#<- his exact words
little-pondhead · 1 month
Last weekend I was at work and I didn’t have much to do, so I hung out with my boss’ kids and just kept an eye on them.
The eldest son saw my shirt-he’s about twelve and claims his favorite movie is the original Godzilla-looked me in the eyes, and said, “I didn’t know you watched Fairly Odd Parents!”
I was wearing my Danny Phantom shirt from Hot Topic.
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aalghul · 2 months
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Remember when Duke referred to himself as Robin while talking to Batman and then everyone spent the next 8 years saying it's illegal to expect him to be included as a Robin in anything, ever.
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inkskinned · 2 years
it is hard to explain without sounding vain or stupid - but the more attractive others find you, the more you're allowed to do. the easier your life is.
i have been on both sides of this. i am queer and cuban. i grew up poor. for a long time i didn't know "how" to dress - and i still don't. i make my sister pick out any important outfits. i have adhd in spades: i was never "cool and quiet", i was the weird kid who didn't understand how "normal" people behave. i was bullied so hard that the "social outcasts" wouldn't even talk to me.
i got my teeth straightened. i cut my hair and learned how to style it. i got into makeup. it didn't matter, at first, if i actually liked what i was doing - it mattered how people responded to it. like a magic trick; the right dress and winged eyeliner and suddenly i was no longer too weird for all of it. i could wear the ugly pokemon shirt and it was just "ironic" or a "cute interest."
when i am seen as pretty, people listen. they laugh at my jokes. they allow me to be weird and a little spacey. i can trust that if i need something, people will generally help me. privilege suddenly rushes in: pretty does buy things. pretty people get treated more gently.
i am the same ugly little girl, is the thing. still odd. still not-quite-fitting-in. still scrambling. still angry and afraid and full of bad things. of course it became my obsession. of course i stopped eating. i had seen, in real time, the exact way it could change my life - simply always be perfect, and things can be easy. people will "overlook" all the other things. i used to have panic attacks at the idea others would see me without makeup - what would they think? even for a simple friend hangout, i'd spend a few hours getting ready. after all, it seemed so obvious to me: these people liked me because i was pretty.
i worry about how much i'm being a bad activist: i understand that "pretty" is determined by white, het, cis, able-bodied hegemonies. if i was really an ally, wouldn't i rally against all of this? recently there's been a "clean girl" trend which copies latinx aesthetics: dark slicked-back hair, hoop earrings. i almost never wear my hair like that; i can hear the middle school guidance counsellor advising me that i might fare better if i toned it down on the culture.
the problem is that i can take pretty on and off. that i have seen how different my life is on a day where i try and a day where i don't. i told my therapist i want to believe the difference is confidence, but it's not. and when you have seen it, you can't unsee it. it lives inside your brain. it rots there; taunting. i get rewarded for following the rules. i am punished for breaking them. end of story.
pretty people can get what they want. pretty people can feel confident without others asking where they got their nerve from. pretty people can be weird and different. pretty people get to have emotions; it's different when they get aggressive, it's pretty when they cry with frustration.
of course people care about this. of course it has crawled into you. of course you want to be seen as attractive. it's not vanity: it's self-preservation.
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attackoneyebrows · 1 year
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Didn't he take another man's life to save yours? He was defending himself. He was defending you.
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clairedaring · 24 days
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Yes, P'Tong? I was fired from the project by the director. And he will replace me with Joe. What? I think this is Wut's plan for sure. He wants to push his people to be famous. Before this, he pushed Sol to get a supporting role. And now, with Joe as a leading role, they can have a 'ship couple' like they intended. Sol? Yes.
MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.04
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tunamayojazz · 9 months
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saw that fav ship trope: chronic sleeper x chronic insomniac tweet and guess what! it's them
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
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Probably the most powerful expression Oda drew on Law because how many times have we seen him so broken and desperate. That's a boy who lost everyone within a single night along with his faith in humanity - spilling out his heart in front of a total stranger just so he can somehow evade re-experiencing this pain:
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And this time it struck him worse . Now there's guilt along with grief because he brought the grim reaper to Cora himself.
Vergo is now dead and Doflamingo in Impel Down - but this isn't something you heal from in lifetime.
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Years after, same story. Oda struck the same wound again, took away his sword and hat while at it, then left him in salt water.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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these made me have a mental breakdown at 3 am tbh
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morriganartblog · 9 months
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Hello @canisalbus, have this wrinkled doodle of Machete
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friendlygirlswag · 1 month
rip gale dekarios you would’ve loved abba
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beaulesbian · 10 months
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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fagnumopus · 3 months
"Omg Lolita is SUCH an awful book bc the narrator is OBVIOUSLY so CHARMING so you'll SYMPATHIZE with him"
Humbert Humbert on the first page: "Your Honour, my defence is that I'm being crucified for my sins which literally makes me Jesus Christ"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Felled by one bowl.
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tangerinequeen19 · 1 year
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[or: "Am I LIVE?!"] "You....sssn--cheeky little fucker." - Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT 2023, post-show Council Bluffs via insta
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miraclepoisons · 1 year
A lesson in compassion :
"Be gentle, Anakin."
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arthursfuckinghat · 23 days
The Mexican dictator's main captain: "This raid is important, but something doesn't feel right.."
John, with a straight face: "Maybe you just need to take a piss or something"
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