my-ff-drafts · 1 year
But sike, they're all drag queens hired as a joke by your father, the king, who wanted to see you squirm for a day before bringing out the real suitors arranged for you
You, the prince have been suffering through the parade of prospective brides all day. They’re all beautiful, wonderful women. But you’re gay.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
or the princess just marries a woman? problem solved?
The princess was given a curse where her first husband would die a horrible death. In order to avoid this fate, the royal family used you as scapegoat and married you to the princess, but because of your immortality you have now died over 10 times and still continue to come back to life.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
saw this on twitter rn, if you ever feel discouraged about writing fanfiction, read this again
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
I know I haven't posted, but if u gave questiosn abt my 20 wips.
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
guys, i swear i'll start writing something. someday.
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
or anything really
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
What vibe do I give off?
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Oh so ur a writer?? Prove it. Drop the last sentence of ur wip in the tags
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Self Edit Checklist
Have I introduced my main character(s) early enough?
Have I introduced the world to my readers early and clearly enough?
Do readers understands my character motivation, protagonist and antagonist? What of their goals, traits (strength and weakness)?
Have my characters grow throughout the story? If not, is it intentional?
Will readers find my characters to be relatable, sympathetic, or interesting?
(I don't have to, but have I done my work to develop empathy for my villain both in myself in readers? Is it a cheap-out sad background story, or explored with more nuance?)
Are there plot holes, inconsistencies?
Are there scenes I overwrote?
Are there scenes I underwrote?
How have the conflicts of the story (external and internal) driven it forward? (Have they?)
What sentences, scenes, chapters don’t move the story along? Cut them.
Are each section/chapter told from its consistent point of view? (No headhopping)
Are there factual mistakes that require further research?
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Something I've been rereading
I've recently finished Icarus, Burning and since then, have read all of the author's work. I loved her writing style and the descent, yet also not quite falling in love.
Personally, I have a very love-hate relationship with romance in books. I need a plot and/or porn to prop it up in fics. Otherwise, unless I really ship it or like the fandom, I just can't read plotless things.
Icarus, Burning initially overwhelmed me. It was my first foray into sci-fi in a while. My father loves sci-fi aka star war, star trek, etc. and i felt that i must dislike it. Beyond that, sci-fi has always felt unrealistic since whenever i read a sci-fi story, there were always so many unexplained loose ends that served to push the plot. But back to Icarus, Burning.
I couldn't finish it on my first read-through and only made to Maa-Ilia. I couldn't finish it on my second and met Lachesis. I finally finished it on my third. It was a complicated story to read, but that's what made it so enjoyable.
The complex, yet seeming simple plot wove itself into webs that made me keep reading. This fic accomplished what most sci-fi stories never do for me, it made me not give a fuck about the semantics of the universe.
Also, I loved the worldbuilding from the Interior Circle to the Drakkians and from the Creets to Laupa if ya know what I mean.
Lastly, I'll end this with an annoying habit of mine. Everytime I read "Samiel", I always pronounce as "Samael".
Thanks @ladyinbooks for writing such amazing fics and to all, a good night.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
the temptation to write something for each of these
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Drew some ship dynamics I've written for recently
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
I know
no one likes terrorism, but like...what if there were cyberterrorists who drained the wealth of capitalist assholes...and gave it to like a un fund or something...hmm
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
I am very much in my "fuck love triangles" era, so i'm trying to write a story where basically there's three desi girls at an american high school, catholic and private for flavor.
So main character is our girl, Pari. Now, she's a junior and in track and field and has Parental Pressure about her school subjects. Track is one of the things she got to choose and she loves it. Big time procrastinator and rarely studies for things b/c she remembers the important things easily. not out as lesbian to her homophobic parents. only child
Pari has a crush on a senior named Alia (not the Bhatt one). Alia helped her with her homework once and ever since then, she's been down like a meteor fallen to earth. Alia is an out bisexual, half desi, half irish girl. she has had on and off relationships throughout school with mostly guys and one girl who already graduated. She takes mostly regular classes, wants to be a doctor, and hangs in the cool, but not popular crowd. Also does track and field as a discus/shotput thrower.
Alia's best friend and neighbor is Ria. Ria also has a crush on Alia. Only Alia and her cousin know that she is pansexual demiromantic. Actually she struggles with that label tho, but more on that at 9. Ria is in at least 2-4 AP classes, president of 2 clubs, and is a star track hurdler. Ria is Indian by birth, born there, but moved to America when she was 3.
so basic plot summary is that pari falls from the bleachers at school during track practice and that sends her into a coma. when she "wakes up", she find that she is in ria's body. ria is there with her too and they alternate 6 hours shifts of controlling ria's body. shenanigans ensue. through late night talks and morning time walks wiht a person in your head, they slowly fall in love. what will they do when pari's parents want to pull her off life support tho?
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Loved Her 6
So they started dating, but school continued as it was. She continued to sit with me at lunch. She continued to hug me. She continued to be with me at school. Once, even though it killed me, I asked, “Why don’t you spend time with your boyfriend and me?” She just said something about being shy With PDA and wanting to keep us apart. “Why?” I joked, “Ya think I’m gonna start liking him?” She had a sad smile and after knowing her for 5 years, I could tell exactly what she meant. Yes, I think you’ll fall for him. Yes, I think you two will be in love. Of course, I vehemently denied him and accidentally Blurted that there was someone I liked. She pounced on this like a dog after a bone Asking “Who? When? Where? How?’ And much more. I just said something I regret now. I had just wanted to sound cool and thoughtful, But who knew that my true feelings had filled up to the brim They were on the point of overflowing. I still can’t forget her face though. Her face eagerly anticipating what I was about to reveal.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
why should my characters have moral standards? let them go feral the way they want to.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Loved Her 5
She started dating someone recently. She told me at lunch a couple of days ago She liked someone. A boy, of course, someone a year older than us. Someone her parents already liked. Someone who treated people nicely. Someone who after my shovel talk Smiled and said he was happy that His girlfriend had such good friends like me Someone who as much I didn’t like him wasn’t an asshole. He didn’t run with the brawn-driven jocks. Nor did he run with the brainiac nerds. He carved a place for himself in the weird school ecosystem With his green thumb and environmentalist attitude. He seemed perfect as much as anybody could be.
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
ao3 authors who have no social media are are so mystical. they really be writing and posting some of the most perfectly crafted pieces of media and then disappearing without a trace
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my-ff-drafts · 1 year
Loved Her 4
Ah, how could this have happened. Of course, I had known I was gay. I was attracted to women, not men. But it was always such an abstract concept. For a horny teenager, it just meant I liked the v not the d. And yes, I got off to some hot lesbian porn. But I had never had a crush. Never a serious one. All the ones in the past were assholes And boys; after all, as a romantic, I believed that they treated me badly Because they secretly liked me However, life isn’t a romance novel And people never stop being assholes. I woke up from these “crushes” in just Under a week usually, since they truly held no respect At all for me. But she…I could not be crushing on her. It had to break some best friend code somewhere After all, no straight girl likes The gay best friend when She’s a girl.
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