#<- I wanna be careful
blue-jester · 1 year
Can you please tell me about Shadow Magiajam
You know how normal Magia is timid, shy, merciful, passive, won't fight if you held a gun to their head?
Uhh. Brain juice low so have some things I've written on discord for them
Hm… Unlike normal Magia, their shadow self did try to take over paradise. Though not for selfish reason, see
The mirror matter gods were, in fact, heavily abusive towards the paradise gods. Physically and mentally. They hated that they even existed. And ShadowMagia hated them back with a fury unmatched by any. The other paradise gods openly hated eachother as well, often pit against one and other by the paradise gods themself- so instead of awkwardly existing together unsure of where they stand, everyone just hated eachother. So the little shadow flame wished to do something about it. Harboring all of their anger towards their own mistreatment, and the mistreatment of the other gods though they didn't particularly care about them. Never once did anyone stand up for them, never once did they stand up for them…. Maybe this would make the gods… Less horrible.
spoiler! It didn't help, Magia just kept getting more pissed, the matter gods were brutal and couldn't get the serpent to calm down even after impaling them with millions of heart spears, even after they took a spear to the heart and broke it [which is also how Magia ended up with their heart broken in two to make Jorrolor and Vatafilor] to break them out of their true form, even after they screamed so much and so loudly they put a spear through their muzzle so they'd never speak again did the god ever back down. Instead getting angrier and angrier to the point where! They didn't CARE what or who they destroyed they just wanted their enemy dead!!!
So, without a way to permanently kill them, the matter gods finally cast them from paradise, so sealed that they could do nothing but cry and thrash their heavily injured body. If they weren't so restrainted there's a good chance they'd just have destroyed a big chunck of the universe with their rage alone. It died down over the years of solitude… but never ceased.* So like Magia! Started out with good intentions! Unlike them, they are the worlds angriest most adrenaline filled cat
Another thing about Shadow Magia… Is that they almost never let themself cry. Even if they really need to, they just will not! It's a defense mechanism because the matter gods never took kindly to such an emotion back in paradise, so now they only know how to cope via violence. Though they did manage to slip occasionally, though only when they've really really fucked up, like the day they were cast out of paradise and sealed away- then when they cry it's hard and messy.
Pretty sure most the mirror gods are like. High-Key terrified of Shadow Magia. They are AWFUL to them still but like the second they're free those bitches are fleeing to paradise because FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK it's like a hungry lion people constantly bug escaping their enclosure at a zoo
friend [would shadow magia envy regular magia?] abso fucking lutely They despise their counterpart. How come they get to be free and happy while they sit in darkness chained in a thousand spears? Why do they get freedom and the shadow gets imprisonment? They'd take more annoying gods then this hell any day it makes them so, so angry It's just so unfair. Maybe they hate seeing a version of themself so.. Meak. So much better than they are. Maybe it's knowing that they could be free, but aren't. Their matter gods hated them more then the brightworlders hate normal magia also I need a name for shadow magia. That's not shadow magia. Gets annoying to type sjdndks But yes. Deep, deep envy for their other self
Due to the. [gestures widely at all the heart spears jabbed into their back] Issues, Shadow Magia's back is actually really sensitive, a weak spot, it's really hard to heal from that many heart spears even if you're an overpowered god so! Also their broken wing bones hurt extra badly when touched [so does normal Magia but to a much lesser extent and also they're on fire so it's not really an issue for them] God — 04/27/2023 10:22 AM
this means shadow Magia actually has a much bigger weak spot- normal Magia just doesn't have an obvious one but shadow's is their entire back so despite how vicious they are they'd be easier to take down
[not really]Fun fact, sometimes Shadow Magia will get so angry and try to use their power so, so hard that on top of the heart spears they're impaled on they accidentally burn themself on the energy they try and fail to release
they chose the specific method of dealing with the angry magic god like that they'd say that there was literally nothing else they could do- mirrors can't kill eachother so they're undeniably weaker then their brightworld counterparts and unlike brightworld Magia this one never relented and only got more mad. Sealing them was a favor for the entire mirrorworld because clearly they'd fuck it up beyond repair otherwise
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feelo-fick · 3 months
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why are you still here, then????
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c-tepx · 1 month
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as much as he cares for others laios is so bad at caring for himself. like. he looks like a dog left by owners
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k i’ve caved
if this gets 2k i’ll annotate all my alice oseman books
if this somehow gets 3k i’ll show my mural progress/mural reveal
and if this gets 4k i’ll use my paycheck for that month for other people only
and if my some miracle this gets 5k i’ll tell the girl i liked for over a year i liked her
as of feb 12 every goal up to 5k has been met and i’m now taking suggestion for 10k and over cuz like 2 whole months yk
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bixels · 4 months
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Just gonna have to wait and see, right? Just wait and see! Just gotta wait and see! Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! It's anybody's guess, we'll just have to wait and see! The future is exciting, we just gotta wait and see!
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1892 · 9 months
just wondering! i'm sure i forgot many things but just pick out of these ok???
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foxglove-nymph · 8 months
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1eos · 10 months
'tumblr is full of 14 year olds' wrong tumblr is full of 24 year olds who just don't do anything. and that's okay
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tooquirkytolose · 1 year
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Love Spell~
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azzo0 · 1 month
Couldn't get the idea of taking care of Hawks' wings off my mind. Not proofread <3
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Keigo is really protective and sensitive when it comes to his wings. They're his quirk, the reason why he can move at such high speeds and keep civilians safe. The reason why he's at number two. This also means he takes delicate care of his feathers. He has a special shampoo made just for people with quirks like his. While the shampoo is gentle on his feathers, the spa attendants he gets his wings washed from aren't as gentle. They forget that too much pressure can hurt his bones, even if they're strong. Sometimes, the excessive and harsh scrubbing makes his feathers look like he got into a fight with pigeons. 
But he doesn't have to worry about all that now. Not when he has you with your soft and caring touch. 
Wash days were once stressful for Keigo, but now they're a sweet and intimate moment he gets to share with you as he sits on the edge of the bathtub in his bathroom, big enough for him to spread his wings without knocking a few things over. You stand behind him, showering water onto his wings before lathering the shampoo onto the length of his wings, slowly moving down to the feathers. 
Things easily got heated between you two, especially since he sat there buck naked with your voice whispering sweet nothings in his ear as you helped him with his wings. But most of the time, it was just a quiet and serene moment where you got to take care of him. He deserved to be pampered after all the hard work he did. 
Sometimes, you press kisses on the nape of his neck and the gap between his wings. He sighs dreamily whenever he feels your warm and delicate touch on his feathers, his wings fluttering ever so slightly. After cleaning his feathers, you run water on his wings again. He flaps them a few times after you're done, sprinkling water over you and making you squeal. 
He knows washing his wings is no easy task, so after you're done, he shoos you out of the bathroom to wash his hair, but on days he's too tired, he lets you massage the shampoo into his hair. You help him dry off afterwards, blow dryer on the low setting when you move from his hair to his wings. A few flaps of his wings can do the task, but you do not want water all over your walls. 
After his feathers are dried, you apply the special oil he gets made just for his wings. It leaves his crimson feathers bright and lustrous. He hops in bed afterwards, holding you into him so he can feel your warmth engulf him. He nuzzles into your neck, his freshly cleaned, fluffy hair tickling your chin. He props up on an elbow and brushes his lips against yours, his voice a gentle whisper, "Thank you."
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shy-the-trash-lion · 4 months
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Some silly smiling guys 🌈✨
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archivebottles · 5 months
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"You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself now."
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dreadfuldevotee · 6 months
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#the doctor will say everything but "I love you"
Bonus: #comeuppance
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spyroforlife · 4 months
Alastor: And then she called me an 'ace in the hole', whatever that means
Angel: It was a joke, she's saying you're asexual
Alastor: A sexual what? I'm not sexual for ANYTHING
Angel: Yeah, I mean asexual, all one word. As in, without sexuality. You don't feel sexual attraction. We call it asexual, often shortened to ace. Ergo, you're an 'ace in the hole'
Alastor: There's actually a word for that?? Ridiculous. But points to Rosie for the cute wordplay, I suppose.
Angel: I know you aren't but if you WERE a sex-favorable asexual, well. You could be an ace in MY hole-
Alastor: (immediately bonks him with his mic)
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tshortik · 9 months
I love you messy artstyle i love you visible brush strokes I love you textures and rough edges I love you imperfections I love you roughness and colour blobs I love you scratchy sketches and bold stylisation and dirt and imperfections I love you ugly and raw emotion!!!!! ❤️
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omtai · 4 months
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got too crazy last night & made a fake Gerard Fangoria cover... 🧛‍♀️
📸: Jess Gleeson
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