quotedfictions · 9 months
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Synopsis: What if Miyo had a twin sister? What if the Saimori's had three daughters instead of two? Miyo's twin was sent off to marry the only son of the Raiden family under the assumption that she would end up like Miyo and begging on the streets for money because of her lack of spirit sight.
Themes: Crossover, AU, My happy marriage, fluff, soft Scaramouche, hidden power, Time skips Husband scaramouche
Warnings: Depictions of trauma, Violence, depictions of depression. physical abuse
Word Count: 1,450
Note: My phone published this before it was finished I apologize readers for the double notification from this post.
It had been weeks since the meeting with your father. Miyo had been sent off to marry Kiyoko Kudou, and Kaya was to marry Kouji; you've been hidden from most people because your father was ashamed to have two giftless children, unknown to your father. You had a gift; you had been keeping it hidden to protect you, lovely twin sister, from being alone through the abuse. When she was sent off to marry, you were lost, no one to talk to you, no one there to comfort you when you were denied your requests to leave the Saimori home. One day, your father called you to a room for a meeting, and something inside you felt excited and scared.
Reaching the door, you gently knock on the shoji. "Father, it's me, Y/n." Your voice is soft and quiet, your father responds, allowing you to enter. You sit on the floor, your ankles tucked underneath you as you use your left hand to open the door; you bow gently before standing up and stepping over the edge of the tatami while turning to close the door before waiting on instruction. "Y/n, do not just stand there. Sit." You jump a little before gently pulling out a pillow to sit on, sitting the way you were when you opened the door. When you have the chance, you look at your surroundings. You see an unfamiliar woman with soft purple hair in a thick braid cascading down her back, her purple kimono nicely complimenting her hair and sparkling lavender eyes.
"Y/n, this is Raiden Ei. You will leave to meet your fiance, her son, in three days." Your soft eyes widen; you are leaving this awful place. It was still a form of freedom even if you were marrying someone you had never met. You nod politely at Ei before excusing yourself to pack your things. Outside your room, you can hear Kaya and her mother celebrating that the second useless child would now be gone; luckily, you were celebrating that you could finally use your gift freely and have it documented for the first time. You never once used your powers in the Saimori home, didn't want to be separated from your sister, and didn't want to be married off because of your abilities. As you finish packing, you open the floorboard and place a beautiful pink braided cord with sakura flowers your mother had woven for you before she passed. You then place your belongings to the side, ready to go to bed, before a servant comes and hands you a lovely purple kimono lined with gold, telling you to wear it the day you leave.
Sitting in the back of a car, you watch the trees pass by you. You had never been this far away from the saimori house, and you hoped that your new fiance liked you because you had nowhere else to go if you were rejected, but your father and his mother had already signed a betrothal agreement. Like he did for your sister, your father gifted you a fresh kimono suited for meeting your new fiance without putting the saimori household in a bad light. You smile softly at the trees and farmland you pass, knowing that even if you were kicked out, you would be happy to work. Anything would be better than the abuse from your stepmother and half-sister.
The car slowly pulls to a halt, and you are greeted with a gorgeous home, with large cherry blossom trees everywhere, touching your heart as it reminds you of your sister and mother. A young woman dressed in a servant's kimono helped me get out of the car and offered to carry the small luggage. You politely declined and asked to be shown to your new room for the afternoon before meeting your future husband. You place your stuff in a drawer and explore your new home. Stumbling across a small kitchen, you smile softly, reminded of how much time you spent with your twin learning to cook.
You and Miyo spent much time together, but she focused more on surviving. You honed your homemaking skills just in case you were to be married off to be a housewife; like your sister, you knew how to cook and sew, but you also spent time learning flower arrangements, caretaking, and calligraphy. You wanted to be prepared to have a middle-class housewife's responsibilities instead of a noblewoman's. You were lucky that your father even agreed to marry you, especially with how well hidden from the public eye and other people you were. When the saimori house had visitors, you would stay in the kitchen or your room. You assume that Lady Ei was there for Kaya under the presumption that Kaya had not yet been engaged, but when you got summoned by your father, you knew you were bound for freedom.
You familiarized yourself with the household, your new maid following you quietly. You had already gotten acquainted, and she was kind enough to ensure you wouldn't get lost while exploring your new home. You've heard from some of the staff whispering that your Fiancé is blunt, with a heart of ice, but my maid, Aki, Reassured you that he was kind at heart, much like Miyo's fiancé Lord Kudo. As you venture around the house, you hear soft but upset footsteps from a hall just ahead. Not paying any attention, you pause with Aki behind you to look at the cherry trees that lined the property.
You begin to venture back to your room, but your path is blocked by a simple, pale purple kimono with a white haori resting atop it. You gasp softly and bow your head, apologizing profusely for not paying attention before the taller male huffs. "Do not apologize. You have done nothing wrong; I was the one who blocked the path." You keep your head down but stop apologizing as ordered, scared you will be punished by the man in front of you; his attitude and how he carries himself are intimidating. You slowly lift your head, observing the male before you; he has jellyfish-cut indigo hair and sharp violet eyes. You could tell he got his looks from his mother, but you couldn't say about his personality.
The male grabs your chin and inspects your face before letting go and huffing, "So your Y/n Saimori?" Your eyes widen in shock as you bow gently, being briefed by Aki on how to greet your new fiancé. "It's a pleasure to meet you, lord Scaramouche; please treat me well." Scaramouch rolled his eyes, pulling you out of your bow and making direct eye contact. "You are to call me only Scaramouche, understand? None of that Lord crap." You nod softly as he releases you and starts walking. "It's almost time for dinner. Are you joining me or not?" His tone was stern, but you could hear the curiosity and concern. You follow him quietly, dismissing Aki to the kitchen.
Months had gone by; you and Scaramouche had gotten married before the incident with Miyo and your father, and you had learned of your Usaba bloodline through your now husband after the incident with the Saimori's. It was interesting being Lady Raiden Y/n, especially with how long it takes for you to even sit next to your husband when having tea. You had grown relatively close to him after your wedding. You had spent a lot of time together. Over time, you had learned how to control your telekinesis, and you had even informed Scaramouche of it, but something seemed off lately; it was becoming irritated when you called his name.
That evening, you couldn't seem to sleep and were staring out at the cherry blossom trees and their falling leaves as the fall season grew close. You feel a pair of arms wrap around you, and you melt softly; all those rumors you had initially heard before meeting him had disappeared quite a bit ago, shortly after your marriage. "Scara-" "Its Kunikuzushi, I just go by Scaramouche. I should have told you sooner. I've been annoyed that my wife wasn't calling me by my actual name, but god knows why my mother named me Country Destroyer." You try to hold in your giggles, but they spill through. Kuni looked at you with a strange look before you turned and kissed his cheek. "Better late than never, I guess." You both smile softly.
You both walk back to Kuni's room; tonight, he invites you in, and you spend the rest of the night enjoying each other presence and company, and you talk until you both doze off in each other's arms.
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quotedfictions · 10 months
Among the Stars
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Synopsis: Mao and his band Trickstar became very famous after they debuted from their idol academy; all of them had found it increasingly challenging to avoid girls in public; along with this, Mao was having difficulties keeping the one girl he most cared about safe from his crazy fans, while she tried to keep away her producers just long enough to have a moment alone with the one man in her life she cared for.
Themes: Fame, Secret Romance, Secret marriage, Fluff, Secret date, secretly married.
Warnings: Stalker Fan, Mentions of being followed home/stalked
Word Count: 1,022
Mao had been performing in a large concert hall all evening. Trickstar had been hosting a country-wide tour, and they were finishing off in Mao's place of residence because he had something planned for you after you finished your photoshoot for the evening; it was hard being famous and married, and him being in an industry where it was career suicide to even date made it incredibly difficult to go anywhere public that didn't have a VIP area with multiple rooms so you could show up at different times. On many occasions, you would often use your handsome manager as a scapegoat if you and Mao were caught together, your manager being your internet husband and saying every meet-up was a business meeting on future collaborations.
It was easy to get collaborations with your husband, mainly because his manager loved Trickstar and ensured you had partnerships to back up the alibi for any date or outing you had together. Instead of living in luxury, you lived with Mao's parents, his sister had long moved out, and since your parents lived down the street, it was pretty easy to have all your mail go to your house. You came home two hours early because you did well in your photo shoot; your producer and manager sent you home with gifts for you and your husband's anniversary, including some gag gifts neither of you would use unless you wanted to get explorative. You greet your mother and father-in-law as they relax in the living room, their laundry hanging out to dry. You had done your and your husband's laundry the day before because you had the day off to rest, relax and take care of chores at home.
You had also watched your husband's opening night's live stream three days beforehand, knowing that his tour was ending tonight and that you both would be able to celebrate your anniversary at home together for the first time in two years. You and Mao had gotten married three years ago, right before his first tour and your first drama; at the time, you were a small actress, and Mao hadn't made a tour debut yet, so it allowed you both to host a small wedding with friends and family only, your wedding only had 10 guests including his parents and sister, your parents and brother Trickstar and some childhood friends you could trust with this secret.
Later that evening, Mao came home to his parents in their room resting, and you cooking a special dinner just for you and him; he was tired, but he also knew how important this day was to you and him because it was a reminder of your love for each other. He walks up to you and hugs you from behind, burying his face into your neck and kissing your cheek softly and happily. You smile softly and tilt your head to face him. "Mao, you're home! I'm making tempura and fried chicken cutlet; I bought some premium tuna, so I also made sashimi."
Your husband smiles and kisses your cheek once again, leaning against the counter, one arm behind his back, a cheeky grin on his face because of the surprise he had prepared for you beforehand;. However, he was in his casual wear; you still found him handsome because of the night's mood; you weren't dressed up either; in fact, you were wearing a straight dress with your house slippers in a simple f/c, the hem stopping above your ankles. You finish the cutlet as you plate everything before noticing your husband hiding something behind his back. "Mao~ what are you hiding?" He pulls out a full bouquet of red roses and a jewelry box, making you smile softly and wrap your arms around his neck
"a few presents, love. After all, today is a reminder of our love" Mao presses his forehead against yours and opens the small box, revealing a necklace shaped like a heart, lined with diamonds and a musical note in the middle. Mao helps put it around your neck before handing you the flowers while placing the plates on the island in the kitchen where you had placed a few candles and nice clothes for the dishes to go on. As you put the roses in the face, you hear a knock at the door, which is odd for this time of night. Mao goes to open the door, and you move off to the side so you can see while not being seen.
As Mao opened the door, he was perturbed to see a fan he had met just a few hours ago at the closing meet and greet. "Um? Did you follow me home?" the small girl nodded and tried to go under the house, but Mao closed the door behind him and pushed the girl away, keeping you hidden from the stalker fan as she tried to peer into the house. Mao gets the girl away from home before calling the police and giving her name, description, and address because she started revealing everything about herself the minute she was with her idol to gain his attention and love. When Mao returns and sighs before going over to his wife and peppering her face in kisses as she takes off her apron. He guides her to her seat before their conversational dinner, enjoying every bite.
Later in the evening the couple laid in their bed, cuddling while watching their favorite shows, you were the little spoon and your back was pressed against his bare chest, you were dozing off, watching the TV. Mao had noticed and nuzzled his face into your neck before kissing your cheek "Tired love?" you nod and roll over, burying your face in his chest as he turns off the tv, the only light coming from the window as the moon sat in the sky. Mao rubs your back softly as you begin to dose off, kissing your forehead. Mao's love for you had only grown, as the two of you fell asleep, your wedding photo's and rings sat on a table near the window, glistening in the moon light.
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quotedfictions · 10 months
The Red Fairy's Love
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Synopsis: Erza comes home after a long day at the guild, having to babysit Gray and Natsu for hours, and wishes to have a nice dinner with her loving girlfriend. However, Y/n seems a little more sleepy than usual when Erza gets home.
Themes: Fluff, Soft Erza, LGBTQ, Lesbianism, rest, comfort
Warnings: None
Word Count: 499
Note: This is my first time attempting to write the reader in a Lesbian relationship, but I had a personal request from someone I care about and decided I would try my best for them <3
Edit: Forgot word count, capitalization
It had been a long day for Erza; there weren't any high-paying quests on the board today, so she spent most of the day in the guild babysitting Gray and Natsu; she hadn't even had a chance to Requip into something comfortable upon leaving the guild. She missed her girlfriend. Y/n L/n, a beautiful girl with long h/c hair, smooth skin, and E/c eyes that you could get lost in as they lit up in excitement from whatever she was talking about. Y/n wasn't a wizard, but she was brilliant; she helped many local businesses with finance and accounting.
Erza loved her very much, and the best thing about going home to her was whether it had been a few hours or months. There was always a happy beaming Y/n with a fresh plate of warm food and cuddles waiting for her when she returned. Today was the same, aside from Y/n looking more tired than usual. When Erza entered the shared home, she was not greeted with a hyper hug and gentle kiss to the cheek; she was greeted with a delicate wrist pull into a sleepy hug, fresh food on the table, and no book, just papers strewn about.
"y/n, are you alright?" Erza did tend to drop the tough girl side of her around y/n, and seeing how tired her significant other was caused her some concern; using her observation skills, she also noticed the coffee cup on the table and the significantly more empty bag of coffee grounds in the open cabinet. "Y/n, you need a break from whatever is making you like this; this can't be good for you," The other girl whined, knowing she needed to get it done and not wanting to stop. "But that" Tati- she never used that nickname unless she wanted something out of erza.
Erza huffed, gently picking up y/n and placing her on their shared bed. "You need a break. Sit here, and I'll clean up. Get some rest, N/n," The female huffed, watching erza walk off and begin to clean and organize the papers; she ate her portion of the food and got a warm blanket with some hot cocoa for them. Finally getting a chance to stop, erza requires more comfortable clothes, a loose t-shirt, and some shorts before returning to her girlfriend.
"erza, you don't have to worry about me," Y/n sighed in defeat as the red-haired female snuggled beside her on the bed and gave her the hot chocolate. "Y/n, all you do is care and worry for me; let me do the same for you; what kind of woman would I be to you if I didn't?" Y/n sighs and snuggles into her lover's side, resigning to the female's words, knowing she has a valid point.
Two women cuddled through the night, enjoying many cups of hot chocolate, tea, and other soothing drinks, and as they relaxed, they soon fell asleep in each other's arms, resting their eyes for the evening.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Silver Lining
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Synopsis: It had been thousands of years since that battle that killed Shirou and granted him immortality; the love of his life died in that battle. However, a miracle happened shortly after he awoke, but he was not there to witness it, and her certainly did not learn about it until Michiru arrived in Anima City.
Themes: Romance, Lost Love, Fluff, Angst, Happy Reunion, Married Reader, Timeskips
Warnings: Mentions Death, Mentions Violence, Depictions of Violence, Death and War, Profanity,
Word Count: 1,604
Edit: (Forgot word count)
Thousands of years ago, a war between beastmen and humans emerged in a small city where they once had peace, but suddenly fear and anger emerged in the humans. Caught in the fray of violence were a young Wolf and her husband; they had been separated in the chaos, and the young wolf had died hours before her husband; he soon was killed after seeing her body 20 feet away. He was shot with an arrow straight through his neck, while his wife was shot in the heart.
A phenomenon occurred, the blood of the entire village had gifted both with immortality, but only the husband woke; thinking she was still dead, he moved her to where she would have wanted to be in her last moments. She never wanted to be buried right after death. She wanted to spend at least a day in her bed before she was buried, allowing her body the last comforts of life before she moved on.
By the time the wife awoke, she, like her husband, was bewildered, finding herself with new powers and a star-shaped scar on her chest. She looked around the room, expecting to find her husband nursing her back to health, but all she could see was an empty room and hear nothing but the wind blowing through piles of corpses; now, by the time she had woken up, 10 years had passed, although faint she could pick up the smell of her husband, discovering that her smell had been heightened, she stood and embarked on a journey, that would not reunite her with her love until many centuries later . -✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-✧-✦-
Y/n sat on a boat with a mink and a very anxious tanuki, who seemed to be getting offended about being called a raccoon, Y/n could smell the human on her, but something was off since it wasn't leading anywhere. "ah, what did you say your name was again?" the smaller beastmen, still in beast form, addressed the paled skinned female with shoulder length H/c hair. Y/n did not want to reveal her identity to this girl because of her powers, but she had no other ideas. "My name is Y/n Ogami," The wolf huffed quietly and looked back out to the ocean, and the Tanuki finally shut up.
As the boat landed, Michiru disappeared into the festival, but Y/n stayed by the docks. She was scared. She hadn't been around this many beastmen in a very long time, but her anxiety lessened when she was told that no humans aside from Alan Sylvasta were present in the city. Soon a loud boom was heard from the festival, putting Y/n on alert as she began to sniff the air around her, looking for the origin of the sound. Y/n rushed off, seeing a collapsed billboard accompanied by a confused and scared crowd.
Y/n started running around calming people down, worried for the place she wished to call home, where she wanted to base the operations of her search. Over the centuries, Y/n had never stopped looking for her husband, with the slight hope in her heart that he was blessed with the same miracle she was; after all, how else did she end up in the one place she wanted to rest in after death. Although the chaotic evening had delayed her search, she would never run out of time to find him if he was still alive.
After spending the night with the mink who owned the boat, she headed straight for the Mayor, hoping to gain an audience with her and the Mayor would have information about her husband. She had the luck of filling out a citizenship form before arriving. Unfortunately, she still had to watch others fighting over petty crap in city hall. They were already fighting when she came, but she was so distracted that she didn't notice the familiar scent leaving the building.
As she enters the Mayor's office, guided by a security officer, she looks around curiously before stopping a small distance from the desk. "Uh…" While Y/n was looking for the words to greet herself, the Mayor turned to look at her and smiled softly. "You must be the beastmen who arrived during the festival last night; such a terrible incident must have dampened your mood; how can I help you?" Y/ smiles softly; unlike her husband, she had become shyer over time. Although just as serious as he was, she still had trouble talking to new people.
"I'm looking for my husband, I lost him a long time ago, and I was wondering if you would have any information on him? His name is Shirou Ogami" Mayor Rose lifted an eyebrow in surprise, so this was Shirous infamous wife that he refused to talk about. "Although I cannot give you much, I would suggest heading to the Beast Co-op until you can find a place to settle down; the people there are wonderful and full of surprises; I hope this aids in your search," Y/n smiles brightly, although it wasn't much it was a start.
Wandering through the city, Y/n buys some pastries as she heads toward her new destination and soon-to-be temporary home. The smell of food always made her hungry, and considering the poor girl hadn't had a proper meal in about a month, she thought it would be best to treat herself to finding a somewhat reliable lead to finding her husband.
Y/n walks up to the lovely building, reading beastmen co-op in finely printed letters, and enters, immediately being greeted by a happy couple who had received word of her arrival; Y/n was surprised at how fast word spread to people if it concerned the Mayor or new beastmen. The nice woman, Melissa, offered her a nice meal while they waited for the other two residents to show up, wanting to ensure there would be no conflicts in sleeping arrangements. Y/n smiled up at Melissa and asked if she could find a place to read, and Melissa took her to a room filled with books, an office that, when Y/n entered, smelled incredibly familiar, like she had encountered the scent before.
Hours had passed, and Y/n had fallen asleep sitting next to a bookshelf, a book lying open in her lap and her head leaning off to the side. The door to the office opened, and in walked a tall man with white hair, a black collar, and a small crow on his shoulder. Adjusting his gloves and removing his coat before noticing a new smell in his office. Melissa did say they had a new resident. He looked around and saw a more petite figure, about two inches shorter than she was, sleeping with a book. The male placed his coat on his chair and walked up the steps to the second-level shelves.
As the male approached the sleeping figure, her physical appearance shocked him. She looked a lot like his wife, with a modern clothing taste. He gently picked up the female, causing her slumbered state to stir, the book hitting the floor quite loudly. She stretched her arms before rubbing her eyes and squinting at the person holding her above the ground. Unable to identify who was holding her, she sniffed before jumping out of the man's arms, tears forming in her eyes.
Shirou was really confused; why was this woman crying at the sight of him, and why did she look so shocked by his scent, Y/n squats to the ground and started rubbing her eyes and calming herself down. She hiccups and rubs her cheeks before standing back up and walking up to Shirou, placing her forehead against his chest, giggling softly, "I found you…" although quiet, it was picked up by Shirou's ears, confused he gently grabs her shoulders and pulls her away from his chest to get a good look at her.
Surprised by his reaction, Y/n tilted her head slightly to the right, curious about what he was doing. The taller male inspected her face; of course, he hadn't recognized her right away, it had been hundreds of years, and at the time, they didn't have the technology to produce photos. "Shirou???" Y/n was concerned about her husband's failure to recognize her. Shirous eyes went wide when she said his name. That's what made the whole thing click in his memory.
Shirou hugged her tight and buried his face in her hair. "How?" his voice was quiet as she hugged back. "I was granted the same things you were… it took me so long to find you…" Melissa opened the office door to check up on Y/n before noticing the two in a loving hug before closing the door quietly to leave them be. The two pulled apart and placed their foreheads against each other "You know, it was courageous of the mayor to not tell me you live here" Y/n smiled up at Shirou as he rolled his eyes and picked her up, heading towards his room so he and his wife couple could get their rest "Mayor Rose has her ways, maybe she wished for you to be surprised."
Placing Y/n down in the bed, he sat down next to her and introduced her to Kuro as they caught up on hundreds of years apart from each other, and for once, Shirou found a silver lining to being the silver wolf, that being his wife turned out to be alive and that she's been looking for him all these years. That night they fell asleep next to each other for the first time in centuries, reunited.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Blood In The Water
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Synopsis: A doll created to represent the Shogun's Biological daughter is tossed to the side when Ei finds an abandoned orphan on the steps of the Tenshukaku Palace; Ei's original creation greets her after being discovered in a river not far from Inazuma city, injured and nowhere to go, forgotten by the people you thought loved you.
Themes: Time Skips, Soft Scaramouche, hidden emotions, Romance, Protective lover/boyfriend, Slow burn (sort of), fluffy fluff, loss, gried
Warnings: Mentions of Abandonment Issues, Physical Injury, descriptions of nudity, depictions of death, loss
Word Count: 2,502
Note: Although I have described the reader to be created the same way and by the same person as Scaramouche, they are not brother and sister. Also I've never played past the first Raiden fight story wise. As I wrote this I ended up making it longer than planned lol.
Scaramouche had been wandering for hours; while his mission was going as planned, he was on a scenic walk along the river just to scout out the area for possible disruptions to his project. He paused when he saw a small, petite figure floating down the river; the person had a soft purple hue to their hair and place skin; at first, Scaramouche thought it to be just a corpse, but when it grew closer, he noticed how similar this skin texture was to his. Either way, Scaramouche paid no mind to the floating body; it was none of his business.
The body began to move, although sluggish as if it had been asleep for days; it was a girl. She grabbed onto a nearby rock, but as a doll created by Ei, she grabbed a little too hard for her own good and broke the small surface area she had grabbed hold of. The snapping of the rock brought Scaramouche's attention back to the girl, she was sitting up in the water, no longer floating aimlessly, and her eyes were lidded. Scaramouche approached the petite figure; the only expression on his face was his anger. Her eyes kept his attention; they looked cold and lifeless, like a doll's eyes. Still, he could make out the radiant E/c present, almost as if they were made of a stone or gem in that color.
"Who. Are. You?" Scaramouches tone was not pleasant and was very harsh; after all, he was looking at a girl, clothes barely covered with the number of tears and rips present and missing a shoe. The small girl hits the sides of her head, gently emptying water out of her ears; she then looks up at the boy, who appears to be about two to three inches taller than her and replies, "Uum… I'm not sure, considering I've just been thrown out by a god who preferred a mortal baby over me" The girl stood up slowly, water dripping off her clothes while she held a blank expression.
This piqued Scaramouche's interest; thrown out by a god? Was she not mortal? Scaramouche rephrased his question, grabbing the little fabric she had left on her top. "Let me rephrase. What are you?" The girl bit her lip, hesitant to answer; for all she knew, she was the only creation of Ei with autonomy, but she was already found out. The girl wasn't mortal because she didn't know how to filter her anger yet. Reluctantly she told the boy so he would release her and let her stand on her own. "I am a doll, a creation of the electro archon and no longer worthy of being her heir, abandoned basically."
She was surprised when instead of being scared, the boy's face remained unchanged as he dropped her down to the ground before grabbing her wrist tightly and dragging her towards the city. "You are filthy and improperly dressed; come with me." Scaramouche didn't give her much choice, but he knew he did not want her to face the same betrayals that would void her of all other emotions; he did not want her to feel animosity toward the mortals; it could be helpful to him. Scaramouche paused in his steps and turned to look at her. "Come up with a name for yourself; you're worthless to her, so there is no need to keep the name she gave you" "She didn't give me one." Scaramouche turned around, gripping her wrist tighter, it was unpleasant and slightly painful, but it was nothing compared to Ei's training.
"If she didn't give you a name, then I'll give you one" Scaramouche had this annoyed, angered expression on his face, dealing with a girl who had never stepped outside the Tenshukaku and had no human experience. He began to think he should have left her in the river and let her become like him before he shook his head quickly and started towards the city once more; she was practically naked and covered in dried mud. Once near Inazuma City, Scaramouch covered her with a cloak just as dirty as he found on the road.
The male pulled the girl over to a clothing stand and bought her something clean, ensuring it would fit; he then took her to a nearby bathhouse and pushed her into the room for girls. Scaramouche was very uncomfortable performing acts of help. However, he did not wish for history to repeat itself; his animosity towards mortals would not be recreated significantly if an untainted doll could gain the mortal's trust.
The girl emerged in a loose (f/c) kimono with purple accents that complimented it well; Scaramouche handed her a new pair of shoes and a clean cloak. "Let go," He grabbed her wrist. Scaramouche loosens his grip as the trek to his camp continues, but it is still solid and firm as he guides the girl, hoping she will be at least somewhat helpful. The girl was feeling a growing fatigue; although she was not human, she was designed to have human emotions and feel exhaustion, but she did not require food or water to survive. Scaramouche noticed this and slowed down, wondering why their creator would make a doll that could get tired; it was inefficient. "Kota," The girl perked at the taller boy's voice. "Until you can pick your name, your name will be Kota. Do you understand?"
The girl nods before speaking, "When you asked me if I had a name, I'm assuming you were given one when you were; what did humans call it??? Born??? Yeah, Born." Scaramouche scowled and pulled her to his face, his hand gripping her neck. "I was created just like you. Now shut up." Her eyes widen as she finally realizes why he found her out so quick. "Then what name did she give you." Scaramouche dropped her, a slight burning sensation present on her neck from his firm grip on her. He started walking away while she scrambled to catch up to him; once she caught up, she was walking two paces behind him on his left side, the feeling of regret filling her chest for asking a question. The rest of the journey was silent, and Scaramouche showed Kota a tent she would share with him to conserve Fatui's resources.
It had been a few months since the girl, Kota as he named her, had started living at his camp, and she had proven more than helpful; however, not with gaining mortal trust, she was helpful in the art of combat and was well versed in medicine. She trained Scaramouche's troops; she even trained with Scaramouche himself; although visionless, she had shown immense strength. Kota had learned Scaramouches preferred name and, over time, knew his Fatui name, Balladeer. Unknown, the harbinger was that over time the girl went through name after name, trying to find one that fit her; she wanted to be free of the name that Scaramouch had given her out of anger.
At the current moment, Kota was meditating in the tent when it came to her. Her bright E/c eye's lit up in excitement when she came to a resolution to her name issue; she stood up, getting ready to tell Scaramouche but was suddenly grabbed by the said male and dragged out of the tent. "Ah! Scara, where are we going!?" The shorter female was confused about where Scaramouch was taking her, the nickname she gave him "To kill the electro archon." This cause the girl to pull him to a stop and over to a tree. "Absolutely not. She may have abandoned us, but killing her won't change that. What happened to the original plan, Scara?" Kota huffed, placing her hands on her hips, her face inches above and away from Scaramouche's face as she stepped up on a rock. "What happened to the plan to steal her gnosis?"
Scaramouch scowled at the girl, not pleased with her failure to comply, but she was right; although his fury would never be quelled, her Human emotion could not be erased, making her highly stubborn and easily upset. "Kota-" Her hand covered his mouth, her face hardening, no longer wishing to be called her given name, even if it was given by him. "It's Y/n; my name is Y/n" She smiled softly before removing her hand from his mouth. Scaramouch raised his eyebrow in interest, wondering when she came up with this new name. What piqued him was how pretty and unique her new name was. Wait, he thought it was cute? That didn't sound like something he would think about, but much to his disliking, it was, and it made him forget about killing Ei. Y/n had also forgotten about Scaramouches plan to kill their creator. "Hey! I know! Since I came up with a name, you should tell me the name you were given at creation!"
Y/n had become more energetic over the months; adjusting to life away from the Tenshukaku was quick for her with the help of Scaramouche. However, questions like this would make the taller male distant and upset. Scaramouche started to walk away, not caring for her question; Y/n sighed in defeat, knowing she wouldn't win. "Well, since you not answering again, I'm going to go get some lavender melons from Konda village" The girl hopped off the rock and started walking towards the village, causing Scaramouche to turn back around and catch up to her. However, he trusted her to not run off and stay safe; she was naive and trusted humans far too quickly; she had befriended a child in the village, making Scaramouche have to make sure the child wouldn't betray his promise to be her friend. Even though months had passed, Scaramouche still would not allow history to repeat itself.
Over the months, Scaramouche had also started to feel physically ill, which would worsen whenever he was around his female counterpart. Although most Fatui agents knew exactly what was going on with the harbinger, they wouldn't dare suggest the idea of the Balladeer having the capability to form a romantic attraction. Still, they would likely indicate Medical and Combat Officer Kota developing a romantic interest. Scaramouche had no idea that Y/n could foster the full range of emotions, even though he witnessed how loud she could get when he gave her an unofficial title in the camp so agents would stop asking questions.
As the two entered Konda village, the air became thick and tense, everyone wore funeral yukata, and multiple mothers and wives sobbed; Y/n became confused. This village was always happy and never wore such dark colors. The poor girl had no concept of loss. Scaramouche knew and immediately tried to pull Y/n out of the village, but she started looking for the little boy. The little boy would tell her what had happened, but she stopped when she hit the fresh graves, finding that her young friend had been fatally injured when a group of abyss mages attacked the village.
Y/n had felt her first betrayal since she was abandoned by the electro archon; she had stopped leaving the tent; she was angry, depressed, and now had a slight distaste for the word mortal. Scaramouche knew what she was feeling. He tried multiple times to get her attention when they were alone and started to show genuine emotions towards her; after getting into an argument with the 11th harbinger about romance, the male finally accepted that he had fallen in love with Y/n, it had been a month since the little boy's death, and it had been a month of Scaramouche trying to get her to be herself again.
Y/n was sitting in the tent, listening to the crickets play their midnight song as Scaramouche did work at his table in the back of the tent; Y/n discovered that when she ate, she no longer had the need to sleep, so Y/n would eat every time her body began to feel sluggish, although there were some nights where she would choose not to eat to escape the reality of the world around her. Soon the silence became unbearable to Scaramouche, and he decided to break it. "Kunikuzushi" Y/n lifted her head from her knees and looked behind her at Scaramouche. "Hmm?" A response, although not verbal, was what the male wanted.
"My given name, from when I was created, was Kunikuzushi" Y/n's eyes widened; she was right, her assumption that he was given a name when he was created was right, and this made her hate her creator more; she was so invaluable to her own creator that she was not given a name. Y/n finally broke, and she started crying, causing Scaramouche to instantly stop his writing and swiftly move over to the female, not wishing for such sad noises to leave her lips. "Y/n.." Scaramouche pulled her into his chest and petted her hair; although it did not stop the crying, it most certainly dwelled it.
Scaramouche knew he would never want anyone else to see him act like this, so he closed the tent and shifted for her to be in his lap. "Shh, it's okay, you're okay" For being new to the idea of comforting someone, Scaramouche was doing well; as Y/n began to calm down and wipe her face, she sat up, but she stayed sitting on his lap. "I don't see it, I was designed to be an Heir like you, but she saw me as so invaluable she didn't even name me" Scaramouch moved her hair out of her face and pressed his nose against hers, causing her to become distracted from her own distress and become extremely flustered "e-eh!?"
"Y/n?" Scaramouch looked her directly in the eyes, and all she saw was a genuine care for her, no anger or fury present in how he looked at her. "Hmm?" Although flustered, Y/n did her best to keep her composure, still drying her face off from crying. "You can call me by my original name, and the one I gave you will just be a nickname, okay?" The girl nodded softly and smiled. "Well, Kota does mean Good Fortune and Happiness" Scaramouche chuckles and hugs her. When Y/n pulls away from the hug, she places her forehead against his, removing and placing his hat to the side, deciding it is her turn to fluster him. "I love you, Kuni."
Scaramouche's face erupted in color, extraordinarily flustered and shocked, especially after hearing his original name used with a loving and caring tone. He closes his eyes and sighs gleefully, letting her lay down on his chest as he lays against the mat. Only when she falls asleep does he respond to her words, kissing her on the forehead? "I love you too, my Kota," and for the first time, Scaramouche experiences sleep in a state of comfort and peace despite his animosity, fury, and rage towards the world burning inside him.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
A Crystal Rose
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Synopsis: As the princesses fight off Gramorr and save Ephidia, Mephisto sacrifices himself to save his sister, but in the process, his fate unknown, breaks more than his sisters heart.
Themes: Angst, heartbreak, Lolirock, forbidden love
Warnings: Implications of death, Death
Word Count: 768
Edit: Grammar and Spelling, I forgot the word count (again)
Note: This one was a little hard to write because it's been three months since I last watched Lolirock
Y/n wasn't a mighty princess, and she wasn't one of the five sent to help Iris, but she was there when Iris activated her Shanilla; she was there to see her protect her friends; she was there because y/n was scared, and worried even, for someone she wasn't allowed to be near, let alone look at in a caring way. She had been hiding behind some rocks when a green crystal rose formed before her eyes; he had noticed her, of course, he had. He loved her. He was focused on the fight but made the small gesture under the belief that he would survive this fight no matter the outcome.
What neither of them counted on, what broke Y/n from her hiding place, was when her beloved rushed in to save his sister, a massive crystal falling from the sky towards the thinnest part of the cliff, running past Gramorr and shocking the other girls with her appearance, Y/n rushes towards the falling crystal, not wishing for her beloved to get hurt. Unfortunately, the small girl was too late, screaming his name as she tried to grab his arm; Praxina was too shocked to try before leaning over the hole, watching her brother fall to his presumable end. Noticing the ground crumble, Praxina pushes Y/n away, understanding how much her brother cared for her and not wanting the girl to get hurt.
Y/n falls back, tears rolling down her face as she watches his sister meet the same fate as him, only that she had a higher chance of survival as Y/n watched Gramorr's body follow suit. Talia grabs y/n away from the edge as she tightly clutches his last loving gesture, as it begins to set in that her love might never come back. Y/n starts screaming, sobbing his name, slowing losing consciousness from the shock; she audibly cries one more time before losing all consciousness. When Y/n comes too, the sky is blue, and the Kingdom of Ephidia is free; looking around, the events of Gramorr's defeat are hazy.
Suddenly reality hits her, and she walks to the new edge of the cliff and falls to her knees holding the crystal rose, his last gift. Y/n begins to cry; the only words leaving her lips are the sad sobs of her calling out his name, "… Mephisto…." She jolts when she feels a hand on her shoulder and a guilty, regretful face standing behind her; it is Iris. Y/n couldn't blame Iris, considering the princess had no idea that the crystal would go flying or that gravity would take effect right above Praxina. Iris didn't plan on Mephisto running in to save Praxina; she didn't even plan to hurt the twins.
Y/n tries hard to be happy when they reach the palace of Ephidia, but it is difficult; the girl has just lost the most important person in her life, the love of her life, and she has no way of confirming if he is gone. Shortly after Iris is reunited with her parents, the doors of the castle slam shut, and the room grows dark; Y/n keeps a hold of her rose, scared that more danger is coming for Ephidia. In the middle of the room, a large, maroon-colored magic circle, detailed with butterflies, appears on the floor, and Y/n immediately knows. Praxina. The mourning, angry twin makes a whole speech about how she would harm everyone Iris ever cared for on earth and leaves, smashing a hole through the doors and disappearing to the other realm.
Y/n knew Mephisto very well, and he would have never allowed his sister to take her pain out like this; as much as he was evil, Mephisto loved his sister as much as he loved Y/n, an unknown princess who saw him for him and not his magical ability or intelligence level. Y/n felt even more heartbroken, seeing what Mephisto's fall had done to his sister; she cared for Praxina like a sister, and although they didn't get along well, they respected each other for putting up with the comical boy, but Y/n believed the Praxina's drive for avenging her brother was more potent than common sense more than what her brother would have wanted. All Y/n could do was let the tears roll down her face as she finally let the fact that Mephisto was gone sink in. The last of the pain finally set into Y/n, her voice gone; She decided to go to earth and stop Praxina, to escape the realm that reminded her of her love, and never feel that pain again.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
With the Wind
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Synopsis: Izuku Midoriya had an adorable secret, and that secret had the cutest quirk and is a student of Aldera Highschool, only when U.A students move into the dorms does class 1.A learn about this well hidden couple, while Izuku has to comfort his girlfriend, who is insecure about her infamous red eyes
Themes: Fluff, Romance, Butterfly Quirk, Non- Hero Reader, Comfy Izuku Date, Bakugou Twin Reader, Influencer reader, comforting Izuku
Warnings: Slight Profanity, cyberbulling, insecurities
Word Count: 978
Edit: I forgot the word count
Izuku was sitting in his room, doing curls while waiting for a text; earlier that day, he had gotten a message from someone saying they wanted to come to see him, and after getting permission from Aizawa, he was waiting for them to announce their arrival. The young male's phone pings as he puts his weights on their stand; he picks up the device and smiles happily, discovering that the person had brought snacks they liked to eat when they were together.
Izuku's smile was wide, and as he opened the door to his room, he was greeted by his childhood friend and bullied, Katsuki Bakugo. "Why do you look so fucking happy, Deku?" Izuku's smile faded a little at the tone of Bakugous's voice, but his joy returned when his visitor texted him that they had arrived. Midoriya's joyful expression did fade as he stepped out into the hall in front of Bakugou before heading to the elevators that would take him down to the main entrance.
The poor boy did not expect all of the girls at the front entrance, crowding a beautiful girl with H/L H/C hair and beautiful Morpho Butterfly wings on her back, folded down to save space. The girl was being bombarded with questions, mostly from Mina Ashido and Urakaka Ochaco. "Y/n!!" The winged girl perked up instantly, spreading her wings and using them to push the group of girls away from her. Her smile brightened as she removed her shoes and lowered her wings; she put on a pair of slippers and rushed over with the bag of snacks and treats she had brought for her boyfriend.
Katsuki had finally come out of the hall, suddenly confused about why Y/n was in the dorms and a little upset he wasn't told she was coming. "What the hell are you doing here, Y/n??" Although they were related, Y/n's quirk had caused her hair color to change. Fortunately, she still had the striking red eyes of her mother and brother. Everyone had figured she was her for him, but they were wrong. "Onii-chan? Did Izu not tell you??" everyone was puzzled; she was on a first name, let alone a nickname, based on Midoriya. The girl then looks around the room before laughing softly. "Wow, you held to your promise Izuku! You didn't even tell my brother!!"
Scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, cheeks slightly red. "hehe... A promise is a Promise, N/n, and I probably wouldn't have survived this long had I told Kacchan" Y/n smiles more. "Good point; Katsu probably would have kicked your butt" Y/n turns to everyone in the room, facing away from Izuku and Her brother. "Hello! My name is Bakugou Y/n! I am Katsuki's younger sister by one hour, and I am Izuku's girlfriend" Everyone's eyes when wide, and Katsuki filled with rage, but before her brother could do anything to Izuku, she looked back at him with the harshest glare. "Hurt him, and I fill your closet with clothes moths."
Y/n soon returned to her cheerful demeanor, successfully terrifying her brother with a woman's wrath, and grabbed Izuku's hand. "I made him promise to keep me a secret until I was ready, and I got lonely today, so I thought, why not!" Once everyone calmed, they returned to their activities, aside from the few who decided to spy on Izuku and Y/n; what she didn't tell them was that she was a model and social media influencer for her high school, considering Y/n wanted people to be excited about not being a hero and that you can be helpful to in so many other ways, she was studying to be an entomologist with a specialization in butterflies since they don't fly away from her.
Y/n was leaning against Izuku, reaching her hand into the bag of dried squid she was sharing with Izuku as she read comments on her most recent post to social media; she was trying on some wing-friendly clothes that looked good on her. However, the comments about her eyes were starting to hurt her. "She gorgeous, but she needs to do something about the color of her eyes" "Her eyes make her look like a villain" "Her eyes ruin her whole look" "I wish her eyes were purple; that would make her cuter and less like a villain" shortly after putting her phone down, she felt Izuku's hand on her face, wiping away silent tears she hadn't even noticed rolling down her face "N/n... hey... you okay?" Izuku's genuine concern for her made her sniffle; tears began rolling down her face.
"Do you know where I could get some colored contacts?" She choked through her tears, her voice quiet and broken. "Why? Is there something wrong with your sight?" Izuku began to worry, knowing that people were not kind to her about the red color of her eyes. "N/n... are people saying things about your eyes again" The girl only began to cry more before being engulfed into a warm bear hug as Izuku laid down and rubbed the back of her head. "It's okay; it doesn't matter what they say; your eyes are gorgeous and are the best part of your face" Y/n laughed through her sobs and cuddled into her boyfriend's chest before falling asleep with a handful of dried squid.
The two that were spying on them, Mina and Ochaco, smiled softly at how loving Izuku was and ran off to tell the other girls about it, not seeing Izuku press a few kisses into Y/n's forehead or letting her nap until she either got up or had to go home. Izuku was happy he could make her feel better, and that her tears were gone with the wind, and for the rest of the day, they lay like that until Y/n had to go home.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Iced Tea
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Synopsis: You and Kaeya are out on a romantic date, ruined by wild weather; you go home and make the most out of it. Making iced teas and picnic sandwiches, you take your ruined date, turning it into a lovely indoor picnic for the rest of the day.
Themes: Cute, Fluff, Romance, Soft Kaeya, Romantic Kaeya.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 868
It was supposed to be a nice day, with fluffy white clouds and lots of sun for Kaeya's day off, and usually, it doesn't rain during the Windblume festival. Still, that day, you must have stood too close to poor, unlucky Bennett for that morning because you and kaeya hurried to pack up your once lovely picnic because of some unexpected downpour on the day you and your fiance were supposed to spend time together before he returned to his calvary duties the next day. As you picked up the basket after gently tossing the last plate in and closing the lid, Kaeya picked up the blanket and froze it while it was flat to use as a temporary umbrella while you rushed to get back home within the walls of Mondstadt.
"Agh! It wasn't supposed to rain today; I was looking forward to our date today because we both had the same day off," you sighed sadly, ringing out the hem of your dress at the door, knowing you would have to mop it later. Kaeya walked over to you after handing the now-soaking wet picnic blanket over the bathtub of the shared home. "Princess, my love, we can just have the date inside in front of the fireplace" Kaeya places his lips on your temple, giving you a soft kiss of reassurance as you rung water out from your dress while looking dejected.
You returned to the living room after drying off and changing into warmer clothes. Kaeya joined you in the kitchen as you made more sandwiches because the ones you made earlier that morning had become soggy from the rain. "Thank you, Kaeya, for setting a dry blanket out for us in the living room and suggesting we continue inside; that was very sweet of you" You smiled as you finished cutting the sandwiches into small squares and placing them on a plate with some fruit and chocolate. At the same time, Kaeya poured some grape juice for both of you; despite his preference for alcohol, he respected your dislike towards wine more than his brother, even though the redheaded male ran Mond's wine industry.
Kaeya helped you carry the fresh food and drinks to the living room area, where he had started a small fire in the fireplace and laid out the comfiest blankets, he had also placed a few pillows, and there were rose petals on the floor. It was self-evident he was trying to make you feel better, knowing how long it had taken you to get the entire day planned for the shared day off. However, you had more days off than him, considering you were just a fill-in for Lisa when she left Mondstat because you didn't bear a vision, but you were paid well and taken care of when you were there, making sure the library peace was undisturbed. "Thank you, Kaeya; you a sly fox with romance, aren't you?" You teased the taller male getting a kiss on the forehead in response
"Anything for my darling Y/n~" his smooth, gentle, and husky voice with a loving tone made you smile as you both cuddled up with your favorite book and blanket, reading together while the rain tapped against the windows, the warm yellow-orange glowing fire helping you heat up from the previous cold that had plagued you from being soaked in rainwater. "Unfortunately, we couldn't continue our planned date, but at least we've made the most out of it, haven't we?". You were leaning against the male's chest as you looked up at him with a loving look. "Yes, My love, we persevered, given the situation would have meant canceling due to weather, but anything can be inside if you know how to do it right."
As the evening went on, you and Kaeya chatted the night away, sharing small kisses now and then, snacking on the sandwiches you diligently prepared, and sipping on the iced tea kaeya had made yesterday before leaving off to his calvary duties assigned by the knights. Even after three years, your romance had never died, and you were getting married soon as well, and it is days like these, when the weather takes a turn and tries to ruin your plans and put a downer on your relationship, that Kaeya reminds you on why you said yes to his proposal.
You both loved each other deeply, and as the indoor date carried on, you drifted off to slumber in your lover's arms, both glasses of iced tea empty, and no food left on any of the plates you and Kaeya had placed out early that day, the fire had finally got out as the male gently lifted you off the floor, marking the spot you stopped at in your book. Kaeya carried you off to your chared bedroom and tucked your sleeping figure in before climbing into his side and cuddling you, marking this as a day full of good memories despite the plan going off the rails, happy that his iced tea did not go to waste as you both drift off into the land of dreams thus marking the end of your date, with you both cuddling in bed.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
In The Dark
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Synopsis: During reach out day, Tyler Galpin's old friends decide to take advantage of you and Eugene, a frail witch and the bee club president, while your boyfriend Wednesday is stationed in the chocolate shop of pilgrim world; only when everything goes dark in your eyes does Wednesday feel that something has gone wrong.
Themes: Male Wednesday Addams, Protective boyfriend, bullying, witch's, vampires, romance, caring boyfriend.
Warnings: Physical assault, verbal assault, bullying, general violence, profanity, name-calling.
Note: This does not follow the out reach day episode this is just a made up scene of my own imagination that is based off outreach day, I did, however, have to re-watch that episode to get the bullies right.
Wordcount: 880
Reaching Jericho, you are immediately ripped from your boyfriend as you head towards Pilgrim World with Eugene; it wasn't long before you reunited with each other; you lean over and whisper, genuinely curious about where his previous assignment went. "I suppose you finally convinced Enid to switch assignments with you; how on earth did you do that, if I might ask?" Wednesday Glanced at you while walking with you and the group. "I told her she would have the opportunity to partner with Ajax, and she took it." You nod in understanding and continue with the group as you get closer to the assigned job.
You soon reached your destination as Wednesday made his way to the front, you couldn't quite catch what he was saying to the group leader, but you could hear the group leader loud and clear. You all would be working in the chocolate factor; you despised milk chocolate, the scent, the texture, the taste. It could never compare to dark chocolate. Soon after being requested to change into the clothes once worn by the people who massacred and slaughtered your people, you sat with Eugene as he ate an entire tray of the chocolate handouts. "Eat too quickly, and you'll vomit, Eugene." the boy didn't listen.
As Eugene gives up on eating the last two pieces of fudge and goes to put his retainer in, one of the three boys that had approached you two from behind rips him up from under the armpits, and another grabs your arms from behind, holding you back. They forcefully carry him over to the pillory as you try to squirm and wiggle free "Eugene!" you call out, but he can't hear you anymore; you are disgusted when the boy next to walker starts talking. "Look at this greedy little freak." The more you struggle, the stronger the boy's grip; you then stop and burst out laughing when Eugene regurgitates the fudge he just ate onto the boys, but you would soon regret laughing.
"What are you laughing at, freak?" the boy holding you grabs your throat tightly, shutting you up and constricting you of air as you pull at his hands, gasping for air. "let go… of… me," you inhale with each word before the boy standing next to mayor walkers son slaps you so hard that your vision starts to blur, you struggle to pull his hands away from your throat, soon losing consciousness from the lack of oxygen. The last thing you remember is seeing and hearing Eugene calling out your name in concern, albeit unbeknownst to you, catching the attention of a particular goth boy.
When you awake, you cough and rub your throat before noticing you are in Nevermore's infirmary, your boyfriend reading a book beside you. Although Wednesday doesn't show any physical concern, his actions speak louder than any facial expression he'll make and much louder than the blunt riddles that leave his mouth. You figured he was the one to bring you here. Still, no doubt after causing chaos in the town square, catching the faint smell of burning metal, a broken down building, and bow rosin. "ah, your awake, good; I was wondering how long it would take for you to retake consciousness after being tortured by amateurs." you laugh dryly, your voice not entirely back from how roughly the boys from pilgrim world grabbed you.
Wednesday closes his book and places it in his bag before putting the back of his hand against your forehead, then pushing you back down into a lying position. "you have a fever; I suggest you continue to lay there, although you might not listen to me. If you would like, I can carry you back to the dorm, cara mia." your face heats up from his words, and you nod gently before croaking out a few profanities of protest to the unexpected and atypical behavior from your boyfriend. "holy shit why are you being so fucking strange today." Even though he could hear you perfectly fine, he pretended not to listen to a single word and proceeded to lift you from the infirmary bed.
When he lifted you, your head started spinning, and you hid your face in his chest, the black of his uniform shading your eyes from the light. When you opened your eyes, you seemed to have been fine, waking from the darkness of unconsciousness. Still, as you lifted higher into the light, you realized that your nervous system and eyes had not yet adjusted from being in the dark for so long, causing a slight sensitivity to the surrounding light sources. "Wednesday, cover my eyes, please. The lights are bothering me."
The boy understood, knowing that lights can be a bother no matter what you wake up from, whether from passing out or a decent night's sleep. "Just say when you are no longer in the dark, y/n." Wednesday made sure you knew that he would take the black cloth off your face when you were ready, carrying you back to your dorm only to discover that you had fallen asleep along the way, comforted by his cold embrace. The boy watched over you for the rest of the evening, knowing now that you would always sleep in the dark.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
A Gentle Breeze
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Synopsis: Although raised in the mortal world, a young daughter of an archon and an illuminated beast, you found yourself living in Wangshuu inn away from mortals with your husband of 256 years. Within, you held immense healing powers, keeping the one you love safe from his karmic debt. Every time you feel a gentle breeze, it reminds you of him, no matter how many walks you take.
Themes: Fluff, Cute, gentle, romance, married vibes.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 970
Edit: Spelling errors fixed
It was evening when you decided to go on a walk, the sky was clear of any clouds, and there was a gentle breeze from the northeast, originating from Stone Gate towards Mondstadt. You smiled as the soft wind pushed your hair behind you, reminded of the mortal ceremony that bound you to your lover, a ritual he consented to just for you, to show you how much he loved you despite never really being familiar with human emotion. You played with the metal band on your finger, an engraved yaksha symbol to remind others of whom you are married.
Walking through Dihua Marsh, you admire the sky, wondering what it would be like to ascend to Celestia when you feel a strong gush of air behind you, only lasting for a mere second before you turn to look at your lover softly reaching out for his hand as if you were inviting him to join you are your evening walk. "I assume you've finished your chores? Xiao?" The male nodded before taking your hand and gently pulling you to his side, "I presume you are on a walk; after all, you are a bit away from the Inn." You nod in response before placing a soft kiss on his nose.
The two of you start walking back towards the in, not talking, preferring the silence above all else. That was when you found it odd that Xiao wasn't being as quiet as you thought he would be; although Xiao was in his thoughts, he was mumbling them aloud, but to you, it was cute. Every single thing that came out of his mouth was an idea of what to do on your 257th anniversary, a date Xiao took very seriously because it was a yearly reminder of how long he's been committed to you, committed to being there for you. "Your mumbling dear" You pointed out his actions even if you didn't mind, but you didn't want any surprise he may be planning for you to go to ruin.
The male blushes softly, clearing his throat and returning to the peaceful silence once there as you both reach the Inn, your arm wrapped around his. You asked for him to teleport you both up to the balcony, your feet growing tired from the peaceful trek you took through the marsh surrounding the place you called home. The male picked you up, holding you up bridal style, and used his adept abilities to teleport you both up to the balcony you first met at and your favorite resting place before turning in for the night, you sat on the railing after being placed down, and Xiao sat on the roof, away from mortal sight. Another gentle breeze blows past you as Xiao speaks up, a slight blush on his cheeks "Y/n, have you ever thought about, erm… having children with me?" Your face grew red, shocked, and flustered.
"X-Xiao!" Your husband's statement threw you for a loop when you brought it up about 100 years ago; he said he would never want children because of his karmic debt. "How about we talk about this later? I need some time to shake off the shock from you saying," You teased as the male jumped down and put his hands next to the outside of your legs. You place your arms on his shoulders, a soft smile gracing your lips before he gives you a quick peck, placing his forehead against yours. "Over these years, I've been thinking about what it would be like to have mini Y/n's running around and how my Karmic Debt would affect them, but they wouldn't exactly be mortal, would they?"
You giggle, caressing his cheek and looking up at him through your eyebrows. "Not in the slightest; they would have the blood of a Yaksha, an illuminated beast, and an Archon, so your Debt would not be a big concern at all." Xiao hums softly, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck; this was a side of him only you got to see, especially since not many get to see him in the first place; you were the only one who got to see and talk to him every day, eat almond tofu with him and spend his restless nights talking before your body decided you needed rest.
"Xiao, it's starting to get late, I apologize for cutting this short, but I am starting to feel a tad Drowsy." Xiao looks at you, understanding that you need rest as you tend to heal him with your Cryo vision unconsciously, using up quite a bit of your energy. The male you married picks you up once more, his arms holding you up by the legs as you rest your head on his shoulder while he takes you back to the room you both slept or meditated. When you arrived in the room, Xiao placed you under the blankets before getting under them himself, deciding he would rest with you and enjoy the occasional breakfast with you, even if all he ate was almond Tofu in the mornings.
The male can only do so many chores over the week before becoming drowsy. As you drift off to sleep, you feel a gentle breeze enter through the window, and Xiao hugs you from behind, falling asleep rather quickly. You fall asleep, the cool air helping you fall asleep in the comfort of your husband's arm, drifting off into the world of dreams. Even in your dreams, you were with your husband, the children you dreamed of having, and cool breezes reminding you of the ones you loved to live a life of bliss and joy that you could only experience in your sleep. You rest peacefully as the unmistakable sky twinkle on until day.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
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Synopsis: Pictures of you leak from your middle school, damaging your clean reputation with the other students at UA. Your boyfriend decides to take things into his own hands after discovering you are crying in the kitchen late at night.
Themes: Overprotective boyfriend, comfort, late night snacks, fluff, depression, soft bakugou.
Warnings: Cyberbullying, Mentions of Self Harm, Depressive Behaviors, Violence, Profanity, mentions of assault
Wordcount: 1,293
Initially, you had no idea why your phone was blowing up in the middle of class, let alone that it was only your phone because usually, everyone's phone would go off if something had happened. The initial vibration had scared you and set off your quirk, flower petals bursting out of your H/c hair. Since it was a break, you had pulled out your phone, wondering why it had gone off. Small blue flowers started blooming and falling from your cheeks, acting as metaphorical tears while you kept the real tears inside, knowing that these photos have wholly ruined any friendships you had here at UA. Not only were you in shock at what you had come across, but you were also scared and ashamed; you had to keep it all in cause Bakugo would try to hunt down the perpetrators at their high school.
You were lucky that non of your fellow 1A classmates had seen the photos, photos with no context on how she got into those positions, into these photos. You held it in, hearing everyone return from break so you could continue with the day, sitting in your silent sorrow, shame, and embarrassment for the rest of the day, even though lunch you entirely an even opted to eat outside, away from everyone, including your loving and violent boyfriend Katsuki. Even when you returned to the dorms, you stayed in your room, waiting for everyone to head to sleep, not wishing to show your face to anyone figuring they all knew about the pictures by now and no longer wanted to be your friends, even thinking that Katsuki wouldn't love you anymore.
Later that evening, you were in the kitchen, making yourself dinner since you skipped out on dinner, but halfway through the process, you broke out in tears, every droplet from your face causing small, slightly ill flowers to bloom from the tiny drops of tears on the counters and floor. "I thought they were my friends. How could they post those pictures? How could they twist the story against me? I never meant to hurt them! It was just self-defense.
Right?" you started crying more, crouching down while your arms were straight up because you were holding the counter's edge. You stared at the floor, more tears falling, and this caused you to let go of the counter and hug yourself as you looked at the photos on your phone. You never wanted to be in those situations where you got bloodied up and had to fight back to protect your life, let alone you had no idea that your so-called friends were taking pictures of every single assault and making it. Hence, it looked like you were the one attacking people, and, to be honest, they were making it look like you shouldn't belong in a hero school and that you should be in a juvenile detention center or on probation. At some point, you dropped your phone and hugged your knee's quietly, sobbing, not even realizing someone had entered the kitchen, wondering who was crying and why.
You jumped as soon as you learned of the presence, trying your best to hide yourself and your phone, and the large male looked down at you, worried about his girlfriend "Y/n?" his scratchy voice was quiet and unusually soft; the male understanding by your body language alone that you were scared of him at the moment "Go away, you probably know already so just go hate me somewhere else." Katsuki quirks an eyebrow, wondering what you were going on about; why would you think he'd hate you? "Hate you? Why would I hate you?" You looked up at him, the tears on your face now visible. "Oh… I guess you have seen yet, that's good…" you mumble, but it doesn't allude to the taller male's ears. "Seen what, Y/n? Why are you crying?" You grab your phone to hide it, but Katsuki grabs your wrist, causing you to drop it.
The male picks it up and looks through the leaked photos and comments from other UA students. Though not that he thought about it, the others were concerned about images earlier, and the male now understands why. "Y/n, do you think everyone hates you because of these??" You look to the side, still unwilling to look at your boyfriend, who is usually asleep by now, not wanting him to see the pain, despair, and shame present on your face. "Y/n, I may have been the last to see these, but no one in 1-A hates you just because some jealous assholes decided they were going to try an fuck up your reputation.
"The 1-B guys can shove sticks up their ass because everyone knows you'd never hurt people without reason." You huff in frustration, not understanding why your boyfriend doesn't want to break up with you. It wasn't until the larger male plopped down next to you and pulled you into a tight, comforting, and warm hug; which seemed so far from ordinary coming from him, that you just started balling your eye's out once more, soaking the shoulder of his tank top once more, your hands gripping his chest tightly. "I didn't want to hurt them… I didn't want to hospitalize all those people; I didn't!" Bakugo rubbed your back gently, trying to comfort you without losing his temper and going to the next dorm building to beat up class 1-B.
"Y/n, it's not you're fault; it is not your fault, okay?" although his voice was scratchy, it was soft and comforting. You quietly sob into his shoulder, the comfort helping you handle the stress of your past and your reasonings for being a hero being re-established. As you begin to calm down, your eyes start growing heavier, all your energy going into the tears and the blue petals falling from your hair. When your eyes finally close, your breathing softens as Katsuki picks you up off the floor and places your fruit bowl in the fridge, writing a not-to-go so the others wouldn't try to take it.
The following day, Katsuki told Aizawa-Sensei what was going on, and the teacher handled it in an empathetic way; he excused you from morning classes in exchange for staying late during training to make up for practical training in the morning had been shown empathy from your teacher, knowing that Katsuki would probably assault all of 1-B if he hadn't, Aizawa had also go and scolded the entire class of 1-B for their behavior towards you, and that it was unfit for future heroes to judge ones past without context.
As the day ended, you continued training, taking out any leftover frustration on the concrete in the training center, not noticing the secondary teenager who decided to join you for the rest of your training. When you finally stop to breathe, giant sunflower blooms on the floor, and you notice that your caring boyfriend has joined you in the training center. "Feel better?" his recognizable voice made you relax despite your heavy breathing. "Much better… Thank you, Katsuki, thank you so much" You smiled softly, looking over at him and stretching your arms above your head before walking over to him and hugging him softly. "Thank you for being there for me even if I thought you weren't."
The male smiled softly, kissing your cheek while hugging you back despite the teacher being in the center's front office."I'll always be there for your Y/n despite what you may think; I love you more than anything." The statement makes you smile, and when you finish up your training, you both walk back to the dorm for dinner, enjoying each other's company before dealing with the chaos of your classmates.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
To Stop a Flame
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Synopsis: Y/n uncovers a raging Diluc, the usually calm and stoic vision holder on the verge of lighting his family home ablaze. To stop the flame, the female reaches into her troubled waters to help her lover.
Themes: Genshin Impact, fire and water, romance, angst, fluff, emotional distress
Warnings: Profanity, Violence, Arson, Adultery
Word Count: 837
During your journeys home, you'd always wonder if your lover ever felt emotions to the point where they were visible, but you'd never thought the first time you would see it would be a time where he was angry and out of control, luckily, we weren't breaking anything. The two of you were in his library, and he just started tossing books at the other wall; at first, every thump made you jump, but as it went on, all you could do was stand there. Currently, diluc was at the window, attempting to cool himself off, but it didn't seem to be working. "Diluc, dear, do you feel any better?" You asked quietly, weary that you could set him off again, not wanting him to throw the books any longer. "If not, we could go outside, and I can set up some training dummies and maybe take it out of them?" you asked, being very cautious with your tone and wording.
Unfortunately, your offer didn't work, and your question was answered with a fierce glare in your direction. "Y/n, I would like for you to leave; I'd like to be left alone" Diluc's tone was firm and demanding. Although you've heard him use this tone with you before, this time, it wasn't a demand to leave for your safety as a vision holder yourself; it was a demand for your presence to be removed, making you quite upset that he'd instead through books and damage the property then talk about what's making him so angered. You step out of the room at his request, but only when you hear glass shatter do you rush back in to see a broken lamp with raging flames. "Diluc!" You yell, his eyes filled with rage.
"Get out, y/n!!" He yelled at you, and you slapped him across the face in your anger, tears forming in your eyes. "What the hell is going on, Diluc!? What is this bullshit? What in the hell is making you so angry!" you screeched at him, putting out the flames he created. "You! You are! You and your little adventures with Kaeya! Why are you bringing him into our room when I'm not here? Why are you abandoning me for him? That cold bastard is seducing you away from me!" Your eyes widen in disgust at the thought of sleeping with kaeya, let alone kissing him; you'd much rather see him sleep with the strange women you see him with when he's drunk. "Me? With kaeya? What on earth are you talking about, love? Every time he's been here, it's been for healing because barbara isn't at the cathedral!"
Diluc scoffed, throwing a ball of fire at you, dowsing it instantly; you walked over to him and looked him directly. "What in the hell has gotten you so worked up that you think I'm having an affair with your annoying brother?" The male looks at you, seeing the seriousness in your eyes as you speak to him, your tone soft but still agitated by his accusations and attitude towards you. "Jealousy, mostly, and grief mixed with frustration." He was blunt, but you could tell it was the whole truth. "That made you angry enough to attempt setting the house ablaze and accusing me of having an affair?" The red-headed pyro user nods, ashamed of how he treated his beloved fiancé.
You place his hand on his cheek, caressing it softly as you watch him relax into your hand. "I know the anniversary of your father's death is hard; I may never know the pain of losing my father, especially that young, but I am here for you. These past weeks have not been easy on me either, Diluc. Still, at least I had the self-control to take my anger and frustration out on training dummies provided by Jean or invasive slimes by the river." it doesn't help that we have to plan a wedding and handle rowdy customers. At the same time, Charles is sick, but next time you get like this, talk to me, don't throw books, burn the house down, or accuse me of things I would never do to you." Diluc's expression fills with regret as he places his hand on your waist, frowning on his lips.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, I'm so so sorry…" He places his forehead against yours, finally relaxing, the anger that was once there vanishing. "I love you; I didn't mean to accuse you of such awful things" You smiled softly, giggling softly at his regret and apologetic tone. "Oh darling, it is alright. Let us go get some water and discuss this over lunch, alright?" he nods, kissing the side of your temple before stepping back to pick up all the books he threw, and Adaline cleaned the broken glass from the lamp. Shortly after the study was cleaned up, Diluc joined you at the table for lunch, and even though it was meant to be about your feelings, the lunch turned into a beautiful at-home date.
The End
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Black Dahlia
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Synopsis: You and Wednesday grew up together, and although you two seemed similar, you couldn't be quite different. One night, you sneak into Wednesday and Enid's room for a fascinating conversation about you and Wednesday's favorite mystery. When it leads to light night discoveries.
Themes: Male Wednesday Addams, Goth, Morbid/Dark humor, witch's, vampire's, werewolf's, Fantasy beings, fluff and Romance
Warnings: Morbid/Dark humor, Mentions of Homicide, descriptions of gore
Word count: 1,484
Edit: I forgot the word count (:
It was late, nearing 11:30; something had kept you awake, staring at your dark, gray wall. It wasn't a full moon, so it wasn't simply you forgetting to do a cleansing ritual on your hexing stones. Whatever kept you up, you had to figure it out, especially with how you've been strangely recently around your best friend. Your chest would feel warm, with an ugly capacity of feeling like butterflies in your stomach; you would fumble to find the correct words in the most cliche and predictable way. It was horrible. Then a thought pops into your head; although he was the cause, he would surely understand your woes, being tortured by unwelcomed wholesome feelings.
You rise from your bed, careful not to wake your roommate. As laughable as it would be, you'd not get caught going to Wednesday's room instead. Your roommate was a snitch. You open the window after quickly changing into something more appropriate for a late-night visit to your equal, he was just terrible, and you immensely enjoyed his torture methods. Grabbing your broom, you quietly float off to the balcony of the spider web window with rainbow vomit on Enid's half. Landing softly, you tap the end of your broom against the colorless half, grabbing the attention of a colorless boy who was reading on his bed, one arm holding his book up and the other behind his head.
"Wednesday, as intriguing as I hope your book is, I would like to enter the room" unlike the boy, your voice was never monotonous; in fact, it was gentle and soft, especially when you whispered, this is unless, someone manages to piss you off, but that wasn't important at the moment. Enid was on her laptop typing away on her vlog, but you couldn't care less; you and Wednesday preferred not to be slaves to technology. The slender pale boy opens the window for you, and you slide in, leaning your broom against the window quietly. "Why are you here, Y/n? Hexing not going well?" his voice was monotonous, gravely but alluring and deep; your chest started feeling that horrendous warmth, and the ugly fluttering in your stomach returned as you sat on the edge of his bed. "Unfortunately, my hexing is doing terribly well." you fall on your back as Wednesday walks over and sits down, peering at you from his side. "Then whatever is plaguing your malicious thoughts?" you sigh.
"Oh dear, Wednesday, I've been having these woeful nightmares about romance and happiness. It's been horrible." Wednesday lays flat on his back and places his hand on your forehead "it sounds like torture. Do you enjoy it?" You sit up in disgust and look down at his face making eye contact. "It makes me feel nauseated, and not in a good way." Wednesday's arm had fallen back to his side when you had sat up. Shortly after, he sat back up to look you in the eyes, making the ugly warmth and stomach swirling worse. "how about we talk about the black dahlia murders?" Wednesday's eyes lit up slightly in excitement. "That sounds like a truly horrid idea; where shall we begin?" you smile softly, laying down again but laying your head in his lap, hands resting on your stomach. "My favorite part about the case is when they talk about her mutilated body, cleaved perfectly in half, quite an exciting MO, you think?" Wednesday nods "over 150 suspects and no arrests; the killer even gave her a freshly cut Glasgow smile, clean slashes."
As the conversation continues, you are distracted by the growing warm feeling and butterflies in your stomach. Growing tired, you start to feel your eyes grow heavy, but Wednesday sits you up gently and pats your cheek "mmmm, I'm getting that dreadful warmth again, and here I thought it had dissipated; at least you were so terribly helpful" Wednesday pats your head, his firm hand waking you from your half-slumber just a tad. "I wonder what's causing these dreadful and distasteful feelings you're having, Y/n." your breath stopped for a moment before getting off the bed and distancing herself from her lifelong friend. "Oh, Wednesday, I'd hope you'd be able to figure that out for me, but it seems your dreadful thoughts are keeping you preoccupied as well; I may be tired, but that does not mean I haven't noticed you are acting unusually as of late," you speak softly, as to not disturb the now slumbering Enid.
"Wednesday, please, what seems to be troubling your deliciously homicidal brain?" Wednesday looks off to the side, no longer looking at you. To a normie, it would seem that he wouldn't be blinking at all, no emotion found on his expressionless face. " I, too, have had dreadful nightmares about cliche adolescent romance and emotion. Although, unlike you, I have detected the peculiar creature behind these horrifying depictions of love." you sit down next to Wednesday once more. "Tell me, Wednesday, who might be your perpetrator? I may be close to finding mine, but who might be causing you're horrors and woes?" You glanced over the desk, and a soft thudding noise came from Thing as he communicated with Wednesday. "Thing, you seem eager for Wednesday to share this information with me. Is there something I'm not aware of?" Wednesday glares at Thing with vigor and rage.
"Wednesday?" you ask gently, now extremely confused in his sudden anger towards the small hand-shaped creature. To change the subject, you quickly stand up and start putting some unused crystals on the ground; this catches Wednesday's attention. "Why don't I show you my options for the Rave'n? I need an opinion and what color black I should wear." black glitter forms around your hands as every time you change the dress, you've thrown glitter to the ground, and when you get to the last dress, the pale boy's eye's widened, standing up quicker than he wished to. He slowly walked up to you, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you into his chest. "You look absolutely horrendous, Y/n," you smiled softly. "Thank you for your kind words, Wednesday."
Wednesday stares into your eyes, his dark iris' focusing on your lips for a millisecond before letting go of your wrist. "No need to thank me, it is the unequivocal truth after all," you smiled slyly "you know, Addams, it almost seems like those horrendous nightmares about adolescent emotion and romance are caused by an attraction to me, don't they?" Walking closer to Wednesday, you had changed your back into your comfortable hoodie and sweatpants with just a flick of your wrist and a deep connection to magic. Wednesday looks at you once more, impressed by how fast you figured out the root of all his dreadful woes, and in the impression, the male figures out precisely what was causing yours. "I could say the same to you, Y/n; you've always been one to figure me out before yourself." You're eyes widen, his words striking a cord as the unpleasant, dreadful warmth return to your chest, color threatening to paint your pale cheeks.
Wednesday grabs your arm, pulling you into his chest. "Y/n, you think my highly trained olfactory senses wouldn't notice the slight change in what shampoo you used, the scent of your hand lotion slowing starting to fit my tastes? The faint whiff of death, the subtle hint of freshly burnt flesh. You were obvious and weren't very good at hiding it." You huff in frustration, usually being called out was something you enjoyed, but when done by Wednesday, you felt full of disgust, rage, and embarrassment, but those moods quickly halted when a pair of cold lips gently pressed against yours. You melted in his arms, kissing back gently. When you pull away to breathe, Wednesday buries his face into your neck as your rub his back.
He mumbles softly, his hands resting on the small of your back. "Mi corazón~." you giggle softly, petting his hair "you sound like your father, Wednesday" He scoffs and pulls back from you, and you smile softly "what? It is the undeniable truth, Wednesday; I thought you liked the truth." He huffs, holding you closer, and you hug back, placing your hands on his back, smiling gently. "Thank you, Wednesday, you've been terrible to me~" Wednesday's lips quirked up slightly as he made eye contact. "My pleasure Mi amor~." He kisses you softly before brushing your bangs off your face and kissing your forehead. "Would you like to sleep here tonight, love?" You nod gently, accepting Wednesday's offer while yawning quietly. You yelp in surprise when he picks you up and carries you over to his bed, and during the trip, you drift off to sleep, Wednesday not far behind, as he lays you down before laying him down himself and falling asleep with you in his arms.
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quotedfictions · 1 year
Request Rules
𝑶𝒏𝒆 - No Smut, Lemon, or Sexual content will be taken if the characters are under 18. The American federal age of consent is 18.
𝑻𝒘𝒐 - Please be respectful. As a studying college student with a disability and ADHD, different materials will vary in time due to either lack of interest, lack of knowledge, lack of time, lack of drive, or disability flare-up.
𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 - Please leave trigger warnings on your requests! These warnings will help me write without having been triggered myself. Others can see them, and I do not wish to cause anyone mental or psychiatric harm.
𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓 - I mostly do Male x Fem! Readers. This is a personal choice as there have been many concepts that people will get into but can't find anything about, there are also many characters from niche animes, shows, games, and books that many might want to read about, but you cannot find them. However, I love the support for LGBTQ+ and Male Readers and will write them the best I can, if requested.
𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 - As the author, I have every right to reject a request, either something that makes me uncomfortable or characters I've never heard of; I can only do so much, and don't have the time to study an entirely new character.
𝑺𝒊𝒙 - Do not plagiarize, steal, or translate my work; I love writing as it is one of the many forms of art I take an interest in it, and it disheartens me when other authors' works are stolen or translated without consent.
𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 - Enjoy! If you don't like the work or topic, don't read it, but otherwise, please enjoy, leave feedback, and, most of all, keep reading!
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quotedfictions · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: All collages are made with Adobe Express and Picsart
Request Rules
Addams Family
Black Dahlia - Male Wednesday Addams
In The Dark - Male Wednesday Addams
Brand New Animal (BNA)
Silver Lining - Shirou Ogami
Ensemble Stars!
Among The Stars - Mao Isara
Fairy Tail
The Red Fairy's Love - Erza Scarlet/Fem!Reader
Genshin Impact
To Stop A Flame - Diluc Ragnvindr
A Gentle Breeze - Adeptus Xiao
Iced Tea - Kaeya Alberich
Blood in the Water - Scaramouche
Harry Potter
Scared, Pottah? - Draco Malfoy
A Crystal Rose - Mephisto
My Hero Academia
Posted - Bakugou Katsuki
With the Wind - Midoriya Izuku
Arranged - Scaramouche (Genshin/My Happy Marriage)
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quotedfictions · 4 years
Scared, Pottah?
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Synopsis: You are Harry potter’s twin sister, younger by two hours; you were sorted into Slytherin. You happen to be standing with Draco during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, where the boggart turned into a dementor. While being discrete, Draco helps you calm down by doing something unexpected.
Themes: Secret fluff, confession, subtlety, cuteness
Warnings: None
Word count:  1,293
Note: I sat here, and watched the Boggart seen from Prisoner of Azkaban, pausing over and over again with the captions on, since this story revolves around the entire scene it’s self. This also wasn’t a request, I got bored with a project and needed something to do.
Edit: January 7th 2023 2:40am Ran the entire story through Grammarly pro 
Y/n was standing with the rest of the Slytherins, staying quiet; she only liked talking to her brother and sometimes Draco, much to Harry's disapproval. She paid attention while the taller boy standing next to her was still in a sling from his own mistake. After all, he didn't listen and insulted Buckbeak. Professor Remus spoke as the mirrored closet shook. "Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?"
Y/n listened. she couldn't pinpoint where the answer came from, nor could she recognize the voice, but she was pretty worried; the wardrobe wouldn't stop shaking. "That's a boggart, that is" The female paid more attention now, curious as to why the professor was presenting them to a boggart." Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Remus walked around the room slowly as he waited for an answer from his student. Although Y/n was willing to answer, Hermione beat her to the punch.
"no one knows," Y/n giggled to herself, hearing Ron's surprise. "When'd she get here?" Hermione continued, "Boggarts are shapeshifters; they take the shape of whatever particular person fears the most; that's what makes them so-" "So terrifying, yes," Remus continued making his way to the front of the room, the wardrobe holding the Boggart still shaking. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart." The closet shakes once more. "Let's practice it now, ah, without wands, please."
Y/n shifted, unaware that Draco was taking glances at her smaller form, admiring her brown hair and, if he could, her emerald-colored eyes. he soon turned his attention back to class, not wanting to be caught by Crabb or Goyle." After me, Riddikulus" the whole class gave a response "Riddikulus" Y/n smiled softly, she took a particular fancy to this class no matter how crazy it got. "Very good, a little louder and very clear, listen - Riddikulus!" this time, more gave a clearer response, and being the entitled prat he was, Draco commented. "This class is ridiculous," Y/n huffed, disappointed in him, and gently kicked his shin. Goyle had nodded but failed to notice Draco's flinch.
"Very good, well so much for the easy part" Y/n looked up at Draco for a moment, inspecting his sling; the blond noticed and put his face a little closer. "See something you like, potter?" Y/n rolled her eyes and turned back around; although she was Harry's sister, she was not a Horcrux. She got lucky; her aunt Petunia was willing to watch a measly baby girl for an evening but refused Harry. "The incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you truly find amusing."
Y/n smiled brightly, wondering what silly things everyone's fears would turn into, although a bright happy girl, she was a Slytherin, she was cunning and brilliantly clever. "let me explain, uh, Neville, will you join me, please?" the young Gryffindor looked behind him, a little worried for his safety "Come one, don't be shy" Neville starts walking up, Remus encourages him to be a little braver "Come one, Come on" Once Neville reached the professor, Remus smiled. "Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?" Y/n managed to catch a glimpse of the boy's soft expression, he was scared, Neville stuttered as he spoke, "Professor Snape."
"I'm sorry?" Neville hadn't spoken loud enough for the professor to hear him, and the minute the boy spoke louder, the whole class burst into giggles. "Professor Snape," Remus chuckled and repeated the boy's words, "Professor Snape. Yeah, he frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother?" Y/n sighs, feeling all giggly, Neville was a cute boy, sure, but he wasn't her type. "Yes, but I don't want the boggart to turn into her either."
The class bursts into laughter and giggles again. "No, it won't. I want you to picture her clothes - only her clothes, very clearly in your mind" Neville starts describing things his grandmother wears. However, Y/n and Draco were distracted by each other when they weren't paying attention. One would sneak a glance at the other when they weren't looking; lucky for them, their housemates didn't notice. "She carries a red handbag" Remus shakes his head and smiles. "We don't need to hear; as long as you see it, we'll see it. Now when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do."
Y/n finally focused back on the professor, pulling her attention away from Draco. While the boy couldn't, he'd rather pay more attention to her. "Imagine professor Snape in your grandmother's clothes," Remus whispered to the boy, but the class could hear him. "Can you do that?" He asked Neville, confirming whether he could or not. "Yes. Wand at the ready - one, two, three" The tall man gently flicked his wand at the wardrobe, the knob turning instantaneously. The door slowly opened, and professor lupin got behind the young Gryffindor.
As the door finished opening, the Boggart had already taken the form of Professor Snape. "Think, Neville, Think." The Boggart walked closer; It looked precisely like professor Snape. Y/n was amazed. It was able to replicate his exact appearance. The wardrobe slammed shut and Neville shouted out the incantation. "Riddikulus!"  The Boggart is suddenly dressed in his grandmother's outrageous clothing. The whole room bursts out into laughter and giggles. It was hilarious. "Wonderful, Neville, Wonderful, Incredible! Okay, to the back, Neville, everyone form a line!" everyone pushed and shoved, Draco hitting someone in the process on purpose; Y/n whacked his shoulder for it, getting in front of him in line.
The professor started playing music, the Boggart looking around, confused. Next was Ron, a spider formed, and when he said the incantation, it was fumbling around on roller skates. Then there was Parvati, scared of snakes she is, it turned into a jack in the box. Next was Harry. Even if he was my brother, I still have no idea what makes him afraid.
Parvati's jack in the box swayed forward, then back, and when it went on again, it shifted into a dementor; I panicked, scared. I backed into Draco, only to get teased, "scared, Pottah?" Y/n huffs before feeling Draco rub her back discretely; she blushes lightly, calming down a little. Y/n calmed; Draco's hand rubbing the small of her back was helping. Lupin jumps in front of Harry, his fear replacing the Boggart, he yells the incantation, and it becomes a deflating balloon.
Once everyone was out of the classroom, Draco pulled Y/n off into an empty hallway, confusing the girl. Y/n looked up at him and blushed, looking away soon after. "Why'd you do that? You didn't have to" Draco rolled his eyes and patted her head, putting his forehead against hers. "Y/n, I think I'm in love with you" The small girl's eyes widen in shock, and her face burns from embarrassment, failing to find the words to say she felt the same way. Draco raised an eyebrow, watching her cute flustered reactions, finding it amusing. Draco leans closer to her face, making Y/n even more flustered, and he teases her, acting as if he will kiss her.
"Wow, a cute little Y/n Pottah has feelings for me; this will be interesting~." Y/n bit her lip, and with her brain malfunctioning, she grabbed Draco by the collar of his robes, pulled him down her level, and kissed him before pulling away, super embarrassed. Draco had a look of shock, before smirking, teasing her even more.
Y/n huffed and wiggled away from him, a small smile on her face. "Don't tell Harry."
"Why? You scared, Pottah?"
"Not in the slightest, Malfoy."
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