mandolin22 · 2 years
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~ Part 7 ~
Warnings: 🌶smut, heavy smut, don’t come at me heavy smut….put me in jail and throw away the keys type of smut…. I warned y’all. 🫠
Tags: @minagrayson @thighella @bontensbabygirl @theboggyman
“What did you think I meant when I told you that you are mine? Mine and only mine.” He asks…but not really asking.
Your jaw drops,
“I didn’t want that! I was ending things with him!”
“That explains why he was all over you. Why he was on top of you.” He argues.
“He forced himself on me! I had to just accept it so I wouldn’t get hurt! ….. What, do you think I liked that?! Oooo yeah it felt soooo good! Ahhhhh yesss….” You dramatically and mockingly moan, running your hands over your body.
He forcefully pushes you into the wall, his hand slamming on the wall next to you, his other grabbing you face.
“Look at me…LOOK AT ME!” He says.
You can’t get yourself to meet his eyes, you can’t figure out if you’re attracted to this or if you’re terrified.
“I don’t ask twice. You know this.” He grabs your chin roughly and forces you to look at him. “Pitiful.” He shakes his head,“You know better…don’t you? My queen.”
Okay, he can’t be too mad, he called you his queen.
He suddenly he pushes his body harshly against yours pinning you even more between the wall as he rips your shirt off. So you’re, once again, no longer covered by anything in his presence.
You’re nervous to move even a single muscle unless he tells you to, it would probably be best not to test him right now.
He brushes your lips with his thumb, as he decides what to do with you. “I was gentle with you at first but you receive the same treatment now. Do you understand me?”
You nod your head. He raises an eyebrow.
“Yes.” You say.
“Yes what?”
“Yes my king.” You respond to his likeness.
He stares you down, his eyes darkened, your breathing intensified.
“I’m sorry,” you plead.
“Too late.” He growls.
He grabs you from the wall and leads you by your neck pushing you onto the bed. He’s over you in an instant, claiming what is his, his hands gripping your waist roughly, his lips on your collarbone immediately.
You reach to grab him but he pins your arms down and looks at you, “No. Since you couldn’t listen to me before you will now.” He doesn’t let your arms budge as he attacks your breasts and trails down your stomach.
He gets down between your legs and plunges his tongue inside of you, keeping you contact with you the entire him time he tastes you. He knows his effect he has in you with his moans and he will not give you that pleasure for as long as he can help it.
You are a moaning mess as he eats you, his sucking and twirling motions sends you into bliss. You quickly near your climax so he pulls away not letting you have that pleasure. You whimper as he makes eye contact with you seeking approval regardless of his mood which you give a slight nod, he opens your legs and plunges himself into you with no additional warning or ease, causing you to cry out. His jaw tightens as he aggressively thrusts into you, his hands lifting your hips and slamming yourself into him and he does into you. He lets a growl escape his lips, you just feel so good. Even if he is pissed at you, only you alone can make him this way. He pulls out and flips you over into your stomach, pushes your head down onto the bed and plunges back into you from the back. He grips your butt pulling you to and from him, filling the house with loud clapping, moaning and grunting.
“Namor! Please!” You gasp.
He grips a hand full of your hair and pulls you up to him making you cry out in pain and pleasure. His arm wraps around you holding you against him so you can feel the sweat dripping from his body. His other on the wall propping you both up as he continues to aggressively destroy you.
“Who do you belong to?” He grunts.
You keep moaning in response but that’s not good enough for him, he tightens his grip on you, “who!”
“You! Namor, my king” you cry out as he continues to roughly hit your spots.
He pushes you off and gets off of the bed, pulls you to the edge and thrusts back into you. He pushes your legs to your chest and spits on his hand putting his hand back to work on you as he keeps aggressively pounding into you. You desperately gasp for air, not knowing how you’re still alive.
If any neighbors were home they would definitely be hearing every single noise coming from this room. His chest heaves up and down as he intently watches you squirm and cry out. He takes his hand away from you places then on your breasts.
“He can here you.” Namor says. You eyes grow wide…he planned this he had to.
“Namor-“ you whimper.
“Louder!” He urges as his hand grips your neck with just the right amount of pressure and he continues filling up the room with every noise imaginable.,
“Please!” You beg. “I’m going-“
He stops and climbs back on top of you, passionately kissing you. He pulls away and looks you in the eyes, you meet his eyes once you catch your breath.
“I’m done with that, you are going to come with me, mi reina.” He brushes a stand of hair from your face and places a soft kiss on your temple. You nod and he eases himself back into you, allowing you to touch him. You grasp into his back, clawing for him. He finally lets his moans out for you, causing more to come from you.
“Mi amor…ughh…come on… like that…good job come on….” He groans, breath hitching.
“Go ahead” he breathlessly says allowing you to finally release. “Ohh…Namor…Namor….gahh…” you cry out his name and he hits his climax with you calling out yours.
He stops and kisses you softly. He looks softly into your eyes, “You we’re so good for me. Good girl.” He says seductively. You absolutely would go again with him after those words came out of his mouth but then you remembered something he said….
“Um…where is he…?” You ask.
"Mmm" he is muffled in your neck.
"Namor." You sit up. He looks at you as you ruined him falling asleep on you.
  "Where is he?" You ask again.
He lays back down and mumbles, "Laying on the floor in front of the couch."
You get up, grabbing a robe to put over yourself. You make your way to the living room where you see him still laying. You grab him by the rope around his arms, you untie him and tell him to get out and never come back. He just looked at you in awe and or disgust you couldn't decide but whichever it was...honestly it was worth it for him to know he could never even come close to making you feel how Namor does...physically and emotionally.
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mandolin22 · 2 years
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Part 6
Warning: SA, attempted SA, sexual content
You awake in the morning to a cool breeze over you. You pull the blanket back over you, keeping you warmer. You turn to see Namor sitting there, staring out at the ocean. His home. You lightly smile and sit up, holding the blanket up to cover yourself. Not like he didn’t see you completely naked and in every angle too but it’s light out now and someone else may see. He smiles down at you and pulls you close to him. You wrap your arms around him, laying your head on his muscular arm, humming softly to yourself as you do so.
“What is it?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You reply.
He raises an eyebrow at you, “Care to elaborate?” He asks as he continues to stare out into the vast deep blue as the sun peaks into the sky.
You sit up more and gently turn his face towards you, “I love you, Ku’Ku’lkan.”
He smiles at you, “You butchered that.”
You playfully shove him, “I’m trying!”
“You and you alone can call me Namor.” He says as he turns back to the sea.
You sigh knowing that he must need to leave.
“When will you be back…” you question, hanging you head.
“As soon as I can.” He looks to you, “I promise, mi amor.” He takes your hand in his and kisses it.
“You promise?”
“I promise.” He assures. “Remember, should you need me, call to me. I will be here to protect you.”
“I will.”
“Promise?” He asks, lifting your chin to him.
You smile, “I promise.”
He gently pulls you in for a long soft kiss.
“Can we have a little more time…please” you moan into his mouth as his kisses intoxicate you.
He laughs, “I must leave.”
You whine and try to get him to stay, you push him down and climb on top of him, your blanket falling off of you in which he instantly flips you over into your back, covering your body with himself. He laughs at your weak effort but passionately kisses you before he gets up and lays the blanket back on you.
“Soon?” You call out?
“Soon.” Assures you. He walks out waist deep into the water then dives in, disappearing.
Several weeks go by and you returned home over a weekend to go into work and arrange that schedule so you could spend more time at the beach house as it is nearing the end of summer. You want to be there as much as you can. Your mother relayed several messages left by Riley asking to see you. You ignored them all and told her not to let him in if he stops by. She informed you that he was wanting the neighbors beach home by theirs for a few weeks she found out. She suggested we spend time together and figure out what is going on between us. You of course didn’t say anything to her about the god you are with now because you haven’t ended thing with Riley yet so you’re technically still together. You should definitely get on that soon.
Your drive back was uneventful, thankfully. You were able to listen to your music and some murder mystery podcasts.
You pull into the driveway around lunchtime so you head inside and begin making yourself some food. You finish eating and go to watch some tv. You won’t be going down to the water today, the breeze is too harsh and chilly for it to be enjoyable. But you’ll definitely keep an eye out for a certain someone to show up. You change into your favorite oversized tshirt and only that.,You’re looking for the remote burrows somewhere in the cushions when there’s a knock on the door….
“Weird…” you say to yourself as you walk to the door. You slightly open it and you’re pushes backwards and Riley storms in.
“What the heck!” You shout at him.
“So are you going to explain?” He “asks”
“Explain what exactly? And why did you barge in?! Get out now.” You yell at him.
“You’re my girl, I’m not leaving I have every right to stay here.”
“Actually, I’m not your girl. We are done. Get out!” You point towards the door.
“You’re acting crazy. What’s wrong with you. You love me and I love you.” He says.
You scoff, “Far from.”
“Are you cheating on me again?!”
“Again?! What?! You are the one who’s been cheating on me for months…at least! Don’t go blaming me for what you do!”
Riley approaches you trying to act gentle and hurt by your words. You take a step back, eyeing the shell on the counter…could you reach it in time? Your thoughts are ended by your realization for the first time since Namor, how short Riley actually is compared to him…he is just above your height and is pretty darn skronny…geez. While you’re analyzing the extreme differences between your god lover and your ex boyfriend his lips are on yours attempting to make out… you gasp and push him back.
“Stop!” You shout but he ignores your decline of his actions and brings your face to his, messily kissing you.
“No. You’re done with me I’m not done with you. We are doing this before I go!” He aggressively tells you, fighting with you every step of the way. He pushes you to the floor, undoing his pants and takes yours off. Your fighting him as hard as you can but as this point you feel it might be best to just surrender and accept rather than to get even more hurt in the moments to come….
“Stop fighting!” He yells at you.
You take a deep breath and decide to surrender. You close your eyes bracing for what is about to happen-
“Dude!” Riley shouts upon the door barging open and slamming against the wall.
You open your eyes and all you see is Namor’s back and no longer Riley above you. You quickly get up and retreat behind the counter. You slide down onto the floor sitting there replaying everything that just happened, oblivious to the racked now going on around you.
Before you know it you hear your name being called by the Tolakan king himself. You peer up from behind the counter. You don’t see Riley but couldn’t care less what had happened to him. Namor shuts the door and turns to face you.
Taglist: @thighella @bontensbabygirl @theboggyman
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mandolin22 · 2 years
Therapy - Part 5
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Warnings: SMUUUUUT 🌶
Full playlist “ 🌊Namor🫧” on Spotify!
Word ct 2.1k
Enjoy 🫡
As rain pounds on the window, thunder rumbles in the distance. You glance up from your computer to look at the droplets racing across the window; the little drop you chose won the race. You then glance over at your night stand which sits the token given to you by the Talokan king. It has been several days since you last saw him and for some reason you are missing him. Missing someone you’ve never actually known. You quickly try to wipe away the smile that appears on your lips and get back to work.
You have been trying to catch up writing the book you had wanted to write for the past couple years. Will you ever finish and publish it? No. It was more of something to keep you busy than anything, especially on days like today where it has been storming most of the day and night.
Several hours later, you finish brushing your retry and head back into your bedroom, putting your pjs on and climbing in bed. Your mind wanders to what it would be like to crawl in bed and into Namors arms. Is he a good cuddler? What would his arms feel like wrapped around you? Breathing in his intoxicating scent, your fingers running through his dark hair, caressing his face, feeing his chest and arms….is it getting hot in here or….you soon fall asleep imagining so many things that you’d never speak aloud.
The following days goes by rather slow, you find different things to keep you busy. Music has always been one of your healing mechanisms so you decide to pack a small bag and bring your Bluetooth speaker down to the beach as dusk begins to approach. The days had been one of the nicest and when you realized how nice and warm it still was you decided to head down to the water. You place a large blanket out to lay on, set a few pillows down, and put your speaker out and with your favorite playlist on. You lay there in your oversized band t-shirt, shutting your eyes, feeling the warmth from the remaining sun on your body as it sets, your music softly playing in the background. Deeps breaths, absolute peace.
You don’t know how long you’ve been laying there but you realize it had gotten dark. It was such a beautiful day, the weather was still nice, you felt no need to cover yourself with blankets.
The moment you feel your body getting wet and cold your shoot your eyes open to see the Talokan king standing at your feet.
“Shiii-“ you heart nearly stops at his sudden appearance.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, “you looked peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you.” He says.
“So you were just going to stare at me?” You ask propping yourself up on your elbows. You smile, tossing him a towel and move over slightly, inviting him to lay next to you.
He dries himself off and lays next to you. You move yourself against him so he is spooning you. Your breath shutters when your body hits his. You’re terrified, not of him just….of the situation and not in a fearful way just very nervous. He notifiers and slowly lays his arm around your body, pulling you even closer to him. You hear him sigh in contentment once you finally fully relax against him.
“Y/N,” he begins and pauses long enough for you to turn over to see him. Your noses touches one another’s. His hand cokes up to caress your face and he whispers something in his native tongue.
“What is it?” You softly ask.
He takes a moment to respond to you, “Allow me to take you to be my queen.”
You look deep into his eyes as his searches yours. You glance at his lips and slowly lean in, matches and the moment your lips touch it is pure ecstasy. An instant moan escapes your lips as they gently move in sync together.
As he releases your lips for you to take a breath, his arm reaches behind your back and next thing you know, he is overtop of you. He runs his hand that isn’t propping him up along your body, whispering who know what in his beautiful language.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, searching your eyes. He drops his head into your neck giving you soft kisses up to your ear.
You feel him smirk against your skin, “Entonces di mi nombre, mi reina.” He whispers into your ear.
You have no idea what he said but boy did it sound good.
You feel his hand firmly grasp your side, his hand sliding under your back, you turn to meet his lips in a desperate, passionate kiss. He pulls your shirt off and places kisses across your chest, his hands wandering over every inch of your skin. You tangle yourself hands in his hair and he kisses across your breasts causing moans to escape you, pressing yourself against him in desperation. His lips lock with your again as your kisses get more and more heated, moans coming from both of you, touching every part of each other, not being able to get enough.
“I promise to protect you.” He says, dragging his fingers down your center be meeting your eyes.
“I promise I will love you.” He says, kissing your neck.
His hand reaches for your thigh, leaving his firm grip there. “Let me love you.” He says, asking permission to continue further.
“Mmm” you sigh, your senses heightens.
“Words, mi amor.”
“Please, Namor.”
His touch leaves your body but only briefly. Before you can adjust, his touch is back causing you to gasp loudly. His lips trailing on the inside of your thighs. His hands gripping you hard and spreading your legs for him. You feel his hot breath hovering over your heat. He moans as you feel his finger slide over you causing you to buck your hips towards him.
His lips connect and you gasp, try grasping for his hand to entangle your hands in. He reaches his free hand up for you to hold onto in which you grasp with everything in you.
He sends vibrations through you as he moans into your body. The perfect work he continues to do with his tongue and he laps your wetness up as it is the only thing keeping him alive. You don’t know how much longer you can hold on which he senses. “Let it go,” he says, “don’t hold on.”
That is all your need for you to hit your climax from his mouth, your eyes shut, trying to squeeze your shaking thighs against his head but he releases his hand from your and hands your legs open as he doesn’t stop eating you. You gasp and squirm, moaning his name for the once silent beach to hear. He finally stops and hovers his body back over yours. Your eyes open as you finally get your breath back only for his lips to once again take it away. He groans into your lips and you both push your bodies against each other, wanting more, needing more. You gasp loudly, digging your nails into his back as he plunges two finger into you. You shriek and he immediately looks at you. You go to speak and explain but he already knows.
“You should have told me,” he softly whispers against your cheek, turning your face so you look at him in his eyes.
“I wasn’t sure how to tell you…that I’ve never been with anyone. It was embarrassing.” You respond.
“Not embarrassing. No. You’re perfect. Tell me if I hurt you and I will stop. Okay?” He assures.
You nod as he goes back to slowly using his finger on you, pressing them up into you to his knuckles, hitting your spots just right. His fingers do the work for a while but then you beg,
“Please what?” He asks, locking eyes with you.
“Fill me with you,” you gasp as his finger continue thrusting in and out of you. “Please, Namor.”
His fingers leave you and your legs are spread open. He makes eye contact with you once again, “Yes?”
“Yes oh please now.” You beg.
“If I hurt you-“ he begins.
“I don’t care! Please!” You shout at him.
He smiles, slowly pressing himself into you, both of you gasping for air at the sensation. He leans down to you, your arms immediately wrapping around his back, holding onto him as though he is the only thing keeping you afloat in the middle of the ocean.
“Ready?” He asks before he fully begins.
You moan and nod into his neck. He slowly pulls in and out for a moment until you hook your leg around him causing an animalistic moan to escape him, picking up his pace, thrusting and grinding into you. His moans that flood out of his mouth turning you on even more than you ever imagined.
The sound of the waves, moaning and skin slapping fill the beach that was once silent.
“You okay?” He asks as he groans and moans as he thrusts harder into you.
“Yes!” You gasp as your body shakes with new sensations as he hits all of the right spots. “Oh yes….” You moan, your hands tangling themselves into his hair,
His lips meet yours, his tongue slipping into you fighting for dominance which he obviously wins. He bites your lip and pulls you up to him so you’re sitting on his lap as he continues thrusting into you, hitting new spots getting deeper and deeper. You cry out and claw his back and he grasps your breasts, moaning into you, sucking and kissing you. You decide it’s your turn and you push him back with all your might and he lays down, you starting to ride him. His hands on your hips matching your body with his thrusts. His eyes intently locked on every inch of your body. The moans escaping his lips are keeping you alive you are convinced. He can’t take anymore and flips you over, holding your hands down and viciously pounds into you, you’re not sure who is louder at this point. You’re calling out his name as your life depended on it which seems to only urge him on more. He hooks one of your legs over his shoulder, his other hand getting to work on your very sensitive wetness and you cry out as he somehow continues to surprise you and bring new sensations to your body.
“Namor!” You scream.
His response is only more aggressive groans and grunts. He speaks in his native tongue as he continues to ravish your body.
You’ve lost track of how many times he has made you come at this point but he won’t stop until he is perfectly satisfied which doesn’t have you complaining one bit.
He abruptly pushes your leg off on him and his lips are suddenly locked with yours. He is close you can tell.
“Mi amor… oh….” He grunts into you as he bucks and circles his hips into you. “Come on…come on….” He groans. Aggressive sloppy kisses being exchanged as he pours into you filling you with his warmth. He groans as he slows down as not to just suddenly stop.
He looks at you, your eyes closed, your grip on him loosens your arms falling to the ground, heaving heavily. He brushes your hair off your face and places several soft kisses on your forehead. “Well done, mi reina.” He says looking at your delicate body that he just claimed as his own.
You look at him and smile. “What does that mean.” You coarsely ask, you voice left you a while ago from the screams he caused.
He pulls out of you, laying beside you.
“My queen.” He responds, pulling you to him and pulling a blanket over your body to keep you warm as the night darkens.
You nestle into his warm sweaty body. “That was amazing.” You whisper to him.
“Mi amor, you have never done this before…”
“I haven’t.” You shyly respond.
“I would have never known. But you’re with that boy?” He questions.
“He’s always tries but I just can’t get myself to be with him.” You say.
“He touches you, in any way, I will kill him. You’re mine now.”
“Namor…” you turn to face him.
“Mine.” He grasps onto your body and kisses you deeply.
You lay next to him and fall asleep before you know it. You don’t ever recall being more tired than you are tonight, for good reason that you definitely don’t regret either.
Taglist: @bontensbabygirl @theboggyman
Lemme know if you want to be tagged in the future!
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mandolin22 · 2 years
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*look at those back muscles* 🥵
~Full playlist on Spotify “ 🌊Namor🫧”
*TW: Brief attempted SA
Part 4
“Why the hell haven’t you answered my calls or texts?” He storms up to you waving his phone in your face.
You’re too taken aback seeing him here and Namor taking off to comprehend what’s being yelled at to you.
“Um-what?” You manage to get out.
“I’ve been calling you and you’re not responding!” He shouts in your face. “And who the hell were you talking to?”
“None of your business.” You state staring out into the ocean trying to find Namor.
Your face is suddenly violently grabbed and Riley turns it to him, “Look at me! What is your excuse?”
You back up and slap his arm away, “I told you, I’m here to get away and think! Leave me alone!”
You walk around him and he grabs you pulling you again him. You try pushing away but he holds you there. “Stop!” You yell at him.
“I’m going to teach you not to talk back to me like that and to answer me when I call you!” He shakes you roughly then sloppily kisses you as you try to push away. He only grabs you more firmly, taking a hold of your neck so you can not move away from him. He pushes you against a shed nearby and you feel his hands on you. “I’m going to make you call my name.” He says and tries to pull your bathing suit aside.
Suddenly the weight of him is taken away and you se him rolling across the sandy beach. You look over to see Namor standing over his body. He picks him up with one arm and no effort on his part. You hear yelling from Riley and then he is thrown. Riley gets up and retreats back up the hill to his car, slamming the door behind him driving off.
You look at Namor who is suddenly in front of you, his eyes dark and his hands on your shoulder looking you up and down. You grab his neck intending to pull him into a kiss. He resists and you look at him in confusion.
“What do you want?” He asks, brushing you lip with his thumb and looking back at you.
“I- I don’t know. But thank you.” You says glancing at his lips.
“This will be more than a thank you when it happens.” He tells you.
“How do you know I’ll let it happen again?” You ask not feeling in control of your own emotions.
“It will….” He says. He turns to leave but stops himself and turns to give you a small shell.
“What is this?” You ask as he places it in your hand.
“Should he return and you need me, whisper my name into it and I will be here.” He tells you.
You hold it closely as if your life depended on it and smiled at him.
“Thank you.”
You walk back inside after seeing Namor leave. You sit on your bed, holding the shell that he had given you and you can’t help but smile. How was he so sweet? You wonder if you could use it to just see him again and not necessarily have to be in danger…no. You’re not going to use it already.
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mandolin22 · 2 years
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Part 3
“Namor! I know you hear me.” You call out again.
“Yes, Pequeña querida? You call my name.” He appear walking out of the ocean.
You take a step back as his presence overwhelms you. Your breath hitches and you watch the water drip from his hair and down his chiseled body.
“My eyes are here, mi amor. What do you want?” He speaks.
“Um-I uh - I remember you.” You softly say to him.
“I know you do. Tell me, have you been thinking about me as long as I have you?”
“Um- probably not but I just need to know…what do you want with me?” You ask him, shifting in the sand unsure of what to do with you hands.
He takes notice and takes one of your hands into his. You feel an instant sensation overwhelm you body and snap your hand away from him.
He nods apologetically and does not push you.
No. You will not let this mutant do this to you. Although, you’ve never felt this way around anyone, especially Riley. Other thoughts begin to roam your mind of way you could get back at Riley….no no no.
“What I want I can not tell you yet. I need you to trust me.”
“I’ve read about you. You’re a myth. How do I know I’m not dreaming?”
“For you to think your dreaming of me, must mean I am pleasing to your eyes.” He smirks.
You didn’t think he would come back with that of all things but he isn’t wrong. You try to keep a straight face and your head up but you aren’t sure how to comeback from that. You’ve never been good at smart remarks, though you really wished you were, especially in this moment.
He smiles and closes the distance between the two of you, “I am no myth, y/n.”
Shivers. When he speaks your name…nothing but shivers cover your body.
“I demand you tell me what you want with me.” You state.
He raises an eyebrow as he intently stares you down. “Demanding…that will do you good but not towards me. You will never make demands of me, do you understand querida?”
You phone begins to ring in your pocket which stares you out of a staring contest between you and Namor.
You pull your phone out to see it is Riley. You haven’t returned any of his texts or calls and he is getting pissed. Good.
“You will answer him and end it.” Namor states plainly.
His words shock you, “I’m sorry what? No I will not.” You don’t know why you haven’t ended things, maybe you’re scared of what he would do.
“You are scared of him.” He senses.
You do not respond but simply look away from his intense gaze.
“I will teach him to fear me and soon he will fear you, mi reina.” He whispers into your ear. He begins to walk back into the ocean but you shout after him, “wait, what do you mean by that?”
“You will see in time.” He stops turning to you taking a step closer to cause your breath to hitch at his closeness
“When will I see you again?” You gulp.
“When would you like?” He whispers only centimeters from your face. You feel his warm breath against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
“Soon.” You admit, catching his eyes intently staring into your soul.
His fingers lightly placed under your chin, keep you locked with him and this time you don’t move away from his touch. You shallow hard, your breathing intensifies causing him to take notice and smirk.
He says something in another language you’ve never heard before. It was beautiful though. You catch his eyes glance at your lips and you stiffen which he takes notice of. He slowly leans in but stops and quickly returns to the waters leaving you standing at the edge of the beach.
You whip around to see Riley coming down the hill of your yard into the beach. He looks pissed.
Part 4 added below
Taglist: @bontensbabygirl @theboggyman
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mandolin22 · 2 years
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~Part 2
As y/n lays on the beach watching the sunset, your phone continues to go off. Notification after notification. So much for a quiet tech free vacation. You knew it wasn’t her best friend, you only messages or calls once a day to check up on her mental state, which you already did. Y/n pulls her iPhone from her bag and seeings all of the missed messages from Riley. You sighs and opens them to reveal all of his gaslighting shit.
This past month was suppose to be so enjoyable for the two of you but you had suspicions of him cheating on you. No solid evidence yet apart from a couple spicy screen shots of messages back and forth. When you showed them to him he turn it around on you and accused you of cheating on him because why in the world would that thought cross your mind. He loves you with all of his heart, so he says. Yeah right. You and Riley were suppose to be in Vienna by now sight seeing together but you called off the trip, told him to take his side chick and came up to your family’s beach home instead.
You stop reading his texts as you suddenly feel a presence near you. It had gotten dark rather quickly, or you just weren’t paying attention.
You look around but realizing that your eyes have not adjusted from looking at the screen of your phone you turn the flashlight on and swing it around cautiously until you’re met with a tall man approaching you from the side. You shriek out of freight and immediately retreat backwards towards your home, leaving your belongs on the sandy ground.
“Get back!” You shout.
“No need to hide.” The man states in an attractive accent, which dare you say, causes your body to stop in curiosity.
“That is right.” He speaks once again.
“Who are you?” You ask.
“Call me Namor, mi amor.” He whispers next to her ear as she is still frozen.
“Mi Amor? I don’t know you…or…what are you…?” You scoff trying to regain your senses.
“You will…” He whispers. “…y/n.”
“I never told you my name.”
“You didn’t need to. We’ve met, I’ve just been waiting until a moment like this. On your own.”
“What do you mean…I’ve never seen you before in my life.”
“Yes…don’t you remember, you’ve always seen me, no one believed you when you told them of a man from the ocean.”
You shake your head after a long pause, speechless. “No-no, you’re crazy I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You move around him and grab your bag and towel and turn to go back inside.
“You’re delusional.”
He steps towards you, “don’t you dare follow me!”
“Mi amor, I can not. You must come to me. I will be waiting for you like I always have been.” He states.
You continue walking back up to your home and with one last peak behind you, seeing him still standing there as the tide begins to rise, you go in and shut the door behind you.
Your bag drops to the floor as you lean against the cold metal door, sliding down to the floor.
“There’s no way.” You whisper to yourself, replaying the conversation you just had in you head and as you lay in bed you remember the memories of years past and the image of that man from the ocean, Namor, appears in your head. Maybe you have seen him before.
Plz let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next chapters!
Part 3:
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mandolin22 · 2 years
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Part 1:
Y/N sighs as she gets out of her car in the driveway of her air bnb, bag slung over her shoulders, exhausted from the long drive. Life has not been kind and she decided it was either a trip alone to the beach for the weekend or therapy and well, the trip was cheaper. So she’s tosses her bag down on the bed and pulls out her sweatshirt, pulling it over her head, messing up her hair in the process. She pulls a baseball her on and makes her way to the back door and out onto the deck overlooking the ocean.
The darkness surrounding her eased her soul as she listened to the waves crashing on the shore. She is thankful her family chose this location for their beach home as they only had a few neighbors and they were rarely home when they decided to enjoy the home. Lucky for y/n, no one was home and there would be few visitors to their private beach.
The wind began to pick up making y/n shiver and decide to go inside for the night. She turns to go in but something caught her eye just a short ways into the ocean below her. She contemplated going down to check it out but for all she knew it could be an animal that definitely was not friendly. She stared at the dark shadow for some form of movement but after a moment she returned inside, shutting and locking the door and closing the curtains.
Y/N laid out her swim suit and cover up on the chair next to her bed for tomorrow morning. She brought headphones, books and a journal with her in hopes that this trip will be everything and more that she was hoping…she definitely wasn’t about to dish out hundreds of dollars a week for someone to sit there and nod at her and then proceed to write god knows what down. As she laid her head on her pillow she she fell asleep thinking once more of the shadow in the water on the beach.
Part 2:
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