#<- the only time i will probably use the bkdk tag lmao
unlikelyjedi · 1 year
since you asked how about bkdk and seroiida
Okay hey hey so BKDK!!! Bekdek if you will!! Yeah I ship!!!
What made you ship it?
Their natural chemistry. They were literally created to bounce off of each other. Arguably it is their relationship that is the core of the show. Yeah, all the good things (also heart been broke so many times, I don't know what to belie-).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hmmmm... the energy. They are both so angry but can also be so sweet to each other. I like this tension that has followed them throughout their lives and the way that has shaped them as people. They love each other even though sometimes their love looks a lot like hate.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uhhh, sometimes even liking the ship is enough to be an unpopular opinion.
My unpopular opinion is I think BKDK works best with TDBKDK, but I also think it doesn't have to have it. Just my personal tastes.
What made you ship it?
Such an underrated rarepair. Their vibes are so different but would work so so well!! And I've loved the personal headcanons you and I have come up with (RIP Sero every time he tries to walk with his golden-doodle, named Noodle).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
So good!!! Uptight Iida with his very chill (maybe stoner?) bf and their giant dog. They are so silly together I love it.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think this ship is popular enough to have unpopular opinions, but uhhhh let me know if there are any????
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multimousenette · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for tagging me @queer-cosette!! I forgot to get around to this but here we go
How many works do you have on ao3? 8
What’s your total ao3 word count? 44,112
What fandoms do you write for? I have written for BBC Ghosts, Miraculous Ladybug, and My Hero Academia. The present tense in the question is misleading.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Is this- is this aLLOWED (ghosts), these little words (miraculous), baby Heather button (ghosts), can’t get used to letting you go (miraculous), Rosa grandiflora (miraculous)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Only very rarely. I never got into the habit, I guess!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably the first ML fic I posted on Wattpad as an angsty fifteen year-old.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? can’t get used to letting you go or is this- is this aLLOWED
Do you get hate on fics? I did get some not so nice comments on (again) the first ML fic i posted on wattpad as an angsty fifteen year-old, mostly cos they thought my super cool OC was gonna get in the middle of adrienette.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? No, but I have a few ideas percolating. Real microwave treatment.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? No, but miraculous and my hero academia would work so well together trust me
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Ironically they messaged me asking if they could repost to instagram, but when I looked at their instagram, they hadn’t bothered to wait for a reply🤡
Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No.
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I am consumed with bkdk brainrot
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Rules of Playing Make-Believe — it was a chronological ML rewrite with a Lila redemption and overhaul of miraculous powers, but really I think it was more of an excuse for me to be really autistic abt ML and arrange all my dolls in a line
What are your writing strengths? I’m good at mimicking voices/writing styles, which is definitely a bonus for fic!
What are your writing weaknesses? Actually putting words on a page lmao
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Again, did this in my first ever ML fic on Wattpad (you get the idea), mostly based on my not-yet GCSE French. It was a choice. Not a good one, though.
First fandom you ever wrote for? Frozen, I think? Or the Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley, though I never posted any of that.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? I did forget that A Steady Hand to Hold exists but it slaps tbh
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meeko-mar · 3 years
The more I think about it, the more I might be signing on to the theory that Izuku KNOWS his trigger is Kacchan, and he just hasn't admitted/confronted it yet...At least, that we have yet seen.
Hold my non-alcoholic beverage.
Once again, let's preface with the fact that we have SEEN with our own eyes, that Kacchan has been the trigger of two specific incidents, being Monoma insulting Kacchan and Izuku becoming angry enough to manifest Black Whip.
And second, Kacchan following him into danger, and then getting impaled and nearly dying to protect him, which then triggered possibly the most RAGE we have ever seen Izuku possess, AND the manifestation of Danger Sense, AND caused him to literally throw himself at AFO/Shigaraki which put him immediately under threat of having OFA stolen. Obviously, the vestiges protected the Quirk, but the fact still stands that the rage the a Izuku felt was enough to drive him LITERALLY into Shigaraki's hands, despite how very very dangerous that was. Izuku LOST HIMSELF so badly that he could have lost the entire war right there, if The Vestiges hadn't protected him and the Quirk.
The moment when All Might and Kacchan are trying to coach him and find the connection that brought about Black Whip. The mention of an external factor, and Izuku's avoidance of saying what that factor was(Kacchan being insulted, as we ALL know and explicitly saw), and arguably his words of "It's not something I can handle right now" seem a bit suspicious.
(NOTE: I've said before, that I had slight skepticism that this line about not being able to handle it and putting a lock on something, was meant to refer to the power he unlocked, however, watching season 5 has made me remember that, after the chaotic manifestation, and talking to Lariat, and realizing that Black Whip was part of his Quirk and therefore there to HELP him, and he had successfully used it without losing control because he ACCEPTED that it was a power that was there to help, not hurt him. I am not so sure that Izuku's "lock" is referring to the power anymore, but rather, his feelings for Kacchan.
But, I have new perspective that maybe, like others were pointing out, maybe it IS referring to the actual TRIGGER. IE, his feelings for Kacchan/his anger on his behalf.
I could be wrong, of course? But stay with me because this is a part of a larger context)
So, after the War arc, after Kacchan got gravely injured on his behalf, after hospitalization, we are given one thing before Izuku suddenly leaves. But it was KACCHAN's perspective, Kacchan waking up and being desperate to get to Izuku, and getting DENIED at the door. We are shown Kacchan's desperation to make sure Izuku's ok, but so far, even well after waking up, we are NOT SHOWN Izuku's worry over Kacchan's condition. We are suddenly FLUNG into a brand new world where Izuku is a drop-out "vigilante" working on the villain activity outside of school, cleaning up villains and questing to find out how villains come to be in their own minds.
We've seen him talk to his mom before he leaves. We've seen him talk to Gran Torino.
But we haven't seen him talk to ANY of his friends yet, ESPECIALLY KACCHAN. When there has been such a fantastic amount of tension placed on that particular relationship, after not only the sacrifice Kacchan made, but also, and particularly, the FOCUS that was placed on Kacchan trying to REACH HIM and FAILING.
We've all been forced to inhale a deep breath as Kacchan charged down that hallway yelling for Deku, and we are STILL HOLDING THAT BREATH. There is a huge, poignant LOOSE END there that is hanging over our head. We are still waiting for the payoff.
So like that scene, in theory, Izuku is still avoiding how he feels so strongly about Kacchan that he can be triggered into rage over him being hurt?
Actually, no, I think this sudden change to Izuku is very much him finally acknowledging it and acting on it.
The reason we have so much unresolved tension still hanging over Kacchan and Izuku's non-reunion, the reason Hori set up this big conflict that hasn't been resolved yet, why he showed us Kacchan trying to see Deku and not an ounce of Izuku wanting to see Kacchan before he leaves,
is that Izuku is actively trying to distance himself from Kacchan.
He did say that the reason he won't be returning to UA is of course because AFO could find him at any time and he would place everyone around him in danger.
But Kacchan? I think Izuku is still very much traumatized by the fact that he witnessed Kacchan taking a would-be fatal blow for him and falling out of the sky, drenched in blood.
I think he probably realizes that if Kacchan follows him into battle again, there's a real chance it could happen again... Or worse, AFO/Shigaraki, now knowing what a touchy button that is for Izuku, could actively target Kacchan on the battlefield, kill him, and/or use him against Izuku.
And Izuku is in the literary stage where the protagonist thinks that the love they have for someone else is a weak point and a danger/liability to those he loves, and so tries to shoulder all the burden themselves an shut the other out. He doesn't want his friends involved, he doesn't want Kacchan involved.
Because he knows that his love for Kacchan is his weakness. He's finally acknowledging that when Kacchan is hurt or slighted, he tends to lose himself. He loses control of his heart, and this is not something they can afford at this point in the game. Defeating AFO is now or never. (and he just desperately doesn't want Kacchan to be hurt for him anymore.)
He is going to have to learn, however, that, like Kacchan says to him, he can't keep playing the Hero on his own. And that their love can be their greatest strength, instead of a weakness.
So he's left, probably without a conversation with Kacchan. Hori is holding out on showing us this, building onto that tension, and I feel like he has some very significant pay off coming up. We haven't been shown any such conversation because he wants us to keep holding that breath for a little longer.
And if I'm right, it's gonna be dramatic when Izuku breaks down about this to Kacchan, finally. There was also some theories that Kacchan v. Deku 3 is going to follow the progression of their relationship and have this one center around Izuku's feelings being laid bare and Kacchan "accepting his feelings" as Izuku had done for him in KvD2, I think I'm a fan of this theory.
So yeah, Izuku knows that Kacchan is his trigger and purposely left without him for that reason.
That's basically my theory. Probably not the first one to think this, but I thought I'd write about it anyway. to get it outta my head, lmao.
Alsooo, yeah this is tagged for my Bakudeku peeps, and I use the word "love" in this, but you can read that as you will, either platonic or possibly romantic, not here to say this theory calls for canon romantic feelings between BKDK because that's not really my point, but at this point denying that they love each other in SOME capacity is being blind.
Ship or don't ship, but I legitimately think this is the psychology of Izuku's decision right now.
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astersofthesky · 3 years
wait can you rec some of those canon compliant fics, I've been lookingg
I'm sorry for this late reply! I'm not sure what kind of canon compliant fics you're looking for because most of the things I read last night are mostly just one-shots related to the latest manga chapters.
If that's your cup of tea then here goes!
Wait for Me by SailorMew4
The moment Bakugou Katsuki found out Deku left U.A. he knew he needed to go after him. The nerd just needed to Wait for Him. Because Bakugou would go to hell and back to save that nerd from anything, including himself.
(Ch. 318 Spoilers, and a sorta prediction to Ch. 319)
message delivered by dekusneakers
Kacchan: i miss you [2:03am]
Kacchan: that was a typo [8:16am]
Kacchan: go fuck yourself [8:17am]
In which Katsuki grieves in the only way he knows how. With rage and double texting.
All We Ever Knew by dynamics
He knows, deeply and intimately, that these hands have innocent blood spilled on them. They've scarred and they've been cruel and they've caused hurt beyond anything deserving of forgiveness.
But these hands, as rough and calloused and war-torn and guilty as they are, can be gentle too.
Katsuki learns the true meaning of kindness and devotion.
Names by Juliame
"It's 'Bakugou', right?"
Katsuki felt himself slightly stiffen at those words.
"... I'm sorry for everything I've done up until now."
Izuku felt his eyes slightly widen at those words.
It was like the world around them had come to a stop.
Katsukis and Izukus individual perspective on hearing the other say their actual name.
And that's all the latest manga chapters canon-compliant fics I've read. Anyway, since you asked, I would take this opportunity to recommend some of my favorite BkDk/DkBk fanfictions. Reminder though, I suggest you check the tags before reading.
Mirror Image by Eleke
After taking an attack meant for Deku, Bakugou Katsuki finds himself waking up in a world where he was never born with a Quirk, but Deku was. Then the next day, he wakes up in another world. And then the next day he wakes up in another. Each day he finds himself in another world, some only a little different from his own, some very different, but each one has one thing in common:
In every world, Midoriya Izuku is always right there.
(Notes: I still haven't finished reading this one but so far, it's really good! This has slight sexual content but nothing explicit)
Childhood Kisses by Kaligraphy
There are things you do that are cute when you're a kid but kind of weird when you're older.
Kissing your childhood friend's injuries better is one of them.
(Notes: Childhood Bkdk fluff because seriously, we need this kind of fics more)
Rescue me by kae_karo
What if baku and deku were like. actually friends when they were kids tho
(Notes: This is the only fic I found where Katsuki and Izuku stayed friends despite Izuku's quirklessness. I tell you, this is gold. The author wrote Katsuki amazingly and I can't really explain it too well. I highly recommend this one)
Baby Face by VersaceThong
A thick bloody gash runs from Deku’s right brow, across the bridge of his nose, over his cheek, and all the way down to the edge of his jaw. A sickening, jagged line etched diagonally over his face, wide enough to miss one of his eyes by mere milimeters.
He almost crashes into Deku, grabbing his arm in one hand and his face in the other. Katsuki’s index and thumb press into either side of his jaw, squishing Deku’s cheeks together.
With a voice so low he doesn’t recognize it as his own, Katsuki grinds out his words.
“Who did this to you?”
Or; a villain leaves a scar on Deku's face and Katsuki absolutely loses it.
(Notes: I really like this one! The author has a way with their words and I also liked how they wrote Katsuki. Heads up, it has explicit sexual content at the end. TBH, I didn't expect this fic to have one so it really caught me by surprise lmao)
Like the Moon by Osakakitty
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
(Notes: THIS. ONE. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC! Yes, it's obviously explicit but this has got to be one of the most emotional Bkdk/Dkbk fanfictions I've read on my stay in the BNHA fandom. It's very telling since this is like my second favorite Bkdk/Dkbk fic)
Kacchan vs. The Universe by LNoGame44
There were certain..tell-tale signs of a soul mate. There wasn't so much a definite factor, rather there were multiple giveaway signs that discretely pointed out that someone was your soul mate. Like a friendly hint from the soul.
Izuku was not gifted with that discrete notification from whatever higher being issued them. Of course his soul mate hit like a storm.
The thing was..Izuku knew exactly who his soul mate was. The two of them had known since they were kids. The extreme pull they felt for one another, that Izuku embraced and Bakugou..well Bakugou ignored or attempted to completely destroy. Apparently the universe, did not agree with Bakugou's methodologies.
(Notes: This one is so funny lmao. Seeing Katsuki struggle against the universe is very amusing and the second-hand embarrassment can get real.)
The Way You Used To Do by Edema_ruh
"We're really sorry," his father says, in a teary-eyed, wobbly way. "But your friend, Izuku, he's... He's gone, son."
Katsuki can do nothing but blink up at them for moments that feel like an eternity, eyes darting between both his parents in obvious confusion, disbelief, and, more than anything, indignation.
"What the fuck are you two talking about? The damn nerd is standing right beside you!"
During a battle, Midoriya gets hit by a villain whose quirk detaches his soul from his body. Stuck in a ghost-like state, the boy enters a race against time in order to save himself from permanently dying. Much to his luck - or lack of it -, the only person who can see and talk to him in this state is no one other than Kacchan.
Alternatively: Deku and Kacchan are soulbound.
(Notes: Here's my no. 1 favorite. You've probably heard this one because when Bkdk's ask for fic recs, this one always comes at the top. If you like the slowest of burns then I suggest you give this a try!)
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Don't Fall, Baby Bird
don't fall, baby bird by luciimariiellii
Takami smiles reassuringly, pulling his hand away. His palm is forest green.
“Oh,” Takami breathes, and places his hand back under Izuku's neck. A comforting warmth fills Izuku's body, resonating from that very spot. Izuku completely understands and doesn't at all at the same time.
Why Hawks?
“Oh,” Izuku repeats. Then, he says, “What color is it?”
Izuku sits up, and Takami uses his green hand to pull his hair up and look.
“Gold,” Hawks - no, Takami says, “Metallic gold.”
Izuku's phone rings. Kacchan wants him home.
Takami ruffles his hair before he leaves, a soft smile on his face. “I'll see you later, baby bird.”
Words: 2257, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of don't fall, baby bird
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Inko
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: the relationship tags arent romantic, izuku and hawks are purely platonic, bkdk can be read as romantic, just bc i only ever write bkdk lmao, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Best Friends, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Platonic Soulmates, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has Wings, !!! u know whats up, uhhh, Asphyxiation, for the sludge villain :0, Not in a sexy way, in a very non sexy, attempting to kill a child way, my bkdk shipping self rlly came out in this fic, but its probably gonna have tddk on the side instead, just bc i love tddk too much to neglect writing it like this
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21553390
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franeridart · 7 years
None of these strong amazing boys actually needs protecting but is that gonna stop me from trying? Is it?? (the answer is no)
Anon said:Hi! If you haven't already answered this, would you mind listing the tags/ships you aren't comfortable with people tagging your art with?
Ohhhhhh what an interesting ask, I’ve been thinking about how to answer since I got it and?? I’m not sure, so let’s put it like this: generally, if the art is obviously meant as platonic I’d prefer it if you didn’t use the ship tag on it, but as a general rule I don’t actually mind people tagging ships anyway? I know how this site works so if I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of it being misinterpreted as romantic I’m just not gonna post anything with those characters in it from the start
That said, sometimes people tagging ships confuses me a lot??? For example the majority of people who’ve reblogged my latest bnha comic have tagged it with the bkdk tag and? There’s nothing romantic about it?? Bakugou is literally off to kill Deku why is that romantic we just don’t know, bkdk shippers seem to have an understanding of romance completely different from mine haha
Ah, also I’ve been having people tagging my bokuro and akaken arts with the ot4 tag, even if I rarely ever draw all of them in the same place. Please don’t do that. Like. Seriously.
As for the general tags, there’s a lot of tags I don’t understand, but from there to saying I’m uncomfortable with them is a bit of a huge step... the one thing that comes to mind is people trigger-tagging Bakugou’s mom. That’s. Hm. I happen to really like that woman and my drawings depict her in a positive light always, so if people could stop that it would be very nice? That’s about it tho~
Anon said: Bakugou smiling omg bless your soul
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smiling Bakugou is a happy Bakugou and happy Bakugou is a happy Fran so you can 100% expect more of it 👍👍
Anon said:I'm rooting for Kacchan as his hero name. I feel like it would be a huge step personality wise for Katsuki, just like 'Deku' was for Izuku. I feel like they might become civil with each other and hopefully even friends. For Shouto it would be amazing if he could find a name that shows he's accepted who he is but that he isn't a prisoner of his blood...... even though I have no idea how to show that with a name lol
Ah, I’m sure in the future Bakugou and Izuku will be on civil terms, but here’s the thing anon. Deku was a name with a negative connotation given to Izuku the degrade him - someone Izuku holds dear changed the meaning for him, made it something positive, and Izuku took the name back and made it his own, like a phoenix reborn from its ashes. It was a positive thing because it used to be a negative one, you follow me? It also didn’t have anything to do with Bakugou. Izuku took that name away from him, he didn’t accept Deku as a name to show some sort of positive change in his relationship with Bakugou, it was more about him cutting Bakugou of a source of power he had over him. It was distancing himself from Bakugou, not growing closer
Kacchan doesn’t have anything like that tied to it, it’s just a childish name Izuku has been using since he was four, most probably because everyone used to call Bakugou that - Bakugou doesn’t actually care for the name, or else he would have found a way to make Izuku stop using it. He doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t actively dislike it either, he just does not care, right? So there’s no way him accepting it as the way the whole world knows him as would be some sort of positive change for him, imho
What I meant when I said that I really hope it doesn’t happen is that all it would be for Bakugou is just yet another smack on the growing list of things gone wrong for him - there’s no way Bakugou would willingly accept such a childish name as his hero name just for the hell of it, one thing is growing up and a whole other thing is him making a 180° on his personality like that. So, like, I really don’t want it to happen because I want Bakugou for once to have things go as he wishes, but considering the amount of times the narrative has punished Bakugou and how often his plans have gone on the opposite direction compared to what he was working for, would I be surprised if that choice too were to be taken from him? Absolutely not
As for Todoroki, as I said I have never spent time thinking about his hero name? I kind of assumed he actually wanted to be known as Shouto, but you really never know with him! His character is always going in directions I don’t expect one bit, so his hero name too, if it comes, is probably gonna be something I hadn’t seen coming at all haha
Anon said:I love your ring hc for that last post omg it's perfect
OHHHHHHHHHH I’M GLAD YOU BOTH LIKED IT!!!! I hope you’re having the best days too!!!!!!!
Anon said:dude, your art output is simply incredible, you post something pretty much every single day, and its not even just single pictures, its comics! with lots of poses! and anatomy! ahhh, bless you, youre a gift!!! A GIFT!!! your comics are adorable and funny and so in-character u
Thank you!!!!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annnnnndddddddddddddddddddd.............. actually............... I kind of............................. not do much aside from drawing................................. r i p
(The thing is that I draw to make myself feel happy when I’m sad. I’m. Always sad. So.)
Anon said: Fran why are people shipping Todoroki with Kaminari ? i mean the pics are nice but i was wondering if there was an interaction between them ?
They were on the same team during the cavalry battle! And!! That’s about it!!! Horikoshi has doodled them together now and again in his twitter sketches but as far as canon goes that should be the only significant interaction they’ve had. I don’t mind the ship? They could be cute, but I don’t exactly ship it. Then again I lowkey ship Todoroki with Sero so who am I to talk
Anon said:Ao3 dealing with a wildcard
I don’t!!! Understand this ask!!! Anon help me out please!!!
Anon said:BRO, that last comic with Bakugou's hero name is PRICELESS! I know you said you actually would prefer him to have a cool name, but could you imagine if this happened in cannon?! I would DIE of laughter! Or worse, imagine if Bakugou did end up with the hero name Ground Zero, but everyone in the public decides to call him Kacchan ANYWAYS, because it's adorable and if deku can call him that, then why shouldn't anyone else? XD I just can't!
Bakugou spending the rest of his life trying to make people use his actual hero name and failing miserably is the single most rational and canon comment I’ve gotten about that comic I’m not even gonna lie hahahaha
Anon said:As soon as I finished reading your Teacher!Bakugou post, I couldn't help but think of that meme/twitter compilation. The one where the teacher is going over safety procedures only for the students to show how much they love their teacher. Like, one student says they'll avenge Bakugou if he ends up getting hurt while another says they'll go after the perpetrator's kids. This idea is gold~!
The problem here is that I can’t really see Bakugou giving a straight “no you can’t do that” answer to those suggestions oh my god what a disaster lmao
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your terushimas and your bokuroos and especially your kiribakus (actually the hole bakusquad) and that I'd love to see tokoyami more in your art style (as he's my fav in bnha)
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! More Tokoyami is definitely coming!!! I love him so much and he’s so much fun to draw!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey! I love your art, seeing it on my dash always makes me happy! I'm sorry you have people demanding things from you and not respecting your work, you don't deserve that
Anon you’re so sweet onot fine but I’m used to it? Sadly. Haha.
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