#☁️ — answered
monkiekidtwt · 24 days
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
the world needs some simp bf vernon headcanons pls write them 🫶🏻
bestie you're so right the world needs more bf vernon headcanons so here you go <3
bf!vernon who so honestly fell in love with you in the most uncanny way ever. you'd always sit next to him in the bus rides from college because every other seat was taken, so it kinda became a routine, not that you minded because he was a nice guy. sometimes vernon would share his music and earbuds with you and you'd gladly take it. this one time though you fell asleep on his shoulder and ended up missing your stop home because you were sleeping so soundly that vernon didn't have the heart to wake you up. because you looked so peaceful and pretty. and he'd later confess that he liked you in the most vernon way ever by just telling you "hm maybe i think i like you y/n", and you're just taken aback by his straightforwardness. but you can't deny that you have liked him too.
bf!vernon who stayed up the entire night making you a little paper bouquet of flowers to give since you got promoted at work. he'll hide it behind his back telling you to close your eyes first because he's unsure if you'll like it. he presents the paper bouquet of flowers to you with a nervous smile and your grinning, so so happy, telling vernon how cute this is. he'll still apologize that he couldn't get you real flowers because of his pollen allergy. but you love it and you cherish the little bouquet he's made. it's still on display on your vanity in your room.
bf!vernon would love having stay-at-home dates with you, where you guys would binge-watch shows together. and maybe if you couldn’t help yourself and were too curious and watched the next episode without him he’s so :( and pouty like “babe we were supposed to watch it together”, and frown but you’d give him puppy eyes apologizing, promising to wait, peppering his cheek with kisses until he burst out laughing. “alright alright”, he finally says giving you a small smile.
bf!vernon would so super chill and sweet with you. he’d be really caring too, always texting for asking if you ate or slept well. he’d sometimes you with pastry or cake from your favorite café saying he was walking by and it reminded him of you :(
bf!vernon would be the best listener, being there for you if you were having a hard time. he’d honestly be a bit taken aback if you started crying in front of him but he’d gently take you in his arms and rub your back to soothe you softly asking you what was wrong.
bf!vernon who would love to wind down on weekends with you by watching anime or netflix, and you guys would order in and just have a sweet, homely date night. he would know when you were getting sleepy because you started to rest your head on his shoulder but you always say “no im not”, only to end up falling asleep, which always made him amused because who were you kidding.
and i don’t really see you and vernon getting into arguments or disarrangements often because you both were pretty much in sync and understanding with each other. but if you guys did argue or have a disagreement, it was usually solved pretty quick. vernon would be a pretty amazing listener and hear you out, as he understands your pov. but if ever you guys had a bigger fight, it would just feel a bit off you know. he hated that feeling of having upset you in some way and if you didn’t talk to him, he’d respect your space. but after a while he would maybe get uneasy and approach you quietly, asking to talk. and when you both made up, he’d always say “let’s not fight again hm”.
bf!vernon who would love you in his own way. he's so quiet but also makes it known how much he loves you.
taglist: @joshuaahong @daisycheols @slytherinshua
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sweetracha · 9 months
Sigh.. so I know you probably have so many Felix request coming in butttt.. I wanted to ask if you could Felix with a s/o that falls into subspace easily (don’t judge me.. 😓) and Felix guiding them through it? Soft dom felix? (His insta live got me soft for him 😖)
(P.S Im a shy annie and since I chat on your blog the most I’m only brave enough to ask you 😤)
Oh my little cloud!!!! Don't be shy sweetie! I'm right here, I won't bite! You can always talk here! and there is never any judgment in the bakery!
Felix was well aware of your tendency to fall into subspace. Honestly, it was one of the parts he loved most about you.
The first time it happened he stopped the session to bring you out of it. Afterward, you two had a long discussion about the situation. He wanted to make sure you were okay with the session continuing while you were in his headspace. The pride that filled his chest when you agreed made him want to cry. You trusted him enough to have him see you at your most vulnerable. You knew Felix would care for you.
"Shhh baby, so close now. Just let go for me, princess. Let Lix take care of you." He whispered as he bound your wrists together behind your back.
"Lix, I--I…" You stuttered and mushed your words together.
"What is it baby, someone is already losing her words? She is already lost in that empty head of hers? It's okay baby. I know you are, that's why I am here to take care of you. Can I take care of you, baby?"
"So polite baby, always remembers her manners even when she is so deep down in her fuzz."
Felix was pulling your second orgasm of the night when he noticed a change in your eyes. Water brimmed the edges and threatened to spill over.
"Baby, I know you are so sweet right now. My soft little subby baby. Lix needs to know your color, okay?" He was met with a blank glass expression. A few gentle taps to your cheeks caught your attention.
"Color, my sweet girl"
"Gr--gre-green" It almost came out like a question.
"Are you sure baby? I need to know you understand what you are saying. If you say green, what does that mean" He made sure to keep a hand on you at all times, knowing skin-to-skin brings you back to reality.
"Means I am good. I feel good. Continue." While what you said was broken, Felix understood.
His cocked worked his way in and out of you. He liked keeping an eye on your face when you were in his headspace. It eased him knowing he could see your thoughts so clearly. Words were hard, but your face never lied.
"Fuck I can feel you clenching, wanna cum? Does the sweet girl wanna cum all over my cock? Be a good girl and finish. Do what you were made to do, baby. Please me."
He finished on your stomach not long after you came down from your high. When he came back, soft tears trickled down your face.
"shh baby, What is wrong my sweet girl?" Felix knew how emotional you could get once it was all done. He wanted to avoid you dropping.
"I'm not needed, Lix doesn't need me" You hiccuped
"Baby, is this because I said you were made to please me?" A soft nod came from you. "Baby that job isn't over. You please me every day, even by just being you! It doesn't mean you are my sex doll, okay? You are my sweet girl."
"I promise baby. Can you do me a favor? Can you tell me where you are? Maybe tell me some things you see?" Felix wanted to ease you out of it, a harsh snap would be too much.
You answered his questions and it was like he could see the fog leave your eye.
"I'm back Lixie" you giggled "Enough with 20 questions"
"Okay okay, one more though. Bath or shower?"
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melobin · 7 months
perv!brother’s bestfriend!sungchan is something i can’t get out of my mind….
perv!sungchan who purposely times when he leaves your brothers room so he can see you walking from the bathroom to your room in just a towel with water droplets on your skin after showering.
perv!sungchan who followed you on instagram and likes your pictures late at night (literally unlikes and likes them again) to send you a non verbal message that he’s on your account looking at your pretty pictures, hoping you understand that he’s using them to jerk off.
perv!sungchan who touches you in the most comforting of ways for his own benefit, the feeling of your skin always makes him hard. has his hand on your back when you’re out with him and your bother, with the excuse of he’s so big and you’re so little he just wants to be sure they don’t lose you in the crowd, to which your brother thanks him because he genuinely thinks sungchan is just protecting you. doesn’t realise he’s been dreaming about fucking you senseless for months now.
perv!sungchan who messages you asking what you’re doing so you’ll ask him back and he can send you a mirror selfie of him at the gym. purposely flexing his arms a little and letting his shirt ride up so you can see his abs. always takes them when he’s a little sweaty. he knows you like them and he knows you save them to your gallery. does it so you’ll send one back of you doing whatever you’re doing, your pretty face always makes him hard :(
and perv!sungchan who finds you at a party and decides its time to finally make his move on you. cant keep his eyes off of you whilst you’re talking, purposely leans down to be closer to you, claiming the music is too loud and he can’t hear you too well, his hand finding your waist so he can keep you near him. the skin contact makes your blood heat up and when he turns his head to look at you, yours faces are so close together. so close that you can’t help but lean in and kiss him, you’d panic but he’d be so quick to shut the panic down. hand moving from your waist so his arm can wrap around it instead, pulling you against him, groaning against your lips when you pull at his hair. mumbles against your lips, promising to fuck you so good that you’ll be dreaming of him for days.
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tonberry-yoda · 10 months
☁️ here!
May I pls have paulie (if u write for him) hc where his s/o is basically a simp over him (like me XD) and gets really jealous whenever someone else flirts with him:)
Female s/o or gn s/o pls:))
Have a great day:D
Paulie with a simp s/o
notes - AHHH IM SO GLAD YOURE HERE TO REQUEST! I'm really hoping with cleaning out my requests that I am able to open them like this more often! And PAULIE AHHHHH I thought no one would ever request for him when he's one of my fav one piece characters, so thank you!!! Love you lots, have a super day, and stay hydrated! <3 tag list - @sleepyhead0720
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god i love him sm it's not even funny
you make him blush SO HARD
^ like to the point where he needs to leave the room lolol
but he loves you a lot
when you're out in public together, he's a lil embarrassed, but when you're in private, he simps over you just as much tee hee
but when you see other people looking at him or flirting, you get really jealous and he feels a little bad and sometimes gets upset about it
^ like he'll just kinda get angy and say you're the only person he loves and then you're fine
he likes the attention, but it makes him blush too much
he loves that you love him and will quietly simp over you
also he gives the best neck kisses tee hee
one piece masterlist | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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euniveve · 12 days
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TW: Dark Content below the cut, slight yandere theme
imma just explore one of my zhongli x gn! reader idea that i never got to write
okay but imagine, Pre-archon war! Morax got paired up with a reader that loves to cook; maybe they are his personal chef, maybe they are his arranged partner, what matters most in this situation is that morax develop this deep emotional bond over reader and the food they cook.
reader would meticulously search for the perfect ingredient, carefully write the perfect recipe, painstakingly arrange every meal for their god.
and morax grew to love them, but when morax was ready to confess it, reader died. from the war maybe, or even just from old age, but what happens is the reader died. morax, guided by his desperation grief, encase you in stone, so that the earth may not devour you, so that you will always stay as you are, untouched.
but morax afterwards couldn't find the taste to eat anymore. everything tastes of ash. its taste of insultingly tasteless ash; and so, he simply didn't eat, for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. maybe its because food isn't morax want. something more, something no one but you could provide.
imagine morax's grief drive his erosion faster, imagine he sees himself getting caught by it. at first, it happens when he was staring at the statue encasing your flesh.
a thought came across his mind.
he tried to brush it off; but the thought keeps persisting. it happens every once in a while, but then it escalated. every time he visits your statue, he didn't dare to look at you. you are right there; you are so close. he remembers the meals you cook, from your hands, your own hands. those delicate hands of yours he couldn't help himself he really couldn't
"I love you," he whispers as his teeth sinks into your skin.
"I love you so," he gnaws into your bone, tears spilling from his amber gaze, blood dripping from his lips, messily smeared across his jaw.
"I love you," he expressed, looking at the broken cor lapis on the ground of the cave, painted crimson by your blood. his thumb brushing against the corner of his lips, catching the piece of meat before licking it whole.
"you'll always be with me now."
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planetdream · 25 days
pornstar dino who wants to impress you more than the viewers… reader make light fun of him after a shoot for being a new actor and for being inexperienced.
but then he comes back with the skills of a damn sex god and cares about nothing but proving himself to the reader. like, who cares about the finished video? he wants to see YOUR reaction when he improves his stroke game. he wants to impress YOU with his newfound skills.
chan is such a show off—and the thing is, he totally knows he's good at fucking now. he's always had the cock for it, but now there's a lot more care and skill in his dick game, yk? he makes that first thrust into you and instantly you know there's something different about him this time. from the way he slowly sinks his cock into you, to the tight, but not uncomfortable grip he has on your thighs. fuck, even his dirty talk has improved. usually in the films you're in, you like to put in equal effort with your costar, but chan only allows you to receive what he's giving you. needs you dick drunk and only focusing on him and him alone bc there's truly no need for you to worry that pretty little head about anything else. just moan all pretty like you usually do, and take his dick.
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cornerdreams-txt · 3 months
Ok so I'm enthralled by the fitza worship au
How do you think fit reacts to learning that phil is the angel of death? Also are other death adjacent characters like bbh (or maybe missa) involved too in this?
missa already knows, to be clear. he knows another avatar of death when he sees one. they clocked each other as working for kristin pretty early on and it made their relationship MUCH stronger. that's part of why phil doesnt mind missa being gone so frequently - he knows how demanding collecting souls can be, and hes grateful missa is helping kristin.
bad doesnt know, i dont think. partially because. yk. i just dont think he pays attention that much tbh lmao. but he definitely recognizes it when another person is... a little um. off. and not quite mortal. he knows phil is MUCH more than what he seems, but they dont really stare at it too hard - either of them. as far as bad's concerned, maybe the goddess of death just likes him! that'd explain his connection with that huge crow murder, after all. they just dont rlly talk about it.
i think cellbit can also tell there's something off about phil, actually. he doesnt squint at it too much - this island's full of oddballs, he has bigger mysteries to figure out than why the scent of death tends to linger around phil even when the crows arent nearby.
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mjtheartist04 · 3 months
Mj can I have uppies?
(I'm once again sorry for my childish behavior)
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Modern/human au where Charlie, Angel and Vaggie have a band together and they call it "Charlies Angels"
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peachesyeo · 1 month
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-> Taglist, Rules and About Me
ONGOING SERIES: The Maestro (SEVENTEEN) | Player 1117 (ATEEZ) | Treasure (ATEEZ)
UPCOMING SERIES: Happy Ending (SEVENTEEN) | Skyfallers (TXT)
; Ateez Masterlist ˊˎ- ; TXT Masterlist ˊˎ- ; Seventeen Masterlist ˊˎ- ; Enhypen Masterlist ˊˎ- ; Xikers Masterlist ˊˎ-
networks: @newworldnet @houseoftricky
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all pictures used does not belong to me. credits to their owners.
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
seventeen's reaction to you falling asleep on them !!
here you go!!
hoshi, dokyeom, jeonghan, seungkwan
would be so so touched honestly and would tell everyone to stfu so you could sleep soundly. will take a bunch of pictures and smile and be the happiest boy ever and cuddle you, wrapping his arms gently around you and placing a soft kiss on your temple.
joshua, jun, vernon, woozi
will become a statue and not move at all because he doesn't want to disturb you or wake you up in any way. some members will take pictures of the scene.
chan, minghao, wonwoo, seungcheol, mingyu
you fall asleep wrapping your arms around his body and he doesn't realize you're asleep until he looks down at you sleeping soundly. will be so protective and wrap you in his arms as he thinks about how sweet and cute you look. will glare at anyone who enters the room or talks a bit too loudly.
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melobin · 7 months
god sucking on anton’s fingers 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 like doing that just to tease him or him making you suck on them before fingering you hELLO I WANT HIM SO BAD
i feel like he’d like making you suck on his fingers, he’d melt at the feeling of your tongue swirling around them whilst they’re there, pretty much dies inside when you look up at him with your pretty eyes all wide during it too. something about him making you wet his fingers before he pushes them inside of you is so ?!,(?! because you’d already be soaking and you wouldn’t need the extra wetness but he just wants the excuse to feel your lips around his fingers ..
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fuckmyskywalker · 1 month
Matt lanter’s TCW ani & Hayden’s ani both at the same time, I can take them (I can’t)
I’m sorry but I’m sick of pretending anakin wasn’t so hot in the clone wars, so what if he’s animated?
I have such a crush on Clone Wars Anakin, like he is so fucking perfect so fucking beautiful and I love how his personality develops. I need him so bad I love him so bad
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hyuuukais · 2 months
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Not the best quality picture but here’s Zuho bringing his cat Huru to one of the fanmeets 😂😂😂
GASP!!!!!!!! his cat is so CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i went to a fanmeet and an idol brought their cat, i'm sorry to the idol but this is now ur cats fanmeet. all attention on the cat. yes, ur cool, hi, love ur music, omg hi kitty lil kitty awwww ur so soft and cute u lil precious baby hiiii (<- me at a fanmeet w a cat)
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kamiversee · 1 month
“You’re staying here-, staying with me. Fuck anything and everything else-,’ LITERALLY ON MY KNEES. 😫😫😫😫😫 reader has a lot of willpower in resisting him in TFL it’s a shame I don’t
The only reason she didn’t end up with Gojo is bc she met Choso & Choso just so happened to take a liking to her. Imagine how different the story would be if he didnt :)
Tht being said, idk if she has tht much willpower bc literally the only thing keeping her from falling for gojo is again, Choso ^.^
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