projectemmatyler · 3 years
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projectemmatyler · 3 years
If this ain’t true... jeez.
Anyway, super pissed off at all y’all who’ve been painting any casual, social relationship between minors and adults as “grooming” or “predatory,” as I try to point an 18-year-old on Twitter whose parents are attempting to force them into ABA therapy towards possible sources of help or support, and they say they have….zero safe adults in their life who are older than 18-20.
Folks. Unrelated, decent, older adults are a vital source of support and safety when someone’s family and school are unreliable or abusive.
There are different appropriate boundaries for friendships between kids and adults than between kids and other kids, but making kids believe that zero adults in their lives are safe to have as friends is not actually making them safer.
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projectemmatyler · 3 years
Despite the assertions of certain scholars, there is little evidence of heteroeroticism in Archaic Greece. Meager references may perhaps be found in the Iliad. While the epic is famous for the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus and its role in turning the tide of the Trojan War, Helen and Paris, commonly interpreted by modern readers as friends, may provide a parallel to these famous lovers. Instrumental to Helen’s escape to Troy with Paris was Aphrodite, whose erotic connotations are well known from Sappho’s poetry. It could be argued, however shocking it may be to our modern sensibilities, that Paris and Helen’s love was of a similar nature. Nevertheless, other possible mentions of “straight” people (I use quotation marks as such an identity did not exist in Ancient Greece) remain debatable. There is no evidence that Hector and Andromache’s love was anything but platonic; the intimacy of their exchange in Book 6 should not be taken as heteroerotic, as declarations of strong affection between friends were common in ancient times. Neither is their marriage proof of institutionalised different-sex unions based on attraction. It is well known that most marriages were concluded for practical reasons, and romantic feelings rarely, if ever, entered the picture. As such, the question of whether “straight” people existed in Archaic Greece cannot be conclusively answered.
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projectemmatyler · 3 years
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Welcome to volume edition number #18 of Adventures in Wrangling! We’re live again this week because, get this: I’m … procrastinating again. I know. Shocking.
All included tags are tags whose existence I confirmed when collecting them, but the works they’re on may have been deleted since then.
As always, many thanks to 1) the taggers, 2) the browsers, and 3) the wranglers for collecting and sharing these. I (unironically) love all of them, and hope y’all will too.
Try to read the fandoms these are on – you won’t be disappointed. This week we have some unexpected fourth wall breakage.
Here you can find the full-sized tags’ image file, and you can find the plain text version of the tags behind the cut:
Keep reading
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projectemmatyler · 3 years
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Welcome to volume number #17 of Adventures in Wrangling! All hail and well-met! We’re here live and unqueued this volume because there’s something I’m industriously procrastinating on.
As always, many thanks to 1) the taggers, 2) the browsers, and 3) the wranglers for collecting and sharing these. I (unironically) love all of them, and hope y’all will too.
Try to read the fandoms these are on – you won’t be disappointed. This time there’s chicken and a peanut butter sandwich.
You can find the plain text version of the tags behind the cut:
Keep reading
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projectemmatyler · 3 years
if you can't get on ao3 tonight it's because a minecraft streamer rpf fic just updated and all 41k of the authors twitter followers tried to read it at once and yes if reading this confused you it means you're officially old
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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I have no one, Major.
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
Lady Varya of the Northern Star
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A character from my original novel.
Goddess of light and heroes, guide of the lost, the most independent of all gods.
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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Mythober 2020 Day 2 - Wisp
Finnish goddess Untar/Undutar, goddess of fog and mist, holding her sieve and releasing wisps of fog into the world
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
As someone who’d repeatedly gotten reviews on fics about how much they adored my works and how much they meant to them, it never ceases to humble me how much my words can change things for the better.
It’s terrifying. It’s exhilarating.
This is my labor of love, given without any expectations of repayment, created for the simple enjoyment because I want to tell my own version of an ages-old story, and for it to be someone else’s inspiration? Someone else’s will to live? Someone else’s chance to change their own little corner of the world?
I repeat: terrifying, and exhilarating.
On Fanfiction
I was cruising through the net, following the cold trail of one of the periodic “Is or is not Fanfic the Ultimate Literary Evil?” arguments that crop up regularly, and I’m now bursting to make a point that I never see made by fic defenders.
We’re all familiar with the normal defenses of fic: it’s done out of love, it’s training, it’s for fun. Those are all good and valid defenses!
But they miss something. They damn with faint praise. Because the thing is, when you commit this particular Ultimate Literary Evil you’ve now told a story. And stories are powerful. The fact that it wasn’t in an original world or with original characters doesn’t necessarily make it less powerful to any given reader.
I would never have made this argument a few years ago. A few years ago I hadn’t received messages from people who were deeply touched by something I wrote in fanfic. So what if it’s only two or three or four people, and I used someone else’s world and characters? For those two or three or four people, I wrote something fucking important. You cannot tell me that isn’t a valid use of my time and expect me to feel chastened. I don’t buy it. I won’t feel ashamed. I will laugh when you call something that touches other people ‘literary masturbation.’ Apparently you’re not too up on your sex terminology.
Someone could argue that if I’d managed the same thing with original characters in an original world, it could’ve touched more people. They might be right! On the other hand, it might never have been accepted for publication, or found a market if self published, and more importantly I would never have written it because I didn’t realize I could write. The story wouldn’t have happened. Instead, thanks to fanfic being a thing, it did. And for two or three or four people it mattered. When we talk about defending fanfic, can we occasionally talk about that?
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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TLC: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Famine (Minos) Conquest (Aiacos) War (Rhadamanthys) And Death
By Neonbread
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
The damn diacritics on AO3 (aka What’s Your Effing Problem Jennie)
(disclaimer here: Jennie is a placeholder name that I for some reason don’t like. No offense to any Jennies meant.)
First few things I’d like to clarify here before I really light into this.
I am, as of March 2020, a member of OTW (Organization for Transformative Works), parent organization of Archive of Our Own, better known as Ao3. I am also a volunteer attached to Tag Wrangling committee, which means I get to see all your dumb shit you write in tags, try to make sense of it and link it to the canonical tags and/or make new ones if enough of you guys write the same thing in the tags. That’s my job that I do without any pay, for no real obligatory amount of time per week, with pleasure because I’m a fan, doing this for fans, to make their life on Ao3 happier and easier to navigate.
I also don’t speak for the OTW as organization, or AO3 as project, or any of the committees there - I speak as me, myself and I. And boy do I have shit to say here.
I am, surprise surprise, a fan of MXTX works. I’m also one of more than a dozen wranglers who’re currently panting as they try to keep our wrangling to-dos in all MXTX fandoms (including Módào Zǔshī, Untamed, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, and Tiān Guān Cì Fú). Yes, over a dozen wranglers. You heard me right. Not everyone there is willing out themselves (for some it may even be dangerous to out themselves as parts of OTW!), but I am willing, and I’m not going to shy away from calling several people, some of which include former wranglers who I have to admit have never met, on their BS.
So, the whole shebang was brought to me when a Twitter user decided that they can speak for Ao3, OTW and Tag Wrangling volunteers - that are about 400 in total right now - and say that one single person, who must be straight, white cisgender American (because why the eff not, this is something Cool Kids Say With No Repercussions Or Second Thoughts), decided to unilaterally decide that all Chinese fandoms, MDZS and Guardian in particular (we’ll come back to that later!), would be using pinyin tone markers. Instead of framing this as ‘this makes everyone’s life difficult, can we talk about this?’, this person decided it’d rather attack the organization; more specifically, a part of organization in whose purview the decision of making standards for canon fandom tags, and the smallest subsection of that part - us.
Yes, you attacked us. Thanks for that. What a nice thank you we get for dealing with your tags (and also, we have to use pinyin too!)
But moving on from my salty feelings.
The discourse that went on from there assumed three things:
One - there’s one MXTX wrangler.
Two - we’re all white American folk.
Three - we do this to spite Guardian and MDZS fandoms.
First one I already disputed (also, we get over 100 tags daily from MXTX fandoms at minimum, and when there are fan events, the numbers can climb up to 200 - do you really think one person could do it and stay sane?). Third one I can also dispute by the fact that I wrangle Liàn Yǔ Zhì Zuò Rén | Mr. Love: Queen's Choice and follow same rules. The rules for diacritics are also not even unique only to Chinese fandoms: Star Wars’ Padmé Amidala tag also has diacritics to name the most well known one, as do Polish-named and Spanish-named characters!
And yet, somehow, it’s only Guardian and MDZS that are being attacked. Why?
Because of the assumption number 2: we’re all darn racist white folk that come from good ole’ US of A.
As someone who’s decidedly not an American citizen (heck, my native language is not even English!) and find it quite offensive to be called that, I’m incensed. I’m incensed on the behalf of all Chinese-descent, Chinese-immigrant and China-inhabiting members that I work with as a MDZS wrangler, wrangler in general and fellow OTW volunteer. I’m incensed on the assumption that the English-speaking fandom, who is primarily based in US, is arbitrarily attacking Ao3, and this time me specifically as MDZS wrangler, on their goddamn entitlement, and claiming that the most international community I’ve ever had the pleasure to be part of as a fan is not taking their opinion into consideration, so therefore I have to be racist.
In not so polite words, go get that stick out of your ass, you special little snowflake.
I literally don’t give a shit if you’re PoC when you’re behaving like a stereotypical Karen on the block. I don’t care how much you wave your ‘I’m a protected group‘ card; if you’re an entitled piece of shit, you’re an entitled piece of shit and I’ll say it.
OTW, and Ao3 as its biggest and most well known project, is not perfect, as I’ve found out quickly after joining - we are a decentralized group of 800+ volunteers from all walks of life and all across the world, who are divided into groups that had to make rules that’ll accommodate an international fandom, and not just US-centric, English speaking one. Tag Wrangling rules have been subject to change before, and they are still subject to change - if the wrangling staff, volunteers and Board all manage to agree on something that’ll be inclusive to everyone, the change can be made, and we wranglers will gladly comply. However, framing this as your goddamn social justice crusade against Ao3, and only using two biggest Chinese-media fandoms in US specifically, stinks of typical entitlement I’ve been dealing since I was thirteen and naively stumbled into Fanfiction dot net, where I discovered fanfic.
I am sick and tired of fractions of US-based fandom refusing to even try to engage into a constructive conversation about fandoms, insisting that the entire international fandom has to accept their frame of mind, while at the same time not bothering to even try and understand our own frames (yes, I’m talking about all the ‘oh, you’re of X ethnicity, you must be an Y nationality’ shitstick I see all the time). I’m sick and tired of issues only being raised once US fandom learns about it, and preferably not even research the background for those things before starting a crusade while they’re at it.
In short, I’m tired of entitled, special snowflake Jennies who think waving their PoC, non-heterosexual, non-cisgender cards gets them a get out of jail card for their shitty-ass behavior. You’re not being crusaders for justice, you’re just being shitty-ass people, and please stop while you’re still ahead.
Talk with us constructively if you want to change, and piss off if you don’t.
This is me fuming at nearly 12 AM, because I can no longer ignore this shit. I repeat again for contrary idjits who didn’t read my disclaimer: I speak as me, myself and I, wrangler of MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS, and also MCQL, and not as spokeperson for either OTW, Ao3 or Tag Wrangling Committee.
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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mermaid / wǔdàn / dress-up / mortal world / salvation
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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Baby Wen Qing
My sketch of the day! Baby Wen Qing with pigtails attacked me, and I had no choice but to obey and make this... Cutie!
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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Andromeda, Princess of Aethiopia/Queen of Mycenaea - color study 
My tumblr is rapidly devolving into a dumping space for all my artistic ventures, no matter the quality... oops? But I needed to get my artistic urges out of me, and in the lack of motivation to write, I’ve been sketching and painting like crazy.
This one is a product of a personal pet peeve of mine - I decided to say screw post-Ovid white-washing of Andromeda and go with most accurate geographical location her kingdom could be located at going purely by the records and references in myth and etymological meaning of Aethiopia in Greek (roughly translated, it means land of ‘burnt-skinned’, and is physically located near the tip of Horn of Africa or at the edges of Arabic Peninsula)
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
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Baxia and Shuoyue are more than ready to throw down, which is actually really bad...
Liebing has a cool head, thank everything.
Previous part is here.
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