safefort · 11 months
reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
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safefort · 1 year
I feel like either the government or the school system should give every neurodivergent child (or just every child, to save time on screenings) a free pair of ear defenders. School would be much more productive and much less traumatizing that way.
If we have the budget, why the fuck not? It could really help some people!
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safefort · 1 year
Looking for friends
I doubt anyone will see this, as I don’t post much on this blog like I had hoped but I’m looking for friends.
I am 20 soon to be 21, so please ages 18-35. I’ll tell you my name through DM’s. If you haven’t already guessed I am neurodivent. I’m autistic and socially awkward and I don’t like small talk. I’m dyslexic and dyscalculixic (I don’t know the correct spelling sorry). I have been going through a bad time lately, so sorry if I’m weird. But I won’t let it get in the way of friendship. I should also mention, since this tends to be a problem, I am not and never will be looking for a relationship. They are too complicated and I’m asexual. If you have read this far and would still like to be my friend, yay!
And here’s some positives about me:
-I will always try my best to be there for you! And I won’t ever judge, I’ve been through a ton and I don’t fit in so there isn’t really anything I’ll think of as weird.
-I’m sensitive
-I love animals!!!
-I like science and art, I’m currently studying psychology
-I like nature
-my interests are: animals, psychology and neuroscience, art, and cartoons (my favourites are amphibia, mlp, and she-ra and I am currently watching Steven universe which I love very much)
-I want to every little tiny thing about your interests!!! I love learning about others
-if your kind and we become friends, I won’t leave
You don’t have to also be neurdivgent, but you have to understand that I am and be okay that I’m a bit different
Before I end this here is a list of cartoon characters I relate to: Marcy wu, entrapta, fluttershy, twilight sparkle, and pearl
If anyone wants to be my friend, feel free to dm and I’ll respond as soon as I can
Okay, bye.
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safefort · 1 year
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calamity (n) : a terrible event that causes a lot of damage or harm
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safefort · 1 year
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safefort · 2 years
I agree with this statement, we all deserve protect and autonomy regardless of age.
Also this whole idea, that suddenly your an adult when you turn 18 and you don’t need anymore help anymore is just ridiculous. It doesn’t even make sense for an 18 to 24 year old to be considered an adult in the first place, as your brain is not fully developed until 25, until 25 you still have the brain of teenager. The government just randomly decided that a certain number would mean your an adult, and that than all of a sudden you must have everything figured out, you don’t have problems anymore, and you don’t need protection it’s crazy. Sometimes I don’t even understand why, we feel the need to label ourself as a number based on the measurement of time, everyone grows at different paces and regardless of where you are at in your growth, you deserve basic human rights.
I still think that a key function of the way we think of the concepts "adult" and "child" is to separate the human population into "people who deserve autonomy but no protection" and "people who deserve protection but no autonomy" and in the process dehumanize both groups of people. We ignore the fact that all people need both autonomy and protection, and that our society could easily be set up to provide everyone a healthy mix of both.
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safefort · 2 years
I am underestimated and sick so here this is
What your favourite amphibia character says about you (or just the one you kin)
Calamity trio edition
First up Anne
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If the one and only Anne boocu is your favourite or the one you relate to:
Your a big softie! And in the best was possible! Your kind, loving, sensitive, see the best in others, and with those your close with your fiercely loyal and protective. Your goofy and Your also the mom friend! Your the friend that everyone needs
Your most likely an extrovert or at the very least an extroverted introvert
You love sweets
You give off the vibes of “family is everything”
Your strong. you’ve been through a lot and no one talks about it, but you keep on fighting and continue to grow
High emotional intelligence
Your someone who is constantly learning, growing and changing! Your amazing at adampting to new environments
Loves memes and cute cat videos
Your super likeable
For the negative side: you do or have in the past struggled with standing up for yourself and gave into people pleasing. With how your naturally sensitive, it can sometimes make you passive. You or have had people who take advantage of your more passive side and you may have or had just gone along with it.
Your really competitive and sometimes it can get a little too intense 
When you feel unsure of who you are or don’t feel confident you can be unmotivated, lacking passion.
When your sorounded by positive people, who give you unconditional love and believe in you, you thrive! The lesson you need to learn is to find those people if you haven’t and not put up with anything less!
Next up Sasha
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If you Sasha is your favourite character or the one you relate to:
A natural leader and independent. Your out going and have good people skills, you don’t let anyone push you around and know how both take charge and get people to listen to you. You this natural charisma that makes people wanna follow you. Also despite your tough appearance you deeply care for your friends
Your a rebel and like to break the rules
Out going and popular
Makes friends easily
Your have a tough and strong attuide but you have a sercet soft side and vulnerable side for those close to you
Your most likely an air sign, give strong aqurious vibes
Condfident in who you are and sassy
Likes action movies
The cool one out of the friend group
Now for Negative: because your so strong and independent you have a tendency to put a wall up, getting close to people but only at a certain amount and not letting others know when your hurting. Keeping all problems to yourself. Due to this or/and other your hot temper and get aggressive sometimes.
Can be mainplative without knowing it, your so good at leading sometimes you don’t know when it’s time to let others have a turn having there way, and you may even fear letting go of that control. You could have been a villan in some life without knowing it
When your powers need to be used for good! That’s when amazing things happen, when there used not used for good, you can easily lose people and end up hurt
Last but certainly not least marcy
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If Marcy is your favourite or you relate to her:
Your optimistic, really intelligent, and passionate. Your a life long learner! You love learning and have a lot of knowledge, with lots of passions. But that’s not all there is too you, your someone who deeply cares for you friends and all you want is to be toeghter with your friends! Your also engertic or were when you were younger and that makes you fun to be around.
Neurodivgent of some kind
Either burnt out gift kid, gift kid that is not burnt out yet, or someone who struggled in school (there is no inbetween)
Loveable nerd
Has a small but close circle of friends
In some kind of fandom and probably has a niche interest(s)
Similar to Anne, your strong. You’ve been through a ton of trauma but you keep fighting and learning from life
Loves puzzles and are an amazing problem solver
You always have your friends best intentions at heart, your logical but when it comes to people you are about emotional
You have a good sense of humour
You know a bit about everything but also have certain interests that you know a ton about
Clumsy or uncoordinated
Your on a different level than everyone else, there’s no other way to explain it
Now for the negative: you find it hard to make friends and have troubles with understanding social cues, this can either lead to being alone or depent on the friends you do have. People have may have tendency to label you as harmless and want to protect you, as a result you may think you need protecting to and relay on this.
When you get emotional (usually over your friends) you can be impolvisive.
Similar to Anne, your more of a passive person and a bit of a people pleaser, this can lead you get walked over or for people who don’t understand you passions for to either supress your interests or allow them to ignore your interests
You also have a fear of abandonment or being alone
Put an environment with your interests, that allows you to be independent, you thrive! you need to learn that you don’t always need others to hold your hand even if you scared and not to supress any part of yourself for anyone! your awesome the way you are! Also go to thearpy please, you have unresolved trauma.
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safefort · 2 years
If anyone here who is 20+ likes amphibia, can you interact with this, I’m 20 and I love amphibia but it feels like I’m the only adult who likes it, all I see is teens liking the show, no adults. and I feel weird.
Note: not trying to say there’s anything wrong with teens being in the fandom, I just feel alone
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safefort · 2 years
What it’s like to be the only neurodivgent person
* listening to jazz music*
Brother: this is so relaxing, makes me feel like it’s Christmas
Brothers gf: it makes me feel like getting cozy, this is really nice music
Mother: this music reminds me of Christmas
Me: this music makes me feel like I’m on a whimsical adventure 
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safefort · 2 years
anyone else just kinda . put off hyperfixations. like yeah i haven’t seen/read/listened to that yet but i will soon and i will become obsessed with it just give me another couple weeks lol
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safefort · 2 years
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safefort · 2 years
One of my bucket list dreams is to have my own cartoon, even though I know that’s not realistic for me. Cartoons are an underrated form of media, there’s so much poitinal with them and they have always gave me comfort in dark times. I have so many ideas for a cartoon, I’d love it if one day I could turn on my tv and see a world in motion that I created or scroll through my phone and see a whole fandom of my character that made bunch of people feel happy.
That is my wish, to someone how before I die one day have made my own cartoon
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safefort · 2 years
You’re never too old to collect figures.
You’re never too old to be in a fandom.
You’re never too old to play video games.
You’re never too old to listen to music.
You’re never too old to enjoy things.
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safefort · 2 years
Let’s make this a trend, I want to see what other characters feel represent by!
💜Characters that I feel represent me 💜
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Marcy wu
Twighlight sparkle
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safefort · 2 years
💜Characters that I feel represent me 💜
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Marcy wu
Twighlight sparkle
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safefort · 2 years
Agreed 💯, her hair, is hair goals! I love when her hair goes in all directions when she goes to grab things. She’s my favourite too, I like her trinkets and her not Emily 🥰
Ya’ll have no idea how much this purple haired, morally grey, misunderstood scientist, Autistic, made me feel seen
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“Your imperfections make you beautiful”
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safefort · 2 years
That’s a possibility or I’m colour blind cause all I see, is hair that’s purple like lavander, not pink, her eyes are pink tho
Ya’ll have no idea how much this purple haired, morally grey, misunderstood scientist, Autistic, made me feel seen
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“Your imperfections make you beautiful”
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