their lights as fast as possible, and will flee the moment they get a chance.
Meet your Water starter!
Art by me (@frisbys-artwork)
Cry by Justin Page
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frisbys-artwork · 10 months
Check out my Pokémon region! Based on Australia. Here’s the fire starter.
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Fire type
Ability: Blaze (Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.)
Dreamworld Ability: Mold Breaker (Moves can be used on the target regardless of its Abilities.)
Dream Entry: The wool around its body is made from smoke, which it uses as a way to hide if it were to encounter an opponent stronger than it. It enjoys randomly headbutting children.
Chaos Entry: Fuegoat’s horns let out a type of whistle every time flames erupt from the holes. It mostly does this if it gets separated from its trainer or family.
Additional Data: They are extremely easy to frighten, which causes the smoke on their body to burst and vanish, and then it stiffens and rolls on its back for several minutes. Once it regains its composure, it’ll become upset and begin headbutting whoever scared it or the closest object.
Here’s your Fire-starter!
Art by me (@frisbys-artwork)
Cry by Justin Page
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
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One Whole Year
Kent and Jasper celebrated one year “together” today, and they couldn’t be happier. While Kent was a little disappointed that Jasper didn’t want to make their relationship official, he respected the decision and was more than happy to just spend time with him. Simply being with Jasper had brought him so much joy, and he didn’t want that to change.
As much as Jasper liked being with Kent, he didn't feel like he was ready to be in a relationship, and also preferred to spend his time with him as friends with benefits.
Hey everyone! I finally get to post a story-related piece of these two. As you might be able to tell, they have an extremely complicated relationship, probably more than it should be, but we'll dive more into it as time comes around.
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
And deal with Karens when they refuse to leave the property.
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
Seriously, I do NOT want to associate with you at all if you continue to support this prolapsed anus of a man. He doesn't care about you, much less the idiots who voted for him or even America. He and his entire party want this to become another dictatorship, and that's already been made clear in the last couple of years.
On Tuesday morning, Donald Trump released an anti-transgender tirade of a speech on his social media website Truth Social, outlining a genocidal plan against all transgender existence in the United States. Everyone on the right from mainstream Republicans to hardcore neo-Nazis are celebrating the video while Democrats and legacy news media outlets have so far largely ignored it. “So this is what we are up against,” tweeted legislative researcher and pro-transgender activist Erin Reed. She continues, “a national transgender ban in 2024. This is what they are planning. DeSantis is practicing this through executive actions in Florida. Trump is openly saying he will do the same.” This is unambiguously genocidal territory. Holocaust museums have warned that this rising anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric mirrors the hate that led up to the rise of Nazi Germany.
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
I freaking LOVE this post, because I actually enjoy writing my Orc stories similar to this. The big dad is still a ruthless, bloodthirsty warchief, but he's a complete teddy bear, maybe even a goofball to the person he falls for and expects a child with, who also happens to be the herbalist so keen on healthy meals, and defies his family by going after an orc
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They may not be the most awkward parents (not yet), but given that, it's a set up.
Because for me, just having them be tragic all the time is done over many times, and even IF you were to still go that route, switch it up; don't bore your audience with something we've read many times. There's gotta be more to brutes than tragic, edgy backstories. Try it out for yourselves.
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
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Meet Neal
Neal grew up being teased and bullied for being so skinny at a young age, but a few years into college he became a foodie and became an excellent cook. Despite his love of food he never pursued a career in it, and instead became a software engineer. This came with its own perks though, as he was able to frequently travel and enjoy food from across the nation, which later motivated him to purchase his RV and go explore more places to enjoy while working.
He learned to overcome his fear of body judgements, and proudly displayed his food belly over the years; this even got him a one-night stand with a big trucker orc at a pit stop diner. His best friend, Bill, has become concerned that Neal might actually be pregnant, but a negative test and doctor results ended that. Neal always felt he was too selfish for kids, so he was glad it wasn’t the case.
Hey Everyone! Sorry again for the lack of posts. Life's been leeching off me a lot more frequently, and it's becoming a lot more difficult to finish my OCs every time I learn something new.
But here's Neal, a recent big guy in a short story I wrote. So is he pregnant or is he just a guy who eats extremely well? I mean, he doesn't have his bellybutton poking out (the universal sign of pregnancy in this world of mine), so maybe it's the latter.
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frisbys-artwork · 1 year
A great reminder.
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beastly reminder
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frisbys-artwork · 2 years
I know I’d dedicate this account to art, but his passing was possibly the most painful passing to me since Steve Irwin (celebrity-wise, because I lost my mom this year).
RIP you legend and icon of my childhood.
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RIP Kevin Conroy (1955-2022)
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frisbys-artwork · 2 years
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Crime & Punishment - A Delivered Deal
After the longest 10 months, Eugene went into labor, and what proceeded was the most painful experience of his entire life. Birthing an orc was like no other pain he could describe, but through gritted teeth, and every ounce of his strength, Eugene pushed the massive child out of him as tears streamed down his face. Despite that, he was relieved that the offspring was now out of him.
He could see how proud Odarr was having witnessed his son enter the world, and Eugene hoped now that he held his side of the deal, the orc would do the same and set him free. The orc had to; the deal was done.
Previous Post
Hey everyone! So I'm glad Tumblr has allowed the posting of NSFW content (with the exception of some stuff), but if this type of post is considered pushing even that (no pun intended), I'll have to crop it.
That aside, I guess that ends Eugene's story for now, since I've been working on other stuff, and some of the artists I normally commissioned have been too busy to work on more of this series. It's not the end of his story, but the end in this series for now.
Art by Adam Tomkins
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frisbys-artwork · 2 years
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Meet Kent & Jasper!
Kent served in the astro-force for three years in his early 20s, was married for a couple years and then divorced, and eventually worked from security to managing a big name department store. His family immigrated from Kellsum when he was a newborn, but never once was he able to go and visit his homeland after.
Jasper and his twin sister (Perry), were both raised by their grandparents. While Perry pursued a career in dancing, Jasper was a lot more interested in caring for the elderly, and chose to become a professional caregiver. The gray hairs are a genetic trait in his family, where they all start getting them as early as 16 years of age (Jasper and Perry got them at 17).
After having a crazy first meet up when Jasper (16 at the time) was on the side of the road with a dead phone and car, Kent met the boy online two years later and decided to ask him out. They both enjoyed an entire year together, with Jasper treating the older man to new things from his culture as well as lifestyle (he was rich), and Kent giving the boy lots of love and grounded life experiences.
It was obvious the two had the most intense chemistry and fondness for each other, but due to a trauma Jasper experienced at 16 years old (that he never mentioned to Kent), they never became actual boyfriends. Kent respected Jasper's wishes, despite the love he felt for him. Before Kent moved to Sanwiich for a new job opportunity, Jasper met with him for his 19th birthday, had a wonderful date, and lost his virginity to the man.
Three months later, Kent was left shocked and full of joy when Jasper informed him of a pregnancy, making him realize that the condom broke the night they were last together, and that he really wanted to take responsibility for it, so he asked the boy to move in with him.
While not planned, Kent saw this as pure luck, as he could once again be close to someone he adored, and potentially raise a family with him if things looked great.
Hey everyone!
Sorry I've been seriously lacking in posts again. Just been busy and focusing on my Pokemon region a lot, and trying to improve and craft my style some more, but I FINALLY got to a point where I was able to give these two proper art, so now I'm hoping to draw up some more stuff involving them and other characters to a more consistent point.
So these two are extremely special to me, and glad to finally be able to share them and their story.
As a bonus bit: Kellsum is supposed to be Ireland, Enaris is Lebanese, and Sanwiich is Hawaii. This whole world of mine is set after a "rebirth" of the world, so Earth is also now called Gaia
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