slytherin-aesthetic · 3 years
Mother & Father,
You have not written to me yet, I can only hope it is because you have been awaiting my first letter.
The journey was good. The atmosphere is bleak. The weather has not improved. Is that enough of the pleasantries?
The other mundane things of my life will bore you while the more personal things would shock you - perhaps this is why you have not written to me in all the time I have been away, perhaps this is why you have never made the empty promises to write every year on the platform. How the tides turn, it is your shortcomings I must now overlook.
Oh Mother, would it be fair to say how I feel?
Our house emblem, the Snake for which we are known, is something that terrifies me more than words could explain - it haunts my nightmares and is the creator of all my bad dreams. Often, I wish to rip the symbol off my robes and toss it into the fire so it may feel how its expectations have been branded into me. I dream of untying the green and silver rope from around my neck so that, just once, I may breath freely. Does this make me less than what I am, a Slytherin? Does this make me what you see me as, a disappointment?
Oh Father, would you tell me the truth?
I have noted, more in recent years, that you glance at the sons of your friends wistfully and look at me with an equal level of disdain. You admire their arrogance, their argument and yet threaten to remove the same things from me - I wonder whether you are being duplicitous or if you are adopting the way of the Snake and turning with the tide as you have taught me to do. Tell me Father, am I to carry the burden of your disappointment for eternity?
Think of the possibilities, Mother and Father.
I could send this letter. I could drown this letter. I could allow the wrong hands and eyes to find this letter. I could scream the words of this letter. I could rewrite, a million times over, the sentiment hidden in this letter.
But I'm not as much a failure as you would think, Mother and Father - I will burn this letter and shed this skin, I will become what you wish and never waver. Such is the destiny of a Slytherin, is that not right?
With regards,
Your Daughter
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slytherin-aesthetic · 3 years
Slytherin loyalty is not to be taken lightly.
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
Peak Slytherin is, when you can verbally obliterate your enemy but get anxiety when it comes to ordering food from a complete stranger.
Peak Slytherin is, when you over think something so much you don’t even realise that you are talking out loud until someone stares at you weirdly because you just yelled at thin air to shut the fuck up.
Peak Slytherin is, when you can multitask a thousand things and still fuck up a simple task such as drinking water.
Peak Slytherin is, being so dubious and scientific that you can get all the research done in one night and still not do do it b ed cause you can’t see a good enough reason to do it.
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
“If you consider a woman less pure after you’ve touched her, maybe you should take a look at your hands.”
— (via slyherin)
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
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Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
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the louvre; paris, france
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
 I personally think this is something a great deal of people deal with as writers. Or maybe this is me convincing myself that I am, in fact, normal and that this problem I currently face is something a great deal of people have already dealt with and have already figured out a way around it. 
Sometimes, I think the true issue as to why I am not writing is, as Richard Papen had put it as “The Fatal Flaw”, as long as there is a morbid longing for the picturesque that I cannot seem to help, I will always be distracted by aestheticism and how romantic all of this seems. 
Sometimes, I honestly think that I forget, because of romanticism at its absolute finest, that writing simply means writing. You sit down, either you grab your pen or open your typewriter or turn on your laptop, and you write. Instead, I find myself spending my time worrying about whether people would ever notice me if I decided to post a poem here, or start some sort of fan fiction blog (which I know some may find terribly ghastly in certain ways, and which I personally find quite a wonderful pursuit as long as taken lightly and not to be regarded as hard truth considering there are at times real people, although unbeknownst to them, involved). 
Sometimes, I make such a big deal about wondering how I would be able to survive myself as a writer and I spend such an inordinate amount of time worrying about it when in reality, I should probably start the work instead of just constantly thinking about how to finish it.
Sometimes, my brain forgets how to shut up. 
Sometimes, I am afraid.
Sometimes, I think I should just forget about aesthetics and reputation for a moment in order to write what is meant to be written. 
First thought, best thought. Right?
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
forgive me father for i have sinned in all the most intricate, exquisite and aesthetically pleasing ways i was capable of
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
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The Slytherin Common Room: Books to Read 
“If I cannot bend the will of heaven, I shall move hell”
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
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Come on, cheer up, it’s nearly Christmas.
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slytherin-aesthetic · 4 years
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my favorite golden trio. remake
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